greaserink · 1 year
whats the issue tho0
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gave our queen an itty bitty waist but an ASS
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nobrashfestivity · 8 months
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Unknown, Hands shooting sparks Detail of an illustration in Magic, 1400s-1950s edited by Noel Daniel. Köln: Taschen, 2009. BF1589.D36 M3 2009
Crossett Library
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
I have a d36, would you like to see it?
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ewenf-art · 28 days
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Canon 350D / Canon EF 100-300mm 1:5.6
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detyan · 2 months
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Art from the amazing @mixmioart for a new Troika module; The Waifs and Strays of Longshot City!
Six new troublemakers for Superhero TTRPG campaigns! In order of appearance here;
PACKRAT - Junk collecting mutant rat, with a trash-can cannon.
DR. IRT - A worm-loving mad scientist; teeth slick with worm-juice.
DAYCARE - An infant hivemind, trying to get back to its family.
THE MILKMAN - The unaging god of milk awoken in a mortal shell.
KAT - Master thief, unseen by all.
BANQUO - Spectral prankster half-mad in undeath.
Designed for the excellent Troika spin-off Longshot City. Grab it for $1 here; the plain-text is free! Thanks everyone!
(Psst... There's also a chart of d36 Lesser Powers included for all your underpowered superhero needs!)
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stra-tek · 1 year
Into Darkness screengraphics deep dive!
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Holy sheeeeet the motherlode of Into Darkness screengraphics from Jorge Almeida. I've wanted to see some of these up close since 2013. I'm guessing there was a 10 year no-show clause somewhere because this is all out now!😁
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Prototype "Powerwall"
It looks as though the Kelvin Timeline already knows about the Bajoran Wormhole and has a trans warp (communications?) network spanning half the galaxy in 2259 - or is it the Hirogen communications network which they've discovered and are using? They've also already had dealings with the Krenim, Vidiian, B'Omar and Devore Impirium and several other aliens from Star Trek: Voyager. Theyre dealing with UFOs over the Golden Gate bridge, too. Lots of random text about US nuclear tests which would never ever have been legible on screen (and likely to be swapped for Trekverse stuff later) See elsewhere on my tumblr for a detailed breakdown of the final version.
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Starfleet HQ and Kelvin Memorial Archive directories
Starfleet officers and cadets are spoiled for places to eat! I love seeing details like these so much!!
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Admiral Pike's e-mails
Actually a modified recycling of Cadet Kirk's e-mails from the Kobayashi Maru deleted scene in Star Trek (2009)
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Section 31 Inventory Management
This prototype graphic describes 2003-2004 weapons tests, but the final movie version spells out Admiral Marcus' plan to deploy the long range torpedoes in detail (again, see elsewhere on this blog)
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Vengeance scan/72 torpedoes
Showing the Enterprise's 72 long range torpedoes in their engineering launch tubes. It gives the yield of the weapons as 320 isotons, which is significantly higher than the quantum torpedoes of the U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 given in the DS9 Technical Manual, which is 52.3 isotons
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The torpedo disarm scene
Turns out this scene took place on Planetoid D36-25
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~smut request prompts~
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reqs are open, so pick a dialogue (1-2) + smutty prompt (1-3) + character/fandom (1-3)!
- MA (marvel)
- SW (star wars)
- ST (stranger things)
- AV (james cameron's avatar)
- Other (specify)
~dialogue prompts~
D1. “Let me see those eyes.”
D2. "Open your mouth for me.”
D3. “Please kiss me.”
D4. “Use your words.”
D5. “Tell me what you want.”
D6. “You look so good beneath me.” 
D7. “You can take it.”
D8. “I can take it.”
D9. “You take me so well.”
D10. “Spread your legs wider.”
D11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
D12. “Keep your eyes on me.”
D13. “Touch yourself.”
D14. “Do you want my fingers?”
D15. “I can’t get enough of you.”
D16. “You taste so good.”
D17. “Hands behind your back.”
D18. “Swallow.”
D19. “You are doing so well.”
D20. “Breathe through your nose.”
D21. “Don’t hold back.”
D22. “Show me how much you need me.”
D23. “Say my name.”
D24. “You can do better than that.”
D25. “Does that feel good?”
D26. “I want you to ruin me.”
D27. “Do you think you deserve this?”
D28. “I want to have my way with you.”
D29. “Touch me there. Right there.”
D30. “I will never get enough of you.” 
D31. "Mhm, so wet and sticky for me."
D32. "Stop acting like you're better than that. You're not."
D33. "Slurp it up, that's right."
D34. "Aw, are you crying? Too bad."
D35. "No, no, let me check. Show me your other hand."
D36. "Oh, really? Well what's that behind you then?"
D37. "...were you doing what I..think you were just doing?"
D38. "Stop it. Behave."
D39. "Louder, I want everyone to hear you."
D40. "How does that feel? Does that feel good?"
D41. "Ah-ah...there, there it is, there we go sweetheart."
D42. "Stop gagging, stop those theatrics..I know you can take it deeper."
D43. "Well, since I already saw you anyway.."
~kink/theme prompts~
K1. breeding kink
K2. somnophilia
K3. size kink
K4. fingering
K5. mutual masturbation
K6. bondage
K7. age gap
K8. breast/nipple play
K9. choking
K10. cockwarming
K11. car sex
K12. cum play
K13. exhibitionism
K14. dry humping
K15. poly (1-2 extra people besides reader)
K16. mommy/daddy + babygirl/babyboy kink
K17. degradation kink
K18. oral sex / oral fixation
K19. praise kink
K20. morning sex
K21. fem!dom reader
K22. thigh riding
K23. face sitting
K24. pussy spanking
K25. corruption
K26. jealous sex
K27. spit kink
K28. rough sex
K29. soft sex
K30. noise/vocal kink
K31. mirror sex
K32. overstimulation
K33. edging
K34. dumbification
K35. shower sex
K36. voyeurism
K37. impact play/spanking
K38. thigh fucking
K39. foodplay
K40. humiliation/patronization/condescention
K41. sloppy/messy sex kink
K42. weight gain/plus size
K43. whispering/intimacy kink
also some more tags bc i figure y'all would like this (lmk if u hate it and i'll cut u out!): @enamorededdie @spicedchaiandromeda @stargirlfics @anythingjimhopper @goodboyriddler @spideyheartsmaryjane-blog @anisbaby @princesssmimi @thedanoriddler @lost-in-sokovia @killerlookz @kelsiejayy @mypoisonedvine @creme-bruhlee @spilledkauffie @kaylawritesfics @inklore @babybugwrites @littlepadika @underratedcharactersimagines @becca-e-barnes @callsign-rogueone @wishilovedyouinthe80s @jaiheats @freshfleshandblood @axen-gers @wingedjellyfishrebel @interplanetarytraveler @starg1rlsthings @jessmarianosslut @sp3ct0rs @what-is-happening-helpp @bigbutchenergee @jamesspenc @miacancli26 @riddikulus-obsessions @iabrokengirl @kato-ptris @okkathryn @srag69
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nousanti · 3 months
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HEY GANG I'll be at FACTS this weekend (6th&7th april) in Flanders expo, Ghent, selling prints, stickers and more!
I'm joined by my beautiful friend FLOKOTattoo, we'll be in the Creator zone in hall 8, table D36!
Come say hi if you're there! <3
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with-u-0209 · 3 months
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purpleceline · 7 months
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[Please signal boost, save and share!]
Hey all Spider-verse fans! Los Angeles Comic Con is upon us, and there will be a Spider-verse stamp rally with a super cute prize to win!
As one of the 8 participating artists of the rally, I’m psyched ^_^ I'm table G04, my prize is a cute lil sticker of Prowler Miles looking VERY ANGY.
Below are our table numbers and Instagram handles. Scroll to see the various items each of us is contributing to the prize!
B21 pomspomart D36 kurrburros E13 jaxcels E43 twisteddisaster G04 purpletophat (it me) G16 _labuffy_ G16 okamillust (PRIZE TABLE!) K50 nightlyvel
Remember to get your cards as soon as you’re able so you can complete the rally before the prizes run out! Good luck!
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Divination with Hieroglyphs!
Hello hello! I recently saw a Discord Bot that offered hieroglyphics as a form of divination and then I ended up on a very deep dive about hieroglyphs for divination because the source for that bot was a site on Wicca and it was literally the only one that I could find. I'm not going to name either the bot or the website because I don't really think that we should like, shit on them and frankly that's not the intent of the post lol. Anywho!
Hieroglyphs have, historically, not always been used for divination, but in today's world they absolutely can be used! If you're interested in learning more, the rest is below the cut so that it wouldn't be a crazy long post on your dash lol
So, there are like a couple hundred to a couple thousand different hieroglyphs in total that we've found, and it would be incredibly impractical to use all of them for divination. There are 23 ones that are used by the bot and that are listed on the website (though their names are wrong lol), and then there are a bunch more that I, personally use, so I thought I'd make a post to share them!
All of these names (with the exception of one, which I will note in the list) are the names that Egyptologists have given them, and the hieroglyph meanings are derived from both their general like, appearance, and the esoteric meanings that Egyptologists have been able to discern. The letter-number combination in parenthesis beside each one references the Gardiner code and the unicode associated with it.
So the 23 that are listed on the website and the 23 that are used by the bot are as follows (these are the correct names, and not the names used by either the site or the bot):
The Mouth (D21, U+1308B): communication, meetings, working out details with others
The Forearm (D36, U+1309D): receiving something positive; a gift of fate, the help of another, things falling into place unexpectedly without any effort
The Hand (D46, U+130A7): personal skill and ability, being able to make the situation however you want it to be
The Leg (D56, U+130BE): travel, movement, influences from other locations or people
The Egyptian Vulture (G1, U+1313F): a need for emotional distance from the situation, stepping back, not getting caught up, the emotions of the moment may be blinding, looking at the situation from a distance
The Owl (G17, U+13153): wisdom, insight, knowledge, having an overview of the situation and seeing it clearly
The Quail Chick (G43, U+13171): new beginnings, new directions, new doors opening, opportunity, potential
The Cobra (I10, U+13193): power and authority, taking a humble role and working within a system controlled by others
The Reed (M17, U+131CB): growth, expansion, business with many projects, creativity, self-expression
The Double Reeds (M17A, U+131CC): over-extension, too many obligations and too much to do, taking on more than you can handle, a need to cut back and simplify
Slope of Hill (N29, U+1320E): challenges and difficulties, an uphill battle
The Door Bolt (O34, U+13283): safety, protection, lack of fear
The Stool (Q3, U+132AA): help and support of others, good advice or aid from others will be helpful
The Lasso (V4, U+1336F): unseen problems obstacles or challenges, approach with caution, second looks at a situation
The Waters/The Ripple of Water (N35, U+13216): the divine is guiding one, relax and go with the flow, divine providence
The Lying Lion (E23, U+130ED): bravery, courage, self-confidence, strength to face the situation and strength to stand up to challenges
The Tethering Rope (V13, U+1337F): wealth and prosperity, solidification of wealth and having things you desire
The Twisted Wick (V28, U+1339B): letting go of the old to make way for the new, eternity, long lengths of time, let go of what you've outgrown
The Metal Vessel (W6, U+133B5): change, transformation, development from one thing to another, from chaos to order
The Loaf of Bread (X1, U+133CF): taking care of others, fulfilling duties or requirements in a situation, necessary details, doing your part to make a situation successful
The Cup (W10, U+133BA): pleasure, joy, enjoyment, good friends ad positive situations
The Palm Branch (M4, U+131B3): success, positive attention, admiration of others, reward of effort and honor, recognition
The "Slug" (there is no hieroglyph that is named the slug, but it looks like a slug so I'm calling it the slug, and that's what the bot and the site call it) (L8, U+131AC): slow movement, patience, the situation needs to develop at its own pace, things need to fall into place before they move forward.
Other Hieroglyphs
The Crouching Man Behind the Wall (A5, U+13004): concealment, secrecy, hiding, obscured truth and lack of honesty and transparency
The Seated Man Under A Vase (A6, U+13006): cleansing your space, purifying surroundings and heart, return to a situation refreshed and with a blank slate
The Man with A Basket (A9, U+1300B): overworked and underpaid, being weighed down by too much with nowhere to rest, burnout
The Man with Tied Arms (A13. U+1300F): traitorous, harmful behavior, needing to reconsider who one trusts
The Woman Suckling Child (B5, U+13054): nourishment, concern, taking care of others, looking to others for support
The G-d with Jackal Head (C6, U+13062): Anpu, abrupt ends, weighing one's decisions carefully, considering outcomes
The Goddess with Horned Sun-Disk (C9, U+13065): Hathor, feminine joy and liberation, sexual liberation, radical joy
The Goddess with Feather (C10, U+13066): Ma'at, order, balance, stress from disorganization, anxiety of disorder
The Horns (F13, U+1310B): new beginnings, clean slates, fresh new start
The Backbone and Spinal Cords (F40, U+1312B): length, strength, extension, long-lasting, welfare
The Bee (L2, U+131A4): Neith, sweetness, unification, productivity
The Stack (M35, U+131E4): abundance, growth, reaping the benefits of what you've sown, creating abundance
The Brazier (Q7, U+132AE): light, clarity, illumination
The Loaf on Mat (R4, U+132B5): offerings, boons, pleasing experiences, pardons, being pleased or happy, at peace, count your blessings, revel in the good things in your life
Two Bows Tied Vertically (R24, U+132CB): Neith, need for protection and order
The Ankh (S34, U+132F9): life, eternal life, nourishment, protection, the soul
The Sekhem Scepter (S42, U+13302): power and control, take control of your situation, work towards the end goal of what you need
The Bow (T10, U+13314): stretched and over extended, step back and re-evaluate priorities, what is most important?
The Divided Cartouche (V11, U+13378): division, exclusion, disconnecteness, loneliness
The Crossed Diagonal Sticks (Z10, U+133F5): breaks, division, overload, getting rid of what you must.
These are not all the hieroglyphs one could use if they chose to, in fact you have a whole plethora of hieroglyphs at your disposal! Research any meanings they might have had, if they resonate with you, and then add them to your practice if you so see fit :D
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zeroz2ro · 8 months
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Miután a Direkt36 cikksorozatban mutatta be a kórházi fertőzéseket (az első részben a helyzet általános súlyosságáról írtak, a másodikban a kórházak fertőzöttségi rangsorát mutatták be, a harmadikban azt, hogy milyen kórházi körülmények okozzák az ilyen fertőzéseket, a negyedikben pedig arról írtak, hogy Angliában hogyan küzdenek ellenük) a közmédiában egy remek termelési riportot dobtak össze, hogy semmi gond, 8%-kal csökkent a fertőzések száma és amúgy minden adat elérhető. Hogy hogyan számolták ezt a 8%-ot nem részleezték, de ugye a helyzet ugyanaz mint a COVID-nál, ha nem tesztelünk nincsenek COVID-osok, ha nem küldjük el a beteg mintáját vizsgálatra akkor nincs kórházi fertőzés és ott van benne a D36 cikkében hogy tizedannyi mintát tesztelnek mint ugyanannyi betegre Angliában.
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HMS Defender D36
Type 45 Daring class destroyer
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kierongillen · 9 months
This week's newsletter! All the Rise of the Powers of X news from NYCC! GM DIE for money at Dragcon! An actual proper review-article-thing about Abba Voyage! Links! Stuff! Things!
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vieillesboutiques · 11 months
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L’avion restaurant le Grill-Avia, imaginé et conçu par l’entrepreneur ambarrois Robert Dumont, avait été bâti en 1970 à l’entrée nord d’Ambérieu-en-Bugey (Ain), entre la RN75 et la D36. Plus d'infos ici.
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want a personalised work? check this out my lovelies ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(payment via paypal - here's the link!)
• these often take on average 1-3hrs to complete due to my chronic illness/being bedridden, but i love to write them and enjoy giving them to you!
• i'm also a uni student, so if it helps, all this goes to like buying potatoes and coach trips back to my family over school break ehhe
• if you want a super chill one, just msg me and we can vibe; below is more to cover all the areas, but not obligatory :)
generally speaking a type of writing, kink, chosen character and fandom are the basics any extra kinks, people, niche things or personal vibery is extra cherry stuff fyi!
dm/msg me with:
form ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• drabble - this lengthish! (£6)
• hcs - this lengthish! (£9)
• oneshot - this lengthish! (£13)
style ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• any specific names, characters, kinks, fandoms, etc
• if you'd like this posted publicly or privately (any personal names can be edited out!)
time ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• asap, therefore usually aorund 2-3 days, 4-5 max (have a chronic immune disorder, therefore i'm either writing on my laptop or bedridden sipping soup thru a straw lmao)
req inspiration ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• stranger things
• avatar (cameron's)
• star wars
• marvel
• other (+£2)
kinks ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(other +£2!)
K1. fangs/biting kink
K2. somnophilia
K3. size kink
K4. fingering
K5. mutual masturbation
K6. bondage
K7. age gap
K8. breast/nipple play
K9. choking
K10. cockwarming
K11. vehicle sex
K12. cum play
K13. exhibitionism
K14. dry humping
K15. poly (1-2 extra people besides reader)
K16. mommy/daddy + babygirl/babyboy kink
K17. degradation kink
K18. oral sex/oral fixation
K19. praise kink
K20. morning sex
K21. fem!dom reader
K22. thigh riding
K23. face sitting
K24. pussy spanking
K25. corruption
K26. jealous sex
K27. spit kink
K28. rough sex
K29. soft sex
K30. noise/vocal kink
K31. mirror sex
K32. overstimulation
K33. edging
K34. dumbification
K35. shower/bathing sex
K36. voyeurism
K37. impact play/spanking
K38. thigh fucking
K39. foodplay
K40. humiliation/patronization/condescention
K41. sloppy/messy sex kink
K42. weight gain/plus size
K43. whispering/intimacy kink
K44. cnc/rape kink
K45. heat/breeding season kink
K46. tail tink
K47. tsaheylu/queue mating (tendrils and/or gential sex)
K48. na'vi/avatar + human!reader
K49. primal/feral kink
K50. chasing/predator+prey kink
dialogue prompts ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(other +£2!)
D1. “Let me see those eyes.”
D2. "Open your mouth for me.”
D3. “Please kiss me.”
D4. “Use your words.”
D5. “Tell me what you want.”
D6. “You look so good beneath me.”
D7. “You can take it.”
D8. “I can take it.”
D9. “You take me so well.”
D10. “Spread your legs wider.”
D11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
D12. “Keep your eyes on me.”
D13. “Touch yourself.”
D14. “Do you want my fingers?”
D15. “I can’t get enough of you.”
D16. “You taste so good.”
D17. “Hands behind your back.”
D18. “Swallow.”
D19. “You are doing so well.”
D20. “Breathe through your nose.”
D21. “Don’t hold back.”
D22. “Show me how much you need me.”
D23. “Say my name.”
D24. “You can do better than that.”
D25. “Does that feel good?”
D26. “I want you to ruin me.”
D27. “Do you think you deserve this?”
D28. “I want to have my way with you.”
D29. “Touch me there. Right there.”
D30. “I will never get enough of you.”
D31. "Mhm, so wet and sticky for me."
D32. "Stop acting like you're better than that. You're not."
D33. "Slurp it up, that's right."
D34. "Aw, are you crying? Too bad."
D35. "No, no, let me check. Show me your other hand."
D36. "Oh, really? Well what's that behind you then?"
D37. "...were you doing what I..think you were just doing?"
D38. "Stop it. Behave."
D39. "Louder, I want everyone to hear you."
D40. "How does that feel? Does that feel good?"
D41. "Ah-ah...there, there it is, there we go sweetheart."
D42. "Stop gagging, stop those theatrics..I know you can take it deeper."
D43. "Well, since I already saw you anyway.."
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