koushirouizumi · 4 months
{Shaman King} ~ Yoh Asakura & (Aspec!/Demiromantic Queer!) Manta Oyamada + "At the Beginning" {+{Minimal} Anna as Support) (near very End)}
By Me {Do Not Reproduce/Re-upload my AMVs/Video Edits Without my Permission Under Any Circumstances} Music (C) D o n n a L e w i s & R i c h a r d M a r x A N A S T A S I A (C) FOX/D O N B L U T H
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#amv: at the beginning#koushirouizumi mankin#koushirouizumi sk#koushirouizumi manta#koushirouizumi yoh#koushirouizumi posts#yohta#yoh x manta#qpr yohta#autistic manta#autistic yoh#(T e s t to see if this one d i s p LAYS OK here)#({OK ANYWAY} HI I N E E D PPL TO B E G I N UNDERSTANDING)#(THIS IS THE ONLY KIND OF Q U A L I T Y FOOTAGE I HAD ON HAND BEFORE THE ' ONE WEEK ' A.M.V IN MOST OF MY F A N D O M S)#(This was also my very LAST Man-kin one before most of my later S o n i c X ones {oK BUT I STILL KINDA LOVE IT N E G L})#(Its ***OVER 10+ YRS OLD*** O K)#(I LITERALLY outlined these in my head while IN *S C H O O L* STILL)#(For a long while I was frustrated over how badly the quality got with the transition to H.D. bc it had displayed MUCH BETTER in the Past)#(Its still 'watchable' but m A N I NEED To Remake My Mankin Ones {you can even see the lines at bottom indicating OLD D.V.D footage})#({I also still need to 'finish' watching R e b o o t &also F l o w e r s..... but im eternally fed up Manta ISNT INCLUDED THERE})#({except ONE V. GOOD BUT Still SUPPORTING SCENE where YOH WASNT T H E R E and I dont think it even got into a nIME})#({Once I finish watching all that} {though Ive LONG since finished entire original m a n g a} {I Might Fix These Up Too})#({I also for LONG time decided not to reuse the outlining for KouxTai but also because I didnt have Clear image of direction Id go in With}#({NOW T H O} I Think I MIGHT FINALLY be able to try a KouxTai version down the R o a d {MAYBE FOR d IGIMON TAIKOUVEMBER....})#(Dont @ Me F L O W E R S HAS LONG BEEN O U T NOW OK THANK)#({A.K.A. I Finally Have Tai+Koushiros 0.0005 The Beginning screen times I CAN USE IT IN THINGS N O W..... SOMEWHERE.....})#(Idek but m A N When You Are In Completely Different H e a d S p a c e now than you were 10+ yrs ago makin this in s CHOOL)#({I STILL V. MUCH STAND BY THE T H E M E S & F R A M I N G THO})#(Gd though yEA I NEED to finish re sharing my handful of older Man-kin A.M.V.s and the last few D.N. @ngel + S o n i c X ones)#(If these embed{s} can work Ill see if I can share the others tho theres a few more w s o n g s that might not work lmaooo)
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coughloop · 11 months
I think we can all agree that Pitou is the sweet one, or "blue-ray" and that Youpi is the quirky one, or "D.V.D"
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Yuhhhhhh work in progress checks. Kinda loving how the process looks as slow changes and additions manifest. I’d feel bad not sharing the doodles/clearly unfinished sketches, because the progress is what I love so much about making art to begin with. Also at first I didn’t know if I would like the more experimental glitchy direction for background, but ultimately glad I’m taking it that route. The original background plan wasn’t something I could figure out the colors of anyways would’ve been a haste lol
The first time I tried to write the lyrics from memory….turns out I got “D.V.D” mixed with “T.V” later in the verse- whoops. Hence why it’s worded very differently in the next attempt using actual source material. The song included in the art is Still Waiting by Jazz Emu because DAMMIT it fits Mr. Puzzles so damn well I’m actually foaming at the mouth. Jazz Emu is severely underappreciated and I feel like if we’re gonna headcannon swagger villains with Lemon Demon and Will Wood songs, Jazz Emu shouldn’t be excluded as an exception! I’ll shout at the rooftops about his music if that’s what it takes! THE TUMBLR SEXYMEN DESERVE BANGING BEATS. To this day I’m scouring Spotify waiting to see if anyone else has put this song in there for him PLEASE jksjsksp
I’ll be posting the finished one soon enough :))
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coquelicoq · 4 months
my favorite thing about having this movie on vhs is that there's an ad at the beginning for this newfangled technology known as "D.V.D." which is the size of a cd and has sharper image and sound than vhs!! except that they are showing me the ad through the medium of vhs. so they cannot actually demonstrate the superiority of the sound and image in any way. they just keep adding really unnecessary sound effects.
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aardwolfpack · 2 days
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Highly subjective probably unintended reading: This is a reference to the C.G.I. Nerva from the D.V.D. of "The Ark in Space" and the C.G.I. donut from the tractor beam scene in Laserhawk.
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emperornapoleon-and-i · 10 months
@microcosme11 I strongly apologise for tagging you on this brand new post, but 'Tumblr' cannot send my message to you. I shall paste it here:
"Sorry, my previous message could not be sent. I shall try sending it again. Here it is : I have just discovered that "Joséphine Ou La Comédie Des Ambitions" is on 'Dailymotion'. All five episodes were posted by a passionate user in their original format from their 'D.V.D.' copy. You can also use a 'website' to download each video on your device. Here is the 'link' to the first episode: https://dai.ly/x8pifqw and this one is for the 'Dailymotion' 'Downloader' 'website' : https://en.savefrom.net/10-how-to-download-dailymotion-video-50.html . Awwww... That is so sweet! I have first fallen in love with him when I was twelve years old when I found one of my Dad's history magazines in the living room. His painting was printed on the back cover and it was more than love at first sight... I was in pure awe. This was the painting:"
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( @scarecrowismybabygirl )
I need a name for this story bit the first chunk is witten!!
I'm sorry for the poor formating.
Crane × Fischer.
- = crane
* = Scarecrow
> = Fischer
/ = in cranes head
The younger hums as he melts into the chest of his partner, coming down off his pleasure high.
- "(giggle) comfy are we?"
> "mm-hm"
The older one strokes his lover's hair, aiding in both of their comforts.
>"you were amazing, J. As always." The young man stretches out over his partner like a cat next to a flame hearth, soon settling, head resting in his partners lap, being softly soothed back into ease. The older, still stroking his lovers hair flicks on the D.V.D. player finishing his paused movie.
The two of them never liked having any background noise, Crane found it distracting, and Fischer wanted no sound to escape his ears. Especially when the sounds came from his loving partner.
["Come to daddy."] Croaked the films antagonist.
>"Hey," Fischer spoke up.
>"He sounds like you!" he Jokes, slowly pointing up at the movie.
-"very clever my love." Crane smiled.
-"you did a very good job following my directions." He chided. Fischer instantly turned candy apple red, Burying his face deeper into the covers.
>"mmmh,~ Johnny.~"
-"well thar sounds familiar. Just can't help yourself, can you? Pathetic..." Crane mused.
*/"scare him!" A voice whispers.
Crane smiles as Fischer squirms relentlessly in his lap.
-"aww, can't take my Teasing? How cute."
*/"scare him Crane!"
>"johnny~ (giggle)" Fischer looked up to meet his lover's eyes, finding nothing but a blank stare.
>"what's he saying?"
>"Johnny, what's he saying?"
Still quiet...
Crane blinks, shaking his head, but there's something different about him.
>"hello Scarecrow." Fischer muttered, climbing off his partners lap.
*"Robert" the new personality rhasped.
>"can I have Crane back please, we were sort of in the middle of something." Fischer tucked himself on his side of the bed, taking care not to make contact with the form next to him.
-/"let me front Scarecrow." Crane cries.
*"I don't understand what you see in him, I really don't. "
-/"rude" Crane mutters.
>"I love him, Scarecrow. I love you too, but not like that..." Fischer Explains.
-/"Choose your next words [very] carefully, Scarecrow."
*"ugh, sure. I'll slip back." The ego groans. The room goes quiet again as Scarecrow fades back. Fischer can see his lover start to come back to him.
>"HI Johnny." The younger smiles.
-hey babe, sorry about him... I couldn't stop him this time."
The older man hangs his head. Fischer crawls over and rests down on his chest.
>"honey, don't stress about capitan Hay-bale. I can handle him. You just relax and get your senses back. I can tell he really stressed you out this time. Take your time. I'm gonna go get us some drinks!"
Crane laid back, closing his eyes and seemingly disintegrating into the mattress. Fischer struts out of the room, adding an extra swing to his hips in case his lover happend to be watching.
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mardinoir · 1 year
Stickers on Renault Twingo Easy, Rue du Breillou, Chantepie, Fr. 
World food programme, Peugeot Citroën, D.H.L. Paket, Henkel Surface, Dynamic, E.Leclerc, Mathieu Tremblin, D.V.D. Promotion, Biz Line, Bibliothèques de Rennes, Offre Spéciale, Génération ingouvernable etc.  Sponsors.
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therealmrpositive · 1 month
Tooth Fairy 2 (2012)
In today's review, I find that lightning does strike twice, and pigs do fly. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2012 Direct-To-D.V.D. Sequel Tooth Fairy 2 #LarrytheCableGuy #DavidMackey #ErinBeute #BradyReiter #RachelDuRose
There comes a point in life, where responsibilities and the weight of the world force us to put aside our childish things and embrace the world of diligence and commitment of adulthood. Yet, for the younger generations and sometimes for ourselves, we must try to preserve that magic. In 2012, a direct-to-D.V.D. sequel showed once again what happens when we waver on that commitment to a comedic…
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nezman · 3 months
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📣 Fundraiser: ResourcesMaterial Needs Your Help!
I've started a fundraiser on GoFundMe for people to help me recoup money from data preservation file hosting costs: Donate here!
I'm also known as ResourcesMaterial elsewhere online: Since 2009, I've been working hard under that name to publicly preserve various popular and obscure media (Primarily audio, mostly music.) from a variety of different sources (Typically software, programs and video games.) across YouTube and MediaFire, with my aim to help prevent media from becoming lost to time offline.
Circa mid-to-late 2022, I decided that I would expand my preservation efforts to full product uploads (Consisting of rare / defunct / discontinued / out-of-production items.) on Internet Archive, in addition to my other media uploads on YouTube and MediaFire. As of mid February this year, my main focus is saving royalty-free songs in Digital Juice's audio-related C.D. and D.V.D. products from becoming lost media, after the company abruptly closed doors in January 2024 and ceased all official access to their products in the process.
In order to store lots of this data online (Amounting to hundreds upon hundreds of gigabytes.), I have a MediaFire Pro subscription (U.S. $87.00 / U.K. £68.75 per year.), which is absolutely vital for increasing the crucial storage space required for me to archive thousands of files for everyone to conveniently access and download. This plan renews on 16 June each year, and this expense, on top of all the 50+ Digital Juice physical products I've been buying from eBay this year, has left me rather short on cash.
For over 10 years, all my purchases involving media archival and preservation have been done entirely out of my own pocket. Slowly but surely, this has run me dry of spare money, to the point where I'm at today now running scarce on cash. Going forward, facing all the mounting costs of my work independently simply isn't viable.
I warmly ask for donations in this fundraiser to help me financially recover from recent file hosting expenses. If you value my data preservation work, or simply like archival endeavours in general, please consider assisting me here and donating.
By sending a donation, you won't just be helping me, but also helping to ensure both current and future generations have access to media which otherwise runs a big risk of fading into significant obscurity, being gated behind massive paywalls / hoarded by strictly private collectors, and becoming outright lost media.
I post updates about my preservation efforts on ResourcesMaterial's X / Twitter feed and YouTube channel Community tab. Feel free to browse those places before committing to a donation, if you'd like to see historical evidence of my archival work over the years from past to present.
Thank you very much for any and all support, it's deeply appreciated! 🧡
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webtissoftware · 6 months
About Our Doctor
Dr. Rahul Kumar, M.D. ; D.V.D ; Fellowship in Dermatosurgery; is one of the best skin specialist in bareilly and dermatosurgeon from the region, with more than 10 years of experience and expertise in his field.
He is a graduate of the Himalayan Institute Of Medical Sciences, Dehradun. He pursued his postgraduate degree in Dermatology in the N K P Salve Institute Of Medical Sciences, Nagpur and did his Fellowship in Dermatosurgery, at Bangalore.
Dr Rahul Kumar has expertise in carrying out Laser hair removal, Laser pigment reduction, Laser skin rejuvenation , Vitiligo surgery, and Skin surgery for moles, acne scars/ chicken pox scars.
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thecrownbaltimore · 9 months
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Friday 12/22: KRAMPUS Two Room Take Over [ a bass music holiday ] 8PM | Ye$
Pink Room~ Al Ross / Architekt / Frontside/Mr.Robinson/SwampMane & Cholly Womba
Back Bar~ CAMBOIS / Linkmindz / DJ Amp x D.V.D. / Ravida || Plus OPEN DECKS! 8-9:30
PLUS~ Hi Score Happy Hour! THE Baltimore KRAMPUS! Chronic Visuals!
[an Uncharted Promo Production]
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esquerita68 · 11 months
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<MUSIC FROM THE MARS(ミュージック・フロム・ザ・マーズ)>
メンバー 藤井友信 Vocal, Guitar 吉村佑司 Drums 坂井キヨオシ Piano, Keyboards, Chorus ケイタイモ Bass, Chorus 奥田ヌッポ敏朗 French Horn, Chorus, Percussions 中村浩 Sax. 97年結成。トリオ編成でスタート。現在6人編成。プログレッシブな展開、複雑なコード進行を多用しつつも卓越したメロディセンスで、それを感じさせないポップミュージックとして昇華された音楽をパンクスピリッツ溢れる演奏で各地でライブを重ね好評を博す。情熱的、抒情的なボーカルラインを支える構築美溢れる緻密で大胆なアレンジ、各楽器の機知に富んだインタープレイの応酬。音的好奇心をくすぐる独創的スタイルが更に進化され強化されている。 数枚のオムニバス参加を経て04年に mona records よりミニ・アルバム「music from the mars」を発表。ロックで歌ものでアーバンでプログレで踊れて熱い独創的スタイルが各方面で話題となる。 翌年10月には Harpy、d.v.d、トクマルシューゴバンドなどで活躍するドラマー itoken 氏の録音によるフル・アルバム「summery」を同じく mona records より発売。 07年に NATSUMEN AxSxE プロデュースによるミニ・アルバム「Living in the ZOO」を Perfect Music より発表。 2016年5月には待望の New Album "After Midnight" を発表。���作同様エンジニアとミックスに AxSxE 氏を迎え、キティ伊豆スタジオにて録音。マスタリングは、Jack White、U2、Rolling Stones、Stornoway 等を手掛けた Pete Maher (U.K.) が担当。結成19年目にして過去最高傑作を叩きだし話題となった。
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aardwolfpack · 1 month
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I sort of miss the old days when I posted lots of D.V.D. screen captures, often with lengthy Blogspot-flavored captions.
Here's a monster that's been living in my head for thirtysome years. I probably spent more than an hour yesterday trying to find the Captain N episode where it showed up. The answer turned out to be "The Trojan Dragon," which was pretty far down on my list of possibilities. The real image is somewhat disappointing compared to the mental picture, as with most fondly-remembered creatures of my childhood (unless they're from The Dark Crystal).
I've long associated these outré organisms with the viruses from Dr. Mario, but there's no real resemblance. Going from the general vibe, I went looking through Metroid enemy galleries last night. My best guess is that this monster is a loose depiction of geruta (Captain N's adaptations of video games are nothing if not idiosyncratic).
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samikshak · 11 months
Dermacos Skin Hair and Laser Clinic
Dr. Shilpa Sankpal, ('M.B.B.S.', 'D.V.D') is one of the reputed doctors in Raigad, India Specialist/Center: - Dermatologist, Trichologist & Cosmetologist Experience : 15+ years Dr. Shilpa Sankpal's clinic offers these services: -General Dermatology -Skin Care -Laser Treatment -Hair Care -Cosmetic Surgery Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/ Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option
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Oh, thats good to hear!
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Emergency! Emergency!! You guys have to see this!!!
*They follow Ibuki to the end of the Garden.*
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...A T.V..?
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Nobody brought this here!! And theres a strange D.V.D to go with it!!
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That "is" strange.. Ibuki, put the D.V.D in.. It could be from the Future Foundation.. I was suppose to get a messags from them today..
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Roger that!
*Ibuki inserts the D.V.D into the T.V and a video starts to play.*
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"Hello, you may all know me, but allow me to refresh the memories of those who dont. I am the Meister. Now, remember. This is a pre-recorded message so please. Dont try and engage in conversation with me.."
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"Anyway, back to the main point.. Y'see, I felt that you all are taking this "simulation" rather well.. A little too well. So. To make your lives here worse.. I've decided to.. Bring back a.. 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞.."
*Suddenly the screen goes black for a few seconds before showing someone..*
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*Chihiro fell on the floor crawling backwards when 𝐒𝐡𝐞 came on the screen.*
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A-AHH!!! Junko!?!?
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W-What the hell!?
*Yayoi quickly hid behind Teruteru to avoid having to see her. But even he knew that he couldn't avoid hearing her.*
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