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billlaotian · 5 months ago
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venusinmyrrh · 2 years ago
08, 12, 24?
8. the best protagonist you have ever seen in a book and why?
I love, love, love Noemí Taboada from Mexican Gothic (Silvia Moreno-Garcia). she's vivacious, flirtatious, strong-willed, loves clothes, and uses charm as a way to stay in control. she's also full of secret sharp edges, with a deeply hidden hunger to cut or be cut. she's just like me for real.
12. a book/book series you wish you could read for the first time over again?
I'm not sure there is one - every book I really adored was because I read it at the perfect time in my life to fall in love. maybe one of my favorite memoirs like D.V. (Diana Vreeland) or The Chiffon Trenches (André Leon Talley), because there's nothing like sitting at the feet of a masterful storyteller while they spin you a brand new tale.
24. a book genre you haven’t read? why?
the closest I've ever gotten to true crime is In Cold Blood (Truman Capote, obv) and "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream" (Joan Didion). mostly I just do not care for it; it makes me nauseous to know that whatever sordid story I'm reading actually happened to somebody. it's horrible to think about.
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djducats · 2 years ago
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Rasco, Meeco & DJ Access - First Cut the Check Dj Ducats - Intro L.R. Blitzkrieg - Crew Love feat. Nems Cypress Hill - The Ride Nas, A$AP Rocky & DJ Premier - Wave Gods Joey Bada$$ - Head High Milc & Andy Savoie - Blue Faces Breez Evahflowin - The Idiotic feat. Big Zoo Wildchild - Breathe feat. Guilty Simpson & The Soulyghost Jay Love & Swigga - Pedigree Tone Spliff & Ruste Juxx - The Routine Born Allah - BARmitsfah feat. Arion Mosley Milez Grimez - Grimez Galore feat. DJ Revolution Dave East - Unbelievable feat. Method Man Foolish Immortals - Mad Green The Bad Seed - The Alchemist Mathematik - The Plot Detales & 9th Uno - Holie Brougham feat. LeZeppo Thrust OG - hEath feat. Hyperbole, Mindbender Supreme & the Riksha Danger Mouse & Black Thought - Because feat. Joey Bada$$, Russ & Dylan Cartlidge 2econd Cousins, 5ifth Elemnet & Dee Jackson - M.B.S. DJ Premier - Lettin’ Off Steam feat. Joey Bada$$ Tef - The Cross Soope - Dope feat. Fred da Godson, AZ & Baby Myke Gorilla Twins, Ill Bill & Nems - Adios feat. Immortal Technique & D.V. Alias Khryst TooBusy - One Day Baby feat. Ruste Juxx All Hail Y.T. x Tone Beatz - Royal Flush feat. Eto Pearl Gates & Syll - Kingz feat. Blu Napoleon da Legend - Afro-Pill Akbar - 5th Element 7L & Esoteric - Deathgrip Blaq Poet - Rap Addiction feat. Lil’ Fame & Shabeeno Papoose - Turn It Up feat. DJ Premier Masta Ace - Good Ol’ Love Raekwon - King of Kings feat. Havoc Styles P - Married to the Game feat. Teflon Action Bronson & Statik Selektah - Cliff Notes Bobby J from Rockaway - My People feat. Nef Antlive - All Around the World Wais P - Time Is Money Marco Polo & Torae - Smoke feat. Lil’ Fame Redman, Ready Roc & Melanie Rutherford - Cheerz Saigon & Statik Selektah - My Crew
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aaronburrdaily · 2 years ago
January 4, 1809
Lev. at 1/2 p. 8. Mr. Gordon, by appointment, called; sat half an hour, and tendered all sort of civilities. Sor. at 12. To Mrs. Lockhart, 3 Heriot Row. She was a Crawford, born in Holland of Scotch parents; Madame Court-Lockhart ; has now charge of M’lle D.V.; not at home. To Mr. Jardine’s, where saw Mr. and Mrs. ———; urge me to pass a day at ———, the residence of the late traveler Bruce, and now of his son and heir. To Mr. Arbuthnot’s, 47 Queen Street. Madame and M’lle. Home at 2. Mr. Hume came in and claimed acquaintance, having dined at my house with Madame and his two nieces, Houstons, about 1803; is passing some weeks in town at Mr. Walker’s, who has made a fortune in the East Indies. Sor. at 1/2 p. 2. To Walker’s, 21 Queen’s Place, to see Mr. and Madame Hume. Y: also Mr. and Madame Walker and three daughters. Invited to dine, which accepted, hoping to hear fine music. The daughters very fine; the two elder, jolie, belle—la jeune, genie¹. To D. Williamson’s², from whom had just received a very friendly note. He showed me many letters addressed to Charles Williamson. Saw there little Charles Alexander. Took coach to come home for dispatch; 2 shillings. Dress and out at 5; coach 1 shilling 6 pence. While I was out the Mr. M’Kenzies, father and son, called and left cards. Found, also, an invitation from George Dundas and wife, for Wednesday, to which wrote yes. At dinner at Walker’s. The family, Mr. and Mrs. Hume, Mr. Ogilvie, who had made a fortune in the East Indies, and wife, very sprightly; Sir William Fettus, Madame Wauchope, sister of Sir ——— Baird; her daughter, a most lovely and fascinating girl. In face and person something like Miss M’Kevers (Van Ness)³, but all animation, sensibility, and intelligence; a son of Madame Wauchope, a very handsome and intelligent lad, 18, in the navy; a son of Mr. Ogilvie, 22, also supposed navy; les trois M’lles Walker⁴ played and sang Scotch songs for me. Took one rubber at whist; won 1 shilling. Off at 10. Trop bu⁵, drank lemonade and smoked black tobacco till 1. Amused by the singing of a jovial party in an adjoining room.
1  The two older ones pretty, beautiful—the young one a genius. 2  David Williamson, Lord Balgray, was a brother of the late Colonel Charles Williamson. 3  Mrs. William P. Van Ness, whose husband, an eminent New York lawyer, was Burr’s second in the duel with Hamilton. 4  The three Misses Walker. 5  Having drunk too much.
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years ago
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Povijest Crnogorska
Od svih crnogorskih vlastelina, Petar II Petrović Njegoš (1830-1851) bio je možda najkarizmatičniji vladar. Uz njegovo ime je vezano ne samo formiranje Crne Gore kao države, već i uspostavljanje stalnih kontakata sa Ruskim Carstvom, koje je, u vezi sa zaoštravanjem Istočnog pitanja, Crna Gora, koja je zapravo bila nezavisna od Otomansko carstvo, potrebno kao uporište na Balkanu. Ali neko vrijeme, kako S.S. Tatiščov, „... ruska diplomatija je malo vodila računa o Crnoj Gori. Nijesmo držali diplomatskog agenta na Cetinju, a naši odnosi sa Crnom Gorom bili su povjereni konzulu, koji je boravio u Dubrovniku, Austrija. Tokom čitave vladavine Nikole I., položaj za njih je uzeo lokalni čovjek E. Gagić, , osoba lišena bilo kakvog političkog značaja. Njegova dužnost je, međutim, bila ograničena na prenos godišnjeg, vrlo neznatnog dodatka, koji je crnogorskom narodu dodijelio car Pavle 1798. godine, i isporuku bogoslužbenih knjiga i potrepština koje je Sveti Sinod poklonio crnogorskim crkvama”! Odmah nakon izbora Petra II za vrhovnog vladara Crne Gore, ruska diplomatija je počela da vrši određeni pritisak na njega. Glavni zadatak Rusije u to vrijeme svodio se na želju da Njegošu dokaže potrebu za pograničnim mirom sa Osmanskim carstvom. Rusko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova uporno je savjetovalo Vladiku da se ne miješa u poslove susjednih slovenskih naroda, što je povezano s promjenom prirode rusko-osmanskih odnosa nakon završetka rusko-turskog rata 1828-1829. i potpisivanje savezničkog ugovora Unkyar-Iskelesi 8. jula 1833. godine. Ruski kabinet je imao dobre razloge za takve prijedloge. Početkom 1832. Njegoš, na predlog predsednika crnogorskog Senata I. Vukotiča pokušao da zauzme grad Podgoricu. Iako je Njegoš u svojim pismima Gagiču pokušavao nekako da izgladi ovo pitanje, okrivljujući isključivo Vukotiča za to i tvrdeći da je "samo on bio razlog za kršenje dobrog sporazuma koji je postojao između Turaka i Crne Gore" , ruska vlada odlučio da pošalje svog konzula na mjesto događaja radi odgovarajućih sugestija. Dana 16. juna 1832. godine, na sastanku starešina Crne Gore, Gagić je pročitao uputstva ruskog ministarstva inostranih poslova i „objavio Crnogorcima da žive u miru sa Osmanskom portom i da ne napadaju njene zemlje i stanovnike, ne podržite turske pobunjenike ako žele da se zaštite od nesreće koju će u ovom slučaju sami sebi nanijeti” U ljeto 1833. godine crnogorski vladika je prvi put posjetio Sankt Peterburg. Zvanična svrha putovanja bila je posvećenje u čin mitropolita, što je trebalo dodatno ojačati zavisnost gospodara od politike vladajućih krugova Sankt Peterburga. Ovdje je upoznao mnoge utjecajne državnike: vicekancelara K.V. Nesselrode, glavni prokurist Sinoda S.D. Nečajev, direktor Odjeljenja za Aziju Ministarstva vanjskih poslova K.K. Rodofinikin, A.S. Norov, grof D.V. Voroncov-Daškov, A.N. Golicin i dr. Mnogima od njih se kasnije obraćao sa molbom o svojim potrebama, a ponekad i sa molbama za pomoć svojim suplemenicima koji su došli u Rusiju. Petar II je dobio i pažnju cara Nikole I, koji je bio prisutan na ceremoniji njegovog inicijacije u sveštenstvo. U decembru 1833. Vladika se vratio u Crnu Goru. Putovanja su, nesumnjivo, doprinijela jačanju autoriteta Petra II, a veze između Rusije i Crne Gore postale su čvršće. Impresioniran onim što je video u Sankt Peterburgu, Petar II je počeo više da brine o obrazovanju. Još prije puta, početkom 1833. godine, organizovao je školu na Cetinju, u kojoj je učilo 30 učenika iz različitih nahija. Po povratku iz Rusije, Vladika je, u želji da bude što više učenika, priredio takozvano „dobro dijelo“. Djeca koja su ga dobila živjela su i čuvana u Cetinjskom manastiru učeći osnove naučnih saznanja. Ne ograničavajući se na brigu o školi, Vladika je 1834. godine otvorio štampariju na Cetinju, gdje su prvi put štampani njegovi književni radovi, koji su kasnije postali poznati. Nakon što je Petar II posjetio Rusiju, odnosi Crne Gore sa Turskom i Austrijskim carstvom su se promijenili. Slijedeći upute Sankt Peterburga, Vladika je stupio u prepisku s turskim pašama, pozivajući ih na mirne odnose. Kao rezultat ove prepiske, u martu-aprilu 1834. godine, mitropolit se sastaje sa turskim pašom Hasan begom Resulbegovićem i hercegovačkim vezirom Ali pašom Stočevićem, pri čemu su sklopljeni relevantni sporazumi, međutim ubrzo pogaženi od strane Turaka. Njegoš je o tome odmah obavestio rusku vladu, posebno napominjući da se svim silama trudi da održi mir sa Turcima, koji su izdajničko prekršili postignute sporazume. Tokom godina 1834-1836. Turski napadi na crnogorske granice bili su najčešći. Nastojanja vladara da održi mirne odnose završila su neuspjehom, a dogovori postignuti pregovorima brzo su poništeni, jer je Osmansko carstvo zahtijevalo priznanje svoje vrhovne vlasti. Njegoš je pisao konzulu Gagiču: „Turci, graniči s nama, nikada nam ne daju mira, a naš narod se ne da prezreti i uništiti, jer ako je to dopustio i ravnodušno gledao na turski zulum, onda davno bi izgubio slobodu i nezavisnost za koju se krv prolivana nekoliko stotina godina . Kontradikcije su nastale i sa drugom susjednom državom - Austrijom. Austrijanci su počeli polagati svoja prava na manastire Mainu i Stanjeviće, koje su Crnogorci smatrali svojom imovinom. U ovoj situaciji i Rusija je odbila da pomogne Crnoj Gori, ne želeći da komplikuje svoje odnose sa bečkom vladom zbog nekog malog komada zemlje, koji je, ipak, bio od velikog značaja za Crnu Goru. Gagić je savjetovao Negošu da te manastire prenese Austriji, koja, prema konzulu, ima istorijsko pravo na ove oblasti: „Austrijanci su na osnovu sporazuma sklopljenog između europskih sila u Beču 1814. godine stekli pokrajinu Boku Kotorsku i prihvatio svoje granice na osnovu rasprava, koje su dugo bile između Mletačke Republike i Osmanske Porte. Ovi traktati bi trebali voditi i Austrijance i vas, koji zamjenjujete Porto. Austrijanci, držeći ovu raspravu u rukama, bez sumnje, dobro znaju za granicu Boke Kotorske; a ti, nemajući u rukama mletačko-tursku raspravu, ne znam, znaš li do kojih mjesta sežu granice turske Crne Gore. <...> Jedna šteta i sramota je prisvajati tuđu imovinu i svađati se sa Austrijancima bez ikakvog razloga"! Pod pritiskom austrijske i ruske diplomatije, Petar II je pristao da proda Austriju, prvo Mainu, a nešto kasnije i Stanjeviće. Time je Crna Gora izgubila strateški važno uporište za izlaz na more. Kao što vidite, Rusija u to vrijeme, polazeći od svojih političkih interesa, nije htjela pomoći u jačanju položaja Crne Gore i proširenju njenih granica, što potvrđuje i izvještaj ruskog Ministarstva vanjskih poslova za 1834. godinu: „.. sugestija njima (Crnogorcima. - M.B., Ya.V ), najvišom voljom, koju je dalo Ministarstvo Vašeg Veličanstva, direktno i preko našeg agenta u Raguzi, sve ih je urazumio i konačno shvatio da su njihove prave koristi zahtijevaju da žive u miru i slozi sa susjednim pograničnim pašama i austrijskim vlastima da će ih svaki vojni poduhvat za proširenje posjeda odvesti u neizbježnu smrt, od koje ih Rusija neće moći spasiti, kako zbog svoje udaljenosti tako i zbog čistoće političkih uvjerenja ” Porez nametnut Crnogorcima, čije je blagostanje ionako bilo na niskom nivou, nije mogao riješiti ovaj problem, izazivajući samo negodovanje naroda. To se posebno ispoljavalo kod stanovnika graničnih područja sa Turskom, koji su bili napadnuti od strane albanskih i bosanskih paša i kao rezultat toga pretrpjeli značajnu materijalnu štetu. Pored toga, neuspjeh roda koji je zadesio Crnu Goru je dodatno pogoršao situaciju stanovništva. U to vrijeme, odnosi između Crne Gore i Osmanskog carstva naglo su eskalirali - počela su neprijateljstva oko sporne regije Grahovca. Njegoš je obavijestio ruskog ambasadora u Beču D.P. o sukobima u kojima su Crnogorci pretrpjeli značajne gubitke, a poginuo mlađi brat gospodara. Tatishchev. Zamolio je rusku vladu da preduzme potrebne mjere u odnosu na Tursku i pomogne Crnogorcima da uspostave stalnu granicu sa njom: „U sadašnjim ekstremnim okolnostima, Molim Vašu Ekselenciju od samog Boga da sve ovo donese suverenom caru i ne uskratite nam vašu visoku molbu od najvišeg prestola sveruskog o slanju dve pouzdane osobe na Černu goru da istraže ovaj varvarski čin vezira Stočeviča, i o podeli i odobravanju naših granica, kako prema Turcima tako i prema  Austrijancima"
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enriquemzn262 · 3 years ago
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Flying replicas of WW1 biplanes
Sopwith Camel
Albatros D.V
Royal Aircraft Factory R.E. 8
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years ago
Another item from @fictionadventurer’s list of short things to write: a letter written by one of the characters. This is an option that I’ll probably use multiple times.
Found in the Royal Archives of Faysmond among Rietta I’s papers, a letter from Andras II of Corege, along with a series of photographs featuring Andras and Queen Bethira in various poses holding the infant Rietta, sometimes accompanied by her parents Etriat and Tietra.
29 May 1890[1]
My dear Goddaughter,
Never have I been more honoured than when your dear father asked me to be godfather to his first child.[2] In fact, I am not ashamed to say I wept for joy. Your father and I have been great friends since our youth.[3] He has been the anchor of my school days and my guiding light as we grew to manhood.[4] Although I regret that he and I no longer see each other as often as we might wish,[5] I am delighted that he still holds me in high enough regard to entrust to me the guidance of his greatest treasure.
It is my deepest regret that I have no children of my own at present.[6] Thus, I hope you will be able to look upon me as a sort of second father. My duties bind me to Corege but shall not prevent me from taking an active interest in your life.[7] I promise you to do all I can to support your education, religious and otherwise,[8] and to offer any assistance within my power to give you an advantageous start in life. If (D.V.) you should take an interest in making a Coregean match, you will always have a staunch ally here.[9] A princess such as yourself has nothing but a promising future before her, and I know you will make your mark on history.[10]
This brings us to the best advice I can give you, dear girl. You must always remember that a young lady of your rank has not only great privilege but great obligation. It is a solemn and fearful obligation, to be sure, but nevertheless, you must undertake it with grace and courage. You are first and foremost the servant of your people.[11] Quite frequently this will mean that you may not please yourself. You must bear the disappointment with fortitude, reminding yourself that it is not your happiness that matters but what is best for your people.[12] Every choice you make in life must be made prayerfully, with your nation’s well-being as your chief concern. Never make a rash decision, for you will live to regret it. I know, for I have made this mistake, and God is requiting me for my selfishness even now.[13] Be better than your poor old godfather, my girl, and you will always have the hearts of your countrymen.[14] But rest assured that you will always have the love of 
Your affectionate godfather,
Andras R
[1] 29 May 1890: On 29 May 1890, Princess Rietta Oppelle Verina Philene was christened in the Old Chapel of St. Donatien’s Cathedral (still in the process of being rebuilt). Although the chapel had seen some royal christenings recently (Etriat’s sister Oppelle’s sons Emilien and Iranace in 1888 and Etriat’s uncle Estier’s son Maxence in 1889), she was the first Faysmondian princess to be christened since Estier’s daughter Charotta in 1871. Her names were chosen in honor of her great-aunt Queen Rieta of Norin, her late grandmother Queen Oppelle, her great-aunt Princess Verina, and her mother Tietra (née Philene). The choice to give Rietta her mother’s Otionovian name rather than her Faysmondian one was controversial, and there were some nobles, government officials, and religious leaders who opted to boycott the ceremony because of it. They perceived the use of the name Philene as a sign of creeping Otionovian influence.
[2] your dear father asked me to be godfather to his first child: Rietta’s godparents included King Andras of Corege, her uncle by marriage Emperor Lavrenti of Rurakravia, her great-uncle Prince Estier, her great-aunt Queen Rieta of Norin, her great-aunt Princess Verina, and her aunt Princess Oppelle. Most of these choices were made for their political significance, the only reason that Andras and Lavrenti (who practiced different faiths) were permitted to take such roles. Rietta’s Otionovian relatives were conspicuously absent among her godparents, although Lavrenti was married to one of Tietra’s half-sisters.
[3] Your father and I have been great friends since our youth: Prince Andras of Corege and Prince Etriat of Faysmond began their studies at Hollingham College in 1874. Their comparable ranks resulted in their being assigned to share a dormitory, and they quickly befriended each other. They attended the same lessons, played the same sports, shared multiple extracurricular activities, and visited each other’s homes in the holidays.
[4] He has been the anchor of my school days and my guiding light as we grew to manhood: Although Andras and Etriat parted ways after leaving Hollingham to attend separate universities, they kept up a regular correspondence, and Andras had planned to serve as a diplomat at the Faysmondian court before his niece Antavia’s abdication resulted in his ascension to the throne. Andras and Etriat’s letters became less frequent after this, and Andras’s in particular started to show an unusual reserve, neglecting to mention such significant personal details such as struggles with Parliament, the royal couple’s struggles to have a child and subsequent strained marriage, and Andras’s heart disease.
[5] he and I no longer see each other as often as we might wish: Andras’s visit to Faysmond to attend Rietta’s christening was the first time he had left Corege since before Corege’s entrance into the war with Faysmond in 1887.
[6] It is my deepest regret that I have no children of my own at present: At the time of this letter, Andras and Bethira had been married for six years. Bethira had had three miscarriages and a stillborn daughter. Her most recent miscarriage had occurred in February 1890. Perhaps because of this, there is something wistful in the royal couple’s expressions in the photographs taken of them holding the infant Rietta.
[7] shall not prevent me from taking an active interest in your life: Andras’s letters to Etriat from the time of Rietta’s birth to shortly before his death include chatty questions about Rietta’s wellbeing, and on the occasion of her first birthday he sent her the first of what was intended to be an ongoing set of emeralds for a necklace.
[8] I promise you to do all I can to support your education, religious and otherwise: This promise took the form of supplying Rietta with books, including a beautifully illustrated book of Bible stories.
[9] If (D.V.) you should take an interest in making a Coregean match, you will always have a staunch ally here: Some historians have suggested that Andras might have had Rietta in mind as a wife for the son he hoped to have eventually.
[10] I know you will make your mark on history: Andras could not of course have foreseen that Rietta would inherit the throne. There was no reason to believe that Etriat would not live long enough to father a male heir (congratulatory messages to Rietta’s parents are full of wishes for a son to follow the new princess quickly) who would come to the throne as an adult. At this point, nothing more would have been expected of Rietta than to make an advantageous match someday.
[11] You must always remember that a young lady of your rank has not only great privilege but great obligation. It is a solemn and fearful obligation, to be sure, but nevertheless, you must undertake it with grace and courage. You are first and foremost the servant of your people: Andras’s advice echoes the wording of his coronation speech, which had been composed with the intention of assuring Corege that their new king would exhibit the devotion and responsibility that his niece had failed to.
[12] You must bear the disappointment with fortitude, reminding yourself that it is not your happiness that matters but what is best for your people: Although Rietta’s situation at this point differed from that of Andras’s niece Antavia, Andras clearly had her on his mind when offering his advice. He and Antavia had had an unpleasant falling out at the time of her abdication; Andras’s chief objection was what he believed was her putting her personal inclinations before her people’s good.
[13] I know, for I have made this mistake, and God is requiting me for my selfishness even now: Andras is likely referring to his breaking his politically profitable engagement to his cousin Princess Ayra Edella of Lienne in order to marry Bethira Goswick, daughter of a minor baronet. By 1890, Ayra Edella had married King Roeland of Vischland and given birth to three healthy children. This remark suggests that Andras considered his and Bethira’s childlessness a divine punishment for putting his personal desires before the good of Corege.
[14] you will always have the hearts of your countrymen: By 1890, Andras had antagonized Parliament and lost the respect of many of his people after his weak handling of the war with Otionovia (his attempts at diplomacy—the field he had trained in—had failed, and he played no active role in the treaty that resolved the war) and his increased spending on projects intended to bring Corege into the dawning twentieth century. This situation would continue to intensify until his death from heart failure in September 1891. He would not see Rietta again after her christening.
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wyvolf · 2 years ago
This is not how we SCP fans base behave, your reply have too many errors, i'm an ordinary SCP fan that enjoys animation and SCPs and in my humble opinion:
1.I mean seriously if they (your followers) want to follow a channel they should because is their choice and it's not like Youtube take their money!
2.Your followers follows MORE channels than JUST your channel! I have at least 178 channels i follow on Youtube! So, don't come out rude, because you just did!
3.Yes, some SCPs channels have other channels that talks about different stuffs (that is why you call them a farm) but not this channel.
4.Also, i also follow D.V (i did not mention the farm channels in the ask that you said in the reply) etc because those channels bring me to the SCP Universe, so i don't understand your violent reply like i just said some shi*...
5.Have you even meet the owner of the channel? No, of course not... You just throw dirt because you feel like it!
6.I don't even know your channel but from how you react to my ask impolite and toxic, i better stay away from you!
7.Please don't make the entire SCP fandom base toxic and violent especially since those people don't even know the channel i'm talking to!
8. You really left me with a sour taste in my mouth, i'm just a fan and part of the SCP community and all i say is just people should give a chance to the professor Lucius channel if THEY WANT TOO, i also follow the channel since the first 4 videos!
please go outside kid.
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selarikcom · 5 years ago
Sidaguri merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman obat dari famili Malvaceae yang tumbuh liar serta banyak ditemui di tepi selokan, sungai, dan di bawah pohon besar. (FOTO: IST)
SELARIK.COM, JAKARTA - Sidaguri merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman obat dari famili Malvaceae. Tanaman ini adalah tanaman semak yang tumbuh liar dan banyak ditemui di tepi selokan, sungai, dan di bawah pohon besar. Sidaguri tersebar pada daerah tropis di seluruh dunia dari dataran rendah sampai ketingian 1450 m di atas permukaan laut. Bentuk batang tanaman ini agak berkayu, bulat, dan bewarna kecokelatan. Daunnya berjenis tunggal dengan letak daun berseling berbentuk jantung. Buahnya buah batu terdiri dari 8–10 kendaga, dengan buah muda berwarna hijau dan buah tua berwarna hitam. Salah satu khasiat utama sidaguri yakni menyembuhkan penyakit asam urat yang sering diderita baik lelaki maupun perempuan di atas usia tiga puluh tahun (Holm et al, 1997).
Kandungan Sidaguri
Daunnya mengandung alkaloid, kalsium oksalat, tanin, saponin, fenol, asam amino, dan minyak asiri. Batang Sidaguri mengandung kalsium oksalat dan tanin. Sementara bagian akar mengandung alkaloid, steroid, dan efedrine. Alkaloid dan efedrine yang terkandung dalam Sidaguri menyebabkan orang harus berhati-hati dalam mengkonsumsinya. Orang yang sensitif terhadap alkaloid efedrine tidak disarankan untuk menggunakannya. Begitu pula anak-anak, wanita hamil, dan menyusui (Djauhariya, 2004).
Manfaat Sidaguri
Kandungan polifenol dan flavonoid pada akar bersifat diuretik, sehingga asam urat akan luruh dan terbuang bersama urin. Sidaguri juga dapat menghambat produksi enzim xantin oksidase (XO), yang merupakan enzim penting yang turut berperan dalam sintesa asam urat. Tanpa adanya XO, maka asam urat tidak akan terbentuk dan serangan gout tidak dapat terjadi. Kemampuan ekstrak kasar flavonoid sidaguri sebagai penghambat aktivitas XO mencapai 55.29% melalui mekanisme inhibisi kompetitif. Selain untuk asam urat dan rematik, Sidaguri bermanfaat untuk flu, demam, malaria, radang amandel, radang usus, disentri, sakit perut, sakit kuning, kencing batu, bisul, radang kulit bernanah, dan eksim. Khusus untuk akarnya, digunakan untuk mengatasi influenza, asma, sakit gigi, sariawan, disentri, susah buang air besar/sembelit dan rematik (Prakoso, Budi. 2007).
Efek Farmakologis
Tanaman manis, pedas dan sejuk. Masuk meridien jantung, hati, paru, usus besar dan kecil. Anti-radang (anti inflamasi), peluruh kencing (diuretik), dan menghilangkan sakit (analgetik). Akar, manis, tawar, dan sejuk (Prakoso, Budi. 2007).
Cara Penggunaan untuk Menyembuhkan Asam Urat
Cabut 5 batang Sidaguri, lalu potong bagian atas sehingga bagian yang tersisa hanyalah akarnya. Cuci bersih, dan rebus dalam gelas atau wadah lain sampi air menyusut menjadi setengahnya. Saring dan biarkan dingin (simpan semalam dalam gelas atau wadah tertutup), lalu minum secara teratur 1 hingga 2 kali dalam sehari. Akar yang telah direbus tidak dapat diperguanakan 2 kali. Langsung buang setelah digunakan (Prakoso, Budi. 2007).
Asam Urat
Penyakit asam urat atau sering disebut artritis gout merupakan kelainan metabolik akibat deposisi kristal natrium urat pada jaringan atau akibat supersaturnasi asam urat di dalam cairan ekstra seluler. Asam urat adalah senyawa alkaloid turunan purin (xantin). Asam urat (C5H4N4O3) merupakan kristal putih, tidak berbau dan berasa, mengalami dekomposisi dengan pemanasan menjadi asam sianida (HCN), sangat sukar larut  dalam air, larut dalam gliserin  dan alkali. Asam urat dapat larut pada larutan dengan pH tinggi dan dapat pula dipanaskan untuk membantu kelarutannya hingga suhu 60°C. Natrium urat adalah kristal yang terbentuk akibat tingginya konsentrasi asam urat dalam darah. Kristal natrium urat terkumpul pada persendian  dan tulang rawan.  Natrium urat sama halnya dengan asam urat,  sukar larut dalam air. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan  kristal natrium urat  ialah  pH, suhu, kekuatan ionik, dan konsentrasi Na+. Bentuk geometris kristal natrium urat adalah triklin atau berbentuk jarum  (Rinaudo & Boistelle 1982). Penyakit asam urat umumnya menyerang lebih banyak pria daripada perempuan. Hal ini dikarenakan perempuan memiliki hormon estrogen  yang ikut  membuang  asam urat melalui urin. Kadar asam urat rata-rata di dalam darah atau serum bergantung pada usia dan jenis kelamin. Pada laki-laki, sebelum pubertas kadarnya sekitar 3,5 mg/dl. Setelah pubertas, kadarnya meningkat  secara bertahap dan dapat mencapai 5,2 mg/dl. Pada perempuan kadar asam urat biasanya tetap rendah, baru pada usia pramenopause kadarnya di dalam darah rata-rata sekitar 4 mg/dl. Setelah menopause, kadarnya meningkat lagi sampai 4,7 mg/dl (Dalimartha 2006).  Hiperurisemia  adalah peningkatan kadar asam urat serum di atas nilai normal, yang pada laki-laki di atas 7 mg/dl dan pada perempuan di atas 6 mg/dl.  Hiperurisemia bisa menimbulkan penyakit gout (Dalimartha 2006).
Xantin Oksidase
Xantin oksidase (XO) berperan penting dalam katabolisme purin. XO mempunyai 2 bentuk, yaitu XO dan xantin dehidrogenase (XDH). XO merupakan enzim yang tersebar luas dalam beberapa spesies dari bakteri hingga manusia. Di dalam tubuh, XO ditemukan di sel hati dan otot, tetapi tidak ditemukan di dalam darah.  XO merupakan suatu kompleks enzim yang terdiri atas 1332 residu asam amino, molibdenum (HO2SMo), FAD, dan Fe2S2 sebagai pusat reaksi redoks, dengan bobot molekul sebesar 275000 Dalton membentuk 2 subunit yang saling setangkup. Senyawa yang dapat berfungsi sebagai penstabilisasi XO diantaranya adalah salisilat, sistein, histamin, dan versenat. Sementara senyawa yang dapat menginhibisi XO berupa ion logam, urea, purin-6-aldehida, dan 2-amino-4-hidroksipteridin-6 aldehida. XO mengkatalis oksidasi hipoxantin menjadi xantin lalu menjadi asam urat yang berperan penting pada  penyakit gout. Pada saat bereaksi dengan xantin untuk membentuk asam urat, atom oksigen ditransfer dari molibdenum ke xantin. Perombakan pusat molibdenum yang aktif terjadi dengan penambahan air (Cos et al. 1998). Xantin+ 2O2 + H2O à asam urat  + 2O2-+2H+ Xantin+O2+  H2O à asam urat   +    H2O2 Selama proses oksidasi molekul, oksigen bertindak sebagai akseptor elektron menghasilkan radikal superoksida (O2) dan hidrogen peroksida. Satu unit XO dapat mengkonversi  satu mikromol substrat (xantin) menjadi asam urat tiap satu menit pada pH optimum (pH 7.5) dan suhu optimum (25°C). Apabila substratnya hipoxantin, aktivitasnya menjadi 50% atau setengahnya. XO dapat diisolasi dari berbagai macam sumber seperti susu, mikroorganisme, dan buttermilk. XO memiliki pengaruh antitumor dan berperan aktif dalam timbulnya panas akibat penyimpanan hepatik ferritin dalam plasma. Selain itu, XO diketahui dapat mengkatalisis reduksi nitrat dan nitrit menjadi nitrit oksida dan sekaligus menyebabkan pembentukan radikal superoksida yang dapat menyebabkan peradangan. Produksi asam urat berlebih dapat menyebabkan hiperurisemia namun ketika asam urat disimpan di dalam persendian akan menyebabkan peradangan  dan penyakit  gout (Kadota et al, 2004).
Flavonoid tersebar luas di alam, terutama dalam tumbuhan tingkat tinggi dan jaringan muda. Sekitar 5–10% metabolit sekunder tumbuhan adalah flavonoid. Flavonoid merupakan grup senyawa alami dengan ragam struktur fenolat yang dapat ditemukan pada buah, sayuran, gandum, batang, akar, cabang, bunga, teh, dan anggur (Middleton 1998). Flavonoid mempunyai kerangka dasar yang terdiri atas 15 atom karbon dengan 2 cincin benzena terikat pada suatu rantai propana membentuk susunan C6-C3-C6 (Gambar 4). Susunan tersebut dapat menghasilkan  3  struktur, yaitu 1,3-diaril propana (flavonoid), 1,2-diarilpropana (isoflavonoid), dan 1,1-diarilpropana (neoflavonoid) (Markham 1988). Flavonoid sebagai derivat benzo-γ-piron mempunyai banyak kegunaan di  samping fungsinya yang pokok sebagai vitamin P untuk  meningkatkan resistensi dan menurunkan permeabilitas kapiler darah. Efek lain flavonoid sangat banyak macamnya terhadap berbagai organisme dan efek ini dapat menjelaskan mengapa tumbuhan yang mengandung flavonoid dipakai dalam pengobatan. Flavonoid dapat bekerja sebagai antivirus,  antialergi,  antimikroorganisme, dan antioksidan untuk mengendalikan radikal bebas yang dapat menyebabkan tumor (Middleton 1998). Flavonoid dikenal sebagai antioksidan dan memberikan daya tarik sejumlah peneliti untuk meneliti flavonoid sebagai obat yang berpotensi mengobati penyakit yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas. Flavonoid juga penghambat efektif dari beberapa enzim termasuk XO, siklooksigenase, dan lipooksigenase. Flavonoid berpotensi dapat digunakan sebagai obat untuk penyakit gout dan ischemia dengan cara menurunkan konsentrasi asam urat dan penangkapan aktivitas superoksida dalam jaringan manusia. Flavon memiliki aktivitas inhibisi lebih kuat dibandingkan flavonol.  Senyawa krisin, apigenin, luteolin,  galangin,  kaempferol,  dan quarsetin  memiliki aktivitas  penghambat  XO dan senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas inhibisi paling kuat adalah senyawa luteolin (Cos  et al.  1998). (*)
Cos ,P., Ying, L., Calomme, M., Hu, J.P., Cimanga, K., Poel, B.V., Pieters, L., Vlietinck, A.J., and Berghe, D.V. 1998. Structure-Activity Relationship and Classification of Flavonoids as Inhibitors of Xanthine Oxidase and Superoxide Scavengers, J.Nat. Prod., 61 : 71-76. Dalimartha S. 2006. Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia. Edisi 4. Puspa Swara, Anggota Ikapi. Jakarta. 56 – 61. Djauhariya, E. dan Hernani. 2004. Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. Holm, L., J. Doll, E. Holm, J. Pancho, and J. Herberger. 1997. World weeds. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York. 1,129 p. Kadota et al. 2004. Xanthine Oxidase inhibitory activity of Vietnamese medicinal plants. Biol. Pharm. Bul :1414–1421. Markham, K.R. 1988. Cara Mengidentifikasi Flavonoid, 1-103. terjemahan Kosasih Padmawinata.  Bandung. Penerbit ITB. Midleton, E., Kandaswami., Theoharis. 1998. The effect of Plant Flavonoids on Mammalian Cells: Implication For Inflammation, Heart Disease & Cancer. Pharmacological Reviews. 52(4): 711-722 Prakoso, Budi. 2007. Siguri Meringankan Obat Asam Urat-Rematik. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta Rinaudo C, Boistelle R. 1982. Theoretical and experimental growth morphologies of sodium urate crystals. J. Cryst. Growth 57:432-442. via selarik.com
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cuttercourier · 5 years ago
[翻訳] 法人としてのヒンドゥー神格 (1)
「自然人」(すなわち、人間)の対義語としての法人とは、法によって人格を付与された実体である。グルドワーラー管理委員会対Som Nath Dass他事件(2000年)において、最高裁は「法人という語句は、ある実体を法においては人と、それ以外ではそうでないと承認することを意味する。言い換えれば、それは個々の自然人ではなく、法においてそのように認められるべく人工的に創り出された人である」と述べた。神々、会社、河��、そして動物はすべて裁判所によって法人として扱われてきた。
1887年、ボンベイ高裁はダーコール寺院事件において「ヒンドゥーの神像は法的主体であり、それが具象化するところの宗教的観念には法人の身分が与えられる」とした。これはVidya Varuthi Thirtha対Balusami Ayyar事件における1921年の命令で補強された。その中で高裁は「ヒンドゥー法の下で、神の表象は…贈り物を受け取り、また、財産を所有する能力を付与された『法的実体』(である)」と述べている。
しかし、すべての神が法人というわけではない。この身分は公に奉献の儀式、すなわちプラーナ・プラティスターを経た神像にのみ与えられる。Yogendra Nath Naskar対所得税局長事件(1969年)において、最高裁は次のように裁決している。「すべての神像に『法人』たる資格があるわけではなく、それが奉献を受け、公共の場所に一般公衆のために安置されたときにのみそうなる」。
サバリマラ事件に取り組んでいたある弁護士によれば、「神々は財産権を有するが、基本権や他の憲法上の権利についてはそうではない」。この見解は��バリマラ判決においてD.Y. チャンドラチュード判事も支持��ている。「ただある神が制定法の下の法人として限定的な諸権利を付与されているというだけでは、当該神が必ずしも憲法上の諸権利を有しているとは言えない」。
一般的に、シェーバェトは寺院の司祭か、または寺院を管理するトラストや個人である。アヨーディヤー権原訴訟の2010年イラーハーバード高裁判決において、D.V. Sharma判事はこう述べた。「未成年の場合に後見人が任じられるように、神像の場合はシェーバェト、すなわち管理人が代理行為のために任じられる」。
シェーバェトが神の利益のために働いていないと誰かが感じたらどうなるのだろうか? Bishwanath他1名対Shri Thakur Radhaballabhji他事件(1967年)において、最高裁はシェーバェトが「神像の財産を侵害している」と判明した場合に、「信者によって代表された神像によって提起される訴訟」を認めた。同裁は、もしもシェーバェトが適切に義務を果たさないならば、信者が「神の友」として裁判に訴えることができるとした。
グルドワーラー管理委員会対Som Nath Dass他事件(2000年)において、最高裁は「グル・グラント・サーヒブ〔シク聖典〕は他の聖なる書物と同一視できない…グル・グラント・サーヒブは一人のグルとして崇敬されている…(そして)グルドワーラーの中心であり魂である。グル・グラントに対する崇敬と、他の聖なる書物に対するそれは、異なる概念上の信仰、信条、そして信心に基づいている」と裁決した。
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captmakwana · 6 years ago
BJP Minority Morcha is the Official minority wing of the Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.M.M) Bharatiya Janata Minority Morcha ,[1][2] one of two major political parties in India.[3]Prominent party leaders who are members of the minority Morcha include Sikander Bakht, Abdul Alim Khan Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Syed Shahnawaz Hussain, M. J. Akbar, Arif Beg, Farooq Khan, Aslam Gurukkal and Asifa Khan,Dr.Haji Ajaz Deshmuk.[4][5] In November 2011, the Minority Morcha asked the party leadership to drop its demand for a Uniform Civil Code, but it stood by the party's stand of opposing any reservation based on religious affiliation.[6] However, in October 2015, the Morcha endorsed the views of Union Law Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda, who stated that the Uniform Civil Code was necessary.[7]In July 2012, a one-day workshop on "Welfare of Minorities through Good Governance" was held in New Delhi in which members and chairpersons of minority-related government organisations of BJP-ruled states participated. The workshop was inaugurated by the BJP president, who asked the participants to deliver through good governance and win the hearts of the community.[8][9]
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mrscorpio · 3 years ago
Another MR. SCORPIO'S HOUSE FIRE is UP! Mixcloud: http://bit.ly/Mixcloud265 D/L: http://bit.ly/DL-HF265 Shows: http://bit.ly/ScorpioPodcasts Feat: VANO 3000/@supvano, BADBADNOTGOOD/@badbadnotgood, Samuel T. Herring/@futureislands Doug Carn/@CarnDoug, Ali Shaheed Muhammad/@AliShaheed & Adrian Younge/@AdrianYounge Stephen Marley/@stephenmarley, CeeLo Green/@CeeLoGreen, Anthony Hamilton/@HamiltonAnthony, Black Thought/@blackthought, Syleena Johnson/@Syleena_Johnson & B. Trenton Salaam Remi/@SaLaAMReMi Kojey Radical/@KojeyRadical, Joel Culpepper/@jculpeppermusic & Knucks/@Knucks)/Swindle/@swindle Lil Wayne/@LilTunechi)/Tyler, The Creator/@tylerthecreator Freddie Gibbs/@FreddieGibbs Madlib/@madlib Sean Boog/@SeanBoog Niki Randa/@nikalotta Flying Lotus/@flyinglotus Moderator/@ModeratorMusic Mr Jukes/@mrjukesmusic & Barney Artist/@barneyartist El Michels Affair/@El_Michels Little Simz/@LittleSimz Cleo Sol/@cleosol Sons Phonetic/@SonsPhonetic B. Cool-Aid Ahwlee/@ahwlee Pink Siifu/@PinkSiifu & Fly Anakin/@flyanakin R+R=NOW/@cscottjazz @RobertGlasper @TerraceMartin @DerrickHodge @TaylorMcFerrin #JustinTyson. Oscar/@oscar_scheller)/TYSON/@tysonmcvey S. Fidelity/@s_fidelity Makaya McCraven/@MakayaMcCraven DSTL/@DSteeleMusic Sareem Poems/@SareemPoems & Rich Medina/@richmedina)/Tall Black Guy/@SirTallBlackGuy & Ozay Moore /@OzayMoore Aleisha Lee/@AleishaLee_ Matt Martians/@MattMartians Akemi Fox/@akemifoxx & #Georgie_Sweet)/Children of Zeus/ @ChildrenOfZeus L'Orange/@LOrangeMusic, Namir Blade/@NamirBlade Masego/@UncleSego & VanJess/@vanjess)/Sinead Harnett/@SineadHarnett Joell Ortiz/@JoellOrtiz & Sa-Roc/@sarocthemc/ Taiyamo Denku/@TaiyamoDenku x BoFaat/@BoFaat Georgia Anne Muldrow/@JAHJAHMULDROW Jordan Rakei/@jordanrakei D.V. Alias Khryst/@dvaliaskhryst & Thirstin Howl III/@ThirstinHowl3rd Planet Asia@planetasia & Phil A/@BeatMakinMC #Smerz Bryson Tiller/@brysontiller Syd/@intanetz)/Charlotte Day Wilson/@chardaywilson Ego Ella May/@EgoEllaMay Laraaji/@edwardlgordon Badbadnotgood/@badbadnotgood Hiatus Kaiyote/@HiatusKaiyote Send me your tracks at Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mr_scorpio Check out all your tracks on my show THE HOUSE FIRE/ every other Friday @6-8 PM GMT on InvaderFM: http://invader.fm Stream the podcasts at my Mixcloud: http://tinyurl.com/3kkfgzp Friend me up on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrscorpio247 Look me up on Tumblr: http://mrscorpio.tumblr.com Shoot me your videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrScorpio Peace, Scorp
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yoga-run-live · 4 years ago
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Aquí un post resumen de la que es la musculatura más importante en un corredor de resistencia: la musculatura de la pantorrilla. 👉¿La entrenas? Si quieres puedes grabar un video y etiquetarnos o bien usar el hashtag #yogarunlive. Nos encantará verte y comentar contigo tu entreno. 🔥El músculo sóleo puede llegar a soportar cargas de 6 a 7 veces el peso corporal, no olvides prepararlo adecuadamente. El entrenamiento con cargas es una buena estrategia para ello. 🔴Siempre que sea posible realizar la carga en flexión dorsal y en todo el rango de movimiento. Si no es posible, hay que ir progresando hasta conseguirlo. ✅Elige el ejercicio destinado al músculo que quieres trabajar. Es muy buena idea mezclarlos. ▶️Recuerda que es necesario poner carga, el entrenamiento con sólo el peso corporal puede ser adecuado en un primer momento pero es más difícil cuantificar la carga y controlar el progreso. ✍️Guarda el post y tenlo en cuenta a la hora de diseñar tus entrenamientos de fuerza. ¡Buen entreno! 📖Ref: Seth O'Neill, Simon Barry, Paul Watson; Plantarflexor strength and endurance deficits associated with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: The role of soleus. Physical Therapy in Sport, Volume 37, 2019, Pages 69-76. Nunes, João Pedro; Costa, Bruna D.V.; Kassiano, Witalo; Kunevaliki, Gabriel; Castro-e-Souza, Pâmela; Rodacki, André L.F.; Fortes, Leonardo S.; Cyrino, Edilson S. Different Foot Positioning During Calf Training to Induce Portion-Specific Gastrocnemius Muscle Hypertrophy, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: August 2020 - Volume 34 - Issue 8 - p 2347-2351. (at Almería, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNxEIJ5Mx_H/?igshid=qezmafpb799
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enriquemzn262 · 3 years ago
Royal Aircraft Factory R.E.8 vs Albatross D.V
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Aviation Art by Rudolph Belarski
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cruzypaz · 4 years ago
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¡Oh! cómo nos duele la suerte del hombre, nuestro dolor es grande, no podíamos confiarlo a ninguno, porque no teniendo una Voluntad Divina que los domine, no podían jamás comprender ni nuestro dolor, ni los graves males del hombre caído en el pecado. A ti es dado, porque posees nuestro Fiat, el poderlo comprender, y por eso como a Secretaria nuestra queremos revelarte nuestros secretos y poner en tus manos el cetro de mando a fin de que domines e imperes sobre todo, y tu dominio venza a Dios y al hombre, y nos los lleves como hijos regenerados en tu materno corazón.” ¿Quién puede decirte hija mía querida que sintió mi corazón con este hablar divino? Se abrió en Mí una vena de intenso dolor y me propuse, aun a costo de mi vida vencer a Dios y a las criaturas, y unirlas. La Virgen .Ma. en el Reino de la D.V Lección 7 “Majestad Altísima, estoy aquí entre vuestros brazos, dispongan de Mí como queráis, Yo pondré incluso la vida, y si tuviera tantas vidas por cuantas criaturas hay, Yo las pondría a disposición de ellas y vuestra, para llevarlas a todas salvas a vuestros brazos paternos. Y sin saber entonces que Yo debía ser la Madre del Verbo Divino, Yo sentía en Mí la doble maternidad, maternidad hacia Dios, para defender sus justos derechos; maternidad hacia las criaturas, para ponerlas a salvo. La Virgen María en el reino . Lección 8 https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-CCtKg5DK/?igshid=1hjeilvw7we9l
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cometforever · 5 years ago
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#Repost @rapisouttacntrl with @get_repost ・・・ “Rap Is Outta Control" 4/12/20 Playlist 1. Iron Shiekh "Loop 90" (prod. by Grim Lauren) 2. Little Vic "Carmine Galante (Ash Tray Mix)" (prod. by Sly Vest) 3. Dawhud x Da Beatminerz "The King & The Giant" (prod. by Da Beatminerz) 4. DJ Rhettmatic & J Rawls are RAWLSMATIC feat. Craig G "Role Reversal" (prod. by Rhettmatic & J-Rawls, cuts by Rhett) 5. Napoleon Da Legend "16 Bit" (prod. by Napoleon Da Legend) 6. The Four Owls "100 Percent" (prod. by DJ Premier) 7. The Good People :Hear Me Out" (prod. by Saint) 8. SmooVth x Royalz "Stay Fly" (prod. by Royalz) 9. The Musalini feat. Vic Spencer & Ty Farris "Collection Plate" (prod. by P Souloist & Don D) 10. Che Noir "Art Of War" (prod. by 38 Spesh) 11. John Creasy "Damien" (prod. by Olman80zz) 12. Agallah feat. Onaira 7 "Cold Business" (prod. by Agallah) 13. Obnoxious & Castle Money Beats "Knuckle Up" (prod. by Castle Money Beats) 14. Conway The Machine x ALC feat. Cormega "The Got Sonny" (prod. by Alchemist) 15. Ankhlejohn "Wave Package" (prod. by HNIC) 16. Tajai & The Architect "Zero Sum Game" (prod. by The Architect) 17. Imported Goodz x Daniel Son "Dutch Tulips" (prod. by Imported Goodz) 18. Prestigious feat. Capone "Product Of All Environments" (prod. by Salvation) 19. G.Fisher "God Level Rap" (prod. by Kidd Called Quest) 20. Blaq Poet "Animal" (prod. by The Blaq One) 21. ILL BILL & NEMS feat. Immortal Technique & D.V. Alias Khryst "Adios" (prod. by Scud One) 22. Grim Moses & DJ M-1 "Shit Ain't Changed" (prod. & cuts by DJ M-1) 23. Zagnif Nori "Importance (In Accordance)" (prod. & cuts by Tone Spliff) 24. Vinnie Paz feat. Recognize Ali "Serve the Creator" (prod. by Bronze Nazareth) 25. Freddie Black "Luxury Poems" (prod. & cuts by Tone Spliff) 26. Pearl Gates & Syll "ALotALuv" (prod. by Sirplus) 27. The Quarter Inch Kings feat. Reks "Kings Reign Supreme" (prod. by The Quarter Inch Kings) 28. Watson & Holmes (Blacastan & Stu Bangas) "Behold" (prod. by Stu Bangas, cuts by Tone Spliff) 29. Supreme Cerebral x D.Mar "Few Good Men" (prod. by D.Mar) 30. Born Unique "Mike Hammer" (prod. by godBLESSbeatz) 31. Big Brick feat. Doo Wop "Livin" (prod. by Eto) ***PLAYLIST CONTINUED https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7XFzWgASO/?igshid=1wopiwd30dy4o
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