ninjanissie · 9 months
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full body art of my demon OCs to use as reference for the comic i'm working on
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scarredfeathers · 2 years
name: Moth
pronouns: them/they
preference of communication: mix of IM and d'scord
most active muse: at the moment this one, though Ruby (My technopath) kicking back up again
experience / how many years: 15 years
platforms you use: tumblr and d'scord (though have used forums and fb in the past)
best experience: seeing people work my characters into the backstories of their characters.
rp pet peeves: Drama. save it for between characters - not between players.
fluff, angst, or smut: angst and fluff. always. I'm very ace, and I've tried to write those more spicy kinds of scenes - but I never like how they turn out, so I don't write them anymore.
plots or memes: Memes mostly, because I'm very much a go with the flow kind of writer.
long or short replies: depends on my spoon level. I typically try and get at least a paragraph out per reply, but doesn't always happen. and exceptions being shorter more joking dash commentary stuff and like back and forth type asks
best time to write: Afternoon/ Night time. also 4am
are you like your muses: Yes and no, Jewel is made from parts of me, Jewel was made from me trying to cope with scars and chronic pain as a teenager. But she's grown and changed so much in the last 10 years and even just in the last six months as I've realized things about her just from interacting in different fandoms and talking to different people. Jewel in her princess/nobility verses is quite a different person to her main verse self, compared to her ST verse version. She's got different fears and levels of confidence and it's interesting to explore.
Tagged by: stolen from @righteouslysin
Tagging: you there. Steal it
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hcrctic · 3 years
Find me on the D-scord.
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hcrctic-archived · 4 years
i'm so sorry i haven't been on, work and school have been so frickin' H E C T I C, to say the least! buuuuuut, you can find me on the d'scord: witch in red🔮#6751 & on the wire: @msmaximoff
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unsanctixned · 8 years
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hcxcdarch · 7 years
D'scord: msmccartney #6751.
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ninjanissie · 9 months
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I had the urge to draw my ocs in pairs to dance or soemthing because I unhid a layer in the refs and they just happened to be paired off in very specific ways:
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scarredfeathers · 2 years
//Ended up deleting the asks, sorry. So clean askbox, and no drafts - everything else is in queue. I'm gonna be on d'scord if anyone wants to bother me. :)
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hcrctic · 3 years
Anyone wants to rp on d'scord?
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hcrctic · 3 years
Let me add you on d'scord, let's roleplay there! Send me your #
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hcrctic · 3 years
if you actually thought wv was cheesy, you should be grateful that @americashielded and i keep most of our threads in d'scord. those two are just too much.
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hcrctic-archived · 4 years
i'll be on d'scord since it's grading time! + me: witch in red🔮#6751
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hcrctic-archived · 5 years
d'scord us!
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hcrctic-archived · 6 years
scarletqueen #6751
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hcrctic-archived · 6 years
So, I've been MIA because I was on vacation in Mexico, and now I'm back home... Aaaaaand going to TN tomorrow, so I will be MIA again for a pair of days and on and off for the rest of the year. If you want to contact me, I'll be on the d'scord once I get wifi.
I love you guys so much, and happy holidays!
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hcrctic-archived · 6 years
Please, anyone wants to roleplay on D'scord?
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