#d hunter of the dead x tarnished
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ashartstuffs · 1 year ago
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i love them and i'm totally normal about them (i'm not)
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give-thy-head · 2 years ago
Love at First Listen
A/N:  I just got into playing Elden Ring and became absolutely smitten with D and his twin brother. I couldn't find any fanfiction about the two, so I decided to make my own. I hope you like it and be on the lookout for more. If anyone wants me to make a gender neutral or male version of this let me know and I'll do it. I didn't want to make it to long. I plan to make a part to so let me know what you think. I also posted this to my archive of our own. Please do not copy or repost my work. 
Summary:  The Tarnished just meet D the Hunter of the Dead and she is already smitten with him.
Warning:  slow burn, love at first sight, one-sided attraction, violence, mention of blood and gore, death, bad flirting, slight mention of a voice kink, curse words, explicit language.
Word count:  I have no idea.
The sun was hanging high in the sky, and the lush scenery changed as the tarnished galloped along the road of Stormhill on her trusted steed Torrent to her next destination. She had just got done buying ashes of war from a random knight she had just met at a grace the young Tarnished found near a shack. He had been very pleasant to talk, the man known as Bernahl. At first the tarnished wasn't so sure about the random man she had just found standing in a ruined shack. The woman was for the better word weary of the man at first, but she now could call him an acquaintance.  How could she not be after having just woke up, to find herself at war with others to be the Elden Lord.  Not to mention her encounter with a not so friendly creature that was all so happily -what felt like moments ago- stabbing her repeatedly. Don't get her started on the weird surgeon covered in blood that she met up with at the first step grace.
     He was more than willing to talk up a storm. The tarnished wished he didn't though. She had gotten a bad feeling about the man who called himself Varre, but feelings are feelings and as long as he didn't draw a weapon to harm her, then there was no cause for concern.  He did have a smart mouth on him though. A smart mouth that really pissed her off.  The shady bastard had the nerve to call her maiden less. I mean she was a first, but she's not anymore. She has sweet Melina to thank for that. Melina is now her maiden even if she's only pretending to be one, but none of that matters. What matters now is that she's got one, and Varre can suck it in a ditch somewhere. That smug piece of dung almost got killed for that maiden less comment. The tarnished was not in the mood for the disrespect. Good news for him though, the little Tarnished as he likes to call her, decided to reign in her sudden burst of anger and allowed him to live another day.  He could be useful to her later down the road, but if he makes another off the wall comment to her about being maiden less all bets are off, and he's done for. With that last thought in mind the Tarnished had Torrent go a little faster, as they both made their way down the deserted road.
      The farther they went the creepier the road seemed to get. Until at last she had Torrent slow to a complete stop. Just up ahead from where the two had stopped looked to be a ruined gravesite. The tarnished wasn't sure if that was what it was or not. Taking out her telescope the tarnished was indeed able to confirm that it was in fact a graveyard.
  "Alright Torrent, I'm afraid were going to have to part ways for now." Getting off the spirit steed, the tarnished rubbed her hands through his mane. "Things are about to get dicey. I have a feeling that little gravesite isn't empty." With that said she sent Torrent away, but not without a little head nudge from the steed.
      The sound of her clinking armor echoed as she walked steadily toward the ruined graves. Her pulse quickened with each step she took. Quickened with the anticipation of an oncoming battle.  A battle that she knew for a fact would happen now that her warrior instincts were kicking in. A few more steps are all she had left before she would be upon her enemies, and a few they were for as soon as she made it to the first gravestone, a horde of the undead came to life. With fast reflexes of those of a cat, the tarnished was able to whip out her shield to block the sword of one of the undead. She rolled out of the way of another strike and then another. Having gotten back on her feet the female warrior whipped out her trusted great sword and swung it at the first undead closet to her.  Having felled the skeleton, she repeated her actions until at last all of the undead were no more. The tarnished let out a sigh of relief.  Now that was done, she put away her sword and shield and began to wipe the sweat off her brow.
    "Glad that's done.", but before she could relax to soon, the warrior heard someone talking. It sounded like the voice of a man. Lured by the sound the tarnished made her way past the gravestones, down the path where she came a upon a man dressed in beautifully crafted armor.  He was tall she could tell that much, as she continued to inch closer. The armor he wore was of a gold and silver color. One of his arms the left to be precise was holding on to the silver body connected to his armor by the eyes, as the other arm which was silver held his sword.  A sword in which was just as beautifully unique as his armor was pointed tip first into the ground. The man in question was hunched over the corpse of someone she did not know, maybe he did, for he seemed to be grieving the loss of this person. She knew that she was in no danger. He was not a threat to her at all. She knew this based on her instincts alone. Having made it closer she was able to make out what he was saying.
      "There's no mistake, is there?" He continued on, "Death has left its mark once again. I'm sorry, I cannot give you your proper rites...But at least you did not join Those Who Live-in Death. Your soul will return to the Erdrtee, in time.  Honeyed rays of gold, deliver this spirit." He finished his words with a pray. The tarnished took this as her sign to approach him.
    " Hello!", she called out quietly so that she didn't startle him. She did this as a way to also let him know that she was not a threat to him. "Do you have a moment?"
    The man turned to the side so that he was now giving her his full attention.  " Ah, a tarnished, are you?"
    The tarnished was absolutely awestruck. The man who she still did not the name of spoke in voice laced with honey. His voice alone could rival those of the gods, and she was absolutely smitten with him. It was a love at first sight type of thing. Something she as never in her life experienced up until now. As bad as she hated to admit this, but his voice was making her feel all kinds of things. Things that she would not to mention to him. She barely even knew the guy, but here she was completely struck in frozen admiration for someone, from just their voice alone. She had to get to know him, for her sanity she just had to. Finally getting over stupor with the help of soft hum for her attention, the tarnished answered him in a way that only she would be brave enough to do so, and that was to flirt.
   "Yes, of course. You know us tarnished seemed to be attracted to each other. We seem to always migrate together. I'm Y/n by the way all beautiful one. May I have your name, for thy voice is like the soft caress of water in stream. "   It took him a few moments to answer.
    "Hmm it seems so. I'm known as D. I hunt down Those Who Live in Death and weed their Deathroot." He stated to his fellow tarnished. She wasn't sure if he got what she was saying or if he ignored her bad attempt at flirting with him. His helmet made it hard for her to tell, but she would like to assume that she might have flustered him, with the amount of time it took him to answer her. Either option did not help her frantically beating heart. Was it beating out of embarrassment o maybe it was because she might have just flustered him, or maybe it was for the fact she was in love. If she was a betting person, she would say that it was all of those things together.  She didn't get the chance to dwell on it to much for, his which was like music to her ears started up again.
   "Heed my warning. The village here has been touched by Death. And worse yet, it is home to a mariner. If you value your life, then go no farther. Turn back while you still can."
    "Thank you for the warning, D! I'll keep that in mind."  She wasn't really paying attention, to lost in the sound of his enchanting voice, to really realize the implications of his warning. He let out a hum that he heard her words and turned in a way that let her know the conversation was over.  She wasn't happy about that. Not one bit. So, with a plan in mind the young Tarnished set off in the direction of the mariner. She planned on hunting this said beast down and she would slay it, if only so that she could hear his voice again. For she was in love and love makes you do crazy things.
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sorcerer-rogierhoard3 · 2 years ago
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Holy sheet this artist on Twitter's work is amazing 👏
elden_things doesn't have a tumblr as far as I know, so I'd recommend giving them a follow on their Twitter (by tapping the 'view on twitter' link under the photo) cause they post a lot of really great Rogier + D related art
*they allow reposts with credit
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years ago
Elden Ring
Characters Tarnished | Torrent the Spirit Steed | Melina | Millicent | White-Faced Varre | Lunar Princess Ranni/Ranni the Witch | Blaidd the Half-Wolf | War Counselor Iji | Preceptor Seluvis | Rya the Scout | Lightseeker Hyetta | Bloody Finger Hunter Yura | D Hunter of the Dead | Patches the Untethered | Fia the Deathbed Companion | Iron Fist Alexander | Jar-Bairn | Lady Tanith | Shabriri | Queen Marika the Eternal | Miquella the Unalloyed | Godwyn the Golden | Miriel Pastor of Vows | Cleanrot Knight Finlay | Latenna the Albinauric | Lobo | Three Fingers | Two Fingers | Gatekeeper Gostoc | Roderika the Spirit Tuner | Ensha of the Royal Remains | Sorceress Sellen | Boc the Seamster | Goldmask | Brother Corhyn | Gloam-Eyed Queen | Knight Diallos | Sorcerer Rogier | Nepheli Loux | Nomadic Merchant | Mary | Amy | Polyanna | Maureen | Finger Reader Enia | Black Knife Tiche | Finger Maiden Therolina | Lionel the Lionhearted | Thops | Knight Bernahl | Smithing Master Hewg | Lhutel the Headless | Dung Eater | St. Trina | Banished Knight Oleg | Thiollier | Needle Knight Leda | Count Ymir Mother of Fingers | Swordhand of Night Jolan | Pureblood Knight Ansbach | Redmane Freyja | Sweetings | Sir Moore | Hornsent | Dryleaf Dane | Drake Warrior Igon | Dragon Communion Priestess | Jar Saint | Outer Gods
Bosses Malenia Blade of Miquella/Malenia Goddess of Rot | Praetor Rykard/Rykard Lord of Blasphemy | General Radahn/Starscourge Radahn/Leonard | Radagon of the Golden Order | Red Wolf of Radagon | Rennala Queen of the Full Moon | Maliketh the Black Blade | Morgott the Omen King | Mohg Lord of Blood | Godfrey First Elden Lord | Godrick the Grafted | Ancient Dragon Lansseax | Dragonlord Placidusax | Lichdragon Fortissax | Astel Naturalborn of the Void | Elden Beast | Sir Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing | Fire Giant | Black Knife Assassin | Regal Ancestor Spirit | Crucible Knight | Crucible Knight Siluria | Crucible Knight Ordovis | Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast | Erdtree Burial Watchdog | Loretta Knight of the Haligtree | Glintstone Dragon Adula | Night's Cavalry/Funeral Steed | Godskin Noble | Godskin Apostle | Abductor Virgin | Tree Sentinel | Roundtable Knight Vyke | Godefroy the Grafted | Commander O'Neil | Elemer of the Briar |  Bloodhound Knight Darriwil | Messmer the Impaler | Rellana Twin Moon Knight | Curseblade Labirith | Romina Saint of the Bud | Divine Beast Dancing Lion | Midra Lord of Frenzied Flame | Bayle the Dread | Golden Hippopotamus | Putrescent Knight | Ancient Dragon-Man | Commander Gaius
Enemies Giant Crayfish | Serpent Snail | Festering Fingerprint Vyke | Vargram the Raging Wolf | Juno Hoslow Knight of Blood | Moongrum Carian Knight | Mad Tongue Alberich | Eleonora Violet Bloody Finger | Silver Sphere | Banished Knight | Preceptor Miriam | Night Maiden | Nox Swordstress | Bloody Finger Okina | Kaiden Sellsword | Celebrant | Fingercreeper | Maleigh Marais Shaded Castle Castellan | Fire Prelate | Nameless White Mask | Inquisitor Ghiza | Chanting Winged Dame | Man-Serpent | Swordhand of Night Anna | Spirit Eel | Thorn Sorcerer | Monstrous Crow | Aging Untouchable
Groups/Ships Omen Brothers | Carian Siblings | Twin Empyreans | Godskin Duo | Rykard x Tanith | Marika x Radagon | Radagon x Rennala | Marika x Rennala | Mohg x Miquella | Malenia x Finlay | Messmer x Rellana
ER Trivia | ER Meta | This Sheep
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destiny-islanders · 8 years ago
FFXV x KH Headcanons That I Have But Probably Won’t Doodle Part 2
Sora is completely unfazed when he gets inflicted with the Toad curse mid-battle. Kid’s been a toy, a merman, and an actual lion. He has SEEN THINGS.
He can talk while he’s a frog, too. None of the chocobros can. Just Sora.
Sora names his chocobo Highwind
They are best friends
Sora can never beat Prompto in a chocobo race though and it really PISSES HIM OFF
No, Aranea, he named the chocobo Highwind long before he ever met you! The name has sentimental value, okay?!
Ignis making hot chocolate for Sora so he’ll have a hot drink in the morning even though he doesn’t like coffee
Sora gets GRIEVOUSLY INJURED by a baby chickatrice and he feels SO BETRAYED because it was so cute and fluffy why was it so MEAN?!?!?!? D:
After Sora’s patched up, the others just can’t help teasing him about it. They lay off when they see how spooked he gets every time they fight chickatrices and cockatrices. :(
Sora is the only one in the party who will never get bored of watching Noctis fish. He loves fishing. Noctis totally lets him have a turn.
Don’t tell Gladio.
Sora and Talcott are close. He’s one of the first people Talcott opens up to after Jared is killed
He does not get why Talcott likes cactuars so much, though. He’s been 1000 Needle’d way too many times to even entertain the idea that they’re cool. They are decidedly Uncool. But he doesn’t let Talcott know that.
Sora is terrified when Noctis summons Ramuh for the first time. He is terrified but 100% ready to fight Ramuh when he snatches Noctis up
Gladio has to grab him to stop him from going after Ramuh. You got a death wish, kid????
Angst Corner:
(Xehanort has been defeated in this AU so there is no immediate threat to the world order. So there are no pressing emergencies that need Sora’s attention while he is in Eos.)
Donald and Goofy take the Gummi Ship to return to Disney Castle and report to the King. They plan to meet Sora in Altissa for Noctis’s wedding. They promise they’ll be back soon!
Chapter 9 happens.
The chocobros can’t wait around for Donald and Goofy to return.
Sora goes with them. He has to. He feels like a complete idiot for doing so, but he leaves a note in a bottle in the sea in the hopes that Donald and Goofy will find it upon returning to Eos. He can’t risk leaving a note lying around in the open for Niflheim to find.
Chapter 10 happens.
Sora is not a neutral party when Gladio and Noctis have their big fight on the train. This kid is all empathy and his heart hurts for Noctis. So he is FURIOUS with Gladio for how he treats Noctis when he is consumed with grief.
He tells Gladio to back off. Can’t he see Noctis is hurting?
Gladio tells him to stay out of it. This has nothing to do with him. It’s not his goddamned business.
This hurts Sora. A lot. Even after the party reconciles, Gladio’s words stay with him. There are some things you just can’t take back.
When Gladio pushes Prompto for trying to break up the fight
Oh boy
Sora sees RED
He lunges for Gladio. Would have gotten him, too. But Prompto stops him.
He is inconsolable when Prompto gets pushed off of the train!!!!!!!!
After Chapter 13
The darkness that spreads across Eos is so vast that nothing can penetrate it. Donald and Goofy can’t get close. Though they keep trying. FOR YEARS.
Sora becomes a hunter.
He helps train Talcott and other people in Lestallum to defend themselves.
It’s hard, when the chocobros go their separate ways, only to cross paths during certain hunts or supply runs. Sora’s never felt so lonely, even though he’s well-loved by the people of Lestallum, who hail him as a hero who helps to keep them all safe
He and Dino actually become pretty good friends? He goes on dangerous mining trips to get Dino the material he needs to craft accessories that will help boost the hunters’ defense and strength. Dino remembers a conversation he’d had with Sora a while ago and makes him a wayfinder out of imperfect jewels and tarnished silver to thank him for his hard work. Dino think’s it’s ugly and useless. But Sora cries.
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that Dino is presumed dead in the World of Ruin, since you can find his clothes in Galdin Quay. I am in denial about this so I want to pretend that didn’t happen and have my man Dino making bracelets in post-apocalyptic Lestallum.
In the ninth year of the long night, Sora contracts the Starscourge.
A certain man of no consequence, who was once called a daemonized healer, may be able to stall the spread of the infection, just until the True King is able to return…
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omgereri · 8 years ago
A LOT of Ereri/ Riren Fanfictions
Varrying between one/two shots, canon au’s, modern au’s, all kinds of au’s, mostly multichapter with THOUSANDS of words of sin and fluff~ (WARNING: Some may be unfinished but none are abandoned (or at least don’t say they’re abandoned :/ ))
Most Recommended:
006 - FUCKINGMANIFESTATION (orphan_account)
3 A.M. - loveatfirstsight
A Forged Wedding - mistyhollowdrummer
By the Light of the Moon - kirakiracats
Counting Sheep - Icandigelvis
Crosshairs - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Dark Waters - Corporal_Levi_cleans_my_house
Demons and Darkness - sciencefictioness
Extra Pepperoni - hikarimitsuko
For Your Entertainment - SailorHeichou
Freedom of the Press - kylar
Hands Clean - Ashke (Orphan account)
Haute Couture Love - SailorHeichou
I Heard You Talking - screwtodayimsleeping
I'll Sing You Pretty Sounds - Sereiin
Junkyard Dogs - acidtowns
Just Another Werewolf AU - YatoJaeger
Kitty Dear - PrussiaMafia
Kitty Heichou - EreriLovesMiyano
Kitty Love - Ambrxiary
Last One Gone- Levi/Eren- Dark AU - Hopeless_Fangirl25
Leave Your Lover - SailorHeichou
Levi's Whore House - hidansbabe530
Lips Like Sugar - TheSpazzBot
Lost Cause - mistyhollowdrummer
Monster - loveatfirstsight
Our Cryptic Love - Dressed_In_Darkness
Pinkie Promise - annoyedraccoon
Placing Faith - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Play You Like A Fiddle - sciencefictioness
Red Heat - sciencefictioness
Room 105 - nelleri
Save Me From The Monster Within - Littleanimenerd
Saving the Spade - SimplyTsundere
Shattered Façade - kylar
Sorry - RubyGlass
Steered Straight - kylar
Stowaway - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Street Brat - Monsoon
Sugar on Top - luna_trancy
The 6th Ward - coldmakerel
Tale of Two Tails - hidansbabe530
Teenage Dream - miss_faces
The Abyss - RinKim
The burden of Trust - Hitsumei
The Intern - Lutte
The Little Tian Cafe - pocketsizedtitan
The October Story - angstwithtea
The Old Boat House - Icandigelvis
The PBC - hidansbabe530
The Strange and the Usual - lalazee
The Thug - Dressed_In_Darkness
The Wolf and The Bat - hidansbabe530
Wanderlust - Sabrinanikkol
Wake Up - emiza
What's Eating You? - TheSpazzBot
What's New, Pussycat? - Lucyndareads
Woke up Dead - PresquePommes
Your love is a menace - Unseeliesidh
Your Royal Highness - kipnotize
Animal Instinct - PlayingChello
Multichapter AU’s:
(Do Not) Stand In The Shadow - elimak
006 - FUCKINGMANIFESTATION (orphan_account)
25 Days - NanamiYukari
3 A.M. - loveatfirstsight
A Forged Wedding - mistyhollowdrummer
A Forming Plot - harehi
A Little Less Dead - MildlyMoonstruck
A Matter of Perspective - KuroKitty (HaleYes)
Art of War - catsonfire
A Sound Like Breaking Glass - mongoose_bite
A Tutor Called Life - Ashala, NDainty
Augenfresser - foxicology
A Wolf in Armani - HipsterHobbit
An Unlikely Alliance - Monsoon
Angel In Glasses - YaoiQueen
Angel on the Field - Isthisdestiny
Anime Nerd: Confessions of a Weaboo - CloudFlower
A Pirate’s Life for Us - BerryTarts
Attention (Eren x Levi) - CuteKitty013
Back to you, with warmth & cups of coke & vodka. - S_Ackerman
Bad Choices - Ashratherose
Be Good for Me - TheSpazzBot
Be Mine - Too_Hentai_For_Life
Beg for more - 123Brooksie
Behind the Walls - CorporalLevisLittleLady
Blood Rites - KaedeRavensdale
Bluegreen Summer - miss_faces
Both Sides of the Same Coin - Daktasinsanity
By the Light of the Moon - kirakiracats
Call My Name - himawarinee
Campus and Complication - ichigoangel
Charnelle - madchilla
Chasing Summer - Dressed_In_Darkness
Choosing the Soulmate. - Unseeliesidh
City of Giants - mongoose_bite
Clarity - MystiTrinqua
Click on my Heart - CocoaChoux
Club Tryst - ScarlettSiren
Coded - Snk / Aot Ereri AU - LanceCorporalGermaphobe
Colorblind - SighofFear (SighofFeat)
Concerto in D Minor - kylar
Control - iisintrovert
Counting Sheep - Icandigelvis
Courting Troubles - Bird_of_Dreams
Crash Into Me - Yumislover99
Crosshairs - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Daddy's Little Prince - xLindziex
Dark Waters - Corporal_Levi_cleans_my_house
Daycare Daddy - careforsometeaeren
Daydreaming - myowninvention
Deal With It - Corporal_Levi_cleans_my_house
Dear Ex-Brother - Winter_of_tomorrow
Delivery - FandomSprout69
Degrees of Innocence - freckledsatan
Demons and Darkness - sciencefictioness
Descent - angrytitanboy
Different Christmas - Sejiez
Disobey Me - NaruCosplay
don't drown in the sea (stay with me) - Take_Me_To_My_Fragile_Dreams
Don't Let Go - twisting_vine_x
Don't Let Your Guard Down - Anime_or_scifi
Don't Look Over Your Shoulder - Heichous_Poncho
Don't Reach For The Moon - SailorHeichou
Down the Hall - Pas_dAutres
Editing my Suicide Note - orphan_account
Embrace the Darkness - Syao
Emotional Osmosis - SolSermisiere
Empire's Twilight - KaedeRavensdale
Experimenting with Miracles - AriaofYlisse, GhostiesandGhoulies
Extra Pepperoni - hikarimitsuko
Fallen Star - Monsoon
Fast Cars & Freedom - SimplyTsundere
Fight or Flight - DeathSymphony
Finding Myself In Space - Kid_Brilliant
Fireside - twisting_vine_x
For Your Entertainment - SailorHeichou
Freedom of the Press - kylar
Freedom of Trost - bri607
Frozen Hearts - the_thug_Levi
Fuck Me Without Ceremony - MaggieMarr
Fuck: My Life - mongoose_bite
Fucking blue-slash-green - motoroilfreeway
Ghouls, Masks, and Lots of Confusion - DarkDemon, TheShippingGhost
Giving Up the Ghost - zhedang
Green-Red - 123Brooksie
Hands Clean - Ashke (Orphan account)
Haute Couture Love - SailorHeichou
He not She - tatakai
Head Sick - compulsivegrin
Heart Sanctuary - himawarinee
Heat Week - haganenoheichou (bondageluvr)
Heavydirtysoul - Sereiin
Hitched & Ditched - SimplyTsundere
Holding Hands in the Rain - twisting_vine_x
Hormonal Imbalance - Ellisaed
Hot Damn - MysteriouslySurreal
I Heard You Talking - screwtodayimsleeping
I Will Change - UnitedFandoms
I'll Sing You Pretty Sounds - Sereiin
I'll Wait - Nightfade16
I'm The Definition of Flamboyant - ShakespeareStoop
If the Seas Catch Fire - RobinRedR
In Shades Of Gold - sciencefictioness
It's Fine - erentitanjaeger
Je Suis Amoureux de Toi - Snowberry
Joyriding - FraBee
Junkyard Dogs - acidtowns
Just Another Werewolf AU - YatoJaeger
Keep Your Distance - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Kidnapping the Heart - Rus_Am9000
Kitty Dear - PrussiaMafia
Kitty Heichou - EreriLovesMiyano
Kitty Love - Ambrxiary
Last One Gone- Levi/Eren- Dark AU - Hopeless_Fangirl25
Learning To Love - Lill5680
Leave Your Lover - SailorHeichou
Legends of Mermaids - RaphaelHeartrose
Levi Ackerman: Wolf Hunter - Jaegarbombastic
Levi's Whore House - hidansbabe530
Light in the Dark - sugarplumsenpai
Limerence - LanceCorporalGermaphobe
Lips Like Sugar - TheSpazzBot
Lost Cause - mistyhollowdrummer
Lost Fire - StrangeScenes
Louder Than Words - TheArtofWar
Love at First Sneeze - queenofrulers, Thy_Undertaker
Love Don't Cost A Thing - RainDancer
Love Like Flowers - rivaillin
Layal To You, My Prince - Eren_Mc_Swaggy_Pants
Ma Reine - ShakespeareStoop
Mad Men - warschach
Make You Feel My Love - StarChaser93
Maria University - alw0021
Melody of the Heart - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Metamorphosis - Dressed_In_Darkness
Metanoia - KaedeRavensdale
Methylene Blue - A26
Mine - CaptainoftheRirenShip
Mine - XoxStrifexoX
Miscalculations - bodtlings
Mister R - QueenieTheFangirl
Monster - loveatfirstsight
Must Love Cats - The_Hunter_Eren
My Best Friend's Brother - RileyRiot
My Old Friend - mongoose_bite
My Soul To Take - toxzen
Neither Tarnished Nor Afraid - mongoose_bite
Never Back Down - warschach
No Sugar - Monsoon
Odi Et Amo (Hate And Love) - rivaillin
Offer Your Heart - LaurelNymph
One Hundred Ways - OrangeJuiceHP
Only One Kiss - KuraKuro
Our Cryptic Love - Dressed_In_Darkness
Our Eyes - Isyadelee
Parallels - 123Brooksie
Pardon the Mess - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Perspective - shittyfoureyes
Phantom - LadyAckerman
Pine And You'll Recieve - thewinterangel
Pinkie Promise - annoyedraccoon
Placing Faith - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Play You Like A Fiddle - sciencefictioness
Poetry In Motion (Ereri AU) - MultifandomMemer
Precious Gift - julieofthewatertribe
Prince Eren - powblam
Prince Type - lillyisbunny
Prison Walk - HavrilHirtop
Promise - Froliczxc
Protege-Moi - tscwrites (tsc)
Purge - attackonheichou
Rebellious Nobodies - PrincessSmuttButt
Recollection - infinitysurvivor
Red Heat - sciencefictioness
Repressed - hikarimitsuko
Room 105 - nelleri
Rose Petals - 123Brooksie
Rule of Rivaille - Nowl
Save Me - NicoleEdxAl
Save Me From The Monster Within - Littleanimenerd
Saving the Spade - SimplyTsundere
Searching For Meaning - xxDeja_Uchihaxx
Seeking Shelter - BeTrueBeYou96
Shadows Comes the Light (OLD) - Sphynx
Shattered Façade - kylar
Sixty Degrees - JayAckerman
Snow and Silence - elliemoran
Snow White and the Huntsman - renindustria
Social Gatherings Give Me Panic Attacks - Night_Ray
Something New and Something Old - methuselahsattemptatlife
Somewhere I can Belong - nightwriterkohaku
Sorry - RubyGlass
Spark - TriP9282
Spit it out - Tomomi
Steered Straight - kylar
Stop being cute, you brat. - shihagami
Stowaway - OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Street Brat - Monsoon
Sugar on Top - luna_trancy
Sugar, We're Going Down - toxzen
Sweep Me Off My Feet - LaurelNymph
Sword Art Online - erentitanjaeger
The 6th Ward - coldmakerel
Tale of Two Tails - hidansbabe530
Talking Body (Ereri/Riren) Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin - FandomTrashFTW
Tasting Happiness - kipnotize
Teal Eyed Boy - Mishkali
Tears of a Demon - Song_of_the_Black_Wolf
Teenage Dream - miss_faces
Tell Me That You Still Want Me Here - fmaloser
The Abyss - RinKim
The Apostate and the Deserter - KaedeRavensdale
The Best of Intentions - ReluctantHero
The Blacklist - captainererishipper
The burden of Trust - Hitsumei
The Change You Wish to See - mistyhollowdrummer
The Crown [Ereri] - shingeki_no_locker
The Customer is Almost Always Wrong - kiokushitaka
The Devil's Hands Make Light Work - twisted_fiction
The Echo of a Gunshot - MrsMaster
The Exchange Student - CeceRogue
The Fan and The Actor - JaJAeger
The Haunting - defenderofjustice707
The Intern - Lutte
The Junjou Romantica Crossover - orphan_account
The Little Tian Cafe - pocketsizedtitan
The love resort - Unseeliesidh
The Mate Trilogy - Code_Queen
The Music Room - PorcelainRose
The October Story - angstwithtea
The Old Boat House - Icandigelvis
The only time I feel good falling is when I'm falling fast and hard for you - SailorHeichou
The PBC - hidansbabe530
The Prince and the Guide - ThatEreriGirl
The Prince Bride - Liona
The Reason Why I Smile - KuroKitty (HaleYes)
The Secrets We Keep - Shiroi1062
The Strange and the Usual - lalazee
The Talk - WhiteSilverandMercury
The Tearoom - sugarplumsenpai
The Thug - Dressed_In_Darkness
The Titan Host Club - amisimple
The Way We Were - Addinavi
The Wolf and The Bat - hidansbabe530
The Wolf and the Mountain - bfketh
The World Without Walls - PresquePommes
These Weren't Memories - mongoose_bite
Threads of a Fairy Tale - luna_trancy
To Kill With No Regrets - SinfulAvenue
To Trust an Alpha Wolf (Is in Itself an Act of Madness) - Icecat45
Turquoise Waterfall - halfbakedeb
Typo - speedybeams, undercovermoffat
Undercover Lover - SimplyTsundere
Wanderlust - Sabrinanikkol
Watashi No Shugo Tenshi (My Guardian Angel) - EreriLovesMiyano
Wake Up - emiza
What Could Happen? - ReluctantHero
What's Eating You? - TheSpazzBot
What's New, Pussycat? - Lucyndareads
Web of Lies {On Haitus} - StormEnchanter
White Wings - Firanna
Woke up Dead - PresquePommes
Wonderful Things - LaurelNymph
You Are (Not) My Rebound - chaosmajikstar
You Do Now! - BumbleFree
Your love is a menace - Unseeliesidh
Your Royal Highness - kipnotize
Oneshots Specifically:
A life of lies - Ashratherose
Animal Instinct - PlayingChello
En Pointe - Seleniax
Good Kitten (Work) - melon_mango
Happy Endings - shulkie
How to Breathe - jjibunrock
Keep Quiet - iisintrovert
Never Again - plasticmarshmallows
Oceans Away - SammActuallyHatesYou, YouCisgenderFuckbucket
Reconciliation ain't an apple far from the tree - joouheika
Recommended Authors:
SimplySeirin (SimplyTsundere)
I own absolutely none of these fics by the way! [Except one... ;)] GIVE THESE AUTHORS AND FICS THE LOVE THEY DESERVE
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