getlayd · 4 years
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‘my members’ - yixing showing his lockscreen photo which is of his members to everyone and talking about them fondly ;-;
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zyx · 4 years
the lyrics ....... he really said fuck u @ haters
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callmexingbie · 4 years
he really gave every staff a milk tea...
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milk tea says ‘thank you for taking care of me’ yixing pls 🥺
also thanking for this season of the show.
text message says: milk tea bought by yixing
reply: ahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaahha
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choicearmystay · 4 years
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omgohsehun · 4 years
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Lay on CZR2 ♥️
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heymeowmao · 4 years
I’m Singer-Songwriter (CZR2) | Zhang Yixing - Joker
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princesssuperspy · 4 years
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They were saying he didn’t get jokes as fast as everyone else 😂😂
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exo-chinaline · 4 years
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betterin365days · 4 years
烈火战马 - GAI (Live on “CZR 2” 《我是唱作人2 》)
I love the song when i first heard it. At first it was catchy, later I found the lyrics to be profoundly emotional. It had the vibes of a song that is fitting for a war scene, it lit a spark when I heard the part (敌人却还嫌不够 妄想从我身上跨去 / But the enemies were not satisfied, (and were) deluded that they can step over my body) and the rest of the song spurs my burning spirit. I got curious and tried to find out if anyone had analysed/translated the lyrics. Upon digging, I found that many people are making inferences from the lyrics (e.g. 血染樱花烟云里 / blood stains the cherry blossoms that disappear apace in the air) that it’s a song regarding the COVID-19 situation. I guess it’s probably obvious to a certain extent since I watched a reaction video on this and the person made the same assumption after listening the first 8 lines of the song. I found a fan edited video that made me cry alot so i’m just going to share it here. I decided to keep the lyrics after the cut and maybe one day when I am satisfied with my understanding of the song, do a further analysis. Overall i feel that GAI did a good job writing the song and the lyrics. <3<3<3<3<3
词:GAI周延 曲:GAI周延 编曲:宋阳/老道 音乐总监:谭伊哲@TYZ 制作人:老道 混音:林梦洋 TYZ乐队: TYZ乐队队长/吉他:黄竣琮@TYZ TYZ音乐统筹:修卓辰@TYZ 吉他:孙闻楠 贝斯:张梦斌 鼓:褚伟明 键盘:杨猛/郑皓荣 和声:梁古驰/刘芮嘉/王思斯 Program:齐文涛 弦乐:靳海音®弦乐团 中国鼓:张毅 经纪公司:种梦传媒 唱片公司:能量悦动
English lyrics were taken from the official video released by iQIYI and do not necessarily correspond directly with the Chinese words used.
回想七尺风雪中归去 / The hero dies in the snow 遥遥数月似无期 / Months seem like forever 血染樱花烟云里 / Blood stains in the years 恰似无声的伏笔 / Like a silent foreshadowing 万众一心烽烟起 / All the people of one mind in the war 若卒魂要归故里 / Dead soldiers have to return 思念明月落水底 / Missing like a moon in the water 儿女英雄为知己 / Heroes are for the confidant
醒来之时 刻下一世 / Awake a long time later 周遭已创伤遍地 / All dead and injured around 黎明之后 眼浸污垢 / Cry all night with tear stains left 脊梁柱化为灰烬 / All supports disappear 敌人却还嫌不够 / Enemies are not satisfied 妄想从我身上跨去 / With the attempt of cross over my body 怎能再忍让 Why bear? 我心滚烫 岂容尔等造句 / I am passionate. No way for you to do that 搭肩在夕阳里 马蹄声踏水影 / Walk together in the setting sun with horse clops entering the water 壮士随��不为瓦全从未想过有归期 / Heroic men go to the battlefield for peace without thinking of returning 战火当中洗礼 孑然一身的勇气 / Take the test in the wars with enough courage 眼看枯叶结霜 / The dead leaves will frost 茫茫荒原野冢正遍地 / and tombs can be seen everywhere in the vast wasteland 战争号角已吹响 / The trumpets of war have sounded 思念硝烟中飞扬 / (Longing) Missing disappears in the flames of war 仅剩劳累的臂膀 / Only left (with) the tired arms 抵住最后的城墙 /  (Defend) Resist the last rampart 向苍天洒下最后的烈酒 / Pour the final alcohol to the sky 遥望残败的渡口 / Looking into the dilapidated ferry 保家卫国绝不俯首 / Defend the country with head never lowered 定当永垂不朽 / To be immortal
回想七尺风雪中归去 / The hero dies in the snow 遥遥数月似无期 / Months seem like forever 血染樱花烟云里 / Blood stains in the years 恰似无声的伏笔 / Like a silent foreshadowing 万众一心烽烟起 / All the people of one mind in the war 若卒魂要归故里 / Dead soldiers have to return 思念明月落水底 / Missing like a moon in the water 英雄儿女为知己 / Heroes are for the confidant
伤口已坠入到喉头 / Get Injured seriously 不容我片刻的踌躇 / I have no time to hesitate 还需拨开多少迷雾 / How many mists still left 剩下了多少的脊柱 / How many men still left 越是乌云密布 吾辈越单刀直入 / We have to go directly when its full of difficulties 功名利禄 无需在乎 / No care about fame and gain 勿忘国难后人记住 / Never forget the country’s difficulties 同泽已故逆行处 / Brother have died 难斩却心头恨无助 / Just feel helpless 呼风饮露劫难度 / It’s hard to spend the time 滚滚长江踏万里路 / it’s a long way being passed 戎马一生 保家卫国 / Defend the country with the entire life 千秋万代 每个惊蛰 / Every year during awakening of insects 横刀立马 驰骋疆场 / Dash about in the battlefields 妄想触碰山河 / No enemy dares to destroy the country 上马龙 下马虎 披荆又斩棘 / As strong as dragons and tigers 头顶天 踩黄土 挥动我大旗 / Fighting bravely to protect the flag
回想七尺风雪中归去 / The hero dies in the snow 遥遥数月似无期 / Months seem like forever 血染樱花烟云里 / Blood stains in the years 恰似无声的伏笔 / Like a silent foreshadowing 万众一心烽烟起 / All the people of one mind in the war 若卒魂要归故里 / Dead soldiers have to return 思念明月落水底 / Missing like a moon in the water 儿女英雄为知己 / Heroes are for the confidant
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getlayd · 4 years
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chest 😳
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zyx · 4 years
yixing’s so shhdjeifjdnd
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callmexingbie · 4 years
are we getting Xiangjiang River in the new album...
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choicearmystay · 4 years
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dailyexo · 4 years
Lay - 210203 Lay Zhang Studio Twitter update: "2 MORE DAYS until #PRODUCER is out! We are excited to hear the studio version of @layzhang’s songs from #CZR2! #producerlayzhang"
Credit: Lay Zhang Studio.
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princesssuperspy · 4 years
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exo-chinaline · 4 years
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