cynwriggles · 1 year
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Sleeping the heat away
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ivyprism · 1 year
You complete me (Half of a Heart UT Papyrus x Reader)
Established Relationship.
Warnings: Mentions of dying young, half of HP, half of a heart, hehehoo, healing, etc.
"You complete me," Cynwrig said, pressing his face into your hair. As he nuzzles your head, you chuckle.
"You're always saying that." You tease him while you kiss him. Cynwrig smiles and takes your hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing it.
"Because I really mean it…" Cynwrig softly grinned as he snuggled closer to you. As he runs his fingers through your hair, you laugh. He was extremely gentle in doing so. You close your eyes and hum. "You complete my heart…" He leans in closer to you, whispering. You shut your eyes as he hums softly.
"Calon…" Cynwrig called. You turned to face him as he drew you close and kissed you on the lips. As he pulls away, you blink.
"Did you have another difficult day? I told you not to over-exert yourself…" You mumble. He nods, slightly embarrassed. You notice his white eye is a soft orange color. "Woah!" You exhale, and he jumps.
"What? What?!" He looks around diligently. You take his face in your hands and blink.
"Your eye!" When you call, he blinks in confusion. He touches the edge with his hand.
"What?" When he asks, you pull him closer again.
"It's turned a light orange now!" You respond, and he appears perplexed, so you show him your phone. His eyes widen as he examines it more closely. He stares for a few moments before tears fall down his cheeks. "Ah- Cynwrig??" You inquire but are immediately drawn into a close hug. You can feel your heart beating and hear his racing. "Is something wrong?" You ask as you hug him back.
"No, everything is… perfect," Cynwrig says softly as he pulls you in closer. "Calon, you complete me…" Cynwrig kisses your temple tenderly. When he says that, you remember the conversation you had before.
"I only have half of a heart, Calon…" He'd told you, and you immediately knew what he meant. He was one of the people with only half a SOUL, which means he may die at any time and has a dangerously low HP. It broke your heart, but when you hear him say, "You complete me," you understand you're the one who is reuniting him with the missing piece of his SOUL.
"And you complete me, Cynwrig..." You whisper as you hold him closer. You loved him and little by little, his SOUL was being completed.
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal
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ratnukegenius · 2 years
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[ ID: a head-and-shoulders drawing of a humanoid character on a dark blue background. he has short, light brown hair that covers his eyes, striped orange horns that form a 'Y' shape, light skin with a round brown nose, pointed ears with brown interiors, and a brown tongue. he's wearing golden shoulder pads with tassels, a button-up light blue shirt, and a silvery cravat. the rest of his body blends into the dark blue background, with his arms and shoulders only outlined in a darker blue. end ID. ]
you are NOT immune to thinking about ttrpg characters from games that ended half a decade ago!!!
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faolan-red-eagle · 1 year
For Ru please? 5, 7, 8, 9, 16, 18, 28, 34 and 40? :3
5. What were they doing before their adventure began?
Mans was literally just Going Out lmao he was intending to go to Bruma to trade some of the "bloodstone" (red jasper and agates) his clan had mined to Imperial merchants like he did every summer and then unfortunately he got nabbed at the border by Imperial soldiers, poor guy.
7. What non-combat skill do they excel at?
My beloved boy can sing! Very well! And also sewing. He tailors or mends his own clothes in his down time. (He can also do some super cool embroidery but that Takes A Lot out of him because he has nerve damage in his hands, so it's hard for him to do Fine Detail work for long stretches, but he can do it if he sets aside basically a whole day or two to do Just That and nothing else.)
8. What is their combat style?
Ru is an archer, so he tends to be a long-distance fighter for the most part but he dual wields a sword and dagger combo for melee fighting. He's also a lefty, which does give him a slight advantage in close quarters. As for style, though, I'm not sure what it would be called exactly but in melee he does tend to like. borrow some of the dance moves he knows and add them into his fighting. Mostly because Random Bandit #3 is not going to expect the guy with the sword to roundhouse kick him in the face :)
9. What skills do they fall short on?
This man CANNOT ride a horse. He is legitimately terrified of them and absolutely refuses to learn how to ride for a long time. Ruaidri is also severely dyslexic and is illiterate. (Yes, he has used the Jarl of Falkreath's fancy stationary as doodling paper and kindling before.) Ru also has trouble with identifying sarcasm, but I don't know if that a skill exactly.
16. Did they feel any sympathy with any villains they came into contact with? If so, who and why?
Ru definitely feels terrible for A Lot of Bad Guys, like Miraak, Ancano, Vyrthur, mostly because he has the attitude of You Are Clearly Mentally Ill and I Want To Help You.
18. What's their favorite armor?
Ooh, gotta be the Savior's Hide because it's a gift from his patron deity!
28. Are they an "explore everything in the area" type of person, or do they go "straight there and back"?
Ru is absolutely the Explore type, lol, man has ADHD and must Look At Everything, rip Lydia's blood pressure tho
34. What is their most preferred weapon type? (Ex: glass dagger, dwarven bow, etc.)
Ru prefers using his father's old bow, a dwarven sword he definitely didn't steal from Mercer, and a dragonbone dagger he crafted himself from Mirmulnir's bones.
40. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? If so, how many and what are they?
For the purposes of this question, I'm counting scarification as tattooing. Ru has five rings in his left ear and three in his right ear; one of the rings in his right is a kind of enchanted hearing aid because he's a bit deaf on that side. He has a nipple piercing as well but doesn't wear it often because it could get caught on stuff. Ru also has i think five tattoos? One's to commemorate his parents, one is a joke tattoo he got on a dare when he was 20, another one for his sisters, and the other two are a set of scarification tattoos to protect him and guide him on his quest as the dragonborn
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soulsxng · 1 year
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^ Bleddyn Llew Rhodri; knight-commander third class (Unseelie), Knight-commander second class (Current)
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^ Laisren Cynwrig Ris; knight-captain second class (Unseelie), Knight-commander third class (Current)
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thecorpseswallower · 1 month
IV. Excerpt III
A letter from Scribe Isibéal Hickey in Jambudvīpa, addressed to Chancellor Ívarr of Scholomance:
Scholomance Archive floor 40. Found in the late Chancellor's desk and contributed by acting Chancellor Cathal Ivars. Dated 4458.
When last I wrote, I believe I spoke of the pregnant woman Varsha Anand. She has since brought forth a son and named him Prashant. As the babe’s tongue has not yet learned to speak his Words, it is not clear if he shares his mother’s natural talents— but regardless, he shall want for not at the academy. A fact which I have assured his frightful mother of time and again. I am sure that you will confirm such a promise upon our return, as well. Should young Prashant have the same proclivities towards Ka-magics as she, he shall make a fine Acolyte; and if not, well, any man may learn the Words through practice.
Now we must speak of sadder news. Esteemed Scholar Cynwrig Kee was taken by fever in the early hours of this morning. He had exhibited no signs of illness in the days prior. Our guide-woman claims that it was likely venom from a ‘mountain-killer’ spider. She described the creature as a bright yellow insect with a body no larger than a bead. Acolyte Marcella Donnelly discovered one such spider in Cynwrig’s bedshift as we were preparing the body for its last rites, and has moved it into a flask for further study. She has taken to naming it ‘damhán alla de maidhm nimh’— but such matters of formal nomenclature must wait until we can consult with the texts of Pangur Bán.
I write to you now from the village of Śākadvīpa, whereupon the banks, Cynwrig's remains were set aflame. The individuals here are most suspicious of us. Where Varsha’s people were all too eager to bring forth any who had even the smallest recollection of their Words— regardless of if they had any affect or not— the townspeople here eye us with the suspicions of prey among wolves. They keep their children hushed and hidden, and when one man spied Varsha and Prashant within the palanquin, he shouted something that our guide refused to translate.
I fear that we may not stay long in this village. These are proud and wealthy people, with little cause to trust us. They want not for food or beds, and believe that their mages are best taught through their own traditions. More of the usual fare, as I had expected. Marcella has informed me of one young girl in the village with the glint of fire in her eyes, and I should like to be gone before her inevitable immolation, lest we be blamed for it somehow.
There is one potential Acolyte here, however— an old man came to us seeking a remedy for his son, who floated himself to the ceiling of their home and could not find a way down. The man had tied his ankles to stakes in the earth, and I fear that we may have to do the same— or else lead him by a rope, and return to the Isle with him lashed to the mast of our ship. Whatever the case, such a sight will only help to harm our reputation if we travel further inland with the boy. I shall speak to him on the morrow, and should he find himself able to stand after my counselling, we will continue onwards. If not, I shall return to you with four new Acolytes, one babe, and a journal of runes that Varsha’s fellows so kindly donated through their performances. I suspect many of these Words to be joint- and lending-terms. Perhaps the linguists can puzzle them out better than I.
If only all were so generous with their Words, perhaps we would learn enough to speak the Gods-tongue as fluently as my guide speaks Common. Had she any Words of her own, I would have loved to bring her back with us. Alas, it is not to be.
Yours loyally,
-- Next ->
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irismono · 2 years
Aight, now to cover my original works that I'm working on.
I've got two main projects, one sci-fi and the other fantasy, I have other projects as well, but none developed enough that I'm willing to share.
No art yet for either of these btw, I can't draw the broad side of a barn, let alone a spaceship or a mounted warrior.
Project 1: Mechamlet
Very much a working title, the original pitch was "Hamlet, in Space, with Giant Robots." It very much is still that to some degree, though elements of Macbeth and a few other works have contributed to turning the plot into its own unique beast. It's now got two protagonists, a reasonably sized (read: not ludicrous) cast of side characters, and a more or less defined trajectory that should fit nicely as a quadrilogy.
Here's the current pitch:
Cynwrig "Rig" Cosmas is the second prince of a noble house that once held the crown of the galactic empire. Theophania "Tio" Verdandi is the last princess of a lost kingdom. Both are on the run from Imperial authorities, though for very different reasons. Lacking a kingdom, Tio lives as a Smuggler, while Rig... Rig may have just accidentally killed his own brother.
These two fugitive nobles will meet when Tio's guardian takes the runaway prince under his wing and brings him aboard the smuggling vessel Phlegethon. Hijinks ensue and heads clash as both royals are eager to keep their lineages secret, but are unwilling to act as anything but the other's superior. Meanwhile, enemies old and new threaten the outlaw crew's livelihood, and the jump drive has been acting a little too jumpy as of late.
Drama, action, excitement, and perhaps even romance unfold across the pages of [ack! Title!]. Will Rig and Tio come to understand each other? Will the Imperial Revenue Service catch on to the blatant tax evasion? Will the author think of a better question to put here? Will something explode?
Needs work, and more importantly needs to be actually written, but it's something I'm passionate about so I trust it will come together in time.
Aesthetically I've been looking at a lot of 80s and 90s stuff, particularly synthwave and Eurobeat. Anime is my main source for the Giant Robots. Vision of Escaflowne has some beautiful Mecha designs, as does Code Geass. I want to avoid the supermassive robot scale I think. It's cool, but I've never really felt comfortable with Gundam or Pacific Rim, and I'm definitely not writing Gurren Lagaan.
Project 2: Bullhelm
This title feels final imo. Though I might change it to "Bullhelm the Barbarian" or "Bullhelm the Brave" or something along those lines.
Bullhelm is the name of the protagonist of my resurrection of the Pulp Fantasy genre, an archaic artform that carried fantasy and even sci-fi in the era of magazine serials. Related most closely to the "Sword and Sorcery" genre of today, but perhaps better compared to Japanese series like "Vampire Hunter D", or the Redwall series, where each story can stand by itself, but together they form a detailed and vibrant illustration of a vast far away world.
Bullhelm will feature, alongside various, often changing companions, in a series of adventures set all across my fantasy world that I've put together. He'll smite evil, win great treasures, take a wound or two along the way, and learn much about whatever land he happens to be passing through.
But ye, that's my original stuff. Might toss out a poll in the next few days to figure out which of my fanfic projects to work on first.
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popfizzles · 5 years
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Commission for @cynwrig!
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askendermanmikado · 6 years
EnderThief: "You're back! It's nice to see a familiar face around! :D"
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… Bonus: 
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cynwriggles · 1 year
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My son
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ivyprism · 1 year
Masterlist 20
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
The Fallen Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Caged Bird AU (Info Dump)
The "Angelic" Villain (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fallen Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
OG Skelesonas Updated (Info Dump)
The Dragon's SOUL (OC Info Dump)
The Sun, The Moon, and The Eclipse (Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse Hs (Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse: The Parents (Info Dump)
The Band AU (Revamped)
The Queen of the Deep Seas (Info Dump)
Weapons (Angels Fall AU)
The Significance of Angel Hunters (Angels Fall AU)
Angel Hunters and Demon Slayer Skeleton Boys (Angels Fall AU)
The Cleric and the Warlock Sonas (Info Dump)
The Bard Sonas (Info Dump)
The Ranger, the Sorcerer, the Fighter, and the Rogue Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Artificer, the Monk, the Druid, and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Wizard and the Barbarian Sonas (Info Dump)
The Bard and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Spider Lily (Spidersona Info Dump)
Half of a Heart AU (UT AU Info Dump)
Half of a Heart Papyruses and Sanses (UT and UF AU Info Dump)
The Suffering Oblivion (Sona Info Dump)
The Outer Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Witch in the Woods and The Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old Swap AU: Rewritten Boys and a Sona (Info Dump)
Magic (Worldbuilding)
Main 16 Outfits: Redone (Outfits!)
The OG Skeleton Brothers: Redone (Outfits)
Mermaidsona (Info Dump)
The Puppeteer (Sona Info Dump)
The Puppeteer's Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
The Other Creations (Skelesona Info Dump)
A Few More Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Blossom (Pirate H Info Dump)
The Warlock Sans and the Cleric Papyrus (Info Dump)
Farm Boys (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Orchard Worker Sonas (Sona Info Dump)
Horrorswapfell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Heights part 1 (Many AUs)
Heights part 2 (Many AUs)
Heights Part 3 (Many AUs)
Heights Part 4 (Allureswap)
Allureswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Deer Monster and Half-Deer Monster Sona and Siblings (Info Dump)
Althaea (The Trapped Mermaid Sona)
The Void Travelers: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Heights Part 5 (The Void Travelers)
The Fallen Humans AU (Info Dump)
Bird of Passage thoughts (Creator Rambles: The Fallen Humans AU)
Stories Written:
A few Happy Moments (The Sea's Song Story)
Still Here (The Sea's Song Story)
The Queen of the Deep Sea (A short story AU)
The Queen (Hehehooo)
The Alluring Queen of the Deep Sea (Hehehooo)
The Captains' Dance (Hehehooo)
Needle and a Thread (Angels Fall AU)
Blood Spilt (Angels Fall AU)
I love you (Runyon x Reader)
I'll be your knight (Cathan x Reader)
You complete me (Cynwrig x Reader)
The Silence is Deafening (Sona Backstory)
The Bee and the Flower (H x Honeycomb)
C'mon, Captain~ (Blossom/H x Dusk: Pirate AU)
Blossom x Dusk: How they Met (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
The Truce (Outcode Story)
Aren't you tired of fighting? (Mermaid Pirate Hydrnagea: Not Csanon)
Soft headcanons (The Wandering SOULs Fell Sans)
A Caged Bird Info (Info dump)
A Caged Bird "no"s! (Info Dump)
Some Random Facts (Fallen Stars and Caged Bird Boys)
Some Facts (The Dying Stars Sans)
Angst Facts (The Dying Stars Sans)
Nickname (The Dying Stars Sans)
Angst Facts (Mafiafell Sans)
Soft Facts (Allurefell Sans)
Angst Facts (Underfell Sans)
Type? (The Caged Bird Skeletons)
Facts (The Caged Bird AU)
Ticklish? (The Caged Bird H)
Villain Underfell HCS (Stuff lmao)
Erorrotale Facts (info)
Best Dad with best dad jokes (UT Gaster)
Favorite creations? (The Puppeteer H)
Ianira Isn't Here? (The Creations)
Rejected Creations? (The Puppeteer and the Creations)
Opinions on each other? (Farmtale, Farmfell, and Farmswapl
Lolita fashion (yay multiple characters)
Chronically Ill SO (Many AUs)
Blossom x Dusk HCs Part 1 (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
Blossom x Dusk HCs Part 2 (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
Dalton Fun Facts (The Void Traveler Fell Sans)
How they met! (What if two humans fell AU: Various AUs)
The skeleton brothers (What if Two Humans Fell AU: Various AUS.)
Resets (What if Two Humans Fell AU: Various AUs)
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valvalentintin · 6 years
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Sorry for posting so rarely, but I'm working on another comic rn <:v It's pretty time consuming but in the meantime have @cynwrig 's draw this in your style
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faolan-red-eagle · 14 hours
Hiiiiiii qm I allowed 2 ask for all hte childhood oc asks for Ru my beloved bestest friend Ru :3 (if that is too many u can shrimply pick the ones u want to answer the most instead I just love this man)
ohohoho yes!!
What was your muse's personality like as a kid? How has it changed since then?
Ru was a very mischievous and curious child! He loved asking questions about everything he didn't understand, much to the annoyance of some of his minders growing up, haha. As an adult, he is still very curious and a mischief-maker, but he has learned to tone it down a bit and be more subtle about it.
Where did your muse grow up? What was their home like? Did they like where they grew up?
He grew up in several places! He was born in Markarth and lived there for the first five years of his life, then spent time as a nomadic refugee for eight years, before settling in and around Karthspire when he was a teenager. He loves living in Karthspire now, but will always feel a bit homesick for the Markarth he knew as a young child. In Markarth, his family lived in what is now the Thane's house, and in Karthspire they live in the cave system that surrounds the blood seal to Sky Haven Temple. (The "Forsworn camp" that is above Karthspire is actually just sentries guarding the real, much larger underground settlement and scaring away any would-be adventurers.)
What did your muse's family look like? Parents, grandparents? Big or small? Who was around the house when your muse was a kid?
Oh, Ruaidri had a big multigenerational family as a kid! He had three parents, five siblings, and a lot of aunts, uncles, and cousins, though only one grandparent (his second father's adopted mom, Ciara, who is a hagraven and spiritual leader of their clan. His mother's parents died before he was born, and his blood-father's parents are still around, but Ru has never met them because they are from a different, more isolated clan living in the Druadach mountains, though he does want to meet them someday.) Most of his family could be found in or near the house at different times of day on a regular basis.
How was your muse's relationship with their childhood guardians? Has it changed over time, and if so, how? Do they keep in touch?
Ru actually hardcore resented his uncle for a long time, blaming him for not being able to get more of their family to safety. As an adult, their relationship is getting better, as Ru learns to let go of that resentment, but it still a bit awkward. They do keep in touch and talk regularly, however, and they care greatly for each other despite their past strained relationship.
Does your muse have any siblings? What was their relationship like growing up? Is it any different now?
Ruaidri is technically the second youngest of six children, though after Ulfric's siege of Markarth he is the middle sibling of two surviving sisters. He was an absolute Menace to his older sister growing up, as well as almost smotheringly protective of his baby sister due to the trauma of losing most of his family. He learned to mellow out once his baby sister started to really come into her magic, however, and now is very happy to just be an annoying older brother to her, haha.
Did your muse have a best friend? Friends? Who did they hang out with as a kid? Are they still friends?
Ru has a few friends, most prominently Diarmuid, a journeyman wardcrafter, who remains a good friend. They had a friends-with-benefits relationship when they were teenagers, but have not rekindled that aspect of their relationship as adults.
Did your muse have any enemies? Playground rivalries? How did that turn out?
Ru was generally well-liked, and had only one "enemy" of sorts: Muiri, who used to fling mud at him when he didn't want to play potion-making with her anymore. He gets a kick out of re-meeting her when she's an apothecary's apprentice as an adult.
What did your muse do in their free time? How did they entertain themself as a kid?
He liked making "sculptures" out of river clay with the other kids, and also painted pebbles and bits tree bark.
What was your muse's education like? Did they go to school? Did they like it?
Reachfolk education is incredibly hands-on, and whoever has the time and resources to teach young children is expected to do so to the best of their ability. Ru loved learning new skills, and felt proud whenever he got a new skill right, as he was learning to contribute to and give back to his community. Ruaidri does not encounter a "traditional" classroom setting until he goes to the College of Winterhold, and generally hates that style of teaching. He starts bringing knitting or basket-weaving tools to classes so he has something to do with his hands, and it helps him feel that the learning is "productive".
What responsibilities did your muse have as a child? Chores? Babysitting? How good were they at fulfilling their responsibilities?
Ruaidri, like all Reach children, was expected to help out wherever he could, be that in babysitting the very young children, making baskets, fishing, gathering firewood, chopping vegetables for cooking, or foraging for medicinal herbs for the healers to use. He did very well at fulfilling his responsibilities, but had to be reminded he needed to rest, too, as he had a tendency to overwork himself at times.
What expectations were placed on your muse as a child? Who had those expectations for your muse? How did your muse feel about them?
The expectations placed on him were to give back to his community and assist his clanmembers in whatever ways they needed, and they were expected to assist him if he needed it. He has always felt very comforted by the knowledge that he can ask for assistance and expect it to be given, even if he sometimes struggles with asking for that help.
Did your muse go on any trips or vacations as a kid? Where did they go? How did they feel about traveling?
Most of Ru's traveling was while he was a refugee, and it was marked by fear and scarcity, so he did not like it very much. The last family trip he went on was when he was three years old, to visit an aunt in Karthwasten, but he does not remember this.
What did your muse want to be when they grew up? Did they have any childhood dreams, and have they achieved them?
As a child, Ru wanted to be a werewolf like his blood-father. (he thought it was So Cool that his dad could turn into a giant wolf whenever he wanted) He also wanted to be a master archer, like his second father. As an adult, Ru becomes a werebear, which helps him feel closer to his blood-father's memory, and is an exceptionally skilled archer. He is also a devotee of Hircine, in honor of his mother, who was a priestess of Hircine.
Who was a mentor or a hero to your muse as a kid? Why did your muse look up to them and what did your muse learn from them? How is that relationship now?
Ru's mentor growing up was a woman named Nathari, a Reachfolk Dunmer vateshran, who taught him archery and Reach history. He looked up to her for her historical knowledge, as she was present for many of the stories she told him, being an advanced 412 years old at the beginning of their mentorship when Ru was fifteen. (She also attempted to teach him magic, but the only magic Ru ever gained proficiency in was ice wall, warding and conjuring a bow.) He still has great respect for her, and treats her with the formality a vateshran is expected to be given.
What's one childhood memory that has stuck with your muse over the years? What's its significance to your muse now?
A childhood memory that has stuck with Ru is the last time he saw his parents, during the siege of Markarth, and was a deeply traumatic experience for him. As an adult, he still carries that trauma, but also has learned (with therapy) to stop feeling personally guilty for his parents' deaths, and has come to respect what their decisions to sacrifice themselves for their children means: that they were loved, all of them, fiercely, enough to be worth dying to defend.
If your muse could say one thing to their childhood self, what would they say? Would your muse want to meet their childhood self in the first place?
He would want to meet his childhood self, to tell him that he needs to put all that anger down, that he needs to let go of that guilt, because it will only end up hurting him (and his family) in the long run.
How is your muse with kids now? Do they want kids of their own? What lessons from their childhood would they pass on to the next generation?
Ru is very good with kids! He has one daughter so far, Lucia, who he adopted in Whiterun, but he wants to have lots of kids someday, to give them the kind of family he had when he was very young. (he ends up adopting most of the orphans in Honorhall and a few from various cities in Skryim, and his clan welcomes all of them happily) He would do his very best to instill a sense of compassion and community in all his children, teaching them everything he knows to the best of his ability, and working with them to find other teachers for the things he can't help with. He teaches his children the importance of knowing when to speak up for a friend, and when to trust them to fight on their merit. He teaches them how to communicate their feelings better than he did as a child, in hopes that they will not turn out as damaged as he did.
What's one thing that instantly transports your muse back to their childhood? Why?
The smell of rosemary and lavender reminds him of his mother's hugs, because it was the smell of incense in Hircine's shrine and it clung to her robes.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Laisren Cynwrig Ris (Oleander Angharad Fiachrae Mac Briar), life until current day, pt 2
Displacement didn't suit the once proud royal knight of the Unseelie, and as Laisren and Bleddyn spent what felt like ages on the run, it became more and more evident that the wounds that Laisren had sustained from the battle had lessened his ability by a fair amount. Though he could still pull his weight for the most part, Bleddyn was rather obviously the protector of the pair, while Laisren had frustratingly become the protected.
If they weren't on the move, Laisren was training. Trying to gain back the prowess that he had lost, even if it often left him exhausted. Despite Bleddyn urging him to slow down, to get his rest, and be more cautious, Laisren's focus remained laser focused on one thing, and one thing alone.
Power. The power to take revenge for what had been done to him.
Day by day though, he instead found himself becoming weaker and weaker. Bogged down by the exhaustion and overexertion that he'd inflicted upon himself.
It took Bleddyn getting hurt while protecting him (again.) for him to realize that this wasn't something that he could rush. That along with focus, he would need patience to see this through...and it was around that time, that the pair was found and taken in by the Tuatha Dé Danann of the Otherworlds.
To Bleddyn's relief, it seemed to do Laisren a world of good. The two became personal knights to the Tuatha Dé Danann early on, and this allowed Laisren a number of new and different things to take his mind away from the grief in his heart. Though he was (and still is) apprehensive, he was able to make friends that have lasted through their time in their new home. Learn about new things, and see new places. He found people that he admired and looked up to (worryingly to Bleddyn, it seemed that rulers and gods were typically the ones that would become the object of said admiration), and found some that he came to consider rivals, of sorts.
Slowly but surely, Laisren began to regain the shine that he'd had before. Even more-so than he had in the Unseelie, he was thriving.
Thought that doesn't mean that the pain is forgotten. Even if he's able to find enjoyment in things again, Laisren doubts that his true goal will ever change.
Little by little, step by step, he would get closer to achieving it. By any means necessary. He would get revenge for his family. And after everything that Bleddyn had done for him-- everything he had sacrificed-- Laisren couldn't let him do this for him, too. Bleddyn would never be allowed to give his life for Laisren, on top of it all.
If that means that he has to see things through by himself, then so be it.
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caktoz · 6 years
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Redrew one of the many good scenes from CHOCO-D  R2 in dreamcatcher Please watch it, its a lot of fun 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGcyiRbCOdw&t=569s So yea, style imitation and scene redraw, im tired now Ramond (c) @cynwrig John (c) @ Choocod
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knuspermaul · 6 years
I’m not really a community type neither celebrate pride month that much but I love the idea how --- @cynwrig --- did a icon for herself with a pride flag in the background so I asked her for one too and suddenly my one and only oc (besides aly j) comes up in my mind - changed her a bit and I’m glad to see her again ♥ so look at my icon and enjoy - thankya bromigo again for doin’ this stuff real quick!!! (look at her stuff too!)
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