#cynonari drabble
turtleboyo22 · 1 year
"Did you know that you have a tell?"
"A tell?"
"Yes, a tell. A crack in your poker face." Cyno rolled his eyes at the suggestion. "I'm the general Mahamatra, Tighnari, I cannot afford to have a tell."
"It's a tell specific to your TCG game," Tighnari's smile was barely visible as he peered over his deck, but the humour was clear in his eyes. "You're not funny," Cyno frowned. "I'm not trying to be, dear."
"Go on then," Cyno began after rolling his dice, "what is it?"
"What's what?" Tighnari hummed as he grabbed the dice for his own turn rolling. "My tell," Cyno said, placing down a strategize card. "And why would I tell you that? Tsk tsk Cyno, don't you know I want to win," Tighnari's taunting grin grew behind his cards. "You're the one who brought it up," Cyno huffed, playing a support card. “And you're the one with only one character left, I just wanted to let you know why,” Tighnari said, the teasing lilt of his voice forcing Cyno to glare.
“You haven't won yet,” Cyno grumbled as he attacked, dealing 3 damage to one of Tighnari's last two characters. “No,” Tighnari conceded, beginning his round by equipping a weapon, “but I'm about to.” Tighnari used his ultimate, leaving Cyno’s card with 1 health. “I hope you have some food cards, sweetheart,” Tighnari said, “though I know you don't.”
“You don't know that," Cyno said, eyebrows furrowed as he searched through his hand. “But I do. As previously mentioned, Cyno, you have a tell.”
All Cyno could do at this point was attack again, though the 2 damage it dealt did very little when both Tighnari's cards had consumed food cards. He barely managed to break one character’s shield. Tighnari forced out a yawn. “Done?” His mocking smile served only to further frustrate Cyno. The other man nodded.
“My turn, general,” Tighnari smiled, looking through his hand. Cyno groaned. “Why bother looking through your cards when you're obviously going to win now?” Cyno asked, shoulders and jaw tensed for defeat. “Because it's fun seeing how worked up you get,” Tighnari said, “you're a terribly sore loser, dear.” With that, Tighnari used a card to switch character without ending his turn, before equipping a bow and attacking.
As the final blow to Cyno's card- and his ego- was dealt, Tighnari's smile softened. "Your tell, my love, is non-existent. I was merely bluffing to throw you off your game," Tighnari stood up and, with a kiss to the other man's temple, left the flustered general to stew in his frustration at being so easily tricked.
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kamapon · 11 months
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Cyno charging after a long day ̷h̷u̷n̷t̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷d̷o̷w̷n̷ giving verdict on evildoers in the desert...
More stuff I sketched for P4tre0n ✨✨
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lovelynim · 1 year
Hiii!! Congrats for reaching 300 followers, you deserve them and even more 😸
If I'm not too late, I'd like to propose an idea for the drabble event with lee Tighnari and ler Cyno (as a romantic ship) 👉👈
It's set when they were both students at the Akademiya and they're working on a chemistry experiment together, but Cyno does something wrong and everything explodeds. No one gets injured but they're all covered by a red pigment so they have to shower. When they're done, Cyno notices that Tighnari is still sulking about the failed experiment and he thinks of a way to cheer him up
He points out that the fennec has some red pigment that wasn't washed away (obviously it's not true), and pokes Tighnari on that spot, then gives him another poke, and another, and another, until he starts tickling him for real until he forgets about the experiment
I'm sorry if the idea was too long or too detailed, if you don't choose to write it I won't mind at all 🥰 Felice anno nuovo 💚🤍❤️ (Happy new year)
Genshin Impact - Tighnari x Cyno
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A/N: Sooo, I know this was supposed to be for the Drabble Event, but the prompt was so well written that I felt I’d waste it if I only wrote a drabble… Then, here am I, humbly offering you this fic. Thank you so much for your kind words and support and I hope you like it!
Summary: After a failed experience, Cyno tries to find a way to make Tighnari smile again.
Word count: 1323 words
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Tighnari muttered something under his breath, using a towel to dry off his hair and ears, with some extra care on the latter. What a bad idea. The recently borrowed shirt was a little too big for the fennec fox, but it was the best Cyno could borrow him at that point. Tighnari was wearing an oversized shirt and shorts, with his legs and arms bare, a comfort clothing to spend the night at someone’s dorm. 
“Sorry, I don’t think I have anything smaller,” the other student pointed out, his voice coming from behind. With one hand over his hip, Cyno watched the other student from the door. With his chest bare a towel over his still-half-wet hair, he had only a pair of light trousers on. 
Tighnari turned his head back to the wall as soon as his eyes landed on Cyno, feeling the heat taking place at his face just from the sight. “A-ah, don’t worry about it, it’s fine,” he replied in a hurry, coughing to clean his throat. The other could see how the fennec’s ears lowered and his tail curled moments before he continued to talk.
“Also, I’m sorry for earlier,” he muttered with embarrassment in his voice, using his hand to hold his arm, “I should have helped you…”
A few hours ago, the two of them were experimenting with some flowers Tighnari picked the other day. Despite not knowing their exact nature, the two students were confident enough to start working with the plants, after all, it could be the start of a research that would greatly contribute to the Akademiya’s projects. 
Mashing a few petals, mixing them up, adding some liquid and pouring them together in a flask. In the worst case scenario, it should only be a waste of time… or, at least, they thought so. 
Being his major, Tighnari was the one conducting the whole experiment, studying how the components of the flower would react to different stimuli. And, at some point, he requested his laboratory assistant (and secret crush), Cyno, to pour the flask’s contents into a bowl with some powder they prepared earlier. 
The goal was to see what kind of effects a cream produced with said flower would have. However, what they didn’t expect was that the mixture started to foam. 
Confused by the results, it was then that the students realized their mistake: instead of the powder, Cyno had poured the liquid into a bowl with some kind of yeast that was supposed to go into a later step of their experiment. Then, in a matter of seconds, the foam became thicker, bubbles started to form and, before they could cover themselves, boom.
Despite the loud sound that left Tighnari stunned for a few seconds, the only thing harmed was their ego. The laboratory was a mess, their clothes were a mess and so was anything in a radius of a few meters from the bowl. To make things worse, the red pigment of the flower was covering the whole scene. Even the rooftop was tainted in that bright reddish tone. 
Because of their impeccable historics as students, their professor let them slide out of it with just a short scolding and a simple punishment: they would have to clean the laboratory. 
From the moment of the explosion to the moment when they finally managed to get the red stains out of the ceiling, Tighnari was dead silent. And Cyno could tell how upset he was just by that. He wouldn’t mind messing up this kind of thing, but making the fennec fox so frustrated was worse than having to walk around the Akademiya covered in a bright red color from head to toe. 
And that's why he knew he needed to do something about it.
Back to the present, Cyno was trying to come up with the right words, wanting to say something to ease his friend’s frustration.
“It’s me who should be apologizing, Nari,” he spoke softly, taking a deep breath to gather the courage he needed at that moment and stepping inside the room. “If I acted more carefully, your experiment would have turned out right.”
There was no answer. Tighnari just kept sulking in the corner of the bedroom, without even looking back. Alright, let’s try again, Cyno thought.
“A-and who cares about what the others say? I mean, who are they to even judge us for a single mistak-”
He stopped himself from finishing his sentence once he noticed it had zero effect. He needed a different approach. 
“Nari… well, ahm…”
“Yes?” Tighnari said in an emotionless tone, slightly turning his head to look at the other student. 
“I think… ah, yes, I think I saw some red spots on your arm!” He said, reaching out for Tighnari’s hand without a second thought, pulling the other towards his bed.
“W-what? I’m sure I washed them awahay- ahah, C-Cyno, what are you dohoing?” He asked between soft chuckles, twisting and turning around as the other kept pinching and poking his torso.
“I’m trying to get rid of them, stop moving!” Cyno smiled, pushing Tighnari closer and closer to the mattress.
“T-this is a clean shihirt, how ahare yo- WAAH!” The fennec gasped in surprise when he was cornered against the bed, falling on his back on top of it. 
Once he had the other laid down, Cyno wasted no time and sat on his lap, sneaking his hands inside the large shirt, scribbling over the fox’s sides and stomach. “Let me help you, Nari ~” 
Tighnari could swear he saw Cyno grinning, but he wasn’t sure. As soon as his crush’s hands made contact with his bare skin, the only thing he could do was to throw his head back and press his eyes shut, as if it would somehow ease the feeling.
“NoHOHoho, C-Cyno plehehEASEHE!” Tighnari pleaded while trying to push Cyno away, placing both his hands on the other’s shoulders, hoping to defend himself against the tickling.
“Please? You don’t even need to ask twice, Nari… It’s my pleasure to help you,” Cyno grinned, feeling how the other’s legs kicked the air behind him. “I think there is a stain right heeere,” he teased, vibrating his finger against one of Tighnari’s ribs.
“AHAhaha, y-yohou aAHare n-not hehehelping! CoHOhohme on!”
“Then, Nari, what am I doing, hm?” Cyno muttered, letting his hands travel as they pleased inside Tighnari’s shirt, exploring each inch of bare skin they could find and drawing the sweetest laughter he ever heard out of the fox with each touch.
Cornering Tighnari against the mattress, Cyno leaned closer to his face. The fennec fox had his arms clasped down against his sides, with his hands clenched into fists resting over his chest and, for Cyno, that was the perfect position to trap him.
Keeping a light tickling over his hips and lower sides, Cyno kissed the other’s forehead, making Tighnari wide his eyes in surprise.
“Don’t blame yourself for that experiment, ok? You have a really pretty smile, Nari, don’t waste it frowning like that,” Cyno said fondly, looking down at the fox in silence for a few seconds.”Hey, Nari,” he resumed to speak, pulling his hands away and freeing the other student from the tickling.
“Y-yes, Cyno?” Tighnari said, with an uneven breath pace and still processing what just happened.
“I think there is some pigment left on your face too. All over it, heh,” he joked, with a grin on his lips. Before the other could even protest back, Cyno was already holding Tighnari’s wrists, keeping them pinned next to his head, making the fox gasp in surprise. “or is it something else?”
“Yes, it’s you, you big lummox, not the pigment,” the fennec admitted, sighing and turning his head away. 
“Yeah? Then let’s take care of it, Nari ~” 
That experiment could not be the beginning of a new research, but it was definitely the beginning of something else. 
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Poly Kavetham (That Loud House) shenanigans but it's Alhaitham's turn to fuck shit up:
It's very rare for Alhaitham to mess up in the relationship*, especially when it comes to you, so when it does happen you get 100x more upset in comparison to Kaveh's shenanigans.
And stumped by how his attempts to apologize weren't good enough, good boyfriend Kaveh steps in to help, so long as he 100% trusts the process.
Fast forward to them dancing this for you to lighten your mood and baffle you with the sight of Alhaitham dancing as priming for his apology after. It works. He will have to find a good way to thank Kaveh, sadly.
*Not counting the arguments with Kaveh and his condescension when it comes to wits, they're just part of the relationship by now
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pumpkincanoes · 10 months
Tighnari's Letter to Cyno
This is a sample? I should say, of my cynonari, as well as my canonverse writing. I've been writing a lot of AUs lately but I don't know why cynonari strikes me as the most easy to write in canonverse. Maybe it's the lack of immortality and peril, maybe it's because Tighnari's character is very natural (and oddly similar to mine) and therefore easier to write. Maybe it's the way they love each other quietly, from the sidelines. Maybe it's all of the above.
In any case, they are very close to my heart, and I hope to be able to write more about them. If you have any ideas, maybe even about the continuation or reply to this letter, please drop me a line through Asks or send a quick DM.
Dearest Cyno,
I hope this letter finds you well. Collei and I are doing good in the Avidya forest, and we wait for your next visit in anticipation.
There has been an influx of people visiting the forest for my lectures, which I am immensely thrilled about. I write this letter a few days after finishing the last lecture that I had planned, sub-urban ecocystems near Sumeru City, which garnered a lot of responses and questions from everyone. I am very happy to see that the people from the city are willing to learn more about their surroundings so as to not harm the plants and fungi in their habitat.
A couple of scholars from Amurta and Spamtamad in particular stood out, Liliya and Afizh are their names, and they were doing joint research on how experiments conducted by the Akademiya near the sub-urban areas of Port Ormos could affect the wildlife and even crops of local citizens. They have shown clear results and was extremely excited to hear what I thought about their work. We discussed it in great detail, and in the end I had asked them if I could talk about their findings as a theme in another lecture, and Liliya in particular to be my assistant in gathering more sources. They both responded enthusiasticly and I feel as if I have gained an intern of sorts. Everyday is interesting, and watching them work together in their robes reminded me of our time at the Akademiya, as well...
Reminiscing old times aside, In the middle of our discussion we had considered cross-referencing these findings with rules established by the matra, to see if the problem of local contamination can be made of concern to the Akademia rulebook, so as to prevent it from happening again. I had the assumption that we could find what we needed in the matra's various publicly-available guidelines, but came up empty. As we concluded this, I had jokingly mentioned your name to Afizh, as he is in his last years of Spamtamad, he is sure to know that you were an alumnus. I said to him that he should ask you about the unclarity of these rulebooks. Now, Afizh is a bold man, sweet at he is, but he claimed that he would rather let his entire TCG collection be siezed by the matra than ask you a question...
I can only assume he does not know that your own TCG collection is five times his size. It's funny that he thinks bringing TCG cards to his office is an offence worthy of property confiscation, but I digress. I offhandedly mentioned that I'll be the one to ask you about it, and their reaction made me realize something that has me... A little unsure on how to feel.
They were shocked to hear that I am on good terms with you, and even more shocked to hear that we are close enough for me to call you my 'friend'. They proceeded to tell me how unexpected it was, that a forest ranger such as myself would have 'connections' with the high-ranking officials in the Akademiya matra...
I don't have connections to the matra, Cyno. All I am is your life partner. Yet I hesitate to say this to them, and I dismissed their reaction saying it isn't a big deal. After all, a man being in a relationship isn't a big deal. But somehow, I think, with you, it isn't that easy.
I know you tell people you're friends with me when asked. I do the same. Most of our mutual friends know that we are more than that, and we had agreed to tell other people of our relationship if it comes up. Wether we claim to be friends or more, the problem is that it rarely comes up in the first place. We have made our lives separate for the better part of this relationship, but I fear that it is too distanced that strangers cannot fathom it being so intertwined.
I am not one to be motivated by the opinion of strangers. It is not that those comments bother me. I know who I care about and who I love, and whether or not other people know it have little to do with me. But that night I had somehow lost my cool, I think. And I had told them that you and I were in a relationship.
I will not talk of their reaction afterwards. Suffice to say that my ears hurt from the volume they reached and it became a bit of a talk amongst the participants. I am sorry for this mishap, though I am sure you do not mind. Please do not take this as a sign that I am dissatisfied with our current setting, or unhappy with your position and reputation in the matra. I am neither of those things. I know that your life is inseparable with mine, Cyno. No amount or distance or difference in reputation can change that. I suppose I simply wanted to claim the General Mahamatra as mine, as well. At least at the time. I'm not sure it was an entirely good decision, but I don't think I will come to regret it just yet.
Oh, I had almost forgot. I've attached some of the lines of the matra guidebooks and rules that we needed clarification on. You will see our inquiry in detail for each page and topic. In general, we were wondering if we could access some of the matra's documents regarding this matter, especially the ones that are mentioned but not publicly available. That was the main point of this letter, which I had planned to write since we started discussing about the matra's rulings, but evidently got distracted from.
I hope the desert treats you well, and that you will find time to visit soon. As always, I miss you dearly.
ーYours always, Tighnari.
P.S. Collei is forcing me to mention that I had promised Afizh to show him a TCG match between you and I if you can manage to arrive before they leave for the city. and also that he is leaving in about two weeks.
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ukanomiyaki · 1 year
“There’s no hard feelings regardless who wins, right?” Tighnari says slowly as he moves his fingers to trace invisible lines down Cyno’s chest.
The movement is meant to soothe, but it doesn’t seem to help. Cyno looks as grim as he’s ever been.
Which is silly, because an inter-darshan competition is nowhere near as dangerous as half the things Cyno usually do.
“Are you really going to try and steal something so important from me?” Cyno’s voice is weak, trembling. He looks at Tighnari with such pathetic eyes that a part of Tighnari wants to give him everything he could ever ask for.
Another part of Tighnari, however, is not as kind.
“It’s a card,” Tighnari sighs.
“It’s a holographic card,” Cyno presses. “Of my favorite, Green Eyed Grey Dragon.”
“That’s not your favorite last time we talked about this,” Tighnari shakes his head.
“He’s my favorite now,” Cyno clicks his tongue.
“Stop changing your favorites whenever you want a new holographic card,” Tighnari sighs. “Anyway, no hard feelings, right?”
Cyno is silent.
And without an answer once more, Tighnari wonders if his relationship hinges on Green Eyed Grey Dragon.
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flyingwargle · 2 years
#cynonariweek2022 day 2: trust
thunderstorms have never been the same after that day.
the walls of his home aren’t enough. the blankets used to swath himself aren’t enough. ears pressed against his head aren’t enough. tighnari still remembers the jolt of electricity through his body, the flare that enveloped him in the aftermath. It hurt to move, hurt to think. however, he couldn’t falter, refused to lower his guard, persevered through the nightmares that plagued him.
and now that he thought he was about to heal, his hopes are swallowed by the tempest.
it’s fine. you’re safe. it’ll pass, and everything will be back to normal–
a clap of thunder rips through the sky. he jumps, mantra disrupted. a low whimper escapes him, eyes squeezed shut. he draws in a ragged breath, reminds himself to breathe, breathe, breathe–
he opens a cautious eye. a shadow stands before him, hidden in the darkness. cyno crouches to meet his gaze, a desert sunset against a river in the forest. “nari.”
“cyno.” it comes as a whisper.
“let me take care of you?”
cyno brings a finger to his lips. “trust me.”
he lets him rearrange the blankets to envelop both of them. cyno keeps tighnari’s ears flattened with his headpiece, slightly damp from the rain, but warm, nonetheless. his partner’s arms wrap around him, tail curled around them both. he speaks in a low tone that drowns the relentless rain, overpowers the thunder. his presence swallows the flashes of lightning. his affection is all that tighnari focuses on.
he doesn’t even realize when his eyes are closed and he feels himself drift. a murmur accompanies him as his consciousness slips. “sleep well, my blossom. i’ll keep you safe.”
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I'm going to post my angst drabbles here since they're too short to go out on their own and also cause Im having trouble getting an ao3 account
And to slowly get back into writing fanfics again
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Time stops for Cyno as he watches the lightning he created hit Tighnari. The world froze around him as he reaches out to Tighnari’s falling figure. As soon as Tighnari’s limp figure hits the ground, Cyno is dashing towards him. Cyno’s eyes slightly widened at Tighnari’s state, his hair was frizzed up and slightly burnt, another scar accompanied the other scar Cyno had also created in the past. But this time, Tighnari wasn’t awake to complain to him or to scold him; he laid in his arms, quietly gasping for air, the gasps becoming quieter and shorter each minute as Cyno grasped on him tightened.
“Tighnari, you need to open your eyes,” Cyno said, trying to keep his voice steady as his eyes flicker from his slightly moving chest to his face, inspecting his face for any movement.
Tighnari’s brows slightly creased as he slowly and slightly opened his eyes. Cyno’s heart filled with hope as he saw the man in arms become conscious again. Although a second later Cyno notices something and his heart fills with dread again. Tighnari’s eyes weren’t focused and his eyes flickered around, as if he was looking for something.
“Cyno, where are you?”
Cyno’s heart dropped as Tighnari muttered those four words. Tighnari’s eyes widened when realization, his mouth opening and closing as if he was going to speak, but in the end, he couldn’t. Tighnari could no longer gather his strength after getting hit. Slowly, Tighnari got colder as he felt Cyno shuffling around, attempting to bring him back like last time.
But this time, Tighnari was a little faster than him, he closed his eyes as his breathing stopped completely and eventually his heart too.
Cyno’s lips trembled as he tried to stay composed, to stay calm and leveled headed. His shaky hands gripping onto his body like a lifeline. Cyno held him closer, giving up the search through his bag. He resigned to comforting Tighnari’s body, holding him to the point his knuckles and the tips of his fingers turned white.
Cyno held it in, until he became so overwhelming; He started to whimper, that whimper then became a sob before he started bawling like he was a kid again. Cyno cried and trembled while holding Tighnari to his chest. Cyno gasped as he tried to compose himself, “Hey you want to hear a joke?” Cyno muttered quietly, for only Tighnari to hear.
“What has more lives than a cat?”
“A frog, since it croaks everyday.”
Cyno muttered, taking a gasp of air before he continued. He started to explain the joke, slowly and thoroughly as he alway did.
But this time…
This time, there was no Tighnari to interrupt him or to disappointedly mutter comments about it.
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prawndip · 2 years
Just Cynonari Thoughts
WC: 352
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cynonari in which tighnari and cyno go stargazing together. where cyno tells a terrible joke and as he goes on to explain it, tighnari lets him, because as it turns out cyno is quite fascinated by the stars in the sky. so tighnari ends up staring at cyno instead of the sky in adoration because the real star is him <3
also cynonari in which is cyno is ever injured and in gandharva ville tighnari will at the very least patch up his wounds and send him off after a couple days of rest, where in the time period he'll make sure cyno stays hydrated and that he does not try to run off and accidentally reopen his wounds. and when cyno is finally ready to head to his next destination tighnari will gently kiss his forehead as a goodbye.
also also cynonari in which they like admiring each other's scars. tighnari who likes to gently kiss and rub the scars all over cyno's arms and back and sometimes he'll softly murmur about where cyno got the scars from if he remembered. similarly cyno who runs his fingers over tighnari's scars, which has begun to fade, but after the events of 3.2 cyno runs his fingers over the scars left behind from the lightning strike, and at first would mutter how worried he was when he found out but was glad tighnari recovered from it. once the injury fully healed he would trace his finger over it as he gently holds tighnari from behind.
also also also cynonari in which they kiss. a gentle. soft kiss but it was less about the kissing an more about holding each other afterward. no words are exchanged. they just look lovingly into each other's eyes, for it's not everyday that the antics of the world slow down enough for them to have quiet time together like this. for there are still people out there who need to be brought to justice, and there are forces out there that still threaten to harm the forest.
but for a moment, just for a moment, those can wait.
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isaut · 1 year
𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒐 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒊.— dehya x fem!reader. 800. drabble.
i’ve been reading a lot of fantasy lately and am so obsessed with humans falling in love with elves. just a quick drabble whipped up on my phone! a bit angsty, elven!reader, bodyguard!dehya. implied (as in you have to squint) cynonari. no beta but i have a feeling ill be returning to this idea once i finish another fic i’m working on. minors and blank blogs dni. fantasy au tag
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The war room is quiet, now that the king with his advisors and his generals had left. You stand above the map of the lands, arms crossed instead of your hands folded neatly in front of you. Now that royalty has left, you let yourself forego the formalities.
“You’re always so cold,” comes a familiar voice.
Instead of snapping yourself back to your proper formation, you continue looking over the maps.
“Is there a different way you want me to act?” You inquire.
Dehya pushes herself off the wall she had been leaning against, bronzed armor clicking as she walks further in.
You spare a glance over your shoulder. “Don’t you have a king to protect?”
“He wanted some time alone in the conservatory to meditate,” Dehya responds, “To get his mind off this.” She gestures toward the board.
You huff through your nose. “Meditate?”
Dehya shrugs. “I don’t question what the king wants. If he wants to be left alone he can be— He’s as fine a fighter as I am.”
You hum. “Did you check to make sure it was safe before leaving him alone?”
“Is it not warded?” Dehya responds.
“There are two people in there,” You reply, “Which was why I was asking.”
“I know,” Dehya replies. “You never answered my question.”
“What, if the conservatory is warded, or the one about me being cold?” You ask, turning to finally look at her.
“You indirectly answered the first, I was asking why you’re so cold,” Dehya says. “You’re not as bad when you’ve had a bit in your system.”
“I’m working, so it’s in my nature to be cold.”
“You frighten even the generals.”
“And I don’t frighten you?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“We’ve huddled for warmth before, it’s hard to feel frightened of an elf after she’s slept instead of trance in your arms.”
You take a deep breath. “It’s cold in Dragonspine. My body needed the rest, lest it shut down.”
Dehya hums at that. “You could loosen up a bit, that’s all.”
“I spent my first few hundred years ‘loosened up’ and it left me counseling a child on where to send his troops,” You reply. “So I won’t be loosening up.”
Dehya’s expression falls soft. “[First]…”
Your gaze snaps back to hers. “Dehya.”
“Why don’t you come out tonight. Just for one drink and then you can go do whatever it is you do at night. We’re all stressed out.”
“I don’t get drunk,” You reply.
“You do, off whatever that liquor you keep stashed,” Dehya replies. “Staring at a map isn’t going to change anything.”
You cast a gaze towards the war map. “Neither is drinking.”
“You need to get out of here,” Dehya says, voice barely above a whisper. “C’mon.”
She places her hand on your shoulder, which you immediately shrug off, almost violent in your rejection.
“Please don’t.” Your swallow is thick. “Please…”
Dehya sighs, dropping her hand back to her side. “I don’t care about that.”
That. The fact you’ll outlive her, outlive her children should she take any in, outlive their children.
“I care about that.” You can feel your throat beginning to close in. “I— I have to care.”
“So what, you’re just going to be alone for the rest of your life? Sounds like a shitty way to spend eight hundred years, Ophie.”
You squeeze your eyes shut at the nickname. Your heart does a thousand beats in your chest, pounding its way up to your chest.
“Don’t remind me,” You breathe. “Don’t remind me how long I have here.”
“You know you’ll love again,” Dehya continues. “But this is it for me— you know I only have maybe twenty years before I’m cut down. And— There’s no one else I care to know the way I know you.”
You’re silent, unable to meet Dehya’s eyes.
“Whatever. You always know where to find me. Whenever you’re ready. Just know you don’t have as much time as you think.”
The meeting around the war map weighs heavy on Dehya’s words.
“I’ll see you at the tavern,” Dehya finishes, heading towards the door. The large doors open with a creak and shut with a slam.
You stand in the echo of it. Your knuckles whiten as you grip the edge of the table, collecting yourself.
“Fuck,” you curse to yourself in your mother tongue as you wipe away the tears that leak out of your eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
But you collect yourself and exit the war room, heading towards your chambers on the far side of the palace. You dress for town, placing a vial of elven elixir that had been a gift smuggled in by the king for writing an exception into the conservatory wards.
Not wanting to make your visit to town known to the entire palace, you open a swirling portal in your bedroom. With one last gaze through your mirror, you pull your cloak over your head to hide your ears, and step through.
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otomiyaa · 5 months
hello ginny! just wondering if you still have the 'your hands are freezing!' cynari fic around? I've been thinking about it for the past 4 days and tried finding it on your Ao3 but failed 😭😭
-cyno-o anon (can i shorten it to this HAHA)
helloooo cyno-o anon hehehe! I'm trying really hard but..... I'M SORRY D: I don't remember this! Was it a drabble? It really doesn't ring a bell 😭
I've searched my AO3 profile for anything Cynonari and didn't get much except Cyno's Best Joke, and a tickletober fic (with plants)...
Was it really written by me? Or maybe something I reblogged? I also checked @wertzunge's archive list and couldn't find something like it. If I did write this for real and just forgot, then I'm so so sorry hahaha it won't be the first (and last....) time :')
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pink-tk-a-latte · 1 month
LOVELIES (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) and yuckies (O_O)
Welcome!! And what can I do for you today?
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(Wowow it’s like I’m a real sfw tickle blog— Here's what to know when requesting or interacting!!)
❆ Please don’t tap the glass!! It scares the ice cream 🍨 (interaction etiquette)
All of these SFW!!!!!!! If you talk to me about s3x I will throw up on you <3 Otherwise be as outlandish as you please!!
Questions and chit-chat? ✅
Loredumping about OCs? ✅
HCs? ✅
AUs? ✅ Will write for them if given information!!
RPing? ✅ If it's among friends and just for fun then sure!!
Non-fandom tk thoughts? ✅
Teases? ❌
Irl tk gifs? ❌
Photos/art with nudity? ❌
Uncredited art reposts? ❌ (I will find you)
Hate and harm? ❌
I encourage you to request rarepairs (or at least pairings with less content on here) and wlw ships or pairings with women ehehehe!!!!
Requests will likely be full-length fics (~1-1.5k words) unless a drabble is specifically asked for. Depends if the muse is right :]
❆ Smells fishy… (OFF THE TABLE!!)
Any s3xual, nsfw, k!nk, f3tish, non-con content
Proship/illegal ships
Old people lees, around 40+ (I’m sorry…) (excluding immortal characters who appear young)
Real people??
X Reader/OC x canon (unless it’s platonic? Or OC x OC)
Gore??????? (In- In a tk fic??) /jj
Open to discussion about most of these (except for those in red). If there is something I am uncomfortable with writing that is not listed here, we can talk about it!!
Some of my favs!!!!!! ♥︎
I’m up for writing basically any character or (legal) pairing/poly, all I ask is for a mood and any thoughts on the ship + a scenario if you have one, but here are my favorites!!! Pretty much any platonic groups welcome!!!!
All favorite ships listed here can also be platonic!! Sorry if you don’t know the ship names I made some of them up tehe
Bolds are the favs of my favs, pink is my fav of the favs of my favs!! If no pink, it’s probably bc I couldn’t choose. Starfished are the fandoms I’m most obsessed with/know the most about!!!
NOTE: I will include children and animals, but please keep in mind I do not think of them in a romantic, nsfw, or necessarily tickly way.
Genshin Impact 𓇼
Unfinished :( Have not played Sumeru onward!!
Kokomi, Ayaka, Miko, Gorou, Ei, Heizou, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Lumine, Venti, Amber, Fischl, Albedo, Razor, Noelle, Klee, Sucrose, Bennett, Furina, Sigewinne, Navia, Freminet, Lynette, Lyney, Chiori, Yanfei, Shenhe, Beidou, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Childe, Columbina, Arlecchino, Nahida, Collei, Cyno, Nilou, Kaveh, Layla, Faruzan, Dehya
Basically anyone with Lumine or Kokomi… Kokorou, Ayalumi, Venlumi, Eimiko, Shenlumi, Beiguang, Yantao, Bennefischlrazor, Xingyun, Albecrose, Arlebina, Cynonari, Haikaveh, Scarachilde, Mikokomi, Ganqing, Neuvifuri, Furinavi, Tartalumi, Xiaother, Kazuscara, Kazuhei, Aember, Eulamber, Yunyan… and probably more
Fontaine Siblings, Albedo and Klee, Lumine and Aether, Collei and Amber, Collei and Cyno and Tighnari, Childe and fam, Beidou and Kazuha and Ningguang, Ganyu and Shenhe, Lisa and Razor, Xingqiu and Chongyun and Xiangling, Kokomi and Childe (lol)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!! + Fully read the manga!!
Nene, Hanako, Kou, Mitsuba, Aoi, Mei, Sakura, Yako, Tsuchigimori, Sumire, Tiara, Mokke
Hananene, Mitsukou, Kounene, Hanakou, Aoinene, Sakunene, Terukane, Aoiaoi, Sumihaku
Minamoto Siblings, Yugi Siblings, Tsuchigimori and Hanako, Mitsuba and Nene
Project Sekai 𓇼
Fully read main story, not caught up on events.
As much as I love the vocaloids, I prefer writing for the human characters. I also probably won’t write for NPCs.
(I love them all 💕) Saki, Ichika, Honami, Shiho, Shizuku, Minori, Airi, Haruka, An, Kohane, Toya, Akito, Emu, Tsukasa, Rui, Nene, Kanade, Mizuki, Ena, Mafuyu
Polyneed, Shizumino, Minoharu, Shizuairi, Polyjump, Anhane, Akitoya, Polyvbs, Emukasa, Polysho, Polyniigo, Mafuena, Kanaena, Mizukana, Mizumafu + Fond of literally any non-unit romantic pairing except for Shizuku or Tsukasa with Leo/Need (they’re siblings)
Tenma Siblings (including Kanade, and Toya ofc), Hinomori Siblings, Shinonome Siblings, Leaders!!!!!
Bungou Stray Dogs 𓇼
Not as familiar with Cannibalism + Hunting Dogs arcs (I actually know nothing about the Rats in the House of Dead lmaooooo)
Have also read Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen and BEAST
Atsushi, Dazai, Kyouka, Kenji, Haruno, Chuuya, Higuchi, Gin, Kouyou, Q, Lucy, Louisa, Poe, Margaret, Twain, Aya, Sigma, Nikolai, Bram, Mizuki, Agatha, Teruko, Tecchou, Yuan
Atsulucy, Akuatsulucy, Ranpoe, Soukoku, SigSkk, Siglai, Sigzai, Higugin, Marthorne/Hawmitch, Suegiku, Loulu/Montcott, Kyoukenji (in a wholesome crushy way)
Atsushi and Kyouka, Atsushi and Dazai, Kouyou and Chuuya, Chuuya and like all of the kids, Aya and Bram, Tachihara and Teruko, Poe and Karl, Fukuzawa and Ranpo and Yosano, and all the factions (ADA and Guild especially)!!
Bocchi the Rock! 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!!
Bocchi, Nijika, Ikuyo, Ryo, Seika, Kikuri, Eliza
Polykessoku and every pairing in it
Bocchi and Kikuri, Ijichi Siblings
Lycoris Recoil 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!!
Chisato, Takina, Kurumi, Erika
Chisataki, Eritaki, Sakufuki
Everyone in Cafe LycoReco
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!!
Pretty much all of the Saiki Kusuo ships are qprs bc I do see him as aroace!!! 🖤💜🩶🤍💚
Saiki, Toritsuka, Aiura, Akechi, Yumehara, Kaidou, Hairo, Kuboyasu, Mera, Rifuta, Suzumiya
ToriSai, PolyPsychickers, SaiAi, SaiKechi, ImuTeru, SaiKai, YumeKai, KokoMiko, ChisaMiko, YumeAi, KuboKai, KuboKoko, KokoNen, KuboMeto, SatouHii, HaiNen
Saiki and everyone, Saikis, Saiki and Rifuta, Kaidous, Kokomi and Hairo, Kokomi and Saiki, PK Psychickers, Toritsuka and Aiura, Aiura and Akechi, Mera and Saiki, Saiki and Yuuta
Buddy Daddies
Fully watched the anime!!
Miri, Kazuki, Rei
Kazuki and Rei and Miri
Unfinished :(
Nana Komatsu/Hachiko, Nana Osaki, Nobuo, Reira (I don’t support her being a p3do tho /hj), Shin, Yasu, Mai/Misato
Shin and Hachi, Hachi and everyone, Yasu and everyone
Skip and Loafer
Unfinished :(
All of the characters!!!!
Six of Crows 𓇼
Fully read the books!!
Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, Matthias
Polycrow, Kanej, Wysper, Ninej, MatthiNina
Fully watched season 1 of the anime!!
Teru, Iko, Stigma, Piltz, Keheheh, Shrimpy, Pepesha, Mingming
Pokémon 𓇼
It’s gonna get way too complicated if I try to list every character I like… I’ll just say the games I’ve played
Ultra Moon, Sun, Y, Legends Arceus
XY and XYZ, Journeys
MoonLily (yeah I’m obsessed with them), SereShauna (games)
Little Nightmares (I and II)
The kids :))
Mono and Six
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Fully watched the show!! I’ve also watched TLOK and I love Korrasami!!!
All of the main kids :)))) Aang, Katara, Ty Lee, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Yue
Kataang, Mailee, Sokki, Maiko, Zukka (eugh… flashbacks)
The Gaang, Zuko and Aang, Iroh and the kids, Zuko and Azula, Sokka and Katara
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Fully watched the show!!
All of them :)))) Scorpia, Entrapta, Melog LMAO
All of the canon ones :DDDD Catradora, Glimbow, Scorfuma, Entrapdak, Spinetossa
Super Pal Trio
The Owl House
Unfinished :( Have not seen season 3 (I don’t have Disney+ 😭)
I like… all of them!!!! No like actually I like all of them
Lumity, Huntlow, Raeda
Owl family, Noceda family, Blight siblings
Alien Stage 𓇼
Fully watched!!
Mizi, Sua, Hyuna, Ivan, Till
Mizisua, Ivantill, Mizitill but in an unrequited love way lol
Any and all platonic pairings!!!!!
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Unfinished :( But I’ve already been spoiled for the rest of the story lololol
Tanjirou, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sabito, Makomo, Urokodaki, Rengoku, Muichiro, Aoi, Tamayo, Kanae
Zentan, Zennezu, Tankana, Inoaoi, Inozentan, Kananezu, Shinomitsu, Obamitsu, Sabigiyuu, Zenkana
Zenitsu and Kanao, Kamado family, Kamaboko squad, Kocho sisters, Urokodaki children, Hashiras, Tamayo and Yushiro
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Hello, I’m pretty new for your content and requests submissions but I actually couldn’t believe my eyes when I finally saw you write for poly relationship with kaveh x reader x Al-haitham! They’re very well-written and I was wondering if you any more prompts… I crave for more of it after the two others, they were really nice to read, but I was wondering if more details on what exactly happens could be possible (and how it might be separately different from these two dorks)
Sorry for the long requests, I hope that they’re open! If not, I’m truly sorry for posting this, feel free to send me anything so I can do better next time :,)
Ah, new child, hello hello and welcome! Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Regarding poly Kavetham, I do indeed have plans as stated here, it's just that I have so many things to write and so little time that I haven't gotten to it yet. But worry not, there will be more content once I flesh out the details, but just know that all the poly kavetham content I wrote all share the same relationship just like the poly cynonari series.
I'm not sure about the "what exactly happens/separately" part means, if you're referring to the nsfw drabble I posted about em then I'm afraid that's all that you'll get lol
I don't really have requests open, I don't think they'll be open any time soon because I already have so many ideas so I'm sorry! Just um please look forward to my plans in the near future aha
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pumpkincanoes · 10 months
What if after the letter that Tighnari wrote reaches Cyno, Cyno comes and gives Tighnari a big ol’ smooch right then and there. After that, they play TCG, and this is so cheesy but it sounds like cyno; Cyno proposes with a ring on a TCG card and is like telling some bad pun lmao
THIS 💯 💯 💯 I am yoinking your TCG idea and incorporating it in the continuation post on cyno's POV (which will be posted soon!). he definitely, definitely asked about it beforehand through his letters, and Tighnari definitely considered his options before saying it's okay for Cyno to do so. we love communication in this household. But after they both agree Cyno DOES NOT HESITATE.
I had a scene in mind for his arrival but he probably up and kisses him multiple times while helping him make breakfast outside and Ashpazi is just like "damn this was so much better when i can at least pretend they're not together smh" because he didn't sign up to do a cynonari QnA with the visitors lmao
a snippet of Cyno's arrival from Tighnari's pov below:
He considers showing affection to, and being given affection by, the General Mahamatra, one of the most prominent figures in the Akademiya, and his face scrunches a little. He's not sure he wants that much attention-- Tighnari loves teaching and being somewhat of a role model to the other forest rangers definitely come with some amount of attention. Being the subject of Akademiya gossip, he thinks, is completely different from that.
He considers being publicly intimate with Cyno, the love of his life, and his heart warms. he knows that Cyno loves him and seeing him show that is endearing, both as the recipient of that affection, and also because he wants Cyno to be happy. Cyno doesn't hide his love for TCG, and so, Tighnari sumrises, he shouldn't hide his love for him as well.
So the next time Cyno arrives, he greets him,
"Welcome back, Cyno."
And Cyno does what he does every time he arrives, he takes Tighnari's hands and brought it up for a chaste kiss, and he says, voice soft:
"I'm home."
Because this hut in the depths of the forest has become a second home for the desert-dweller.
And Cyno usually arrives with the moonlight shining his path, they rendezvous in privacy, sharing that moment with just them and noone else. Soft affirmations almost whispered, lost in secrecy.
When he arrived today, he arrives with the late-morning sun, and it fits him, Tighnari thinks. Being under the sun fits Cyno, and Tighnari could hardly think there was anything different. The gasps and murmurs he hears from behind Cyno's figure he decides to ignore for now, and he smiles.
"Come in."
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ukanomiyaki · 1 year
The trip to Mondstadt has been all that Collei ever wanted.
Of course, she is happy that Tighnari and Cyno are coming with her. Or rather, she should be.
“It’s so sweet how those two apples are next to each other,” Cyno says as he looks up at a tree. “It’s almost as if they are a pear.”
“You’re working hard,” Tighnari sighs.
“I have to make sure I can be the best ambassador for Sumeru’s culture,” Cyno nods, even though everyone here knows that no one in Sumeru finds Cyno funny. “And of course, I have to be the best father to Collei.”
“I told you you’re not my father,” Collei clicks her tongue. “You don’t have to make those jokes.”
“I want to give you the most average family vacation,” Cyno says sincerely.
“But you don’t have to,” Collei shakes her head. “If I am your daughter, I’m adopted anyway.”
Cyno gasps. Cyno looks hurt.
“You know this,” Collei points out. “You’re the one who adopted me!”
“Collei, that’s enough,” Tighnari says sternly. “There’s no need to hurt papa anymore than this.”
How long will they play family for? Collei wonders.
Probably even after she’s old with greying hair.
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flyingwargle · 2 years
#cynonariweek2022 day 7: free!
tighnari is seated at his desk when he hears the drenched footfalls of a familiar tread across the vine trail. his door opens without invitation, and cyno slips inside the hut, a puddle already formed beneath him. “nari,” he complains. “why does it have to rain so much?”
“we live in a rainforest, general. didn’t you know that?” tighnari throws a towel at him without looking up, engrossed in his text. his concentration doesn’t waver as cyno tugs his cloak off to hang up and then dries himself.
“what are you reading?” cyno looks over his shoulder. his breath is caught in his throat, light tease in his voice. “again?”
“is there a problem?”
“no. it seems to be a yearly occurrence.”
tighnari looks at him. “it is.” every winter, he fantasizes about what a real winter is like - snow-covered trees, blanket of white that envelops the land, frozen water, fires to stave off the chill. sumeru is too mild for snow, let alone four distinctive seasons. the only indication of the cold season is the migration of birds, flocks upon flocks that streak the sunset sky above gandharva ville, in search for a place to rest and wait until spring returns before they return home.
“if you can’t handle extreme heat, do you think you can handle extreme cold?”
“i don’t know. i’d suppose so, since you can simply put on more layers. what about you?”
cyno pulls the blanket closer over his shoulders. “i’ve experienced snow before. it’s surprisingly peaceful, and quiet, similar to the desert. i think you’ll enjoy it.” their eyes meet, a spark of hope in his sunset gaze. “if we could travel to dragonspine, would you want to go?”
“dragonspine?” tighnari’s heard of it - the large mountain sits in between mondstadt and liyue, plagued by a perpetual snowstorm. only the most determined adventurers seek to unravel the mysteries of its numerous caverns and trails. “i’d love to, but...”
he trails off. both of their work is too important to leave behind for a frivolous excursion. even if he found a reason to go, who would watch the other forest rangers and collei? what if another withering zone appears? what-
tighnari snaps out of his thoughts, blinks at his partner. cyno reaches for his hand to hold, cradled gently in his. “you’ve helped many fulfill their dreams. why not fulfill your own?”
“i...” tighnari doesn’t have an answer. “you...”
“i’ll go with you, of course. we can experience it together.”
his heart flutters. from anxiety or excitement, he doesn’t know - all he can do is smile, nod, and say, “i’d love to.” and so, a month later, the guardian of avidya forest departs to see the land of ice and snow for the first time in his life.
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