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krs955 · 3 years ago
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aglennco · 2 years ago
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the childhood diaries of clementine kesh
done for my secret samol recipient, cohost user jdrew54 who asked me for:
Something that shows or explores Clementine's view of the relationship between SI and Crysanth before SI joined the farmer's rebellion. The relationship doesn't have to be romantic.
Anything about the relationship between Clementine and Gucci, whether it's platonic, romantic, or antagonistic. Preferably set before the Kingdom game/Millennium Break
the diaries are transcribed below the cut
Dear Dirie,
Crisanth and Sovvrn got me a bok to praktise my ltters in!! Thats u! Sovvrn seys I ned to praktise my speling to.
Dear Diarie,
I love Crysanth sooooo much!!!! She got me a meck! It’s name is PANTHER but I'm not aloud to try it until im older. I love it so so so so so much. She’s the BEST mom in Kesh.
Dear Dairy,
Crysanth seys I’m to big to be carryed and throne in the air but sovern munity seys im lite as a fether! Wen Crysanth is bizzy he picks me up and spins me a round so I no Crysanth is a lier!!!!!! I love sovern munity best!!!!
Deer Diary,
I have the prettiest mom in Kesh. Her name is Crysanth! I ALWAYS call her by her nam becuz thats what adults do! I'm gonna be just like her one day. I lov her sooooo much.
Dear Diary
Hear is who I'm inviting to my sycel sycle cycleday party. I'm turning 8!
Soveregn Immunity
The Winter Doctor (because he gave me candy for being his best patient)
All the nobles Crysanth tells me to invite
Clementine <3
Thank you for inviting me to your cycleday celebration.  It is always a pleasure to see you. You make Kesh proud. I hope the brooch was to your liking.
Sovereign Immunity
Hi Diary,
I never write in you but the tuturs say it’s good to write in a diary so I’m going to write in you EVERY DAY from now on, I PROMISE. I’m going to be very smart when I grow up because I wrote in you every day.
Clementine <3
Crysanth Mother grounded me today for yelling at the servants, which is utterly unfair. She said it was not becoming of someone of my standing. That this is not how House Kesh acts. She’s full of shit, I hate her. I don’t know why I defended her. The servants were out of line. They were insinuating that something untoward was going on between Crysanth Mother and Sovereign Immunity. It’s a laughable idea. Utterly disrespectful to imply something so base of Mother. She is ungrateful. I’m maintaining the pride and honor of House Kesh and she bans me from taking my trip this weekend! I can’t believe her. She is the one not fit for Kesh.
I will never defend Mother’s honor again. I saw her. I saw her with. I will not speak on it. What I have just witnessed makes me too ill to recount. If I put it to paper, it will make it real.
Gucci Garantine’s Weaknesses:
Bad at naming things
Seasonal allergies
Too Tall (I could easily knock her over)
PROBABLY has never piloted a mech before
Is not a “Kesh”
Very striking (bad for being a spy)
Susceptible to poison
Hey Clem,
I’m sorry you couldn’t make it to my cycleday, though I know how your mother is so really no hard feelings. You are a dutiful daughter and that’s admirable. I could never be like you. Anyways, I loved the flowers, they really brighten up my suite. Tell whichever servant who picked them out for you that they’ve got exquisite taste. The bracelet though…I know that’s all you. It’s beautiful. I’m wearing it right now.
Mother has told me arranged political marriages are a thing of the past, something that WE do not need to do. I think she is wrong. I told her! I told her she ought to engage me to Gucci Garantine, because it will be beneficial to the Garantines and we ought to help those less fortunate than us. She didn’t even listen! She just told me I should not be fooling around. I am a Kesh, I do not fool around. She’s the one fooling around, with her ridiculous Sovereign Immunity. She just is mad she can’t marry that boring old man and is taking it out on me. I hate her. I love Mother.
It didn’t take much convincing at all to talk Gucci into stealing some of Mother’s jewelry and a bottle of wine with me! I thought she was too much of a good girl for that sort of thing, but she is a little cool. She got drunk and painted my nails in the prettiest purple hue. We sat on the ballroom’s balcony until the morning broke and the wine was gone. I thought. I thought she was going to kiss me when I put my head on her shoulder. She didn’t. And I’m glad she didn’t. It would have been awful to be kissed by her. I don’t want to be kissed by anyone.
It would be good, if Gucci fell in love with me. It would give me leverage.
I do not understand why Mother has not selected a new Sovereign Immunity. When Sovereign Immunity loyalty to my family was tested, he failed. He is not to be trusted. The hold this rotting old man has over her is pathetic. I do not understand what she sees in him. She has locked him up and instead of throwing away the key she has handed it to me. She is still keeping him close, like a pet she cannot put down. But I can use this. I can use him, if I just figure out how.
I am worried that Gucci is keeping secrets from me.
Sovereign Immunity thinks he is my babysitter! He has forgotten he is just a prisoner, someone who threw away everything Kesh gave him! He probably thinks Mother still cares about him. I’m worried he is right. But I will not allow him to play father to me. I am an adult and I have trained my entire life to do the work I am doing now. I’m not going to let Sovereign Immunity pretend he has power and influence and report my every mistake back to Mother. I do not need to be managed. I am Clementine Kesh. I am good at what I do.
He has wisdom, I will give him that. He has seen things due to his age and experience. I am not a fool. I know what he is worth. He is a useful tool to have in my toolbox. But he is uppity. He does not know my place. He thinks he can use me. It’s obvious in how he speaks to me. At best, we could be a team. Of course, I am team leader, but if he plays his cards right I would consider letting him be my Sovereign Immunity.
It wouldn’t be like using my Mother’s discards. It would be showing her she is a fool to have tossed aside something so willing to be used. I will use him to show her that I am more clever than her.
I am capable of so much more than Mother and Sovereign Immunity think I am. I’m going to show them.
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shuttervedi · 5 years ago
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Weekend is here, what are your plans? Action packed or lazy bum in the bed? Shot by @themotographer @herolectro @xbhp #xBhp #lectrocycles #ithebiker #bikerslifestyle #bikersoul #motorgram #motorhead #cyclinglife #cycledays #cyclingphotos #shuttervedi #weekendmood #axorhelmets (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBD2ZW2g6VL/?igshid=1atsfx4a2n4ju
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bufferingagency · 4 years ago
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My two favorite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. Cycling isn’t a game, it’s a sport. Tough, hard and unpitying, and it requires great sacrifices. One plays football, or tennis, or hockey. One doesn’t play at cycling. #worldbicycleday #bicycleday2021 #worldbicycleday2021 #cycleday #buffering #bufferingagency https://www.instagram.com/p/CPp6vTylD3b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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singersanjaysinghalbela · 7 years ago
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साईकिल चलाते रहे , स्वास्थ को स्वस्थ बनाते रहे #cycleday #SanjayAlbelaJagranParty
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jmejambbc · 7 years ago
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Even tho the scale and I are fighting...I’m finally feeling like myself again! Went to my fave class this morning and had the nerve to FINALLY introduce myself to the instructor. This woman is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Her encouraging words, motivation and spiritual insight makes you want to push harder. In her class you lead with your Heart & Soul. Your POWER as she calls it instead of your muscles and strength! I’m inspired to push myself pass new limits and be JUST LIKE HER! A woman who inspires. Who knows exactly who she is, respectfully expresses herself in the MOST unapologetic way!!! Join me & a Tribe of unbelievably AMAZING women who just like me 🙋🏽‍♀️ sometimes fall off the wagon but have the tenacity to KEEP PUSHING! #lafemmesporta #motivation #cycleday #inspire #womenempowerment #womeninspiringwomen #happylife #personaldevelopment #successfullife #beachbodycoach #beachbodyresults #beachbodyperformanceenergize #lift #squat #runnersofinstagram #womencommunity #lovethyself #happyfriday #halfmarathonrunner #beyourself #jmesteesboutique (at New York, New York)
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yogesa · 7 years ago
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#MalleswaramCycleDay Pictures #malleswaramresidentsassociation #Malleswaram #Bengaluru #cycleday #cycling #Bangalore #Mobile_photography #phonography #indiagram #igers #instagram #instabangalore (at Malleswaram, Karnataka, India)
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krs955 · 3 years ago
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mhu283 · 8 years ago
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shuttervedi · 5 years ago
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Healthy habits are very important to lead a healthy life...adopt healthy habits and stand tall for life #worldbicycleday Shot by @suniljee for @xbhp #xBhp #shuttervedi #cycling #cyclinglife @herolectro #cycledays #bikerslifestyle #healthylife #axorhelmets #townmaster #bikerslove #qutubminar (at Qutub Minar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-sd_GAiWW/?igshid=38i4pkakrv3b
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ganeshjoshibjp-blog · 8 years ago
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) के 37वें स्थापना दिवस कार्यक्रम में उपस्थित होने के लिए अपने आवास से साईकिल से निकला हॅू। इसके बाद भी अन्य कार्यक्रमों में जाने के लिए साईकिल का ही प्रयोग करु���गा। साईकिल का प्रयोग करने से जहां एक ओर पर्यावरण संरक्षण होगा वही दूसरी ओर स्वास्थ्य लाभ भी होगा। माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री Narendra Modi जी द्वारा मन की बात के माध्यम से भी पेट्रोल-डीजल बचाये जाने की बात कही गयी थी। #BJPSthapanaDiwas #BJP4Uk #BJP4India #MaanKiBaat मैं आपसे भी आवाहन करना चाहता हॅू कि हफ़्ते में एक दिन साईकिल का प्रयोग करें। #CycleDay #carfreeday
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webzinin · 3 years ago
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Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. -Albert Einstein #worldcycleday #cycleday #webzin #webzininfotech #webdesignindia — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/CIwtHGA
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stainlessteelss · 3 years ago
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Navbharat Tubes is a leading Stainless steel supplier to the cycle manufacturer of India.With quality and pure SS products they get durable and sustainable solutions.Explore: www.navbharattubes.comCall: +91-9602233334#navbharattubes#navbharatstainlesssteel #navbharattubes #navbharatpipes #navbharatsteel #nbt #purestainesssteel #stainlesssteelrailing #sscoil #sstube #stainlesssteel #steel #steelgate #railings #bathroomdesign #industrial #bathroomfitting #manufacturer #sspipes #sstubes #sscoil #sscircles #sssheets #stainlesssteel #steeltubes #Jindal #jindalsteel #steelitalia #tatasteel #fabricators #balusters #pune #maharashtra #cycleday
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yog-guru-ratan · 5 years ago
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#IndiaFightsCorona Best Wishes on #WorldBicyleDay #WorldCycleDay #BicycleDay #CycleDay #WorldRunningDay #GolbalRunningDay #Bicycle #Cycle #Running Day By #RatanGupta www.YouTube.com/RatanGupta Website www.RatanGupta.com #MotivationalSpeaker #LifeCoach #YogaGuru #LeadershipTrainer #HealthCoach #FitnessCoach #WellnessCoach #Nutrition #Dietitian #NLP #Acupressure #Trainer Science #Teacher #Corona #Yoga #Meditation #Coach #RatanGuptaQuotes #Bareilly
World BiCycle Running Day Motivational Inspirational Life Quotes By Ratan Gupta Working as
Motivational Speaker & NLP Life Coach
Yoga Meditation Guru & Acupressure Trainer
Diet Nutrition & Wellness Coach
Astrologer Numerologist Vastu Expert
Health Wealth Happiness Coach
Marriage Relationship & Parenting Coach
Depression Anxiety Anger & Strees Mgmt
Self Defence Tricks & Techniques Coach
Science Teacher & PD Soft Skills Trainer
Job Consultant & Career Counsellor
Sales Skills Trainer & Success Coach
Business Coach & Corporate Trainer
MLM Leader Trainer & Network Marketing Coach
Digital Marketing Coach & Social Media Consultant
Public Speaking & Leadership Trainer
Acting Modeling FilmMaking Coach & Mr./Mrs./Miss India Trainer
Script Writer Director of RG Media Films TV Advertising Artists Shows Event Management Digital Marketing Social Media PR Agency in Bareilly Delhi Mumbai India
For Any Query, [email protected] & Call/SMS/WhatsApp on Phone No.- 9389057785 & 9528801911
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nobi-tabi · 6 years ago
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今日は小田原から横浜までの53km(*´∀`*) . 小田原で泊めて頂いたPlum hostelの1階にあった自転車屋さん「CYCLE DAYS」が国府津の1号線沿いに移転してたので、寄ってきました(๑´ڡ`๑) . お店めっちゃ広くなってました☆ . 今日は比較的平坦な道で距離も短いので、余裕ぶっこいてのんびり行きます(*´ω`*). とりあえず3泊取ったんで横浜の方遊びましょ♪ #自転車旅 #自転車旅行 #自転車の旅 #自転車のある風景 #自転車好きな人と繋がりたい #自転車好きと繋がりたい #自転車 #自転車で #自転車乗り #自転車好き チャリ旅 #チャリで来た #チャリ #旅日記 #旅の記録 #旅行記 #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #旅好きと繋がりたい #旅 #一人旅 #ひとり旅 #1人旅 #自転車屋 #CYCLEDAYS #国府津 #小田原 #横浜 #神奈川 #フォローミー #フォロー返します #フォロバ100 (Cycle Days -サイクルデイズ-) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SoeKBgD2u/?igshid=1hhkblnqg5kga
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yogesa · 7 years ago
#Hopscotch is a wonderful $hopping #game that can be played on a bare patch of ground or on a floor indoors. There are hundreds of variations of the diagram that can be drawn. Use your #favorite version to have #children #play. Text: #GamesKidsPlay #MalleswaramCycleDay #mwa #MalleswaramResidentsAssociation #Malleswaram#Bengaluru #cycleday #kids #traditional #games #mobile_photography #phonography #instagram #igers #soblr #instabangalore (at Malleswaram, Karnataka, India)
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