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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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3 – Kasia
And here we have the first actual change for my call-out this week. For the most part I agree with my past self, though I think I needed to knock Kasia down a spot for being another model who really seemed to make this more of an individual assignment. Molly and her reflect each other in the poses, but besides that there is little connecting them. This shot would be far stronger too if Molly had just been edited out, which I don’t think should be the case. Kasia has still made the dress look good, but the real strength of the shot is the face. It is weird that this is very reminiscent of her shot last week, but the slightly vacant eyes and open mouth instead contribute to the fantastical vibe the shoot has, so work so much more.
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topmodelranking · 7 years ago
Favourite plus size model/models?
Hmm…I mean the top 4 are pretty clear: Toccara, Alexandra, Kasia and Khrys. Out of them Toccara and Alexandra would probably be 3rd and 4th: both excel in one area (personality and modelling respectively), whereas Kasia and Khrys tick both boxes for me. I think if I was forced to pick between them, it would be Khrys. She was just the sweetest person, and I adored watching her. Still absolutely bummed she wasn’t our second plus size winner.
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ultr4viol3tnim · 3 years ago
Happt Friday Ya'll! Its Unboxing Friday Pt. II!
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I wanna start with me getting the Barbie Fashionistas #178! When I first saw her, I always thought she was cute! I was so sure she was white so i wasn't checking for her.
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But when I saw a video on her on YouTube and I saw her on IG, I was like wait a minute, is that melanin i see?!
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Nonetheless, she made it to me! And she looks gorgeous!
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I also got some MTMs for Amazon and Target!
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Lastly, this suprise package almost took me out! When I saw the new Barbie Signature Looks Wave 2 on Walmart I thought it was too good to be true. They weren't even pictures on their pages. I saw the Barbie Signature Looks Model #8 & 9 were sold out. But I was only checking for Looks Model #7! I saw she was still in stock! I placed on order so quick and told my homegirl who was interested in her too! Lo and behold, she's here!!!!
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I'm digging my purchases! Loving the new blood!
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And just in time! #NewAuditionAlert! #Cycle16
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krissstalll · 8 years ago
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#Cycle16 #HAADRN #DHARN #USRN #PondangReviewers (at Malolos, Bulacan)
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antmrankingskd · 7 years ago
Model Ranking
Top 10 Favorite Photos
Call-out Orders
Week 1: Backstage at a Fashion Show
Week 2: Beauty Shots with Bees
Week 3: Alice in Wonderland-Inspired Couture in Groups
Week 4: Fierce Roast Coffee Retro-Style Commercial
Week 5: Rachel Zoe’s Faux Fur with a Baby Jaguar
Week 6: Blondes vs. Brunettes
Week 7: Crazy for Fashion
Week 8: Eco-Friendly Landfill Couture
Week 9: Nomads on a Camel
Week 10: Moroccan Women in Jemaa el-Fnaa
Week 11: Marrakech Love Story
Week 12: CoverGirl Print Ad & Commercial
Final Runway
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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5 – Hannah
I think Hannah’s shot nicely compliment Brittani’s, as while they went more understated, Hannah took the more typical ANTM high fashion posing style. The slightly hunched physique, and the way the arm is posed. It could be seen as a bit cliché, but it works in making the dress look good. I think the real strength of the photo is the close-up; an incredible beauty shot once again from Hannah. There is a slight sense of madness that feeds into the brief in the eyes, and that jawline is superb. Definitely the overall strongest shot of the week, even if I think both were outshined by a few other models.
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topmodelranking · 7 years ago
With your model rankings, what do you use to decide between the models?
Ehm, it really is a bit of everything. The main thing is their portfolio, but even that is qualified by consistency in actual shoots, consistency of photos, versatility, adaptability and much more. But that is the main thing.
A girl’s walk will only affect it when it is either amazing or awful, mainly because I struggle to remember who has the mediocre walks.
As for personality, that will only affect my ranking when it is so severe that it affects their ability to model, such as with Molly and Alexandria in Cycle 16. Both have personalities that rubbed people the wrong way on sets, and may end up preventing them from working. Nice personalities probably won’t affect it as much.
Those are the three main areas to be honest, hope this helps a bit, though to be honest there is no strict formula. This is why sometimes rankings vary a bit, because some people view certain things as more important.
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krissstalll · 8 years ago
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🍌🍋🐟🥚🥐🥘🍛🍲🥛 #Cycle16 (at Pondang Reviewers Bulacan)
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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1 – Molly
Even if I think Hannah had the best individual shot, Molly’s two photos both come closest to dethroning it. Think it was the correct first call-out this week. Both of these photos are beautiful, and she was the only one to produce two brilliant photos. The solo shot is probably the slight weaker, but I still think there is such a casual beauty to it. The expression is soft, and I adore the way the dress is billowing in the wind. It feels like a beautiful contrast to the passionate paired photo. Molly connected with the male model the best, the intense glare in her eyes is magnificent, as is the dramatic pose. I’m a sucker for a pointed leg, silhouetted against a sheer fabric. No doubt these would look right at home in a spread, on opposite pages.
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topmodelranking · 7 years ago
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#5 – Brittani’s Marrakech Love Story Shots
This was such a gorgeous photoshoot, but honestly Brittani’s shots just failed compared to the others. They have such a fake feeling to them, Brittani hasn’t managed to make me believe the story. Up until this point I kind of understood keeping her, she clearly was a strong model with a good walk. But this was the point where Brittani just went down in my estimations, these shots are just nowhere near on the level of Hannah and Molly.
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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5 – Rune
I will say Rune was the only one wearing the earrings who really knocked it out of the park, but I do think they were probably the most difficult accessory. That just makes their showing even more impressive. The angle they displayed perfectly showcases their bone structure in a massively different way from last week, as well as making the product look beautiful. I adore the facial expression too. Delicate and controlled; perfect hooded eyes and parted lips. I could do with a little bit more life in the eyes, but it is such a minor concern. I also need to say how much I hated Rune’s makeover, I thought the length they had their hair was perfect for their facial structure, especially how it was styled here, and the short length was just narrowed their potential too much.
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
Hiya! I’ve been loving your comeback content. Keep it up xx
Name one NTM model for each (from any franchise) that has that quintessential, signature look for:
- Beauty
- High Fashion
- Editorial
Use a different model for each.
Have fun answering!!
Okay, sorry for taking so long to answer this question, but I wanted to give it a lot of thought. So here are my rather hesitant answers. I am only using the American, Australian and late British cycles for this mainly, with the odd reference to some of the other international cycles I’ve seen.
High Fashion
I feel like this was the easiest one to decide, as I think High Fashion in general has a much more stereotypical look, and is much more focused on the look than their skill, so picking a quintessential choice was pretty easy.
Instant ones that came to mind were Ann Ward, Leila Goldkuhl, Jane Randall, Fatima Siad, all have really strong expensive looks, strong faces, tall, have that runway look. For me though it came down to two winners from different countries, Aamito Lagum and Alice Burdeu. Both of these I feel would be clear answers in terms of why, but I guess for the final answer I’ll go with Alice. Feels like such an easy answer, but nothing else feels right. Alice’s look was just perfect for high fashion, especially at that time. It also was the first time NTM had really felt like it hit that high fashion angle perfectly. There is a reason that ANTM tried to just find a virtual clone of her when it came to their high fashion season.
I found this one harder, as I think editorial has a much wider definition, and is far more skill focused. There is also a big difference between being a successful editorial model in Vogue than in Marie Claire, so answering this was a lot more difficult.
I think when looking at those more high fashion magazines like Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar, any of the names I mentioned above have that look that feels very editorial. I think though a lot of them besides Jane feel a bit more niche, she is the only one who I could then see doing the more commercial feeling magazines as well, so I think she is a contender. Chantelle Young/Winnie Harlow is another shot in terms of having a unique look, I think it is so unique it is hard to pick her as the quintessential choice, but felt like I needed to give her a shout out.
Kathryn Lyons was another one whose portfolio proved she could also do the same, but I think her actual look is quite underwhelming, and it is more skill and being photogenic than that quintessential look. Another one that came to mind was Chantal Jones, I think she has such a versatile look, sort of similar to Jane. I could see her doing those more high fashion magazines, commercial, but then even going into men’s magazine, women’s health magazines, just really anything. She has such a wide editorial appeal. Similarly, considered maybe Shanali Martin. But no one felt fully right.
In the end, once I thought about Montana Cox, she became the clear answer for me. Yeah, so two AusNTM as my choices, but I do think that franchise knew how to do it well. Montana has that look that I feel can do anything, and while there may be others who have the more quintessential looks for individual styles of editorial modelling, I think Montana can do them all successful. Her portfolio is still one of the most diversely strong, but I really feel every shot could come straight from an editorial from a wide variety of magazines. I think that versatility is so essential for an editorial model, so is why I chose Montana as my quintessential editorial model.
So this is all about the face, again I think there is a large part of skill, but natural beauty still shines here. I think again there is a slight distinction between those who could succeed in more commercial beauty modelling, for make-up brands and skin case, like Covergirl of course, and those who can do the more high fashion beauty shoots.
I think Olivia Wardell and Jennifer Malengele from Cycle 11 of BNTM help exemplify this sort of distinction, Olivia didn’t show the greatest range in angles, but had such a stunning face that took the more dramatic make-up well, while Jennifer excelled in the natural, commercial beauty shoots. I think those two nicely complement each other really in showing the diversity of beauty shoots, but neither has the look that really feels as wide-ranging.
Some other names to come to my mind are Mikaela Schipani, her bone structure is incredible, perfectly symmetrical features, and has shown she can look great at a few different angles, similarly Alex Sinadinovic for much the same reasons, or Yoanna House, who provided one of the best beauty shots in NTM history because of her bone structure. I think there are also a few models who just have more traditionally simple, yet stunning faces, with flawless skin, so stand out in a different way. So for those Fatima again is a contender, or Kendal Brown. Linnea Stevens-Jones also probably deserves a mention, as well as Sabine Jamieson, both had incredible faces.
Honestly, think I need to just go with Yoanna on this one. There are so many stunning faces, who are distinct, unique, and could excel in so many ways. I’ve spent way too long going through each season, trying to extract unorthodox choices, but sometimes you just need to go with your gut instinct. There may be some technically stronger, but her classic beauty really just is timeless in terms of beauty shots.
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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3 – Monique
Monique’s shot has some things going for it. It feels relatively expensive, the jaguar looks flawless, and the product is shown well. Those three things mean she easily gets third this week from me. My issue with Monique all comes down to the expression. I think her face looks gorgeous, she has found her lighting well, but the expression is just reading hungover to me. I think it was an attempt at a snarl to match the jaguar, but it was neither committed enough or subtle enough to work.
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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4 – Mikaela
Again we see that Mikaela does not need to do a lot to take a great photograph. I loved that this was at a slightly different angle from last week, showcases that her bone structure can shine when photographed different. It is simple but it showcases the necklace, so is doing the job she was set. The expression is the only thing I am left wanting more from, her eyes do currently give me something, but it isn’t enough to carry such a simple pose. The make-up is, styling and natural beauty are carrying this photo, and it is just something that she can’t constantly be relying on.
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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1 – Brittani’s Landfill Couture Shot
While I probably would not have crowned Brittani myself (though to be honest I’ve never really known who I would crown for sure out of this cycle), this photo really makes me understand why they made that choice. She was professional, had a walk, and had the potential to produce pieces of art like this. It may be her only shot in my top 10, but it is still my clear favourite. Gorgeous body, radiant face, paired with one of the strongest concept and execution that ANTM has provided. Perfection.
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topmodelranking2 · 3 years ago
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2 – Molly’s Camel Shot
This has risen significantly since the last time I ranked, and I seriously did consider it for the top spot this list. Molly has given a masterclass in modelling here. It is perfectly posed to display everything she is wearing, in a casual theme appropriate manner. Molly was one of the most consistent models we have ever seen on this show, but her last few weeks were a new level of brilliance. The fact three of her last four shots made it in my top 10 will probably remain a record, something just sparked in her once that horrid weave was removed, and this felt like a culmination of perfection. I am still in love with this to this day, even if there is one photo I slightly prefer.
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