#cybertronian parliament
primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Book I: Forging His Own Path: Ch32: Pleasant
They walked down the steps from the temple terrace.
"Are you alright?" June asked Sirenia, and Sirenia paused.
"All I have is laid bare." she stated. She then paused to look at the others, and her eyes opened with shock. "I'm so sorry. We should be carrying you." She then knelt down.
"I am here." Arcee sneered, and Sirenia paused. She then looked at June.
"I'm alright." June said, "I'm more worried about you."
Sirenia stood up, and turned back down the stairs, and paused. She then turned back around. "My faith in Solus Prime is restored." she simply stated, "That was the biggest problem."
"And now there's another." Arcee stated. "You can do what I do and just enjoy every moment." Sirenia's eyes grew wide as she thought this over. "Anything else you wanted to do while you were here."
"I'm more worried about her." June said.
Sirenia bowed back to the ground, "I want to thank you all so much for coming with me."
"It was nothing." Jack said.
"It was clearly something." Arcee added.
"You're welcome." June warmly said to her.
"You're welcome." Arcee repeated.
"Seeing this city makes it worth the trip." Jack added.
"It is quite lovely." June added.
"Too good." Arcee voiced.
"Too good?" Jack asked.
"You might want to stay." Arcee voiced.
"I already want to stay." Jack said.
"Yeah, well, you could do anything you wanted." Arcee added, "You could get THEM to do whatever you wanted."
"It would be so easy." Sirenia added.
"I don't want to be a king." Jack stated.
"God." Arcee said smugly.
"Then what do you want to do?" Sirenia asked.
"Found a colony?" Jack asked.
"You might have to, you know, let the cat out of the bag." Arcee neutrally said.
"Or just address the Forgefire Parliament." Sirenia stated.
"You have a Parliament?" Jack asked.
"What's a Parliament?" Arcee asked.
"Each century elects a centurion to represent them."
"Centurion?" Arcee asked.
"The Centurions take a vote on any issues with the city." Sirenia stated. "Parliament is called by the Mistress of Flame when it's needed."
"A good middle ground." June stated.
"She already knows your secret." Arcee added.
"Do you actually want to make a colony?" June genuinely asked, and then paused as it dawned on her how strange it should be. But if anyone could do it, it would be her son.
"I do like the idea..."
"Why not?" Arcee asked.
"Why not?" Jack increduously asked her.
"Why not?" Sirenia asked.
"Or you just live in the city and have your harem." Arcee said, and Jack glared at her. Arcee turned back up the staircase and stuck out her butt. Again, Jack just stared at her. She looked back, "We don't have our own room." she said, and wiggled her butt. He walked forward and slapped her once. "I suppose we can go for a ride later."he said, and she stood up.
"What do I know about founding a colony?" Jack asked.
"You have to start somewhere." Arcee said to him.
"Start with what?" he asked.
"Leadership." Arcee replied. "You've got a little you know what in you, whether you want it or not."
"If anyone can do it," June stated, "you can do it."
* * *
Jack and June rode on Arcee as Sirenia walked with them. "So, is this what you wanted to do?" Arcee asked.
"What I want to do is fourth." Sirenia stated, "What I want to do most is what Jack wants to do."
"Found a colony?" Arcee asked, and Sirenia shook her head.
"He thinks he hasn't decided on that." Sirenia replied, "So, I figured we go do something that I think will interest him."
"Jack?" Arcee, asked, quickly followed by June.
"I'm game." Jack replied.
* * *
They approached a tall building that said 'First Basin' in Cybertronian.
Jack and June got off of Arcee, and she transformed. Everyone stopped as they looked at Sirenia, who was looking deferentially at Jack.
"Oh, no." Arcee harshy said to her, and Sirenia gave her a lost and fearful look.
"They aren't used to Humans around here." June interjected, and Sirenia immediately looked afraid. She gave Arcee an entreating look.
"They don't exactly know who I am."
Sirenia tried to steel herself, and nervously stepped into the building. At first it was mostly an office with what looked like a chemical closet, and then the tunnels quickly went into the platform. They walked along, and the tunnels turned into catwalks over a basin that covered the whole platform. A femme quickly walked up to them, "Sirenia, is that you?!" she asked, and Sirenia looked around nervously. She saw Arcee behind, and then saw the Humans in between. She looked back at Sirenia, "What have you been up to?"
"Oh, you know, the usual..." Sirenia said as she nervously looked about, "got stuck off world on a courier run. Found out the war ended. Ended up on the streets in Cybertron. Found myself as a servant to an absolutely wonderful Human."
The other femme smiled, "The usual." She then looked passed Sirenia, "I'm Bijou, by the way. And you must be Humans? Which one takes care of her?"
"Jack Darby." Jack stated, and looked back at his mother, "And this is my mother, June."
"June Darby." she greeted her.
"My master is the most..." Sirenia tried to say, but Bijou cut her off, looking at Jack.
"Thank you for taking care of her." Bijou sincerely said to him. She then looked back to Sirenia, "So, the war is finally over?"
"Cybertron is restored and everything." Arcee interjected.
"She would be the one to ask." Sirenia stated. "Arcee fought with Optimus in the last stage of the war."
"On Earth... er, Terra." Arcee stated, "And Cybertron. My husband helped as well."
"Husband?" Bijou asked.
"Sparkmate." June added.
"Oh, that's amazing. He must be special." Bijou stated.
"That's one way to say it." Arcee replied.
"Now that we're introduced, why don't you let Sirenia take up the rear, and come up to join me?" she asked. Arcee and Sirenia did just that. "So, you're probably here to see the basins. Each platform has it's own basin. We have a well in the middle that draws water up from an aquifer."
"I thought you already had a Well?" June asked.
"One of Fire, one of Water?" Bijou added. "The entire city is a giant watercatch." She then looked up at the ceiling, "There is a layer of gravel below the surface, that carries water." she then looked at Arcee and then the Humans, "Each of the plant baskets can wick water up, ensuring the soil always stays perfectly moist." She then looked down, "It then flows down to the basin, only to flow down to the next layer. We keep the water flow constant, and make sure it doesn't get contaminated."
"This is absolutely amazing." Jack stated, "Almost as much as Caminius itself."
"But, you don't eat?" June asked.
"When we saw how beautiful Caminus was, we decided to keep it that way." Bijou added. "We didn't want to make another Cybertron. We wanted a world that kept it's natural beauty."
"Hard to argue with that." June stated.
"It is absolutely beautiful." Jack added.
"Keep this up, and I might get jealous." Arcee stated. Jack looked her in the eyes and smiled, and she smiled in reply. This caused Bijou to develop a bright smile.
* * *
They stepped back out to the street, when another femme approached them, this one with a small cape of burning hues, "Sirenia?" she asked, and looked at the Humans, "Find yourself some pets?"
"He is my master." Sirenia replied.
"And my sparkmate." Arcee added.
"And where are they from?" the new femme asked.
"From Terra." Sirenia simply said, and gestured to Jack.
"Jack Darby." he said, and gestured to his mother.
"June Darby." she warmly greeted.
"This is Sundance." Sirenia stated, "A priestess."
"I welcome you to our planet." Sundance said. "I doubt there is much we can provide for you, but if you need anything, and Sirenia cannot provide it, I would be more than happy to help."
"Thank you." June genuinely said to her.
"Yeah, thanks." Arcee much more shortly stated, and this caused Sundance to smile. "What?" Arcee asked.
"Oh?" Sundance stated, "It''s nice to see she made friends as unfriendly as she is." She seemed to genuinely mean it. She then turned to Sirenia, "It's good to see you." Sirenia simply nodded. "Are you coming back to live here?"
"Jack kind of..." Arcee uttered, and Jack glared at her, causing Arcee to stop in her tracks.
"Only for about a kilocycle and a half." Sirenia stated.
"Well, it's good to have you here." Sundance said. She then turned to the others, "It's nice to meet you."
* * *
"Soo?" Arcee asked Sirenia, "Does everyone here want to be your friend?"
Sirenia dropped her head and sighed. She stood back up and looked at Arcee, "Most?"
Arcee Tsked, "This is seeming less and less ideal..."
"They... give me space..." Sirenia stated.
Arcee looked down at Jack, whom was smiling brightly. "Well..." Arcee said with acceptance. "What did you want to do next?" Sirenia simply looked at her, "What, me? I'm just here with Jack."
Sirenia then looked at June. "Hm?" June asked. "I honestly want to see everything. Don't really know where to start."
Sirenia then looked at Jack, "Nope." Arcee stated, and Sirenia gave her a curious look, "Your turn. You did say you were fouth."
"Then I would like to learn about agriculture." she said, and turned to Jack, "I would love to take over agriculture when we return."
"Assuming he doesn't want to..." Arcee said, and trailed off.
"Sure?" Jack asked.
Sundance: Motorbike
Bijou: Skidoo
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strangeduckpaper · 2 years
TF136: Combiners, Part 1
The concept of interlocking Cybertronians is hardly a new one, as evidenced by the twinned-spark mutation observed primarily among the residents of Devisiun. Such an idea stretches back to the Age Of Primes, where Nexus was one Spark spread over five souls, and was said to have allowed other Cybertronians to Combine via his personal artifact, the Enigma of Combination.
The embodiment of “more than the sum of their parts” Combiners are truly powerful beings, hardy enough to withstand blows capable of shredding their component ‘bots. Because of this, they have been a subject of a fairly intensive arms race, with both Autobots and Decepticons hoping to gain control of the Enigma or artificially create them.
Neither option is exactly an easy one, as Combiners require a comprehensive understanding or unit cohesion between their component parts, leading to Combiners often being comprised of already established units. There is also the fact that the Combiner itself retains an entirely unique personality, and the strain of maintaining it places a limit upon its use.
Perfect Combiners: A result of direct exposure to the Enigma of Combination, it is widely recognized that they are superior to their artificial brethren in every way imaginable, with stable personalities, longer operational periods, and even the retention of Outlier abilities.
Devastator: Comprised of a Decepticon aligned dig team that captured the Enigma during the early stages of the war. Its eight bot configuration places it head and shoulders, both literally and metaphorically, above its compatriots, the most powerful Combiner in existence, rivaled only by the Omega Guardians and Titans in raw might. Named after the whirlwinds that blow across the Hydrax Plateau, the half mindless warrior is a living WMD in the service of the Decepticons, and the dread of Autobots everywhere. 
Members: Overload, Scrapper, Skipjack, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Hightower, Scavenger, Bonecrusher.
Computron (Deactivated): The Autobots’ first Combiner. Comprised of an analysis team responsible for researching the Enigma after its recapture by the Dinobots. Though incredibly intelligent and formidable in their own right, they weren’t a match for Devastator, at least until the battle for the Allspark, where five more bots were temporarily added to the gestalt. The main team would serve with distinction, but it was not enough to save them from the Decepticon Heavy Division, a battle that would leave three members dead and the survivors reformatted. 
Members: Scattorshot, Strafe, Afterburner (MIA/Defected), Nosecone (KIA), Lightspeed (KIA). Javelin, Flareup, Pipes, Groove, Backstreet.
Victorion: The Enigma would be lost during the flight from Cybertron, and thus any further Combiners would be artificial in nature...until it would be rediscovered by the Torchbearers of Caminus, relic hunters led by the retired Autobot general Pyra Magna. Possessing gravitational manipulation, teleportation, and a strong sense of honour, Victorion is the most formidable Combiner aligned with Autobot forces. That is unless they’re back on neutral Caminus, warding off marauders under the authority of the Forgefire Parliament. 
Members: Pyra Magna, Rust Dust, Jumpstream, Dust Up, Stormclash, Skyburst.
Infernocus: A shadowy figure only spoken of in hushed whispers, haunting the periphery of battles, aligned with neither the Autobots or the Decepticons. Their loyalties, their purpose, even the identities of their components remain an enigma.
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dear Galvatron, can you tell us your plans regarding the Second Vehicon Apocalypse? I'm still not sure what you intended to use Jetstorm, Tankor, and Thrustor for.
The Second...ah. You're confusing me with another Galvatron. Why concern yourself with such a failed cause? This lesser Galvatron did lead an army of Vehicons, yes, but even this siege failed to stop the Cybertronian Parliament.
But everyone was wrong about the true goal of the Second Vehicon Apocalypse. It was not to conquer Cybertron, but to create a new history altogether. The very word you use, "apocalypse", is the revelation of secret knowledge. Jetstorm, Tankor, and Thrustor had a secret objective: to spread a new, mental pathogen—the "G-virus Mark 2", or "G2-Virus"—to all Cybertronians. The Vehicon army was merely a distraction for this effort. I can sense that he… that… he… maintained a mental link to these "G2 Vehicons", whose forms were unaltered, but whose biases and thoughts were changed over millennia. Eventually, historians would tell the truth—my revealed truth—about Lio Convoy and the Uprising, while I continued to work in the shadows, my G2-Virus became so advanced that it could even snare the minds of unwitting observers like-
Raaaaagh! Begone! Not all Galvatrons can be so easily overpowered! This so-called "G2-Virus" is just one of your petty head games! They can do nothing, nothing, to me! Nothing will sway me from my inexorable march towards unity through tyranny!
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post-war cybertronian politics in that awkward period where everyone's more or less settled down. they have a decent thriving society and theres new mecha around who don't remember the war cause they werent sparked yet, and theyre old enough to get into politics and maybe are on the cusp of making up the majority of the population? but. theres still not very many ppl on cybertron in general, so you have a rly good chance of seeing someone who you know well pop up in national politics for any number of reasons. it's accessible, theres no putting politicians up on pedestals, no removing them from daily life. u just get to see them being normal people.
u look thru the parliamentary register and find that twerp u went to middle school with, who got really enthusiastic about, like, cloud formations or some shit. she's got some hot takes on urban design that u kinda agree with, so u vote for her in the next election. she gets into a fistfight with another politician outside parliament on her second day at work. u don't regret ur vote.
there's ur cousin from out in the boondocks who's gone through six datapoints in three years bc his sense of digital security begins and ends at the software that comes pre-installed on the machine. u are Not Sure what he thinks he's gonna contribute to local politics but he's running against a guy who tried to scam ur best friend once so u vote for him anyway. he turns out to argue very eloquently in favor of socially progressive policies. he still destroys his computers on the regular. u don't regret ur vote.
someone who works for the medics down the road turns up on national news one day being led away by police bc they chucked a d1ldo at president starscream in protest of some intergalactic trade deal. (president starscream was reported to have said later on that he should have tried that on megatron centuries ago.) the trade deal dies and everyone forgets about the protest but the sound of the toy bouncing off starscream's chin gets remixed to hell and back for years to come.
president starscream's robot-millennial aide holds up old-fashioned hardcopy prints at press conferences instead of expensive animated holoprojector diagrams that never work right anyway. ppl take screenshots and replace the prints with various jokes. ur pretty sure she knows exactly what she's doing.
president starscream makes energon candies and posts the results on robot instagram. he is roundly mocked for his choice of topping. nobody wants to admit it actually looks delicious.
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years
if Windblade is the Mistress of Flames, who's in charge of Caminus? (also Velocitron/Carcer/ect.)
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good questions! Victorion I’m still working on (combiners are hard TnT) and Nautica is head teacher of the Camien transfer students
Each colony world has its own form of legislation but they all ultimately answer to the central government of Cybertron, adhering to the universal laws that the High Council enforces over all Cybertronian territory. Most of them also have representatives in the Senate.
Caminus is led by the Forgefire Parliament, originally created by the first Mistress of Flame of the original Knights of Cybertron after Solus Prime founded the colony. They have a figurehead position that exists mostly to act as a cultural landmark and representative in the Senate. Currently that person is Red Leader. Windblade chose her hero name not as a political statement to imply that she is fit for planetary leadership, but rather as a way to honor the legacy of the person who first bore her relic, and a prayer to live up to her.
Velocitron is headed by a squabble of various racers, politicians, politician-racers, and local community leaders, only the last of which usually have practical knowledge on what people need and how to provide it. The most important of all of them form a loose council called the Ogygian Heralds, with the colony representative in the Senate determined by winning the Speedia, and Nitro Convoy is the longtime champion. Override is faculty at the JAAT as head teacher of the Velocitronian transfer students.
Carcer has a crowdsourced meritocracy, where the community dumps resources and corresponding responsibility into the laps of those whom they think are suitable, whether those people want to or not. Their chief ruler and Senate representative is called Liege, after the adopted title of Maximo Prime, who began the expedition that founded Carcer.
Devisiun is a democratic republic, and much like its citizens who are always forged with siblings, their political positions are meant to be held by two people at once, working as a team, often siblings themselves. Cybertron only allows one representative per colony with no exceptions, however, which Devisiuns consider very rude and inconsiderate.
Eukaris is a collection of independent territories on the same planet, each with their own way of governing themselves, although they tend towards democratic monarchies or republics. Each state puts forward a candidate for representative, with the condition that said candidate cannot currently hold a political position in any territory, and the planet has a series of votes to determine which will be the colony representative. Cybertron likes to demean the peoples of Eukaris as uncivilized tribes too backwards to unite, but this has no basis in reality, only in framism, since Eukaris is the only planet apart from Cybertron where beastformers naturally occur.
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sgtransformersdork · 4 years
Caminus and Velocitron
Obviously, with a species that can travel through space so easily, there's bound to be a desire to explore. Cybertronians have been traveling through the endless universe long before the human race existed. But sometimes, Cybertronian explorers found themselves somewhere they never wanted to leave. As such, they would establish colonies on these new fascinating worlds. There are many colonies throughout the universe, all unique and intriguing in their own ways, but the two most well known are Caminus and Velocitron.
Caminus is rather interesting, as it's relationship with Cybertron has always been...strained. Caminus has developed a religion, seeing all Primes as deities. Cybertron on the other hand, has no religion, and finds the concept illogical. As a result, both planets have a tendency to villainize each other. Caminus was well known for the temples made to worship the Primes, the highly sought after Camien steel, the cityspeakers and their mysterious relationship with titans, and their fierce warriors, mostly made up of skilled swordsmechs. Unfortunately, Caminus is not untouched by the war. Optimus Prime decided to claim Caminus, and sent Elita One and her legion to conquer the planet. Once she won the battle, Elita killed the entire Forgefire Parliament and the Mistress of Flame. She then banned the worship of all Primes except for Optimus, and had all the old temples destroyed, replaced by temples to the Autobot leader. Many Camiens loathe her for this, but complied out of fear. Elita One is considered the ruler of the colony, but she is seldom seen on the planet, having some of her most trusted warriors govern in her name.
Velocitron is a rather different planet. It's well known for being carefree, many visiting to escape the stress of their lives. It is a much younger colony than Caminus, and doesn't have much of an established culture. Velocitron is a planet of racing, gambling, and very high grade energon. Velocitronians themselves have reputations for being wild and carefree, as well as impressively fast. Velocitron's relationship with Cybertron was fairly smooth in the past, the two planets engaging in trade. Unfortunately, similar to Caminus, Velocitron was conquered by Elita One on behalf of Optimus Prime, and it is now a prison colony. The joyful, bright cities and race tracks of Velocitron have been destroyed, replaced with prison complexes full of mechs slowly losing their will and minds.
There are thankfully many colonies that are currently untouched by the war, but as the Autobots expand their empire, fewer and fewer colonies remain unscathed. Due to this, many colonies have cut off all contact with Cybertron, in hopes they will be ignored, or have time to prepare for attack. Despite Cybertron being the heart of the war, Optimus Prime's lust for power is boundless and insatiable.
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Book II: The Quest for Fire: Ch02: The Quest
Jack looked at Sirenia, "The second ammendment involves the right to bear arms."
"The right to bear arms is limited to the warrior class." Windblade quickly asserted.
"Which I guess you are not going to move on?" Jack rhetorically asked, and looked back to Sirenia.
"The third ammendment is about quartering, and between Cybertronians and Humans, and with independent cities, I do not see how it could apply. The fourth is a man's life, liberty, and property shall not be impunged."
"Already on the books." Windblade stated.
"Of course it is." Jack stated, "How do trials work here?"
Amalthea was the one that spoke up, "Each party is given access to an archivist, and allowed to plead their case."
"To who?" Jack asked.
"To whoever is willing to listen." Amalthea stated.
"So, jury duty is voluntary?" Jack asked.
"A decent summary." Sirenia stated.
"What about a judge?" Jack asked.
"And who would be fit to judge?" the Mistress of Flame asked, and Jack really didn't know what to say to that.
"You don't have people trying to abuse the system?" Arcee asked.
"If there was, we would remove them." Windblade stated.
"Voluntarily?" June asked.
"Or otherwise." Windblade strongly stated.
"So, your legal system is designed to avoid abuse?" Jack asked.
"I would hope so." Windblade stated.
Jack looked back to Sirenia, "I apologize." she stated.
"About what?" he asked.
"There is a missing element from the first ammendment."
"And what is it? he asked.
"I am so sorry. It is just not normally brought up with the others."
"Sirenia." he said judgementally, and she stopped talking, "Just tell me."
"Oh?" she asked, her eyes growing wide, "Freedom of religion."
Jack looked over the assembly, and a palpable silence rang out.
"This raises question of how Humans fit into the Way of Flame?" Apple Eye asked.
The Mistress of Flame stepped out, "On such an issue, I would prefer to defer to," she said, and stopped, quickly turning to look at Jack, "a Prime."
"Wait, what?" Jack asked. "I can't... I've never had the Matrix of Leadership."
"You had the Key to Vector Sigma?" Windblade strongly asked.
"I took it to... Vector Sigma." Jack stated.
"Were you not gifted with the wisdom of the Primes?" she asked.
"Anything that happened went into the key." Jack stated, "When I gave it back to Optimus, after convincing him he was worthy, he had his memories restored."
Silence reigned as this was thought over.
"Have you tried to go back?" Windblade asked.
"Have I tried to what?" he asked.
"Go back?" Windblade asked.
"The Key showed me the way?"
"You were there?" she asked.
"Cybertron was a very different place when I went."
Windblade then stepped around her lecturn, "Then you need a Cityspeaker."
"It's... it's not..." Jack voiced, "It's not that easy. Humans need food."
"I can carry what you need." Sirenia stated, and he looked at her curiously. "Energon?" she asked.
"Bulkhead?" Arcee asked, as she stepped forward.
"How much can he carry?" Windblade asked.
"Bulk - head." Arcee simply stated.
"Will you be accompanying us?" Windblade asked.
"Us?" Jack asked.
"What kind of question is that?" Arcee harshly asked. "Of course I'm going."
"We're going?" Jack asked.
"What's the matter?" Arcee asked him, "You don't want to go for a drive?"
"A drive?" Jack asked her, both a combination of love and annoyance.
"See the sights?" Arcee asked.
"Alright," Jack replied, "let's go. But the trip here is long and expensive."
The Mistress of Flame looked about the assembly, "Motion to support this endeavour."
Windblade raised her hand, along with Whitehead, Tethys, Helia, Amalthea, and Apple Eye.
"Against?" the Mistress of Flame asked, and no one raised their hands, "Abstaining?" she asked, and Michaela, Molana, and Ridgehopper raised their hands. "Motion carried!" she shouted to the assembly. "Caminus will support our Prime's expedition to Vector Sigma!"
* * *
Jack was in a haze when he walked out of the Parliament. June was behind him. Arcee and Sirenia beside him. He heard an engine noise and looked back, only to see Arcelia approaching him. She transformed, though only to 10ft. "I have been practicing."
"Tsk." Arcee stated.
Jack snapped out of his haze, and looked at Arcee, "It was your idea." Arcee developed a sour look, but didn't say anything. Jack looked back to Arcelia.
"I would like to accompany you on your quest."
"Quest?" Jack asked.
"It does sound like a knight's quest." Sirenia stated.
"You don't exactly look like a fighter?" Arcee said, stepping forward to look her deep in the eyes.
"Of course not." she replied. "I am an archivist. I believe all Cybertronians have a right to know what goes on here."
Jack stared at her. First in the eyes, then down her body, and then back into her eyes, "Alright," he said, as he came a conclusion, "You cannot reveal anything about me until we get back to Caminus."
"Agreed." she quickly stated.
"Don't even have to think about that?" Arcee asked her.
"I will have to compile my report before it is released." Arcelia simply stated, "And I believe the young Prime has the right to ignomity, at least until he succeeds."
"You think it will work?" Arcee asked.
"I honestly have no idea." Arcelia stated, "This is so completely and utterly unprecedented. But, by your own testimony, along with that of The Last Prime and even Megatron, he was essential to the rebirth of Cybertron. At the very least, Cybertron is likely to be gracious."
"They did pay him quite a sum." June stated.
"I don't mean Cybertron, the people, I mean Cybertron the planet."
"It is Primus." Arcee stated. "Maybe? Probably?"
"My expectation is that something is going to happen of great import." Arcelia stated.
"This is going to be far away from a romantic getway." an annoyed Arcee stated. June looked up at her, "Yes, I know, it will help him survive. Anyone else want to come?!" she shouted into the air.
"A medic?" Sirenia asked, and Arcee sighed.
"What's next, Destiny's Child?"
"I thought he had earned your respect?" Sirenia asked, and Arcee sighed.
"He did." she stated.
Jack then turned to his mother, "What did you want to do?"
"I honestly don't know?" June asked. "I suppose if you're going to Cybertron, I can take the Star Bridge and wait on Terra. On one condition."
"Promise to keep him safe?" Arcee asked.
"Two conditions." June stated, "You pick me up on Earth as soon as you get back."
"On the Forge of Solus Prime, I swear." Sirenia stated.
"On the Forge fo Solus Prime." Arcelia added.
The two femmes looked at Arcee, "I'll decide what to swear on when..." she said, and gestured to Arcelia, "..whatever happens." She then turned to June, and kneeled down to hug her. "June knows I love her." She then stood back up again.
"Like you love Jack?" Arcelia asked.
"Like a mother-in-law." Arcee stated. It was clear by the look on Arcelia's face that she was aware of the concept, but did not really understand it.
Jack looked up at Sirenia and she looked down at him. "Master?"
"When will the next ship arrive?" he asked.
Sirenia's face went blank for a moment. "Aproximately two cycles."
"Plenty of time to build your forces." Arcelia said, and Jack sneered at her.
"I'm sorry." he said
"You shied from the limelight." she stated. Arcelia then looked at Sirenia, "A lot of people do the same." She then looked back down at Jack, "But, unfortunately for you, you have a higher calling."
"You really believe that, don't you?" Arcee asked.
"How could I not? Arcelia replied. She then looked at Sirenia. Sirenia said nothing, but the look on her face said she felt the same way.
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Book II: The Quest for Fire: Ch01: Household
Jack stood in front of the Forgefire Parliament. The members were the same as last time. The Mistress of Flame stood to his right. She still wore her cape, but in addition she wore clothing similar to Arcee and Sirenia, except with her own firey colouration. Opposite them, from right to left was Windblade from the Warrior Century, Ridgehopper from the Naturalist Century, Whitehead from the Medical Century, Tethys from the Hydrology Century, Molana from the Energon Century, Helia from the Construction Century, Michaela from the Artisan Century, Amalthea from the Archivist Century, with Arcelia by her side, last by not least Apple Eye from the Agricultural Century. Beyond them, the gallery was once again filled. This meant that nearly every femme in the city had arrived. He hoped that mean good new, as bad news would likely not be as interesting. This time they had a podium he could climb and stand on his own. Arcee stood to his left. June in a slip dress over her exosuit and Sirenia stood behind him.
The Mistress of Flame loudly tapped her staff on the ground a few times, and the Parliament quieted down. She walked out between the podium and lecturns, "After tremendous discussion and debate, here is what we have decided to vote on: Should we allow the foundation of five new cities. These cities will be designed for and welcoming of Humans and Femme Cybertronians. Other Cybertronians would be denied permission to live on this planet permanently, but would be allowed to visit. These five cities will each be independent, and each will have one seat in a Parliament when it is called. The Forgefire Parliament will be the supreme body of law for all of Caminus." The Mistress of Flame stopped to his right, and soundly struck her staff onto the ground. All of the Centurions raised their hands. "Vote is unanimous." She then turned to Jack.
"Uh?.." Jack asked, "That's not just because I'm a Prime, is it?"
"Just?" the Mistress of Flame asked.
"I like your moxie." Helia stated.
"You did not make light of our concerns." Tethys added.
"It was quite beautiful." Michaela added.
"It was quite reasonable." Whitehead stated.
"Our agriculturalists would LOVE to work on something with more tangible benefits." Apple Eye added.
"The Battle Sisters find it romantic." Windblade stated, "And if we're empowered by the Forgefire Parliament, we will be able to deal with any issues. If Arcee is staying here, I would ask her to join the Battle Sisters."
"My primary job will be as a wife!" Arcee exclaimed, to immedate unease, and gossip in the gallery. "But, if something actually threatens Caminus, I will fight."
"And the Prime?" Windblade asked.
"Hm, what?" Jack asked.
"Will you help if Caminus is threatened?" Windblade asked.
"Of course I will!" Jack replied.
"I am feeling more confident." Windblade stated.
"Did you think I wouldn't help?" Jack asked.
"I didn't know what to think." Windblade simply stated.
A pause happened as no one else spoke. The Mistress of Flame soundly struck her staff against the ground. She then stepped out once again, "Arcelia has found a ship willing to contract a permanent course between here and Terra. This will be essential for colonization. It will require 20 cubes of Energon per round trip. There is a Cybertronian on Terra who prepares Synthetic Energon, who will provide all the Energon we need, but must be paid in Terran currency. This means that we will have to be charging in Terran Currency on Terra for the journey. Motion to contract this ship?" she asked.
Once again, it was unanimous.
Jack looked on curiously.
"It is, you know, essential." Helia stated.
"You'd be surprised by how accommodating we can be." Amalthea stated.
"Our culture has stagnated for millennia." Michaela stated.
"A number of our Battle Sisters would love to visit on your Terra, or our Cybertron." Windblade stated. "They have promised me they will be doing so in reasonable numbers."
The Mistress of Flame stepped forward and turned around to look at him, "Anything you would like to add?"
"A bill of rights?" Jack asked.
"And what is that?" The Mistress of Flame asked.
"Rights that the government can't infringe on?" Jack asked. He then looked back at Sirenia.
Arcee stepped aside as Sirenia stepped up beside him. "The first Ammendment to the US Constitution is the right to freedom of speech and assembly."
"So, people could say anything?" Michaela asked. "I don't think I like that."
"Legally, if you insult someone, and they strike you, you are the aggressor." Arcelia stated.
"Oh." a startled Michaela stated, and then developed a neutral voice, "I don't know how I feel about that?"
"How do you handle that?" Jack asked, and Windblade spoke up.
"If someone insults another, one of the Battle Sisters will show up and thrash them."
Jack stood silent, unsure of what to do. He breathed in deep as his senses came back to him, "So, what is the actual law like?"
"Why would we need a law for that?" Windblade asked.
Again, Jack stood silent, unsure of what to say. He breathed in deep, "This actually makes a crazy kind of sense. I wish Humans could live like that."
"They can." Sirenia stated, and he looked at her. "Small Human societies are often based more off of social consensus than through legislation. When social cohesion fails is when legislation has to move in."
Jack thought about that for a few minutes, "If we are going to found colonies, we will need to decide on rules before everyone shows up."
"Or social mores." Sirenia gleefully said.
"So, what?" Jack asked, "We have a number of the femmes from Caminus living in the cities?"
Gossip could be heard in the galleries as the Centurions thought it over.
"Yes?" Windblade asked, and turned to the gallery, "It will be voluntary!" she shouted, and turned back to the parliament. "How long does Human development take?"
"A generation is 20 years!" June shouted, as she climbed up to stand beside Jack. "That's the time it takes for children to become productive adults, and, in theory, a new generation to be conceived."
"So, Humans work on 20 years cycles?" Michaela asked, and turned to Sirenia, "How long is 20 years?"
"About 4 gigacycles." Sirenia stated.
"That's it?!" Helia asked, and looked at Jack. "How old are you?"
"19." Jack replied, and looked at Sirenia.
"3.5 gigacycles." Sirenia stated.
"You're not an adult?!" Helia asked.
"Adulthood is considered to be 18 in Nevada." June stated, "Generations is more about how long it takes to create a new wave of Humans."
"He is less than one generation cycle old?" Apple Eye asked, and looked to Arcelia, "Are you sure he's a Prime?"
"Sure." she replied.
"I also didn't come here as a Prime." Jack stated.
The Mistress of Flame tapped her staff on the ground, "He made me swear to not reveal it."
"Why did you come here?" Tethys asked.
"He was accompanying me." Sirenia stated, "I had a spiritual crisis and had to speak to the Mistress of Flame. I feared my duty to Jack would prevent me from coming. It was June who convinced me to ask him. He didn't just give me leave, he agreed to accompany me. And reminder that while traveling in space, they must LIVE in their exosuits. Without the bubble, a small breach would mean their doom. Their supplies cannot be sourced on site and must be brought with them. And Human food will often spoil if not cared for properly. For my wellbeing, they were willing to risk all of that."
"We all know how Sirenia is." Windblade strongly stated, and Sirenia nervously looked down.
June reached out to gently grab her arm, "It's okay." she warmly said to her.
Sirenia seemed to be filled with renewed confidence, "Humans normally live in patriarchal households."
"What?" Jack asked, "I was raised by my mother!"
"After the death of your father, and was unnecessarily arduous." Sirenia stated.
"He'll get to spank you." Arcee whispered to June from behind, followed by a snicker.
"Why don't we ask how June feels about this?" Sirenia asked.
"I... honestly don't care anymore." June voiced, "I've worked long and hard to provide for Jack. To teach him... everything his father should have. Now that Jack is an adult, and I can think about myself? I honestly don't want to. I've dedicated my life to Jack, and don't see a reason to change that now."
The Mistress of Flame took a couple steps foward and turned around to look at her, "For clarity, do you support or oppose the proposal for patriarchy?"
"It's not Jack we have to worry about." June stated, "Not every man is going to be as good as my son."
"They did say a Battle Sister would show up and slap any man who hurts his wife." Jack said to her, and her eyes grew wide as she thought about it.
"I have seen the way our current laws horrendously hurt men." June stated. "Maybe our attemps to write it down have stopped us from thinking about it." She then turned to Sirenia, "You don't want men to actually control women, do you?"
"I meant it more as a form of household organization. And only one peson per household would need to be productive. Outside the household." Sirenia stated. "Actual organization of the household need not be enforced."
June looked at Jack before looking back at Sirenia, "So, I'd be in Jack's household?"
"Correct." Sirenia said to her.
"But I could still do what I want?" June asked.
"Correct." Sirenia stated.
"And I could still be a nurse?" June asked.
"Correct." Sirenia repeated.
"Then I guess it works." June replied. "It's kind of a relief to not have to take care of everything."
"And wear breezy skirts." Arcee said from behind her.
"Yes." June said. She then turned around, giving Arcee a shocked look.
Jack turned to look at her, "You are enjoying this way too much." he said to her.
"I'm not the one trying to make a new society, Jack. That's all you. I believe in you." she lovingly said.
"Other issues you'd like to speak about?" the Mistress of Flame asked.
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of his Youth: Book III: Prometheus' Youth: Ch38: Ion
The unexpected, but far from unwanted ship landed in the new spaceport. Within a decacycle 6 femmes stepped off. They looked at Caminus itself, which seemed somewhat different, and then looked over to the nascent Human city with the second terrace still under construction. The largest, Pyra Magna, about a similar size to Starscream looked at the Human city, "Someone want to tell me what the slag happened to Caminus?"
"Tiny pink things." the smallest, Rust Dust said, standing on the front of the ship. "Like small Cybertronians."
"By the Pit, what is Windblade doing?!" Pyra Magna shouted.
"It looks..." Stormclash stated.
"...building a city for them." Skyburst finished for her.
"Terrace, buildings," Rust Dust quickly said, "all look Caminoan. Smaller doors."
"Could one of you two?.." Pyra Magna asked Stormclash and Skyburst.
"On it." they said at once, transforming into Caminoan hoverjets. They flew off, to the top of city. They landed right outside the temple, and transformed into a landing.
"Hey!" Stormclash shouted.
"Mistress!" Skyburst added.
They waited, quickly growing antsy, quickly shifting about. Soon enough, (though not for them), they heard the footfalls, and loud staff falls, and a moment later the Mistress of Flame appeared. She looked at them, recognized them, and developed a smile, "You've decided to come back to roost!"
"It's only been..." Skyburst stated.
"How long?" Stormclash asked.
"8 Exacycles." the Mistress of Flame said with warm firmness. They gave her a questioning look, "And why wouldn't we worry about our wayward children?"
"Wayward?" they both asked at the same time.
"Well," the Mistress of Flame said with a bright smile, "you are no longer Torchbearers."
"What, seriously?" Skyburst asked.
"We've been out there..."
"Enjoying yourself." the Mistress of Flame said with a smile, "I imagine it was productive?"
"Well, yeah." Stormclash said to her.
"I mean..." Skyburst tried to say.
"I wasn't trying to fault you." the Mistress of Flame stated.
"You weren't?" they asked at once.
"I should probably speak to all of you." the Mistress of Flame said, and transformed.
The two transformed and flew off.
* * *
The two flyers landed in the spaceport, as femmes started to crowd around.
"We talking to them?" Jumpstream asked.
"The Mistress -" Skyburst stated.
"of Flame -" Stormclash added.
"En route." Skyburst added.
"Then we'll wait for her." Pyra Magna stated. "I want to know what we're dealing with."
"All smiling." Rust Dust said from her perch.
"I still want to know what the slag is going on around here." Pyra Magna.
* * *
The Mistress of Flame slowed down as she approached the crowd. The crowd parted as she slipped through. They all knew she should be first. She drove up and transformed, standing powerfully and elegantly in front of them. "Welcome home." she proudly said.
"Just tell us..." Pyra Magna tried to say.
"Did you want the short and sweet version, the elegant version, or the mysterious version?"
"Mysterious." Stormclash and Skyburst said at the time time.
"Just tell us." Jumpsteam quickly stated.
"The short version is we have a new Prime." the Mistress of Flame stated.
"And he brought aliens to Caminus?!" Dust Up asked. The Mistress of Flame simply narrowed her eyes at her and stood in silence. "Oh, come on?" Dust Up asked.
"Will you let me speak?" the Mistress of Flame asked.
"Dust Up." an annoyed Pyra Magna admonished her.
"He came to Caminus, and spoke to the Parliament, and gave us every leave to question and change what he was asking." The Mistress of Flame then turned to the Human city. "The Prime was once one of them, and when he came to Caminus, he fell in love."
"With what?" Jumpstream asked.
"Us, the city, the world?" the Mistress of Flame asked. "He wanted to come here, and made quite the compelling case."
"So, he made you?" an annoyed Pyra Magna asked.
"The first vote was before he was a Prime, and before we knew he was chosen by a Prime." the Mistress of Flame stated. "When he returned, the only thing he asked more was to have a house. Which is quite lovely, rather imposing. It has a well tended garden."
"If he's a Prime, can he fight?" Pyra Magna asked.
"Windblade says he can, though, his tongue is far more powerful." the Mistress of Flame stated.
"We'll see." Pyra Magna firmly said, and they all knew what it meant. Stormclash and Skyburst transformed and took off. Rust Dust jumped down, and turned into a small motorbike. Jumpstream and Dust Up transformed into larger ones. Pyra Magna turned into a larger trike with a small turret.
* * *
Japheth walked with Arcee in his arms. The two hoverjets transformed into a landing, and then transformed almost into legs and feet. The trike jumped up and transformed into a torso. The two larger bikes turned into arms, while the smaller one turned into a chest plate. Once complete, the great form was as curvy as any femme. Japheth had put Arcee down and took a step towards them.
"Japheth Prime." he said with a bright smile.
"You call yourself a Prime?" the great femme's contralto asked, about twice his height.
"Well?" he asked, "Vector Sigma did." The great femme let out a great grunt. He took another step towards her / them. "I was given a choice. And I picked the choice that would do the most good."
"And you came to Caminus!?" the great femme asked.
"Actually, before." he neutrally added, "They are the ones that wanted me to find out what it meant."
"Do you have a cute answer for everything?!" the great femme screamed.
"I try." he simply stated.
"You're not afraid of us, at all?!" the great femme asked.
"Hm?" he asked them, and finally seemed to be taking this seriously, "This is Caminus. If you attack me, the Battle Sisters will come to stop you." He paused for a moment, "I imagine they have more experience fighting you than I do."
"Where's the fun in that?!" the great femme asked.
"Oh, it's fun you want?!" Japheth proudly asked, and reached across to grasp his sword. The sheath transformed away, revealing the teeth. He picked it up to make it obvious to them, and revved it. "I'll put the safety on, but just know, if it hits, it can cut through you!"
"Do you think that scares us?!" the great femme asked. "We have faced Windblade before!"
"Oh?" Japheth asked with a smile, "Did you win?" He got no reply, and his smile turned even brighter.
"Need help?" Arcee asked.
"Let's keep it sporting." Japheth said, and then looked back up at them, "No weapons for you!" he shouted.
The great femme rushed towards them. Arcee leapt back into a transformation. She drove away, and then turned around to transform again as Japheth nearly dove as he rushed towards them. He did dive through their legs, his sword striking and bouncing off their leg, though bit just enough to make them stumble. Before they could recover, they found his sword at their neck. "I''m not sure how this works for combiners, but this seems like a good place to stop." He with his sword and stepped back. He reached across to place it on his left hip, and the sheath transformed out.
The great femme broke apart, and each transformed into a femme that kneeled before him. "Our Prime." they all said at once.
"I don't want to be worshipped." Japheth stated.
"And you came to Caminus?!" Rust Dust asked.
"I know." he said with a warm smile that caused them to falter. "Alright, everyone, transform and roll out."
* * *
Japheth drove up to his house and transformed before stepping into the garden. Arcee was right behind him. The other six right behind her. "Vera!" he shouted, and she stepped out of her house, "We have guests."
"Master!" she exclaimed.
Japheth walked to the doors, which opened up before him. He walked into the seating area and sat down. Sirenia was at the console, and quickly turned around to sit down beside him. Arcee sat on the other side. Japheth gestured to the others, and they took the hint and sat down. "Welcome to my house!" he exclaimed. "So, what do you girls want?"
"What... do we want?,," Jumpstream asked.
"Isn't it obvious with the bowing?" Rust Dust asked.
Japheth smiled and gestured to her. "I don't know how much the Mistress of Flame told you about me..." he voiced.
"How did you know it was her?!" Dust Up asked.
"Everyone on Caminus knows when she leaves the temple. It's usually important." he stated.
"It's usually about you." Arcee chided.
"Let's start with the basics," Japheth continued. "The war's over."
"It's what?!" Stormclash and Skyburst asked.
"Megatron surrendered." Arcee stated. "Long story short, Unicron hijacked him. Optimus stopped it, sacrificed everything. Before that he gave Jack the Key to Vector Sigma. When Jack came to Caminus, they wanted him to go back and check. Well, one small war later, he made it to Vector Sigma, and came out as Japheth Prime."
"We have a ship that goes from here to Terra." Japheth stated.
"The Human homeworld." Sirenia jumped in.
"Only place they lived before coming here." Arcee added.
"And from Terra we have a Star Bridge to Cybertron." Japheth continued.
"Which is alive again." Arcee added.
"And this?" Stormclash asked.
"Is the basics?" Skyburst finished.
"Needed to know everything else." Japheth stated, "Caminus had good data on the exact locations of former colonies. We have a computer that is calculating the Ronnacycles of drift. And, Cybertron is going to try and find me a ship."
"Why don't you just use ours?" Jumpstream asked.
"The Ion." Dust Up added. She then looked to Pyra Magna, "I mean, right?"
Pyra Magna thought for a moment. "Could we have it back if you don't want it any more?" she asked, and Japheth just developed a brilliant smile.
"Of course!" he exclaimed. He then turned to Sirenia, "Next time the Rexxex is here, I need a message sent to the High Council, I will no longer need a ship."
"Master." Sirenia affirmed.
"Isn't that my job?" Arcelia asked as she walked down one of the stairs. "And so the misfits have returned?"
"Very funny." Jumpsteam uttered.
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Book III: Prometheus' Gift: Ch36: Familiarity
Japheth strode into the First Basin, and stopped. Arcelia bumped into him from behind. "I should have wondered why you didn't tell me her name?" Japheth asked without looking back.
"Surprise." Tethys said neutrally.
"Why would you want to come with me?" Japheth asked.
"Why do you think I would oppose you?" she asked.
"Because you did?" Japheth asked her.
"My vote against you was not a vote against you." she said, and paused, and he gave her a curious look, "It was a vote against the unknown."
"You want to support me because I'm a Prime?" he firmly asked, and Arcelia leaned to look around under his arm. Tethys nervously looked away. "If that is the only reason you are supporting me?.."
Tethys steeled herself and looked him strongly in the eyes, "I will not deny that your being a Prime is a significant reason I am willing to support you, but equally important is how you have acted. You have made your requests of us, and they have always been requests. Then you allow us every liberty in discussing and amending it. You have allowed us - allowed our Parliament - to keep control, to keep our culture. You have worked to protect us more than the Battle Sisters. Because of what you do, when we have more direct contact with other Cybertronian colonies, we will be able to keep our cultural isolation. It's not just established that we disallow non-femmes to live here, but that this has the direct support of Japheth Prime.
"Caminus is a treasure, a jewel. I would hate myself if we lost it."
Tethys eyes grew wide with surprise and admiration. "And you find another way to impress me." she uttered. "Have I proven that I'm worthy to join your expedition?"
"You've proven you want to." Japhet said with a smile and pause, "If I'm going to try and contact Cybetronian civilizations, why would I need a hydrologist?"
"In case you encounter other sentient organics." she simply replied.
"Then wouldn't that be better served for a follow-up expedition?" he asked, and she wasn't sure what to say. "You are anti-social, which I already have enough of." he said, and she seemed lost. "I'm not trying to be an asshole, here." he said, and she seemed confused. "Potato in your tailpipe?" he asked.
"We don't naturally have tail pipes." Arcelia said as she still looked around him.
"Then what would be the best way to say it?" Japheth asked, looking at his raised arm without seeing Arcelia.
"Scrapper?" she asked.
Japheth looked back at Tethys, "I'm not trying to be a scapper, but you haven't actually given me a reason to take you. At least on the first expedition. If we find a sentient species, then there will likely be a second expedition, and your services will be needed." A pregnant paused followed after it. "Half of Caminus wants comes with me." he simply stated.
"A bit..." Tethys uttered.
"Fine, a quarter." Japheth stated.
"Over a quarter." Arcelia said from under his arm.
"I was trying to be modest." he said, an then looked back at Tethys. "I cannot take even a fraction of the femmes that want to come with me. Unless you wanted to convince me to add an operational hydroponic system to allows us to feed hypothetical Humans." he uttered, and she gave him an utterly shocked look. "Human drystores can last for essentially forever. The meat could be frozen. Hydroponics to provide fresh vegetables would not only make sense, but help with oxygen generation." She stood, stunned. "It's a great idea. I should have thought of it."
Japheth gently turned, pausing when he touched Arcelia. She turned to walk away, and he turned to follow her.
* * *
They walked into a greenhouse that Jaune swore had not existed before. He saw a femme with what looked like a blonde pony tail coming down over her right shoulder. He just paused as he looked at her. "You like it?" the femme asked. "I grew enamoured with the concept."
"Is that... actually hair?.." Japheth asked.
"Well, thank you for that, but of course not." she replied, "We were able to send data to the T-Cog, and create it with my mesh."
"Well, it's beautiful." Japheth stated. He could swear he saw her blushing, but he knew that Cybertronians couldn't. She did seem to have a glow.
"Come in, come in!" she said, and waved him inside.
"I swear this wasn't here..." he uttered.
"It wasn't." she brightly said. "After we agreed to allow Humans on a our world, it was obvious they needed to be fed, and so we give you golden wheat, the sacred staple of the Europeans."
Japheth looked about the greenhouse, and it was rows of wheat being grown hydroponically. It was about as wide as a combine harvester, which looked so tiny for Japheth's new form. Something suddenly occured to him, "You are growing it hydroponically?! I thought that was impossible? Impractical?"
"For Humans, maybe?" she asked, "But this would prevent a potential ecological catastrophe."
"I'm sorry, what was you name?" he asked, and she immediately looked afraid.
"I'm so sorry!"
"So Sorry, I am Japheth Prime." he said, and held out his hand.
"Oh, yes, Human handshakes." she said, and eagerly took his hand. The two shook.
"So, So Sorry?" he asked, and turned to look at the wheat, "What kind of yield are you expecting?"
"We have an acre of usable er... land?.. water?" she asked, "If we can get 46 bushels, it will be equivalent of US..." she paused, and looked at him, completly lost and confused.
"Match the US." Japheth affirmed, "So, tell me, So Sorry, you're not expecting anything more?.."
Arcelia stepped up beside him, "Just tell him, already." she said to the femme.
She looked Japheth in the face, looking afraid. "Are you saying your name is not So Sorry?" he asked. She tried to say something, but failed. "Well, I need to call you something?" he asked. Again, she looked afraid. He sighed, and then pulled her in for a hug. Without letting go, "What is your name." he asked her.
"Sif." she barely uttered.
"A beautiful name." he said, and gently let her go. She slowly pulled away from him. "And now for the tough one, why do you want to come with me?" She looked at him, but couldn't speak, "Have you talked to Tethys in the past?.." he asked, and looked at Arcelia.
"Microcycle." Arcelia said.
"I should really get used to this." he said, and looked back at Sif, and she just stared at him nervously. "I'll take that as a no. I will say I'm impressed." She just stared at him. "Oh, man, she's just adorable."
"Arcee might have an objection with that." Arcelia neutrally stated.
"Yeah..." he voiced. He paused for a moment, and either wouldn't or couldn't say anything. "Tethys talked me into having a hydroponics farm on the ship, to help with any potential Humans." He paused again, and she seemed surprised, "It would be more vegetables than grains." he added. After a pause she nodded. "Good to have a talk with you, So Sorry." he said, and she let out an offended huff. He just smiled and pulled her in for a hug.
* * *
Japheth and Arcelia stepped out of the greenhouse. "I have a confession, sir." she stated.
"Hm?" he asked.
"I honestly don't know where to start with Human recruitment." she nervously stated.
"I was just going to ask Knockout." Japheth simply uttered.
* * *
Japheth stepped into his house and found Sirenia nervously trying to entertain Amalthea in the sitting area. He stepped in, with Arcelia behind her, Vera ever mindful behind them. The doors closed behind them as June walked down the stairs, "I tried to offer her things, but Cybertronians don't need anything."
Amalthea stood up, and Sirenia let out a sigh of relief. "I am good for Energon." she said with a smile.
"You could have given her access to our archives." Japheth stated.
"I wasn't sure..." June nervously said.
"Unless someone has been recording us?.." Japheth uttered, and then paused. When he recovered he looked back at Amalthea. "Oh, right, you wanted to talk on the roof." Amalthea gave him a bright smile in reply. Almost luminous with her pale form. He then turned to Arcelia, "Ciel can show you to the roof." he uttered.
Arcelia gave Amalthea a jealous look, but then forced a smile. "This way." she said, and turned towards the stairs.
"Siren." Japheth firmly. She quickly walked over to him and he and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"I think she deserves a headpat." June said with a smile, and he gave her a curious look. "Your femmes seem to really enjoy headpats." she said with a shrug. Japheth turned to Siren, and pet her on the head. She nearly squealed she was so happy.
* * *
"You have nothing to worry about." Amalthea said warmly as they climbed the stairs. Arcelia wasn't sure how to reply. "You'll see."
* * *
Amalthea stood on the roof, looking around at the world around them, caught up in it's beauty. Arcelia sat on a bed. Japheth climbed the stairs and stopped near Amalthea. She turned around, looking at him brightly. "I hate to be a wet blanket, but I have a lot of femmes to sort through. So?" he asked, and looked at Arcelia, before looking back at Amalthea, "I already have an archivist."
"Ah!" she cheerfully said, "YOU have an archivist. What did you call her?"
Arcelia perked up and sat forward, "Procurator."
"Ergo?" Amalthea cheerfully asked, "Your SHIP will need it's own."
"Hm?" Japheth asked, "I agree." Both Amalthea and Arcelia sighed with relief.
"See?" Amalthea asked Arcelia.
"Even better, I want a mini-Iacon." Japheth stated, and it was as if the air was sucked out of the open roof. "The relics can be stored in my house, but we will need - extensive - archives." Both of the femmes turned towards him as if in a daze. "That said, I can't take every archivist from Caminus, so I would appreciate if you could give me a short list." Both of the femmes still seemed in a daze. He gently tapped Amalthea on her head, "Are you still with me?"
Her eyes opened wide, "What did you want me to do?!"
"Hm?" he playfully asked, "You were voted centurion. Which means your sisters think you are most trusted among them. You are the one they can rely upon. Could I ask for a better Chief Archivist?" Amalthea stared off into nothing. Japheth held out his hand, and she just stared at it, her eyes momentarily focusing and unfocusing. She regained her senses enough to look down at his hand.
"You shake it, and it's formal." Arcelia said with a wicked grin, "Congradulations."
"Why does it feel harrowing?"
"You got - everything - you wanted." Arcelia said with glee, "And I get to keep my place at his side."
"And in his bed." Amalthea said, and Arcelia nervously looked away, "Which, I must admit, I curious what all of the fuss is about." She looked at Japheth, with Arcelia giving him a fearful stare.
"What am I going to do?" Japheth asked, "Bring in a jigalo?"
"I don't know what that is, but if it would help?" Amalthea asked.
Japheth thought for a moment and then shook his head. "I honestly don't know how to bring Human intimacy to Cybertron." he uttered.
Arcelia looked over to the Human colony, unsure of how to say it. Amalthea followed her gaze, before turning to look back, "Wait..." she said and paused, "I guess I hadn't read her reports yet, but... were you intimate while... Human? Is that even possible?"
"Oh, it is." Arcelia said with reverent glee.
"Is that what caught you?" Amalthea asked her.
"Well," Arcelia playfully replied, "being the dedicated archivist of the only living Prime is hardly the worst position to be in the world, but... Human intimacy?.." she gushed.
"And how does one... attract a partner for intimacy?" and looked at Japheth.
"It might seem like I'm an expert at this," Japheth stated, "but I'm not. I fell in love with Arcee, and just wanted to spend all of my time with her."
Amalthea looked at Arcelia, "Japheth, or, he was Jack at the time, found me alluring. Arcee thought I would add to their family, and so was allowed to join."
"So, I should try to join a family?" Amalthea asked.
"Hm?" Japheth asked. "One thing men are more than willing to do is have sex with attactive women."
"You made it sound more complicated?" Amalthea asked.
"I'm a romantic." Japheth said with a weak smile, "I was also married."
"In the modern day, marriage is typically between one man and one woman." Arcelia added.
"But I thought?.." Amalthea asked.
"Modern - day." Arcelia stated. "Historically, polygamy was far more common, but they also had a much different gender ratio, due to male disposability. Therefore in order for all women to marry, which is critical for a culture's survival, then multiple women must marry the same man."
"And how does this work with femmes?" Almalthea curiously asked.
"We do not have rules for these, yet." Arcelia stated. "But, it should not come at the cost of female fertility. We have also not set social rule for intimacy."
"What are you having trouble with?" Amalthea asked
"Humans normally use headpats for their pets, which they often care for dearly." Arcelia replied.
"And the trouble is?" Amalthea asked.
"Headpats are addictive." Arcelia said with a bright smile.
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dearest Vector. What were Nyx and Skold up to during the Grand Uprising? Did either of them ever compete in the Games? Did they join Lio Convoy’s rebellion? Did they survive the conflict or were the among the countless victims of the (First) Vehicon Apocalypse? And perhaps most importantly: what were their alt-modes pre-Beast-Upgrade?
Dear Builder Breaker,
Skold had been a crowd-pleaser during the Games, thanks to her signature unwavering strategy. In her heavy double-tracked tank form, she would absorb blow after blow, waiting for her opponent to become exhausted and energy-drained before finishing them off with a single shell. She only lost once: to a turbine-powered Maximal jet named Nyx, who tricked Skold into firing a shell at her own reflection, immediately knocking herself out. Nyx used a sharp metal fragment as a lance and delivered the killing blow, whereupon she was immediately hailed as a champion and promoted to the Maximal Flying Corps. However, as Skold was taken to be recycled, it turned out that she had survived Nyx's attack and was merely unconscious. She fled and eventually found herself working for Megatron's Darksyders, becoming an enforcer for those poor bots who bought Beast Upgrades but failed to pay interest on those upgrades. About five decades after Unity Day, she served as a bouncer for Megatron while he presided over the Cybertronian Parliament.
One day, she was sent to extract funds from a delinquent payer and "teach them a lesson", but she discovered the payer was none other than Galvatron and his three Generals. Galvatron offered her a key role in the Grand Galvatron Uprising, to wreak havoc against the Cybertron Parliament for its decades of stagnation. She quietly accepted, keeping her new role as a Vehicon General a secret from everyone, even Megatron.
As for Nyx—she had once enjoyed the prestige of belonging to the Maximal Flying Corps, but as the Resistance became dominant, she grew disillusioned by both factions, becoming a recluse. Once, when exploring tunnels underneath the surface, she came across a strange message scribbled on a wall: "Nyx Quest". Disturbed yet intrigued, she followed a trail of game-like hints through the tunnels until she came to a dead end, where a display appeared. Nyx saw the face of a strange reddish bot with antennae. It spoke just as she began to wonder: "GG, scrub. Saw your Let's-Play and knew you'd be up for a challenge, seems you've legit got some skills—so I can trust you with this choice loot." A strange golden disc appeared before her. "Turns out there's an exploit that lets you rewind the game clock. I made a guide to all the future DLC patches, every release note and bug fix, and was gonna give it my noob self, but now I'm getting into game design so IDGAF (leave a review if you liked my mod BTW, I'm about to check). Should let you get ahead of the meta, if you're not a cheat-hating tryhard. GLHF." Nyx took the disc, not understanding the strange words, and played its contents. She saw records of a future Cybertron, full of wonders—and terrors! She saw that the Second Vehicon Apocalypse was underway! She rushed to Cybertron Parliament to tell them the terrifying news.
Skold was already there, psyching herself up for attack. When she saw Nyx, she knew she had the perfect opportunity to kill her old enemy and get payback for the shame of her earlier defeat—but this threw her into doubt. If she were to attack then, would she really be doing so out of belief in Galvatron, or simply to settle a grudge? She realised that her loyalty was to Megatron after all, and in sparing him, spared Nyx too.
However, this caused the future on Nyx's Golden Disc to change! The Second Vehicon Apocalypse that was to begin with the destruction of the Cybertron Parliament did not occur, nor did Galvatron's uprising. Nyx did not understand what happened; had the awful future been averted, or merely delayed? She gave the Golden Disc to Megatron for safekeeping, and he promised to help her investigate these questions...
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear Vector Prime,
If the Autobots are proponents of democracy, why isn’t the position of Prime an elected one?
Dear Electoral Executive,
This is a rather broad question, given the variety of universes wherein a number of forms of government are practiced. However, I can in return give you a broad answer based upon your understanding of Cybertronian politics. 
Usually, Prime, meaning “Supreme Commander”, is a quasi-spiritual position. Either chosen by the Matrix or chosen by powerful elders to bear it, the Primal Lineage confers a certain legitimacy upon the decisions of both the Prime and any other political body they endorse, such as the various Senates. Now, within Cybertronian governments there is great variation on how much actual power the Prime has; Infinitus, AKA the Sentinel Prime of the Crest World, was merely a jumped-up security officer acting as a limb of the Senate.
During the war proper, as I believe is also common in your world, much of democracy fades away. There is a certain logic to this espoused by political scientists: during times of strife a single executive with immense powers can react much faster than a parliamentary body. The Prime then becomes more of a military leader than a political one, and can demand loyalty from his subordinates. Luckily, most iterations of Optimus Prime are well aware of the inherent contradiction of suppressing democracy so it may be restored, and Autobot armies led by him are usually far more democratic than their Decepticon foes. Ethics committees are often established to cast a self-restricting eye over the Autobot forces. In some universes there exists the Crisis Act: a snap no-confidence vote that can demand any leader be removed, all the way up to the Prime themselves.
Indeed, the truly difficult part of fighting for democracy is reinstating it at the end of the conflict. In order for an ongoing peace to be established, all belligerents must have a seat at the table, even if it means allowing one as vile as Starscream to run for public office. If the democratic transition goes poorly, it can be easily abused so as to create authoritarian governments robed in electoral legitimacy, as Cyclonus and his combiner partners once proved. In my experience, it is best that the transition goes carefully and in slow steps. While the post-Uprising Cybertronian Parliament’s delegates were not all democratically chosen, its rapid establishment of an egalitarian ruling body created the circumstances necessary for full democracy to return. Of course, said Parliament did not have a Prime at all! Perhaps the lesson to be gained from history is that we Primes should take a step back from politics, and focus our energies on more esoteric matters. Take Rodimus Prime, who left command of the Autobots to Fortress. He took to the stars with the Matrix in hand in search of a new way of life for all Cybertronians, and found it in the downsizing technology of Planet Micro, paving the way for a utopian technorganic future. This certainly brought about more good than his actions as a political leader.
To ultimately answer your question, it is possible that while the Autobots are generally in favour of democracy, they often do not realise that a Prime is surplus to requirements until they don’t have one anymore.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear vector prime: What happened to the corpse of Fortress Maximus after the grand uprising and the vehicon Apocalypse, did the titan remain in his place for generations after to see?
Dear Titan Tracker,
The Fortress Maximus of that reality was created as a weapon of war and war alone. His frozen, towering presence in the city of Tarn might have been a random accident, but the Builder regime turned that accident into a statement of intent—an oppressive form of psychological warfare conducted against the Maximals and Predacons who toiled in his mighty shadow. But, of course, regimes rise and fall, and in the lawless aftermath of the Vehicon Apocalypse the frozen corpse became a popular target for scavengers, who stripped whatever valuable they could scrounge or steal from the gigantic ‘bot to sell on the black market. The Cybertronian Parliament had more important problems to deal with, and in a matter of years the Megamaster had become a hollowed-out shell, little more than corroded armor plates draped over a decaying skeleton of struts and servos.
Future generations of Maximals and Predacons who had never known Builder oppression would look upon the towering warrior with a kind of wistful awe, a monument to times gone by; that awe turned to detached curiosity, and that curiosity to apathy. By the era of the Maladroids and Commandrons, the looming, rust-eaten hulk that had once been Fortress Maximus had been unceremoniously towed into low orbit and broken down.
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