pokewatcher20 · 4 months
i saw your cubito and instantly read your mind woahhh i thought she had mild spooky vibes and rolled with my instinct, glad i nailed it for the most part!
YEAH you did!!! I’m just consistently blown away by how GOOD you did! AND I’m sending this to everyone I know 🔥
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spyroforlife · 10 months
was also having new Minecraft mob thoughts with @cyberspace12345
here's a fun concept: Nether horses
I'm sure some clever name could be invented for them, hellhorses is obvious but idk if they'd wanna call them that, so they could literally just be called Nether horses, or hm. Tramples could be a fun name? but they're basically horses but in the Nether
and our idea for them is that they basically look like Overworld horses, but they'd have fire manes and tails, and my personal thoughts are that their coats would probably be ashy or coal black, etc. Or maybe red like netherrack, something like that. And important, they're neutral, not passive. They roam around and won't attack you for no reason, but if you hit one, it'll fight back. A new animation would be made for them where they can kick you, and the kick will basically have the knockback effect, so if one hits you when you're near lava, it's a big problem :') So just don't hit them
They'd be in biomes where hoglins aren't, since hoglins will attack them. But at the same time, hm. They're tamed using crimson fungus and they would likely eat those as well as nylium, so maybe there could be a new biome for them, like fungus fields or something. Pretty much like your classic Nether wastes, but the ground is crimson nylium with fungus growing from it, and the horses wander around and graze there
Piglins will not harm them, and in fact are sometimes seen mounted on them. Same rules apply in that situation as when you're around regular piglins, if you're wearing gold they ignore you, if you're not, they'll both be hostile.
As for taming a Nether horse yourself. You can't just hop on it like an Overworld horse. You'll immediately be set on fire. Think Ponyta from Pokemon. You have to gain its trust first. So you do that like you would a wolf or parrot, feeding it crimson fungus until you finally get the hearts that indicate it's been tamed. Then you can put on a saddle, armor, etc and ride it. You'll no longer be burned because the horse just doesn't want you to be burned :)
And yea, that's basically the idea! Neutral Nether horses for fast movement through the Nether, it's one of those concepts that probably wouldn't happen but would still be super fun. The striders are alright but kinda lacking on land, so a land-based mob would be great. Idk what would happen if they get brought back to the Overworld, maybe just. Their fire goes out but they're still okay, they're not gonna zombify or anything. They could be slower though. They really are best back in their home dimension
okay that's all. Fiery Nether horses. Tramples. Imagine. I just want more Nether stuff <3
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chaoticcandies1 · 2 years
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next up, plasma ball rt for @cyberspace12345 !
hehe i like painting
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spyroforlife · 4 months
When a Bird Summons a Demon
Grian isn't really that magically inclined himself, but he's still interested when he's given the gift of a summoning spell from his good friend Scar that promises a "spicy night". Lonely, Grian decides to give it a shot, and the demon who's brought to him isn't at all what he's expecting. But he takes quite quickly to the handsome, sensitive creature who appears to him. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,927 One-Shot
ohh you want to join me and @cyberspace12345 in shipping Grihalo, you want to join us so bad
Yeah this is an AU to make the premise work but as it's a PWP I don't go into much detail whatsoever. Imagine it as whatever you want, all I know is it's some vague fantasy setting that's not Minecraft and there's more magic and Bad is an incubus but Grian is still avian because avian Grian is a universal constant for me. okay enjoy the smut
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spyroforlife · 11 months
Did a design for a concept I had of Decked Out 2 being given a robot body to play around in. This is also relevant to a fanfic I'm working on which I'll link to shortly (though as a warning it WILL be spicy because that's what we do here), but uhh yea. Left is my own drawing and the right was done by my friend @cyberspace12345 who gave me permission to upload it. (click to view properly)
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Theirs is a lot more robotic which is cool af, while for mine I went with a more streamlined appearance that seems pretty humanoid at a glance, but then you notice the plastic, deepslate-colored skin and the robotic eyes... 👀
anyway much like when in its dungeon form, Hermit-sized Decked Out is a menace and will absolutely mess with people, though it's not quite as easy to kill people as when it's using a ravager, but give it time, it'll figure things out
(mine was done in MS Paint just as a quick concept so it's not perfect but it gets the point across okay? okay)
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spyroforlife · 2 years
watching Scar’s latest episode, he grabs a horn to show something to Pearl, and of all the variants-
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@cyberspace12345​ Daydream real
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spyroforlife · 9 months
24 👀
24. What work would you like to talk more about?
So. (thuds loudly on your door) Do you have a moment to talk about Heart Thief?
Look I'll admit Heart Thief is so much of an AU it COULD be an entirely original work, sure it has nods to canon bits and pieces from Hermitcraft and DSMP but otherwise it's like. Not Minecraft all, it's a modern setting where everyone's human with a completely contrived plot based on a prompt I was sent in 2022 of "Character B, a robber, saves Character A from ANOTHER robber. bc circumstances"
This spiraled into figuring out a pair for it, and as me and @cyberspace12345 were already shipping Scar/Dream in the background of us working on the New Place AU, we were like. Hey why not just have Dream be the robber who broke into rich dude Scar's place, and haha our ridiculous rare pair is gonna get together. Fake dating into real dating trope. yayy
But as out there as this story is, I still absolutely adore it and have put so much thought into it, and while writing is going a lil slow, I'm looking forward to when it's fully finished because I think it's just gonna be a really good story. And also I have numerous one-shots to share AFTER the main story is done, which I'm really looking forward to. Some might need to be reworked, as there's some plot stuff toward the end that I'm still trying to figure out, but nonetheless. I just really like this universe and while I understand it being probably a lil too niche to get a lot of readers, I would love to be able to discuss it more with people <3
like here's some bonus info. Back when we were first figuring things out for Heart Thief, we tossed around the idea that it's a modern setting but also hybrids exist, and I believe cat Scar and bunny Dream were ideas lmao. But eventually it got refined into what it is today, fully human, but still very much enjoyable. It's been fun writing such an affectionate romance between these two and I can't wait for it to progress as the storyline progresses.
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spyroforlife · 2 years
Me and @cyberspace12345 were talking and long story short
there is a non-zero chance I’m gonna write a Third Life-style fic (unrelated to my fic Triple Life) entirely based around all the players getting three lives and there’s a powerful (single life) boss they have to defeat, whoever kills the boss is the winner
while if the boss just kills off everyone else, the boss wins
The boss is gonna be Technoblade
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spyroforlife · 3 years
14 and 27 :)
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
A difficult choice, but I think I'll go with two of them actually, the Fae Tales fanfics I wrote. I love Fae Tales but never expected myself to write fanfiction for them. But what do ya know, I got ideas and wrote them anyway and I'm glad I did because they're very nice
Those fics being The Monster Inside (for the Wildness Within AU) and A Generous Offer (which takes place in the main canon and is shameless Gwyn/Ash porn lol)
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
@not-poignant whose Rise of the Guardians fanfiction From the Darkness We Rise, and its sequel, kicked me into the fandom and absolutely ignited my love of Black Ice, which is the main thing I've been writing all year. Their writing is lovely, it's so descriptive and I adore the way they give characters so much personality, like everyone just feels REAL, ya know? Their approach to covering themes like the effects of trauma and abuse is also very well done, I don't think I've ever seen such subjects handled so well until reading their fics. Also I adore the way they write kink, and sex scenes in general >:3
An additional shoutout to their story The Golden Age That Never Was because its worldbuilding is great, the development of Jack and Pitch's relationship is done beautifully, aaand I love the OCs. Anton my love
and, to bring us full circle to the first question, their Shadows and Light duology led me to their Fae Tales series, so. Pia owns my heart the end
Fanfic Meme
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spyroforlife · 2 years
was talking to @cyberspace12345 about potential ideas for the fourth season of Last Life (look I know Double Life isn’t quite over yet but let’s be honest it probably won’t be going much longer) and we’ve got something fun and chaotic
Random Life >:)
Where the max number of lives is three as usual, but every so often (I proposed once a session but they suggested every two Minecraft days which is WICKED) everyone’s life number is randomly changed. A person of any life color can become any other color. Spending time with some friends on green and suddenly you become red? Now you can try to kill them
Already red, in the middle of killing someone, and you get swapped back to yellow or green?? Sorry, gotta stop attacking, doesn’t matter how close you are to killing the person. And imagine someone you were attacking becomes red. Now they can try to get revenge on you
Idk how long such a season would last but I think there could be some wild adventures if everyone’s status could just change with them having no clue what they’re gonna become. Friendships torn apart, people making traps and choosing targets in preparation for when they become red, all that
And of course deaths cause people to become yellow and then red as usual, it’s just that they won’t stay like that for long, unless of course another red kills them off or they do something stupid and kill themselves
I just think that would all be a lotta fun
so yea those are our thoughts, enjoy :)
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spyroforlife · 2 years
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felt like drawing mine and @cyberspace12345′s Quackity design and this is just the sketch layer but I nonetheless wanted to share the lad in all his glory
uh. the fence he’s leaning on WILL have posts when I do the proper lineart, but for now, well they woulda just been in the way. he do be posing
lined and colored drawing will arrive eventually, for now enjoy the WIP
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This is a apology video,sorry for the year and the mix up tumblr and @cyberspace12345 🙏(my voice is too squeaky ;-;)
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