#cyberpunk edgerunners has me by the BALLS you guys
jacenbren · 2 years
Random Cyberpunk: Edgerunners headcanons because I desperately miss my blorbos and was absolutely DEVASTATED by what the show did to them:
Maine tried to set up a swear jar but it never really caught on because every few weeks Rebecca would dump like 500 eddies in the jar at a time with the explanation of “I’m paying my monthly fuck allowance”
Kiwi and Dorio have a girls night every week where they get really drunk while getting mani-pedis and bitch about everything
David and Lucy are both autistic and hate fabric textures (hence the whole “walking around the apartment butt ass naked” thing)
Falco is terrible at cooking in every way conceivable BUT makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich
Rebecca and Pilar both have ADHD
Kiwi doesn’t save people’s names in her phone and has her friends memorized by number and it scares them
David and Rebecca will sometimes just start vocal stimming back and forth
Maine once walked in on the two of them going back and forth saying “beebus borbus” at each other over and over again
Maine and Dorio met when they were both in the army
Pilar has a ridiculous skincare routine
Rebecca once drank an entire container of Pilar’s lotion after he accused her of stealing it
David has sensory issues with carbonation and therefore absolutely DESPISES seltzers/fizzy drinks
He always gives Rebecca fizzy drinks that people buy for him and she gets absolutely wasted because of this
Maine snores insanely loudly. Dorio Hates It. She has banished Maine to the couch many times.
Lucy was a Warrior Cats kid
Maine liked to call his payments to Gloria “child support” even though he is in no way related to David
Pilar cries at those ASPCA commercials
Kiwi refuses to use the wrist strap on the Wii remote and has chucked it through the TV multiple times playing Wii bowling
Dorio adores children in theory but can’t tolerate them for more than 5 minutes
Lucy carries pepper spray and a taser at all times and uses them on people who annoy her
Falco used to wear a fedora but it got stolen and he never fully recovered
Maine wears socks with flip flops
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honnojis · 2 years
I'm in the middle of falling back into a several season long anime that I've rewatched 1000 times already and would like to avoid that, first and foremost because I do not have the time for that.
Do you have any anime recommendations I could try out to stave off the impulse?
The ones that stand out in my mind are:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (long series at 64 episodes but REALLY good and kind of a must-watch)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (two seasons at 44 episodes but the animation is great and so is the music)
Jujutsu Kaisen (banger show w/ banger animation, 24 eps)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 eps, but god it's STILL got me dead on the floor. hope you like emotional damage)
Kill la Kill (24 eps + an OVA and imo a great time if you like anime that's unashamedly balls to the wall, i just don't recommend watching this one around other people LOL. it's one of my all time favourites and one of the first anime I actually watched & followed with Jan!)
Little Witch Academia (26 eps! Relatively lighthearted but good show)
Houseki no Kuni (it's a 3D anime, but studio orange is REALLY good at what they do and HNK is pain in a small package. 12 eps)
Haikyuu!! (sorry this one's got a couple of seasons but i promise it's good LOL..... this is quite literally the only sports anime i care about. these kids just have me very emotional ok. though I'd only recommend the first three seasons, just read the manga which is complete for everything else. it totals at like 60 eps)
Trigun Stampede (This one's still airing! It airs on saturdays and got 3 episodes out right now but I watched it this week and i am in pain? im in pain. yes)
Violet Evergarden (did i mention more pain??? because you'll get pain. 13 eps)
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (MORE PAIN. 10 episodes)
Mob Psycho (SO GOOD!!! Three seasons at 37 eps!!!! Definitely a must watch because the animation & story is very charming and captivating. mob's just a guy. just a lil man)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (A mecha anime, but it's the same kind of balls to the wall shit you'd get with Kill la Kill, just that it has a more serious overall tone. Still REALLY good and a classic though!! 27 eps!)
Nichijou (A more slice-of-life type of anime what with its name literally translating to my daily life, but it's. completely unhinged. nothing is normal here. it's extremely silly and a great watch if you just want a series that gets you laughing. 26 episodes!)
Hope this'll keep you busy for a while!! This turned out to be a pretty long list and I know most of these are pretty mainstream, some series are even quite long but it's one I've personally really enjoyed and sometimes rewatch or put on as background noise.
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An Introduction:
I made this page to share. With Twitter being capped at a few characters, I like to share a bit more than that.
"Wait a minute...who are you?"
My name is Melody. I'm 21. I live in the US. And I have many hobbies.
They change a lot unfortunately...but currently I'm into golf, Val, and for some reason Fortnite. I don't know. I like the game. Plus thinking about Ninja at the New Year's Eve ball drop makes me laugh a lot.
I am currently obsessed with The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. *BEWARE SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU DO NOT CARE* I literally just started it today. It's so crazy. Honesty, Jen need to get therapy and listen to people. Jen always wants to hurt when she feels hurt and it's so toxic. Like telling people about her friend's separating to Heather was uncalled for. Jen is always talking about loyalty but literally she has none. She's sad and lonely and takes it out on everyone else. Mary has her own issues as well. She misspeaks and is very blunt. I feel like Mary feel superior. People need to stop bringing up the fact that her husband is her step-grandfather. It gives me the ick every time I think about it because I just imagine step-grandpapa and grandma and Mary banging the same dude. I think Heather likes the fact that Jen and Meredith are having issues because Heather wants to be the person closest to Jen. Heather looks up to Jen and wants to be her. So when Mary called Heather a "two faced", I definitely agreed and can see it. Personally, I like Whitney so far. She's chill and cool. Like she does Judo and has her little hobbies. Lisa made me mad when she said "let's just put it out there" and then tried to back away when it became all about her. I think what Meredith said to her husband was fair when he said "I would move to be with you." Like what? You had the chance to be home. Park City is where your wife needed you. That's just my opinion so far though. I'm literally on episode 5. END.
The most recent show I finished was Cyberpunk : Edgerunners and I loved it so much even though it made me sad. It gave tragic LaLaLand. I also watched the Godfather movies. Omg I love Al Pacino. I also watched Scarface. And the same guy who played Salieri in Amadeus played a 'cuban mobster'. It was just so funny to see because he's still Salieri to me. I love that movie btw. I watch it every month.
My favorite song right now is Heaven Sent by Tevomxntana. I also like those viral Brazilian funk songs that are trending on TikTok right now.
My favorite food is Phō. I love it so much. Chef's kiss.
I also sell feet pics. So if you're into that...lmk.
Anyways, that enough from me. Please feel free to visit my linktree to see more of me. I'll post on here pretty frequently. I like Tumblr more than Twitter. It feels more personal.
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baereaved · 4 years
Rogue Interview
hey lads! this interview was ripped directly from “the world of cyberpunk 2077″, the book. has a lot of great content in it and i wanted to share this.
Interviewer: Hi, Rogue. It's a real honor to meet you in person. Twenty-four hours ago I'd never have thought I'd be talking with you in old-school, face-to-face style.
Rogue: Hi... Josh, yes? I have to admit that you showed guts when you asked for that interview. I'm almost impressed, and I'm curious about how it'll come out. To be honest, if not for some... decisions I've made recently, I wouldn't have agreed to it. I have little time for journalists in my line of work. I guess it's your lucky day.
Interviewer: Thanks all the more for your time.
Rogue: Cut to the chase. You mentioned that you want to talk about my cyberpunk past. Why?
Interviewer: We're making material about the comeback of the cyberpunk style, so we thought it would be awesome if we could talk with you about that—how it was fifty years ago, what it was like being a cyberpunk back then, and how it's different from being one now.
Rogue: You've been using the word "cyberpunk" quite a lot, but you must be aware that almost no one uses that term these days, right? Even back then "merc" or "edgerunner" were more popular terms—but okay, let's talk about "being a cyberpunk". Your move, stringer.
Interviewer: Still, you're one of the icons of the cyberpunk era. That's a fact.
Rogue: Cyberpunk is a term from a different time. It's an out-of-date description of a street rebel who's fighting with some omnipotent, oppressive system. Even if I'd had such sympathies back then, I have to disappoint you. I'm not a "cyberpunk" anymore, if I ever was one.
Interviewer: But you were a cyberpunk fifty years ago, right? What was it like to be one back then in 2020?
Rogue: The same as it is to be someone on the street today. It was about your attitude, your personal style, and living your life on the edge. You had to be the coolest-looking, most dangerous guy on the street. You had to have the newest, most advanced cyberware and weapons, and you had to always look like you were ready to use them. It may sound like a cliché, but those were the basics of street reputation. Attitude was everything. It still is. If you think like a whiny asshole, you are a whiny asshole. If you think dangerous, you are dangerous. Simple laws of the street.
Interviewer: And "style over substance"?
Rogue: A catchphrase that was pushed a lot around 2020, at the height of new style. It was named "kitsch", and it was quickly adopted by cyberpunks and all other sorts of rebels. It was the street philosophy that your unique look and personal style should be your trademark. To put it simply, it doesn't matter how good you are at doing something as long as you look awesome doing it. It didn't matter if you had a cyberarm covered with expensive RealSkinn. It was your new chrome cyberarm that made you stand out from the crowd. If you can take out an entire Arasaka strike team all by yourself, you're really good—but doing it armed with a custom-made pistol while only wearing a leather armor jacket, acid-washed jeans, and mirror shades? That was something that earned you a reputation.
Interviewer: How do you feel about the return of the cyberpunk style?
Rogue: Those pink mohawks and synth-leather clothes the kids are wearing nowadays... It's mostly just imitation. Sure, back then it was about rebelling, but rebelling with a cause. It was about standing up against a corporate-dictated order, about defying authority and playing it out with style. To live on the edge, with a capital E. You wanted to be where the action was—to be the action. To do something big and never play it too safe. Youngsters today lack the vision and guts to do really big things.
Interviewer: Like the attack on the Arasaka Towers in 2023? Is it true that you were part of it?
Rogue: [brief pause] Nice try, kiddo. You're not the first newshound to ask me that question, and you won't be the first to get an answer. [laughs]
Interviewer: Sorry, I had to try. So, to rephrase the old slogan, you think that the "real" cyberpunk is dead?
Rogue: The rebel part of it? I think so, yes. Back then in 2020 it was a global movement aimed against megacorporations, but megacorporations have lost a lot of their power in the past fifty years—except for in the free cities like Night City, of course. On second thought, if cyberpunk has a chance to reconnect to its roots, it would be in a place like Night City. Maybe there's hope for second-wave cyberpunks after all.
Interviewer: So, what would be your advice for all those people aspiring to be a cyberpunk?
Rogue: Grow a spine; stop waiting for opportunity and go looking for it.
Interviewer: Touché. Speaking of opportunity, I'd like to ask you a few quick questions about your personal experience as a cyberpunk—or edgerunner, if you prefer that term.
Rogue: We can stay with cyberpunk. It suits you. And I think we have a few minutes left. Hit it.
Interviewer: So, a cyberpunk's gun: a trademark or a tool?
Rogue: It's a matter of personal taste and philosophy. Yes, the weapon can be your trademark. In this business you'll develop personal preferences, so in time you should get the gun that fits you. I have customized pistols myself based on the Tsunami Nue. We went through a lot together. On the other hand, if you want to be a top-tier merc, you have to be as effective with your favorite toy as you are without it. Again, "style over substance". You look cool when you're wasting some boostergang guys with your custom-made Malorian Arms pistol, but wasting them using any weapon that happens to be around is a style in itself. Nowadays, when everyone relies on their favorite guns, improvisation is a forgotten art.
Interviewer: How much does one need to modify themselves to be in the top tier?
Rogue: That's something that everyone needs to determine for themselves, but for me quality is key. No one will hire you for a serious job if you lack proper modifications, and to be a step ahead you need the best cyberimplants you can get. To be a cyberpunk is to chase all the newest enhancements—be they cyber or bioengineered—to get the edge over your enemies and your peers. The choice of enhancements is only limited by your contacts on the street and the size of your wallet, but it should fit your personal taste. Juggernaut, ninja, or ghost approach—it doesn't matter, as long as you're efficient with it and get the job done. But if you can't plan, and you can't execute a job properly, no amount of cyberware will help you get to the top tier.
Interviewer: How much does one need to sell out to the corpos to get to the top tier?
Rogue: [longer pause] Dealing with the corporations has always been akin to bargaining with the devil... Most cyberpunks and edgerunners won't even be aware that they've taken a job from a fixer who's under corporate contract. Those jobs could be anything at all that the corpos want to avoid a direct connection with—like planting a bug, or stealing some data, or assassinating a seemingly unassuming guy, or organizing a heist on an armed convoy. If you're good enough, they'll contact you again via fixer to hire you for more lucrative assignments. That's the tricky part. The money is really good and they can grant you access to really top-notch, restricted cyberware, but if you go for it... they own you. Moreover, if you learn too many corporate secrets, you're in for life—and that could be a very short time if someone in the corporation decides that their list of freelancers needs to be purged for "security reasons".
Interviewer: Do you need friends in this kind of business?
Rogue: Sure. It's good to have someone to cover your back during a firefight, but never go on an assignment with someone that you don't trust, unless the stakes are worth it—or you're ready to take them out if you have to. Even if you trust someone, you have to keep in mind that every partnership ends sooner or later, one way or another. They get killed, go cyberpsychotic, or maybe you just go different ways. True camaraderie is a rare thing in this kind of work. Too many strong personalities and divergent goals. Too much rivalry. Friendship... has its price. It can be a burden. Doing pals favors for old times' sake can lead to messy situations.
Interviewer: Sounds like you know something about it.
Rogue: You can bet on that.
Interviewer: Do you have someone specific in mind?
Rogue: No comment.
Interviewer: Why did you become a fixer?
Rogue: It was kind of a natural transition for me. It's like becoming a coach after ending your career as a ball player. You don't have to compete with younger and more aggressive contenders, and you can still use your expertise and your reputation to make money and stay in touch with the mercenary community. 
Interviewer: There were some rumors that your shifting sectors had something to do with you disassembling the Atlantis Group. Can you confirm or deny that?
Rogue: Old story, mostly untrue. It seems to me that some of the guys from Atlantis Bar couldn't bear that times had changed and I had to move on. We all had to. You can't rebel all your life. Yes, I had access to some juicy contracts, and I was willing to share them with some of my friends from the Atlantis Group mercenary branch. Yes, some of us made good money on them, and a few guys decided to retire. If that means I "disassembled" a group of ex-rebels, then I'm guilty as charged.
Interviewer: And finally: do you miss your mercenary days?
Rogue: Sometimes I miss the action, and the thrill of a good challenge. But I am damn good at what I do now, so I regret nothing.
Interviewer: And that's an excellent wrap-up. Thanks for the interview, Rogue.
Rogue: Thanks, Josh. Despite my initial doubts, that was quite an... interesting conversation. Be sure to publish this as it is. Or I'll find out where you live. [laughs]
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decayingdirk · 3 years
2022 predictions but its only animation stuff because live action just hasnt been it for me recently:
animation hyperfixations of 2022 (new stuff only):
major: the boondocks reboot if it's bad, tmnt (i get to add it here cause its getting a movie but technically its already got a fanbase), blue lock, chainsaw man
minor: the boondocks reboot if its good (it deserves better), angry birds (i hate this), supernatural academy (the fanbase will be similar to miraculous ladybug, but at the size of tales of arcadia probably? trends when new stuff comes out, pretty much dead otherwise), gross girls, spy x family, link click (its already been talked about a bit but i think its gonna get a more solid fanbase)
western animation predictions:
stuff that will be good: the house (stop-mo, connected short stories, netflix), new spiderverse, DC league of super pets (surprisingly) (the animation will be boring tho), lightyear, puss in boots: the last wish (this is just hope tbh), Wendell and wild (stop-mo, Selick is on it), the sea beast (hope)
stuff that will not be good but ill wish it was: turning red (please let me be wrong), bad guys (i like the steps away from mass media 3d animation though), bob's burgers movie (disney has it. at least itll be 2d ig), strange world (it's the director and a writer from raya, which was full of squandered potential), blazing samurai (if anyone watches it)
stuff that will get attention like it's good but won't be: hotel transylvania, minions: rise of gru (but you already knew that), the mario film, the night at the museum animated movie, pinocchio (the animated one) (theres gonna be both a live action and an animated one this year lol) (also its directed by del toro??? who just released a live action pinocchio also??? the fuck)
this is mostly big studio stuff cause i dont wanna look for every fuckin animation project thats coming out so. whatever it is will fall into one of these categories cause big studio animation doesnt really get universally disliked it just stops being talked about. so no “its just bad” category for you.
eastern animation predictions:
donghua has already been getting more popular and its only gonna kick up. finally. 
manhwa will follow but maybe less? probably wont REALLY get going till 2023 but it is coming. finally.
stuff that will be good: chainsaw man (if it isnt... yes it is.), tiger & bunny s2 (PLEASE. PLEASE), cyberpunk: edgerunners (itll get bad reviews but i will like it), dragon ball super: superhero, spy x family (they cant fuck this up its too camp. even if its bad itll be good), tokyo revengers s2 (itll be average), blue lock, the genius prince’s guide to raising a nation out of debt, the orbital children, demon slayer s2 (dont see how they could fuck this up tbh), girls’ frontline (maybe?), link click s2, daily life of the immortal king s3 (might just be mediocre)
stuff that will not be good but ill wish it was: uzumaki (itll be fine but like in no way better than the manga), arifureta s2, sabikui bisco (honestly i prob wont even watch it cause i dont usually like post-apoc anime but this is my gut feeling), sasaki and miyano (i will eat my fucking shoe if someone does a slice of life comedy BL well), requiem of the rose king (honestly just dont wanna get my hopes up that theyll do intersex rep well)
stuff that will get attention like its good but wont be: new my hero academia content (it fell off a while ago guys cmon), dragon ball super: superhero (gotta be safe), kakegurui twin,  attack on titan: final season part 2 (i dont even watch aot anymore but its an ending i doubt theyll do justice to), heaven official’s blessing s2 (ive read the novel it cant be good when i know theyre removing the mlm stuff)
its just bad: spriggan (ive heard the manga’s good but the anime just. wont be.), my dress-up darling (this will probably just be my personal opinion lol it could very well be objectively well made and i just dont like it),  love of kill (consent? doubt it)
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jacenbren · 2 years
Sneak peak of my new PPcrew AU (inspo—Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
The hum of the maglevs was hypnotic, soothing on his ears.
Hypixel City never truly sleeps, Ant thought, gazing out the window of the hovertrain at the beautiful bright lights of the skyline and regretting answering that ping for a last-minute pickup for a client’s load of damaged cyberware. And neither do I.
The train car was full, like it always was at this hour. All the seats were taken and the aisles were packed, but it was eerily quiet, except for the hum of the train and the soft shuffling of fabric and flesh. No one talked to each other; everyone on the train was either engrossed in their HUDs or datapads, and still others had braindance wreaths on and were completely absent from reality. Ant had debated putting his own wreath on and queuing up an episode of one of the old TV sitcoms he used to watch with his brother, but the lemonade vodka from those two Spiked Summers he’d ordered at Las Nevadas had gotten him distracted.
It was clear tonight, clearer than usual. It was impossible to see the stars around the light pollution, but the moon shone brightly, a perfect orb of white in the black velvet sky. It looked beautiful in comparison to the corrupt wasteland of skyscrapers and neon lights that was Hypixel City, pristine and pale as it’d always been.
Ant swallowed hard, gazing up at the moon in contempt. It was like the damn thing was taunting him, reminding him of how he’d fucked up.
“Deep breaths,” Craft murmured, as they sat on the roof of one of the buildings in the slums. Ant’s hands were cold and his heart was beating too fast, but his older brother was hugging him, rubbing his thin, emaciated shoulders—his bones jutted out sharper than any seven-year-old’s ever should—as he shivered. “Just keep breathing, okay buddy?”
“I’m cold,” Ant mumbled through chattering teeth, sniffling anxiously. “Craft I’m really cold, where’s mama—“
Craft winced, tugging the blanket tighter around the two of them. “Mama’s… mama’s very far away, Ant.”
“When’s she coming back?”
Craft hesitated, and his voice was choked. “She… she’s not… well, she’s too far away. She doesn’t have the credits to get a ticket back.”
“Where is she?”
“She’s…” Craft stammered, wiping his eyes. “Um. She’s on the moon, Ant. Yeah.”
Ant perked up, grinning. “Can we visit her?”
Craft’s eyes turned distant and wet with tears, but he smiled faintly, stroking Ant’s hair. “Yeah. Sure, buddy. I’ll take you to the moon someday.”
“And you sure did a kickass job, didn’t you,” Ant muttered to himself under his breath, chuckling bitterly as the train snaked through the buildings and back into the big city. The moon vanished behind Hypixel’s skyscrapers, blotted out by towers of neon, steel, and corrupt wealth and depravity. “Mom never went to the moon, Craft. She overdosed on heroin and the guy she was stripping for left her to die.”
They’d never made it to the moon, either, and that was Ant’s fault. It was Ant’s fault that his older brother was dead, too.
He sighed heavily, resting his forehead against the window glass. Ant debated canceling his pickup—
[UNKNOWN] is this shit working
Ant jumped.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, and the people sitting next to him gave him annoyed looks, before turning back to their datapads. Ant opened the ping in his HUD, scowling.
[FREYR] who is this
[UNKNOWN] guy from las nevadas? bought you a drink??
[FREYR] ohhhhhh
[UNKNOWN] you said to ping this number.. where you at, cutie?
Ant huffed in amusement.
[FREYR] on the maglev
[FREYR] west line
[FREYR] omw to captain’s to pick up some shit from a client. wouldnt mind some company
[RED] meet you there :D
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