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fynsh · 13 days
Unlike his brothers, Marshall Commander Fox hadn't suffered a single scar on his regulation perfect face over the whole course of the war
The GAR's system armies returned to Coruscant to reunite with those who survived the war that had come to an abrupt break after High General Windu had decapitated the Chancellor to rescue General Skywalker. Suddenly the heart of the republic was flooded by men who had lost everything but themselves to protect it. Men who were trying to recognize their brothers in scarred faces and warm voices.
Fox had always been adamant about wearing his distinctive red armor. His bucket was the only face he'd ever shown to natborns and GAR troopers planetside Triple Zero alike.
The only sentients who had consciously looked into Fox eyes during the years of war shared on Coruscant were those on duty with the Guard. It was not like there was anything special to see, all his features were picture perfect according to the regs set up for the alpha CCs on Kamino. Not a single scar or hair out of place, no glint in his eyes and no personality to his curt responses.
Wolffe didn't recognize his little brother in the man standing in front of him. He didn't know that this was how Fox had been able to wear a thousand faces on Coruscant. That after Commander Stone had vanished during a prison riot one year into the war the Guard had never been able to retrieve his body, only his armor. That since then it had been Fox or Thorn who had worn it. Or how the Marshall Commander still desperately wished he had been the one wearing the SIC armor on an escort mission to Scipio. Wolffe didn't know the recently promoted Guard commander, a young CC named Thire, was way more experienced than his mission profiles let on.
Wolffe didn't know what Fox had not told him. He did not know how every single scar lighting into his brothers body had faded without medical attention. How the pure pain etched into the smooth skin over and over had made Fox numb. There was no sign or proof of what he had suffered. So Wolffe just handed the package he was tasked to deliver over to the blank version of Fox that Triple Zero had spat into his face, his cybernatic eye trying to catch any sign of what thoughts ran through the other's mind. It was one of the first times he could look into Fox eyes with no visor in between. He still came up empty.
A quiet "Thank you Commander" was all Wolffe got when Fox carefully accepted the bundled item with two hands and retreated into the empty room he and Thire had been assigned to. Wolffe wanted to scream at the door closing in front of his face. He just kept staring at it in silence.
Looking at the package didn't give away much about it's origins to Fox. It was a pathetic thing honestly, something small, not bigger than a pauldron but flat, and wrapped in old rags looking like some destroyed fabric from prison blacks. Fox hands began to tremble slightlyat the familiar smell. He carefully turned the bundle around.
There's a small piece of flimsi stuck to the back. Fox recognized the chicken scribble without reading the words. He knew it from thousands of little annotations that had been stuck to his data pads over the last years. He could not bring himself to decipher it.
Fox slowly unwrapped the item. The sharp edges would have cut into his skin if not for the gloves he was wearing. Thire had not yet convinced him to leave more than his bucket on the armor stack in the room.
Fox blinked at the shard in his hand. His own eyes stared back at him. His brothers' eyes stared back at him. His face looked like a million other faces on this force forsaken planet. He could be anyone, there were no actual scars on his skin that had been burned by lightning countless times.
But the face looking back at him was distorted by a single crack in the makeshift mirror, running straight along his nose and down to his left jaw. It was Thorn who was looking back at him. Thorn whose armor had been destroyed on Scipio. Thorn who had carried him through the pain and desperation when they had lost Stone. Thorn who he had trusted the most, whom he he had loved more than any other brother even his own batch. Thorn who had died kriffing a tenday before the war ended. It was Thorn's scar carefully etched into this small unpposio shard.
Fox clutched it like a a lifeline. His breathing started to rasp. Desperate for a word from the brother he had lost he tried to concentrate on the message that had been attached to the fabric. But the flimsi didn't offer any explanation, just two questions stealing more air from his lungs.
"Can you acknowledge that I live? That we lived?"
Fox armor clattered when he fell to his knees. A high keen tore from his throat before he began to weep loudly.
Wolffe overrode the door lock and ran to his little brother.
The cracked mirror resembles Thorn's facial scars to a t. It is wrapped in a piece of fabric of the same kind Stone wore on prison duty the day he died. It still smells like prison. Fox mourns the brothers who can only live on in his memory because Thire hasn't been around long enough. I wish this piece turned out different but I could not find the right words. Maybe I'll rewrite it one day. Inspired by @howdidthisevenhappenanyway's post on how Lichtenberg figures actually fade over time and this post by @cc-tens
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lordvaders · 2 years
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Behind The Scenes : Anakin vs Count Dooku alternate fight choreography (x)
Anakin switches hands just as Dooku moves to cut off his cybernatic arm and catches the lightsaber in his left hand before proceeding to disarm Dooku.
Bonus: Hayden’s cute victory dance😊
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the-bi-space-ace · 3 months
From the WIP game, can I know more of Echo's cybernatic reboot?
9. Echo's cybernetic reboot
I talked about it in this post too! But The basic premise is Echo passes out during a planned reboot to his cybernetics and Tech isn't there to explain what's happening so the rest of the batch freak out. Echo is fine, he knew this was likely to happen he just didn't know when. He should've listened to Tech and rested for the day but noooooo he didn't want to miss out. Have some of the really fun dialogue:
"You're telling Tech because you are the one that caused this!" - Crosshair "It's isn't my fault! I didn't do anything!" - Hunter "Can you both shut up and help me find Echo's meds! You're stressing me out." - Wrecker "Why're you all yelling?" - Echo
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harrylovesspaezle · 4 months
these are the options on desktop, on phone there are less options. as always reblog for more people to vote or whatever. i'm curious
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heartlaboratory · 2 years
She's the leader of a research lab at an aerospace company where she's developing a radar aimed at detecning near Earth objects.
She's at the restaurant with her husband for dinner now. He has to go to the bathroom but the one who returns has only his appearance. He's a shapeshifting cybernatic agent that came from a different world with a mission: make her research fail, at any cost.
He sits in front of her acting normally as her husband would do, mimicking his manners and voice. Secretly he uses his knowledge about human anatomy and his fantascientific sensors to find a vulnerability in her body and achieve his goal. There's not a better target than her heart. Inside his eyes two particle guns were installed. Alone the ray is harmless but in the point in which two rays converge the energy is enough to destroy living tissues.
She's totally unaware of what's going to happen, completely captured by the alien's illusion. He aims at his target just by looking at it. Would you get suspicious if your husband was simply looking at you?
He fires his guns but the "bullets" are too small to be noticed by anyone else. The two rays converge on the chordae tendinae that give structural integrity to her mitral valve, in her left ventricle (without them the valve has the same consistency of a paper). The cut Is precise and quick. Under the systole pressure, the valve, no more kept in position by the heart strings, flips on the opposite side. The controlled blood pressure gradients that makes her heart work are abolished and the organ goes crazy. She immediately goes into heart failure as the organ fibrillates first and then simply stops beating leading her into an almost instantaneous loss of consciousness. He checks the absence of vital signs and declares mission accomplished. Without being noticed he changes his aspect again and goes away. What happened to her can easily pass as a natural event due to an undetected birth defect, a sudden cardiac death after chordae tendinae rupture.
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juniaships · 1 year
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Refs of Pixelle's outfits
Given how colorful and bright Cyberchase is I want Pix to fit right in! Some of her outfits are what she wears running the shop. Yes even if it's working with greasy old cars she still wants to look professional by Radopolis standards 😆
Then theres her clothes whenever she goes on missions: athletic, colorful and suitable for PBS! I figured instead of having naturally blue hair her hair is a dark brown. It turns blue when she goes into Agent mode. The last outfit is what she'd look like after going through the Transformatron. I want to really emphasis that she is not an earthling, so extra material like cybernatic parts and cyber wings (not on the picrew). Since Cyberchase is set inside a computer world i thought it be fun to base her palette on CYMK, with a touch of green for digits.
Honestly I'm really loving Pix. She's starting to feel like she could actually be a character from the show. Now I'm itchin' to work on her backstory. Picrew below
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sarukahparullah · 1 year
Guys what if Shadow had a spaceship and he breakdanced with some golden humanoid robots and trapped 3 guys on a cube at a blue cybernatic space
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onebluedalek · 6 months
Journal entry 2.GN-000-BTW
“I… could not finish the upload as you left the location-“ They responded in ernist. The two engineers looked at one another before returning their attention to Voi.
“This is not a logical sentiment- return to your position immediately.” The engineer demanded. This caused Voi to back away from the two- though hesitantly. They paused,
“You will return to the room as well?” They questioned the pair. They again stood quietly in the hallway as if processing this… demand? Request?
“Negative.” They responded- both engineers turning away from Na-Voi. They had their own tasks to complete for the day. They could not stand guard over a Dalek who really didn’t need any form of a guard. After all they were all safe here- deep in a bunker where? Only Skaro knew.
As the two began down the hallway Na-Voi stood in the hall as if debating something themself. After a moment they began fallowing the pair down the hallway to wherever the two were heading. They could complete their task later- right? Return to it once someone was able or willing to return to the room with them?
No luck. The pair eventually- nearly twelve doors down- realized they were being tailed. One of them continued on their way leaving the other to deal with the clingy scientist.
“Stop your tailing! You will return to your designated task or you will be reported and required to have a psychological evaluation!” They snarled back at the green casing that had continued to follow them even then. Na-Voi stopped just short of the other casing.
“I…” they started- wanting to retort but that threat… They knew exactly where they might be sent if they failed such an examination.
“I obey…” They decided finally. After another pause to steel themself for what they were about to do
They turned around and headed back in the direction of the server room. The stroll back was hellish- the intenseness of the heartbeat wasn’t bad as they were still aware the other Dalek was in the hallway with them but the moment they turned the corner into the server room… The moment that door was closed behind them Na-Voi could hear each beat of the digital heart around them.
Alone again, they were there in the server room - alone… Again. The noise of the machines drone on- loud enough to cause ears to bleed in Voi’s mind- each heartbeat only made their own race faster. They spun around to face the door- they could not be alone- there were other threats here -
Other threats that biological beings could not remember if they looked away. Threats that if one even looked away they could find themself fifty year in the future or hundreds of years in the past. Threats- threats that one Dalek could not handle of their own. Pouring out of the corners of the room, pouring out from under the servers themselves- carnivorous shadows, living water, metallic insects- cybernats! They backed themself into the center of the server room- spinning- They could not face off every threat that could have been there- not alone .
A Dalek death spin was easy to identify- the casing spinning idly from n the same direction over and over again while the limbs splayed at odd angles. Usually this was a sign of a catastrophic control unit failure but here? It was just a full blown panic attack the emotional inhibitor in this unit was unable to block. Na-Voi’s casing spun again and again for near an hour straight until the sliding doors slid open again. The digital engineer from before entered again.
“Dalek Geneticist GN-000- explain?!” The tone of the other snapped Na-Voi out of their trance instantly. There was another Dalek here they were no longer alone. They turned to look at the other correcting their stance entirely. Now that they were here they could continue what they were doing.
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niightravcns · 5 months
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@voyagaer asked:
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ” // boothill and steven at HSR au aka boothill being a nuisance
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"That sounds like a one-way ticket to a massive indigestion, or food poisoning."
Steven chuckles, forever amused by the Ranger's comments. His eye patch is off for once, his cybernatic eye focused on his prosthetic arm as he slowly stirs the contents of a pot with said arm. The appendage has gotten a little damaged after a skirmish not long ago, not enough to warrant emergency repairs, he can wait until Samuel's next visit to the Express, but Steven is always on the lookout for potential malfunctions.
"How have things been on your side of the galaxy? Caught any interesting bounty lately?" The cook asks, genuine curiosity evident in his one good eye "I don't suppose you've come across some old bounty featuring ol' me?" Granted, he was only a cook even during his time among the space pirates, but the fact alone that he was affiliated with them had put him on a watchlist back in the day.
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
Your OCs see someone limp and collapse behind a dumpster in the corner of their eye. It's Pyrrha, her cybernetics are acting up again, and she can't walk that well. Because of all the metal in her body, she weighs about 400 lbs, so it'd be pretty hard to carry her. What do they do?
Ooooh, interesting! Thank you!
Rae: Approaches Pyrrha and talks to her until she can get a sense of the situation, then calls Warren - he's got a bit of superstrength, enough to fly while carrying up to 200 pounds (that's Marvel canon), so he could definitely support a bit of Pyrrha's weight to help her walk. He's on one side, Rae's on the other, and they eventually get her back to the X-Mansion so Hank can fix up her cybernetics.
Robin: Can't do a whole lot - she might have Peter help, a lot like Rae did with Warren, since he's pretty strong too, but it would still be a lot of effort and might not actually work. She'd stay with Pyrrha until she's sure she'll be safe, though, even if she can't do much else to help.
Madison: Definitely cannot lift that amount of weight... the only one who maybe could help is Hank, or perhaps Charles with his telekinesis, so she'd try to call them to help if she can.
Ophelia: Approaches Pyrrha and tells her to stay put - she just needs to grab some things from her lab, she'll be back as soon as she can. Ophelia returns wearing her actuators and carrying a toolkit: she'll try to fix up Pyrrha's cybernatics from here if she can, but her actuators are strong enough to carry her back to her lab if she needs more advanced tech.
Jasper: Can't do much about the cybernetics themselves, but they can try to keep Pyrrha calm and can do a bit of first-aid on the scars and seams where her cybernetics meet her skin.
Kestrel: Shapeshifts into a larger form - a Percheron draft horse, an ox, even an elephant - and manages to get Pyrrha up onto their back to carry her somewhere safer. They don't have any particularly techy friends to help fix her cybernetics, but if she has a destination in mind, they could help her get there.
Katherine: Prays to the gods - Horus or Apis, maybe - to grant her enhanced strength, at least enough to get Pyrrha out of that nasty alleyway and to somewhere a little safer. She's also not sure what to do about her cybernetics, but step one is just getting her to a better location before she figures out the rest.
Quinn: Doesn't have the first clue of what to do - she can barely carry her own weight anymore, could maybe support an ordinary human on one side if she's having a good day (or is flooded with adrenaline), but 400 pounds is completely out of the question. She probably ends up calling one of the other Ghosts and having them bring a pickup truck (somehow they'll find a way to get Pyrrha up into the bed... hopefully), and ends up just sitting with Pyrrha and talking while she waits for the truck to arrive.
Eris: They're a lot stronger than they look, and they're just intrigued enough by the sight of Pyrrha's cybernetics that he wants to help - not out of any internal goodness, but because he wants to get a closer look. She can carry Pyrrha easily, and spends the journey asking her all sorts of questions about her prothetics.
Nikoletta: Asks Pyrrha where she needs to go, preferably with a picture if she has it (or at least a very detailed description), then uses the shadow realm to transport her to, or closer to, where she needs to go. It's actually easier than transporting an ordinary human - since so much of her is cybernetic, inorganic, there's less biological matter to try and transport through the shadow realm.
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pompomexpress · 1 year
//also i just discovered you can change your tumblr theme with keyboard shortcuts and now i accidentally have the cybernatic one i'm living A NIGHTMARE HELP
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voidintheforce · 1 year
The Bottomless Pit - Interlude
“García Escudero, is it?”
“Señor. Thank you for coming all the way from Germany. The way international flights are fucked these past weeks - how’d you manage?” The Mexican fisherman’s figure fidgeted nervously in the dim light.
“I have my ways. So, the asset you mentioned?”
“Aah-ah. Here, señor. Joder, it’s a brave new world. These waters are dead ever since that bomb dropped-” The man murmured as he led the small, cloaked company deeper and deeper into the bowels of a warehouse. Through the last door... and here it is. Golden scales dulled by untold days of decay, red eyes hazy and unseeing but still retaining some semblance of that evil glimmer.
The man extended a gloved hand, and placed it right on the snout of a dead Devil.
“Señor? Are you taking...”
“I sense... a pulse. Something yet lingers... Fascinating. Just as we theorized, head is the seat of the soul. The dominant one, no less.”
“Ehm. We don’t ask for much, but for the trouble both Monarch and the Government will give us...” The man hesitantly purposed, but the latter part of his sentence was drown in a pained gurgle. He floated a feet above the ground, eyes bulging in fear as an invisible iron grip seized his neck, and clamped down. This is a crime Victivus did not enjoy committing, but a loose end is a loose end.
“Your part of the deal exceeds all expectations, my friend. You have met your unfortunate demise when your ship sunk in the storm near Isla de Mara. Your family will be provided shelter and relocated to Monarch-approved inland safezone. Your name will be written in glory after we remake this world.”
“Kuso. Who the hell are you again?” Ren Serizawa had been drowning himself in a Tokyo bar when the man approached. “I have many names. Director Heinz Schmitt of Monarch Germany branch, Walter Simmons of Apex Cybernatics, Lord Victivus... whatever that title serves nowadays. Which one do you prefer?” Victivus calmly dodged a glass cup thrown his way by the young man; it caught itself mid-air, before settling on the table once more.
“I’m not some conjurer of cheap tricks, you see.” Victivus put a hand on the younger man’s shoulder as Ren’s face blushed a furious red, the alcohol taking its toll but still not hiding his surprise.
“But what the heck can you do? We are bugs, insignificant bugs compared to them! We either fucking revere them as deities like my old man, or be destroyed... They are GODS. What are we in front of gods?”
Ren’s frame was wrecked by another sob he thought he hid well. Victivus knew, despite all their differences, Ren loved his father dearly. He sought to live up to Ishiro, yet the old man’s entire life have been consumed by his one fascination... Godzilla.
“And what are gods... in front of non-believers?” Victivus whispered as Ren lifted his face, brows contorted in sorrow. “Your father was a martyr, and a good man. That his action ultimately saved humanity is worth my sincerest salutation. Alas, he was misguided no less.” Ren slammed his fist on the table, wine spilling out from the impact. The young man will snap out of it, that Victivus was certain. He was a Serizawa. And the Serizawas have always been determined and sturdy souls.
When Ren found himself painfully somber the next day, a message was on his encrypted cellphone. How’d anyone bypass his firewalls? Frowning, he opened the message. “Kazakhstan, Aral Sea, Rebirth Island. Specimen Zero, Project Raijin. Put your talent to good use. D.V.”
I saw an angel coming down from heaven. He had the key to the bottomless pit and a large chain in his hand. The angel seized the dragon, that old snake who is the devil and Satan, and tied him up for a thousand years...
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[Source: twitter @MrgSenor]
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nei-ning · 1 year
Do you think of Mezcaal had enough money on her she would use it to make a cybernatic eye for Raph?
I think Mezcaal loves Raphael unconditionally, just the way he is, accepting him, not changing anything on him. I'm sure Raphael is the same way about Mezcaal, loving her the way she is. I also believe Raph is okay with one eye (looking badass) :) If he wasn't, Donatello surely would had build him an eye already long time ago.
But there's also this opinion that IF Raphael wanted an eye and Mezcaal would have the money for it, then she (or they both) would go for it without a doubt.
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blyszczopies · 2 years
what happened to the cybernatic theme i cant see half of the important shit like the icons on top. im being forced to use a different theme and i miss my green
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