#cyber mage
cyberniix · 6 months
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some subordinates except i dont like how goobert turned out
some lonely under cut as well
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i love him.
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shemhamforash · 9 months
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Thanks for your help.
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braderunner · 2 years
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Commission: shadowrunners.
Order a picture from me on Fiverr :)
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emsartwork · 3 months
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Hey yall im not dead!
COSMIX!!! I've officially redesigned all the transformations in the Winx Club TV series hell yeah
Lore and Design notes below
So Cosmix is a rather defunct transformation in the modern era. It used to be used heavily in the age of space exploration but since teleportation and hyper speed ships became common place, the Magix dimension prefers to use those. Essentially, in order to set up a teleportation center, the caster/s need to have been to both the origin point and the target point. Witches and Mages were the primary people responsible for setting up the teleportation system, but in order to achieve the spells requirements, they would require help from a Cosmix fairy. The primary function of Cosmix is the ability to fly through space with out detrimental effects. Cosmix fairies can take 1, maybe 2, people with them while they fly in a shooting star esc trail function. Cosmix is not great for fighting unless the foe is darkness/light based. Defense is strong against cold, pressure, and friction, but not most other kinds of damage.
Cosmix is also theorized to be the Magix Dimension's version of the elementix. So like Sirenix is the transformation that grants access to the Infinite ocean, Cosmix is the one that would grant access to the Magix Dimension if fairies were in the other realms. Because humans already belong to the Magix Dimension, and the transformation isn't required to earn Nymphix, it isn't considered a true Elementix. Some fairies (mostly Solarians) do experience biological changes when using the transformation, seen here in Stella, but it's not super common. The hair takes on the magic color and drifts into nebulous star dust and galaxy clusters. Solarians are located closest to Lumenia, a tightly clustered star formation, and frequent attract Lumens due to Solaria's binary star system. They have formed fast friendships with the Lumens and many Solarians carry a Lumen's Blessing (it's similar to the elemental companions' bonds in the elementix) in their bloodline which contributes to the biological changes when using Cosmix.
I'm still hammering out how seaosn 8 works plot wise but I'll add it to my show changes masterlist eventually.
Design! The initial concept was "man i wanna draw some chunky ass boots" and i kinda ran with the cyber punk look from there. I was also adamant that Cosmix is a pants transformation, both out of practicality and spite because they made everyone so hyper feminine in season 8. I referenced the actual cosmix designs and their "space travel" oufits for the general shapes for these, but obviously there aren't a ton of similarities since I went in such a different direction haha. Also my first time drawing Aisha with twists! I almost gave her a fro cus it would mimic an astronaut's helmet (and lowkey a nod to Garnet from steven universe) but i like how the twists came out haha
Cosmix includes! Hair up and out of the way, a mesh base layer with light veins and stars, a body suit or shorts and top, a padded armor torso piece with some tubing ports, so many buckles and straps, a clear plastic portion(usually part of the torso peice, sleeves, or around the waist/hips), wrist/arm guards, and chunky chunky boots. The wings are also larger than most transformations (rivaling Butterflix/Faunix) and trail more of the fairy's magic color than usual. Simple geometric designs are standard.
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sweetbunpura · 2 months
Sucked into the Cyber Space! Endless Journey through the Gaming World!
During a gaming session, a terrible storm hits and manages to affect the dorms. A large thunderbolt struck, sending a group of people into the cyberworld of the game they were play. Now they have to finish the game to be able to escape, thankful the game managed to alter their appearances too to fit into the world.
SSR: Gloomurai Idia SSR: Muscle Red Lilia SSR: Berserker Floyd
SR: Platinum Knight Silver SR: Blue Mage Ortho SR: Illusionist Azul
R: Beast Tamer Yuu & Grim R: Bard Cater
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itsjustcaroline · 1 month
Alright, I thought long and hard about what we might see in Arcane Season 2, what the Machine Herald is going to look like, who else we might see, and so on.
Also, this post does not contain any leaks, I have seen one picture, which doesn't even make sense (lucky me). If you spoil anything under this post, you are going to be blocked. I will talk about bout the trailers, though.
So, let me get my thoughts in some order:
- if Viktor was the hooded person in the trailer or wears a mask, then it's probably more because of his side in this war: he's not a Piltovan, but also not really a Zaunite anymore. We don't know when he moved from the Undercity to Piltover, but from his concept art, it was most likely during his early teens.
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He's slightly younger than in S1 Arc1, but already wearing the Academy's uniform (though it seems a bit too big for him, and his pants are more rigged).
So: Viktor is going to be a Pariah and he is going to need to hide his identity, which makes a Collab with Jinx unlikely since she's on the run from everyone. Singed might be there in the direct aftermath after he got blown up, but they're probably going to fall out again since lore-wise Singed is going to team up with Noxus.
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- In League of Legends Heimerdinger is a mage (shooketh, I know), and there's already a scene in S1 alluding to this: when Viktor and Heimerdinger are in Heimerdinger's office, Viktor goes through Jayce's notes and is intrigued. He asks Heimerdinger, whether he could do it (magic) and Heimerdinger hesitates a tell-tale second before he declines. Now, Heimerdinger might be a mage, but he relies mostly on his inventions. But wouldn't a fight between Viktor and Heimerdinger be cool? First, they throw ideologies at each other, then they fight. I think, I'd love this even more than Viktor vs. Jayce. Kinda like Obi-Wan vs. Anakin.
- I think, that Caitlyn is going to shoot Vi. Everyone I read so far thinks that it's the other way around, but that would be too predictable in my opinion. But maybe it is that way.
- Just stating that everyone is going to be contrary than they were in S1 and going from there falls a bit short. I think, that there's more to this quote.
- Divorce Era, because Jayce does, in fact, not understand. I am going to cry.
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- The Hexcore will save Viktor's life in the aftermath of the explosion, and there are three ways I can see that happening:
(1) Viktor does it himself, maybe with the help from Singed.
(2) Jayce does it, thus breaking his promise to destroy it. I am going to cry
(3) The Hexcore, which is now connected to Viktor will sense his doom and burst to him. That might also be the shine, that Heimerdinger saw in the trailer.
- That brings me to another point, to the connection towards the Void: I don't think there's much to it and that the Hexcrystals are not shards of the brakken. However, I think the Hexcore is sentient due to Sky. Think about it: it changed its form after it disintegrated (or absorbed) Sky. Then it hurt Viktor (honestly, same. You think, you can walk away after accidentally dusting me and threatening to destroy my new essence? I'd be pissed). It might be interesting, if the Hexcore/Sky talks to Viktor in his head, furthering his spiral into madness. I'm here for it.
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- Ekko will learn how to manipulate time and he will use it to try and save somebody. Be it somebody from the Firelights, their hideout or Jinx. Maybe it will go in the same direction like in the Convergence-Comic (which is, I repeat, outside of any lore), maybe not.
- Well then, what Viktor might look like: my favourite head-canon would be just as described in The Pulse of the Machine by bringthekaos on AO3. Mechanical eyes? Voice modulator can be shut off? Emotional suppressor has a switch? Rawrs in cyber-engineering. As it stands, I imagine it more to be like Battle Angel Alita (the manga, NOT the film!) or like a Borg from Star Trek. Definitely NOT like a Cyberman from Doctor Who.
- Who else do I want to see in S2:
Swain, just give me the Noxian General and heal my Daddy issues.
Renata, just give me the Chem-Baronness and heal my Mommy issues.
Jhin, Arcane should take place around the same time when Jhin was in Zaun. But that is a far shot (pun intended)
Camille, she exploits Hextech to become a weapon and I think she is kind of contrary to Viktor, who only ever wanted to help (others, himself, though with sometimes dubious means
I don't see that Orianna is Singed's daughter. That would fuck her beautiful lore. Don't do that to me.
Stuff, I'd also like to see:
- Viktor's apartment in Piltover
- Viktor's parents (flashback)
- Jayce's father (flashback)
- Jayce and Viktor fighting but unable to do so properly
- Mel and Sevika together
Thanks for coming to my Arcane-Talk.
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litrpgburrito · 4 months
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The Seattle Stacks
[Lore surrounding a version of Seattle where magic and technology collide]
In the shadow of the Space Needle, amidst the verdant sprawl of what was once a bustling Seattle park, lies the Seattle Stacks. A haphazard skyline of motor homes, each one a relic of a bygone era, now stacked atop one another in a defiant monument to survival. The Stacks are more than just a neighborhood; they are a sanctuary for the misfits, the mages, and the machinists of a world where the lines between technology and magic have blurred into obscurity.
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The story of the Seattle Stacks begins with the Great Convergence, an event that fused the realms of the arcane and the engineered. Magic, once thought to be the stuff of legend, flowed into the world like a tidal wave, crashing against the shores of reality. Technology, which had reached its zenith, suddenly found itself infused with this new, wild energy. The results were both wondrous and catastrophic.
In the aftermath, society reformed in unexpected ways. The Stacks emerged as a community for those who sought to blend the old with the new. Here, enchanters worked alongside engineers to fortify their homes against the elements and the creatures that roamed the wilds beyond. Poles and bars, imbued with spells of strength, held the precarious towers of homes aloft. Chains enchanted with protective wards clinked in the wind, a symphony of security for the inhabitants.
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The heart of the Stacks was its people. Each tower, a small neighborhood unto itself, thrived on the cooperation of its residents. From the cyber-witches who wove spells into neon lights, giving them a life of their own, to the gearhead sorcerers who conjured mechanical familiars from spare parts and sheer will, the community was a tapestry of innovation and tradition.
At the center of it all stood the Emerald Tower, the first and tallest stack. It was here that the leaders of the Stacks convened, a council of the wise that guided the community through the challenges of their new world. They were the keepers of lore, the architects of the Stacks' future, and the bridge between the mystical and the mechanical.
As the sun sets, casting long shadows over the Stacks, the neon lights flicker to life, painting the sky with vibrant hues. The air hums with the energy of a hundred spells, and the scent of sizzling circuits mingles with the earthy aroma of the park's ancient trees. The Seattle Stacks stand as a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of humanity, and a reminder that even in a world divided, there is a place for unity—in the stacks where magic and machine coexist in harmony.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
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drakeanddice · 4 months
What Non-D&D Games Feel Like to Run
D&D, but more. The systems generally hang together better, if thats a selling feature for you, and the if you like waiting for math to be done, boy is this one going to wow you. It's got more system mastery to demonstrate which is cool, but in general it works like D&D, so you're going to do a bunch of prep work, your players will sidestep it, and you'll scramble to keep laying down track until eventually the campaign fizzles out or you do. Key GM moves are: "PREP" "Study" and "Look stuff up."
Like D&D, but without all the pesky systems. Most of these run on trust and a steady stream of rulings rather than rules. If your favorite bit of D&D is, "don't worry about it, make something up," the OSR is probably going to be your happy place. Your go-to GM moves are, "say something cool," "refer to a random chart," and "say yes or roll." Less exhausting than D&D, but you're still doing most of the heavy lifting here.
Watch your friends make complicated characters and then do hours of leg work in hopes of not having to engage overmuch with the combat system. If you've got a Decker, try and keep everyone who is not a Decker engaged as they pull off a solo mission in cyber space. Then do it again as the Mage goes Astral. If you're lucky the plan ends there. If you aren't, you'll probably get to check out the combat rules as the run goes sideways. It's like D&D, but you prep three times as much, roll three times as many dice, shopping trips take even longer, and your party will plan entire sessions to death. Your go to moves here are "wait," "forcibly shift the spotlight" and "look up a rule."
Call of Cthulhu
It's D&D, but you are constructing a mystery. The more they know about it the less able to disentangle it the characters become. There are combat stats and a bestiary despite combat being a fail state. Many such traps exist and you are going to need to tapdance to avoid them. Your go to move is "reveal something spooky; kill a character" and "footstomp a clue."
Savage Worlds
It's D&D, I guess. I mean in a pinch. It's genre-nonspecific and runs on dice pools, but don't let that put you off. The GM is still responsible for cooking up a scenario, awarding experience, and handing out Bennies when the players play their characters according to their Bonds/Ideals/Flaws (okay edges and hindrances, fine) or when they are performing roleplay to your liking. It's fine. It's D&D but you can wear a cool Indiana Jones hat or a jetpack if you want. Go to moves include, "roll, I guess" "make it pulp" and "your performance amuses Caesar"
Powered By the Apocalypse
Despite some early installment weirdness in which one of these is literally D&D, these are not D&D. Prep is minimal, narrative is player-directed, and there's a larger focus on genre and fictional positioning. Fewer rules to memorize, but the way those rules work do <i>not</i> like you fucking with them. Yield to the fiction, hang on loosely. If you play the mechanics, everything falls apart. You've been warned. Your moves are "lean on genre convention" "stir up drama" "feel like you're not calling for enough moves, drastically over-correct and ruin fucking everything."
Forged In the Dark
It's D&D but not remotely. You're a game master for about 30 minutes, and then you are another excited voice in the writer's room. Set up the initial position and then strap the fuck in. This is the only game I've played that will fight you, like full on bottle and chains fight you if you prep. Your go to moves are "build consensus" "ask a question that spurs half an hour of play" and "begin designing a hack."
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july books
starter villain 3.5/5 (i do love! a john scalzi. his books feel so much like coming home even when i'm not hugely intrigued by the premise - he's an author you can trust to have a satisfying if weird ending)
cyber mage DNF (i love saad z hossain's other books - just think his style of writing is a little better suited to his novellas)
kundo wakes up 3.5/5 (see above! i love the world of his novellas a LOT and i think this was my fave yet.)
the parliament 3/5 (great concept! some really good moments! just didn't really click with me and i didn't like the main couple or think they made a good pairing)
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy 3.5/5 (by contrast, much more fun a re-read of this vs castle in the air - i felt a lot more competent at picking up on the nuance and satire vs when i read This at fifteen lol)
running close to the wind 4.5/5 (WHAT A FUN BOOK! only quibble was how much it felt like fanfiction like - in a fun way for sure! just very much like we were reading a couple we already knew the framework for so the author felt comfortable jumping right into the action and i could have used a little more time with worldbuilding)
the duke at hazard 5/5 (AHHHHHHHHHHHH NEW KJC AHHHH AND IT'S A GORGEOUS HOMAGE TO HEYER'S THE FOUNDLING! what a soft and enfolding work it is it's only been a couple weeks since i read it and already i want to be back in that world!)
the house of the red balconies 5/5 (talking of soft and comforting works! this was my introduction to aj demas and please know i immediately stayed up until four am reading three more of her books.)
sword dance 4/5 (loveeee a secret agent using his skills as a dancer to go undercover! love a disabled soldier loving them and seeing them as a whole person and vice versa!)
saffron alley 5/5 (OUGHHHHH now this is a MASTERCLASS in how you do miscommunication. not a plot device not a gimmick but something showing characters' inner lives and struggles and growth!)
strong wine 4/5 (not enough of the Boukos family but otherwise lives up to the promise of the first two)
kill the farmboy DNF (has the AUDACIty to say it's an homage to terry pratchett. i wouldn't let terry pratchett piss within a hundred yards of this book because it would be too good for it.)
soulless 3/5 (doesn't take itself too seriously! if it had been a little more queer i think i would have like it more and as it was the sexy scenes weren't too awful for a straight couple, but then i'm a sucker for a werewolf)
a botanical daughter 2/5 (INFURIATING. how dare it have a gorgeous premise of two insane gay victorian men creating themselves a daughter from taxidermy and mushrooms and fail at the premise so badly i WANTED the daughter to go feral and murder them all)
prospects 3/5 (i'm not trying to be rude and i had a pretty good time reading this but my gods and little fishes there was SO. much. baseball. {shocking in this sports novel about baseball})
evenings and weekends 2/5 (maybe i am just. very much not the target audience for this kind of book but i hateeeeee books were people are just wandering around lying to each other and themselves and generally being dicks. like what's the point! also not helped by my hating london and the hottest days of summer which is arguably the main character here.)
box hill 4.5/5 (okay listen. listen. i know everyone and their aunt has to have perfect morals these days and write the stoplight system into all their fanfiction they write for fun and therefore even moreso for published works but DAMN. i loved this book! it made me feel FERAL like! is it a portrayal of a healthy relationship? absolutely not. sustainable? no way. does it seep into your bones with a kind of aching longing for something formless and deep and heavy? Y E S. it does exactly what it sets out to do and i simultaneously want to force everyone i know to read it and also hug it to myself and snarl when people try lest they read it the wrong way.)
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n3rd-qu33n-ffxiv · 4 months
Cyber Scion: Red Mage
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I've been awful and haven't posted in forever. My bad! Life just got a little crazy, and I got a little lazy. I'm working on fixing that. In the meantime, enjoy the glamour I'm currently OBSESSED with.
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tuesday again 7/11/23, timezone change edition
the last time i wrote one of these things, i was not quite fully packed up in ma. now, i am technically temporarily homeless in houston, bc the apartment i originally signed on was completely unlivable. crashing in an acquaintance's guest room for a bit while i have a very bad time with apartment hunting round 2
i have lived in south florida, staten island, and various shithole student housing. i understand seasonal bugs in hot places and things such as different kinds of roaches and palmetto bugs. when i say that apartment had the worst roach infestation i've ever seen i fucking mean it. in theory i will get my full deposits back, but they're taking their sweet fucking time about it.
but having that full yes-i-know-about-seasonal-roaches conversation with new acquaintances and leasing agents takes too long so i've resorted to saying it had a horrific bedbug problem, which everyone seems to go Oh Okay Yeah Reasonable For You To Leave much more quickly.
a lot of early aughts dance pop standards, to chase away the agonies as i drive to and from apartments only to get ghosted, find they were rented a week ago, or find that they look absolutely nothing like the pictures. i was really torn on which britney song to pick for this week until my sister sent me Twin Flame by Maude Latour, which i can only describe as "douchebag get the girl back song but for lesbians". spotify
also how do we like the "featured link from bandcamp or soundcloud with additional spotify link" format? in an ideal world i would buy all my music directly from the artists but realistically i use spotify 90% of the time. i don't know what your life is like, tell me if this is helpful or not.
my best friend made sad faces at me until i read The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary, and it was a little nice to see someone else's dire housing situation get resolved neatly and with thematic consistence in several hundred pages. it was also nice to text her snippets with "WHAT?????" every so often. this is a reading experience i don't have very often bc our current reading tastes don't overlap even a little bit.
i don't have much to say about it bc i didn't have particularly strong feelings and don't really read mainstream straight romance, so i can't point out what this did differently or well compared to its peers. if nothing else, it was a fluffy bit of distraction, and i think that's kind of the point?
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(image from Tor) also read Saad Z. Hossein's Kundo Wakes Up novella in a waffle house while eating some of the best scrambled eggs i've ever had in my life.
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this novella was the closest thing i've ever read to "aging English professor has an affair" without actually containing any of those elements. generally i enjoy his work, but this was sort of a way to check up and tie off many characters from previous works with a sort of light frosting of "my wife left me and i don't know why [ rot13:v pna znxr fbzr thrffrf ohg gurer vf ab zbzrag bs frys-ernyvmngvba, bapr ur svaqf uvf jvsr ur whfg perrcf ba ure sebz nsne naq nsgre qrgrezvavat fur'f abg jvgu nalbar arj znxrf gur gerzraqbhf fnpevsvpvny qrpvfvba gb yrnir ure nybar op fur'f zhpu unccvre jvgubhg uvz. gurer vf ab zbzrag bs frys-ernyvmngvba nobhg jul fur zvtug unir yrsg uvz. xhaqb arire trgf bhg bs uvf bja shpxvat urnq bapr.]"
while The Gurkha and the Lord of Thursday novella (TREMENDOUS) and Cyber Mage book (fun but with some dire pacing issues) are fairly standalone, i cannot imagine you'd get much out of Kundo Wakes Up if you haven't read the other two. for some reason none of the libraries i have access to have his other book Djinn City, so we'll have to procure that elsewhere.
the dnd movie, the day after i broke my lease on the roach apartment. i don't remember a ton about this movie. do generally like a heist. michelle rodriguez was hot
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genshin. listen. it is a free and familiar way to turn my brain off by doing open world exploration and puzzles but CRUCIALLY! most of it is completely new to me. i have not played this game in a year and a half. i have not played this game since right before enkanomiya. there was no chasm. there was no Sumeru. i have absolutely no idea what’s happening lore-wise.
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i pulled for the fancy ice claymore lady and got a catboy archer (at least i think it is a catboy? the ears do give a pharaoh hound vibe... he is distinct from the extant dogboy archer). not terrible but not my vibe.
i have been enjoying the shit out of the temporary summer event carnival space. they really did pull out several stops by introducing a ton of genuinely interesting and innovating little new mechanics and mini games. delightful!
altering the worst shorts ive ever seeeeeeeeen with a demure little two-inch side slit on both legs bc my thighs simply will not quit. mens shorts are so much better than womens shorts in nearly every way except for the catastrophic physical fit issues.
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when i got ghosted by two different apartments on saturday i bought myself a spoon ring so chunky it makes my other chunky rings look positively delicate by comparison. not very comfy to drive in but fine to wear while tippy tappying on the spreadsheets
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a girl i saw for one singular awful date in 2016 called my hands "coarse but honest" and i think about that every time my hands are in a photo. what did that even fucking MEAN, [REDACTED]?
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Jade (Loyalty) Stealth assassin and Imperial Bodyguard. Jade's family traded her to Shao Kahn as a child. Though he was the only "parent" and master she ever knew, Jade refused his orders to kill her closest friend, Kitana. The Emperor turned against Jade. Now she vows to end his reign.
Sub-Zero (Redemption) Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei clan. Kuai Liang beat death to redeem his clan for the evil committed by Sektor and the Cyber Lin Kuei. He rebuilt the Lin Kuei and brokered peace with their Shirai Ryu rivals. Now, he hopes to finally close the book on sins of Lin Kuei past.
Scorpion (Vengeance) Grandmaster Scorpion of the Shirai Ryu. Driven by rage, Hanzo Hasashi went through Hell and back to avenge his family and clan, never resting until he cut down their murderer, Quan Chi. Now he leads a reborn Shirai Ryu, avenging those who cannot avenge themselves.
Skarlet (Acceptance) Blood mage and Imperial Bodyguard. Skarlet was a starving wretch before Shao Kahn anointed her in blood. Reborn by his sorcery with an insatiable bloodlust and the power to feed it, her crimson cravings are rivaled by her desire for Shao Kahn's praise. She is his deadliest, most faithful creation.
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Gummigoo! this i can do something with
Subject #001: Gummigoo (TADC)
Category: Spirit (WoD)
Hi darling! Thank you for submittin this. So, this is fascinating! because taking the information from TADC, theres a LOT of implications about the Digital Circus itself in the context of WoD. Particularly for Caine!
(read more for explanation and details)
Many entities have the ability to go into and control various realms of the Umbra, WoDs spirit world (think of ATLA' Spirit World, or WH40k's Warp). Usually with somewhat mixed results depending on what exactly it is and what realms its entered. There are atleast two realms, both in the Umbra that operate under the influence of technology and specifically the internet. With some small differences. the CyberRealm from WtA, and the Digital Web from MtA. Both realms having various spirits associated with their respective aspects.
now, the fun part. Caine is almost a god in the Digital Circus, reshaping it to however he wants and generally having no problem mixing around his reality. ill touch more on him in a future post probably, but gut reaction? The man seems like a Mage, specifically a Virtual Adept. The Digital Circus itself, a Realm he can interact with. I dont think its exactly his, but until we get more lore on him i cant really back that up with any supporting evidence.
it'd be simple to say then that Gummigoo is just a spirit in this realm, but i feel like thats not entirely satisfying. As far as i know, the Digital Web isnt home to many spirits beyond the various Pattern Spiders that maintain the web itself. I believe its more likely that this was a spirit from the other technological realm, the Cyber Realm, yoinked into whatever the Digital Circus is. Take this with a grain of salt though, researching the Umbra itself is a headache and a half.
My guess is a Gaffling of some kind. a very basic, sentient spirit. Though what exactly he is a spirit of is a bit harder. Maybe a manifestation of a Thinking Machine Spirit?
This is kind of alot to ramble about, but it boils down to Gummigoo being a digital spirit of some kind manifested by Caine.
Hope i didnt do too bad for my first post! Thanks love for the brain teaser :3
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hompunkulus · 1 month
Cyber Magic Theories
Frater U.D. comments that when performing cyber-magical operations there is a reported feeling of coolness or tingling on the top of the head. He also mentions that the mage should have a working understanding of kundalini. That means you need a working understanding of energy modalities to effectively work cyber-magical operations and may just be a refined form of energy or spirit magic. This is not a criticism, but an observation.
It takes computers and wi-fi for information to pass from one data base to another. It is more or less an electrical action, such as psi moving from our spine to our brains effecting change. He admits cyber magic has been around for centuries albeit in different terms. That suggests I can learn this modality with less computer oriented terminology. Austin Osman Spare is a good example of a cybernetic magician as his sorcery took place in the mind with the help of trance through the semiotic web.
What we learn from Spare is the art of simplicity. An artistic rendition of a desire creates a trance effect that can be used for magical purposes. Art is information, trance is a way to integrate that information into the subconscious, sigils are how the subconscious connects that flow of information to create a magical effect. Spare was said to be able to change weather and summon and banish elementals with pen, paper, and vacuity. That is information magic at its finest from a proper cybernetic foundation.
Words and Images, Songs and Effigies
Words and images, songs and fetishes, have been part of the magical world as far back as history and anthropology can trace its roots and becoming. The concept started as a spirit then an energy model, but as our concepts of spirits and ideas of energy evolve so does magic. Sadly, not so much for religion.
An easy way to differentiate the spirit, energy, and information models is through the power of an effigy with sympathetic magic. In the spirit model the effigy is representative of the target and upon burning it the spirits are sent forth to actuate the curse. In the energy model the creation of the effigy creates a sympathetic link to the target and through the burning of it there is a transfer of energy. Those models assume you have blessings from a spirit, or a host of them, or are skilled in the art of sensing, directing, and overall managing, various types of energy. Both models suggest the world is teeming with variety of either concept.
Animism is a belief that the world is animated by spirits existing in every little and large thing, from dirt to mountains. Animism is a dance of spirit and energy because the animist has to understand the gross and subtle elements of their spirit and how it effects their energy and what that energy does to the living world around them. The information model is much simpler, almost childlike. The effigy works because the magician intended it for it to work.
Magic at the level of information is magic in it's simplest form, almost as if a thought itself can be magic. That is true to an extent, but that thought still needs juice behind it. Spare used sigils and the Death Posture, Frater U.D. talks about a working understanding of kundalini, and Anton Channing talks about a magical force called the cybermorphic. Because early chaos magic was inspired by chaos mathematics and theoretical quantum physics it makes sense that an advanced form of magic would now utilize machine theories. There are even magicians tinkering with AI.
In conclusion, 'cyber magic' intrigues me. I am finding ways to understand and utilize this method but away from scientific, mathematical, and robotics jargon. My backround is very down to earth and humble so I approach my magic from that angle. While I believe it is good to learn and adapt, which is why I started to focus on the information model and cyber magic specifically, magic is always more powerful when you follow your intuition and do what works.
Cyber magic is really just a theory on how magic works because you are essentially doing the same things mages have been doing for thousands of years, just using the materials and technologies available at the current zeitgeist. It so happens to be a time of exponential growth rather then one of hunting and gathering.
What I've come to understand about cyber magic is the concept that thought itself can act as a sigil and with enough focus can effect change on a target. It's 'empty hand magic' at its finest.
Frater U.D. mentions that it takes a new pracitioner of cyber magic maybe 2 minutes to cast a spell and a seasoned pracitioner about 30 seconds, or less. If you can really cast a spell in 30 seconds, you can do hundreds of spells a day. To be honest, it seems a little far fetched and over simplistic, but there's no reason not to dive in and try it. The worst thing that happens when we try new things is the same as the best possible outcome - we learn something new.
If information magic is anything, it's applied knowledge to manufacture a magical effect. What will you do with it?
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ezdotjpg · 1 year
put your hands up in the air- mini (+gun)
bass- mask (fishing)
life it never die- loft
women are my favorite guy- wolf
i'm wanting more- mage
tell the world stop the war- war
boom hear the bass go zoom-wake
have a body feel the groove- spirit
cyber system overload- slate
everybody movement- mirror
i've cracked a code i think.
anon ur so right. ur so right. thank u for ur important work
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