#cxnvicts ( cinnabar )
queenoftheboard · 11 months
Cinnabar's hand moves before she could think about it, a small and bashfulーand all too genuine, nonethelessーsmile curling upon her lips as she gives the Quinn CEO a few pats on the head.
♕ unscripted asks . always accepting
It happened out of the blue - there were no actions that could possibly explain that gesture or any words that had been said which could have been declared as motivators. It was an ordinary afternoon, another routine visit to a different manufacturing facility owned by Quinn and where Eirene was making herself not only present, but visible.
The intimidating CEO and founder was not a myth - and the sheer respect she commanded was enough for the average employee to redouble their efforts and to put aside any thoughts that inspired less than diligence and loyalty to the company.
But in the small office space of that manufacturing plant, Cinnabar thought differently. The brunette was standing while Eirene remained seated, a traditional arrangement and one fitting of a bodyguard that never allowed herself to relax while on duty - but that also highlighted the amusing height difference between the two of them. Even if the Quinn president had been standing with her usual heels, Cinnabar would still come out as the taller of the two.
Fitting for a protector role, and no issue at all for Eirene - until that advantage was put to use in another way and it had the older woman stilling completely. The hands holding a couple of printed reports froze, and bi-colored eyes lost focus immediately; a moment was needed before the businesswoman was able to move in the chair, rotating it enough to face the bodyguard at her side.
Now, there was a faint blush on Cinnabar's face - as if the other woman was realizing just what she had done and just the type of person she had... Patted. It was more than breaching some sort of boundary to touch Eirene without her inviting as much, but to do so in a way that felt dangerously childish.
Proud, arrogant, overconfident - those were not traits Eirene Campbell had as a girl under Bryce's tutelage; she wasn't very fond of recalling her time with the other Campbells either.
But Cinnabar didn't mean it - and Eirene could see that much, even as her mismatched eyes narrowed and pinned the younger individual to the spot under her gaze, disallowing the bodyguard to move or look away. A gloved hand dropped the papers to the CEO's lap and then moved skywards to capture Cinnabar's offending limb, or so one thought.
But if the younger female was expecting some sort of insult or physical punishment, it didn't quite turn out to be that way. Eirene lowered the other girl's palm then pressed it against her own face, closing her eyes for a second and seemingly enjoying the warmth that seeped from Cinnabar's digits to her own skin. In that moment, it was as if the Campbell heiress was out of time and space - not an icy queen with an empire to run, but just a human with a heart.
"You are so unlike anyone I've ever met, Cinnabar," the businesswoman said at length, eyelids revealing the unique gaze once more while Eirene removed the brunette's hand away from her visage gently, almost as if a sudden reaction could shatter that precious interlude, "I thought it would get you killed before, but maybe it helps you stay alive. I don't think I'd like to see you changed."
A small sigh followed and Cinnabar earned a smile from Eirene - a curious one; it wasn't cruel or sarcastic, but it had a hint of something predatorial, too. But luckily for the bodyguard, the words that followed confirmed that she was under no employment or personal risk.
"You're mine, now. And I don't take kindly to anyone who harms anything - or anyone - I care for."
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
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ー@cxnvicts // "let's get you out of here." (cinnabar to zoya)
❝ Did I really get to a point where people are more worried about me than they are scared now...? ❞ Zoya told herself while she struggled to get back up, only to realize how much she was trembling. Grinning quietly as she looked towards the former security guard, she felt pathetic. She was offering such a deplorable spectacle to Cinnabar after all, she couldn't even feel proud of the fight she just won. It shouldn't be this way... And despite that nagging feeling of shame, Zoya accepted her fate in silence as she raised a hand towards her savior.
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❝ ...I need a hand. As much as I'd like to, I don't think my legs would allow me to walk out of here by myself. ❞ the Legion's commander finally spoke up, her voice being as confident as usual despite keeping her head down the entire time.
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ragingsands · 2 years
a time once spent ⥽ cinnabar
Anarkia had long doubted the possibility of her own loyalty to one large party, rather than individuals.
For most of her life, she sought the idea of someone who was just as special as her, someone who would understand the kind of questions she was often clouded with, someone who would also cling onto the potential of a future foretold. Someone who would let her see into the future and believe in her words - that was the kind of love that Anarkia wanted.
It did not have to be a country. Not an organisation. Not a group of anything.
After all, she had been forsaken far too many times, and humans were such fickle beings. Therefore, when she had come across the individual who went by Cinnabar, she pondered if for a while, they should have talked beyond business.
Cinnabar was a friendly, warm presence, yet Anarkia - possessed by the idea that not a lot of people were to be trusted - she couldn't help but find herself both magnetised and loathing to bring the idea up. They had been settled in a tent, and they had avoided the talk of why they were truly here, evading anyone, but Anarkia was the best at navigating the sandstorms. Cinnabar too, had given her no reason for her wrath to resurface.
Her golden claws brushed against the fabric of Cinnabar's tent, and her blue eyes had taken a peek into the tent, if just for a second to scan for her adventuring partner for the moment.
"... Cinnabar, are you present?"
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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starter for @cxnvicts​ (Genshin Verse) 
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❝ cinnabar, ❞ her name rolled off her tongue as if naming her protégé in the military roll call so many moons ago.  ❝ if you hold the sword too tightly, you’re going to give your palms friction burns. ❞ it was here that the former fatui soldier’s electro vision was unveiled, unbuttoning the military uniform at the top to reveal the purple sparks emanating from the necklace that zoya had worn since she was young. duels, so trivial and yet this one before her looked to take her vengeance for the mistakes that her own family caused. she readies herself for what was to come, stormbearer mountains being the perfect backdrop for what would be the end for either of them. 
there does zoya stand, blade slowly unsheathing. she could tell from her former pupil’s eyes that she was adamant on this battle and no matter how many times the fatui deserter would beat herself up over the crimes of her mother and father, it still wouldn’t be enough for an apology. no, this needed to happen. years and years of pent up anger and frustration to be vented ‘pon each other until the very end.  ❝ show no mercy towards your enemy, cinnabar. i won’t hold back. ❞
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thunder strikes once more, this time harnessed by the former mage to form a ring of fire around the two as she grits her teeth.  ❝ just know that everything that happened was not what i intended... and that my biggest mistake was never telling you who i was. ❞ and with a grip of her blade, she dashes towards cinnabar when lightning strikes ‘pon tree and plunges her fist right into the gut of the soldier that she had trained. cinnabar had become so strong, has she not trained so hard and built up the muscle in her body, zoya was scared her fist might have ruptured her stomach or worse.  ❝ get up, is this how you intend to honour your family? on your knees? ❞
harsh taunts, but one to serve to motivate. that was the fatui way.   
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ephixltes · 2 years
[  SOUND  ]  *  your muse prevents my muse from making any sounds. (cinnabar)
―  𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑺𝑬𝑿𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺.  ( or not so sexual / open prompts ) // @cxnvicts
She doesn't hesitate—grabbing Cinnabar by the hand and pulling her down to the ground, pushing herself well into Cinnabar's personal space, body to body. Hecate's cold, cold fingers press themselves against Cinnabar's lips in an effort to somehow stifle the taller woman's gasping breaths, whilst her other hand busies itself under the fabric of Cinnabar's shirt, steady despite the situation against the skin of Cinnabar's toned abdomen. Hecate's expression, devoid of expression as it usually is, for once does not match the look in her eye—wide with a plea left unspoken, but no less desperate...
... Somehow separated from the Chief and the rest of their group, and under a barrage of attacks, the taller woman's shield had given way, and she had taken the brunt of the hits that would have otherwise been meant for Hecate. There had been effectively no choice but to retreat and take shelter behind a stack of crates, and hope that they had managed to lose the enemy. Hope that the enemy won't notice or hear them hiding here until the Chief or one of the other Sinners can get to them.
For now, though, they can try to take stock. Hecate can try to take stock. Cinnabar had been hurt—badly. Normally composed, and no doubt experienced in battle, Cinnabar's fading consciousness robs her of some of her better senses. She probably can't help the sound of her ragged, laboured breathing—each breath sounding utterly tortured. Hecate's probing fingers come away from their investigation slick and dark with blood. She has to stem the blood, somehow—she's already torn the sleeves off of her gown to try and use as a makeshift bandage, though with how thin the fabric is, it barely makes a difference, Cinnabar's blood soaking through and through.
She didn't want things to turn out like this. Not again. This is what happens when people show her kindness; when people try to protect her. So they shouldn't—but how can Hecate be angry with the other Sinner, when she has only ever been kind?
"I'm sorry," Hecate hears herself saying. Muttering. Mouthing into Cinnabar's jacket, though they’re supposed to be keeping as quiet as possible. As she tries to hold onto the other woman, to keep her semi-upright, somehow, though Cinnabar is so much taller than she is. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
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cxnvicts · 2 years
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cxnvicts   ー   an independent, semi-selective, and low-activity multi-muse featuring Path to Nowhere’s certainly up-to-no-good Sinners: Chameleon, Cinnabar, McQueen, Female!Chief, and more as imagined by Milky !!
report   //   dispatch assignments // muses
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queenoftheboard · 2 years
♙ 1.b3 . an opening for Cinnabar / @cxnvicts
The routine of Eirene Campbell as the president and CEO of Quinn Group was probably not what many imagined it to be - unlike other business conglomerate leaders, the woman at the helm was controlling and perfectionist; to be at the top meant that she needed to stay aware of mostly every detail. Delegating came hard to her - and any sort of occurrence that deviated from normal operations and the smallest oddity were required to be raised and brought directly to Eirene's attention.
And that was exactly what happened when the sensors installed in one of the warehouses owned by Quinn in District 12 were activated. They were triggered in the middle of the night, but the cameras located at the facility offered a confusing feed. It was easy to see someone getting inside, quietly and orderly... And then not leaving, opening it to other strangers or seemingly doing anything that posed a risk to the place.
In fact, the report that found itself at Eirene's hands stated that this mysterious invader appeared to be sleeping; they had located the administrative office close to one of the gates and seemed to have crashed on the couch available there. Frowning, the blonde requested to be sent the video footage, and analyzed it with a team of security and IT specialists.
The idea of someone just crashing a Quinn warehouse to sleep off a hangover was immediately discarded - some degree of knowledge was required to manage access to the place and the remote systems showed it had been professionally done. Yet, the following actions did not match those of any rivals of Quinn (or Campbell enemies) - and it was all made even more mystifying when the technology team managed to get better resolutions out of the cameras, enough to identify the trespasser.
Eirene immediately recognized her - Cinnabar, the individual who was once the pride and joy of Serpent's Eye and a highly trusted service provider among the Eastside elite. The woman had used them a few times for security reasons, but had never been sent Cinnabar; everything the blonde knew about the other female were the public reports, the media articles and the gossip following her apparent desertion from a mission a few months back.
Cinnabar had been missing since then - was this the reason that brought her to one of Quinn's warehouses, maybe? Just need for shelter and a break while on the run from the authorities? Drumming fingers over her desk, the business magnate pondered over her next move, simulating a few scenarios in her mind before deciding on one that involved an unusual approach.
With the aid of her IT team, they brought a computer online in the room occupied by the former Serpent's Eye operative and turned on the audio, as well as the webcam. On the other side, a microphone was connected to the CEO's own machine, and therefore enabled her to talk remotely to Cinnabar while getting some average-quality image and thus able to examine the other woman's reactions.
"Good morning, Cinnabar, former supervisor from Serpent's Eye," although the bodyguard had no live feed, one could imagine the soft smile tugging at Eirene's lips while she spoke - the excitement of making a new move in her daily mental chess games was always exhilarating, "This is Eirene Campbell, president of the Quinn Group. I was hoping to have a brief chat with you, if you have the time. I would be willing to come to a presential meeting, of course," a pause followed, where the blonde woman smirked from the other side, "After all, I do have the keys to all warehouses we own, such as the one you have found."
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queenoftheboard · 2 years
a kiss between two people in a fake relationship . ( I'M SORRY I JUST SAW THIS SIX HOURS LATER AND I- anyway with cinny :> )
♕ kiss & tell . accepting
When Eirene received reports that another Campbell was in DisCity, the businesswoman immediately entered into her equivalent of a battle mode. Summoning her closest advisers, trusted employees and bodyguard, the woman gave clear and precise instructions about the fact: any half-sibling in town was to be located and have their whereabouts delivered to her immediately.
None of them should be in DisCity - she was the head of the Campbells now, and if people were defying her orders... Well, the Sinner had never wanted to be the next Bryce, but Eirene was not above defending her own turf. Quinn had been founded and maintained by her, thanks to the blonde's own efforts and dedication, and any brother or sister hoping to steal a part of that kingdom following the old Bryce tactics was not welcome.
Once the information came about the half-brother who had indeed come to town, Eirene decided on the approach: she was going to go undercover, pay him a visit and deal with it efficiently, before he had the chance to escape. There was, of course, protesting in relation to such ideas, particularly when most of her workforce was not aware of the fact that their boss was a powerful Sinner.
That was when the business magnate moved in her chair, finding Cinnabar's face in the room and smiling sweetly at her - which, of course, meant some kind of devious plan which the other woman would be pulled into a be a part of. Eirene clarified that the bodyguard would be escorting her, but that it was all she was going to say for the benefit of their mission.
Later, Cinnabar would find out that the secrecy was not due to any fears of the plan being leaked to the other Campbell sibling (the people who had been summoned to Eirene's office were trustworthy, after all), but to protect the brunette's reputation. After all, they needed to come up with creative and feasible disguises to approach the misbehaving brother without arising suspicions, and while Eirene's idea was good, it was likely to make Cinnabar reticent at best.
That was because the strategy of the CEO and president of the Quinn Group involved dressing Cinnabar as some mysterious socialite from Paradeisos, a figure who would be expected to have a lot of money to invest in whatever shady plan the treacherous Campbell boy was up to. It needed to be someone from far away for the cover to work - anyone from Eastside would be too easily debunked and exposed, people from Fraser City would be known to their target, Syndicate had no such people... Really, Paradeisos was their best option.
Besides - the makeover experience was a fun experience (to Eirene), but Cinnabar did look stunning once they were finished. They gave her hair extensions for long and luxurious tresses not dissimilar from the ones that the businesswoman favored, as well as a lovely business suit paired with a pencil skirt that concealed part of the security specialist's physique (one most wouldn't expect of someone who lounged around all day). The heels they procured for the brunette were classical, but not too high to help her walk around with comfort (as well as sprint towards Eirene for safety, if required).
The bodyguard, however, had no idea that her own boss' disguise would cause her to feel even more mortified; if dressing in a business attire with pumps made Cinnabar uneasy, the final blow really came with Eirene fitted in a way that was nothing regal - gone were the expensive fabrics, elegant cuts and gems that adorned her neck and wrists normally; instead, the Campbell heiress had her hair hidden by a channel wig in an impressive work by the stylists, the shortest and most revealing mini-dress the woman had ever worn in her life and a strappy pair of heels that were tied around her legs up to the knees. The final touch was a pair of sunglasses - intended to cover her trademark eyes, and perfect for a girl feigning the worst hangover of them all.
When Cinnabar looked at her boss (for maybe a moment too long than she was supposed to) and asked just who Eirene was meant to be, the oldest female laughed and clung to the bodyguard's arm, temporarily pushing her sunglasses to the top of her (fake) hair and looking up to the brunette (somehow, even in these heels, Eirene was still shorter than her protector).
"I thought it was obvious - I'm your sugar baby," the president of Quinn spoke with undeniable glee, moving in for a kiss once she realized they were alone in the office-turned-dressing room for a night. The kiss was not candid or innocent - Eirene went for the kill, lips locking with Cinnabar in a show of intention and desire; there were pulls at the front of the bodyguard's suit, tongue into her mouth and their figures pressing against each other until they separated at the blonde's directions.
"So? Did I do it convincingly? I borrowed the idea from a friend of mine and it seems that I need to be incredibly scandalous with you for everyone to buy it," Eirene explained as if it was something completely normal, like another business transactions or a chess move - but it was obvious that there was a degree of personal enjoyment, because the Campbell heiress did not often smile like that when gazing at her bodyguard. Well, maybe it had something to do with the adorable blush coloring the cheeks of the fake Paradeisos socialite.
"Trust me, my brothers are all the same - we'll get invited to a private meeting soon enough and then we can deal with this one quietly. We just need to make some noise and draw attention first," Eirene explained, and then leaned on Cinnabar's arm for support again, looking up at the brunette but without pouncing on her like a wild feline... At least for the moment, "I should mention that you get a few days off after this, Cinnabar. I know this is not what you signed up for when we negotiated your employment agreement," the Campbell heiress said, and for a moment, it was an extremely intriguing vision - Eirene had shifted into her usual business persona, but while looking like a rich councilman's arm candy.
At Cinnabar's stunned silence (maybe because of the contrast between her boss' looks and speech or perhaps due to the after-effects of the kiss), Eirene laughed quietly again, this time pressing herself against the stronger frame of her protector once more and keenly aware of the movements performed then.
"Unless you'd like a different sort of payment - you know me, Cinnabar. I'm always willing to negotiate, particularly with my best service providers and employees."
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cxnvicts · 2 years
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❝ Painters want to make a living by painting, and the buyers want to purchase famous paintings. I’ve helped them realize their dreams. Why are you mad at me, Chief? ❞
cxnvicts   ー   an independent, semi-selective, and low-activity multi-muse for Path to Nowhere’s certainly up to no good Sinners: Chameleon, Cinnabar, Che, Ignis, K.K. & McQueen as written by Milky !!
report   //   dispatch assignments  
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