#ーZOYA. // IC.
violentsinnxr · 2 years
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ー@cxnvicts // "let's get you out of here." (cinnabar to zoya)
❝ Did I really get to a point where people are more worried about me than they are scared now...? ❞ Zoya told herself while she struggled to get back up, only to realize how much she was trembling. Grinning quietly as she looked towards the former security guard, she felt pathetic. She was offering such a deplorable spectacle to Cinnabar after all, she couldn't even feel proud of the fight she just won. It shouldn't be this way... And despite that nagging feeling of shame, Zoya accepted her fate in silence as she raised a hand towards her savior.
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❝ ...I need a hand. As much as I'd like to, I don't think my legs would allow me to walk out of here by myself. ❞ the Legion's commander finally spoke up, her voice being as confident as usual despite keeping her head down the entire time.
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
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ー@ephixltes // "i'll do anything you say." ( hecate )
An audacious request to say out loud now that Zoya was just about to step on another sinner's face. She promptly stopped herself before her boot reached its initial destination however. The Legion leader turned her head towards Hecate who has been trying to calm down the silver-haired brawler for a little while now.
❝ Oh, will you really? It's ever so rare these days to find reasonable people, I didn't expect that sort of answer coming from an MBCC puppet. ❞
She turned around and ordered the sinner who was on the ground to get lost before she changed her mind, now completely turning her attention to Hecate.
❝ So, were you serious about that offer? ❞
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
[ snarl ]   your muse snarling / growling at mine.
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All the rage she felt... All the blood she spilled... It was all there, on the ground for everyone to see. A grotesque pile of flesh and blood washed away by the rain is all that remained from members of the Legion, lost to Mania.
She did that plenty of times already but it still left a bitter taste in her mouth, whether she led people to their deaths or killed them with her own hands. It always felt awful... But Zoya didn't have any other choice. She didn't have anyone to help her. They were killing each other, right in front of her. She had to stop them by any means necessary...
It suddenly felt so tiring to put on a brave face, to try and ignore all the noise in her head. She wanted to scream too. Maybe crying would be fine. Nobody would notice tears under the rain, right...?
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Until a familiar silhouette presented itself to the gang leader. Her bottled-up frustration burst out without warning. It was such a stress-inducing sight, Zoya felt torn between shame and rage as she fell to her knees, powerlessly facing this macabre spectacle.
When her eyes focused on that silhouette approaching, the mere sight of her white hood made her heart rate speed up in no time. What in the world was she doing here...? Of all the ones that could come, why did it have to be her...
❝ ...What are you doing here? Go back. There's nothing for you to see. ❞ the white-haired brawler warned coldly.
She didn't even want to hear her voice. She was wary of what she could say. Zoya wasn't going to give her the opportunity to talk.
❝ Yes, I did all this. Yes, I have blood on my hands again. Yes, you told me it was going to end like this... But what was I supposed to do, huh? Was I just supposed to look away and let them massacre each other? I had to try... And don't you start lecturing me now, Anarkia.
...So just... Leave me alone for a bit. ❞
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
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❝ ...Are you done? Hey, look at me when I'm speaking. I said, are you done? ❞ Zoya asked once more, her voice sounding pretty calm still despite the look she had on her face.
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❝ Good. Now listen well because I will only say this once. If you want to tell me something, have the guts to say it in front of me. I hate those who call themselves "leaders" then hide behind armed guards. If anything, I find it pathetic. But you aren't like the others now, are you? So give me a minute, I'll get rid of them so we can have a little chat. Just you and me. ❞
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
A light tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Hecate staring at you with wide eyes one single exposed eye, sketchbook held open, pen poised as though to take notes. If you don’t shoo her away, she’ll take that as permission, clearing her throat softly.
“I’m doing a research,” she tells you. “What do you think happiness is?”
That was a surprising interaction. Zoya didn't think Hecate would just casually come to her for such a question but it was oddly in character for this girl.
❝ Happiness, huh. ❞ the Legion's leader repeated, giving her some time to think about a reply until it came on its own.
❝ It's something you don't notice until it's gone. But why do you ask? What kind of research is that? ❞
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
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❝ Anything other than loyalty isn't worth it. ❞
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
we're gonna have to jump! [ for zoya ]
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❝ Goddamn it... You can't be serious right now. ❞ Zoya groaned, seeing what awaited them if she kept driving that motorbike of hers.
A whole swarm of gangsters blocking the highway, all of them with bats, pipes and other weapons in hand, ready to swing them at the first opportunity they'll get. Enough to make anyone back down... Except the Legion's leader.
❝ Fine, I'll slow down for a bit so you can be relatively safe while you jump off but I'm going straight at them. Either cover me from here or call reinforcements to protect yourself. Just don't get in my way by trying something stupid. Got it? ❞
It was surprising how the things she said didn't match the tone of her voice. It was pure madness coming out of her mouth, yet it sounded like a legitimate plan. And those were the last instructions she gave before slowing down for the other Sinner to jump off the motorbike and get ready.
❝ These fuckers think they can just do anything in my territory, huh...? Hey, you. ❞ Zoya called out to her passenger, ❝ That wasn't a free ride. You better make this trip worth what I'm about to do. ❞
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
what’s your status? ( to zoya )
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❝ Everything's fine on my end. ❞ Zoya replied, her boot still standing on the face of an unconscious thug with plenty of others just like him laying on the ground.
The Legion leader really didn't know how to restrain herself at times.
❝ Though I need a good shower right now. These fuckers kept bleeding all over my clothes. So, what do you need me to find around here exactly aside from idiots who don't know how to take hits? I'd like to be done with this quickly. ❞
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
“i’m gonna get you out of here.”
That was easily the worst thing she could've heard, especially coming from her. The relief that one would feel in the sinner's current situation was instead replaced by the shame of an ego as wounded as her body was, if not more. And so she rose from a pile of bodies, trying to breathe calmly and make it seem like she was doing just fine, only to cough up blood in front of the one person she tried to reassure.
❝ Ughー! Haah... Ahaha...! I knew you'd be reckless enough to show up here. ❞ Zoya ended up laughing, trying her hardest to stand back up despite her weakened legs. ❝ Just give me a minute, Chief. I'm almost done... getting rid of them. ❞
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She could barely stand. At this point, the Chief could probably have the upper hand if they were to fight now. But the Legion's boss simply couldn't let go. She had to leave on her own terms, no matter how dangerous or foolish that may be. She wouldn't have it any other way.
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
There are so many paths ahead of you when you are young. But the one you wish for is always the furthest away. You'll have to ignore the voices that keep ringing in your ears, doing everything they can to stop you. Out of fear for what you may accomplish. Out of jealousy, maybe. "It's out of reach. It's delusional. It's impossible for you. That's not what you are destined to."
Keep walking all the way to the end. It's not a matter of making the right choice. Make it so the path you choose is the right one. You'll show them. Don't let it become a path to nowhere. You get to decide where the end lies.
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