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Happy 1-Year Anniversary to Undertale Cooking with Kindness!
(Art by Sockhead)
It's hard to believe, but yesterday marked the first anniversary since the idea for Undertale Cooking with Kindness was born, including many of the characters and concepts we've come to love!
(That's me, btw)
This past year has been a blast, and frankly, I wouldn't have wanted to spend so much of it thinking and working on all the scrimblos we've been making at the Eclipse. I want to take this moment to give my deepest thanks to all the team members who've made bringing this ludicrous idea to life.
Thank you to our artists, for bringing the characters and settings of UTCWK to life, to our spriters for their constant incredible work and ability to draw these character's life out in sprite form, our composers, for their consistently magnificent music and outstanding skill, and, perhaps most of all, our labouring programmers for being the underappreciated backbone of the project that makes it so a fangame is even an imaginable idea, despite the constant engine and backend struggles.
As the director of the project and person who's at least dabbled in every corner of development, I know perhaps better than anyone how passionate everyone is about UTCWK and how hard it can be to keep up the motivation and effort on a project a year into its life without a proper demo to show for it.
Still, as this is a celebration of UTCWK's birth, I want to give a special thanks to the team members that have been with us since the beginning, and that have helped build up the project and its foundations.
The first day of project conceptualization was led mostly by me, @wolfkitty42, @charoyrator and one more anonymous spriter that's still with the project to this day. Then, Nikazio joined and quickly established themselves as our primary artist by designing Luna and Sunny's now iconic designs, based off of some concepts that had been done by that point. @lavacake1212 also quickly joined as a character designer, and though they have since taken a step back from the project, many of the designs they made at this stage have stuck around. Then of course, we have our co-director and main programmer Snosisnob, who worked alongside the rest of the team for the first month to decide on and test on the engine we would build UTCWK in (Which ended up being Kristal.)
The last person I want to thank is KhanShotFirst, who, despite not being a part of the team, was the person from which the initial idea for UTCWK spawned from. Crazy how an innocuous message can lead to something so meaningful.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I hope this coming year of development can be as fruitful as the last. The trailer is still on track to be done by the end of the month, and after discussion, we think it might be feasible to get the full first demo done this year! It's still early, but at our current pace of progress, I think it isn't unreasonable to expect the demo to come out this year.
To hear further updates and announcements regarding cwk's potential demo release, follow us here on Tumblr, or on our Gamejolt page!
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Spill hubungan dengan waktu paling pendek sama paling lama di rp dong.
Paling pendek dua minggu, paling lama 1 tahun 7 bulan.
Apa yang bikin kalian masih betah ngerp?
Ada Jevian.
Kenapa kalian memilih chara yang kalian pakai itu menjadi chara di rp?
Awalnya karena aku tau pacarku cinta banget sama Wonyoung. Tapi makin kesini malah makin nyaman jadi chara cantik, lucu & centil <3.
Spill pengalaman terburuk kamu selama di RP.
Apa ya sumpah kayanya gak ada deh, atau aku mainnya kurang jauh? :/
Kalau punya temen toxic, pihak yang suka cut off duluan apa biarin aja?
Cut off 👍🏻
Sebutin chara yang paling bikin gamon 🤫
Kalo sampe balikan 3x tuh gamon gak? Kalo iya, Hyeongjun cravity.
Spill isi bookmark kalian minimal 3 ss!
Maaf kalau isinya utang upchar semua.
Spill or drink lagu yang tiap didenger bikin kalian inget seseorang dan apa alesannya?
Go go - cravity. Didengerin pas lg syg sygnya.
Kalian ngerp udah berapa lama?
Tahun ini 4 tahun ^___^
Alasan putus paling aneh yang kalian dapat dari mantan?
Alasan putusku gak ada yang aneh dah, bosen aneh gak?
Kalau ada orang yang suka ngikut gaya kalian, kalian bakal gimana?
Bingung sendiri soalnya.. emang aku sekeren apa sampe diikutin gini? T___T
Kalau kalian liat dua temen kalian cekcok di timeline/gdm, kalian bakal lakuin apa?
DM dua-duanya. Cari tau akar masalahnya & menempatkan diri sebagai penengah.
Sejak kapan udah main rp?
Tahun 2020
Pacaran paling lama kalian berapa lama?
1 tahun 7 bulan.
Gimana rasanya ditinggal pas lagi sayang sayangnya?
Mending aku sakit gigi (tapi sehari aja) daripada ditinggal pas lagi sayang-sayangnya. Kaya gak nAFSU NGAPA-NGAPAIN OEK.
Spill muse rp yang paling sebentar di maininya dong!
Jungwon ENHYPEN kali yak.
Kalimat apa yang pengen banget kamu ucapin ke muse kamu yang sekarang?
You did well, Wonyoungie 🫳🏻
What’s the most ridiculous reason you’ve stopped talking to someone?
Kalo jokes nya udah gak nyambung. Emang kalo gak nyambung gak bisa dipaksa guys.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Kalian lagi ngerasa toxic gak di lingkup pertemanan kalian?
Nggak ._.
Pernah jadi rp smut atau nsfw?
Gak pernah 🙂↔️
Kalau 1 GDM sama orang yang pernah bub kamu tanpa sebab, reaksimu gimana? (konteks: dulu temenan)
Biasa aja, act like aku gak kenal atau gak pernah deket sama dia aja si.
Kapan ada pikiran buat LRP?
Gak tau, belum kepikiran. Duluan aja gpp kak...
Kalau lagi sedih atau galau biasanya kalian ngapain supaya gak terlalu sedih?
Cerita sama pacarku atau tidur.
Give a message to someone who means a lot to you who is always twhere to accompany you whenever and wherever (can be a best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, or yourself).
Hai Jevian, gak mau ngomong panjang lebar ah (cwk cool) cuma mau bilang makasih karena selalu ada buat aku, selalu bikin aku seneng, selalu ngerti & berusaha untuk terbuka terus sama aku. You mean a lot to me dan aku bersyukur banget bisa sama kamu sekarang.
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MadMoneyClubs's last mission
FI dan CI of Ganta dan Melodi
Ganta: LUCU, agak aneh dikit, Yang pasti bokem abis. Dari tuh udah kecium bau-bau bokem nan aneh dikit. Melo: Awalnya tuh takut dikit ama Melo karena keliatan cwk kul ibu kota seoul, tapi makin kesini makin ramah dan peduli banget. lof u adek <3
Favorite Moment at Mamon
Tiap main game toksik, SERUUU ABIEZ. Juga, pas aku jadi MOTW >____< Keren banget last ipen jadi MOTW.
Message for all of the Maddies
Hai, Maddies! Kesayangan aku nyang paling aku sayangi sekebon, AKU BAHAGIA PUNYA KALIAN SEBAGAI KELUARGAKU. Bahagia selalu kalian dimanapun berada. Jaga kesehatan terus, jangan sampai sakit. Oh, iya, setelah mamon [redacted] jangan sampai ada jarak diantara pertemanan kita ya. Apalagi sampai musuhan, NO NO. Awas aja, ntar sentil telinga nya satu-satu. Love sekebon! ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
Playlist for Maddies
Message for myself
Hai, Ceren! Gimana harinya? Pasti selalu lelah, kan? Aku cuman minta kamu ambil rehat sebentar untuk istirahat semisal dirasa dunia udah terlalu memuakkan untukmu. Eh, tau gasih kalau itu keren? Iya, keren. Dengan kamu bertahan bisa berdiri sekarang aja itu udah keren banget. Pokoknya kamu akan selalu keren, jadi kita harus saling menguatkan. Jangan insecure lagi, ya. Kamu berhak bahagia dan dapat kasih sayang dari orang sekitar kamu. Jangan ragu untuk bilang "tidak", gapapa kok, semua orang bakal ngerti. Kamu ga harus takut lagi. Satu yang kamu harus tau, kamu berharga. Love ya! -`♡´- With love, nakyungw.
Message for my love, Melo and Ganta
Ganta: anak cakep anak baik, terima kasih banyak waktunya nemenin Maddies. asli seru banget biarpun km banyak anehnya, tapi baiknya minta ampun. aku jadi nyaman karena ketemu ct kaya Ganta dan Melo. selalu hangat sama anak-anaknya. huaaa makin gamau pisah sama kalian berdua. oh, iya, jangan lupa istirahat, ya. yang paling terpenting jangan lupa bahagia. Melo: dd cantik dd gemes, terima kasih udah nemenin baddies dan selalu respon aku dengan sangat baik. kalian keren banget deh [real] melo juga lucu banget, kadang ga sadar mulai kena anehnya ganta, tapi tetep seru abis. sayang dd melo banyak banyak <3
Kill, date, marry Maddies
Kill: woodzz Date: nakyoueng Marry: Ziyourmg
4 favorite selfie (bonus 2 foto selfie)
Tell us about your day
kayanya hampir semingguan lebih hampir dua minggu aku rasanya lemes banget, rasanya capeeeeek banget, gaada semangat bgt buat idup hshsh. kaya semua energi ku terkuras habis. jadi rasanya juga kaya ga maksimal convo bareng maddies maupun baddies. huhhh. tapi sebisa mungkin tetep ngobrol saat ada waktu luang. doain ya semoga semangatku yang hilang itu bisa balik lagi. </3
0 notes
1. Karna no twin!
2. Rumah ku
3. 10/10
4. Keliatan kayak kumpulan rp klesi
5. Ningning aespa
6. Semoga
7. imnotningning
9. Bokem > <
10. Hari ini ada event fancall sama habis live IG
11. Gak!
14. Super talented, mau apa aja bisa
16. Ya mau gimana lagi banyak bgt juga yg RPin, harusnya dari kesadaran diri sendiri ngapain jg war di RP
17. Stop charain aespa cuma buat dapet pacar, kenalin konten haram halal kalo ragu ya pake yg dari IG aja
18. Beluum
19. Baiknya iya tapi ga wajib juga
20. Belum :(
21. Member aespa!
22. Sesuai chara
23. IG sama twt
24. Waht lupa bjir...
25. Salah copas sih
26. Ningningz
27. @kayign ♡
28. Kayign
29. Spill cute message hari ini
30. Halo
31. Kayaknya engga
32. Ga ada yang berkesan ataupun traumatis bgt
33. Ak sutup
34. 937352829282528296972089822638 jam
35. RP aja
37. Gabut sih
38. Anak aoespa ♡
39. Demus, aoespa, bejilbanget, amigoos
40. Pernah, chara bright
41. Sudah!
42. Engga
43. 9⅕ :(
44. Alasan normal aja sih
45. No nick :3
46. No komenk, langsung mute
47. Yang suka bahas 18+ tapi frontal bgt
48. Engga ^__^
49. Dd sohee > <
50. Punyaa
51. Habis ini
53. 🍺
54. 🍺
56. Waht ak taken sm sohee 🍺
57. 65°
58. Pernah lah
59. @kayign, habis putus
60. 1 bulanan
61. Buanghapenya (ak)
62. Ga ada sih
63. Waht ga ngitung
64. Both!
65. Engga lah yang penting ga oot
66. Ningz :(
67. Enggaa
68. 6
69. Topiknya ga masuk
70. MAU
71. Pernah
72. Bangett
73. Pake tangan kiri klo scroll
74. Punya hiks
75. On dm
76. Engga sih
77. J
78. RELAY!
79. Enggaaa
80. Ayo kita event!!
81. Kk sasiw kk kalyn ^__^
82. Langsung semua aja ya, dari luar keliatan klesi semua tapi ternyata jamet, ketobean, sama suka pipis :D
83. Ak kyknya
84. Semua yg pnya cwk 🌹
85. Sapa bjil gatau
86. Kk abee ♡__♡
87. Kk andharu
88. Kk prisyel!!!
89. Ga ada yang galak deh
90. Semua sih ini
91. Kk xiano
92. Kk biyaa aa kasian aa, minta 100 aa
93. Semuaa ayo muncul pengen deketan
94. Aslinya tu ak pingin
96. Sipaling moodyan
97. I have done my best today, I must always be happy. I will take care of myself as best as possible so that I don't get sick, because I love myself
98. Kren mantap bgus ok
99. Kurang bnyak 🫢
100. Masih, ayo biar ak gk loyo :(
0 notes
Hello, loves! I have informally discussed this in the group chat but, since not all people necessarily are always checking in on that, and some choose not to follow the ooc blog, I decided to make this post here, because this is an important issue that concerns every member.
For a while now I have wanted to do a small revamp for the roleplay, merely because a few of the aspects originally planned for it didn’t work as well as I imagined, and I’ve been wondering if introducing different features would make this a more engaging experience for the members.
And so, however slight the changes I’m proposing here might be in the grand scheme of things, they still might affect your muses and your plans for them, so, of course, I’m running a poll to gauge your opinions, and will only proceed with the majority vote for each item.
1. First general mechanics tweak
The most essential modification I have my eyes on would be in regards to the dynamics of the roleplay. Instead of being thinly linked to the plot by being registered to the Cry Wolf forum, muses would be compulsorily active, public players in the Cry Wolf game, following the already established forum playing device. The game would consist of a contest among willing participants. Players would be assigned tasks to complete within a set deadline (both in character and out of character), not unlike the possibilities the Wolf currently works with. However, instead of playing just against the Wolf, the players would also be competing against one another. Each successfully completed dare would give them a number of points on the competition. Each dare rejected would subtract a number of points from their score, though failures would have no effect. The scoreboard would be updated every sunday.
If you notice this is very familiar to the 2016 film Nerve, that's because it's exactly what we're going for.
2. Second general mechanics tweak
In addition to the Nerve-like scenario, I also want to maintain the classic lying game aspect of the roleplay. For that, in addition to the open dares, we'd also have a shadow dare being delivered to only one muse, sorted at random. The shadow dare receiver would have to complete a mission in complete secret. The mun would be instructed to work the mission into a thread, either pre-existing or new, being granted 2 weeks to complete this challenge. At the end of the round, there would be a poll for muns to vote for who they believe the round's saboteur to be. The saboteur loses if they have the most votes, and wins if not. Every person who correctly guesses the saboteur would be granted a small about of points.
Rejecting the shadow dare would retract a big sum of points. Winning the shadow dare would earn the player that same amount. Failing it would have the character have their damage exposed by the Wolf, in regular exposé fashion.
3. Addition of a point system
These changes would be much more easily enforced if this group were to rely on a point sytem. Muses would be warranted Gameplay Points (GP) for their performance in the Cry Wolf game. In case another item of the poll gets enough votes, they would also be given Social Points (SP), which would be counted by their social media presence. SPs would be a lesser score system, but, at the end of each 2 week round, they could be converted into other advantages in the game.
Points would be counted both individually and per house, with every resident's points amounting to their house's total.
4. IC social media integration
Every muse would be actively engaged on social media accounts, where they could have their reputations impacted, and they would have a space in which they would be pressured to answer to the Wolf. We'd be specifically requiring Twitter and Instagram, in particular.
I want to be clear that, by this, I don’t mean you’d have to set up different social media accounts to roleplay there on top of tumblr, but simply have in-character posts in the format of tweets or instagram posts, given they would be canonically linked to their Cry Wolf profiles.
If points are accounted, every social media post would count towards the player's SP score, with a weekly cap (e.g, you'd be rewarded points for up to 3 posts a week, and anything exceeding that wouldn't earn you any points), to avoid encouraging unnecessary spamming.
5. Confessions blog
Though there was hesitation initially in having a confessions blog, I've decided it wouldn't hurt to have one. For that to work, these confessions would be submitted to the wolf sideblod, and they would be posted only one day of the week (likely sunday). They would be canonically interpreted as anonymous users on the Cry Wolf discussion subforums. They would moderated, so offensive or exceedinly inflamatory asks, as well as ooc ones, wouldn't ever see the light of the day.
With the acceptance of the point system, being mentioned in any confessions would warrant players SPs, and, since they would only be posted once a week, there would be no call for caps.
And these are all the ideas I've come up with so far. Of course, this is only a draft I'm sharing so you guys can decide whether you want them to be incorporated into the roleplay or not. I'd be detailing them further for clarity in case they are voted in, but feel free to send in asks or DMs in case you have questions and concerns.
So please vote on the poll below (it's only viewable on the pc permalink page, as far as I'm aware) and let me know how you feel about these. You can tick more than one box, so please mark down everything you want to see in Cry Wolf. If you want things to remain unchanged, please still send in a vote checking the last option. I’ll be accepting votes until July 9th, 23:59PM GMT. The changes will only be implemented in case over 50% of the roleplay votes for them -- if none are voted in, we’ll keep everything as is. In case only a few of them make it, I’ll be sure to make the necessary adaptations to plans and inform you how that will go.
Also, don’t worry -- this “revamp” would take place with the roleplay still running. So potential applicants and members alike can carry on as usual, no one’s place is at harm.
Thank you in advance for your patience and help!
[powr-poll id=a9682020_1530855697]
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Disk drill 2
The free version of Recuva used to be great for addressing more straightforward data loss scenarios because of its unlimited nature, but the lack of attention it has received in recent years from its developers is starting to show. Unlike its competitors, Disk Drill doesn’t use a subscription pricing model, so you don’t have to pay over and over again to keep using it.
ICS (iCalendar), IPA (iPhone or iPod Touch Application), ITL (iTunes Library File), JKS (Java KeyStore), KEYCHAIN (Mac OS X Keychain File), LNK (MS Windows Link), MDB (Microsoft Access Database), MSG (Outlook Mail Message), ODG (OpenDocument Graphics), PSS (Password Saver), RP (Axure RP Project File), RTF (Rich Text), SXC (OpenOffice Calc), WEBLOC (Mac OS X Website Location), WPS (Microsoft Works Word Processor Document), XML, XMP (Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform)Īs the table above illustrates, Disk Drill is the best data recovery software overall, offering an incredible array of features that make it capable of addressing all kinds of data loss situations-even those that seem utterly hopeless.
AA (Audible Audio Book), AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), ALP (Ableton Live Pack), AMR (Adaptive Multi-Rate audio codec), ASF (Advanced Audio Streaming Format), AU (Audacity audio files), AWB (Adaptive Multi-rate Wide Band), CAF (Core Audio File), CDA (CD Audio Track), CPR (Cubase Project), DS2 (Digital Speech Standard Pro), ENS (REAKTOR Ensemble), FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), FLP (FruityLoops Project), IDF (MIDI instruments Definitions File), M4A (Apple Lossless Audio), MID (MIDI), MP2 (Audio file format used with MPEG Audio Stream recovered as MPA), MPA (Audio file compressed with MPEG Layer II compression), MPC (Musepack Compressed Audio File), MUS (Finale Notation), NGRR (Guitar Rig sound files), OGA (audio extracted from OGG recovered as OGG), OGG (Ogg Vorbis Compressed audio file), PTF (Pro Tools Session File), RA (Real Audio), RFL (Reason ReFill Sound Bank), RNS (Reason Song File), RPP (REAPER Project Files), RX2 (REX2 Audio Files), SIB (Sibelius Score), VOC (Creative Labs Voice), WAV (DTS-WAV), ZRV (Philips Voice Traver), SESX (Adobe Audition CC Session File)ĪAF (Advanced Authoring Format), ABCDDB (Apple Address Book Database), AFDESIGN (Affinity Designer document), APK (Android Package), BKF (Windows Backup Utility File), CS (Visual C# Source Code File), CST (Adobe Director External Cast File), CWK (ClarisWorks Document), DB3 (SQLite3 Database), DGN (MicroStation Design file), DWG (AutoCAD), EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafile), EMLX (Apple Mail Message), EPUB (Open Ebook file), FDR / FDX (Final Draft), FP7 (FileMaker Pro 7+ Database), GP3/GP4/GP5/GPS (Guitar Pro documents), H (C/C++ Header File), IBANK (iBank 5 app), iCash files.
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Rachel I just reblogged an old post of yours where you said Meghan HAD to wear British once she married in. But a few days ago you said that was your personal preference and not protocol, so, which is it? (And don't try to go with the oh CWK is British so Givenchy it's British–it isn't, fam, their labels even say made in France–because she's also wearing American and Canadian brands)
I guess you missed the whole of that convo and also taking that sentence as a whole.
That comment was in response to someone saying when still a fiancee “but I thought Meghan had to wear British?’ and I said, no she has to wear British when she marries in.
As in, following on from other messages and the constant talk of when she was doing engagements as a finacee and people were saying she was not following protocol that she does not have to follow protocol until she marries in.
So my answer was, she does not ‘have’ to wear British until she marries in so she did not have to wear British as a fiancee, just like she didn’t have to do a whole host of other things people were accusing her of not following.
The British rule - as in mostly wearing British which I said and have said over and over - does not come in to play until she marries in.
My answer was, she does not have to follow the protocol - hems, necklines and yes wearing a lot of British and promoting British fashion - until she marries in.
So no I will not use the British designer I will say that sentence you have used is part of a larger convo of her having to wear mostly British when she marries in
She does not, or did not, have to follow protocol until she married in as that FULL convo said. I advise you read full convo’s not just take part of one.
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﷽ "Don't be ashamed to serve your Husband. Don't be ashamed to serve your Wife. YOU PLEASE ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALA first before pleasing culture and society!!!" Stay connected with us in other Social Media Networks, Follow and Subscribe us Now! Links are provided below: 👥WHATSAPP: Brothers' Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DJmCQedOblmJgu29zZt4bS For our Sisters, visit our Facebook page, click the "Send Message" & ask for the link. 👥TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://t.me/almaratussaliha 👥INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/almaratussaliha?igshid=18zqynfwzm36x 👥TWITTER: https://mobile.twitter.com/almaratussalih1 👥TUMBLR: https://mobile.tumblr.com/almaratussaliha 👥FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070836525146 And who is better in speech than (the) one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says,"Indeed, I am of the Muslims." [Quran 41:33] ♡ https://www.instagram.com/p/CWk--CPPZ2e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Best Albums of 2017 (10-1)
Here they are \o/
10 Imagine Dragons: Evolve
A bit like in Hurts’ case, I didn’t think something more perfect than Smoke + Mirrors could be created. And I was right, Evolve can’t even live up to Night Visions let alone Smoke + Mirrors. But is it good? Sure. Is it awesome? Ehh, not awesome, no, but it’s good. It sort of reminds me of what a first album would be for a band that doesn’t quite know what to do with themselves yet. It’s a bit all over the place, not quite a unit even though the songs individually are all enjoyable. There’s a disconnect there between the title and the material as it doesn’t quite feel like evolution just yet. Sure they’re stretching out their wings, trying to see what they can do to not be forever put into the radio hit factory box. The best example of that is Thunder but there are other efforts here that are worth a listen. At the end of the day I love the kindness of this record, the lightness in some songs and the brutal force in some others. I’m interested to see where the road takes this band from here.
My favourite songs from the record: Rise Up, Yesterday, Mouth of the River, I’ll Make It Up to You
09 Amber Run: For a Moment I Was Lost
I was surprised to see just how many of the bands I’ve been following were on the verge of breaking up or having to reinvent themselves in order to survive. It’s not that big of a deal, I realise, it happens to most artists I imagine and even though I’m glad we’re all okay I’m the happiest for Amber Run’s pulling through a hard time. They fall into this category of the best of all the worlds ever so nothing is really off the table with them from epic ballads to club bangers (okay maybe not club bangers but I wouldn’t be surprised) and because of Joe Keogh’s unique vocals and enormous range they really have nothing in their way to create whatever they like.
They usually like to create this dream-like almost vision of angelic plucks at the guitar and the piano, but then it turns into yelling and hammering away on the drums, every guitar the members could find simultaneously playing every note on the known scale and it’s beautiful, hectic waterfall of emotions. They have a fair share of lukewarm nowwhat’s but luckily they have enough of when they’re at their best too (I’m talking about the waterfall of emotions).
FAMIWL is a tad more dynamic than 5AM was but also more confident in the same time. This band is criminally underrated but I hope they keep making music because they’re such a unique spot in the current indie rock scene, it’d be a shame to rob the world of their sound.
My favourite songs from the album: Perfect, No Answers, Stranger, Insomniac
08 Ed Sheeran: Divide
I like fun. I also like Ed Sheeran. So when literally ALL SIXTEEN SONGS from his new album’s DELUXE EDITION was on Spotify’s Global Top 50 for so long Spotify had to implement changes to how they pick the top 50 so one artist can’t take up almost half of the list I thought it was fucking hilarious and I’m so glad it’s Ed Sheeran who achieved this.
Because he’s always been a “bit of this bit of that” kind of musician it’s hard to tell if he ventured outside his comfort zone on this record but I know that the first song on the record, Eraser, is part of why I like this guy so much. Every side of him, the ballad guy, the rapper guy, the nostalgic pub song guy, it’s all him, and all throughout the success he’s remained grounded. When I heard him name Damien Rice in Eraser, someone he’s idolised ever since he was little and literally followed around to pursue with demos of his songs, I knew he remained that honest guy he was back when he was just... a guy. I can respect that. I hope he keeps that up. And this album’s got hooks for days, all better than the one before.
My favourite songs from the album: Eraser, New Man, Nancy Mulligan
07 Window to the Abbey: Moving Around Bias
I wrote about this record in length here and I’m surprising myself with the placement of this album but it’s true that if one of my few problems with this album is that the songs are in the wrong order then it’s still a pretty damn good album. And it is :)
My favourite songs from the album: Break Up Song, Part Time, The Promise, Common Ground
06 Cold War Kids: LA Divine
(it was really hard to crop this without it including the expression “Cold Kids”)
My love for Cold War Kids is endless and yet their albums are such hard hit and misses it’s incredible. I either love them to bits or I love like the lead single and nothing else. Dear Miss Lonelyhearts has my all time favourite CWK song on it but I couldn’t hum you another song from that album. However the singles released from LA Divine were very promising so I found myself hoping for a good one. And it was. I agree with critics that say maybe CWK wanted to chew off too big a bite with the needless intermezzos that don’t add anything to the overall experience but other than that you’ve just got these guys flexing their hit writing muscles. These songs are banger after banger, call it tryhard if you want but I’ll call the firemen cause... cause it’s lit......
I’m sorry.
My favourite songs from the album: Can We Hang On?, No Reason to Run, Ordinary Idols
05 Linkin Park: One More Light
I’ve loved Linkin Park for a decade which is a long time and 2007 wasn’t even remotely the beginning of their career. It was with Minutes to Midnight that the “they sold out” train started and more and more people jumped on all of the wagons every year especially with new releases and yet Linkin Park stayed not giving a crap, a bit like Fall Out Boy. My personal favourite of theirs Living Things was followed by The Hunting Party which I didn’t quite get but I never stopped enjoying their music. So when Heavy came out I knew the bullshit about them going pop would start and I wasn’t wrong. It’s true, One More Light is way milder, more quiet record than any of the records before but I feel like if you’ve been in a band for almost two decades you can kind of do whatever the fuck you want without having to explain yourself. I’m glad Linkin Park did exactly that.
Lighter in its sound but just as emotional as ever, One More Light is different, but it’s a welcome difference. I didn’t want another Meteora or another Living Things, I wanted a new Linkin Park record with good songs on it and the band delivered. I love the sampling, I love the polished melodies, I love the rap parts just the same, I love it when Mikey sings :) if I could change one thing I’d just make the whole album longer.
My favourite songs from the album: Talking to Myself, Sharp Edges, Good Goodbye
I fucking miss Chester so much. Rest in peace, thank you for everything.
04 Misterwives: Connect the Dots
I’ve also written about this miracle of an album here so I won’t repeat myself (I think I’ve done it enough already). It’s bands and albums like this that remind me to try new things even if they don’t look like my thing. I don’t listen to stuff like Misterwives and yet this album brought so much joy into my life, I couldn’t be more grateful (to Spotify).
My favourite songs from the album: Only Human, Band Camp, Out of Tune Piano, Let the Light In
03 Everything Everything: A Fever Dream
I also wrote about why and how Everything Everything got onto the best artists list so late and the case isn’t different with the album either. Get to Heaven didn’t blow my mind and even though a friend of mine couldn’t have recommended A Fever Dream to me more I just missed out on it for a few months. But maybe it was fate, maybe it wasn’t my time to love it before. Now it definitely is. A Fever Dream continues the band’s tradition of singing fast-paced, weird songs overloaded by dissonant guitars and synths, accompanied by the singer’s wailing. I’m sorry I keep shitting on his voice, it’s a very unique voice, it’s kind of rickety and squeaky but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
However, there’s a strange, faimilar coldness about this album. I can’t explain how it manifests I just feel it. A sort of addictive loneliness I couldn’t get out of even if I wanted to. Either way, all of these together create what is definitely a perfect album. (Pretty much if I wanted to I could put this in the place of Enter Shikari’s The Spark and it would still stand, they’re both just so good.)
My favourite songs from the album: all of them, really... but if I have to play along, it’s A Fever Dream, White Wale, Good Shot Good Soldier, Night of the Long Knives
02 Enter Shikari: The Spark
Another review I already got out of the way, I think I summed up well why The Spark is so special. But I’ll quote the important bit:
“It sounds like a concept album but to me it’s rather a collection of specific ideas and topics with clear messages, expressing thought-provoking opinions without ever demeaning the listener or even sounding pompous or like Enter Shikari knows better because they’re not playing regular music, you know.”
My favourite songs from the album: Live Outside, Undercover Agents, Airfield, Take My Country Back
01 Nothing But Thieves: Broken Machine
Not that it needs more explanation because I’ve pretty much been on about this album the whole fucking year but Nothing But Thieves came into my life two years ago at a friend’s recommendation and their first album quickly became one of my favourites that year (I snuck it onto the best albums list at fifth place in 2015) and when Amsterdam came out it was just The Explosion I waited for. It rekindled my love for them and made me look forward to something in a year that wasn’t great. Singles kept being released and slowly the wait for Broken Machine consumed my life.
In this day and age, probably because of how cynical I’ve become, it’s hard to look forward to something in a “man this is gonna be awesome!” way, it’s usually that tense sigh of “I hope they don’t fuck this up” but maybe all the stars aligned and I just knew Broken Machine would be awesome. And it was.
I wrote more about the album here if you want to check out my 100% objective review, and please, please listen to Broken Machine if you haven’t yet (also listen to it if you have already listened to it) because it’s truly something special.
My favourite songs from the album: you know the drill, but if I had to choose a few to recommend, it’d be Sorry, Broken Machine, Live Like Animals, Particles, I’m Not Made By Design, I’ll stop listing every song on the album now.
#best of 2017#im early with this i usually like to keep it for after 11pm but ehh#long post for ts#long post
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Friendly reminder for people to follow the ooc blog we have been linking in your DMs, because (for some reason @/tumblr) simply becoming a member doesn’t automatically put its contents on your dashboard. That’s meant to be a place where it’s easier to reach out to members and request plots, so don’t forget to follow it.
Also, just a heads up for those who like forewarnings: we will be posting about our first event this thursday. It’ll have multiple parts marked by mini events and tasks, and we’re planning to start the first task on friday. It will hopefully be absolutely ridiculous, so we’re very excited about that.
Plus, the pages have been fully updated & the follow list link should be working now (sorry about that btw). And that should be it for the quick updates for now, thanks!
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And we’re officially open, finally! Our masterlist page is up and already updated, and the accepted profiles have been posted! Remember to follow back and follow the sideblog, if you haven’t done so already.
To celebrate the opening, we have created an ooc blog for the members, so we can have a place to chat ooc without restrictions. All members should have received a link, but if none have reached you, please do let us know so we can fix that asap! Feel free to post your introductions and greetings and whatnot there.
Finally, for those asking us about the next acceptance batch, don’t worry. We’ll extraordinarily be accepting new applications, should there be any, both tomorrow and monday, around 3pm GMT, so those of you who are working on your applications can still be part of the first week events and plotting sessions.
Those should be all updates we need to share so far. We’ll have new developments sometime soon, but, for now, this should be enough to get y’all settled.
Have some mandatory fun now, thanks!
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Hello there! First of all, we want to apologize for the slower activity these last days -- the admins have been caught up in a number of different unexpected events that will lower our availability throughout this week. It’s truly a wild week over here and none of us know why we’re this cursed.
Secondly, the good news is that things are expected to even out by friday, which is why we’re excited to announce we’ll be opening the roleplay this saturday, June 16th, roughly around 8PM, GMT. We know this is a little further away that anyone would ideally prefer, but we really do appreciate your patience and interest so far, and can’t wait to get things going for this group.
Thank you so much, we’ll be seeing you on Saturday!
P.S. Bring us girls? Girls are great. We love girls.
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Hello there! We have gotten a few messages from interested anons regarding lost asks that were never reaching us, so we believe Tumblr is doing one of its things again. In that case, if your chosen faceclaim hasn’t been added to the masterlist in over 12 hours, we probably didn’t receive your request. Please consider sending it in a second time, or reaching us through the IMs.
Apologies for the inconvenience, we wish we knew what’s causing it. But thank you so much for your patience and interest so far, you’re all lovely 🐺💕
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