#cw pregnancy related context
vuetyris · 9 days
Jade Shadows related thoughts tm
For context; fandom active since 2016, with various hc & fics
I record all my first runs in case I miss anything or need to refamiliarize myself, but in brief I like it for what it is. Would've liked a more direct content warning than just 'motherhood' which can include a VARIETY of things.
But especially as someone critical on DE's tendency with smaller stories (and hoping between mediums of story telling), I went in with no expectations besides it being Stalker related. That whatever happens doesn't conflict with personal hcs, they can split off etc, and did not share an expectation that it'd be lgbt+ rep JUST off the expectation of it being released during pride month. Feels unhealthy to go into it expecting a certain outcome from a big company's story telling, especially on the premise of release timing. Just icing on the cake if it is :)
Historically DE has issue with smaller scale stories; they have high ambitions and not a lot of restrictions where they put their resources. From the Simaris Scans, the Prime logs, the various scanning stories, EVEN NIGHTWAVE, which has only to date had three story sets. There's a lot of crumbs of their ideas that don't work or aren't able to work on in a constant rhythm. So not just tooting my horn that "DE is trying their best with what they got", they fumble constantly, and their limits just happen to only be "what resources (money, time, and people) do we have".
I still remember them wanting to do Railjack and TNW all in ONE PACKAGE, in ONE UPDATE, before the pandemic kicked them in the ass.
Again before tangent of historic context; I liked Jade Shadows for what it was, a brief three mission jaunt around as the Stalker. Whom for all intensive purpose of the story is not shown to be very caring of others, and in context at the point out for the tenno for the slaughter. Jade gives context for why Stalker is like that TM; Stalker is selfish, self-serving, unwilling to ask for help, and the only person that spoke up was the Old War Relic that fed his daughter to the Orokin and did nothing to stop his son from succumbing to the same fate by the same man.
Hunhow and Stalker both have issues and it kinda feeds off one another, and Jade didn't deserve the double-wammy. Its a dark story brought of the world ruined by the Orokin and their colonizing empire that ripped up ever resource they could before setting the Sentients out whom they built to be rued of their reproduction if they traveled back through the void. Body autonomy and societal abuses has been a constant theme throughout warframe, and that means sometimes its uncomfortable! That's good! Fiction is a tool to analyze the uncomfortable spaces in a safe manner, and allow the viewer to step away if they need to.
Was it done well? No, it has room for improvement, it could've involved Jade more as an active role instead of just relegated to Stalker's manpain, but its done better than other media who sole purpose from the get-go is some dude's mainpain. Relegated to the end was that Jade and Sorren were both seemingly glad for it, but there was a hesitancy alike to Dagath's situation. It wasn't socially -allowed-, and may or may not be in relation to why they were both transformed to warframes. And may be what was referred to before of Stalker being a 'low guardian'. We may not, or may never, know his mental state at the time, but the weight of the Orokin empire still hung over him as the system changed.
I wish there was more of Jade than just having her laying there as a story piece honestly :( More of her relation to Sorren, why she still stayed with him, more than just as a vessel for the story, you know, give more oofm to the ending of her becoming one of the jade light and a techno-organic baby left in her wake. Her relation to Stalker after the war where she had to save his ass from a default Excalibur. But we didn't and I'm sad. :(
AS FOR the labor section; preempting with how operator got wrapped up in the situation by Stalker coming in and demanding help by the end of his scythe; the circumstances forced to comply just like how the Orokin would do before with others. Stalker is just the same as the 'golden lords', replicating the same cycle of abuse that society saw as normal.
Did I like the thought of teenage character being subjected to the outcome of the events of: society defying pregnancy -> body transformed to a low guardian as punishment -> (potential implications of depending on an abusive system for support, akin to military service to access health care and financial support where if you did not engage you aren't allowed to access) -> Death of the terrible system of oppressive and colonial Orokin empire -> Unwilling to change for the changing society, and unwilling to engage with other victims of the same exact system -> Prolonged inaccessibility to the necessary care to survive a difficult pregnancy until the very last moment?
No; I would've preferred the Drifter if it had to be engaged with, at least in the touchy aspect of child/teenager + pregnancy/labor. It at LEAST has the detachment that they're not actively going through it, it doesn't come with the specific body-autonomy horror of carrying another life to term - which is something I would've preferred more.
BUT CONSIDERING, how within USAmerica legislators have been stripping that same body autonomy from afab people, allowing far worse to happen than just "press button to go into labor" its good to have such difficult topics handled! Because shaming it, disallowing conversations around it, or even shaming the 'thought' around even the briefest of acknowledgement, is no better than the pro/anti fandom bullshit that are two extremes of tolerance or intolerance.
As a story beat it stripped both the player and the operator of body autonomy for that ONE moment; an operator that had put a brief trust in helping the Stalker, to help a warframe with an affliction they had no idea of going in.
And, said as personally, as uncomfortable as it may be, it also speaks into the moment of an adult coercion of a child or teenager. He walks in and asks for help with a scythe aimed at the person they ask for help, it's not a plea, its a demand, to which the details are never discussed. Especially under a guise of 'don't want to say no' isn't easy to get across in a quick way within dialogue, so they leave it to interruption. And so has to go along with it, no matter what happens, and it just end with an astral projection event of the results of such a predicament.
It's a dense cluster of subject matter that is hard to get across, and if it resonates or not, tasteful or not, its handled in a delicate way that other media would just fuck up with majorly.
I'm not touching the fandom built expectation that i'd be yoai. That's on ya'll getting riled up after witw and wanting token instead of what warframe has already been doing. LGBT+ as people instead of tallies.
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reneesbooks · 5 months
meja in 3
@chayscribbles thank u for the tag <3
rules: pick an OC and post a song that you relate to them, an image that represents them in some way (aesthetic, picrew, art, etc), and a quote of dialogue or narration from them. feel free to expand or explain!
meja my love. let's talk. salt and brine
this was tough bc i make playlists religiously. decided to pick a random from my meja playlist and oh boy did spotify deliver (cw for discussion of domestic violence and miscarriage in the analysis)
so some context. meja is married and was married young, in hass tradition you marry young and have many kids to continue the hass tradition. meja married stian, a spearfisherman who was passing through her village, and moved to his village on the coast. she had one daughter right away, reijka, which disappointed stian because he'd wanted a son. they tried again, and meja lost the pregnancy. stian became more controlling and angry, and meja failed to get or stay pregnant multiple times. stian's abuse grew worse over time, but it was never directed towards reijka so meja let him explain it away. she gets away from him by the end of the story (this is a romance and it has a happy ending) and has some. complex feelings. about him and their marriage in general. some lines in particular:
And I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did But I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it My undying love, now, I hold it like a grudge And I hear your voice every time that I think I'm not enough
And I try to understand why you would do this all to me You must be insecure, you must be so unhappy And I know, in my heart, hurt people hurt people And we both drew blood, but, man, those cuts were never equal
I try to be tough, I try to be mean But even after all this, you're still everything to me And I know you don't care, I guess that that's fine But you know I can't let it go, I've tried, I've tried, I've tried for so long It takes strength to forgive, but I'm not quite sure I'm there yet
i could annotate this entire song if i rlly wanted to bc it makes my brain vibrate at the speed of light about meja
2. picture
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meja's refuge is the cove, where she finds kamon on the beach. she continues to meet him there and her excuse for going there all the time is that she sets traps along the shore. no fish swim into those traps, but she picks up plenty of shells and digs up mollusks to bring home, and it's time away from stian if she wants it. she grew up in the foothills, so she loves standing at the edge of the ocean and watching the waves come ashore. fun fact! the north sea is incredibly deep and hass tradition holds that the reason their land doesn't slide into the depths (their equivalent of hell) is due to the waves holding the land up. this is totally an irrelevant detail that has no bearing on the story :)
3. quote
meja's most iconic moment. the night she escapes reijmor, with reijka and her newborn daughter. (another cw for mention of domestic violence)
Meja stands there with Reijka's hand in hers, Eima asleep against her chest, and looks at her friend standing in her way. She feels no remorse. “Move, Tisha.” Tisha shakes her head, her expression hidden by the shadows. “You can't do this, Meja.” “I can and I will.” Her voice is stronger than she expected. “Get out of my way.” The deksa is warm against her collarbone. I know you would defend your home with only your bare hands if you thought you had to. Meja is covered in blood and sweat and tears and she understands the man clutching his deksa, the desperate bravery that comes from having no other choice. “I don't understand,” Tisha says. “I don't expect you to understand.” “How could you betray—” “How could I not?” Meja's hand tightens around Reijka's. “I...” She swallows, steeling herself. “I won't explain myself to you.” “Don't you think I deserve an explanation?” Tisha's voice doesn't raise, as if she's being careful not to give them away. It doesn't reassure Meja at all. “No,” she says. “You don't.” She inhales shakily, shoving down the sobs. “You knew. You always knew what he is. You never helped me, not really.” “I always helped you.” “You let him hurt me for years!” Meja fights to keep her voice low, tears springing to life in her eyes. “You didn't help me, you just turned the other way when the truth was inconvenient to you. I was suffering and you did nothing. So no, you don't deserve an explanation, but I will give you this. The choices I made, I made because the other option was quietly accepting my fate and letting Stian beat me to death without complaint.” Reijka presses against her side, trembling. “I don't care if you don't understand, I don't care if you think I betrayed Bjerkja by laying with an outsider, I don't care if you think Stian had the right to do what he did. It won't change what I did and it won't change what I'm going to do now.” Tisha shifts where she's standing, sighing. “You're a traitor,” she says sadly. “I am a mother.” Meja glares at her. “Get out of my way. I don't want to have to do something that I'll regret doing in front of my daughter.” “I won't stop you,” Tisha says, standing aside. “But I won't help you.” “That's fine.” Meja throws her bag into the boat, helping Reijka climb inside. “I'm used to doing it on my own.”
where is kamon in all of this? :)
tagging @oh-no-another-idea @avrablake @akindofmagictoo and anybody else who would like to do this for an oc!
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edgelordfucker · 2 years
Hello, what's your opinion on Belos trying to (non-con) babytrap a human reader who sorta stumbled into the Boiling Isles?
I, personally, don't ever want kids (I love, LOVE kids and have an upsettingly strong Urge to Be Bred but no inclination whatsoever to actually parent), and I'm not sure how likely I am to write An Actual Pregnancy Fic, but the idea of Belos attempting to babytrap the reader is really hot to me. Unfortunately for him, copper IUDs exist, so he can nut and nut and nut, and nothing will ever come of it. Get fucked, you tall idiot.
In my typical x reader stuff, I think he has a quiet urge for a family (he thinks he's a lot more paternal than he actually is), especially in the context of a partner who is good with kids, but realizes that it's not a practical decision, so it comes up in dirty talk - I love the idea of his partner telling him that they'd look so good with his baby in them, and finding themself bent over and spread about a second later skldjfjk - but isn't something that'd actually bear fruit, if you'll forgive the pun.
Take this snip from one of my aphrodisiac wips that's vaguely related:
CW: daddy kink
(reader is fucking zooted from Horny Poison, and, since Belos knows that she won't remember afterwards, insists on being called Philip here)
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purrmoon · 1 year
hello and welcome to my blog~!
you can call me livvy~ but i also answer to tauria (<- my ao3 username)
i’m over 21. no specifics bc i don’t want to have to update the post every year
my pronouns are she/her
my inbox is open! pls feel free to pop in & chat abt headcanons / lore; rec things; prompt things; etc
this is an omegaverse sideblog, both for saving stuff that inspires me/i enjoy & also for my own lore & writing (mostly original; fanworks are on my main blog, ladytauria)
occasionally i may reblog non-o-verse content (such as D/s), tho i’m likely thinking of it in the context of o-verse
for general musing / headcanon posts i try to use gender neutral language
i tag nsfw / sexual content with nsft.
i try to use content warnings / cws for obvious things (blood, death) but if you need something specific tagged pls lemme know
this blog is pro-ship. that means i support people’s right to ship what they want despite whatever my personal feelings are on it, and that i believe that fiction does not have a 1:1 effect on reality. if that’s something that bothers you, block me <3 i won’t debate about it.
quick tagging guide: #🌙 - my posts; #my lore - info on my interpretation of the omegaverse; #my writing - o-verse fiction i’ve written
under the cut: tags / blog navigation; masterlist of posts
tagging guide.
#🌙 — my posts
#my lore — self explanatory
#reference — questionnaires & things i may want to refer back to
#nsft — nsfw content
#behaviors — traits & behaviors common in the omegaverse.
#courting — headcanons related to dating in the omegaverse
#bonding — headcanons related to bonding / bonds
#truemates — soulmate headcanons/content
#biting — headcanons related to biting. also will include general teeth/fang headcanons
#nesting — headcanons related to nests/dens/etc
#scent — headcanons related to scent, including scenting & types of scents
#sound — headcanons related to various sounds the dynamics can make
#pregnancy — head-canons related to pregnancy or birth
#cycles — heat or rut content
#worldbuilding — general lore, not related to packs/specific dynamics.
#musings — thoughts / scenarios that aren’t really prompts but not necessarily full fics either?
#prompts — prompts that inspire me. may be more D/s leaning.
#insp — stuff that inspires me. may not always be overtly omegaverse.
#alpha — alpha specific content & behavior
#beta — beta specific content & behavior
#omega — omega specific content and behavior
#pups — the babies!
#pack dynamics — content and behavior related to an entire pack
#mates — romantic posts
#society — general omegaverse society posts / headcanons!
#all ships — general content that could fit any pairing
#alphaalpha — ship between two alpha
#alphabeta — ship between an alpha and beta, where alpha is the dominant
#alphaomega — ship between an alpha and omega, where alpha is the dominant
#betaalpha — ship between a beta and an alpha, where beta is the dominant
#betabeta — ship between two beta
#betaomega — ship between a beta and an omega, where the beta is the dominant
#omegaalpha — ship between an alpha and omega, where the omega is the dominant
#omegabeta — ship between an omega and a beta, where the omega is the dominant
#omegaomega — ship between two omega
#domomegas — dominant and/or top omega content
#subalphas — submissive and/or bottom alpha content
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Human Rights Watch, “Every Day I Live in Fear” (10/7/2020)
CW: human rights violations/sexual assault/gang violence
(I Background)
“El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, which comprise Central America’s Northern Triangle [(“the Northern Triangle”)], have among the world’s highest murder rates.”
“Education and employment discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity contribute further to economic marginalization, ultimately leaving many LGBT people without stable livelihoods and few housing options outside of poor and often gang-controlled neighborhoods.”
“None of the governments in the Northern Triangle have criminalized same-sex conduct since the 19th century, but measures to protect LGBT people from discrimination are insufficient.”
“El Salvador outlaw[s] discrimination on various grounds, but do[es] not explicitly include sexual orientation or gender identity, and even where such laws are open-ended in terms of the categories that they protect, they are not applied.”
“[T]he government[] of El Salvador…[has] failed to curb gang violence against the population in general, but LGBT people may face an additional barrier to protection: … LGBT people reported stigma and discrimination from police officers when they attempted to report crimes, deterring some LGBT crime victims from reporting at all…”
“Between January 2007 and November 2017, at least 4,385 people sought asylum in the United States based on claims of persecution related to gender identity or sexual orientation, according to data NBC News obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.”
“Undoubtedly, for decades, individual LGBT people from the Northern Triangle have fled their countries for reasons related in part to discrimination and violence based on gender identity or sexual orientation.”
(II El Salvador)
“State authorities have historically been largely ineffective in protecting the population from this violence … Authorities may be unable to help protect Salvadoran citizens who are victimized by violence for reasons including fear for their own security, infiltration of authorities’ offices by gangs, and insufficient resources.”
“Article 246 of the penal code prohibits job discrimination based on ‘sex, pregnancy, origin, civil status, race, social or physical condition, religious or political beliefs, membership or lack of membership in a labor union, or relationship with other workers.’ The term ‘sex’ has been held to be inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity in some jurisdictions elsewhere in the world… but no existing jurisprudence or authoritative legal guidance in El Salvador makes clear whether such grounds are covered under article 246.”
“Article 292 of the penal code criminalizes discrimination by government officials on the grounds of ‘nationality, sex, race, religion, or any other condition of a person,’ creating space for prosecutions on the grounds of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but the law does not cover abuses by non-state actors.”
“In 2015, El Salvador passed a landmark hate crimes bill that increased sentences for homicides and threats based on gender identity and expression and sexual orientation, as well as race, ethnicity, religion, gender and political affiliation, although the statute does not extend to other crimes, such as assault or rape.”
“The Special Comprehensive Law for a Life Free of Violence for Women, passed in 2011, establishes severe penalties for femicide, defined as the murder of a woman when motivated by ‘hatred or contempt for her status as a woman,’ but it does not alter sentences for other forms of physical and sexual violence against women.”
“Violence and discrimination take place in a context of family rejection and social stigma that have a negative impact on the well-being of LGBT people. Despite some progress in attitudes toward LGBT people in El Salvador, social stigma remains pervasive.”
“The Attorney General’s office in El Salvador released statistics in January 2020 indicating it had tabulated 692 cases of violence against LGBT and intersex people in five years. Importantly, the government has also acknowledged violations at the hands of security officials.”
“[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)]’s 2016 guidelines for asylum applications of Salvadorans stated that LGBT people have ‘consistently been targeted for attacks and murder by the gangs and other sectors of society, including by the police and other public authorities’ and that El Salvador’s gangs have demonstrated ‘virulent hatred and ill-treatment of persons based on of their perceived sexual orientation and/or gender identity.’”
“[S]everal policy initiatives suggest good will on the part of government institutions to make policy inclusive of people of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations. But for many LGBT people, daily life on the streets is controlled not by the state but by criminal gangs, including the two factions of the 18th Street Gang… LGBT people… face violence at the hands of gangs that can be motivated by anti-LGBT animus or opportunism related to LGBT people’s perceived or actual social and economic vulnerability. LGBT people also face violence from the police, and activists have pointed out that putting more police on the streets – a key feature of the Bukele administration’s approach to crime – is not necessarily beneficial for LGBT people.”
“While El Salvador’s penal code prohibits discrimination by state officials, as discussed above, LGBT people have no protection against violence in sectors such as education, employment, and housing. A 2018 study by Spain’s international development agency found that ‘the structural character of the discrimination and exclusion of LGBTI people places them, often from a young age, in a cycle of poverty because of the lack of access to services, opportunities, and social services.’”
(V. Obstacles to Asylum in the United States, and Their Impacts)
“Between January 2007 and November 2017, at least 2,253 LGBT people from the Northern Triangle entered the United States to seek protection from persecution…By the time LGBT asylum seekers from the Northern Triangle arrive at the southern US border, they have not only fled violence and discrimination at home, but are also often beaten down by violence and discrimination in transit through Mexico.”
“The risk of violence facing LGBT asylum seekers in Mexico is accompanied by the risk of discrimination.”
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reviewsthatburn · 2 years
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As the penultimate book in the series, LORD OF THE SHADOWS returns to Darren's hometown to answer what happened to his family after he died. He also learns what happened to his friends, since around twenty years have passed by now and they've more than grown up. There's kind of a new storyline related to the people who visit the Cirque and what happens there, but even that ends up being a way of tying up loose ends. Darren has changed a lot since the first book but he's pretty consistent with the most recent ones. It would not make sense to start here as this book is all about addressing answers to old questions and beginning the final confrontation which will determine the identity of the Lord of the Shadows. 
Full review at link.
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About Me/FAQ.
greetings, nieces, nephews, and family pet rocks.
my name is Soap and this is my writing blog.
i post headcanons, fanfic, drabbles, playlists, and other fun stuff.  in addition to my own writing, i reblog content like writing advice, prompts, and tropes in fiction to watch out for. (you’ll also see a lot of fan art!)
I’m trying to get back into writing for the fun of it and I thought making a blog would be a nice outlet. for now, I’m gonna keep this to fandom related content, but I may eventually write about my original content, if you guys would be interested in that :^)
I self-ship, but I’m chill about it.  If you wanna bypass my key-smashing, blacklist #soapy self-ships.  
What I Write for Consistently (will be updated):
The Arcana
Penny Dreadful
DC Comics (specifically the Batfam)
Bojack Horseman
i write snippets of content for a lot of other fandoms as well so stay tuned:)
What Content I Write (free of charge):
drabbles / stream of consciousness stuff 
A n g s t :)
platonic relationships 
hurt & comfort
light amounts of gore (eg. references to wounds, descriptions of fights, mentions of blood)
shit posts B^)
lime (e.g. making out, groping, slightly sexual activities but nothing super explicit) 
What I Write (for coin):
personalized letters from a character of your choice
explicit NSFW
monster p*rn / romance, I can give you a match up or you can ask me to write specifically about a character as a monster
drabbles/short fics of you and your fave 
drabbles/short fics w/ romantic ships. (I’m not super into shipping characters outside of platonic contexts, but I’m willing to write about romantic ships if you have some $$ to spare)
Drabbles (or anything under 300 words): $3
500 words: $6
1,000 words: $10
1,500 words: $16
Playlist - 5 songs: $4
Playlist - 10 songs: $8
Match-up: $10
Match-up w/ short playlist - $12
What I Don’t Write (w/ or w/out payment):
explicit/heavy gore
anything relating to pregnancy/childbirth
Tags I Use (Trigger Edition)
cw sex mention
cw sexual humor
cw gore
cw ww2
cw blood
cw injury
cw body horror
cw eye strain
cw death mention
cw alcohol
cw smoking
Note: If I get an ask that makes me uncomfortable, I reserve the right to not write anything for it. I will try to tag any potentially triggering content.  Please let me know if there are things you would like tagged.
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herawell · 2 years
I was just randomly scrolling through your blog (glad to find a mythology fandom on Tumblr!), and I saw a post you reblogged nearly a year ago, saying something about Yudhisthira during exile, and one of the tags you used was #pregnancy cw and I was just sitting there semi shook semi cackling for a long time because I was genuinely imagining Yudhisthira pregnant and desperately trying to hide his rapidly swelling baby bump from his brothers 🤣🤣🤣
Jokes aside, was that accidentally tagged or did I miss the context and if so, what was the context?
This was the post!
The pregnancy was related to a "horse placenta" anecdote in a poem the OP had linked to, which was apparently horrific and apparently actually happened. I didn't read the full poem, so I have no idea what it was about, but I tagged the post with #pregnancy cw and #animal horror cw just to be sure.
(The horse placenta anecdote had nothing to do with Yudhisthira, there was another line that the OP had quoted from the poem which gave me Yudi vibes.)
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getyourgossip0-blog · 6 years
Now streaming: “Gossip Girl” worth watching for the music
New Post has been published on https://getyourgossip.xyz/now-streaming-gossip-girl-worth-watching-for-the-music/
Now streaming: “Gossip Girl” worth watching for the music
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“Gossip Girl” is the primetime drama that aired from 2007 until 2012 on The CW. It was hailed by at least one person as the “Sex in the City” for a younger generation. Which isn’t accurate, as “Sex in the City” was supposed to be a comedy. “Gossip Girl,” no so much. “Gossip Girl” was somewhat plagued by inaccurate descriptions. One of the bright spots of the show is that it often featured good examples of up-to-the-minute music, and more than a few references to more vintage performers (Morrissey) that made it worth watching for context.
“Gossip Girl” continues to stream on Netflix. It has been there for a while, and its staying power might be related to its popularity. After all, there have been Netflix originals that haven’t lasted as long.
One of the coolest songs to grace the “Gossip Girl” soundtrack is “Bitch” by the Plastiscines.
Like a number of New York shows, “Gossip Girl” was criticized for presenting an unrealistic look at New York and super rich teenagers. One point of contention is the lack of people of color. There is a tendency on the part of some show creators to make New York look as if it has the racial homogeneity of extreme northeast Indiana. Having been in both places, I can attest that the two are nothing alike.
Then there was all the sex. Yes, we know that teenagers sometimes have sex. But so often and with zero consequences? Eventually there were pregnancy scares and std rumors, but ultimately nothing. A joke was made by Vanessa about having to get an std panel after sleeping with show bad boy Chuck Bass (played by Ed Westwick). And mostly that was it. If television shows are to be believed, diseases and consequences are for poor people.
In order to have all the sex, the teens have to be unsupervised. It seems that parents show up to make matters worse or to chide the teens for behaving in ways that they have actually been groomed to behave.
Also, the very rich teens go to bars. And in at least one case, they buy them, and hotels.
I get it. It is television. Reality is blurred or eschewed for the sake of a scene or storyline. The criticism of “Gossip Girl” doesn’t stop it from being a binge-worthy show.
There is something fascinating about watching private school girls vie for power. Or, dates for a cotillion. When the mean girl leaders at other schools are likened to the five mafia families by the show’s onscreen narrator, it is seems apt. As does the song used for the moment when a new Queen Bee has been seemingly bested.  That song is “Bitch” by the Plastiscines.
The French all-girl band revels in not being good. The song doesn’t so much detail what makes the narrator a bitch, as to describe the points in the day when she is. Thus, if someone is a bitch when she brushes her teeth, or even when she sings a song about being a bitch, listeners get the point – – it’s inherent.
The song itself is catchy in all the right ways. A heavy, yet watery bassline winds through the song and serves as its dark emotional center. There are pop elements and, including some serious tambourine banging that make the song danceable. Being a shallow teenager never sounded so good.
“Gossip Girl” also showcases onscreen performances of bands like Sonic Youth and performers like Lady Gaga.
More than likely, the show will stream throughout the summer. It is the perfect opportunity to see what you missed and hear some songs that might have otherwise escaped your notice.
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