#cv distribution
careerzooom1 · 1 year
#No-1 Visual CV/Resume Writing Services in Dubai, UAE
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seodigitalexpert · 9 days
How To Post Classifieds For Furniture For Sale To CV Distribution?
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Whether you are downsizing or job hunting, posting an effective classified ad makes all the difference between success and failure. Want to know how to create a standout classified ad, whether you’re selling furniture or sharing your CV?
Creating the perfect CV distribution ad
Selling furniture using classifieds also requires making a listing look attractive and informative. First of all, take several photos from various angles, well-illuminated photos that represent the condition of the furniture itself. If you are open to negotiations, highlight this in Cheap CV Distribution. Finally, you should indicate whether delivery or pick-up is acceptable since most buyers will be looking for either one of these options as a deal breaker.
Selling furniture-the right platform
You should opt for a popular platform in your area since most transactions occur in person when selling furniture. Some of the platforms even offer an option to enhance your Furniture for Sale UAE advertisement for a small fee which boosts exposure and speeds up the selling process.
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Posting classifieds for CV distribution
To advertise your CV through classifieds, you will need to prepare an ad that emphasizes your skills and expertise. Many job classifieds platforms like Indeed or Promolx.com offer the option to upload your CV and thus ease searching for you by employers.
Look at and respond immediately
Whether you are selling furniture or posting your CV, keep an eye on the advertisement and quickly respond to inquiries. Be active, renew your ad if necessary, and make sure your communication is crystal clear and professional.
For more information, you can visit our website https://www.promolx.com/
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seoteamwxt · 15 days
Join our Executive Resume Writing and get guaranteed job success! With our assistance, you can get your dream job quickly. Connect with us today! For more information, you can visit our website https://www.cv-warehouse.com/ or call us at +37281957095
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theseocompany0 · 18 days
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Get our CV Distribution UAE services and let us assist you land your dream job! We, at CV Warehouse, assist clients in creating the best strategies to get a dream job in a few days.
For more information, you can visit our website https://www.cv-warehouse.com/ or call us at +37281957095
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jameswilly98 · 1 year
Rock Your Resume: Elevate Your Career Trajectory:-
Resume creates the first impression on any employer. A well-written and organized resume leaves a long-lasting impact on any employers mind and enhances your chance to be associated with a well-known company. To read more: https://www.resume.ae/BlogArticleDetails_in_UAE_Dubai_Abu_Dhabi_Sharjah_UK_USA_Australia_Singapore_India_Qatar_KSA_Hong_Kong.aspx?id=36
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ghost-of-a-dream-girl · 2 months
Vampiric vascular access PSA from your friendly neighbourhood fanfic writing medic: Where To Bite
For those of you who, like me, love to write/read this sad vampire (or indeed anyone who likes to write any vampire), there were just a couple of sexy little anatomy things that I wanted to highlight (purely for fun).
First: arteries vs veins - Arteries take blood at pressure generated by the left ventricle of the heart, hence the pulse, to tissues and organs. Veins are a low pressure system that take blood back to the heart (via all sorts of mechanisms like valves, suction pressure from inspiration, pressure gradients, etc). - The inherent not-quite-sexy risk to puncturing/bleeding from an artery (especially a big one) is the risk of clot formation and with that the risk that those clots travel (embolize) further down the artery. This can result in things like strokes or ischaemic limbs. - Major arteries have associated major veins running nearby them. - Because of pressure differences, arterial punctures can spurt blood out, whereas veins ooze. To drink from a vein you'd have to apply a little more suction, whereas drinking from an artery might be a bit more messy/squirty. - Sure, veins don't pulse in the way arteries do BUT the way that we find these big veins (without ultrasound) is via use of anatomical landmarks. Your fave vampire will likely know those landmarks. Durge will likely also know these landmarks...for other reasons.
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The neck (the classic, and everyone's favourite) - One of the things we look for as part of a fluid status assessment/CVS exam is the JVP (jugular venous pressure), which reflects pressure changes in the right atrium. For this we look for the double waveform pulse on either side of the neck coming from the internal jugular vein. It's not really palpable in the way arterial pulses are, but it is visible in most people (especially at neck turned 45 degrees). - The internal jugular vein (IJV) AND the external jugular vein are the two chunky veins of the neck. The IJV in particular would be a good one to bite for the same reason it's often a favourite vein to use for central line insertion- it's large, superficial, and usually pretty straight in its course within the neck. - The carotids are the major arteries of the neck, sitting more in the midline and protected a bit by a muscle there (sternocleidomastoid).
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The inner thigh (the smut writer's favourite) - Gods know that the femorals have been doing some heavy lifting in vampire smut fics. Given the fact that they are located on either side of the groin, any biting action there has the inference of a lot more physical intimacy. - Like the neck vessels, you have big arteries AND big veins in the femoral region too. You have the femoral arteries which lie again more in the centre (like the carotids), and you have the femoral veins which actually lie more medially (more towards the mid-line of the body, i.e further in on the groin). These then branch out. - For purposes of vampiric vascular access, the femoral veins would be just a bit easier to get into position wise, but they do run very close to the femoral arteries. Because of how anatomy and fat distribution works also worth mentioning that the femoral vein and artery also lie a little deeper, so would require a much deeper bite.
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Peripheral pulses (for those little nibbles) - For a quick snack more peripherally, it's going to be much easier to chomp into a peripheral artery. Arteries have thicker, more muscular walls than veins and the more superficial veins get the flimsier they are (i.e would be bitches to try to puncture with fangs). - We often sample arterial blood by puncturing the radial arteries. The radial artery runs on the thumb side of the wrist, and is very easy to palpate! - One could also attempt the brachial arteries, which are just above the inside of either elbow. A little deeper, but still palpable. - For the more adventurous bloodsuckers, you could even go for the dorsalis pedis (top of the foot), or the posterior tibial (below and behind the innermost part of the ankle bone)! See below: Astarion sampling a little of that radial artery juice
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Aftercare (for the bitten) - If you are biting an artery or big vein you will usually need to apply some pressure to stop the bleeding. - In terms of clotting, it depends on what magical properties you believe vampire spit has. If none, it generally takes a few minutes to stop bleeding with a bit of added pressure, but bigger puncture sites may take longer. - That said, all bleeding stops eventually in one way or another- just ask Durge. - Like always, after a big drink you may need to ask your cleric friend to help you out with a cheeky lesser restoration spell to stimulate erythropoeisis so you're not wandering around the Realms so deeply anaemic.
Happy biting, friends!
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rahisaurus · 4 days
The company I loved working for has run out of money to pay me, so I'm out.
I am a competent C++ developer with over 8 years of commercial experience in the computer graphics industry. I've lead multiple projects through the software pipeline from concept to distribution and maintenance.
I have excellent learning skills, I can pick up new techniques and frameworks and adapt myself to your team quickly.
Main skills: C++, C#, OpenGL, 3D Geometry Maths
Full CV: (OneDrive link)
If anybody knows of a remote working opportunity for a mid-senior developer where I can continue working from the UK, please contact me! Thanks for taking the time to read!
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ask-a-w · 1 year
Watched Nick Apostolides play Separate Ways and wrote down stuff that caught my attention.
Guests on the stream: Craig (Wesker’s VA) & Andre (Luis’ VA). Andre joins for a short while mid-way through the stream.
- Nick was there when he watched Andre film the cutscene of Luis doing the flamenco. Apparently Andre nailed it in one take.
- Nick says Andre spent months researching the Spanish culture. (Andre talks a little bit more about it later.)
- Craig went to Vancouver three times in 2022 to film RE4R & SW. The main game & DLC were shot together. He couldn’t say he went to Vancouver more than once or else he would give away that there were extra content like SW & Mercenaries.
- Nick was not aware how Ada got infected.
- Craig played RE5 co-op years ago and is trying to play it solo but acknowledged it’s not that fun to play solo.
- Craig’s download for SW took 7 minutes and he was very amused by that.
- Craig can only talk about games that have come out so don’t ask him if there’s gonna be a remake for CV or RE5.
- Craig was not aware who or what he was auditioning for and only knew he was playing Wesker when he was flown to the studio. He asked them if he should play Wesker like previous incarnations or like what he did in his audition. They told him to play Wesker like his audition.
- Craig said when he filmed for RE: Outbreak 20 years ago, the actors only saw stick figures on the screen but now, as you stand in front of the mocap cameras, you can see your entire character model on the screen rightaway and he’s quite impressed how far technology has advanced.
- Craig said he did mocap for Outbreak for 6 months. He did not book a part in Outbreak initially but Alyson Court (Claire’s original VA) actually brought him to work on the game.
- Craig filmed all his scenes together with Lily and only saw Nick 3 times during filming since Wesker & Leon don’t have any scenes together.
- Craig has been a fan of RE for a long time. He played RE1 with his acting classmates and they were happy for him when he booked a part in Outbreak.
- Craig says he has never gotten a copy of any game he has worked on as the people he works with don’t work in game distribution. He only managed to get a copy of the RE4R deluxe edition thanks to an ex-girlfriend who works in game distribution.
- Craig & Nick know both Wesker & Leon are very beloved characters in the franchise and have given it their all for their portrayals.
- Both of them squeed when Wesker says “complete local saturation” and Craig has been waiting for a whole year wondering how fans would react to that line.
- Nick had no idea what would happen in SW since he didn’t get the script for it.
- Craig also had no idea Wesker would be in Mercenaries but put two and two together when he recorded lines for Merc.
- Scenes are filmed out of order. Craig didn’t know if he was filming for the main game or SW. He had to wait till the main game came out to see what scenes were shown in RE4R. Nick also has no idea if he filmed anything for SW.
- While the VAs have their own general idea on how to play their character as they walk into the studio, how they express their lines are based on a combination of what’s requested by Capcom’s Japanese team, how the translator translates Capcom’s requests, and Steve Kniebihly’s (cinematics director) direction.
- Someone asked Craig if he thought when Wesker was a child, would he shine a magnifying glass on ants. Craig said probably yeah and maybe pulling the wings of flies too. (Side note: The Ashford twins did that in Code Veronica)
- Craig was a musician first before he got into acting. In high school, everyone was into music and he made some music with his friends. His then-girlfriend asked him to audition in a school musical and he loved the acting expect of it. He then auditioned in plays before he went to acting school for college.
- Craig applied to both music & acting programmes for college. He always wanted to be a performer.
- Andre joins halfway through the stream. He enjoyed filming the opening flamenco scene even though it took a while to get the steps right. He doesn’t think he can do the dance any more since it’s been a while.
- Andre mimed the reaction to being pulled by a rope in chapter 1. He didn’t have confidence to pull it off and the team also agreed. He doesn’t have stunt training anyway.
- Craig on the other hand, recounted when he was filming being grabbed by a monster for RE Outbreak. He had a rope on his head while filming for that and he didn’t get stunt pay. But things were different years ago.
- Andre said the team took safety really seriously and even for simple things like pretending to fall over, Steve Kniebihly would tell the VAs not to do it and let the stunt team do it instead.
- When Craig auditioned for Wesker, the description was “Villain in a video game”. That was it. All the audition scripts were fake so actors who don’t book the part won’t leak that the game is being made.
- Andre lived & breathed Castellan Spanish culture for months while he filmed RE4R and it drove his family a little crazy. He even spoke with a Castellan Spanish accent for a while too. His family is of Mexican descent and Mexican Spanish pronunciation is different from European/Castellan Spanish.
- Nick was friends with Paul Haddad (OG RE2 Leon VA) before he passed away. He also took some voice lessons from Paul Mercier (OG RE4 Leon VA).
- Craig has not spoken to any previous Wesker VAs. He is long time friends with Alyson and she was his director on one project he worked in before. He has met OG Brad Vicker’s VA before.
- Andre has only met Neil Newbon (RE8 Heisenberg & RE3R Nikolai) in person.
- Craig enjoys playing bad guys since it’s fun to do something he can’t do in real life.
- Nick had to lower his voice for RE4R Leon since Leon in 2004 is a bit “sick of the same shit happening repeatedly” instead of being a newbie cop surprised at everything.
- Craig’s favourite scene to film was the Wesker & Ada confrontation at the beginning of the Island. He had to do the Wesker smirk at the end a few times as the team had to ensure it looked right on the Wesker model.
- Craig has a Guinness World Record for playing in the longest concert which lasted for 19 days, around 437 hours. He was in the planning committee for it and he played 5 times during the concert. To qualify for the record, there were a lot of rules. For example: at least 10 people in the audience had to be awake at all times, each song had to last at least 2 mins, and there can only be a maximum 30 seconds pause between each song.
- Nick got electrocuted in science class when he touched a capacitor with his bare hands. He mentioned that it really freaking hurt and it was almost impossible to let go. He had to force himself to open his hands.
- During the recording of the injury effort sounds for when Leon got electrocuted, Nick clenched his fists and shook them while grunting through gritted teeth.
- For Wesker’s injury effort sounds during Mercenaries mode, the team had to tell Craig to dial back as Wesker responds to injuries in a calmer manner.
- Nick had a lot of fun filming the part where Saddler transforms into his final form.
- Nick mocapped the pilot flying Ada’s chopper.
- Nick was completely mind blown by the stinger at the end.
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covid-safer-hotties · 25 days
Coronavirus vaccines, once free, are now pricey for uninsured people - Published Sept 3, 2024
As updated coronavirus vaccines hit U.S. pharmacy shelves, adults without health insurance are discovering the shots are no longer free, instead costing up to $200.
The federal Bridge Access Program covering the cost of coronavirus vaccines for uninsured and underinsured people ran out of funding. Now, Americans with low incomes are weighing whether they can afford to shore up immunity against an unpredictable virus that is no longer a public health emergency but continues to cause long-term complications and hospitalizations and kill tens of thousands of people a year.
The program’s elimination marks the latest tear in a safety net that once ensured people could protect themselves against the coronavirus regardless of their financial situation. Health experts worry that the paltry 22 percent rate of adults staying up-to-date on vaccines will erode further. And they fear that the roughly 25 million people without health insurance in the nation will be especially vulnerable to covid because they tend to be in poorer health and avoid medical care when sick.
Nicole Savant, a 33-year-old part-time paralegal and dog walker, lost her Medicaid benefits last year when her income rose. She wants the latest shot because she knows people who died of covid before the vaccines became available and because she faces a higher risk of severe disease being overweight.
She was floored when she was quoted $201.99 at an appointment to receive the vaccine at a St. Louis-area CVS. She wasn’t sure if she even had that much money in her bank account.
“I have so little money, and I have other needs as well, like monthly medications,” said Savant, who doubts she will get the vaccine if she has to pay out of pocket. “I would hope for the best, which I really don’t want to do.”
At least 34 million doses of last year’s vaccine were administered to adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, 1.5 million were funded through the Bridge Access Program, which was originally set to end this December, allowing vaccinations ahead of the usual winter wave.
But it expired ahead of schedule because Congress rescinded $6.1 billion in coronavirus emergency spending authority as part of a deal to avert a government shutdown. Congress also declined to fund the Biden administration’s proposal for a Vaccines for Adults program that could provide routine immunizations, including for the coronavirus, for free, similar to an existing Vaccines for Children program.
Private insurers, along with the Medicare and Medicaid government programs, are required to pay for coronavirus vaccines. The Bridge Access Program offered a backup option for people encountering insurance snags.
The CDC said it identified an additional $62 million to buy coronavirus vaccines targeting the latest variants for distribution through state and local health agencies — which local officials say is a sliver of the overall need. CDC spokeswoman Jasmine Reed said the partnership with state and local officials can provide shots to 1 million insured and underinsured Americans.
Raynard Washington, who leads the Mecklenburg County health department in North Carolina, said it’s difficult for financially strapped health agencies to tap their own funds for coronavirus vaccines. Under CDC contracts, health officials spend $78 a dose for the vaccine from the drug company Moderna and pay $100 for the version from Pfizer-BioNTech, compared with $15 to $20 for flu shots.
Washington, who also leads the Big Cities Health Coalition, an organization representing metropolitan health departments, said vaccine manufacturers should charge health departments less to help vaccinate more people without insurance.
“What’s at stake is we are reverting back to a system where a person’s financial ability to be able to pay will determine their ability to be healthy,” Washington said.
Pfizer and Moderna said their vaccines would be available through patient assistance programs that offer free vaccines, but spokespeople did not offer details on the scope and eligibility of those programs. Novavax, whose vaccine was approved by regulators last week, said it does not have a patient assistance program for the upcoming fall season. Moderna and Novavax did not respond to questions about the rate they charge health officials. Pfizer defended its pricing practices.
“Pfizer has priced the vaccine to ensure the price is consistent with the value delivered and with the goal of uninterrupted access for every American,” the company said in a statement provided by spokesman Kit Longley.
Community health centers that often provide low-cost care to uninsured people administered 24 million shots when the federal government provided them, according to the National Association of Community Health Centers. Now, the facilities will have to scale back those programs and rely on local health officials for vaccines, some of whom would have little to share, said Luis Padilla, the association’s chief health officer.
“This country doesn’t provide enough for public health infrastructure and resources,” Padilla said.
The approval of updated coronavirus vaccines on Aug. 22 sent some Americans dashing to get shots before the end of the month. The CDC webpage about the Bridge Access Program, until Friday, said it ended in August without making clear it funded only the previous vaccines, which could no longer be administered after the new shots were authorized.
Adrianna Ruiz, 32, and their girlfriend showed up Wednesday to a CVS appointment in Atlanta hoping to get vaccinated before a Labor Day weekend cross-country road trip to California to help a friend with cancer move their belongings.
Ruiz lost insurance after getting laid off from a nonprofit job in July but believed the vaccine would be free based on the CDC website. But a CVS employee confirmed the program was no longer in effect. Ruiz gets about $300 in weekly unemployment benefits.
“If I want to eat and pay bills, then I can’t afford to pay $200,” Ruiz said.
Instead of getting new shots, Ruiz looked up options to enroll in subsidized insurance plans during the road trip. And the precautions they are embracing on the journey, including taking a PCR test before embarking, wearing N95 respiratory masks at gas stations and packing lunches to eat on picnic blankets in parks, have become more urgent.
Shannon Donnell, a critical care nurse in New York, plans to eat the out-of-pocket costs of an updated coronavirus vaccine. She works on contract without health benefits and said the plans she qualified for through the state’s Affordable Care Act marketplace were too costly with $500 monthly premiums and a $5,000 deductible.
She believes in the urgency of vaccines after watching covid patients die while she worked in Manhattan during the devastating surge in spring 2020 and later cared for unvaccinated patients struggling to breathe in a Texas covid intensive care unit right as the shots arrived. Coronavirus patients no longer flood the intensive care units where she now works, but when they arrive, they are often immunocompromised or unvaccinated.
“It feels like health-care workers are still being left to fend for ourselves in many ways,” Donnell, 48, said. “No one is stepping up to say, ‘Hey, I’ll cover that for you’ before you go into your shift of covering covid patients.”
The Bridge Access Program also extended an opportunity for free coronavirus vaccines to international visitors and undocumented immigrants, who have limited health insurance options.
Vasu, a 56-year-old undocumented and uninsured immigrant in Chicago, hoped to get vaccinated again after hearing about friends getting sick, including one in his 30s whose symptoms lasted for months, and after the outbreak at the Democratic National Convention. A friend offered to pay for her vaccine when Vasu lamented in a Facebook message that the end of the Bridge Access Program left her “screwed.”
“We are talking about a large group of people who are going to lose access or are too nervous about accessing vaccines,” said Vasu, who spoke on the condition she be identified only by a middle name to avoid the scrutiny of immigration authorities. “The government keeps saying it’s your responsibility to be vaccinated. But you are not making it easy.”
The changing landscape for the coronavirus vaccine stands in stark contrast to 2021 and 2022 when free shots were widely distributed. But the urgency of vaccination has subsided as the virus’s toll lessens now that nearly every American has built up immunity from previous infections or shots and hospitals are no longer overwhelmed. People 65 and older, who are at the highest risk of severe illness and death, qualify for free vaccines through Medicare.
Still, health officials recommend young and middle-aged adults receive updated coronavirus vaccines because most Americans have risk factors for complications and because the vaccine reduces the threat of the lingering debilitating symptoms of long covid.
Adriane Casalotti, chief of government and public affairs at the National Association of County and City Health Officials, said the success of the early distribution of coronavirus vaccines “showed us what can be done when you make vaccines accessible and easy to get.”
“But that shifted now,” she added. “We are back to the traditional health-care system we’ve had, and the struggles we’ve had in that health-care system.”
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careerzooom1 · 1 year
Top CV Writing Services in Dubai, UAE (May 2023) - Careerzooom
How to Find the Best CV Writing Services in Dubai, UAE For job seekers looking to find their dream job in Dubai, UAE, a well-written CV is a must-have. CV writing services can be a great investment for anyone who is looking to make a great first impression with potential employers. The services offered by CV writing companies in Dubai can help job seekers stand out from the competition and give…
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Nissan MID4 (first generation). 
The sports prototype was presented for the first time at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 1985. A model, the MID4, which was intended to show the world what Nissan could achieve with its own technologies. The first example (at least two of which were built) was a pearl white left-hand drive model, which can be seen in the opening photo, while the second car produced was red. It was a sports car that integrated the 3.0-liter V6 engine (VG30) from the Z31 - Fairlady Z/300ZX, mounted in a central position. A mechanic that had four camshafts, 24 valves and a power of 230 CV at 6000 rpm. The car had an all-wheel drive system that distributed 33% of the power transmitted to the front axle and 67% to the rear axle, to achieve good balance and remarkable behavior at high speed. This system was the first development of what would later become the well-known ATESSA, Nissan's all-wheel drive system, later adopted for production models such as the Skyline, Bluebird, Cefiro and several others. The first MID4 also featured the first evolution of the HICAS four-wheel-steer, designed to provide better control, taking into account lateral acceleration and cornering speed. This system, after being revised, was adopted in the Z series and in Nissan's mid-range and high-end coupe and sedan models. Lastly, the car featured four disc brakes with ABS and the bodywork was designed to be aerodynamically efficient. The influence of the MID-4 styling was also felt in the facelift of the 300ZX (Z31) in October 1985. The second right-hand drive MID4 (red) was shown at the Tokyo Motor Show in that same month
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inorganicfaeries · 5 months
check out my utau distribution site. at the moment i only have my old CV bank. she’s terribly oto’d and was my first voicebank. i’m working on a vcv version
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seoteamwxt · 2 months
High-standard Career Coaching UAE services are provided by our experts and available at CV Distribution. To get complete details, explore through our site. For more information, you can visit our website https://www.cv-distribution.com/
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theseocompany0 · 1 month
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jameswilly98 · 1 year
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Are you worried about your job options and could not find one? Come to RESUME company in UAE that is the ultimate choice for job seekers as well as for employers for finding the right jobs as per the requirement. Our team of expert resumes craft professional CVs or can enhance your profile to match the available jobs. To view more visit at: https://www.resume.ae/
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hypaalicious · 1 year
Y’all, go get the new Covid vaccine!
I’m sure others on here have talked about it already and ima just be late, but it’s important!
You can still get updated Covid vaccines/boosters for free if you’re uninsured through December 31, 2024 via the CDC’s Bridge Access Program and participating pharmacies.
Considering that the US government is in full “there is no war in Ba Sing Se” mode about Covid being “over” 🙄 not a lot of people even know a new vaccine exists! It was approved on September 12th and started distribution.
If you go through any CVS or Walgreens, I know for sure they’re a part of the Bridge Access Program and will specify online that you’re getting the (2023-2024) Covid vaccine formulated to target the new nasty variants. For most ppl, I’m gonna assume that the last time y’all got vaccinated was a whole year ago. 😬
Beloveds, it’s like we raw dogging Covid in 2020 again; those old shots ain’t doing shit for you now. You’ll need this new vaccine (it’s not a booster, it’s a whole new beast) to be best protected especially as we go into flu and holiday season.
Some things to note:
Always call the pharmacy to confirm your appointment and that they have the shot you’re looking for.
If you are uninsured, you may have to remind the pharmacy that it should be free for you. CVS was going to charge me $190 for one (1) shot so I called and had to explain to them what they’re enrolled in. Nobody working there even knew about it. This country is very ghetto so you’ll have to be diligent on getting what you need.
There are no multiple rounds this time, just one shot. Moderna and Pfizer are approved rn, Novavax I hear just passed some trials and should be available later as well if you prefer a non-mRNA dose.
This new one knocked me on my ass faster than the previous ones, but idk if that’s cause I actually got Covid back in April and my system is still sensitive. Either or, it’s working!
I will always push taking measures against Covid because our healthcare system is too busted and our government is pretty much leaving us to fend for ourselves during a deadly pandemic. So we gotta milk whatever we can to stay protected.
And as always, vaccination status or not:
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