#cuzz uhh
Any pronouns
A cringey ass oc I mfing made for Adres out of desperation smh 😞
Yk you're desperate when you start making an oc for the character you simp for
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Still developing their character
Little backstory (using she/her pronouns to avoid confusion between the two srry)(Used they/them pronouns after they get renamed by Adres tho)
Chérie (before she was even named Chérie by Adres and was turned into a goatman demon) struggles with so many things including depression, poverty, awkwardness, alienation, some dark stuff. Not putting her original name because she was supposed to be erased from the mortal realm when she entered hell. Makes it more mysterious yk? Idk
Adres found her and for some reason (that I haven't fleshed out yet) they desperately wanted to take her so they manipulated the shit outta her and took advantage of her religious trauma and other beliefs. Saying shit that makes her doubt if god even cares for her. Adres was pretty much an asshole like they always were but in a way that they make sure she's attached to them. And it's working well! She became dependent on them overtime. Adres just has that charm in them. Probably part of their powers??? Since they're a demon. But she doesn't know that duhh
So when the time was right, Adres finally convinced her that "hey, I know a place where you'd finally belong to! Wanna come?"
And she's like "yes 🥹" like bitch you're falling for a trap
And it turned out to be hell
But she doesn't know that... Yet... Cuz it don't look like it. It looked like what Adres exactly promised.
And then Adres performs a ritual for her and turned her into a goatman demon. With a new name "Chérie" since Adres always uses the pet name "Ma Chérie" on her and bcuz of their manipulation, Chérie didn't mind their new name. They kinda just accepted their new life even when their existence gets erased from the mortal realm. Shit was awful back then anyway.
Anyways.. it's basically a "love is blind" thing because even Chérie knew how cruel Adres treats others (and how sadistic they get to them) overtime but they're so "OH MY LORDDD 😍😍😍" and is really dependent.
They knew that Adres was using them as a source of energy but THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK BECAUSE IT'S ADRES
They had black hair back then
Their relationship basically:
The other one is in love with the other who uses them for their own gain but they don't care because they're in love. Too delusional. And they can't even leave because the other person is so good at manipulating everyone and anything that they can't imagine living without the love of their life.
Adres DOES love them for being devoted but they do ask permission to drain Chérie's energy (positive and negative) in exchange, Chérie receives their affection but idkk
Again, I don't condone toxic relationships irl. At least not anymore. I was an idiot back then 😭
That's how I love man.. liek- if I love the person, I just ignore how much they're actually using me.. I just let it happen because I love them. That's pretty unhealthy dynamic. I know.. Chérie's based off me after all. (Written before I changed their relationship dynamic)
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newtsixtyfive · 1 year
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Three Newts :)) (pls click/zoom for better quality!!)
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Tulpa, sulking because he's grounded: It's not fair...
Dogma, sighing: It's plenty fair. You got into a fight with a classmate, now you have to suffer the consequences of your actions like the responsible kid you are.
Tulpa: But he started it!
Dogma: Yeah? Well, just because someone else is acting like a jerk doesn't give you the right to act up as well. You know better than that...
Tulpa, huffing: I think you just don't know how to be a kid cuzz you're an adult...
Dogma, frowning: I was once a kid as well AND I kept my nose clean.
Tulpa: So you never got into fights with other kids?
Dogma, remembering that one time where he got made fun of for having big ears and he proceeded to run at the older cadet and bite him on the leg: Uhh....
Dogma, grimacing as he also remembers that the older cadet had to go to medical after that and that for a week straight afterwards everyone kept calling him Massiff Pup instead of the usual names: Hmmm....
Dogma, also recalling that Bully carried him around on his shoulders saying that if anyone tried anything Bully would set him loose on them: Err... Nooooo...?
Tulpa, doubtful: ... Are you for real dad?
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zumpietoo · 1 year
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Errmm....while this does quickly descend into batshit (cuz, again, Barfie isn’t endgame, etc....), and I’d say poor Jug was to Slizzy a placeholder, but “second choice” isn’t applicable.....and doesn’t really matter....
However, yes, she DID throw him away.....there’s no question there....cuz, the hilarious part in this? Slizzy’s shitty trash and always was.....so no cloo why she’s the prize each of them is so obsessed with....
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Errmm....they were together for the entirety of season 6, culminating in an engagement, they were also essentially “together” on some level, for much of season 5----and, if you’re real about it? They started a deep emotional affair at the beginning of season TWO....
I hate Barfie, but it’s always been a thing...
Umm....dude? It IS what happened. Your “argument” is baffling, scarystarey, so now shit didn’t happen cuz peeps had a sad? Okaaayyyyy.....
And for you two? Umm....you should also go look at what YOU post...
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Umm....dudes? Barfie’s canon, in every iteration, currently: depending on what’s returned to, we have:
A) Fuccbuddies about to try something moar serious
B) Engaged
C) Dullard HS sweethearts, with a side of pervy predatory in the mix.....
The show would have to go back, honestly, to moar like early season 4 (at the latest) to make jizzy work, etc, again....because most of season 4 turned into Slizzy seeking excuses to be a cheater....and then lying and then not bothering herself. Literally, it was the season where she shifted from emotionally cheating entitled hypocrite to just “fullbore selfish asshole”.
And I’M just convinced Snorty’s sending these to herself for attention...
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TBF....MM has on a wedding ring, so I suspect it’s Pinkle wedding (or Gossip Clay?)---also, even if it IS “prom”, doubt it’ll be remotely epic, etc....cuzzz lammmmeeeee....but I think Slizzy enjoyed prom previously...and, again, so the Barfie is merely confirming that Slizzy was supremely unappreciative/not good enough for Jughead, so fine by meee....
Ummm.....that’s not what “star-crossed” means, either, Snorty....shouldn’t your fanfic writing/college edumacated ass know that?
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Uhhh....sheepbrain? You’re the one who hates a stranger for dumping your fave, thus costing you a teevee ship (oh and smoking, OFC, the ultimate evvollll), his current GF of 2 1/12 years for “being in the way” and anybody (i.e. yours truly) for daring to not hate him.....I think the “whacky” (no “h”) and “crazy” would be youuuu....
Can you imagine A) doing the above, like sheepbrain or B) sending these to yourself, Snorty? Cuzz.....
Jizzy won’t be erased, but “topped”? Errmmmm I hate Barfie, too, but it is a thing. Also, again, who knew it was a competition?
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Oh yes, Snorty....and don’t forget, write bad fanfic.....dude, you live in the past. And while they’ll also be, they’ll only be there in the past, with you. And, again pretend....
Errmmm....Barfie IS canon, so not getting that.
Ummm.....seasons 5 and 6 very heavily pandered towards them. I think the ones “watching with that attitude” (lolz, WTF????) and hating half the show so passionately are yourselves....again, we didn’t “get 4 seasons.....we had one short, amazing one, then they were split for most of 2 (with Slizzy as an elitist, lying cuntwipe), together, but seldom interacting in season 3, largely separating, with lying, cheating Slizzy in season 4. And almost always using Jug as a placeholder, taking him granted, claiming credit for his accomplishments...
It’s not the serve YOU think it is....
And what “dropped storylines” afterwards? The ones you made up in fanfic/pretended Slizzy was Tabs?
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Umm....no, Snorty, they legit HAD this last season. YOU’RE pressed because you know jizzy isn’t happening ever again....and you trusted RAS, too, so, again, glass houses?
Uhh....also, again, #hey#3????
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Uhhh.....scarystarey, see above. Same applies to jizzy. AND Barfie WERE together all of season 6, so noooo....and I’d say you’re responding with VASTLY moar than a “blank stare and a shrug”....Again, dude, season 4 was NOT a jizzy season....nor, until well past the mid-point, was season TWO....and thanks to PP’s cheating/endlessly splitting up, they barely had screen time in season 3.
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uhhhh.....Snorty??? Go do that rewatching....and then tell me what you see!
Nah, just BAV endgame.....also, you guys are the ones predicting they go “back in time thru the mines in season 5″----all so it’s before Jug kissed a black lady..and now think that happens in the finale. With jizzy fully reconciling, too.
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I mean, she was instantly preggers (and knew it) by basically raping Douchie in the Vale, so, you know.....plus, again, no moar bizarro than YOUR theories....
Scarystarey, it’s Snorty, herself.....
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Wait....weren’t y’all the ones insisting they “block film” now? Plus it’s 13 days and counting.....and one would tend to imagine the finale will take a bit longer to film, so, yeah....they’re quite likely on ep 20, now....
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taelonsamada · 2 years
Lil note: read my shit from bottom up cuzz uhh... Doing it the wrong way is really confusing;)
LOL I’ve learned by now to scroll all the way down to the bottom before reading all the ‘new news’ on this site lol It was a wild ride and I enjoyed every minute ♥️
(Don’t be mad at David, he’s gonna start becoming the David we know and love today in the next chapter and onwards XD)
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godwaltz · 2 years
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an insane amount of gay people  these r some undertale kinsonas cuzz uhh uhhu it was jus fun im not active in the fandom or anything
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Maybe Best Boi Bingsfos can help me. Bingsfos, how do you well... get Setskogen to one: not take everything I say the worst way possible, and two: open up a little? It seems like you're the only one she's really opened up to, so I thought you might know.
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“Best Boi? Me? Thanks... But uhh... Setskogen... I haven’t really figured her out yet. She’s kind of scary... but I like her... and she stands up for me now and then, and she gave me shelter when I was afraid of sleeping outside in the dark after I got upset with Høland... and... She seems to warm up to those who are vulnerable and need protection, she’s kind of a caring grandma sometimes... Oh, scratch that... she’ll cuzz at me for calling her old... umm... caring mother or aunt maybe? But I don’t really know how to get her to open up, because if I talk a hole in her boiler, she’ll clam up, but sometimes when I don’t say much... she suddenly pours her heart, so I have no idea, really... Win her trust, maybe? Or just be annoying, like me? I don’t know... I’ve only been here 25 years...”
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arkfeather · 3 years
havent unfoollowed you cuzz uhh dont wanna :) friendshiop
friendshit <3
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will trade chibi arts for any a tha alpha rewards [cuzz i missed those] so if anyones intrested in tradin alpha pet/s uhh or items pleas message me with yer offers thanks my artstyle is above in tha example i can make blinking animations for em
things im lookin for:
celestial pup clerical dragoncat support bun support axe mite allso hav some extra beta rewards ta give out for trade
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Do you take cash for art instead of DV items?
uhh rite now im only lookin for alpha trades man sorry i got allot on my plate cuzz im tha artist for a nother game so no room for other comms but thanks for offerin ! 
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