#cuz my dad was confused as to why I was heading to bed so early
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enigma-the-anomaly · 2 years ago
you know how in the first hunger games book when katniss sleeps in the cave and it’s mentioned that in the dark of the cave she is allowed to move her face how she wants without having to put up a façade for the cameras. yeah that’s kinda fucked up. anyway I consider the shower and my bedroom the only ‘safe’ places where I can emote/do whatever without fear of being watched/judged by others which is kinda pathetic
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bluefirewrites · 4 years ago
‘Wake Up’
May have been inspired by WandaVision...
Julie rolled out of bed that morning in high spirits. Despite having to wake up early for school, she had a bright smile on her face the moment the alarm rang. 
She went for her closet but, as she passed the mirror, was quite confused to find herself already wearing the outfit she was planning to wear. 
But she still opened the door to her closet, sliding her hangers around to find her jacket while humming some nonsense tune. Every few articles or so she sifts through, Julie would keep coming across a white shirt. 
“Sunset Curve?” she read the logo aloud, not sure why that sounded so familiar... 
She didn’t think any of it.
Her jacket was right next to this white shirt she didn’t remember owning. 
Shrugging it on, she ran downstairs were Carlos was already going on to her dad and her aunt about whatever this week’s obsession was. 
“I’m telling you dad, there’s proof!” 
Her dad laughed as he cooked breakfast (or more like burnt it...), “Whatever you say, mijo,” 
“What is it this time?” Julie groaned, already picking up a banana from the bowl, forgoing whatever mess her dad was making in the kitchen. 
Carlos was already by her side, shoving his tablet in her face, “I saw it online! These guys went into this house at like 3AM and caught a ghost on camera! A ghost!” 
She didn’t so much glance down on the screen, already dismissing her brother’s words, but before she could open her mouth, a new voice butted in their conversation, coming from the front door. 
“Oooh a ghost? Now that’s interesting...” 
“Luke!” Julie beamed at the arrival of her boyfriend and their two friends, who had just walked in. 
He waltzed over, dumping his backpack onto the couch, and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, “Mornin’, Jules. Now what’s this I hear about ghosts?” 
Reggie pushed past Alex, who was still kicking his shoes off in the foyer, “Oooh. Show me!” he said excited, huddled over Carlos’ tablet, “Woah. That’s creepy!” 
“Do not encourage him, Carlos,” Alex finally made it to the table, “Reggie’s convinced aliens are real too.” 
“They are real!” 
“Just cuz you watch Star Wars-” 
“-Not because of Star Wars! Ask NASA-” 
“-Wh-okay. I just go and ask NASA-?” 
“-Yes. Just go and ask-” 
Luke rolled his eyes at his friends’ arguing. He reached over and picked up a piece of overcooked bacon on Carlos’ place. He took a bite. 
Julie’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight. 
“You can eat?” 
Luke raised one of his own, finishing off the bacon, “Yeah. Of course. Why? Am I not supposed to?” he joked. 
“Yes,” Julie found herself saying, “You can’t... you’re not...” 
She stopped. 
She didn’t even know what she was going to say next. 
She looked up, not realizing that she had been staring off into space, “Yes, Alex?” 
The blonde wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “Back me up here, would you? And tell this guy” he points to Reggie, who stuck his tongue at them, “that ghosts (and aliens) aren’t real.” 
“Um... er...” 
Julie... couldn’t answer that. Finding the question, and this conversation, completely absurd. 
Luckily she was saved from answering when her two besties rounded the corner, talking animatedly between each other. 
She didn’t remember hearing them come in... 
“Julie!” Carrie chirped, hugging her from behind, “Love you. Good morning, but we have a situation.” 
“What’s up?” 
Flynn settled next to her on the table, “We need a band to play at the dance this week. I’m DJ-ing of course. But we need like a killer closer.”
“But I thought Dirty Candy-?” 
“We can’t,” Carrie interrupted, and that was all she could explain, “Any chance Julie and the Phantoms could fill in?” 
“A school dance?” Luke grimaced, “Not exactly the Strip...” 
Julie couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of deja vu when she heard him say that... 
“I don’t know,” a woman’s voice carried over, appearing behind Ray, “You gotta start somewhere right? Build a following?” 
Julie nodded, “Mom’s right.” 
“She always is,” Ray remarked before kissing his wife, making Carlos gag but making Julie feel...
There was something so bittersweet about this moment, but Julie couldn’t put her finger on it. Even when she stood up and hugged her mom, something was telling her... to not let go. Not even for a second. 
“What’s wrong, Julie?” she asked, realizing that they have yet to break their hug. 
Julie blinked away tears that started to form against her better judgement. 
She pulled away, straining a smile, “Nothing. Mom.”
Julie took a look around the room, where all her loved ones were watching her with fondness in their eyes. Her gaze lingered on the three teenage boys, her boyfriend Luke among them- her boyfriend of... how many months? Years? 
Weird. She couldn’t remember how long they had been together. 
She shook her head to rid of that slightly distressing thought. And she took in the room again. 
“Nothing’s wrong...” she reiterated aloud, “Actually, everything’s... perfect.” 
Her mom beamed at her, rubbing her shoulder, “Glad to hear it. Now I think we should all get some breakfast before we send you kids off to school.”
Suddenly, Julie was back at the table, that had somehow grew in length and had just enough chairs for everyone. 
Looking down, she was surprised to find a yummy looking breakfast, completely different from what her father had cooked before...
Julie lifted the forkful of fluffy looking pancakes to her mouth when she heard the doorbell ring. 
Everyone froze. 
Julie did too. 
She turned to Luke, who clenched his jaw staring at the front door. In fact, everyone had stopped what they were doing to stare at the door, acting like the ringing was some sort of... hindrance... 
“Um... is anyone gonna get that?” she asked tentatively, put off by everyone’s reactions... 
“Why?” Victoria said, voice cold, “Everyone that’s supposed to be here is here.” 
“I know but-” 
The doorbell rang again. And Julie made the move to get up. 
“Hey,” Luke uttered softly, hand holding hers, “Just ignore it. They’ll go away. Let’s finish our food-” 
“You can’t eat,” Julie blurted out again, which only upset Luke more.  
His grip on her tightened, “Yes... I can.” 
The doorbell kept ringing. In short intervals, repeating in an almost desperate pattern. 
Her curiosity got the better of her. Julie wrenched her hand away from Luke’s hold and practically ran to the door, much to the loud protests of everyone. 
“Julie, get back here right now!” 
“It could be important!” she shouted back at them, hand on the handle and opening. 
A guy with long hair and a hoodie was standing there. His eyes had a frenzied look to them, he kept taking short, ragged breaths- all in all he looked like hell. 
Eyes widened and hands already on her shoulders, “Julie! You got to listen to me-” 
“Who even-?” 
“Don’t fall for it, Julie. We have to-” 
The strange boy tried pulling her along, but she stood her ground. 
“I don’t- I don’t know you.” 
The boy sighed, kept looking wildly around himself, “You- you don’t have to. He’s gonna find-” 
“She said she doesn’t know you,” Alex was now by her side, staring down the stranger, “What seems to be the problem here?” 
The stranger stumbled backwards, eyes widening, “A-Alex?” 
“You know him?” Julie gaped at the stranger. 
“Yes- I mean, no.” The guy shook his head furiously, “No! That’s not- That’s not Alex, Julie!” 
“What do you mean?” 
“He’s not real! This isn’t- this isn’t real. It’s all in your head,” 
Julie shook her head, “No. That’s not- this has to be, Willie.” 
The guy straightened up. 
“Yes. Yes! That’s me!” 
How- how did she know his name? But once it spilled out.. it felt right. 
It was the only thing that had felt... right. So far. 
The guy- Willie, took her by the hand again, and this time Julie wasn’t wary. She sort of wanted to follow him. 
“Look, we don’t have much time before he figures out what I escaped-” 
“Escape? He-?” 
“But we need to get you out of here. We need to-” 
Willie whirled around and a man stood there. In a dress shirt, holding a cane. 
“No.... no,” Willie held his arm out in front of Julie... as if he was trying to protect her, “Caleb. Stop this right now! Let her go, you psycho!” 
The man, Caleb, smiled a sickly sweet smile, “Now that isn’t a way to speak to your old man, is it?” 
Julie blinked and Willie faced her now, cleaned up and wearing new clothes, clothes more... befitting for the time. He stood next to Caleb, who had an almost death-like grip on the boy’s shoulder. 
“Apologies for that, miss,” Caleb greeted, “My son and I just moved in next door.” 
Willie wiggled under the Caleb’s hold, “You’re not my-!” 
“Anyways, it’s nice to make your acquaintance...?” 
“Julie,” she said, eyes on Willie the whole time. He appeared to be afraid. 
And somehow Julie knew that she should be afraid too..
She was slowly stepping backwards into the house, “Nice to meet you... But I have to go-” 
“Ah yes, get back to breakfast. Hopefully no more...” The glanced down at Willie, “interruptions.” 
“Right,” She was already inside, ready to close the door... she didn’t like how Caleb looked at her. She wanted him gone. 
“We’ll be making our leave now. Have a lovely morning, Julie,” 
With that Caleb was dragging Willie by the scruff of his shirt down her steps, the boy kept bucking trying to escape. 
“Julie! Julie!” he kept calling out to her, “You need to get out!” 
“Quiet, you!” Caleb hissed. 
Julie’s heart beat rapidly, hands shaking the doorknob, “What-? H-how?” 
“Wake up!” 
Wake up. 
Wake up?
“... if it’s all you do...” she sang softly, the words coming out along with the melody that she had been humming earlier. 
Both Caleb and Willie stopped. 
“No,” the man uttered, “Stop that.” he ordered. 
Willie grinned, “Yes. Julie! Snap out of it!” 
“Look out, look inside of you...” 
Julie turned her head, Alex was no longer next to her, back with everyone in the kitchen, who stared at her in disbelief. Her mom had rose from the table, telling her to stop. 
That made Julie’s blood run cold. 
Her mom. 
She would never... she would never to tell her to stop singing. Especially not with this song. This song that she had written for her before... before she-
Julie gasped in realization. “You’re dead.” 
Luke got up, making his way towards her, “Julie, what are you talking about?” 
She backed up, “No. You’re dead too!” 
This wasn’t real... 
None of this was real. 
She had to leave. 
This wasn’t- this wasn’t what was supposed to happen... 
Emboldened by the revelation, she kept singing, “It's not what you lost... It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain...” 
The house, her house, began fading away, replaced with any inky blackness that gave Julie more relief upon seeing it. 
She could hear Caleb shouting at her, and Willie’s encouragement to keep doing what she was doing. “It’s working! It’s working!” 
“Wake up your dream and make it true... Look out, look inside of you...” 
One by one, her friends, her family started to fade too, getting lost in the darkness.. 
Her eyes met her mom’s, and she almost stopped.
But no. 
Her mom wasn’t there. She was already gone... 
Swallowing hard, shutting her eyes, she... kept going... “It's not what you lost... Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark...” 
She took a deep breath...
“...Wake up...” 
When she opened her eyes, she found herself tied to a chair in some luxurious looking office. Jazz music playing faintly in the background. 
Caleb glowered at her from his place behind the desk. 
The memories came flooding back to her. 
The flowers, Nick- 
To the club. She was in the Hollywood Ghost Club. 
She had been there for hours. 
Julie struggled in her bindings as Caleb stalked over to her menacingly, “Now, now, now. You shouldn’t have done that.” 
“Where’s-” she looked around, “Where’s Willie? How did he-?” 
“Somehow he had found a way out of his little holding cell and came up here to cause some trouble...” he knelt down in front of her, “I’ll make sure that won’t happen again.” 
Julie scowled at him, wanting to slap the smug grin off the ghost’s face, “Again?” 
He wagged a finger at her, “You need to be preoccupied, my dear Julie. While I figure out a way to relinquish your hold on those boys.” 
“I told you, I don’t even know!” 
“Ah, but there is a way to break it. I will find out. And since you’re here” he procured a velvet bag from his back pocket, “the boys would come running in trying to save you.” 
The perfect trap... 
Julie wanted so badly to tell Caleb off, to tell him that they wouldn’t fall for it. 
But they would come barging in to come get her no hesitation. They had risked everything for her before. 
And they would do it again. 
“Now,” Caleb stuck his hand inside the bag and gathered up some purple dust, “We’ll do this one more time. And don’t fight it,” 
Her eyes widened, realizing what was happening. She squirmed some more, but to no use, “No no no-” 
“You should be grateful. I could have easily made it... unpleasant,” 
“I’ll find a way out!” 
“Let’s see how you fare without Willie’s help,” 
Then Caleb blew the powder into the face. And her eyes fluttered closed. 
“Nighty night...” she heard him say before it all went black. 
Julie jerked, hunched over her plate of breakfast. 
She felt Luke’s hand on her back, “Are you okay, Julie?” 
Lifting her head, she saw her loved ones laughing with each other, enjoying the morning. The sunlight dancing behind their heads, and her mom- 
She lifted her cup of orange juice in her direction, smiling before taking a sip. 
Julie nodded, “Yeah... I’m fine.” 
“Something wrong?” 
“Uh... no.” she said, ignoring that nagging feeling in the back of her head, “Actually everything’s great.” 
Luke smiled at her, “I’m glad. Now, pancakes?” 
“Right,” she smiled back at him. 
Then she dug into her breakfast, marveling at how good it all tasted. 
Yes, it tasted perfect. 
Everything was just... perfect. 
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omnivorousshipper · 4 years ago
Kimi giving a Mother’s Day present to the women in her life đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș Aunt Letty, Aunt Ramesy, Grandma Maggie, and last but not least Deckard (‘Cuz let’s be real he’s the biggest mom of them all)
Gosh, I am SO sorry friend!! I saw this a while ago and really, really wanted to write it, but it kept being buried in my inbox and I forgot about it. I hope you still want to read it friend!
Opening the door to Deckard's apartment, Hattie wasn't too surprised to hear a scream of excitement
"Aunt Hatts!"
Suddenly, a little body was running straight into her legs at an incredible speed
"Oof! Kimi! Not so hard next time, love " Hattie laughed and dropped her bag so she could hug the little girl back
"Sorry, Hatts." Kimiko sheepishly smiled. "But I have something for you!"
Hattie blinked in surprise
Kimiko grabbed her hand and pulled her along towards the kitchen. Hattie just barely grabbed up her bag and followed along. She smiled at her niece's enthusiasm
Hattie could only guess what she wanted to show her
"Sit! Sit!" Kimiko shoved her towards one of the stools at the kitchen counter
"Ok, ok!" Hattie laughed and sat. Patiently, she watched as Kimiko dashed from the room for a moment, just to run back in with a nice wrapped box
Taking the present, Hattie carefully unwrapped the box. The whole while, Kimiko watched her with wide eyes
Finally lifting the lid, Hattie saw that it was filled to the brim with chocolate coins
"Da said you like gold, and since you like chocolate just as much as me, I thought you'd like this!" Kimiko said quickly, looking a bit shy
"Oh, Kimi," Hattie cooed. "I absolutely love it! Thank you!"
"You're welcome!" Kimiko beamed at her
"But why now? It's not near my birthday."
"Well..." Kimiko trailed off
"Yes, love?"
"I don't have a mom, so I thought I'd give a present to you." She said quietly and didn't meet Hattie's eyes. "For mother's day."
"Oh, Kimi." Hattie put down the box and pulled the girl into a hug. "I really love it. Thank you."
Kimiko clung to her tightly. Hattie rubbed her back and said
"But, I think you gave me too many." Kimiko pulled back and stared at her in confusion. "Want to help me eat them?"
Kimiko's face lit up again
"Yes, please!"
Placing several plates into the sink, Letty heard a pair of small feet sneaking behind her
"What's up, Kimi?" She called out and smiled when she heard Kimiko whine
"How'd you know I was there?"
Turning around, Letty smiled down at the pouting girl
"I've worked with your dad, I know when people sneak up on me."
"Hmmph!" The girl scrunched up her face
"Don't pout," Hattie chuckled. "What do you need, Kimi?"
"I wanted to give you this." She said and handed Hattie a present
Carefully taking it, Letty was surprised
"What's this for?"
"I wanted to give you something for mother's day!" She smiled. "Especially since Baby Bri can't give you anything yet."
"Thank you, Kimi." Letty said sincerely and opened the present. Inside was a new socket wrench
"Da said that you keep losing tools," Kimiko informed her, and made Letty snort. Owen wasn't wrong
"Thanks, Kimi. I'll make sure to use this next time I'm fixing up my car."
"And then take me for a ride?" Kimiko looked at her excitedly
"Of course!" Letty smiled and leaned down to give her a hug
Mama Shaw
Sipping at her tea, Magdalene heard the door to her hotel suite open and several voices fill the room. Looking up, she smiled as she saw her three children and grandchildren
"There you lot are! And here I thought none of you wanted to see me!" She called out. She saw Owen roll his eyes, while Hattie and Hattie didn't look impressed
However, Kimiko broke out into a full run when she spotted Magdalene
"Grandma!" She said excitedly. "We always want to see you!"
She ran right into Magdalene's open eyes and hugged her tight
"Of course, dear. Who wouldn't want to see me?"
"A lot of people." Owen coughed, and Magdalene sent a sharp look his way
"Grandma! Here, I gave something for you," Kimiko told her and was nearly jumping up and down with her pent up energy. "Happy mother's day!"
"Thank you, love." Magdalene smiled and took the present. Opening it, she felt her heart soften at the item inside
Inside was a handcrafted necklace: it had large and small beads, with a few clears ones to look like diamonds.
"Kimi, did you make this for me?" Magdalene asked
"Yes." She said shyly. "Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!" Magdalene told her. Without hesitation, Magdalene picked the necklace up and placed it around her neck. "It's absolutely lovely."
"Knowing grandma, she won't like our gifts because yours is so good, Kimi." Hattie said
"It just means I have good taste." Magdalene sniffed, making Kimiko laugh
It was early in the morning, and Deckard had come home from shopping and was putting things away. He left certain ingredients out for breakfast
"Uncle Deck?"
Turning around, Deckard saw a sleepy Kimiko standing next to the kitchen counter and rubbing at her sleep filled eyes
"Kimi, you can go back to bed," he told her gently, but she just shook her head
"I wanted to give you this." She yawned and handed him a box with a bow on it
Taking it before the sleepy girl dropped it, Deckard opened the lid and blinked at the coffee mug inside
Pulling it out, Deckard sent a flat look towards Kimiko, who was sending him a slightly mischievous smile
"Do you like it?" She smiled
The mug said: World's #1 Mum
"Kimi, did your da put you up to this?" He asked
"Nope!" She giggled. "But it's true!"
Deckard lifted an eyebrow
"You cook for me, you read me bedtime stories when da isn't here, you help me with nightmares, and you always let me talk to you." Kimiko rambled. "You are the world's best mum!"
Deckard shook his head, but could feel himself smiling
"Thank you, Kimi."
"And da has called you a mum before." Kimiko said, sending him a cheeky smile
Deckard rolled his eyes
I hope you enjoyed friend!
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calpalirwin · 5 years ago
Dances, Dates, and Everything In Between
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Summary: It’s been almost seven years since Sebastian Irwin thought he might be gay. High school hasn’t made figuring that out any easier.
A/N: Labels are confusing. So I say (as long as it’s consensual on all ends) love whomever you want to love, and fight those who make you feel bad about it.
Content: Dad!Ashton, Teenage!Seb
Word Count: 2.5k
And away, and away we go!
“Hey, can I use the car Saturday?” Sebastian asked as he leaned in the doorway of his parents’ bedroom.
“For what?” Ashton asked.
“Homecoming dance. I made court, remember?”
“Right! You going with Ben and the rest of the guys?”
“Ben’ll be there, but we’re not going like together or anything. Was actually gonna ask Nat, but I wanted to make sure I had the car first.”
Ashton raised his eyebrows in slight surprise, sharing a glance at his wife, who just shrugged in response. “Who’s Nat?”
“Just a friend. She made court too, and we’re the only ones who aren’t already dating someone else on the court. And like.. She’s cool or whatever. It’s just a dance.”
Ashton nodded. “Yeah, I guess you can borrow the car, then.”
“Cool. You know this would be a whole lot easier if you just got me a car of my own.”
“Keep dreamin’, kid,” he laughed. “Maybe for your graduation.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the sixteen year old said with a roll of his eyes. He half turned, ready to head down the hall to his room before he turned back like he had forgotten something. “Oh! Mom, is it cool if you drop me off in the morning instead of Dad?”
“I leave like a half hour before you and Dad do, Seb. Will you be up and ready?”
“Yeah. Nat gets there early and I wanna ask before school starts.”
“Sure, bud. I can drop you off,” Y/N nodded. “When you ask her, make sure you ask the color of her dress so you can get the right color corsage and suit to match her. I can take you after school, or you can go with Dad.”
“I think I’d rather go with you. Feel like you have better experiences with corsages. I don’t wanna mess this up for Nat.”
“Hey!” Ashton said in feigned offense. “I picked out a few corsages in my day.”
Sebastian snorted. “I don’t want some vintage nineties corsage. I need something that’s cool now.”
Ashton’s feigned offense was slightly less feigned now. “I went to high school in the late two thousands, early twenty-teens! How old do you think I am?! Vintage nineties
Y/N let out a loud laugh. “Alright, that’s enough. G’night, Seb.”
“Yeah, night guys. Love ya.”
“Love ya too, bud.” Ashton waited until he heard the click of his bedroom door before whispering, “He’s taking a girl to Homecoming? He’s never taken a girl to a dance before
“Maybe he’s never wanted to?” she offered.
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “But doesn’t that make it weird that he’s taking one now?”
“You heard him. Everyone else on the court is already paired up. Like he said, he’s just taking her as a friend.”
He let out a sigh. “I know. I ju- I don’t want him to feel like he has to do what’s expected of him or hide who he is.”
“Maybe he’s not. Maybe he’s still figuring out who he is. That’s what high school’s for, isn’t it? And when has Seb ever shied away from who he is?”
 I suppose you’re right. How’d I ever get such a brainiac for a wife?”
“You had a cute son, and luck on your side,” she grinned at her husband.
“Well, do you like her?” Ben asked as the teenagers sat around Sebastian’s room.
Sebastian shrugged his shoulders. He couldn’t even begin to count how many times he’d been asked that question since word had broken out that he had asked Natalie to the dance and it had only been two days. “I mean, I’ve been friends with Nat almost as long as I’ve been friends with you. You know her as well as I do. Do you like her?”
“Yeah, I like her. But not enough to ask her to Homecoming as my date. I don’t like girls that way, dude.”
“I didn’t ask her as my date. I just asked her,” Sebastian continued to deflect.
“Do you want her to be your date? Or like your girlfriend or whatever?”
There it was. The million dollar question everyone was really asking. “I don’t know. Maybe?”
Ben’s jaw twitched at the words. He forced a painful smile, pushing up onto his feet. “Cool,” he said tightly. “I’ll see ya at school Seb.”
“Wait! I thought you were staying for dinner!”
“Yeah, I forgot I promised my moms that I’d uh
” he fumbled for an excuse as he flung his backpack over his shoulder and headed for the door. “Tell Dad and your mom I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Sebastian said flatly, lying across the bed so he could stare at the ceiling and not watch his friend basically walk away from him.
Ashton’s heard the hurried footsteps rush down the stairs. “Hey guys, dinner’s just ab- oh!” Ashton got caught off by the front door slamming shut. “‘Hey, Dad, I forgot I promised my moms I’ll be home for dinner.’ Don’t worry about it, Ben, we’ll see ya next time,” he carried out the fake conversation under his breath, listening hard for his actual son upstairs.
“GOD DAMN IT!” Sebastian’s voice hollered before something slammed.
“Think Ben just found out Seb might actually like this Nat girl?” Y/N asked as she turned off the burners on the stove.
“Sure sounds like it
 I’m gonna go check on him. Go ahead and eat without us.”
“I’ll make you guys a plate to heat up when you’re ready.”
“Thanks, love.” Ashton pressed a kiss to her hair before heading to Sebastian’s room. “Seb?” he called out, his knuckles knocking lightly against the door.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Fine. I’ll talk and you can listen. Now, open the door.”
There was a small shuffling before the door opened before Sebastian shuffled mutely back to his bed. “What the fuck?” His voice shook as he covered his face in his hands.
“Thinking you might like Nat, doesn’t mean you like Ben any less.”
“Tell that to Ben
“Dad, I don’t know what to do
 I like them both. I don’t want to hurt anyone
 I just
 I don’t know what to do! Tell me what to do!”
Ashton held his son while he fell apart, wishing against all hope that he had the magic words to make his son’s heartache go away. “You know we’re always on your side, bud. We’re always gonna love you no matter what. And if Ben and Nat are really your friends, they’ll be on your side too. Just give Ben a little time. But don’t disregard Nat in the process. You owe it to yourself to see this through.”
“How did you know the difference between loving Uncles like your brothers, and loving Mom like Mom?”
“I just knew Seb. And you’ll know too. It may not seem clear to you right now, but when it is, you’ll realize that you knew it all along.”
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Sebastian clicked his phone shut, a small smile on his face from the notifications of Ben both liking and commenting on his post. “Having fun?” Natalie asked, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
The kiss felt weird. Off. But he didn’t let it break his smile as he nodded out towards the dance floor. “Yeah! Wanna go dance?”
“I’d love to!”
He caught a glimpse of Ben as he led Natalie out on the floor, offering him a half smile and wave. Ben’s smile back didn’t quite reach his eyes the way Sebastian liked, but it was better than nothing at all. Baby steps. “You and Ben okay?” Natalie asked. “You guys have seemed off the last few days.”
“It’s nothing,” he brushed off. His fingers grazed her waist the way he had seen other guys do, swallowing the feeling of how awkward it felt.
“A lover’s quarrel is nothing?” she teased.
Sebastian laughed. “Lover’s quarrel? Me and Ben? You’re joking.”
“Oh, c’mon. Everyone knows you two have been a thing since grade school. You’re gonna tell me you guys aren’t actually together?”
“You think if we were I would’ve asked you here?”
“Oh, so you’re bi?”
“I- I don't know what I am
“You don’t really think that. You know. You just don’t want to say it out loud.”
“Does everybody know but me? God, I’m going fuckin crazy
“Seb, did you really ask me to the dance because you like me? Or did you ask me because we were the only ones on the court who didn’t have a date?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course I like you, Nat!”
“Then why haven’t you asked me out before?”
“Because I-”
She reached her hand up to caress his cheek and he leaned into the touch, closing his eyes as his bottom lip started to quiver. “Seb, I’m not mad.”
“I’m sorry
” he whispered.
“Don’t be. Only Seb Irwin would be sweet enough to ask me to the dance so I had a date even though he’d rather be with the boy across the room. So go. Be with Ben.”
His eyelids fluttered open to look at her sorrowfully. “I ruined your night, didn’t I?”
“You didn’t ruin anything, you giant goof. I said yes to coming with you, didn’t I? Rather be here a good friend who has no interest in me than some tool of the football team.”
Sebastian chuckled despite himself. “I’m still sorry, Nat. I do like you. But
“But you’ve been in love with Ben since fourth grade. Yeah. We all know. Well
” she looked over at Ben who quickly averted his gaze like he hadn’t been watching his friends. “Maybe not all of us. Now go. No sense in your and Ben’s night actually being ruined.”
“You’re the best, Nat,” Sebastian told her, pressing a swift kiss to her cheek. He shuddered as he pulled back.
Natalie laughed. “Yeah, you didn’t like that too much, did ya?”
Sebastian pulled a face, shaking his head. “Nope. That actually really sucked. Alright. I’m gonna go talk with Ben. We’ll have that dance later?”
“Course,” she told him, before giving his chest a shove. “Now go!”
“Hey,” Sebastian said once he got within earshot of Ben.
“Hey. You know if you really wanted to match with your date, you should’ve gotten yellow Chucks, not red ones.”
“Nat’s not my date. We’re just here as friends.”
“What happened to maybe wanting her to be your girlfriend?”
“It became a definite no. Cuz, uh
 apparently I’m gay.”
“Wow. No one could’ve seen that one coming.”
Sebastian pushed Ben’s shoulder lightly. “Shut up,” he laughed.
“Well I’m glad you finally figured yourself out, Seb.”
“Oh. Did I leave out the part where I was in love with you? Damn, coulda swore I sa-” Sebastian’s eyes went wide when Ben’s lips collided with his. When Ben started to pull back, Sebastian hooked a finger under the other boy’s chin, pulling him back in. “Nuh-uh,” he whispered as their lips reconnected.
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“Huh, so Seb’s gay,” Luke nodding approvingly at his phone.
“Did you loan out your brain cell again, Luke?” Michael joked, chucking a throw pillow at the other man. “Course the kid’s gay.”
“Remember how we all teased Ash when he first told us he was gonna have a kid? How we said he was gonna have a hell of a time when that kid started dating? Well, how goes it Ash?” Calum laughed. “Your kid’s been on two dates in two days.”
Ashton gave a shake of his head as he laughed. “I’m just glad it’s Ben this time.”
Luke inhaled deeply as an idea came to him. “Oh! I should take Seb out shopping!”
“Gonna get him some glittery boots and turn him into an eccentric cowboy?” Michael scoffed. “Nah. I’ll take him shopping.”
Calum snorted and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, cuz gamer goth is so much better than eccentric cowboy
“At least I won’t buy him blue jeans with holes in the crotch!” Michael shot back.
“Oi!” Ashton spoke up. “For one, Seb doesn’t need glittery boots. He’s sixteen. Which means he definitely doesn’t need jeans with holes in the crotch.”
“Ha!” Michael grinned in triumph.
“For another, Michael,” Ashton kept going, “Seb has plenty of clothes. And he doesn’t want us to make this a thing, guys. He’s still Seb.”
The other three men shared a look, smirks on their faces. “So all of us are taking him shopping, then?”
“Taking who shopping?” Sebastian’s voice asked, making all the men jump.
“How was your date with Ben?” Ashton asked.
 just went for coffee.” Sebastian waved his empty cup as evidence. “Who’s going shopping?”
“Your uncles thought that you could use some new clothes.”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow skeptically, but decided to see how far he could push his uncles sudden burst of extra generosity. “Can I drive the Tesla?”
“Sure,” Michael agreed, tossing him the keys.
Sebastian grinned, and Ashton mentally prepared himself for just how far the teenager would push his uncles, as he watched the four of them embark on their shopping expedition.
Only an hour, and thankfully one shopping bag later, the small army laughed their way back into the house. Ashton took one look at his son and understood why his son only had one shopping bag, as Sebastian now sported a small stud on one of his earlobes and a matching one in his nose. “What the fuck, Luke?!”
“What?” Luke asked innocently.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “It’s not a big deal, Dad. You have your ear pierced.”
“It’s not your ear I’m concerned with, it’s your fuckin’ nose!”
“So? Uncle Luke had a lip ring and Uncle Mike had an eyebrow piercing when they were my age.”
“Coulda been worse, mate. We talked him out of the tattoo,” Calum smirked.
Ashton’s eyes went wide. “Tattoo?! Sebastian, you are sixteen! What the bloody hell do you need a tattoo for?!”
Y/N, who had been watching the scene unfold from where she was at the kitchen table grading papers, couldn’t keep her giggles in anymore, her loud laugh erupting across the house. “Ash, you need to relax. They’re teasing, love.” She dabbed at her eyes as she caught her breath.
“Well the piercings are real, Mom,” Sebastian told her.
“And they look great, bud.” She ruffled his hair affectionately as she passed by him on her way to Ashton. “Why don’t you text Ben, and invite him over for dinner.”
“Cool. I’ll be up in my room.”
“Seb, wait,” Ashton said, quickly following after him.
Sebastian paused at the staircase. “Yeah, Dad?”
“If you’re serious about a tattoo, I’ll take you.”
Sebastian laughed. “Dad, we were just fucking with you. I don’t actually want a tattoo. Not right now anyway. And even if I did, you really think I’d rather go with Uncle Luke than you? He hardly has any himself.”
“Alright. I’ll call up when dinner’s done.”
“Okay. Hey, Dad?”
“Yeah, bud?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Seb.”
Tag List
@frontmanash​​ @goeatsomelife​​ @flameraine​​ @creator-appreciator​​ @cxddlyash​​ @1-irwin-94​​ @sparkling-calm​​ @tea4sykes​​ @youngblood199456​​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @aquarius-hood1996​​ @talkfastromance4​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @boomerash​​ @teenwolfss24​​ @heyheyarnold​ (thank you for all your help! you rock!)
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peachyaone · 5 years ago
Lonely Heart pt2
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Pairings: Lierra x OC
Warnings: Mentions of abuse. and Luke being an ass for 1.5 seconds.
It was pouring. Iris was shaking and her legs burned. She was soaked to the skin. She felt so tired, mentally, and physically. "Almost there." She thought. She quickly walked to the apartment door and knocked. She heard shuffling and the lock open. "Holy shit, you're drenched!" He said. "Yeah, No shit Sherlock." She said. He quickly stood aside and Iris shuffled in. Katniss, Iris's Golden Retriever, ran towards her and practically tackled her. Iris gave her a soft smile and pet her. "Hey Katniss, did Ashy treat you well? " She cooed. Katniss lets out a bark. She held Katniss close and started sobbing. Ashton, who came back with a warm towel, rushed to her side and kneeled beside her. "Hey... Sunshine, why are you crying? Did something happen? Do I have to beat someone up?" He said, wrapping the towel around her and slowly stroked her back. She leaned against him, her tears falling even faster. Katniss tried to wipe them by nuzzling her face into Iris's. "Luke and Sierra thought that I cheated on them." She said, sobbing. "What?! You were at the bar the whole week with Amera, right?" He said. "Yes, I was with them. But I drank too much today, they stopped me before I took it too far. They called me an Uber and even help me get into the car, paps took some photos and claimed that they were my new lover." She said, her hand gripping his shirt, tightly. "Did you tell them that Amera was asexual and was interested in men, right?" He asked. "I tried, they didn't have me a chance to explain." She sighed. "I'll go to my room, okay?" She said. "Wait. There's something you're not telling me. What is it?" He said. She avoided his eyes. She mumbled something that Ashton couldn’t hear. "Come on, sunshine. Tell me." He said, his hands were on her shoulders, making her face him. "Luke called me a whore..." She was looking at him now, her eyes were filled with tears again. "WHAT?! That ass-" "Ash, please. Don't be angry. It's okay. I haven't been honest about my whereabouts either, I didn't tell them I was at the bar, drinking because I was having nightmares about my abusive and toxic exes." She said, quietly. "But still, he can't just call you a whore though," he said, angrily. "Ash, calm down. You're scaring me," she said. He sighed and rubbed her shoulder in a comforting manner. "Sorry," he said. "I think I want to go on tour a day early. I’ll talk to my bandmates and Ashley, I can't stay here anymore. Besides, it's great to reunite with some old friends, right?" She said. "Yeah, I think Ashley will appreciate that. She has been waiting for this day. To tour with your band." Iris chuckled. "I believe it was the other way around, Ashton," she said. He laughed.
*Timeskip cuz I Idk how to write*
“You’re gonna meet Ashley at the waiting bay right?” Calum said. Iris nodded. Calum and Michael rushed to the airport when they found out that Iris is leaving early. Luke and Sierra were nowhere to be seen. Iris’s heart broke. She was hoping what happened yesterday was just some twisted dream. She sighed and hugged the three of them. “We’re gonna miss you, buttercup,” Michael said. She smiled at the nickname. “M’gonna miss your dumb asses too.” she joked. “Heeeeey” Ashton whined. Calum ruffled her short hair, making Iris giggle. “Come on, You’re gonna be late,” Calum said. “Alright, Dad.” she joked. “Hey, you can’t go around calling people that. Luke will start a riot.” Michael teased. Her body tensed. Ashton smacked the back of Michael’s head and Calum glared at him. Michael's eyes widened and mouthed “sorry” to Iris. She simply smiled and mouthed “It’s okay” to him.
She waved goodbye as she walked to the security check. Her heart felt heavy. She didn’t know what to feel anymore.
*Meanwhile in Luke’s apartment*
After Iris walked out of the apartment, Sierra broke down. Luke held back his tears while holding Sierra in his arms. He felt confused and angry. He saw the look in Iris’s eyes earlier, he saw betrayal and hopelessness. He was confused about why she would feel betrayed when she was the one that did the wrong thing. He just held Sierra tighter and whispered comforting things in her ear.
After a few moments of them holding one another, they headed to bed. Sierra went out like a light while Luke was staring at the blank ceiling. Many thoughts filled his head. Why? Why would she cheat on them? Weren’t they enough? “Oh my God, I called her a whore!” He thought. He knew that Iris never liked these like kind of words because it reminded her of the past relationships. He remembered the time that when they were 19, where she came home beaten up from her ex-boyfriend. He never wanted to murder someone badly at that moment.
Someone was knocking on his door at 3 a.m in the morning. Luke groaned and shouted, “I’m coming!” he opened his door to reveal Iris, who had a black eye and multiple bruises on her body. “Luke...” she said before collapsing. He panicked and decided to bring her inside. He put her on his couch, quickly reaching for his phone, and text the boys.
Luke: GUYS!
Michael: What the hell Luke. It’s 3 in the morning!
Calum: Why are you complaining? It’s not like you’re sleeping anyways!
Luke: It’s an emergency!
Ashton: What’s wrong Luke?
Luke: It’s Iris.
Calum, Michael, Ashton: We’re coming over.
He threw his phone at the loveseat next to his couch. He went to the kitchen to grab some ice. When he came back, Iris was already trying to sit up. “Hey, don’t try to get up yet. You’re still disoriented,” he said. “Is he here? Oh my God, he’s coming for me. You got to run, Luke. He’s gonna-” she rambled. “Buttercup, hey, hey, hey, calm down for me, okay?” he reassured her. “Who’s coming for you? Why do I have to run?” he asked. “Daniel, he- he’s angry. He’ll hit people when he’s angry,” she said. Suddenly, rapid knocks came from the door. Iris screamed and held on to Luke.
He held her close while they both walked to the door. Luke looks through the peephole. It was the boys. He opened the door Ashton went in a hugged Iris. He looked at her up and down. His wants worried face turn into anger. "Who did this? Tell me Sunshine. Who hurt you?" Ashton asked. "Close the door, will you Luke?" She whispered. And he did. Michael and Calum were angry too. "It- it was Daniel," she said. Luke and Ashton sprang up. They look like they wanted to murder someone. Michael put a hand on their shoulders to calm them down. Calum sat beside her and stroked her back. "Why did he hit you, buttercup?" He asked, softly. "This time I did make dinner he came back drunk-" "What do you mean by "this time"? Iris, did he hurt you before?" Luke asked angrily. "Lucas let her finish," Calum said. He looked at her. "He came home drunk, screaming profanities, and called me a whore as well..." She said, sobbing. A sharp intake of breath can be heard from Ashton. "Why?" Calum asked. "He doesn't like me hanging around you guys." She said. "So he'll "punish" me for doing so." She said, crying. Luke was fuming.
Speaking of the devil, there were shouting outside the apartment. “I know you’re in there you bitch!” the voice shouted. Iris held on to Calum shirt, She was shaking badly. Michael and Ashton marched towards the door. They opened the door to see a very intoxicated Daniel. "Get out of my way, I'm here for Iris." He mumbled, angrily. "No, we will not move," Ashton said. Daniel saw Iris holding on to Calum on the couch and became more violent. "There you are, slut!" He shouted. Michael and Ashton tried holding him back. " What did you call her?!" Luke said loudly. " A fucking slut." Daniel sneered. Luke's fist was on Daniel's face in a matter of seconds. Daniel staggered and fell. "Don't. Ever. Call. Her. That. or you'll never see the light of day again. He said between punches. Michael held Luke back, Ashton roughly grabbed Daniel's shirt collar. "If I ever see you within a mile-radius from Iris again you'll be a dead man." Ashton threatened. Daniel cowered and ran away. Luke kneeled in front of Iris. Iris lets go of Calum's shirt and fell into Luke's arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist. She was crying harder. Luke held her tightly. (but not too tight.) With one arm steadying her waist, and another one rubbing her back. "It's okay, buttercup. We're here. I'm here."
*End of Flashback*
He snapped awake from his daydream from the sound of his phone’s ringtone. He got up and answered his phone. “Hello?” Luke said. "Lucas Robert Hemmings, you fucking asshole!" Ashton shouted through the phone. "Why the fuck are you shouting, Ash. It's fuckin' 4am!" Luke whisper-shouted. "You don't know how badly I wanna beat your ass right this second." He said angrily. "What did I do?" He said. "WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU CALLED IRIS A WHORE, THAT'S WHAT YOU DID!" Ashton shouted again. Luke rubbed his face and sighed. "She was cheating-" "She wasn't cheating, you dumbass! She was at the bar, drinking. The woman that YOU thought Iris was cheating on you with was an old friend of ours. Their name is Amera, They’re in a serious relationship and are asexual. So there's no fuckin' way that Iris cheating on you. You know that she knows how painful it is of getting cheated on. So do you both really think that she'll do that?!" Ashton scolded him. And now Luke knew, he fucked up. "Shit, Ash...." He whispered. "Yes, shit. You hurt her Luke. She came to my home, soaked through from running in the rain. She was trying not to cry in front of me, Lucas. Calum and Michael know about this as well. And god knows what they'll do with you, Lucas. I swear, if you don't do anything to fix this, you'll lose a great one. She's the one that put up through all your shit since day one, you got that?" Ashton said. "Yes...yes I got it," Luke said, regretfully. “Good. Now I’ll let you go make an apology. And a really good one.” Ashton said before hanging up. Luke sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. 
Movement can be heard from behind him. “Luke?” He heard Sierra whisper. “Sorry I woke you up,” Luke said. “No, No, It’s okay. What wrong?” Sierra said, slowly making her way towards him. “Honey.....We fucked up.” He whispered. “ Sorry, I can’t hear you well enough. Can you repeat it?” she said.
“We fucked up.”
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goldgalaxytea-fanfics · 5 years ago
Forget me not
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Relationship: Keith Kogane x Lance McClain
Characters: Lance, Lance’s family,  Unnamed generic doctors, Original Therapist character, Keith, Shiro, Hunk, Pidge | Katie Holt
Additional Tags:  Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Memory Loss, Amnesia, Healing, Therapy, Crying, Recovered Memories, Hugs, group hug, Kissing, kissing while crying, Boys Kissing, Langst
Words: 955
Lance returned home after he'd been missing for months, except he had no memories of where he had been, or anything before his disappearance for that matter. Though when he slept, his dreams were full of colorful lions, space, and people in colored armor that seemed oddly familiar...
I wrote the rough draft for this about a year or two ago and finally edited it last night cuz no matter how many years pass I'll always love VoltronđŸ„ș 
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It had been a few weeks since Lance had “returned”. At least, that's what everyone told him. His family, his therapist and everyone else he supposedly knew all said the same thing. He'd been attending some kind of space school when one night he just vanished into thin air. But it wasn't just him, two other kids that also attended the school were missing as well. There was no trace of any of them anywhere up until a few months ago when Lance had shown up out of nowhere in his bedroom. At least, everyone told him it was his bedroom. He doesn't remember ever seeing it before. The posters on his walls displayed movies he never watched. The photos beside his bed showed him with people he never met before. The clothes in his closet held outfits he never bought. Nothing in there meant anything to him. Someone could tell him it wasn't his room and he'd believe them without a second thought.
His family, or at least the people who said they were his family, were happy to see him when he appeared. They heard loud noises coming from “his room” and had rushed up to see what the commotion was. They had all stood frozen in shock when they found him stumbling about "his room", confused about where he was. They had all hugged him and cried, but he screamed and yelled. He didn't know who those people were. They thought it was a joke at first, tried laughing it off as some prank he was playing. But as the moments passed and he continued to stare at them in fear, the hard truth finally set in. They had been heartbroken when they learned that he truly didn't remember anything. So they explained. 
They told him about themselves and about his life before he “vanished”. He listened to every word, every story, but a few minutes later it disappeared from his mind like a puddle on a sunny day. Once again he was surrounded by complete strangers and so he started to panic all over again. His "family’s” hearts broke even more. They kept explaining everything to him as they took him to see “someone who would help”. They had doctors look at his brain and what they found baffled everyone. The X-rays showed hundreds of lines all over his brain, skull and neck. There had been a severe amount of blunt force trauma to his head. The Frankenstein monster like healed seams suggested his head was cracked open like an egg.
Yet they had no idea what exactly had caused it nor how he had been able to physically heal from it. The amount of force needed to injure his brain that terribly should've killed him. Or if he was lucky it would've put him on the verge of death. Even then no human technology could've helped in time, he would've died within minutes from the wounds. There’s no way Lance should be alive right now, yet here he was

That left his “family” even more confused. Where exactly had he gone? What had he done to injure himself so badly? How did he manage to survive an injury that was guaranteed to end him? Their questions were all left unanswered, for the only person able to answer them didn't even know.
They then learned that there wasn't a surgery they could do to help with his memory. There was nothing physical they could fix and magically make better. If his mind was going to heal it would have to do it on its own. The doctor said there was a small chance that with time Lance would be able to retain memories again, and an even smaller chance that he'd remember his old memories. That made his “family” sad, but they were at least happy there was a possibility of getting “their Lance” back. But Lance didn't know what to think of everything going on around him when he woke up on a cold metal table. He was surrounded by people crying their hearts out, scary looking metal tools and people in white coats observing his every move. He didn't know what this place was, or who those people were.
Lance started to scream.
As time went on, Lance started retaining memories. By some miracle he seemed to be recovering. It started with his name, Lance. Then he was able to remember where he was, his house. And then he was able to gradually remember his family, all their names and who they were to him. After that he was slowly able to remember the stories they told him about them, himself and his life before the accident. 
Lance was also regularly going to a therapist (the doctors had suggested it, saying it could help him). He was even able to eventually remember her. She was a woman somewhere in her late twenties with long brown hair styled into a messy bun. Her outfit changed everyday, but her bright red glasses were always the same. Her name was Lilly. Wait, that wasn't right. Lilu. Her name was Lilu. Lance paused, trying his best to remember. That wasn't her name, it was a nickname. The woman said it'd be easier to remember and it was less formal than calling her by her last name. Surprisingly though, the first thing that Lance remembered about her wasn't her name. It was her glasses, or more specifically her red glasses. That was the only thing he was able to remember about her for quite awhile. He'd just refer to her as Red. But that hadn't felt...right. For some reason he felt like the name belonged to someone, or something, else. When he first told his therapist about it she figured the color red must be in some way important to him. Possibly it was the color of someone close or important to him. But Lance didn't know who or what the color was connected to. And that made him upset, yet he didn't even know why 
As he got better, he started to have strange dreams. He never remembered them when he woke up, except for a few bits and pieces. Space, lions and people in some kind of colored armor. The one that stood out the most to him was the person in red. Lance didn't know who they were or what they looked like, but he'd wake up feeling like he was forgetting something important. This left him frustrated. He was tired of not being able to remember stuff, even if it was just a dream. 
His dreams continued and it was always the same story. Space, lions, those people, waking up and barely remembering the dream, the feeling that he forgot something important, that person in red
 Lance was getting tired of it. He desperately wished that something would change. Eventually, he got his wish.
It had been exactly a year since Lance had returned. Nothing about the day felt different, just a normal Saturday. He woke up to his alarm, his therapist appointment was early today. But when he awoke he didn't scream in frustration like he usually did. Instead he sat there, eyes and mouth wide open in shock. His dream had been different that night. He remembered it, he remembered all of the details, including what the people looked like. Except he didn't know their names. He was upset about that fact, but that didn't stop a large grin from spreading across his face. He was finally able to remember the dream that had been eluding him for almost half a year. Lance jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed, excited to go tell his therapist about what had happened. Lance hoped that this meant he was getting better. He didn't realize it also meant other things...
He burst into his therapist’s room, excitement bouncing off of him in waves. The door slammed into the wall with a loud BANG. Lilu didn't seem to mind though, she just looked up from the book she was reading (something about Person Jackie and the Olympics? Lance was too excited to really read the title) and smiles at him. 
“You sure seem excited this morning, Lance. What's up?”
Lance grinned. 
“I remembered my dream!”
Lilu set down her book as Lance walked over and got comfy in the chair in front of her desk. 
“Really? That's good, Lance!”
The woman reached into her desk and pulled out a notebook and a pencil. She opened the book and then glanced at Lance, smiling softly. 
“Do you want to tell me about it?”
Lance smiled and nodded.
“So it takes place in space. There's giant colorful lions and they fight a bad guy who's trying to take over the universe.”
His name is Zarkon
Lilu nodded, making notes about what Lance said. 
“Except they aren't actual lions, they're robots. And there's people that fly them. And when they combine together, they make one giant badass robot!”
It's called Voltron
Lilu glanced up at him. 
“Who were the pilots?”
Lance paused for a moment, thinking. 
“There's four of them.”
There's five
“There's three guys and a girl.”
You're forgetting someone
“The leader, he wears black armor and he's very muscular. And he has a robotic arm that's a weapon. How cool is that? His weapon is the ultimate bitch slap!”
This earned him a laugh from Lilu. She silenced herself and gestured for him to continue. 
“He's also the oldest and he acts like he's the dad of the others. He's really amazing! He makes the best leader. Oh! And he pilots the black lion!”
Lilu nodded, “Do you know his name?”
Lance’s face scrunched up. Trying to remember, but finding nothing. His head started to hurt. 
“The only name I can think of is space dad.”
His name is Shiro
Lance stopped trying to remember the name and the pain slowly faded away.
“Then there's this big guy in yellow armor. But he's the good kind of big, like he would give amazing hugs! He's also hands down the best cook ever! He's a really nice dude! He has a big heart. He pilots the yellow lion!”
Lilu wrote some things down in the notebook. 
“Are you able to remember his name?”
Lance's head began to hurt again. 
“No, I can't
His name is Hunk
Lance stopped trying to remember.
“Then there's this small girl with short light brown hair, big round glass and green armor. She may be tiny, but she's mighty! You don't want to mess with her. I know from experi-” Lance stopped suddenly, gripping his head in pain.
You know from experience
Lilu put down her pencil, concerned about the boy in front of her. 
“Lance? Lance, are you okay?”
No he's not, he doesn't remember!
Lance stopped thinking and the pain slowly eased away. Lance let go of his head and smiled nervously. 
 I'm fine
 Anyway, she's super smart and good with technology! And she pilots the green lion!”
Lilu glanced over at him, still concerned about the man before her, but let him continue.
“Her name was K- wait no it's-”
Once again his face scrunched up in pain, but he couldn't remember. Lance sighed and stopped.
“And then there's this guy who has red armor-”
Lance's chest hurt.
“-and a mullet. A mullet, can you believe it? But-”
Lance's eyes burned.
“-it looked good on him. He piloted the red Lion. He was my-”
A choked scream burst from Lance as his face contorted in pain again, but this time it was different. His head wasn't the only thing that hurt, so did his heart. He gasped, struggling to make the pain go away.
Before he knew it there were arms wrapped around him, and without thinking Lance muttered a name he didn't know or understand.
I'm here, Lance!
Lilu pulled away, her face full of concern. She held out some tissues to Lance. He just stared at her, confused. She put the tissues in his hand.
“Lance, you're crying
He reached up and touched his cheek. Sure enough, there were tears. He was crying, and he didn't know why...
Lance jumped, startled from his thoughts. He looked at her, eyes blank, mind racing.
“-who's Keith?”
His boyfriend!
Lance struggled against the avalanche of pain.
“I...don't know
You do know!
Lance cried harder, the pain getting too intense.

Please, you have to remember!
“Please, you have to remember!” He raised his fist, about to slam it into the side of the building.​ “You have to-”
The man’s cry was cut short. He stood there, unable to move, but his mind racing. His red armor shined brightly in the sun.
He met the gaze of the man in Black armor and glared at him, but then he noticed his face. It was sad, and his eyes were wet. With a start, Keith realized so was his. Shiro cleared his throat.
“I'm sorry. I know you miss him and you're hurting. We all understand​ how you feel
Keith let his gaze wander to the other two standing with them. Hunk and Pidge had streams of tears running down both of their faces. Keith choked on a sob as he let his arm fall limp. Shiro released his grip on the Red Paladin's arm. Keith collapsed, sobs shaking his entire body. Shiro caught him before he hit the ground. The older man held him tight as he clung to him.
 I'm sorry, I really am
 but we need to go. He doesn't remember us, we might make things worse for his mind
Keith’s sadness quickly turned to anger, an old defense habit of his. He knew it wasn't good for him, but right now he didn't care. He forcefully pulled himself out of Shiro’s embrace.
“How can you say that?!” Keith snarled, barely able to see anything through his tears. “How can you give up on him?! He's starting to remember! He's remembering who he is!! Who we all are!!! How could you just give up on him
The end of Keith's yelling turned into a whisper. He blinked the tears out of his eyes, finally able to see clearly again. Shiro was crying just as hard as he was. Keith glanced at Pidge and Hunk, both sobbing as they held onto each other. Keith screamed, his voice strained and pained as he kicked the side of the building. His foot throbbed in pain, but he didn't care at the moment. Keith took deep breaths and stared at the ground. He couldn't meet anyone's eyes.
 sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad or yelled I just
 it hurts so much I just
 I just can't
” Keith trailed off, still refusing to meet their gazes. He saw Shiro approach but didn't move. The older boy put a hand on his shoulder.
 it's alright. You're upset, I understand what you're feeling
 I want him back too, more than anything
 but, we can't. We tried our best but he just
 he doesn't remember
 I'm sorry
” Shiro tried his best to reassure him as he pulled him into another hug. Keith gladly returned it, eyes closing as he tried his best to calm down.
It was a nice moment, until he felt a new pair of eyes on him. Instantly his eyes flew open, worried someone had spotted them. When he found the source his eyes widened, hope daring to raise inside of him again. A few feet away, a pair of bright blue eyes met his.
Lance didn't know what came over him. One minute he was doubled over in pain in his therapist's room, and the next thing he knows the pain is gone and he's staring at the people from his dream. He didn't remember hearing screaming from outside, he didn't remember Lilu asking him where he was going, he didn't remember anything about following the strangely familiar voices, but he did remember the people that stood before him. Silent tears flooded his face as he finally remembered everything.
He remembered running away from the Garrison and ending up in space. He remembered Blue, his lion. He remembered becoming the Blue Paladin of Voltron. Along with his friends, the other Paladins. He remembered every fight, every mission, every injury. He remembered how he forgot.
A mission they thought was over, ruined by a surprise blast from a barely conscious galra guard. Keith had been distracted, too busy kissing Lance in celebration to notice. As they pulled back, Lance had seen the blast a second too late. He couldn't push Keith out of the line of fire in time so he switched places with him. The blast destroyed his jetpack and sent him flying over the edge of a steep fall. He had landed head first, skull cracking on impact. The other paladins had managed to get Lance into a healing pod just in time to save his life, but they couldn't save his memories. He had awoken and panicked, not knowing anything at all. But no matter how many times they explained things to him, it would simply vanish from his mind a few minutes later. It had been a hard decision, but they were left with no choice. He was in no state to fight and they weren't able to look after him until he got better. If he got better
 So with teary eyes they took him back to his family on Earth. Lance sobbed, how could he forget his family, his friends, his boyfriend?
A hand gently wiped his tears away. Startled, Lance's bright blue eyes meet violet ones.
"Keith!" Lance grabbed the black haired man's face and pulled it to his, smashing their lips together in a messy kiss. Keith jolted in surprise before trying to return it, his broken sobs making it difficult. The brunette pulled away first. "I-"
"Please tell me you remember
" Keith whispered. Words quiet, as if he spoke louder it would cause the man before him to disappear once again. Lance gave a small peck to his cheek.
"I remember everything. I missed you guys, even if I couldn't remember you till now." He said with a smile. Next thing he knew, Lance was being crushed by four pairs of arms covered in suits of armor. No one could tell who's limbs or tears were who's as the five just held each other and cried, so happy to finally be reunited.
"We missed you too, Lance."
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Fun fact! This was based on a short story I wrote in middle school about a Homestuck fan session involving my friends lol
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jesslivesau · 4 years ago
jess au @iloveeverythingwaytoomuch
pre show jess: doesn't know anything except that sam told her some fucked up shit and she didn't really believe him much like amelia didn't believe jimmy but what's clear to her is that sam's upbringing was deeply fucked up in what might've been some kind of apocalypse doomsday cult and she can say "sam, it wasn't real" as much as she can til she's blue in the face but it isn't going to change the fact that sam is Deeply Fucked Up by Shit. and it upsets her and confuses her but he does a good job of setting it aside or knowing when to give in and he's such a sweet and Loving Dude otherwise so she just files it away in her bf trauma bank and keeps cheering him on
s1 jess: your bf's CRAZY brother shows up says he needs help finding your bf's CRAZY dad who may or may not have been part of a doomsday cult and you say, bitch i watched the heaven's gate documentary there is NO WAY i'm letting you leave with him, but he's not gonna Stay cuz he insists it's just for one night (and his brother DOES seem relatively stable, like, as a person), so jess insists she'll go too. while she's in the back seat sam tells dean he told her everything dean's like lol. sure. you believe in ghosts, sweetheart? and jess is like no but i do believe that i'll kick your ass if we don't get home in time for sam's interview tomorrow morning. and then the whole white woman thing happens and she's like oh fuck it's REAL but they DO GO HOME and instead of jess dying on the ceiling there's like idk ghost mary on the ceiling or some shit and they NARROWLY escape the fire together andddd idk they can't go back to stanford cuz it's not safe and their apartment complex literally went up in flames. there’s a more complex reason here but idk what it is. maybe it was brady (demon brady) who died or something IDK LISTEN ITS JUST AN AU
anyway all of season 1 when they’re trying to track down john jess is the voice of reason asking why do they need john in the first place? And eventually sam is like listen we don’t need HIM but if he’s got research on where yellow eyes is, that’s what we need. and dean is mad about that and he’s mad at jess and they bicker like crazy. and sam sleeps on the floor because dean is like dude cmon. don’t make me sleep in the same room as you and your gf together. maybe meg gets replaced by meg possessing jess, and she doesn’t get thrown out the window so when they exorcise her she just needs a hospital and then she’ll be ok. and that would explain why she’s in the hospital and not there for the finale, but can meet up with sam & john & dean in the hospital after
s2 jess: sam is so consumed by grief and fear that jess is actually the first one to notice that dean’s spirit might still be still Around. i’m imagining a scene where sam is asleep next to dean’s bed and jess is awake, and she slowly looks around towards dean and you see ghost!dean Connecting with her for the first time
obviously, all the grief episodes keep happening. maybe jess got seriously hurt as well tbh so she goes back to her parents house to recover; there’s an episode where the boys go meet her parents and dean and sam’s Daddy Issues come out in full force. eventually jess is back and kicking ass and slowly getting along more with dean, partially perhaps because of dean’s Grief Response to john’s death, which is that all the anger and hate comes bubbling up, and jess is like i don’t fucking know this dude, but from what sam’s told me, i hate him, which is not something that sam is in a position to Deal With right now. things proceed pretty much along the course
i am considering now if jess could also be a special child. she also has some kind of psychic abilities but i’d have to choose something cool for her. anyway if she IS then that gets her in the town with sam in all hell breaks loose which i think is the best place for her during that arc? i know all the other special children supposedly had to die but maybe her psychic power was to go inviisble or something lmfao i don’t fucking know. anyway dean has his sad monologue but jess either (a) fully shuts down or (b) just goes STRAIGHT to hunt down whatever the fuck his name is. jake? leverage man? that would be dope actually. and then actually dean, sam, bobby, and ellen actually meet her at the hell’s gate
s3 jess: truly does not understand why they’re hunting. gets into arguments with the boys all the time about how this is pointless, if you’re not gonna try and save yourself then why can’t you just put it down and let yourself have this year?? and dean’s a little bit like you know what jessica that makes a lot of damn sense. but it makes sam mad and they argue a lot about it and jess probably takes off halfway through the season. maybe after malleus maleficarum? partly cuz that’s the ep where ruby more or less becomes part of the team and also when she confirms that she can’t save dean from hell. and i just feel like jess would be like i cannot.... Sit Here.... and watch you both drive yourself into the ground. dean, if you’re gonna die, sam’s coming after you. you knew that. you just didn’t want him to go first.
maybe dean hits her lmfao and sam screams at him for it and jess just Walks Away, tearfully
s4 jess: so jess bailed midway through s3, but when dean wakes up and starts making calls in that phonebooth, he calls bobby and bobby hangs up, so he calls jess. and she comes and gets him.
jess and sam are obviously not together anymore, but jess is totally civil with sam and even with ruby. she’s like we can work together, it’s fine, whatever. and this is the season where dean and jess really bond and become a good Team. and cas is just usually confused why jess is Around but eventually gets used to her. i’ve toyed with jess being jewish which would lend a good and also funny perspective to all the heaven and hell stuff
jess heard about hell first from dean, but not the specifics of the stuff that dean told sam, not until after on the head of a pin. she’s their Lore Expert on seals and is trying to identify as many of them as possible so they can put in place safeguards, and maybe that bumps her up against angel priorities for an episode. maybe we get an episode where cas has to Threaten her 00 and he can say something like sam and dean are important..... you are not. remember that. and then [flappy wings vanish]
uhhhh jess’s siren in the siren episode....... is just like a carbon copy of sam lmfao. which is extremely funny and sam and jess will both kind of awkwardly clear their throats and not address that. i guess jess is just fucking stuck with bobby during the finale because the point of her presence is that she’s so USELESS to both demons and angels
s5 jess:  i’d probably add in an early episode where her parents are killed, probably by demons because the demons know they can’t touch the winchesters due to angel shit but they can fuck up jess as much as they want. then when sam and dean temporarily split up jess would go with dean cuz she’s a hunter now and has nowhere else to go and it doesn’t feel right to just sit around with sam. or maybe she also leaves and splits up and doesn’t stick with dean cuz she’s processing her own traumatic shit. at any rate, early in the season there’s a moment where sam is Gone and dean and jess are drinking together and talking about their feelings and they have a moment where they gaze at each other in the eyes and almost lean towards each other.... then jess goes you know what? this is fucking weird and dean is like oh thank god you said that absolutely this is too weird
in The End, it’s revealed that jess was killed and no one will tell dean more information or talk about her until he finds out that she was pregnant when she was killed (presumably with sammifer’s baby)
in changing channels they get put into a telenovela and sam and jess have an tearful emotionally charged confession scene in spanish. this is about when sam and jess finally get back together [cue cheering]
in the chuck eps it’s revealed chuck rewrote it so that jess died on the ceiling in the first book cuz he was like “i just didn’t think it made sense for her to be alive! it was literary symmetry that’s all!”
in sam, interrupted when sam is all high on meds that’s when he says lots of kooky sweet shit to jess about wanting to MARRY her and have a FAMILY together and it’s sweet and also dean throws up in his mouth a little bit having to hear it
in my bloody valentine the thing that jess is hungry for is Family but i do not know the logistics of how
in dark side of the moon jess does die with the boys but it takes a while to find her, tho they eventually do in one of sam’s favorite memories (probably from the first time they met or something). she’s like what the fuck i’m jewish
no, i have no clue how she factors into swan song. she just does, ok. lucifer can snap her neck along with bobby’s
s6 jess: she tried to check in with dean occasionally at the braedens, and actually had dinner with them once but started checking in less and less as the year went on, and it turns out she knew that sam was back and she’d been hunting with him + the campbells and a couple things
when dean finds out he is truly FURIOUS, but jess is like dean i saw you with lisa and ben! i saw you getting better! i saw you happy, i saw you ok, and hell i’ve only known you since you showed up in palo alto five years ago but it was the most at peace i’ve ever seen you, and i couldn’t take that away from you, and neither could sam.
she’s also like yes, dean, he’s different, he’s colder, it makes me sad but who was the one who put up with YOU when you were spiralling after your dad’s death? or when you were all buttoned up after you came back from hell? he did! so show him a god damn OUNCE of empathy, would you!
and when they find out he’s soulless jess is like. hm. and dean is like i TOLD you there was something wrong with him!!! and jess is like i mean.... yeah....... and maybe i didn’t really want to admit it... cuz.... the sex was So good.........
[soulless sam winks at her]
anyway, s6 happens the way it happens and that’s fine
s7: the only important thing that happens in s7 is that Season Seven, It’s Time For a Wedding! is actually about some sort of monster and the only way to kill it is to cast a spell but the spell must be cast by “two warriors joined before god” which means married and cas is awkward about it cuz he doesn’t want to Presume Anything 
and the whole episode is lots of sam and jess being like “i mean, of course, if you want to..... .like, but if you DON’T, that’s also totally fine, of course.... you know.... whatever you’re comfortable with” until finally they’re in the final battle and cas has to marry them the way barbossa does for will and elizabeth in potc and when dean is pinned against the wall by the monster he goes “DAMMIT JESS WILL YOU KISS MY BROTHER ALREADY” and then sam dips jess in a kiss and the monster is instantly obliterated [heart eyes]
i truly genuinely do not remember anything that happens in s7. anyway jess and sam are married now
s8: sam was with jess the whole year dean was in purgatory. they were struggling to get back to normal life after everything. dean is still fucking mad that sam didn’t go looking for him. i assume everything else goes pretty much according to whatever the fuck happened in s8 except jess at one point has to go to bat for benny cuz sam for some reason hates him so much
i’ve been toying with the idea of jess doing the trials not sam but i mean how can i take that away from my Boy
s9: i do not know anything that happened in this season ):
s10: see above
s11: see above
s12: now i never watched s12, but in this au there is no lucifer’s son jack. instead jess gets pregnant midway through the season; cas finds out first because he can sense it and he’s like why does it feel like there’s an extra being in the bunker, and then he spills to dean cuz he can’t keep a secret, and then dean is like “oh shit what are you gonna do” and jess is like well!!!! sam and i.... talked about this. we were.....open to the possibility. and dean is like wtf how could u possibly bring a child into this world that’s fucked up adn cas is like [wipes tear] that’s beautiful
anyway when they come back from some kind of hunt (probably something that involved claire) and sam and jess are in the bunker, sam goes “jess, seeing claire, seeing jody and the girls.... it makes me think.... i wanna have a family with you” and jess hugs him and then cas walks into the bunker with dean and is like “oh, have you told him about the baby?” and everyone SCREAMS at him
and cas uses his annual miracle allowance to just reverse time about 30 seconds so when he enters the bunker he just goes “i have nothing to say” and Fucking Leaves
the baby is born in the back of the impala in the s12 finale, on the way to the hospital. dean is devastated. he’ll have to reupholster the WHOLE THING. sam accidentally names the baby john but they don’t want to tell dean that so they decide to call him jack.
s13-15 gets to be mostly about how cute it is to have a wittle baby in the bunker. cas is the best babysitter because he loves babies and is very powerful so he can protect him. the occultum nonsense in s15 can be about finding a Safe Place for baby jack, no matter what happens to the rest of the world. sam tells jess, you go with him, you’ll be safe there. dean tells sam, you go with them, you’ll be safe there. all of that good good cute family stuff. was it the best idea to have a baby in the middle of constant apocalypses? maybe not, but like, they are ALWAYS in constant apocalypses, so at some point you just have to bite the bullet
anyway. please clap
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vydante · 5 years ago
Restart | Avengers x Male! Reader | Special 1
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Avengers x Male! Reader (romantically: undecided) | Morgan H. Stark x Male! Reader (Platonic, main focus)
Plot: As far as the public knew, dahlias were your favorite flowers. Morgan says otherwise.
A/N: Missed me? Just a short special chapter, nothing too long or significant. I have a few more specials in the works (ft. DAHLIA, Peter, and Steve respectively) but IDK when I’m gonna post those. I still have 2 more canon chapters planned this month, so this is just an appetizer lol. 
Also, I’m trying out a new thing in my writing (that includes the use of parenthesis) lol so you’re gonna see a lot of that from now on. Duces. 
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Contrary to popular belief, dahlias weren't really your favorite flowers. 
Morgan knew this as a fact, even at an early age. So when she asked her mom why people were pilling said flowers outside of Stark Tower- among all the other stuff already there from weeks before-, Morgan was confused as to why her mom said 'it was your brother's favorite'.
They weren't. Despite being so young, she distinctly remembers when she found out otherwise.
("Wha's t'is?"
It a warm spring day, a day that she got to spend time with you, and she wanted to go prancing around into your flower bed. It wasn't often they'd spend time at his house, which was a shame since she really liked your garden. There are a plethora of flowers surrounding the two of them, but Morgan points towards a specific flower.
Back turned to her, you absentmindedly hum an answer. She can't see what you're doing, but she's too mesmerized by a certain flower to care. It's a pretty blue, with lots of petals, and there are some little flying things around it buzzing about.
"A lollipop."
"A lol'pop?"
Just as you turn around, Morgan reaches out and grabs at the petals. She hears you huff and shuffles over to where she was crouching. She yanks, pulling a few petals out and just as she was about to stuff them in her mouth, she hears you laughing.
"Aye- no- quit tryna ta' stick 'em in your mouth," you reach over and pulls Morgan away from the flowers, chuckling as she falls limp in your grip like jelly. She likes hearing you laugh. "'less you want me to bite your fingers off!" 
She falls into a giggling fit as you nip at her fingers. You pluck the fallen petals and sprinkle them in the dirt. Morgan, with a big grin (and a few missing teeth), settles right next to you. You're both sat on the stone walkway. She points towards the flowers she just tried to eat.
"Wha's t'at?" she repeats.
"Dahlias. They come in a whole bunch of pretty colors." Now that she thinks of it, there were a bunch of flowers similar to it. 
She glances up at you. It's a familiar name for sure, one that she hears you talking to a lot. A female voice rings in her head, and she lights up.
"Jus' like t'e one that- that soun's like Tor?"
You make a funny face and pause before snorting. Morgan swears she heard a faint whisper- a female voice- but she's not too sure if she actually did hear it or not. She doesn't care though, too busy looking at you for an answer. You grin, amused.
"Yeah, just like the one that sounds like Thor."
"Did ya' name her t'at 'cuz you like dahlias the mos'?"
You shift, expression changing, and Morgan scrunches her nose as you wipe her face clean of any muck from the flowers. You brush stray strands of her hair back gently and answers with a soft voice.
"People always think that, but dahlias were never a favorite of mine..." Your eyes glaze over for a split second, voice quieter, "Just named her that for funsies."
She didn't know what that funny feeling in her chest was when you said that, but looking back on it now, even at a young age she definitely picked up on the lies in your mouth. But she said nothing of it, instead opting to point at other flowers and asking about them.
Granted, she didn't notice how your shoulders eased up when she didn't pry.)
But another thing that confused her was why they were placing dahlias there in the first place. She kinda has a vague understanding of why there were flowers and stuff for her dad- he's not coming back for a long, long time, and everyone misses him.
Of course, she misses her dad too. She knows that he's... Never really gonna come back home. As much as she waits for him to pop into her room to tuck her into bed, only her mom tells her goodnight nowadays. It's not him who plays with her before lunchtime, it's always someone else now. It's nice- she gets to talk with Uncle Happy and Uncle Rhodey more. But as much as she'd rather it be her dad there for her, she understands he's not coming back.
But for people to put flowers for you? 
It made no sense to her.
Her mom says it's because you're not coming back either, just like dad. Morgan's confused, and when she tries to tell her that you're not gone and that you're coming back, she only gets a strange expression from her mom.
'Oh, sweetheart...' she says.
But Morgan doesn't really dwell on it for long when her mom switches the channel to Nickelodeon. And besides, she's not really upset about you being gone right now. You're gone a lot- she sometimes doesn't even see you for a month sometimes. She knows you're busy. So this isn't really different this time around.
Besides, she knows you'll come back soon.
After all, you promised to play house with her when you come back.
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Tagged: @unsolvetheheckoutofit
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years ago
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Here’s my next previously unpublished story from What Hindered Love, all of which are from Micah’s point of view. Here have Micah playing the guitar and being a hot dad with adorable Luke. With a side of angst as he pines for Chloe.
Summary: When life seems at its lowest, Micah has learned to turn to his music for comfort. His five year old son and his childlike faith helps too. This takes place right after chapter eighteen in What Hindered Love.
As Micah pulled the door of his son’s room quietly shut, the weight of the day suddenly was too much to bear. He’d put on a brave face for his son, not wanting him to sense anything was amiss. But now, he could finally retreat and try to make sense of the ache within him. He knew just where to find solace; the same place he’d found it back when he was a confused teenager. The place of solace he had lost for a time following Rachel’s death. The place of solace that had gotten him through rehab and back to a place of healing. His music.
He went to his bedroom and pulled the case holding his acoustic out from under his bed. A Taylor he had bought after celebrating one year of being clean. He sat on the bed and rested the instrument on his knee, strumming a few times as he turned the pegs to tune it. When he finally started to play, he was surprised at the song that he began to strum: REM’s “Losing My Religion.” It had been a favorite of his as a teen – the words seemed to speak to his wandering, questioning soul. He no longer was floundering where his faith was concerned, but his heart. His heart was still lost. He had given it years ago to Chloe and didn’t he think he would ever get it back. The song talked about the distance in a lover’s eyes and the fear of saying too much. There had been distance in Chloe’s eyes, all right. The entire time at the diner today, he could feel her walls like a tangible thing, higher and more impenetrable than ever.
Micah belted out the chorus next, about a person losing their religion. This was the part of the song that the confused preacher’s kid had been able to relate to so strongly. All his life, lived under a spotlight, yet the real him deep inside slowly fading, shrinking away in a corner. Because who he really was would never be good enough.
The contradictions in the song spoke to him in this situation just as much as it ever did. He felt in some ways he had revealed too much of his heart to Chloe the last few days. Hell, the last few months. The near kiss on Christmas night replayed in his mind over and over. She seemed to want him to kiss her. Had he read things completely wrong? And now that they were in this impossible situation with Scott, the song he had sung to her as a Christmas gift seemed like an over-exposure of the depths of his soul. Surely she couldn’t misread how he felt. Then again, their past still loomed like a mountain they couldn’t scale.
He thought so many things when it came to Chloe. He thought she enjoyed his company. He thought he saw something the night they were tending to Lincoln when he was sick. She seemed ready for the next step. She said staying away from one another was the only safe way to handle Scott’s threats. But Chloe seemed to be protecting her heart again as well. Why?
He transitioned into the second verse, which was all about confessions. He knew plenty about confessing. But where Chloe was concerned, there was still so much left to confess. Namely what he had told her that fateful day, the last day he truly saw her. Family court didn’t count. Maybe he should tell her the truth about what he had said. Micah lowered his head closer to the guitar as he continued to sing, the words coming from a place deep in his soul.
What if he said too much? What if what he longed for was nothing but a fantasy? The last few words of the song where like razors dragging across his raw heart. He had vowed so long ago that he would never hurt her, but he had failed. He failed then. What if he failed her again?
Micah stopped strumming at the sound of his son’s voice, laying his palm flat against the strings to stop the sound. Luke stood in his doorway, rubbing his eyes and clutching his favorite stuffed dog to his chest.
“I’m sorry, little man, was I too loud?”
Micah had intentionally left his amp and sound effects pedals alone, but he knew he had a tendency to play even acoustic a little loud. He strummed really hard, probably because playing was so emotional for him. Kate and Hannah were always complaining that he broke strings too often in the middle of worship sets. His father had even been forced to sheepishly tell him the church could no longer pay for his strings. And Beau was constantly grumbling from the sound booth that it was impossible to get the levels right when Micah played so much louder than everyone else.
Luke shuffled across the room and climbed up on the bed. Lightning lifted her head and watched the boy, then jumped up on the bed as well. For some reason, the golden retriever thought Luke being on Micah’s bed meant she had permission as well. The dog licked Micah’s ear, but once he gave her the obligatory rub behind the ears, she curled up contentedly at the foot of the bed. Luke stared at the pattern on the quilt, tracing it with his finger. It was a gesture so like his mother, it made Micah’s chest ache.
“Why are you singing sad?”
“Am I?”
“Uh huh. You and mommy are both sad,” Luke looked up with hopeful eyes. “Maybe you wouldn’t be so sad if . . . you got married?”
Luke phrased the last part as a tentative question, as if he thought his daddy would be angry with him for asking. Micah sighed softly and set his guitar aside. “Is that why you asked Santa for all of us to be together at Christmas?”
Luke nodded, his face sad. “Mhm, and I’ve been praying for it, too. ‘Cuz when I told Grandma that I want my mommy and daddy married, she said I could ask God anything. Are you mad at me for praying?”
Micah pulled Luke onto his lap and brushed a kiss to the top of his head, “Of course I’m not mad. But I have to prepare you for something, Luke.” Micah took a deep breath. He hated what he had to tell his little boy, but he wouldn’t lie to him or give him false hope. “Your mommy and I won’t be able to spend time together anymore – at least for a while.” God, he hoped it wasn’t forever!
“But why? Is this because of the lady with the clipboard? She looked all around and asked Mommy questions.”
Micah sighed and brushed his chin against Luke’s unruly dark hair. “Yes, Luke. I’m afraid so. But that doesn’t mean we’ll be with you any less. And Mommy and I are still friends.”
“So I can keep praying?” Luke asked, looking up into father’s eyes.
Micah smiled down at the little boy he loved more than his own life. “Of course, buddy. You can always keep praying. No one can stop you from doing that. And, honestly, with what your mommy and I are going through right now, we need your prayers more than ever. ”
“Can I pray right now?”
“Sure.” Micah expected Luke to just bow his head and say his prayer, but instead, Luke stood up on the mattress next to his father and placed a hand to Micah’s head. Micah smiled wryly. Yes, grandma was definitely a strong influence.
“Jesus, please help Daddy not sing so sad. Help Mommy, too. Grandma says we can’t always understand why you do things, but can you please, please, please, help Daddy marry mommy? Amen.”
Luke dropped his hands from Micah’s head, but then quickly put them back. “Oh, and I pray that Daddy can be Lincoln’s daddy, too. That’s it, Jesus. Amen.”
Micah had to clear his throat and blink before he could start crying. How did Luke know to throw his little brother into his prayer? He also hated the unwavering faith he heard behind Luke’s prayer. How would it feel when Luke discovered his prayer was impossible? Almost as soon as the doubt came to his mind, that still small voice he had learned to listen to during rehab whispered a response. Is anything impossible for God? He chuckled a little to himself. Faith like a child, indeed.
“Okay, little man, speaking of prayer, we need to get you back to bed. We have church in the morning, and when you’re staying with me, we have to be early. Praise band warm up, remember?”
“Can I take my guitar? Just for the warm up?”
“Sure, why not?” Kate would hate him, probably, but Micah could handle his sister-in-law.
“Can I play one song with you just before bed?” Luke saw the stern look come over his father’s face, and instantly reverted to pleading. “Please? Just a bedtime song? One song, please?”
Micah groaned as he looked at the clock, then sighed. “Fine. Okay. One song.” He picked his guitar back up as Luke raced to his room for his Baby Taylor. “You want me to teach you the Boat Song? The one I sang for Mommy? You said you wanted to learn it?”
“Uh-uh. My Lighthouse.”
“Fine,” Micah relented with a shake of his head. So he had sung the song what seemed like a hundred times. For his son, he would do it a hundred more.
Micah placed Luke’s hands on the neck to demonstrate each of the chords in the song. He knew Luke would only play the first one and then revert to strumming any old sound. He was only five. Micah wanted the guitar to be fun for Luke, though, so he patiently pushed back his frustrations. Micah started with the chorus, and as he sang, he felt that his son made the perfect choice. This song was the balm his soul needed. The Lord was their lighthouse, and he would carry them through the storm.
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 5 years ago
Machine Gun Kelly(Colson Baker)
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Telling Rook The News (PART2 being rooks ex & Pregnant with Kells baby):
Part 1 here
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It sucks. All I could manage to think first thing this morning. Sitting on my bed feeling anxious repeating words in my head it sucks. It sucks I had to wake up, it sucks I am in this situation, it sucks I have to leave my house, it sucks I have to tell Rook. What doesn’t suck is Colson will be there with me to tell him. I honestly doubt I’d be able to do it my self but like Colson said he’d help with this former issue we called it but now simply it is our Baby, So he will be there for this dreadful conversation to come. I don’t want to hurt Rook but it’s not like we can hide it. Pretty classy I feel best friend of the boyfriend we’ll EX boyfriend. I’m hoping Colson takes charge on the topic while I try not to die of embarrassment and stress.
I definitely gotta try not to stress so much Colson is right it’s not good for the baby and first three months are most critical for miscarrying. I don’t want that to happen I may be freaked about the Rook part of the situation but other than that I’m happy I’ll be a mother with the most beautiful baby sense Colson is the father and how excited Casie will be just melts my heart. Casie will be the best big sister anyone could ask for, she’s so kind, helpful, independent and crazy smart for her age. Mine and Colson baby boy or girl can learn a lot from her as they grow.
Colson is such a great Dad no matter what the public sees of him in his party pictures and smoking dope. He truly is a great dad to his daughter and no doubt with our baby. I feel a little better now thinking of Casie and Colson it turns plenty stress into positivity.
It’s decently early doubt the boys have had breakfast or even coffee heck doubt any are awake right now knowing those crazy boys. But Colson better be up I don’t wanna show up having to wake Colson and Rook up. To be nice and ease the blow I shall pick up breakfast for everyone. So that’s what I’m doing as of now driving to Denny’s grabbing food and coffee. I decide to play the radio game while driving to the guys house. I ask the radio a question “how will today go?” I speak out loud. And turn the station to whatever hearing the song Everything Sucks playing. Oh how ironic. My nerves slightly climb back up as I near the guys house, I sigh as I stop my car in front of the house.
(Kells P.O.V)
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I sat hands together alsmot like I was praying for this shit to go smooth. How the actual fuck will this go smooth though! If it was me dining this shit out what Rook is about to today I’d be flipping shit. I haven’t even slept much yo this all been keeping me up worrying about losing my bro and band mate, not like I can replace him so easily fuck.
I need to get high like right now I can’t deal with everything sober. Few puffs of my joint and I’m feeling better for now. I put out the roach of my joint in time to see Y/N outside looking like she grabbing some shit out her car. I hurried to the door basically running to her to help grab what apparently is take out food and oh fuck yes coffee. “Hey” she spoke slightly dragging it out. I broke a small smile at her “Hey yo thanks for bringing coffee girl” she shut her car door and said “of course how can I not die the coffee lover” she smiles.
Ah that smile is helping for sure with my nerves. We walked quietly into my house and straight for the kitchen where I sat down the food and drinks. “Is he up?” Y/N asked me speaking in a whispering tone clear as day nervous and looked around. “I don’t think so” i shrug. She let out a big fucking sigh and part of me hurt formher having to do this to deal with this but fuck what else we gonna do right. “Hey girl it’s going to be okay I gotchu” I told her and wrapped my arms around her shirt figure. It almost felt hella awkward until she put her arms around me to. I rested my chin on to her head for a moment then pulled away. “Let’s eat just us we’ll wake Rook after if we have to” i Nodded to the food starting to pull items out of the bags. “I don’t know if I can eat right now Kells” Y/N admitted. But I wasn’t gonna listen to that “yo you need to eat ain’t starving my kid” i whisper to her. “Your right I’m sorry I gotta focus on the whole me and baby’s health” she nodded at her own words. “And you unfortunately shouldn’t drink coffee” I spoke up in facts which I learnt many when Casie wasn’t born yet. Her eyes went wide it was adorable “aw just this last cup and I’ll switch to herbal teas” she chuckled. “Ight deal” I handed her a coffee.
“So as his best friend and band mate you should take the lead on telling him” she smiles widely to me. That girls smile gonna be the death of me. “Oh I see just throw me under the bus first” I laugh. And then take a bite of my food watching her do the same. “you said don’t stress and talking lots might meake me stressed” again she smiles at me. Fucking chick. “Yaya I gotcha girl, always will” I assured her taking her much smaller hand in mine.
We cleaned up our little mess and sat on one of the couches in the living room. “I guess we should wake him up” Y/N tells me. I turn my head to her “Wake who up me?” Rooks voice comes from behind us both our heads snap to him. “Hey dude morning” I greet him. “Morning. Hey Y/N what you doing here?” Rook asks her. “Just visiting I brought breakfast and coffee, go eat we’ll catch up when your done” Y/N tried her best to be cool I can see it in her eyes being this close to her on the couch she’s feeling freaked.
We all sat at the kitchen table Rook just finishing his food and sipping on his coffee. “Thanks for the food Y/N” Rook smiles to her. “It’s the least I could do” Y/N spoke softly to him. Then gave me a sad look. “So your here to visit me?” Rook asks her “and to talk” she adds quickly. “About what?” “Oh okay right um well I love you and care about you” Y/N starts off “why does it sound like your dumping me in front of Colson?” Rook looked worried and Y/N looked panicked. “Dude it’s kinda important I’m here for this convo” I told him. “Why bro what’s going on?”. “Please listen best as you can and calmly as you can to us” Y/N spoke up. “Okay what the fuck” he responds. “When we broke up” Y/N began but Rook cut her off “when we broke up what?!” He angrily asked looking between her and I. Y/N looked defeated and like she was going to cry. “Look dude I’m fucking sorry for this you know I care about her and you man, we got shitfaced like the whole fucking weekend and ya know shit happens” I told him. “What what shit happened?!” He demands and bits his bottom lip.
“Please clam down” Y/N says calmly and out her hand on his clenched fist. But he abruptly moves pushing her hand away aggressively. “Hey man clam down!” I told him strongly. “Just tell me what happened” Rook demands again. “I was upset and Kells was there for me like always he’s a good friend. Don’t forget that don’t forget his love for you no matter” Y/N tried to speak as calmly as she can like rooks a bomb gonna go off which I can see that happening. “No matter what?” He yells causing Y/N to jump frightened. “We hooked up when you broke up” I finally admitted to him.
Rook stands up enraged which makes Y/N stand fast moving to my side as rook now is coming closer to me. “Yo dude chill just hold up” I spoke hands up not wanting to fight my bro. But he swung and doing so I moved Y/N out of the way best I could. Lucky he missed but grabbed my shirt and swung again hitting me near my right eye. We bumped into Y/N knocking her over on to the floor. “Dude wait stop!” I shrieked. And helped y/n off the floor isntslty my hand hands on her face holding her head looking at her as if she was injured “you okay” i ask her worriedly. “Yes I’m fine” she assures me. “Awe look at the love birds” Rook snarks To us. “Dude I love you bro I’m sorry Kay like fuck y’all were broken up I’d never go there if that was the case” “that doesn’t make it much better” Rook says now less mad and sounding hurt. “Rook I’m sorry nothing was intended I know we were trying to work on us but that’s over and wasn’t going anywhere it seeemd and also the fact is to that I’m Pregnant” Y/n spoke moving closer to him.
Rook looked almost confused. “It’s mine if it wasn’t obvious man we having a baby, we are not a couple, we are focusing on Y/N and the babies health and needs” rook stood silent maybe in ducking shock. “And I’m not gonna lie I do have feelings for her dude always felt something so if by chance we also become in a relationship other than parents to our child, I hope you don’t hate me for it if it happens and hate me now for what is going on but I wish you wouldn’t bro fuck I need you man not only as a fucking awesome band mate but as my brother and future uncle to my kid yo ya know if you wanted to be” I rant out to my best friend.
“You guys should talk this through I’ll go I’m so sorry Rook, I wish you this best in love and life” Y/N said to rook with a weak smile. “No no stay I don’t care, I need time to like think about shit, like a part of me wanna say congrats on the baby yet that seems fucked yo cuz I’m hurt, I lose my girl or ex whatever fuck, I can see it now to though y/n was right us working through shit wasn’t going as it was suppose to. I just gotta get out this house” Rook shares with us and walks towards the stairs. “but bro you coming back right?” I ask in high hopes as he takes a step up the stairs Y/N standing beside me. “Yeah man I’ll be back later” and with that he was upstairs.
“That didn’t go to terrible” Y/N tires to sound positive and puts her hand on my shoulder. “Yeah I guess he could of really beat the fuck outta me if I let him and not stop” we both smile lightly to each other. “I think I should go to, let us all have alone time we need” she says to me. I grab her hand “What if I don’t want you to go?” I ask her more of a statement though. She shakes her head “no it’s what’s best trust me and I need a nap” she chuckles. “Okay only cuz a nap would do you both good” i smile at her not showing stomach. “You really are gonna be an amazing dad to our baby, heck Kells you already are” Y/N smiles big. That big beautiful smile. That smile that makes me wanna smile, the smile that will make me fucking do anything for her, and now I’ll do anything for our baby, our future family.
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ardenskyedarcy221b · 5 years ago
autumn leaves and apple cider
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Peter yawns. His fists rub his eyes hard enough to see black stars. Eventually he blinks hard enough that he can see the time projected on his ceiling: 7:33. He grunts. Mental math tells him he’s slept a little over two hours since last time he checked the time. He shoves off his comforter, whines at the blast of cold, and rolls out of bed. 
He pads into the hallway in search of his father. 
Kitchen is empty. Couch in the family room is unoccupied. His brow furrows as Peter shuffles toward the back porch. Now, if his dad can’t be found inside the house, Peter can always find him somewhere outside. It has been a weird transition not automatically finding Tony Stark inside a laboratory, but time is on Peter’s side now. 
Only the back porch is vacant and worry settles heavily in Peter’s stomach. 
“Front porch?” he asks himself under his breath as he cuts through the cabin. If anxiety wasn’t pressing right at his edges, Peter could have stretched out his hearing and listened for his father’s heartbeat; however, as he is preoccupied, Peter walks out onto the front porch to the sight of thick fog cloaking the earth and no sign of his father. 
He isn’t sure what compels him onward: Peter tromps down the steps and his socks immediately soak up grass’s moisture as he ambles toward the dock. A violent shiver traverses his spinal column so Peter tucks his fingers underneath his armpits. 
Fog density is high, causing Peter to rely on muscle memory. Gentle waves lapping guides him along as well. He squints as if his advanced eyesight could cut through fall’s veil: it can’t. Leaves crunch beneath his feet. His toes keep finding holes or rocks to trip over. Perhaps in the end his advanced eyesight does assist him because up ahead his sees a figure at the end of the dock, barely even a silhouette, though it’s enough to tip Peter off that he found his father. 
Figure turns and a familiar baritone croaks out, “Pete?” 
Relieved to have found his father, Peter closes the distance between him and the figure at the end of the dock as quickly as he dares. A hand grasps at Peter’s forearm and curls into his hoodie material. 
“What are you doing out here?” he asks, not bothering to hide his confusion. 
“No reason,” is the first reply then his father sighs a laugh and finishes, “dunno, really, other than I just wanted to be by the water.” 
Peter shrugs off the answer. 
Father and son stand side by side, listening to the lake lap and birds tweet good morning hellos, until another chill steels over Peter. Then he burrows into his father’s side, maneuvering his arms around him until Peter is satisfied. He hums. 
He makes a noise at the back of his throat, too lazy to verbalize. 
“What, my hoodie not cutting it for you anymore?” his dad keeps pressing, a hint of his amusement breaking into his tone. “I speak from experience when I say I know that hoodie is warm.” 
“S’not yours, s’mine,” he muffles his words into his father’s side. “And my toes are cold.” 
“Your toes are—” Tony cuts off and then exclaims, “Why the hell are you outside without your shoes? Get back inside!” he gives Peter a little push. 
Peter giggles, stumbling but not moving away. He may have stuck himself to his father’s side using his spidery stickiness. 
Then his dad’s fingers wiggle like he’s going to tickle Peter and he shrieks, unsticks himself and bolts for the cabin. His father’s deep chuckles follow behind him at a sedated pace. He has no time to feel embarrassment for the ploy because Peter loathes being tickled, especially thanks to his enhanced sensitivity after the spider bite. Any time his dad or sister do not get their way, they have the tendency to exploit Peter’s weakness. 
Not fair, he pouts as he opens the glass screen door. His smile won’t disappear, though. 
Peter trots back into his bedroom to shower. It is only a matter of time before the calm of the morning is broken by Morgan waking up. Last night Dad and Pepper promised the whole family would go pumpkin picking and Peter’s little sister lost her mind. When he first came back, snapped or blipped or whatever terminology is popular at the moment, Morgan’s exuberance was a bit much for Peter’s frayed nervous system. She weaseled her way into his heart, though. Eventually. 
He shakes the thoughts away and finishes getting ready. 
Dad and Pepper are making breakfast when Peter wanders back into the kitchen. 
“Pete!” his sister chirps, sporting a chocolate milk mustache.  “Come eat; we have places to be!”
Peter snorts as he finishes shuffling to his seat next to the young girl. “I didn’t realize we were leaving so early?” 
“We’re not,” his father snorts. 
Peter looks up to see his stepmother rolling her eyes and Peter smirks at her, both of them sharing a knowing expression. 
Morgan decides pestering is the way to go after finding out that they aren’t leaving until after lunch. All it does is keep her chattering and everyone else wishing away the morning. And she convinces Pepper they should have a picnic in the car so they can get to the pumpkin patch earlier. 
Halfway to their destination, Morgan turns to Peter and says, 
“Will you braid my hair?”
Before Peter can positively or negatively reply, Morgan is already climbing out of her booster seat and crawling into his lap. Peter fumbles to assist her but she knocks away his hands until she settles herself. Her smile is pleased and she is definitely preening. 
“Mo—” he starts. 
“Morgan Hope, what are you doing out of your seat?” comes their father’s terse question as the man twists from the passenger seat to stare back at them. “Peter isn’t your lounge chair. Get back over there, little miss.” 
Morgan’s head tips back onto Peter’s chest. “But Daaaaad,” she whines, “Pete needs to braid my hair.” 
“I don’t care. He can do it when we get there.” 
“He’ll do it fast, I promise, ‘cuz I don’t wanna wait.”
“Oh, is that so?” 
Morgan turns away from their father and pokes Peter in the cheek. “Please, Petey, will you braid my hair?”
Peter’s gaze flits to Tony. His father acts unimpressed but his eyes twinkle in amusement. So he answers, “Sure. Do you have a band?”
Morgan slips two different colored purple cloth bands off her wrists and shoves them in his face. (He thinks that’s what they’re called; Morgan calls them ponytail holders, sometimes, and Pepper goes back and forth between ponytail holders and bands. He’s settled on bands to be done with it.)
He makes a face at her and turns her to sit forward. “The things I do for you,” he pretends to grumble. 
“The things I do for the both of you,” his father echoes from up front, correcting his posture. 
“I know.” his sister sing-songs. “It’s ‘cuz you love me!”
Because Morgan is queen-in-training when it comes to avoidance strategies, Peter is suckered into giving her twin braids. Then she wraps her arms around his neck and makes him strap her back into her booster seat. She kisses his cheek in thanks, though, so there are small consolation prizes. 
Forty minutes after leaving their lake house, they arrive at their destination. Morgan cheers and their parents share a smile upfront. On top of handling random hair crises in the middle of road trips, Peter’s job also entails making sure Morgan keeps her socks on and putting on a jacket. Both are rather monumental tasks considering Peter has enhanced strength and Morgan is barely pushing three-three in height; his sister is wily. However, seeing as how his sister hasn’t pestered with her yellow rain boots this entire time that leaves, 
“Jacket, Mo,” he hands over the pink lightweight jacket. 
“Don’t need it,” she scrunches up her nose and eyes the item with growing distain. “I’ve got my Iron Man sweater on; don’t need a jacket.” to prove her point, her hands disappear in the golden material of her sleeves and she shakes them in his direction with all the fanfare of an ornery five year old, “Seeeeeeee?”
“I’m not the boss.” 
“You’re ‘posed to be one of my bosses, so technically you are the boss.” 
“Too bad I’m always the boss and trump your brother then, hmm, little miss?” Tony interjects as he turns around in his seat, free of the safety belt’s restriction, snagging the jacket from Peter’s outstretched clutches and shaking it in his daughter’s direction. “No jacket means no hayride.” 
Despite herself, Morgan can’t think up a quick enough rebuttal. She rolls her shoulders back and lets out a dramatic huff of, “Fine.” Then yanks the material and carelessly shrugs into it. 
Pepper gets out of her seat and opens up Morgan’s door, opening up her arms in silent initiation to be held. 
Tony and Peter follow them out of the car. 
As they make their way into the bustling crowd, Morgan wiggles down from Pepper’s hip and spider-monkeys her way onto Peter’s back. She mostly attempts to hitch her free ride while Peter continues walking, screeching whenever he tries stopping to assist. Eventually, they somewhat compromise by Peter stopping and Morgan throwing herself onto his back, arms curled so tight around his neck Peter can almost accuse her of choking him.  She nestles in close then whispers, 
“Can we get some apple cider?” 
“Um,” he glances around in search of the requested beverage, curious to see where she spotted it before him. Right as he finds it, one of her fingers points and he says, “Sure, if Dad and Mom don’t care.” 
“Don’t care about what?” comes twin responses. 
“Morgan wants apple cider.” 
Pepper makes a face while Tony shrugs. 
“You already had chocolate milk today, lovebug.” 
Morgan scoffs into Peter’s neck. 
“One cup won’t hurt her,” Tony offers up. Then he semi-lowers his voice, “Bet you she won’t even like it.” 
Pepper rolls her eyes, though allows, “One cup.” 
So they wind up waiting in line to all grab hot apple cider. Several minutes pass of Morgan clinging to Peter and Pepper fussing and  Peter slowly edging closer to his father so Tony can keep making a grab for Morgan with his prosthetic arm only for the little girl to shriek. After they pay for their drinks, Pepper says they have to sit down to drink them. 
“But Moooom,” the little girl whines, eyes riveted on a tractor pulling a group of people sat in hay up the way, “I wanna go now.” 
“Guess we’ll have to wait for the next one.” 
Peter senses an impending meltdown. He blurts out, “Hey, Mo, watch this.” without giving much thought to his harebrained idea because his sister’s attention immediately redirects to him. 
And so Peter takes a huge gulp of hot apple cider, holds his cup out at arm’s length, and spits the drink out in an arc straight back into the cup. Mostly. Only, 
“Ow ow ow, crap! That is hot!” 
Pepper looks like she wants to reprimand him, but Morgan and Tony are too busy belly laughing at Peter’s folly, so his stepmother winds up grinning along. 
A different kind of warmth fills up his belly than the one lingering in his mouth. 
Sure enough, when the next hayride pulls around, the Starks get on it. Morgan remains glued to Peter’s side and demands to sit in his lap during the ride. Peter nods his agreement and picks a corner seat in the back, nestled in by hay. Dad presses in on Peter’s free side while Pepper takes the last seat. 
Excitement fills his bloodstream. As they take off for pumpkin pastures, Peter’s knees jostle Morgan around as his sister oohs and ahhs over the farm’s decorations. He doesn’t remember going on hayrides as a kid, though celebrating Christmas on a Malibu beach definitely makes up for it, in Peter’s humble opinion, he is embracing the experience. Like listening to Morgan sprouting out ideas of what they are going to carve their pumpkins when they get home, after spotting the first small lines of the orange spheres.
“I think I want Lord Voldemort’s face.” 
His dad snorts while Peter turns Morgan around to face him. 
“Why not?” she gives back. 
“Why not a cat?” 
“Because I don’t wanna paint it black; I wanna carve it!” 
Pepper tacks on, “You’re not handling anything sharp, I’m afraid.” though she doesn’t sound sorry in the slightest.
Morgan knocks her forehead into Peter’s clavicle at the devastating news. Peter thinks he hears her say this is why under her breath but he can’t be certain. 
Dad leans over to press a kiss against Peter’s temple and attempts to do the same to Morgan, but she’s having none of it. After a few more attempts, Peter hands her over all the same so Dad can drop kisses all over her rosy cheeks. Her giggles pitch over top the roar of the tractor. 
Pepper winds up pretending to save Morgan right as the tractor pulls to a stop. She stands up and shuffles off with Morgan, who continuously peeks over Mom’s shoulder to cross her eyes and stick her tongue out at Dad. Peter lists into his father’s side and Tony slings in arm over his shoulders, pulling him in close. 
Leaves crunch under their feet as they step off. 
“Daddy has to have the biggest one,” Peter hears his sister say somewhere up ahead. “Just ‘cuz. But I don’t get the smallest one, okay, Mommy?” 
“Mmm. Sounds reasonable. I suppose I’ll take the smallest one, how’s that sound?” is Pepper’s reply and Peter can imagine her smile pulling out her dimples. 
“C’mon, Daddy! C’mon, Pete!” hollers Morgan. “Let’s go pick our pumpkins!”
“You heard Miss Bossypants; chop chop, daylight’s wasting away,” nudges his father. 
Peter breathes in deeply and beams up at his father, his vision squinting as joy settles around them.
Autumn tastes like crisp air and hot apple cider; autumn is the warmth of his little sister wanting to show him everything that captures her attention; it’s watching his dad’s recovery in a positive light, seeing him walking around unassisted and smiling freely. 
Autumn is being with his family. 
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descendantofthesparrow · 6 years ago
Protective Harry Hook x reader
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Hi, I was wondering if you could write a fanfic for Harry hook x reader. Where maybe the reader was really close friends with the VKs before they left the isle and after they left she joined Uma’s crew (became really close with Uma) and got together with Harry hook. But when the vks come back they found out that reader had a baby with Harry and they aren’t supportive and think she’s betrayed them. And Harry steps in being over protective Dad and Lover. I love you writing, sorry if it’s picky 💗 
a/n: for this im going to make the reader already pregnant for three months, cuz the vks are only gone for six months, not really enough time for a baby to be born safely, so reader and Harry have been in a relationship for five months.
Y/n- your name H/c- hair color E/c- eye color S/c- skin color H/l- hair length H-height V/p- villain parent
B/g- Baby gender B/n- baby name
–(y/n) POV– --D1--
You took a deep breath, trying to pump yourself up to tell your friends Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay, about your little “problem” and it might be your last chance to do it, as the four of them would be leaving to auradon within the hour

oh what was the problem you ask? Well, you’re pregnant, and Harry Hook was the father, he didn't know either, hell! Your friends didn't even know you two were in a relationship!!! Only Uma knew, and luckily she decided to keep your relationship a secret.
Now you may be asking, how did you get pregnant, to answer that, let's go back to half a year ago. You were wandering the Isle after a bad incidence with your (v/p) and you were near the docks and when all of a sudden a group of pirates jumped you, and as they were about to take advantage of you, Harry showed up and saved you. Afterward he took you back to Ursula's chip shop and Uma (who took a couple minutes of convincing to let Harry fix you up, because your Mals friend) allowed you in after acknowledging that you had never teased her and had never called her shrimpy, and after that incident you and Harry had continued talking and soon an emotional and sexual relationship had begun between the two of you. and because the isle didn't really have birth control options, you had gotten pregnant, and with the help of Uma, she confirmed it.
And now it was three months after you found out, and you had yet to tell your friends of your predicament or Harry of your holding of his love child in your womb.
ruffling your (h/c) hair you rushed over to your friends and grasped Evie's shoulder, turning to you she hummed and tilted her head
“(y/n)? what's up? we have to leave in a minute or two.”
“I know, I just need to tell you all something before you go.”
she nodded and gestured for the others to come over, as the four stared at you curiously you took a deep breath and prepared yourself to tell them about you and harry
“I have something really big to tell you guys and promise you won't flip out ok?”
the four nodded slowly, and you decided to blurt out what was going on
the fours parents interrupted you and the four turned and made their way to the limo, Evie turning back to you,
“you can tell us when we get back (y/n)! see ya!”
Mal then turned to you as well
“and stay away from the docks, Uma will take advantage of our trip to auradon”
you stilled, never telling Mal about your close friendship with Uma.
“um, abo-”
“and stay away from Harry too, he’ll try something while we’re gone im sure of it”
aaannnd your brain went into auto mode,
“sure thing Mal, I’ll just stick it in the hideout,”
she nodded and climbed into the limo.
as the limo drove away only one thought ran through your head.
‘well I fucked that up’
--three days later--
“I tell him, I don't tell, I tell him, I don't tell him...”
you plucked off the last petal of the dying flower “ I tell him”
Uma ground out “finally! we've been sitting here for half an hour!!! okay now go tell Harry and-”
“Tell me wha?”
both you and Uma squealed and jumped around to see Harry staring down at both of you, eyebrow raised and trying to hold in his laughter.
“Harry! don't scare us like that!” you whined at Him, standing up and mushing your face in his chest, feeling it rumble from his laughter.
“don't scare ye? that's my speciality ~!” he cackled as he wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your head. Uma rolled her eyes and stood up, brushing off her pants.
“well im going to get away from this sappyness, (y/n), Tell him”
Harry's face scrunched up in confusion? “tell me wha? (y/n)?” you bit your lip and stepped back from Harry, playing with your fingers and shuffling your feet.
“Bonnie? ye alright?” glancing up at Harry you saw him staring at you in worry and fear.
“is there something wrong? are-are ye breaking up with me?! o-or-” 
“no!” you gasped grabbing his hands and held them to your stomach “im-im pregnant!”
Harry stopped babbling and stared at you in shock, glancing at his hand which were placed upon your stomach, where his child was.
“how” he rasped “how long?” 
“three months” you looked up at Harry, his eyes beginning to fill with an emotion you couldn't place. “Harry?” he jumped and returned his attention to you “how...how do you feel about it?”
Harry stared at you for a few moments, a look in his eyes you couldn't describe other than pure joy “i-” his voice cracked and thickened as he spoke “I love ye (y/n). and im gonna be the best damn father I can be on this dumpster fire of an island”
tears streamed down your face and you jumped into his arms and he picked you up and spun you around. “well” you choked out “we won't have to raise it on this dipshit of a place” Harry raised an eyebrow “what why?”
you looked at him with a mischievous grin “Mal and her gang are gonna nab the wand and get us off this hell hole” 
“are-are ye serious!!!! holy fuck!!”
Harry lifted you in his arms, spinning you around once more. both of you laughing, one thing of your minds, neither would have to raise your child in this dangerous place.
you just hoped your friends would return soon.
--time skip to coronation--
“wh-what?” you whispered, tears burning at your eyes, Harry held an expression of rage, gripping your hand tightly.
“those-those, TRAITORS” 
all around you, food was chucked at the tv screen. the rage of Harry and the other patrons of the chip shop resounded in your ears. 
you couldn't breath
how could they!
they left you here to rot!!!
your ears started to ring, the world going black. your stomach hurt. you couldn't breathe.
“(y/n)?” you heard Harry's voice, but it seemed so far away.
“(y/n)? love?”
the last thing you felt before passing out was the sensation of being picked up by Harry before everything went black.
“gakit cunts!!!” the sound of something breaking broke through your subconscious
Harry's voice broke through the darkness that surrounded you.
“Harry! chill!!!! ” Uma, thank god she was here too, trying to make Harry calm down.
“(Y/n)’s awake”
Harrys footsteps raced towards you, you heard his knees hit the floor and his calloused hand cupped your face. 
“(y/n)? love? are ye okay?!”
groaning you opened your eyes to see Harry's ocean blue eyes staring at you with pure worry and concern.
you smiled and grasped his hand “yes im okay” you rasped.
he breathed a sigh of relief and pulled you into a hug.
“im sorry lass, I should have paid more attention to ye, I could've prevented that”
“im fine Harry, no harm no foul”
He only nodded and climbed onto the bed and pulled you into his lap.
“jus be careful from now on ye hear”
you laughed, “practice what you preach hooky”
“you two are adorable” Uma right forgot she was here.
“shut it Uma” Harry spoke face flushed
“pft ahahaaha!!!” you and Uma burst out laughing. ah Harry could be so funny somtimes.
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Hard to believe its been 6 months since the Core four left, 4 months since they betrayed you and left you here. and a month and a half since your baby (b/g) was born. the precious thing was born a month and a half early. they looked so much like Harry, but at the same time so much like you...god you loved them, both of them, Harry and (b/n) that is. Harry, being the protective worrisome pirate he is, tutting over you constantly while and after your pregnancy. trying to carry you everywhere, not letting you steal anything. instead, he did it for you and grabbing double. Uma let him keep a lot of what he stole. he moved you into his room on the ship. basically, he’s a protective dork.
now you were walking around with your babe in your arms making your way back from curl up and dye, letting dizzy babysit (b/n) while you got your hair done. cooing at the adorable (b/g), you were startled by a familiar voice.
“(y/n)?!” you turned to see Evie, Carlos, Jay and...Ben. your face turned blank, the sting of betrayal still burned deep.
“is..is that a-” your blank face twisted in rage, and you hissed at her
“yes, this is my baby. wouldn't expect you to know, as, ya know! you abandoned me.” the four winced, Ben seemingly gathering a cloud of guilt upon his face.
“(y/n)” Evie stalked forward, grasping your shoulder “who’s is it”
you growled and pulled away from her “don't touch me! and the father is-”
“step away from the lass and the babe now.” Harry's voice broke through the tense standoff, gently grasping your shoulder and pulling you and the babe behind him, brandishing his sword and hook. creating a barrier between you and your old friends.
Jay walked forward and tried to pull you from behind Harry, thinking that Harry was going to hurt you and your babe, not knowing that Harry was the father.
Harry growled and slashed him with his sword forcing Jay to step back.
“back away from me girl and child! or else il hook ye!”
“your-” Jay sputtered “your child!?! how!!!”
“Aww, Jay~ did ye forget how sex works~? well, ya see-!” 
“Harry stop, not helping.”  Harry snorted and settled into a protective stance once more.
“how is the child even yours Hook! there's no way (y/n) could've gotten pregnant and given birth, in the time we were gone!”
you decided to step in
“when you guys left for Auradon for the first time, I was already three months pregnant, and have had a relationship with Harry for five months. I never told you because I knew Mal and the rest of you would throw me to the streets.”
the three held a look of shame, as they knew it to be true. nowadays they wouldn't, but back then? they would have done it without a second glance.
“you can't trust him!”
“oh really? and why should I trust you? he’s not the one who abandoned me!”
‘‘da da~! *sqee*”  the six of you jumped when all of a sudden (b/n) reached out to Harry and called for him, making grabby hands at him. giggling all the while.
‘holy crap that's so goddamn adorable’ was all the group could think.
as Harry sheathed his sword and took his tiny babe into his arms, Ben stood there thinking of how him not bringing over the next group of kids greatly harmed the ones still on the Isle.
Ben made up his mind, you, Harry and your Baby would be part of the next group coming over to the Isle.
“well, we’ll be going now,” you spoke, tugging on Harry's jacket. urging him to head back to the ship. luckily he obeyed and followed you, carefully holding (b/n) in his arms. “don't get caught” with that you left, Harry watching your back.
The four watched you go, shame, regret, guilt, and also weirdly...relief. you were being taken care of. you were better off then they thought you were.
they would just need to make sure that Mal was not the only one they would retrieve from the Isle. even if it meant taking Mals arch enemy along for the ride.
--the end!--
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katedoesfics · 5 years ago
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 12
Link was jolted awake when a pillow flew at his face. He grunted, blinked groggily, then turned his gaze to Revali, who was leaning over the back of the couch.
“Aryll says get the fuck up.”
Link’s brows furrowed in confusion. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. “What? What time is it?”
“Half past a monkey’s ass,” Revali said boisterously. From somewhere in the kitchen, Link could hear Aryll giggle.
“What’s your deal?” Revali said, checking his watch. “You going to work?”
“Huh? Work? Sure.”
“Shit, man, is this how you are every morning?”
“No,” Link grumbled. “I don’t usually get this much sleep.”
Revali frowned, but turned away from him to join Aryll in the kitchen, leaving Link to find the strength to get off the couch. His body ached from not being in his bed, but it wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to.
“I bought coffee,” Revali called over to him.
“You’re a good wife,” Link said as he finally got off the couch. He scratched at his head, his chin, then shuffled into the kitchen, snatching the cup from Revali. He watched as Aryll shoved books in her bag.
“Are you mad at me?”
Aryll looked up at her brother. She bit her lower lip. “Mad? Why would I be mad? If you want to fuck Hyruleïżœïżœïżœs queen, go for it.”
Revali spun on his heels to look at Link, his face a mixture of surprise and pride. “Dude!” He held a hand up, but Link brushed him off. “When did this happen?”
“The other night,” Aryll said. “They came falling through the door drunk and practically banged on the table.”
Link put a hand to his forehead. His head was throbbing. “Aryll -”
“Right in front of me and Mipha,” she added coolly.
Revali frowned. “Dude.”
“I didn’t know she was there,” Link hissed. He turned to Aryll. “Why was she there?”
“I invited her,” Aryll said, narrowing her gaze on her brother. She swung her bag on her shoulder and was moving toward the door.
“You’re trying to force us together.”
“Who isn’t?” Revali said. “I thought you were going to get back with her? You were all for it last night.”
Link hesitated. He looked down at his coffee, then took a long sip. “I dunno.”
“No. Uh-uh. I don’t think so. We’re not going down this road again.”
“Revali,” Link warned.
“I’m not pulling you out of that damn pit again.”
“I mean, yeah, I will, but that’s emotionally exhausting. Can’t we just
 skip to the part where you’re freaking happy again and not about to kill yourself?”
Revali’s mouth snapped shut. He followed Link’s gaze to Aryll. She had her bag on one shoulder, standing by the door. Her face was pale as she regarded her brother, then pulled her gaze away.
“Is that why you’re here?” she muttered.
Revali hesitated. “No?”
Aryll stared down at her feet. Without another word, she pushed the door open and stumbled outside.
“Link -” Revali started, but Link was already chasing his sister out the door.
Outside, Link pulled at Aryll’s wrist, and she turned to her brother immediately sobbing against him. He wrapped his arms around her.
“It’s fine,” he said in a desperate attempt to calm her. “Aryll
 I’m sorry. It’s fine. Okay?”
“It’s not fine,” she sobbed. “You can’t do that, Link!”
“I know!” He hesitated. “I promise, Ary. I won’t. Okay? It was just
 It was stupid. I got drunk and it was stupid.”
Aryll, however, was unconvinced, though her crying quieted for a moment. She pushed herself away and met Link’s gaze. “How can I believe you?” she asked softly. “How can I trust you won’t?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted regretfully. “I’m sorry, Ary. What do you want me to do?”
Aryll hesitated. She pulled her gaze away. “I just
 I want things to be okay.” In truth, she wanted her brother to stop drinking. She wanted him to get back with Mipha. She wanted her father back. She wanted things to be just as they were ten years ago.
“I’m trying,” Link said. “Yeah,” Aryll started. “Yeah, I know. I know it’s not easy for you. I know everything, Link. I know why you don’t sleep. I know drinking helps. I just
 I wish things were different.”
“Me too.”
Aryll cleared her throat. “You should stay home today.”
“Why? So Revali can babysit me some more?”
“Yeah, maybe. And,” she shrugged, “just ‘cuz you need a day off.”
“Are you going to be okay?”
Aryll nodded. She wiped her hand across her eyes. “Yeah. As long as you’re here.”
Link pulled her into another hug. “I promise.”
“I believe you.” She pulled away and offered him a smile. “See ya.”
Link watched her leave, walking down the road until she turned the corner. Revali stepped out behind him, his face ridden with guilt.
“I’m so -”
Link stepped passed him and towards the car.
“Where are you going?”
“Getting Mipha back.”
Revali watched as Link peeled out of the driveway. “Alright, well, I’ll just, hang out here, then, I guess.”
Link was leaning against his car in the parking lot behind the hospital when Mipha found him. She was in the middle of her rounds when he texted her. He waited almost an hour before she had a chance to break away from her work and meet him outside, still in her scrubs. She was hesitant when he texted and at first told him to leave her alone, but he was persistent, and despite all that had transpired, Link hadn’t seemed that eager to see her in a long time, and that gave her hope.
Still, it didn’t make things any less awkward when she stood before him, meeting his gaze. Neither of them spoke for a moment. It was Mipha who finally broke the silence.
“So?” she started, her voice soft. Her heart raced in her chest. “What’s so important?”
Link frowned. “I wanted to apologize,” he started. “For everything.”
Mipha held her gaze on him, quiet for a moment. “Why now?”
“Because I almost gave up.” He broke her gaze. “I did give up. On so much. I thought
 I thought I was doing the right thing.”
Mipha’s brows furrowed. “I
 why? How?”
“I didn’t want to hold you back,” he explained. “After Dad died
 you gave up so much for us. I didn’t want that. I wanted you to live your life. I wanted you to be happy. And I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do that for you.” He hesitated. “I couldn’t drag you down with me.”
” She sighed in exasperation. “Goddesses, you are such an idiot. You don’t have to do anything for anyone. Not anymore, and especially not me. You don’t need to sacrifice what you want so other people will be happy. You need to get out of that mindset. You’re allowed to be happy. You’re not the hero anymore!”
Link met her gaze. His brows furrowed. “You’re right. I’m not. I was nothing until I was a hero, and now that I’m not that anymore, I’m back to being nothing.”
“That's not true,” Mipha said desperately. “You can be whatever you want to be. You can do whatever you want to do. You don't have to give that up for anyone.”
“I do for Aryll,” he said. “As long as she's here, she needs me. I can't leave her alone. I'm all she has left. She needs to be here, and as long as she needs to be here, I need to be here.”
“Then let me be here, too. Don't push me away. Don't make my decisions for me.” She paused. “The world may have needed a hero, but I don't. I don't need saving.” She emphasized the last part, her teeth gritting together. She held her gaze on him another moment before continuing, her jaw relaxing. “We’ve always been in each other’s lives. There was never a moment where you weren’t in my life. And I never want to think of a life without you.” She hesitated and broke her gaze, looking at the ground.
“Can you
 can you really live a life without me?”
Link didn’t say anything for a long moment. Mipha glanced back up at him, meeting his gaze.
“I don’t want to,” he finally said, his voice soft. “But -”
Mipha put her hands on his chest and pressed her lips against his, cutting him off before he could continue to argue with her. After a moment, he relaxed against her and wrapped his arms around her.
“Will you let me be here for you?” she asked softly after breaking apart slightly. “We can get through this together. You don’t have to be alone.”
“I fucked up,” he said, lowering his gaze. “How can you forgive me for that?”
Mipha hesitated. “You said it meant nothing. I believe you. I love you, Link. That has never changed, even for a moment.” She pulled his chin to her and kissed him once more.
“I’m so sorry, Mipha,” he whispered against her. “I love you.” Despite years of trying to smother his feelings for her, they fire ignited within him once more. For the first time for as long as he could remember, he felt happy. Enthralled, even. Because despite all the bullshit he put her through, she was apparently just as stubborn as he was. For some reason, she wanted to be in his life, and in that moment, he vowed never to let her go again.
She found it difficult to pull herself away from him when he seemed to need her so badly. She had briefly considered leaving work early, but thought better of it, not wanting him to feel as if he were a burden to her. After a few more moments in his arms, she worked up enough strength to pull herself away. After promising to call after her shift, she returned to work, and Link returned home.
Revali was still at the house when Link got back, and he seemed relieved to see him.
“For the love of Hylia,” he said, helping himself to a beer. “Kit would have killed me if he knew I let you out of my sight. Where the fuck did you go?”
“I told you,” Link said simply.
He raised a brow at Link. “Did she take you back?”
“For all those years in school, she’s a complete idiot.”
Revali’s shoulders relaxed and he grinned. “Son of a bitch. She is an idiot. She deserves way better than you.”
Link glanced at the fridge for a moment, then opted to drop onto the couch instead. “That’s not news to me.”
He finished his beer quickly, then tossed it before joining Link on the couch.
“Don’t you have a business to run or something?”
Revali shrugged. “It can wait until tomorrow.” He frowned. “Or are you sick of my presence?”
“A little bit,” Link said, but he shrugged. “But only a little.”
Revali smiled. “Good. It wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t hate each other a little bit.”
“Don’t worry,” Link said. “There’s plenty of hatred.”
“And I was just thinking about how far our friendship has come,” Revali said.
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baenxietydad · 5 years ago
16th Anniversary Of The Best Day Ever || The Baes
Summary: Nemo’s 16th birthday!!!
Dated: October 9th, 2019
Best day of the year, best day of the year! October 9th was Mu-yeol’s favorite holiday. Not because of Ecuadorian Independence Day, or Leif Erikson Day, but because it was the 16th Anniversary of the Best Day of His Life. Or, if you want to be boring, Nam-min’s 16th birthday. 
He didn’t care for his own birthday, but his son’s was special. On October 9th, 2003, Nam-min came into the world a little over a month early, giving his parents a scare, but they both immediately adored him. He was the child they tried for three years just to conceive, and from his first breath was their entire world. Now with just himself, Mu-yeol had to love him enough for two people. 
And he did. He sometimes got all choked up just thinking about how much he loved his son and how wonderful and beautiful his baby boy had become. 
He loved him so damn much. That’s why he treated his birthday like a national holiday. 
Like every year he got up early to make seaweed soup and to place his presents on the table. Once that was ready, he crept into Nemo’s room and slipped under his covers for the yearly birthday waking up ritual. 
“Nam-min ah. Nam-miiiin, wake up,” he said gently as he pulled Nemo in for snuggles. He played with his hair as he kept coaxing him awake. “Wake up, you know what day it is. It’s the best day! It’s your birthday! My baby is sixteen already.”
“Wake up,” Mu-yeol said, kissing his forehead and snuggling him closer. “So I can annoy you with my love.”
Nemo had always loved his birthday. A whole day dedicated to him? Who wouldn’t love that? But he loved it not so much because he got presents, or because of yummy seaweed soup, or the nut-cake, or the fact he got to decide everything that happened on his birthday--
He loved it cuz Appa loved it. He loved it cuz Appa was always in such a good mood. No nightmares, no grouchiness, no extra paranoia. Just him, just Appa. 
And this year, his birthday meant the end of Nemo’s grounding. So it was the best day ever.
Despite that, Nemo was solid as a rock in bed that morning, his covers pulled over his head. It’d started gettin’ chilly like it always did, and a little chill always made it harder to get up in the mornings, even for someone like Nemo who was gogogo. His toes curled under his blankets and he fisted the blanket too, holding it tighter at the creaking of his door. Oooo, there’s Appa, he thought to himself, barely stifling a smile, as he pretended to still be sleeping deeply.
Part of that was cuz
.well-- no sixteen-year-old should want cuddles from his Appa.
But Nemo still did. 
So he pretended. And when Appa dragged him close, he played at a groan and wiggled half-heartedly. “Appaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” he groaned with sleepiness. “Wahhhhh, gerroff!” he wiggled more.
“Nope, not allowed. It’s the sixteenth anniversary of the best day of my life, so that’s forbidden.” Mu-yeol said to letting go of Nemo. 
He carded his fingers through Nemo’s hair and smiled down at him all gross and affectionate as Nemo refused to open his eyes. Rude— how are they going to celebrate his birthday if he’s asleep? Ah, kids. Occasionally he’d press another soft kiss to the top of his head. 
“Do you want to skip school for your birthday?” He asked quietly as he continued to play with Nemo’s hair. “Or do you want to be stuck hanging out with your dumb embarrassing dad one of your weekend days instead?”
Playfully, he poked Nemo’s side where he was ticklish. 
Skip school? He could do that?!
Nemo’s eyes finally opened, blinking all the tired outta them as he looked up at his dad incredulously, like he was waitin’ for him to change his mind. Plus, didn’t his Appa have to work? It was Grow-day, not to mention still a couple of days before the Full Moon Dance, which meant the Hollow fluttered, flittered, twittered, and buzzed with all sorts of activity. Though Nemo didn’t have talent class this week cuz all the fast-flying talents were getting ready for the Windy Day Race on October 13. 
 he didn’t have talent class. And he didn’t have dance on Wednesdays either

“Wh-- this isn’t a test, is it?” he squinted at his Appa suspiciously. “I can actually skip school if I want?”
“아니 (ani). I wouldn’t set a trap. Mm, not on your birthday anyway. 귞냄 (keunyang)...I just wanted to hangout with you on your birthday like we always do. And since you’re in school now that would take up your entire day.” And anyway, Mu-yeol knew he wouldn’t be in this good of a mood come the weekend. It was Nemo’s birthday not his birthweek that always (almost) restores him to him old self. 
He smiled down at Nemo in his arms as he narrowed his eyes at him. “You can skip school. Only when I offer it though; if I get a call you’re absent without my permission you’re gonna die.”
Mu-yeol punctuated the death threat with his warmest smile. 
“Aigoo, my baby’s growing up. You won’t need me anymore pretty soon.”
 It was a bittersweet thought. Nam-min not needing him anymore meant he wouldn’t have anything left to silence the worst thoughts in the back of his brain; live to take care of Nam-min didn’t apply once his baby boy became an adult, and it was the only thing keeping him breathing most days. It was the only thing that was enough and that terrified him. 
Most days, anyway, it terrified him. But on October 9th, nothing ever mattered but the fact that X number of years ago, his son was born on that day, and it was the one truly good day of the year. 
“You were so small.” He sighed, patting the space between his shoulder blades. “You came earlier than we thought, you dramatic jerk.”
Wow, he really was gonna get to miss school. 
Which meant-- his friends.
Nemo hadn’t expected the sharp, quick stab of yearning, nor what followed after: guilt. Cuz he obviously couldn’t tell Appa that maybe he did wanna go to school after all. First of all, that was stupid. What kid wanted to go to school on his birthday? Sure, he’d get to see his mates and they’d all tell him happy birthday, but he’d only get a couple of minutes before class, and then lunch, and then that was really all
and in between, he’d sit through awful French and confusing History and didn’t he have a quiz in English which he didn’t study for? 
And wasn’t his birthday kinda his and Appa’s...thing? 
Nemo swallowed down that feeling then, cuz goin’ to school just wasn’t a real option, and did what he did every year as Marlin started in on his tirade. He grooooooooaned and wiggled some more, finally pushing Marlin off and sitting up. “Heeeeere we go again, next you’ll tell me about Eomma counting all my fingers and toes and fighting the healing-talents to hold me just five more minutes--” and though he was acting annoyed at the Same Old Story, the one Marlin told Every Single Year, he was grinning. 
Cuz he liked it. He wanted to hear it. 
“And if I do?” Mu-yeol challenged, reaching up to poke Nemo’s forehead. 
He hummed and sat up next to Nemo, wincing as sunlight got him right in the eyeballs. “She punched one of them, you know. Your mother was scary and always ready to...throw hands? Is that what it is? Especially when it was about you.”
He didn’t tell him how she had to take an exam at university the day after giving birth— and yes, she did go and ace that exam, and when her professor found out he scolded Mu-yeol for ‘letting your wife do that.’ But So-yeon did whatever the hell So-yeon wanted to do, Always. There was no allowing, forbidding, or talking her out of anything. She was determined to finish her masters’ on time to shut up all of the men in the program who talked about how STEM was no place for a wife and mother and said she should drop out and raise her child. 
Not for the first time, he wanted to tell him. 
“She always said having you was the best decision we ever made.” He said instead. “So the verdict on skipping school? If you really want to go we can do your birthday on Sunday.”
He hopped out of Nemo’s bed. “There’s seaweed soup ready, with pickled shriiiimps.”
He only really had a couple of birthdays left before he really would be too old to celebrate with Appa and let him baby Nemo like this. This could even be the last one. Nemo would be well into his apprenticeship when next October swung around, after all. Who knew what his life was gonna be like then? What he’d be training in, what kinda time he’d have? 
Maybe he was already too old for this stuff now but
He wanted at least one more. 
So Nemo grinned. “Skipping, definitely!” he rolled out of bed too and then scampered past Appa. “SEAWEED SOOOOOOUP!” He called, giggling. 
He felt tension he didn’t even know he was holding in his shoulders ease. What a relief it was that his baby hadn’t outgrown him just yet! Even if Nam-min was away from him more this year, he still wanted to hangout with his dad. That was enough. 
“Eat as much as you want,” Mu-yeol said as a laddled out a bowl for Nemo. “You have to eat a lot if you hope to grow any taller.”
NEMO:  Nemo plopped down in his chair, drawing up both his legs so he was criss-cross, then reached for his spoon. Course before he even got a spoonful, he shot a look at Appa, sour as elderberries. Because yeah, Nemo was small-- even for a pixie he was small, and especially for a fast-flying talent. Fast-flyers were usually some of the taller talents around actually, cept for maybe scout talents. Nemo was small the way a pollen-talent fairy was normally small-- or a bee-herding-talent was small. 
“Aish,” he sucked his teeth at his Appa and shook his head. “I’m not that small! I mean, I got long legs y’know,” he added hotly. And that was true. Nemo was nearly all legs, which helped with his lines in dance. (It didn’t do much for fast-flying though.) 
He scooped some soup into his mouth, and then grabbed the bowl and lifted the whole thing to his lips. “Here, I’ll eat the whole thing, so you can’t have any!” 
And he slurped half his bowl down to prove it. 
Mu-yeol playfully stuck his tongue out at Nam-min as he slid him a cup of elderflower juice. “It's not your fault, your mother’s human-size height was only 162 cm. She was the tiniest fast-flying fairy in both Hollows we’d lived in. Blame her for those genes.”
He barely stifled a snort as Nemo slurped his soup up like it was room temperature water and not hot soup.
“알았얎, 알았얎 (arasseo, arasseo). Go ahead, eo? I’m full watching you eat anyway.” He said, though he quickly ate a few spoonfuls himself in case Nemo swiped his bowl. Because he would. 
“What’s on the birthday festivities agenda?” Mu-yeol asked, spooning some kimchi onto some rice. “We can do whatever you want except hard drugs. Cocaine might be negotiable-- no, wait. That’s the last thing you need.”
First, Nemo just gargled through his soup, still slurping it down. It really was kinda too hot to do so, but Nemo had already started so it meant he had to commit to it. And commit he did, until it was all done and he let out an “Ahhhhh,” plopping his bowl down and smirking at Appa. He said he’d do it. And Nemo could never resist a challenge. 
He rolled his eyes next though. “Appa, you’re really not funny,” he told him, shaking his head. Appa and his dad jokes. “Mmmm can we
. Oooooh, Appa, can we go dragonfly racing? Please. Pleeeeeeeeeeease, it’s my birthday! I’m 16, that’s plenty old enough!”  
Dragonfly racing was, of course, when fairies skittered across the Kohaku River on the back of dragonflies. Appa always forbid Nemo because dragonflies could be a bit, er, moody-- prone to 360-degree spins, or dipping real close to the water. He’d always been terrified Nemo would fall off and drown. 
Why was Nemo even asking? Well! He asked at least once a year, and a 16th birthday felt like a good time when Appa might not be able to say no. 
“We can go toooogetheer,” Nemo sing-songed. 
“Watch your mouth before I glue it shut, you little brat,” Mu-yeol said in response to being told he wasn’t a comedic genius, of course while pinching Nemo’s cheek while calling him a little brat. “What’s the number one lesson of life? Always laugh when your dad, your employer, or father-in-law makes a joke.”
Another spoonful of soup had almost made it to his mouth when Nemo made his birthday proposal, and the spoon fell from his hand, landing in the bowl with a plonk! Dragonfly racing!? Let him repeat, DRAGONFLY RACING!?!?
Was he trying to make sure this was his last birthday?
Mu-yeol clasped his hands in his lap to keep from wildly gesturing. In the spirit of Nemo’s birthday, he wasn’t going to give an immediate hard no. Today, and today only, he would hear him out about dragonfly racing. Maybe even say yes, and deal with the panic in his chest the entire time.
He taught Nemo to swim in Atlantis Lake in human size, without wings that couldn’t get wet, of course. Logically he knew that Nemo could probably tread water with wet wings long enough to drift toward an aquatic plant to hold onto until he could be pulled out of the river by a fairy with dry wings. It was still risky.
And yet, at Nemo’s age, Mu-yeol had been dragonfly racing for years. His dongsaeng-dul* would compete with him and the other fairies their age for prizes of anything from found objects teenage fairies used for bartering, to ₩5,000 notes the kids whose parents had human jobs would throw in the prize pot.
*reader’s note: dongsaeng = younger sibling; -dul is a particle to add to make any noun plural 
His last two logical brain cells reminded him that he was much more stupid than Nemo at his age, and that he survived. His father wasn’t half as protective as he was, so of course Nemo would be fine.
The other hundred billion weren’t half as reasonable.
” before he could say no though, he cleared his throat to stop himself. He was gonna give him a chance, remember? “Only if you can tell me the procedure for if you fall off. Repeat it to me three times, then we will seriously consider it.”
Appa didn’t say no right away. Whoa.
This was already a win. It was also not completely expected, and so Nemo found himself wide-eyed and leaning forward. “Really?” he responded at first. He had to absorb that Appa hadn’t immediately laughed off the idea like he had done all of Nemo’s life, before patting Nemo on the head and saying something about how hilarious Nemo was with that persistent death wish of his! And did he want to give his dear old Appa a heart attack?!
Maybe sixteen really did make the difference.
Maybe sixteen was going to be his year, after all. 
Nemo swallowed and leaned back, adjusting in his seat and then crackling his knuckles as he prepared to answer Appa’s test. He was pretty sure he knew about the procedures...even if he’d never really gotten to try them out. All the other fast-flying-talents though talked about dragonfly racing all the time (it’s why he wanted to do it so badly.) 
“Number 1--” he held up a finger, “--don’t panic. Number 2, get your head above water and your feet under you, so your wings don’t drag you down. Number 3, tread water in direction of the current toward the shore! Don’t fight the current, cuz you’ll get too tired too fast.” 
That was right...right? Right! 
Mu-yeol watched Nemo carefully as he ran through the DON'T DROWN protocols. Careful to eye him for any signs of bullshitting or hesitation, and satisfied when he found none that his son actually understood how to not drown, he supposed he now had to actually consider dragonfly racing. 
Maybe if he let Nemo do this once, let him have this one thing, he won’t do things like sneaking out with that awful kid Louie. This is exactly why he didn’t want to send Nemo to school, he knew he’d be too preoccupied with looking cool and being popular to actually care about school. He knew he wouldn’t understand that what mattered was finding your group of friends and being cool to them. It was the same for fairies in school, and fairies like Mu-yeol who didn’t go to school. Why couldn’t Nemo be like his mother was and only care what her friends thought of her?
Nemo was like him. Insecure and soft. 
Maybe dragonfly racing and the panic attack he’d be pushing down the entire time would be worth it. Maybe Nemo would take the victory and be satisfied. 
“Good. So...dragonfly racing. Are you sure there’s...nothing else?”
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ciara-clycone · 6 years ago
Deeds of Darkness Ch 2.
Ch: 1 2
A03 link
Evil Gaster vs Dadster fanfiction for @13thcat​
Idea of Gaster vs Dadster: @anic-mj
Characters in this Chapter: Sans and Papyrus( as young skele-kids), and Gaster,Gaster’s employees, Nice Cream Vendor, and other minor characters.
Overall Summary: When an injection of Determination on a test subject has horrifying results, Gaster turns to his timeline machine to get a new specimen
 from another timeline.
Feel Free to comment, like, Reblog, Ask on this. All this also feeds my mood, drive and creativity and helps me write more. So thanks to all those who do this! {Short Chapters cuz of crazy life}
Sans bounds happily down the busy streets. His youthful vigor giving him an abundance of energy to track down his prey, the ice cream vendor. As he sees the Nice Cream Cart, his eyes sparkle with excitement.
“Sans, wait!” His dad calls. He’s quite aways from his son. He hurries toward him, however he does not move as fast as he would like to. Carrying a little baby bones Papyrus slows him down considerably.
Hearing his dad call him, Sans looks back and sees his family. He stops and wonders if he should stay or if he should go. He glances at the cart, and then back to his family. With a loud sigh, he decides to wait for them.
Sans bounces around eagerly. “Hurry, dad! Hurry!” He points the Nice Cream Cart.
“Patience, Sans,” Gaster says between breaths, as he finally catches up to Sans. “The Nice Cream will still be there when we get there.”
Sans tugs Gaster’s sleeve, grabs it, and hurries through the street and toward the ice cream cart.
As they do so, the bustling streets became deadly quiet. Sans looks around to see why, and he sees that all the color drained off all the residents. They were all gray with black and scraggly eyes. They all stop what they are doing, and turn towards Sans. They open up their shadowy jagged mouths a low hissing sound comes out.
Sans looked up at the nice cream vendor. Her skin is also as gray as dust and her eyes were dark squiggles. She grins at Sans, revealing pointed teeth. Squeaking in fear, and backs away from her. He looks up at his dad to tell him that is something wrong when his dad starts to dissolve away right before his eyes. He goes to look for his brother, but he is no where to be seen.
The citizens lumber toward Sans.
“Sans! Sans
.” The monsters spookily moan. They reach up for him, and as they do so their arms stretch out to reach him.
“Nooooo!” Sans cries as he is grabbed.
He bolts up in bed, wide awake. Tears stream down his face, and a blue glow comes from his eyes. He’s confused. Where is he? This isn’t the alleyway or the streets
” comes his dad’s voice. “It’s alright, son
 I’m here. You’re safe.”
Sans looks over at him. “Dad
?” His mind starts to clear as he remembers he’s at his home. The Toys and a lamp he unintentionally lifted with his magic, softly drop to the floor as he calms down.
“That’s right,” his dad says soothingly, as he gives him a reassuring hug. He sighs with relief as the signs of worry of his face start to fade. “Everything is ok
 You’re safe and at home. You just had a nightmare.”
Sans hugs his dad tight. “Dad! It was so scary!” He sniffles.
“I’m sure it was, but it’s all gone now. No more scarries.” He pats Sans head. “How about you try to go back to sleep?”
Yawning, Sans reluctantly agrees and curls up in under his sheets.  Fortunately no more bad dreams would come to him this night.
Later that day, at his work, Gaster moves about sluggishly from station to station.
“Sir, you look dead. Should you even be at work today?” asks one of Gaster’s employees.
Yawning, Gaster nods. “My son has just had a nightmare last night
 so I didn’t get a lot of sleep.”
“Was it Sans?” asks another employee.
Gaster nods.
“But he’s had one every day of the week then, right? That can’t be good for either of you.” Says a third employee.
“Yes and yes...” Gaster sighs. “It’s taxing on both of us.”
His employees gather around to offer words of support. “That’s rough
.” “What a trouper
” “That’s our boss for ya.” “You’re a rock, Dr. G.”
As the words leave the last one, Grillby comes in with a cart of food. “Catering to the rescue.” He smiles.
The workers perk up and rush over to him.
“Alright, lunch time!”
“I’m famished!”
As the employees quickly grab some food, Gaster turns toward Grillby, a confused expression on his face.
“I didn’t order catering
“My treat to all of you. Especially you, Gaster. I know, but given how hard your week has been what with having to be up with Sans every night, I thought you could use it.”
Gaster smiles. “Thank you.”
“Wait, so you know about the nightmare problems too?” asks an employee.
Grillby nods. “Gaster and I are good friends,”
As Gaster goes to pick up a sandwich his phone beeps. He takes it out, looks at it and just sighs.
“What is it?” Grillby asks.
“The king requests if I can be here again tonight to go over some plans for the Core. I normally wouldn’t mind, but
“Right. You haven’t been getting enough sleep. Why don’t you call off early today so you can be ready for the meeting tonight?”
Gaster thinks for a bit, trying to decide if he should. “Hmm
 I suppose I should. I just have to find a sitter for the kids for tonight.”
“I’ll do it.” Grillby offers.
Gaster shakes his head. “Grillby, you’ve done enough already with this free lunch...”
“No more protesting, Gaster. After the week you’ve had, you need as much help as you can get, and I would like to you help you where I can.”
“Thank you, I really do appreciate it.”
“No problem. Now why don’t you go get some rest and spend some time with your kids. I bet they would love that.”
Gaster nods, and heads off home. Since the kids will still be at home for a few hours, he decides to nap for a bit.  
After his nap, he wakes the kids and they have some family fun time before he has to work. He makes their favorite meals, and then they play a few games.
It’s two hours before he has to head back to work, and he decides to break it to his boys that he can’t stay home all night.
“Now, kids, I have to work tonight.” They whine about that. “But that is why I am having Grillby watch over your tonight. So if you need anything, he will be there to help you.”
“Yay, Gibs!” Says Papyrus, clapping his hands.
Sans smiles at the mention of the bar tender, though he still seems tense.
He still seems bothered by his nightmare, Gaster thinks, as he looks at his son. I need to do something for him, but what
 He hears the jingle of a near by Nice Cream Cart.
“Say, how would you two like some ice cream?”
“Yaaasss!!!!” Papyrus waves his arms.
Sans eagerly nods.
“Alright, let’s go then!” Gaster picks up Papyrus, who squeals with delight.
With that Sans dashes off to find the Nice Cream Cart.
“Sans, not so fast!” His father says. Smiling, he watches his oldest weave past people on the bustling side road.
Sans’s laughter rises above the murmurings of the other citizens.
Hearing it brings happiness and relief to Gaster, who had been silently fretting about Sans and his nightmares.
Sans easily tracks down the jingle of the cart and rushes over to the vendor.
“Well, hello there, Sans, would you like menu?” A purple bunny asks Sans. “Yes peas!” Sans nods his head vigorously.
The lady chuckles, and hands Sans a picture menu of the ice cream. Sans eagerly takes it and begins to look at all the options.
His father finally catches up, and the vendor turns to him.
“Ah, Dr. Gaster, it’s a pleasure to see you again,”  The bunny beams. “Here’s a little menu for that cutie you have with you.” She hands Gaster another menu, and Papyrus coos at her compliment.
Gaster chuckles. “Why, thank you. And yes, It’s been a few days since we’ve been here. Thought I’d let the kids have a treat for being so good.”
“Ooh oooh!” Sans exclaims as he sees something on the menu.
“Do you see something you want, Sans?” His father asks.
Sans nods his head so fast he looks like a bobble doll. “Want this!” He points to a star shaped ice cream bar.
“Heh, I should have known,” Gaster smiles at his son, and pats him on the head with his free hand. “Alright. one Star Cream and
 What do you want Papyrus?” He asks as he turns to Papyrus, who is holding his menu and looking very seriously at the options.
.Dis!” Papyrus points to an echo flower shaped sherbet.
“And an Sherbecho.” Gaster says, as he takes the menu from him.
“Yay!!!” Papyrus exclaims.
Gaster chuckles, and gives his son a soft head boop of affection.
The bunny lady smiles at the scene. “And what would you like, doctor?”
“I’ll have a chocolate and vanilla twist cone.”
As Dadster pays, they find a bench to sit down at and enjoy their nice cream.
Sans is chomping at his, while Papyrus is delicately eating his treat.
Gaster takes a few bites of his, and then turns to Sans.
 Sans are you feeling better?”
Sans stops eating his ice cream and just stares at it silently, as if the question brought back some unpleasant memories. A few seconds pass, and he blinks. All traces of unhappiness leave his face.
“Yea! It’s good!” He turns to his ice cream with a determined look and takes a big chomp at it.
After the ice cream, they go to the park for a quick bit of fun, and then head back home and puts them in their pajamas and then carries them off to their rooms.
He goes to Papyrus’s bedroom and tucks him in first. He sits on the edge of his bed, and holds Sans comfortingly. He summoned some floating hands that went over and picked up a book, and brought it over to him.
As he reads them their bedtime story, he notices that they are both getting sleepy. A few minutes pass, and Papyrus is out cold. Gaster glances at Sans and sees that he is about to nod off.
He carries Sans into his room and places him gently on his bed, and tucks him in.
“Mmmmm noo
” Sans sleepily protests. “No go
Gaster pats him on the head. “Shh
 It’s ok. Daddy’s got to go to work. But Uncle Grillby will be here to watch over you and to keep you and your brother safe. Alright?”
Sans nods. “Aright.” He yawns and drifts off to sleep.
Gaster watches his son sleep for a bit and then walks out to the hall. He sees Grillby by the door.
Grillby grins and pats the doctor on his shoulder. “I’ll keep watch over them so you can work without having to worry about them. If Sans has a nightmare, I’ll calm him.”
“Thanks, Grillby,” Gaster nods. “You’re a life saver.”
“Glad to help,” Grillby says. 
With that, Gaster heads down the stairs and leaves for work.
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izzy-b-hands · 6 years ago
Mark the Date, Pt 1
Prompt: Calendar
I was gonna try and type a cute description here, but I’m afraid I’ll give away the plot if I do cuz I’m excited about it. So all I’ll say here is that Eugene and Snafu’s anniversary plays a part in this one! And it wasn’t going to be a multi part thing, but it was getting really long for a one shot, so I tried to find a spot to split it up a bit!
It was the same every year since they’d gotten married. They’d both plan something for the other, and spend the day together, no work or school to get in the way. 
The best part of it was watching Snafu. He attempted something that might have resembled sneakiness, but only vaguely. This year was perhaps his weakest attempt though. 
“Is that a...gazebo?”
Snafu nearly dropped the hammer in his hand as he turned to face Eugene, his eyes wide. “Um. Yes. What’s it matter?”
“Because I don’t recall us deciding to build one, or that you would do it all on your own,” Eugene replied, walking around the half-built structure. “Is this why you said I couldn’t come out here today?” 
“Meant to be a surprise,” Snafu mumbled. 
“Well, I am surprised. And I like it, but let me help you! Or get you water at least, you’ve been out here in this heat for hours,” Eugene scolded. He should have disobeyed and come out sooner to check on him. “We’re both lucky I didn’t come out here to find you passed out on the grass.” 
“I would’ve come in before that,” Snafu sighed.
“Sure, sure,” Eugene replied. “How the hell did you get the concrete slab down? I didn’t even see you bring in any of this?”
“Last few nights when ‘the cats were sneaking out’?” Snafu smiled, wincing slightly as he flopped back against the concrete floor of the structure. 
“I knew that was a lie, but this? In the dark?” Eugene laughed. “I mean, gettin’ it to set would have been a nightmare.”
“It’s worth it,” Snafu replied. “Part of somethin’ bigger, but that’s all I’m gonna say about it.” 
“Really? ‘Cause I know it’s eatin’ at you, to tell me more,” Eugene teased as he sat on the concrete slab. 
“Maybe so. But my lips are sealed,” Snafu’s hand reached up to pull at his shirt, tugging him down. 
“You really wanna do this out here, on this hot fuckin’ concrete?” Eugene murmured as he let himself be pulled down, moving to rest against Snafu, his thigh in between Snafu’s. 
“Really think I’m gonna let heat and sunburn stop me from gettin’ to you?” Snafu asked in reply. 
He was considering exactly what he was going to do to Snafu on the slab when Sid’s voice rang out. 
“Snaf! I got the uh-oh shit, Gene. I mean, I...” 
“I forgot we gave him the spare key,” Eugene sighed as he rolled off and up from Snafu. “What do you have, Sid?” 
Sid looked panicked, his hands hidden behind his back, the package he was trying to hide sticking out from behind him. “Nothin’. Just...Snaf asked me to run an errand for him. S’all.” 
“Is this to do with the bigger surprise you swear you aren’t gonna tell me anythin’ about?” Eugene asked as he watched Snafu bolt up and run to Sid like he was on fire. 
“What? Nah,” Snafu replied. “We gotta go talk for a minute, be right back darlin’!” 
He waited for a moment before following them inside, leaving his shoes near the back door so they wouldn’t hear him as he settled near the wall by the entrance of the sitting room. 
“You’re gonna tell him before the day of, right?” Sid asked. 
“‘Course,” Snafu replied. “But I mean...you think he’ll like this, right? Everyone’s helpin’ out and excited, and I know neither of us planned on ever gettin’ to do it, but...I’m not fuckin’ this up by not tellin’ him right away, am I?” 
“I don’t think so,” Sid replied, and Eugene could hear one of the chairs across from the couch creak as Sid moved in it. “But I know he’s gonna be curious as all hell right about now. Which is why I know he’s probably two feet away, listenin’ in. So lemme help both of you out-” 
Eugene slipped trying to get up and away from the wall as he heard Sid get up and move to the entrance of the room, but he wasn’t fast enough. 
“Hey. So, I know you’re curious. I would be too. But I promise, you’re gonna love what he’s cookin’ up. Gonna be a hell of an anniversary celebration, too. Give him another few days to finish that thing outside, to let me and some other folks finish up some ‘errands’ for him, then you’ll see. Be patient,” Sid smiled down at him. 
“Did you hear me come in or somethin’?” Eugene asked, wishing he wasn’t sprawled out on the floor at that moment. 
“No. Just know you well, buddy. And I’d be curious too, so I can’t blame ya. I’ll be back tomorrow around ten to help with the gazebo, so if you’re gonna...ya know, fuck on it, maybe do it before then? I love you guys, but-” 
“Oh my god, Sid,” Eugene interrupted, covering his face as he blushed and pulled himself back to sit against the wall. 
“See ya later!” Sid chirped happily as he left.
Snafu rounded the wall as the door clicked shut, and went to lock it. He walked back to Eugene, and slumped down beside him against the wall. 
“I could just tell you. Been so damn nervous about this, plannin’ it since our last anniversary,” Snafu said. His hands were shaking. 
Eugene reached over and held onto his hands as tight as he could. “Hey. I’m sure I’ll like whatever it is. I admit, I am...confused, to put it lightly, as to how the gazebo factors in, but-” 
“A wedding,” Snafu interrupted. “I can’t keep a secret from you, you know that. I was plannin’, since we never got one with a bunch of family and friends, and I know it still won’t be legal or whatever, but I thought bein’ back here with all your family and Sid and everyone else you know maybe it would be nice, and...” 
“You planned a wedding for us?” 
Snafu turned to meet his eyes, looking half scared to death. “I mean...I’m tryin’. Don’t really know how it goes. But I know you need someplace to hold it, and our backyard is big enough, nice enough for that. But I wanted somewhere to be the...hell I don’t know what you call it, the center of it all? So that’s why...” 
“The gazebo,” Eugene laughed.
“And I know your favorite color and mine, so that’s our colors. Apparently we needed those, according to Sid and Mary. That’s what Sid was doin’. Pickin’ up decorations and shit,” Snafu sighed. “God, you don’t hate this, do you? I mean, I know this is a big thing to spring on anyone and we’ve technically been married for almost three years, but-” 
“I love it,” Eugene interrupted softly, letting go of Snafu’s hands only to turn and pull him as close as he could, letting Snafu lean down to rest in his lap. “You planned all of this? And kept it quiet this long?” 
“It’s been killin’ me,” Snafu replied shakily. “Sid and Mary have known for awhile, and your parents. Got Burgie and Florence comin’ too. Won’t be a whole lot of folks, though I told your parents to invite anyone they knew would be, y’know...accepting. So no idea how many more that is, they haven’t gotten back to me yet.” 
“When is this planned for, exactly?” Eugene asked, though he was sure he already knew. 
“Day of our anniversary. Wanted to do somethin’ big. Probably settin’ a high standard for the rest of our anniversaries but,” Snafu shrugged. “If we’re stayin’ put here for awhile, then I wanted to do somethin’ showy. Show you off, and how much I love you.” 
He had words to say, but the tears kept getting in the way. He kept his arms tight around Snafu, and for that moment it was so good. Sweet and soft and wonderful-his husband had planned a whole wedding! For him! It was beautiful. 
“Our anniversary is in four days,” Eugene said, wiping away the tears. 
“Yup,” Snafu replied from his lap, his head resting gently and a hand on Eugene’s thigh.
“That’s not a lot of time,” Eugene said. “How much more is there to do? Aside from the the gazebo, I mean.” 
Snafu sat up, wiping tears off of his face. “Um. Not much, really. Sid and your dad have someone bringin’ over extra tables and things the day before, decoratin’ that night I guess. Already had your dad help out by gettin’ a tailor he trusts for our suits. Nothin’ fancy, mind, just black suits that he had on hand in his shop and can fit to us. And he’s coming over...shit he’s coming over tomorrow for fittings.” 
“Hold on. You were gonna have me fitted for a suit and just trust I wouldn’t ask why?” Eugene laughed. 
“Yeah,” Snafu giggled. “Shit, that wouldn’t have worked.” 
“No, no it would not have, but I find it adorable that you were gonna try,” Eugene sighed softly. “What time does the tailor get here?” 
“Hold on, I know this, I did actually write it down, shockin’ though that may be,” Snafu replied, jumping up and running into the kitchen, returning with a notebook that looked like it had seen hell. 
Snafu flipped through it seemingly at random, finally settling on a page. “He gets in at...eurgh. Seven in the fuckin’ morning. That’s what I get for lettin’ your dad set up that appointment, but he knows the guy, so not like I was gonna argue.” 
“Too bad,” Eugene sighed, standing up and trying to sneak a peek at the notebook. “Was gonna find a way to thank you for all of this.”
Snafu snapped the notebook shut and smiled. “Let some of it be a surprise yet. And what exactly did you have in mind for me?” 
“Somethin’ that means neither of us would be able to be out of bed before seven, that’s for damn sure,” Eugene said, letting his hands take hold of Snafu’s waist to pull him close. “Don’t know if I can wait until our honeymoon for it though.” 
“Only four days away,” Snafu said, leaning in to kiss him and nip at his lips. “You really can’t resist me for that long?” 
“You keep this up and I won’t make it five more minutes,” Eugene replied, his hands already undoing the front of Snafu’s pants. “Think you can still get up early if I keep you up for a bit?” 
“Somethin’s up already, you really think I’m gonna say no?” Snafu replied before letting the notebook drop to the floor as his hands moved to toy at the nape of Eugene’s neck, and he kissed him hard enough to move them both forward. 
It was a race upstairs, after retrieving the notebook and turning off the lights downstairs, much to Snafu’s frustration (”Too many goddamn lights, I’m dyin’ over here but we’ve got to turn all this shit off, for fuck’s sake.”) 
A few of the cats had taken up residence on their bed, but hopped off as if on cue as soon as they walked in. 
“Thanks for lettin’ us borrow the room,” Snafu said dryly as they trotted down the hall to the open guest room. 
“You know we don’t really own any of this, they do. They just let us live here,” Eugene laughed as he tossed his clothes to the floor and jumped onto the bed. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Snafu sighed as he stripped. “Think even your parents know that. They thought they were givin’ the house to us, but no!” 
“Get over here before the furry landlords get back in here and try and steal the bed again,” Eugene said, patting the bed. 
Snafu dropped onto the bed with a happy sigh. 
“You’re the settin’ the alarm so we actually get up, right?” Eugene asked as he let his hands trail along Snafu’s torso to his hip. 
Snafu rolled his eyes, but turned and set the alarm clock on the beside table. “Better?” 
Eugene nodded. “You’re gonna be too busy with me to do it later.” 
Snafu chuckled and smiled, stretching out and leaning against him. “That a promise?” 
Eugene replied with his lips against Snafu’s neck, his chest, working to elicit the moans and whimpers that he loved to hear. 
And for the first fifteen minutes or so, that’s what he got, as he nipped and kissed  his way down Snafu’s body. As he reached his hip, it registered that the sounds had changed. 
A look up revealed it; Snafu with his eyes shut, lightly snoring. 
Eugene laughed and pressed another kiss to Snafu’s hip before coming back up to rest beside him. “Gazebo building took it out of you, darlin’?” 
Snafu’s only response was to snuggle close to him as he pulled him near, so Snafu’s head came to rest against his chest.
“I’ll be patient then,” Eugene said as he played with Snafu’s hair. “Honeymoon night though? We aren’t gonna sleep at all.” 
He slept hard that night though, with Snafu warm against him. 
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