#cuz i was subbed to her and she introduced me to all the things she said and we have a mutual queer experience from that kinda source lmao
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bulbabutt · 1 year ago
no offence to people who genuinely enjoyed james somerton and feel cheated but you could kind of tell he didnt give a shit about anything he ever said. there was no passion or personable anecdotes in anything he ever made, and the fact he was constantly posting videos was crazy. like if you watch your more popular video essayists theyre always coming from a point of 1) education in a field 2) passion in a subject and 3) being open about themselves
like , this man hopped on the video essay train because of the popularity of his peers and just tokened himself into "the gay video essayist" as if so many other people werent already doing that? and the lack of care for intersectionality was obvious. i stopped ever watching him after he took it personally that some marvel show was about black exploitation in america and not about two men kissing each other, cuz it became abundantly clear that was the only experience he gave a shit about (his own)
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wosoragebaiter69 · 1 year ago
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barça femeni x teen!reader
request: here & here
A/N: I bought FIFA23 today cuz i found it for $34, like damn. YES. PLEASE. In the basket 😌 I can now play other games other than hogwarts legacy and forza
TW: coarse language
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As soon as you saw the message, you knew it was over. Your phone was in the hands of Ona who was looking at edits of herself on TikTok with Pina. You attempt to take the phone back, but it’s too late and they’ve already run out of the recreational room to the field where some of the other girls kicking are kicking a ball around.
“Y/N’S GOT A GIRLFRIEND, Y/N’S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!” Ona screams running and kicking the ball out of the way.
Jana and Bruna immediately rush over stealing the phone and opening messages.
“Guys, it’s nothing. Please stop.” You plead, hoping they’ll drop it. Jana looks up and narrows her eyes at you.
“It’s not nothing if this mystery girl has a HEART next to her name. We will not drop this until you tell ussss.” She drags out. You shake your head, before ultimately giving in.
“Fine, it’s just a crush ok? Now please, give me back my phone.” They seem satisfied and you thought it was over until Salma walks over.
“Careful now, don’t push us to the side when you get the girl.” You groan, walking away and flipping them off in the process. Noting that the next time you give someone your phone, to put it on do not disturb.
You look down at the message, finally being able to read it.
‘I just asked my mum and she said I could go! Could you send the ticket through please ;)’ You find yourself blushing as you walk through the doors back into the building, ignoring the curious glances sent your way.
- - - - -
Over the next couple of days, the teasing became more and more, and you only got more and more frustrated. Even Patri and Asisat joining in. The Nigerian didn’t really comment though, only some remarks and laughing, but it was more funny to you than the pestering of the others.
You didn’t realise that the girls had in fact read the message, you thought they were only focused on the heart next to her name. How wrong you were.
It was after warming-up, everyone was in the locker-room awaiting the speeches from Marta and Jona when Ona came and sat next to you, Claudia on the other side.
“Will we see mystery girl with a heart next to her name today?” Ona says, smirking. You groan.
“You two better not do anything I mean it.” You warn, wanting to be done with everything.
“Come onnn.” Claudia drags out. “I want to meet her.”
“And I don’t want you guys to meet her. Simple.” You say, standing up and walking towards where the tactics were about to be said.
- - - - -
The game is a good one, a 6-0 win and you play for about 30 minutes. It was comfortable and you laugh to yourself, thinking about how the team only had six subs, and got six goals.
You walk around, greeting and signing things for fans when you see her. The one the girls have been teasing about all week. You smile and hug her.
“Sorry… I’m a bit sweaty.” You blush looking away.
“No, no, it’s ok.” She laughs.
“So uhh, how did you like the game?” You look back up smiling.
“It was a good one, nice assist by the way.” Again, a blush crawls up your neck and to your cheeks. Then, out of nowhere Jana and Bruna are next to you and you look back to see Ona, Patri and Claudia looking at you.
“Maya, this is Jana and Bruna. My teammates and friends.” You introduce, nervous.
“So this is the one with the heart next to her name?” Jana says smugly, before you can object Bruna speaks.
“Found yourself a good one Y/N!”
“Please… not right now. Go away.” You sigh, looking apologetically at Maya who looks slightly uncomfortable.
“Fine, but if you need ANYTHING we will be right over there.” Jana points to where most of the girls are cluttered together, in the cold. She starts to walk away while Bruna stays.
“Bruna what do you want-“ You’re cut off as she manages to lift up your shirt and runs away with it. Back to where you see the other girls are laughing.
“I’m sorry for that, uhh” I look down and feel goosebumps forming all over my body.
“I think I will go. You should probably get warm, it’s cool out here.” You nod slowly, embarrassed by how this turned out.
“Thanks for coming though, hopefully we meet again?” You ask.
“We’ll see.” She smirks. “Bye Y/N.” Maya then turns around and leaves as you sigh for what felt like the millionth time this week. Feeling deflated, you walk back and don’t watch where you’re going.
You bump into Irene out of everyone.
“Lo siento.” You mumble.
“It’s alright- hey what’s wrong?” She grips your forearm assessing your face.
“Nothing, it’s fine.”
“Nena, don’t lie to me. What happened? Where’s your shirt? Aren’t you cold?” She says looking around.
“Just Bruna and Jana being annoying again, don’t worry.” You half-smile.
“What did they do this time? I know they’ve been teasing you about some crush. What is it?”
“Well, that said crush was here and I was talking to her and they came over. I told them to go away then Bruna took my shirt off of me and ran. They completely embarrassed me! I really like her and I just…” You don’t finish the sentence, tears welling in your eyes as your voice breaks.
“I’m gonna go home, bye Irene.” She tries to call out for you but you ignore her retreating to the change rooms and take a hot shower, to ease your thoughts.
Immediately afterwards, you notice the sympathetic looks from your older teammates, but choose to ignore them walking out of the room.
You get in your car, and drive away back to your house where no one can bother you. You were only 17, still finishing school and you live right next door to Irene. Who makes sure you have your shit together, despite objecting to it many times.
Unbeknownst to you, there was a lengthy conversation going on in the locker room after you had left
- - - - -
Irene’s voice blares through the room startling nearly everyone.
“Claudia, Patri, Jana, Bruna and Ona. You are all staying behind and we are going to have a little talk, got it? Salma you can also stay.” She says, everyone else goes back to doing their thing and immediately the girls know they’re in for it.
Everyone has filed out of the room, bar Alexia, Frido and those told to stay.
“I’m guessing you all know why I have you here, sí?”
They nod their heads.
“So, enlighten me why our teammate and friend has gone home very upset.” Irene makes a point to look at Bruna. But, it’s Salma who speaks up.
“They embarrassed her? I would just like to say I thought it was a stupid idea, I was right since we are standing here right now.” She folds her arms, trying to look tough.
“You may not have been this time, but you ALL have been teasing her all week. She had tears in her eyes and couldn’t even look at me. So each one of you will apologise.” Then Claudia speaks up.
“What about Asisat?” Frido answers the striker.
“She did much less damage, you will apologise and that’s it. That’s all you have to do.” The girls nod their heads meekly and then Alexia speaks up.
“Jana, Bruna. I expected better from both of you. Let this be a lesson for when things go too far. Patri, aren’t you old enough to not mingle with a teenagers love life?” Her jaw drops and solemnly nods.
“Ok then, if anyone is going to apologise. The best time is right now. Follow Irene and get it over with so she can’t hold something against you for a longer time than necessary.” Alexia finishes and then walks out with Frido.
- - - - -
You’re interrupted from your movie by knocking on your door. It’s 10pm, so options were limited. You find out when you open it that it’s Jana, Bruna, Ona, Salma, Patri and Claudia.
“What are you guys doing here?” You ask skeptically.
“Well we felt bad, and after a scolding from Irene we thought we’d come apologise. Sorry that we embarrassed you in front of if your crush, and I’m sorry I took your shirt off.” Bruna says with an apologetic smile.
“It’s ok, thanks for stopping by.” You knew it was genuine, so you felt better now.
“We got you a little something though.” Ona states, matter-of-factly. Then she gives you the bag she’s holding which has 2 Winnie the pooh plushies (one of Eeyore and one of pooh reading a book to piglet), along with different snacks.
“This is… thanks guys. Thanks a lot.” You take a look at the plushies, staring at how cute the one is where Pooh is reading to piglet. (i have this irl if anyone wants a photo 🤷)
“So, did you get the girl amiga?” Jana asks. You nod.
“We’re gonna go out some other time, not sure when. But yeah should be fun.” You don’t know why you told them that but you have a little feeling that they won’t tease you about it this time. Not if Irene can stop it anyways.
“Well, we will get leaving. See you at recovery then Y/N.” Salma says.
“Bye guys, thanks again!” They all walk out and Irene walks in.
“Looks like my plan worked huh?” You smile.
“Thanks but really, I was fine.” She quirks an eyebrow.
“Really? Because you were almost crying Cariño. I just came to make sure they stuck to their word, and they did.” You nod.
“As for those chocolates, no eating until cheat day alright?” You rolls your eyes.
“Fine, can I finish my movie now?” She laughs.
“Sure, I’ll get back now, be safe. I love you, the team cares and if you are ever feeling down again. Or feel sad because of what teammates say. Do not hesitate to tell me.” You nod and whisper and thank you as she kisses the top of your forehead and leaves. You love this team, you really do.
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cocogum · 4 months ago
Weird things I want Ankama to explain.
Why did Tot develop the adventures after season 2 into a manga? Was it because of budget related reasons? Because it couldn’t have been for its maturity. Tot follows the audience as it kept growing and at the time, the majority were still young. The only reason why the Great Wave, on the other hand, got turned into a manga was because it was apparently going to get graphic.
Why did Tot jump 6 years into the future instead of making more adventures when the gang still had no responsibilities or duties?
Why did tot not make up a new queen outfit for Amalia in the Great Wave instead of making her feel limited to her strict s4 budget? I thought the entire point of converting the story into a manga is to be finally be free from restrictive animation budgets.
Why was Arpagone added into the story??? Ruel specifically stated in two moments that he never got married. In season 1, he spoke to Kabrok and when the wife topic came up, insinuated that if he ever had a wife like Miranda, he'd stop his adventures. And in season 2, when Yugo asks Ruel if he has ever fallen in love, Ruel says that he did and had many lovers in the past but ALMOST married one of them. In season 3, we see that he officially married Arpagone, which completely contradicts what he has said in season 2.
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Why are there good concept arts of the characters from seasons 3-4 from the yt videos Ankama uploads for us but these same concept arts are not included in their respective season artbooks??? I thought the whole point of an artbook was to show ALL character concepts and sheets.
Why did Nora have this entire redesign? Don't get me wrong, I think she looks cool as hell but it threw me off so much when I first watched the S4 trailer. I had to get used to it lol
It's funny how Wakfu's main role was to introduce the eliatrope class but then finally opted to introduce a sub branch of it being the 'eliotropes' instead. Like Tot please give us more info in Season 5, you literally did an entire reboot of the eliatropes' history FOR SOME REASON and it now feels like we're back where we started because of Season 4. We now have more questions than answers and it literally took us 16 years to get here and we BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE.
Sooo are we just gonna forget about how Amalia dreamed of Sadida telling her to go out and help a hero? The hero being Yugo? She literally tells Eva in Season 1 that she had a dream of her GOD, but Eva doesn't believe her cuz she thinks she's making up things or whatever. But when Amalia says the same thing to Armand, again, NO ONE BATS AN EYE??? Tot you seriously need to give me an explanation for why Amalia was able to meet her god like this, AND why she seems to have a special connection with the Tree of Life SINCE IT SPECIFICALLY CHOSE HER TO POSSESS DURING NOX'S WAR. Also, why would Sadida willingly make Amalia meet Yugo?? I ain't complaining, I think it's such an interesting thing to know about, BUT EVEN AFTER FOUR SEASONS AND THREE SPECIAL EPISODES, we still don't know why she is so special! She was even able to find a solution for Pandiego's village CUZ HER FUCKING TEARS HAPPENED TO BE THE SOLUTION FOR THE MILK PROBLEM ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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chiptaylorsfirst · 9 months ago
hi! if your requests are open atm and if it's okay, could i ask for a pre-cult kai anderson smut with female reader pegging him for the first time, please? like it's his punishment for something and he consented to it but yet he is quite flustered cuz it's his first time doing something like that, and reader senses it and although she is punishing him she also kind of comforts him a little cuz she feels him being too embarrassed and stuff? thank you, i hope this is okay 👉👈
A/N: Sure thing. My apologies for basically leaving like almost a year. I'm here now though and I'm ready to spoil the fans with some enjoyable writings. I hope this fulfills your request and my requests stay open.
Word Count: 2,314
Pairing: sub!pre-cult!Kai Anderson x soft!dom!fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, slight jealousy, a bit of fluff, slight praise kink, pegging, anal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), aftercare, a bit of degradation, spanking, handjob, color system
Summary: Kai decided to disobey your rules so it calls for a little lesson.
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Kai Anderson was probably the best boyfriend that you’d ever had in your entire life. He actually cared for you and loved you. He was genuine, compassionate, funny, and intelligent. It was all the things you could ever ask for and more. However, as you watched him casually flirt with a girl whilst being in the same room with you, you knew he needed to be taught a lesson. 
You had recently introduced him to power play and dynamics in the bedroom. It had been going smoothly so far since you agreed and negotiated on your likes and dislikes. He definitely knew what he was doing as his expression feigned innocence while looking up at you.
He smirked at you before bringing his attention back to the girl he’d decided to entertain for the evening. You had a few classes with her and you recalled seeing her and Winter talk multiple times. She had to be a friend of his sister’s which would explain why she was so comfortable around him, not that it mattered but your mind was doing a thousand things at once as you continued to watch Kai’s every move. 
After a moment, you butted yourself into the conversation, sliding your hand onto Kai’s shoulder as you forced a smile on your lips. “It was wonderful seeing you but we have to leave. I’m starting to feel awful. I think the alcohol might have finally gotten to me,” you lied. 
“But the event wasn’t done yet,” Kai argued. You rolled your eyes before giving him a dead stare and taking his hand into yours. “Baby, let’s go now before I decide to harm a certain someone.” 
The discussion ended and the drive home was a quiet one, the only sound being the gravel under the car and your breaths. As soon as you made it in the house though, all of that silence was interrupted. You eagerly kissed your boyfriend, his arms wrapping around your waist as his back collided with the front door of your humble abode.
Your fingers tangled in his hair while you dominated the kiss and moaned against him. The kiss eventually broke, the two of you panting. “You fucking knew what you were doing, Kai. You’re such a little brat.” He laughed aloud. 
He seemed zoned out, his eyes raking over your form as he took in the sight of you. “Kai.” His eyes suddenly were on yours as you brought him out of his trance.  “Yes?” “You know we haven’t done much as far as punishments and other things. I just want to know that you’re comfortable so I don’t hurt you.” “Baby, I’ll always let you know if I want to stop but for now, my color is green.” With that, you continued and you were later being carried into the bedroom. 
Kai let you drop from his arms, waiting for your every command so he could obey. “Sit tight and strip bare for me. If I see anything on, you may end up without an orgasm at all,” you said plainly. He was immediate in doing as you asked, causing you to smile to yourself as you walked out of the door.
You started to look through different sets of lingerie you had until you came across the perfect one. It was dark blue with golden accents. It contained bits of lace mixed with embroidery and a level of comfort you couldn’t truly receive from other lingerie sets. 
It was by far one of the most luxurious and promiscuous items you ever owned. You checked yourself out in the mirror once you were finished putting it on, the clothing doing the best at showing all of your curves. You then grabbed a few toys and some lube before making your way back to your shared bedroom. Kai was comfortably laying on the sheets, his pale skin fully exposed to you. 
You sat on the edge of the bed, feeling yourself becoming wet at the image before you. “Over my lap, sweetie.” He seemed to like the name, positioning himself over your lap. 
“I’m gonna give you ten lashes and you’re gonna count them and thank me for them, okay? Tell me your color.” His face was flushed and you could tell he was a bit shy but eager to please you. “Green.” You kneaded one of his ass cheeks before hitting it with great force. He let out a small sound of pleasure. “One, thank you.” You continued, watching as his skin turned into a pretty shade of red.
Once you got to the fifth one, you started to jerk him off while spanking him. He squirmed on your lap at the feeling and you scolded him for it. “I know, I know. You need to stay still for me, okay? You’re being so good for me.” 
The moan that you heard from him was sinful to say the least and you definitely noticed the way his cock twitched from the praise. You continued your attack on him, removing your hand from his length as you gave him the hardest slap to his ass. “Ten! Thank you.” You let him off of your lap and watched as he laid down on the bed.
You looked at the toys you’d brought before grabbing a butt plug and giving your boyfriend his next direction. “Get on your stomach for me, ass in the air.” He quickly did so, holding his breath as you approached him. He slightly flinched as he felt your hand on his skin. “I’m gonna need you to calm down and relax, okay? Is your color still green?” “Yes,” he responded, his voice barely above a whisper. You squirted some lube on your fingers, revealing his opening and stretching him out nicely.
“Fuck.” His small groans went unnoticed as you continued. Once you decided he was prepared enough, you lubed up the butt plug and slowly slid it inside of him. “Does it feel okay?” “Yeah, a little weird but good.” You flipped him onto his back and kissed him.
The kiss was soft and sweet at first but as the two of you continued, it turned into something more. You started to straddle him, becoming wetter as you felt his arms wrap around your body. An idea popped in your head and you had already begun doing it before you could even think properly. You shoved him down before positioning your body into a perfect sixty-nine. 
“Give me an orgasm and I may let you cum.” He didn’t miss a beat, pulling the material of your lingerie to the side before tasting your cunt. You moaned, lazily jerking him off before licking up the pre cum that covered his tip. You repeatedly teased him as he ate you out, your back arching in need of a better angle. You decided to finally suck him off, taking every breath you could take as you felt him suck your clit.
Your eyes were teary as you deepthroated him before raising up only to go down again. The sounds of your activities bounced off of the walls and you felt your thighs start to shake as Kai became more feverish in tasting you. You opted to use your hand, too afraid that you’d choke from the pleasure he was giving you. 
You felt your high approaching and you gripped the sheets for dear life, slowly sucking his dick and doing your best to breathe correctly. His hips started to buck upwards and he was twitching in your mouth, making you stop his orgasm completely as you came on his tongue. He laid in defeat as you got off of him. You kissed his cheek apologetically before speaking. “That’s what you get for being a little attention whore, brat.” 
He rolled his eyes at you and you slapped his thigh. “Don’t do that, not unless you wanna get another orgasm taken away. Do you want that, hmm?” “No.” He shook his head as he said the word, making your heart warm at how cute he looked. 
“Being a brat doesn’t suit you, sweetie. You’re way better at being my good boy. Wanna be that for me?” “Yes, always.” You turned him over onto his stomach before whispering in his ear. “Then don’t break my rules.” You removed the butt plug from his hole, enjoying the sight of how stretched it became. 
You then reached for the dildo, spreading lube on the material before putting some on his opening. He buried his head in the pillows as you slid it inside of him, slowly moving it back and forth within him. “I need to hear you, okay? Stop trying to be quiet.” You noticed him hesitate and you sighed as you removed the pillows from him and put them to the side. He was practically a mewling and whimpering mess, his sounds far more than pornographic.
“Mm, Y/N, f-fuck.” You smirked at the sound of your name slipping from his lips. “Color?” “Green.” Your hand wrapped around his length, stroking it in time with the movements of the dildo. “Gonna cum for me?” “Mhm.” “Go ahead and let go.” Soft moans and groans escaped him as he started to cum, painting his stomach white.
You were quick to get him on his back again, slipping the dildo out before licking his abs clean. The sight alone made him hard again. “Sit tight for me. I’ll be back. Don’t try touching yourself.” You took the toys away and cleaned them before putting them up. You then found a towel large enough to throw onto the bed. You entered the bedroom and grabbed the last thing of the night. 
Kai watched in anticipation as you put on the strap on he himself picked out. You remembered how shy he was that day, his face a light shade of pink as he pointed to the most realistic strap on in the store. You put the straps in place before getting in bed with him. 
“How do you want to do this, babe? I want you to be comfortable.” “Um, I just want you to face me because you’re really hot and I want to be able to wrap my legs and arms around you. I also want you to mark me up and fuck the shit out of me.” You were proud of the bit of confidence he gained, applying his words to your memory. “You’re so filthy and I love it.” You grabbed the lube, covering the strap on in it before putting some on your fingers and prepping him to take it.
You slowly slid within him, watching the way he took every single inch. His eyes were fixated on you as you allowed him to adjust. “Color?” 
“Green.” You placed his legs around your waist before you began to thrust, watching as he bit his lip and looked away from you. You grabbed his chin firmly, looking him in his eyes as you pounded harder into him. “Don’t take your eyes off of me and let me hear you. Make the world know my name.” He did just as you asked, his eyes on yours as he continuously moaned out your name for everyone to hear.
You were sure to get a noise complaint but you couldn’t care less, not when the man of your dreams was being ruined by you and holding onto your body for dear life. Crescent moon indents from his nails digging in your back were sure to be left as you repeatedly hit his prostate.
His shyness was now clouded and thoroughly overtaken by lust. You nipped at his neck before making your way to his earlobe and whispering into his ear. “You take this cock so well, baby. You’re such a good boy for me.” He almost mewled at the praise, dumb from the way you were fucking him. You noticed that he started to try and squirm away from you as the pleasure began to build up within him.
“Legs up in the air for me.” You tapped his thigh and he easily obeyed. You grabbed his legs, readjusting the position to one that reached deeper places in him and prevented his ability to escape. He let out the most guttural noise you’d ever heard him make. “Fuck, Y/N, g-gonna cum.” 
You now rutted into him, commanding him to cum for you as you thrusted at a brutal pace. He met his release and you let him catch his breath. You kissed him softly then pulled out of him, removing the strap from your body. “You did so good, Kai.” You grabbed the towel that was under the two of you and cleaned him of the mess he’d made. You grabbed the lube and strap on.
You cleaned the dildo, putting it up with the harness. You then threw the towel in a hamper. You made your way through your shared home and grabbed a bottle of water for Kai. 
Once you stepped in the bedroom, you saw him looking at the doorway, patiently waiting for your arrival. “You enjoyed yourself,” you questioned. “Mhm, makes me think I need to make you jealous more often.” You rolled your eyes at him before speaking. “I thought I told you that being a brat didn’t suit you.”
He smirked as he responded. “Maybe you’ll have to teach it to me then. Wanna teach me a lesson, Y/N,” he asked, giddy from the sex you’d just had. “You’re insufferable. What happened to the nervous and timid Kai?” “He realized that he was in good hands and there was nothing to be afraid of, not with a girlfriend as trustworthy as you.” Your heart swelled at his words and you jumped in the bed with him, hugging him tightly. “I love you, Mr. Anderson.” “I love you too, Y/N.” 
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years ago
You want old men thoughts?? Hmm.... Right now I can't think of much, but I'll give you the little things I got XD
- Imagine in the Norman and Inkubus imagine you made, it's actually Norman that gets you first. You two have an established relationship before Inkubus came along, and started trying to seduce you. You insist to Norman that this new guy is 'just a friend', but even blind he can see that this guy has no good intentions towards his little wife.
- Imagine that you were the one victim of the Fireflies that managed to escape, and now Otis is obsessed with 'finishing what he started' with you. At first, it was with the intention to kill, but he just can't stop thinking about you lately (I'm not sure how in character this is, but I hope you still enjoy it XD)
- Ok this isn't sexual, but imagine you and Jim share a bed together, and in the middle of the night, you at first feel your husband shaking. You look over your shoulder to see his still sleeping face, and it looks scared. Pained. And you hear him muttering... You know what he's dreaming about. It's the same dream he's had ever since that God forsaken poaching trip he went on that almost killed him.
It's not much, but I hope you enjoy these imagines! ^^
Norman Nordstrom x Reader x Inkubus-
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I loveee this prompt XDD Its like:
Y/N: *Introducing their husband and their nice new friend 'Klaus'* And like I said Norm, we're just goin' to the shops for a bit. Norman, getting bad vibes off of this... 'Klaus': I don't want you goin anywhere with him. Y/N: ... :D *w h a t... * Y/N: *Eyeroll* Don't worry Norm!, I love you, Klaus is just a friend ^^ Inkubus, who has been quiet up until that moment.: ... excuse me I'm what-
Y/N, explaining to Norman who's at the door (You're lovely new friend obviously XD ) and that you two are just going out shopping: Don't worry Norm!, I love you, Klaus is just a friend ^^ He doesn't have any weird intentions, don't be possessive. Norman: Hmm... I gues- Inkubus: *'Absentmindedly' tapping his foot on the porch outside- you cant hear it but Norman with his exceptional senses sure can. And why is it significant?... its Morse code for 'OH YES. I DO.' *
Otis B Driftwood x Reader-
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Its totally in character!! I can absolutely see Otis being pissed and obsessing until, like, Baby mentions that she swears he has a crush~~ And he obviously curses at her and the fight because no way in hell does he have a fucken crush, but then when Baby skips off- he has an epiphany~ Like hm... (: Maybe I do have a thing on the slippery little fuck-cunt... Oh, heh heh, even better.
CUZ HE KNOWS, he KNOWS, being in a relationship with him is the worse sentence he could have ever dreamt up even on the purest of LSD.
Warnings; Capture, restraints, (Light) non-con touching/sexual assault and heavy allusions to rape. Just because I wrote this under your ask, does not mean you have to read it if you are uncomfortable. Technically all this can be sub-categorised under Otis' name, but I want to be clear XD My head goes to a darkkk place when I write Otis, okay? I'm sorry-
The old fucker's huge hand was tight over your mouth and nose as he leant in and grinned with dirty teeth at you. "... congrats, for what its worth. Its never taken me this long to find someone. Heheh, you're a good runner, gingerbread. Too bad you're not so good at hiding."
In responce you struggle once again against the restraints keeping you down on your knees; bare skin digging into the gravel parking lot beneath you. The tag ties around your wrists keep your arms stuck painfully behind your back as well as your ankles rubbing raw against each other.
"... lemme explain to you why you don't wanna fight me, alright?... " His hand squeezes you jaw, and you just wonder why he seems in such good spirits. The last time you saw him you were in the bed of a truck racing away from his crazy ass Texas chainsaw-style and he looked about ready to rip your throat out with his gross teeth. What changed? Why is he smiling, now? "... you see, uh... oh shit, I'm a little nervous!" there is not a single sign of nervousness in his eyes; Just a cruel amusement. "Okay, here we go- I like you." Immediately you try to struggle again but his other hand clamps around your arm and holds you still- and close. "Yeah. And well I usually don't take so well to, um... you know, little fucken bitches like you gettin' away... ehhhhh, I'm mellowing out in my old age, I guess. So! Here's the deal,
"I'll play nice. You know, I wont uh... hurt you, I guess. I promise, okay? Scouts honour, or whatever. But you... you gotta play nice too, k? You gotta... " Otis eyes flicker, moving purposefully from where they had been steadfast to yours for the past few minutes... down your body. The hand on your arm moves and ever so gently his knuckles graze against your chest. You jaw would drop if it wasn't restrained. You would shiver. You would hit him. With another creepy chuckle, Otis gives a grimy smirk to you. "You gotta be realll nice, to old Otis. Yeah?
"That's the only way yer gettin' outta this alive, sweet thing. Take it or leave it; its up to you. See? I'm nice!"
Jim Bickerman x Reader-
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That's okay, it doesn't need to be sexual! We also love old men XD
We have had the comedy, we have had the horror... now we get the angst and the fluff XD Here we go-
You're slowly roused from sleep by the cold, Jim assumedly hogging the blanket (Though that's not a thing he does, he usually doesn't even care about the blanket) so you sit up turn your head to look down at him; And immediately you wince.
"Oh, no... "
With his good hand clamped over his own mouth and his skin looking pale, its obvious exactly what he's dreaming about. His eyebrows are furrowed in his sleep and the lines in his forehead and the bridge of his nose are deep, his breathing is haggard and you know it has to be a nightmare.
This has happened before, ever since that trip back to Blackwater you wish he hadn't taken, and every time seems even worse then the one before. And they change him; The bags under his eyes haven't ever been deeper then they are these days; at least not as long as you've known him.
The worst part is knowing you cant wake him up, you can just be useless there beside him wondering what he's seeing. What part of him the teeth are ripping apart this time. Whether he's getting out alive, this time.
Taking a deep breath yourself, you carefully peel his fingers off his mouth so he can breath properly, holding it tight in your own hand instead. And then you just sit there, in the dark (The only light in the room being what the moon creates, coming in through the window Jim broke a couple days ago.), squeezing his hand and hoping he'll wake up soon. That he'll wake up.
When finally he lurches up beside you, breathing heavily as he wakes up and crushing your fingers so hard his knuckles go white and so do yours, you just let him calm down on his own. Just hold his hand and try to give him space while not giving him space at all; wanting him to have room, but not wanting him to feel alone. You're right here and you're not going anywhere. You feel absolutely useless, but... you're not going anywhere.
A few heavy moments pass where he just breaths, and you just watch him with worry-filled eyes, until the pulse you can feel in his wrist returns to close-to-normal, and you give his hand one final, hard squeeze before letting it go. Instead you silently enfold enfold him in your arms, him immediately dissolving into you; wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your shoulder, slowly taking some more relaxed breaths.
"Heh... not a fan of those nightmares peanut but I gotta say I like the service I get afterwards."
"... are you okay?... "
"I'm fine." He always says he's fine, but fine would mean no more nightmares. Jim says that he's fine when he has shrapnel in his knuckles, Jim said he was fine the other day after he fell off the roof- you do not trust his fine, at all. Crazy bastard that he is; His 'fine' is completely without basis in reality.
"... you're fine?" You ask, an obviously-dubious look on your face as you lean back and tilt your head at him.
Jim smirks, something you can just see in the dim-lit room. "With my flask and possibly a little under-the-covers action sweetheart I could be better then fine." The smirk transforms into a whole grin and you cant help but roll your eyes; Grinning yourself a little, despite yourself.
He's nuts, but you kinda love him for it. "How about water, and some ice cream?"
Eyes hardening, Jim gives you a 'you cant fix my liver' kind of look. You're very familiar with it; It makes you want to laugh. "How about homebrew and ice cream?- and, also, where the hell are we gettin' this ice cream from missy?? I didn't think we had any more. Either you're makin' empty promises to an old cripple with ptsd or you've been holdin' out on me."
-oh damn. Quickly you let go of him and hop outta bed. "... uh... well no we dont have ice cream... not that you know of, anyway." Avoiding eye contact, you busy yourself collecting the half-empty cups of water off of both of your night stands. "So you- uh- wanted moonshine?? Great, sounds fantastic, lets go- "
He's not to be deterred, an amused glint in his eye as he watches you. "Where are you keeping this ice cream, dumpling? I know theirs none in our freezer."
"Uhhhm... "
"... fine I have a secret mini freezer in the back. You kept stealing my Ben & Jerries, I had no other choice! Now, do you want some or not? Because if not, I'll just go eat it myself!" With that, you grab a discarded flannel off the floor for the chill and rush out of the bedroom- but its not long before you hear the sound of his prosthetic leg hit the ground.
... Its not long later after that when Jim has you backed up against the cold brick wall just outside the back door; Leant in close and with one hand and one hook on your waist. As well as a devils look in his eye that makes you grin under its scrutiny.
"I believe we made a vow, sweetheart, somethin' like what's mine is yours??... "
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megismorallysunny · 2 years ago
evening :D
well as my title suggests its evening or rather night. one thing i hate about the cold is my hands get really cold for no reason, the rest of me is ok but my hands are ice cold. anyways i wanted to talk about the sub from a history class a week ago, remember? the one involving emerald basically what happened was emerald left when the bell went and the sub had told him to stay behind and the sub ran after him, was shouting at him and yelling, and then he grabbed emeralds wrist and emerald said " its break time sir!" and the sub let go.
well yeah thats what happened but last friday we had the same teacher, i of course ran to get a good seat for diorite and i, and i was like the 1st person in there so i grabbed the corner back seats. anyways my friend had to get stuff from her locker so i was just there for a few minutes, but i just took out my stuff, fully expecting a weird sub, what i was not expecting was THE sub, HE WAS BACK!?!?!? but omg shock, horror the works. "lapis" a new character ooo well your about to be even more shocked and excited because im also introducing "Carmite". now lapis is always the butt of the joke idk hes easy to make fun of but hes chill. anyways lapis gets there third and his chair is on his desk, its a normal occurence, all the chairs were on desks because we put them up at the end of the day and take them off at first class, but obviously no one was there first class. anyways lapis is third hes just standing around, im not too sure what hes doing because hes just standing there. diorite gets there and im not as lonely, the sub had entered a minute before i eagerly pointed at him but she didnt get it until i told her directly, she just didnt realise it was him. carmite gets their 20th, he'd surely be near the front so he just steals lapis's chair and they start playing tug of war with it.
the tug of war isnt even that agressive. its just them yelling at each other and the sub tells them that they have to decide where to sit and to stop fighting. they keep fighting and the sub tells them theyre both getting referalls, lapis and carmite both defend their points, carmites so obviously in the wrong but they both get referalls. carmite gets the chair, then lapis throws his bag next to a chair, walks across the room flips a table, then sits in the table next to the flipped table. everyone looks around shocked and trying not to laugh. lapis doesnt lift his head again, everyone thinks hes crying, fair enough hes always the butt of the joke, its really not fair. another guy "zircon" very sound guy, walks up and unflips the table and then walks back to his seat. i dont really say much to lapis and if i did say something to him i dont remember. before we left i offered him some of my happy bears. he said he loved happy bears so im glad hes more happier. the sub didnt say anything to emerald he just stood infront of the door before lunch.
for english last thursday we did christmas cards to a sick boy who probably wouldnt make it to chrsitmas so that was nice. we also had a sub for sphe that thursday, and he was colm from derry girls personified, looked like him, talked like him, sounded like him. it was pure torture. i dont want to write more so good morning, good day and good night. i realise that this may be long, but i make all of my posts like this because it helps me think about things and process them, also cuz i like talking.
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bakugosbratx · 4 years ago
How about this: bakugou and s/o have this teasing friendship dynamic where they compete to outwit eachother. They go out to hang. When bakugou slams s/o into the wall in a fit of lust/annoyance reader is just like ‘um what’s happening wait what’ cuz reader honestly doesn’t think that it’s possible for bakugou to have feelings for her. So reader is super sub. Bakugou teases her the entire time. “Not so tough now huh?”
NSFW 18+ Come Over- Dom! Bakugo x Sub! Reader
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WARNING: 18+ Consentual Characters, size kink, daddy kink, breeding kink, swearing, harsh language, etc.
Check out my other works here
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A/N: Sorry it took me awhile to get to your request, but I hope it meets some of your standards. I had fun writing it. Send me in your request y’all. My inbox is open 💥
Words: 1,841
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You and Bakugo have always had an interesting friendship. You were introduced to the Bakusquad by Mina Ashido. You two met at the record store since you used to work there and bonded instantly. So, Mina wanted you to meet her other friends. Everyone loved you right away except for the ashy blonde. You were at each other's throats the second you met each other.
"Hey, dumbass." Bakugo greeted, not removing the scowl from his face. You were not one to deal with other's bullshit so you refused to let Katsuki talk to you any sorts of way.
"Hello to you too, dipshit."
"Oi! What did you call me? I'll kick your ass!" Bakugo exclaimed.
"Probably can't hear me because of all of your yelling." You shrugged.
"I think we should go-" Mina sighed as she grabbed your arm but you shrugged her off.
"Nah! I want to meet all of your lovely friends. Not just the stupid one." You smiled innocently.
"You're going to regret those words, loser!" Bakugo growled as Kirishima held him back using his hardening quirk.
As stated before, everyone loved you. Except for Bakugo, but overtime, you both learned to tolerate each other. It was never spoken, but a friendship developed overtime between you and the short tempered boy. You always pushed each other's buttons and knew how to make each other go off. It was now a common amusement amongst the others.
You were out shopping with Sero, Kirishima, and Mina when you received a text. You opened it to see that Bakugo messaged you.
Boomer 💥:
Want to hangout?
I'm currently at the mall
Boomer 💥:
Then leave.
Wtf I'm not leaving for you.
Boomer 💥:
Oi! Just come over at some point today shitty woman.
Okay dickhead.
"What are you so smiley about?" Mina teased. You didn't even realize a smile was plastered on your face.
"Probably texting Bakugo." Sero teased.
"Oh fuck off!" You exclaimed as your face heated up.
The group teased you and Bakugo all the time. They claimed you two secretly love each other and you two just didn't know it. You have came to terms that you thought Bakugo was cute in his own special way, but you were not convinced that the feelings were reciprocated. Katsuki was never good at showing his emotions except when he is angry or annoyed which is his attitude 98% of the time.
You didn't tell your friends that you and Bakugo text more than they think. Not consistently since Bakugo is not much of a conversationalist over text, but he will send you random messages when he's annoyed or if something reminds him of you. You tried to hide the stupid grin you get when his name appeared on your phone, but your friends caught on overtime. You seemed to get teased the most about it. At least, that's how it felt.
You kept your word and strolled over to Bakugo's house after the mall. You were not sure what he wanted or why, but you did not question it either. The most he is going to do is piss you off and you storm home in a fit of rage. So, you were a little hesitant on knocking on his door.
You knocked on the door with three hard knocks. Bakugo opened the door moments later. Same scowl on his face as usual.
"Hey dumbass."
You invite yourself in, not saying anything. You were surprised on how well kept his house was considering Katsuki is quick to blow up everything.
"Wow! Your place looks great!" You complement.
"You've never seen nice things before, idiot?"
You shoot a glare at him.
"Why can't you just accept the compliment, dipshit?" You sigh. "Why did you even invite me over here?"
"Because I wanted to."
"That's not a good enough answer, stupid."
"Well it's going to be! And watch your mouth, dumbass."
You get up in Bakugo's face. Your eyes meeting his crimson red ones staring down into you.
"And what if I don't?" You stated firmly.
Without a word, Bakugo pushes you against the nearest wall. He pins your wrist above your head with one of his strong hands while keeping a hard, lustful gaze on you. You tremble so slightly under his firm grip.
"What the fuck, Katsuki? Let me go!" You demanded to no avail. Bakugo just smirked.
"Not so tough are you now, huh? Look at you, so helpless." Katsuki teased.
You tried to squirm, but this only amused Katsuki. It was obvious he was not going to let you go.
"Katsuki, let me go-" You were interrupted by Bakugo's lips smacking into yours. His kisses are aggressive, but you did not expect any less from the short-tempered man.
Bakugo slowly pulls away, looking at your lips then back to your eyes. You can feel his hot breath tickling your plump lips.
"You're much cuter when you're quiet." Katsuki stated softly.
You feel your stomach doing fumbles. You can't believe Bakugo actually kissed you. Even worse, pinning you against the wall. This is not what you have expected to happen. Especially since Bakugo seems to not want to be around people often. You have a huge crush on him and you're hoping that this is him showing you the feeling is mutual.
"And you're much cuter when you let go of me." You scoffed.
"Nah. I don't think I will. Besides," Bakugo's fingers dip into your pants and feel the wet panties, "I would say you're enjoying this."
Your cheeks turn bright pink and you swallowed the imaginary lump in your throat. You did not want Bakugo to know how much he turns you on. Especially since you're in this position. You know he will not let you live this down and he will use your weakness for him as an advantage.
Bakugo's fingers played with your clit through the wet fabric. He enjoyed watching you squirm as he kept you in place. He began sucking on your neck to leave a nice hickey for everyone to see. You knew better than to try to tell him to stop. Bakugo has made it more than perfectly clear he does not give a single damn about your pleas as he gently nibbles on your tender flesh.
"Katsuki." You moan as his fingers speed up inside you.
Bakugo stops to meet your eyes.
"The name is Daddy. Got that, little girl?" Bakugo growls in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You nod.
"Say it." Bakugo demands.
"Yes, daddy."
Bakugo smirks.
"Such a good little slut. I know you have been wanting my cock for a long time and I thought I'd be nice enough to invite you over to feed your hunger."
"T-That's not true!" You argued.
"Really? You think I haven't noticed how turned on you get when we argue? You think I haven't noticed you staring at my dick when we all hangout? Lastly," Bakugo rubs your clit roughly to edge you some, "you're about to be fucking soaked again."
"Mm daddy!" You moan, wanting to cum some more.
"Aw, does my precious little girl want to cum? You want daddy to let you release onto his fingers?" Katsuki coo's condescending.
"Yes daddy! Please!" You beg.
"Your wish is my command, princess."
Bakugo rubs you a little more to get you stimulated and you release. He feels the wetness through your panties and he smirks.
"Damn, you came a lot for me. Such a cock hungry slut you are. Don't worry, daddy is going to fuck your precious little cunt so good." Bakugo chuckles before lifting you up and putting you over his shoulder. He carries you to his bedroom and lays you on your back on his California King Bed. He begins taking off your clothes and kissing - along with a few nibbles - on your exposed skin. He throws your bra to the floor and starts to suck on your tender nipples. Moans of pleasure escape your parted lips.
Bakugo gets to your panties and start to take them off. The cold air hitting your wet core made you shiver a bit. Plus, you were a bit nervous and embarrassed. Your vulnerable naked body is on full display for Bakugo's lustful eyes and you could not help but feel insecure. Bakugo noticed how tense your body became and he gave you a reassuring look.
“If you don’t want to do this, we don’t have to.”
“I want to. I’m just nervous.”
“Don’t worry. I will not hurt you too bad.” Bakugo teased.
You softly smile and relaxed. He opened your legs so your soaked pussy was ready for him to enter. Bakugo began getting undressed and your eyes widen at his hard dick. Of course, this doesn’t go unnoticed by Bakugo and he smirks as he strokes his huge member.
“Like what you see?”
“T-That’s going in me?” You exclaimed.
“Yep. All of it.”
You were about to close your legs, but Katsuki put his hands on your knees and keep them open. You feel the tip at your entrance and it already felt he was in deeper than he was. You did not even get much time to process as Bakugo kept making his way deeper into you.
“Damn, you are so fucking tight, babe. You can hardly handle all of my huge cock.”
“Daddy, please!” You whine and moan, wanting more of his member in you, though, you don’t think you can handle much more. You were not a virgin, by any means, but you haven’t had sex with a man as big as Bakugo. With each thrust, its pleasurable and a little painful. He isn’t gentle nor is he small in width. He’s not only big in length, he has a nice girth to his dick as well.
“Quit your whining. You’re going to take all of my cock wether you like it or not, slut.”
Katsuki continues thrusting in you, grumbling slurs under his breath as your folds hug his cock. You could feel another orgasm coming as his balls slapped against you. All of his length was in you, hitting all the right spots and then some. You were gripping the satin bed sheets and moaning loud enough to where Japan could hear you.
“Daddy, I am about to cum.” You moan.
“Damn, on your third orgasm. Better beg for it.”
“Please daddy! Please let me cum! Please!” You begged as tears brimmed your eyes.
“Cum on my cock.”
You did as your told and released on Bakugo’s hard dick. This didn’t stop him from going, through. He was still going to meet his high weather you liked it or not. He is close to cumming and he starts to speed up.
“Oh God.” You gasp as he releases himself into you. He makes sure every drop is in your body before pulling out. He gives you soft kisses on the lips and pulls away to meet your gaze.
“Aren’t you glad you came over?”
All Rights Reserved
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retrievablememories · 4 years ago
U.N.I. | doyoung (m)
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title: college love pairing: doyoung x black!reader genre: fluff, smut, college!au request: There’s suddenly a foreigner in his class (University of course). He teases her and always seems to stick to her side. The kick is, is that she finds out he likes her by eavesdropping [I wanted to give you room to flex that brain of yours bc your writing is like magic] word count: 6.3k warnings: emetophobia warning, alcohol use, sub!doyoung, handjob, oral (female receiving...and a little bit male receiving?), thigh riding a/n: shout out to anon for the new title idea cuz i be struggling lmaoo
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Doyoung is curious. 
You are new to his class, having joined a couple weeks after the semester had already begun. You’re certainly not the first foreigner he’s seen, considering that the university is an international school that sees a wealth of students from other countries every year.
But still. He’s curious.
You both sit in the same row, with you a few seats down from him. That makes it harder for him to sneak glances over at you without being too obvious or receiving weird looks from the other students who think he’s staring at them. Mostly, he contents himself with hearing your voice when you answer questions or occasionally talk to your other classmates.
Doyoung tries to think about how he might also get to talk to you without seeming weird or too random, which makes him feel even sillier because he usually doesn’t have this much anxiety over talking to new people. However, he doesn’t have to ponder over it for much longer when the professor decides to split each row into groups for an in-class assignment.
You and him and three other people from your row gather together in a circle, and there are a few awkward introductions—as is the norm with classmates who haven’t truly interacted with each other before.
“I’m Y/N,”  you introduce yourself, glancing at the others sitting across from you.
They nod in acknowledgement, and Doyoung responds with, “It’s nice to meet you.” He makes sure to give his best welcoming smile, which you return.
Despite all five of you being in the same group, it soon becomes apparent that Doyoung is the best ally to have on your team. The other three students couldn’t be less motivated about the assignment if they tried, mostly gleaning answers off the two of you.
By the time the period ends, you are more than ready to get the hell out and go to your next class. You can only roll your eyes at knowing they’ll get credit for work they barely even helped with. However, your bad mood is momentarily interrupted by your only other partner who bothered to help—Doyoung.
“Thanks for that,” he says as you pass by his desk. You stop and turn around, raising your eyebrows. “You know, for...that.” Doyoung shoots an icy look towards the other people in your row. Only one of them meets his eyes, though they pointedly try to pretend like they never saw him as they gather their things and leave.
You watch the awkward exchange and can’t help but laugh. “Oh yeah, no problem. It’s nice to have someone who actually cares enough to help.”
Doyoung instantly thinks your laugh is pretty, and he decides he wants to hear more of it.
“You know, if you ever want to work together again, I’m here,” he suggests. “I mean...you’re new here, right? So if you need any help with anything...just ask.”
You smile, grateful for the offer. “Oh really? That’s nice of you. I might just have to take you up on it...because I really don’t know a soul here.” You check your phone. “Shit, I should be getting to my next class. See you later. Thanks again!”
Doyoung waves as you leave the classroom, wanting to say more but knowing you’re busy, and he hopes that you really do consider his offer.
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The next class doesn’t involve groups this time, much to your relief—and Doyoung’s as well. Doyoung still finds a way to talk to you without having to do group work, though; and the best part about it is that he doesn’t even have to do anything.
“Hey Doyoung,” you say, coming to stand by his desk at the end of class. He perks up in his seat at your presence, giving you an amiable smile.
“Hey Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m fine, though I do feel a little lost at the moment.”
Doyoung’s eyebrows draw together. “What’s the matter?”
You laugh and shake your head, a little embarrassed to tell him. “Okay, like, I have a map of the campus and everything, but I keep getting lost trying to go to classes and it’s kind of annoying...plus I don’t need a bunch of tardies in my first month here.”
“Your professors still care about that kind of stuff?”
“Yep. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of the cool ones who don’t give a fuck about someone coming in late—for a class I’m paying for. Amazing.”
Doyoung smirks. “So you need a tour guide, is that it?”
You shrug. “If you’re up for it. I don’t wanna take up too much of your time, you know, if you’re busy. This campus is unnecessarily huge.”
Doyoung gathers his bag and stands to his feet. “Of course I can help the damsel in distress.”
“Damsel, huh?” You snort. “What’re you then, a knight in shining armor?”
“I can be if you want me to be.”
“You a comedian or something?” You give him a look between incredulity and amusement, a bit surprised at him being so brazen. “Let’s go then, brave knight. Help me find out where the Student Affairs office is before I completely lose my mind.”
Just as you asked, Doyoung leads you right to the Student Affairs office—and to a bunch of other places on campus, which you’re not entirely sure you’re going to remember. At least you have him to walk you through it until you memorize everything. 
Finally, you both stop in a grassy area of campus with a few benches nearby, standing under the shade of a tree. Doyoung turns to you. “I’ve dragged you all over this campus now, so I guess the least I could do is buy you a coffee or something.”
“You did it because I asked! But...if you’re determined to pay, I won’t stop you.” You laugh.
“Do you remember where the coffee shop is?” Doyoung asks, like he’s a professor giving you a pop quiz. You sweat because you’ve already forgotten, and you screw your face up in mock concentration.
“Umm...that way?” You point in a random direction and he chuckles when it’s wrong. He grabs your arm and guides it to the right direction, which is behind you—right in the area you just came from.
“No, it’s here! Let’s go. We’re gonna need to spend some more time out here later.”
By the end of the day, you’re surprised by how comfortable you already feel around Doyoung despite only talking to him for the first time in your group assignment the other day. He appears to think the same of you, if him sliding you his number is any indication.
“I know we have a class together, but if you want to talk outside of that…you know where to reach me now.” He taps his fingers against the table you’re both sitting at. “I think you’ll definitely be needing another tour soon.”
“I tried my best.” You sigh dramatically, placing your chin in your hand. “But thanks. I’ve got your number now, so don’t feel a way if you see me bothering you more often.” You flash him a teasing grin.
Doyoung shakes his head goodnaturedly at your statement, taking another sip of his coffee. “Somehow, I don’t think I’ll mind.”
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Though you do call on Doyoung to help you get around campus a few more times, he ends up hanging around you a lot more often outside the guise of being your personal tour guide.
Whether it’s to go to the library, visit a fast food place off campus, or even see some sports game, he’s never far away. During your first month of being at school, he’d simply explained it as wanting you to get familiar with the sights in and around campus so you wouldn’t get lost again. However, it quickly culminates in him randomly asking you to go places just because he can—and because he wants to.
You’re glad for his company—much more than you’d let him know, not wanting to come off as too clingy. Though Doyoung seems like the type to be all about his studies—which he mostly is, and it’s not a bad thing—he also knows how to have fun and how to make you laugh, even explaining jokes in Korean that go over your head. 
He makes you feel remarkably less alone while adjusting to living in another country, far away from home. It also doesn’t take you long to find out that he’s good for teasing you to no end, which often makes you want to roll your eyes or flick him in the forehead, but even his banter reminds you of your friends back home. You’re incredibly grateful for that small piece of familiarity.
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After a couple months of finally settling into the campus life, you, Doyoung, and a few of his friends decide to go to a frat house party, along with Seulgi—a girl you’re becoming close to in another one of your classes. You’re not entirely sure what to anticipate, but the experience is quite similar to what you’d expect to see back in your home country—the same drunk dancing, endless shots of alcohol, loud music, and men who are far too grabby for their own good.
Speaking of that last point…
You and Seulgi dance together amongst a flood of bodies, which is fun for a while until random men keep trying to drag you away from each other to dance with them instead; some of them are more agitated than others about being rejected.
“College guys are dangerously horny.” Seulgi laughs, though she also cuts her eyes at a small group of men nearby who’re giving you both ravenous looks.
“Kinda wish they’d go be horny somewhere else,” you say, and then you roll your eyes when yet another hand brushes against your waist. You turn to see who the culprit is this time, but it’s only Doyoung, and you’re palpably relieved to see him. “You’re back! Seems like you’d disappeared forever.”
“Yes, I am. Someone’s excited. Did you miss me that bad?” He smirks.
“Oh, please. I’m just happy you’re here so the creeps will go away.”
When you say this, his expression instantly morphs into one of recognizable concern. “Is someone bothering you two?”
“Not really, these dudes are just weirdly pushy.” Seulgi giggles, trying to wave it off. The last thing you all need is to start an argument or a full-out fight with one of these frat guys.
“Forreal. Therefore, you should act like you’re my boyfriend until the night is over.” You declare this unabashedly, linking your arm with Doyoung’s. For a second, he seems flustered at your suggestion, and then his face settles back into the same cool countenance as before.
“Fine, since you want to be next to me so much.” You elbow him at that. “That’s a good save for you, but what about Seulgi?” Doyoung asks, looking at the other girl. She is unbothered, though, and casually grabs his other arm.
“Poly relationship. Ever heard of it?” Now he really is flustered, and you laugh out loud at his expression.
You spend a good portion of the night like that, all three of you linked together as the perfect “throuple,” with some people at the party giving you interesting looks. When Johnny sees you all, he throws you and Doyoung an expression reminiscent of a grin—but somehow more devious—and Doyoung only twists his mouth up in a sneer. You don’t know what any of that interaction means, though it makes you wonder.
Seulgi eventually decides she prefers Johnny to be her fake boyfriend instead of Doyoung and goes off with him to do...whatever it is they went to do. You’re sure you can take a guess, though.
After the other two take their leave, you and Doyoung eventually end up on the back porch. It’s a little cooler out here than it is inside, though still a bit crowded with lingering couples and groups. You’re both bunched up in a small corner against the side of the house, leaning over the railing to look out at the backyard—which is mostly just trees and bushes.
“Well, how are you enjoying your first college party?” he asks, casting a questioning glance your way.
“It’s fun. I think I could see why some people end up spending all their time on this instead of studying, ha.”
“Hey, don’t become a party girl ‘cause I’m not gonna do all your homework for you.” Doyoung snickers.
“Oh, Doyoung. I wouldn’t expect you to, you’re not even good at science.”
He sucks his teeth and tucks his chin into his arms to hide the grin playing across his face. It’s quiet again for a little while, or as quiet as it can be with the others on the porch talking and laughing.
Doyoung peeks at you from underneath his fringe and thinks about what he should say next. Something like...not that, but…well, what if he did? Would it be terrible if he said it now, right here at a crowded frat party on some rickety back porch? Maybe, but…
Doyoung pushes himself off the railing and looks at you, tracing your profile with his eyes. Maybe the alcohol has taken more effect on him than he initially thought. “Y/N…” he starts, and you glance at him.
Just then, a red-faced dude who’s obviously incredibly smashed stumbles over to where you two are and promptly throws up on the floor. Some of it gets on Doyoung’s shoes, which causes him to jump back and curse loudly.
“Are you a fucking idiot?!”
“That’s disgusting,” you groan, turning your face away from the mess. You’d probably laugh if it weren’t so gross—and wasn’t right next to where you were standing. The guy doesn’t pay either of you much attention, though, because he’s too busy slumping against the railing like he’s going to pass out. Maybe somebody should worry about that, but it won’t be either of you.
“Ugh, for fuck’s sake...come on.” Doyoung takes your hand and carefully steers you around the mess, heading back indoors and maneuvering through the thick of the party. You’re not sure where he’s going at first until you both end up in some cramped bathroom, with him pulling his shoes off and running them under the tub faucet. You lean against the door, feeling like you need to stand guard so no drunken couples will burst in, even though it’s already locked. You’re not quite sure why he brought you along for this little ride, but you’re not complaining; it’s better than being left outside.
You look at him sitting on the edge of the tub and angrily wiping his shoes as best he can with toilet paper, and you giggle, though you try to keep it quiet. However, you can’t stop more giggles from pouring out at his comically pissed-off expression. Doyoung looks up at you with his eyebrows creased, a confused and irritated look coloring his features. “What’s so funny?”
You shake your head, unable to speak for a few moments. Doyoung tilts his head to the side and looks at you impatiently while you try to catch your breath, though his upset face only makes you want to laugh more. “I’m sorry, but from where I’m standing...th—this is pretty hilarious.” You burst out into laughter again. “I’m locked in a bathroom with you at a college party while you scrub vomit off your shoes. If this doesn’t make us friends for life, nothing will.”
To your surprise, he actually cracks a cynical grin after a few moments, shaking his head and sighing. His shoulders heave with the gesture. “I hate university sometimes.”
Doyoung tries not to think too deeply about that “friends for life” comment, though to his irritation, it stays in his head for days after the party. Even after he’s nearly forgotten about the shoe incident.
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You go to the library one night to find an academic journal for an upcoming paper. You’re not happy about having to make the trek, especially in this digital era when everything imaginable is usually readily accessible online, but it is what it is.
At night, the library becomes more of a hangout spot rather than a place for studying, and you don’t entirely expect to get much reading done in there. You’re hoping there’s an empty room or something you can duck into to take some quick notes on the information you need.
Finding the journal takes a bit of searching, but you finally locate it on a shelf near the back of the library. You’re about to leave the aisle and find somewhere to read it when a couple of people walk into the aisle in front of yours. By their voices, you know it’s Doyoung and Johnny.
You decide to peek over and say hi, but before you can get to the end of the aisle, you hear their heated conversation. You stop in your tracks and listen, which you probably shouldn’t be doing; but you’re not sure if you want to interrupt this talk they’re having once you hear what they’re saying, either.
“You’re being ridiculous. Just tell her!” Johnny hisses under his breath like he wants to talk louder but doesn’t want to be too distracting in the library. Ever so courteous of him, but you doubt anyone else really cares at the moment.
“Hyung, not everybody is like you. It’s not easy to just go up to someone and say you like them.”
“You act as if you’re gonna be talking to a stranger. She knows you and you know her, you hang out all the time. It’s more likely that she does like you than she doesn’t.”
“...You really think that?”
“She lets you tell all your unfunny jokes without much complaint, so yeah, I’d say she must be head over heels for you.”
“Shut the hell up. Unfunny jokes? You’re one to talk!”
You listen to the conversation intently, wondering who this mystery girl Doyoung apparently likes could be. He’s never told you about having a crush on anyone, nor has he made it obvious that he likes someone else. Although you know he has other friends—Johnny’s obviously one of them—you’re not sure what girl he hangs out with all the time besides you.
Johnny chuckles. “Don’t be mad that Y/N laughs at my jokes more than yours.”
Your eyebrows raise at this. Wait. What does this conversation have to do with you? Unless.
“Yeah, you’re supposed to laugh at a clown,” Doyoung retorts.
“Whatever, Doyoung. You just do what I told you. It’s seriously so sad watching you pine over Y/N like there isn’t an easy solution for this.”
You’re reeling with shock by now, but their voices are also getting closer to the end of the aisle like they’re about to walk into the very one you’re hiding out in. You run away before they can spot you, though you do end up drawing a few peculiar glances from some other library goers.
You eventually find a quiet, uncrowded space to sit down and take notes in, though you can hardly concentrate on the work at hand with this new information in your mind. Doyoung likes you? Doyoung likes you. Then that must be why he always messes with you, and why he’s practically been glued to your side since you got there.
Your hand tightens and loosens around your pen repeatedly as you mull over this knowledge. The longer you think about it, though, a smirk grows on your face.
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The week after, you and Doyoung have one of your regular study sessions together. You’ve dressed up for it more than you normally would—the same thing you’ve been doing throughout the week, too. Even if Doyoung doesn’t know what you know, you get a bit of fun out of dressing up to catch his eye. And it definitely works.
He always steals glances at you when he thinks you aren’t paying any attention, and you get infinite amusement out of whipping your head around to try to catch him in the act. The light blush on the tips of his ears and his startled bunny look is worth it every time.
“You got so dressed up just to study? You’ve really been going all out this week,” Doyoung comments as you sit down at your usual table in the library. He gives a small smirk as he scans your new outfit for today. He does this as if he’s only teasing and evaluating your clothes, puckering his lips in concentration, though it’s also an excuse to check you out.
“You could just say ‘you look so fucking fine this week, Y/N.’ I know you want to say it, anyway.” Doyoung’s cheeks flush a little, and he shakes his head.
“You’re something else. Okay, you look pretty. Does that satisfy you?”
“Well. You forgot the ‘fucking,’ but I’ll let it slide.”
You both get into your work and a calm quiet settles between you, punctuated with you occasionally asking each other questions about the assignment. At some point, you grow a little bored with staring at the text for so long, and you stop and simply look at Doyoung sitting across from you in one of his favorite hoodies and his glasses. Something tender rises in your chest, a sensation you hadn’t quite given a name to until now, and you put your cheek in your hand, grinning slightly.
“I wonder why someone like you doesn’t have a girlfriend yet.”
Doyoung looks up as if he’s not sure if you’re talking to him, then furrows his eyebrows. “Someone like me?”
“Aw, you know, you’re handsome and caring and smart, and you can even be a little bit funny—even though you get on my nerves sometimes.” Doyoung rolls his eyes at the last part, though you know he’s preening at your compliments.
“I don’t know, I’m busy with studies.”
“But isn’t there even one person you might like? Or might be interested in?” Doyoung’s not looking at you anymore, his eyes dropping back down to instead focus on his book, but you notice how his fingers tighten around the textbook’s edges.
“Um—well, I haven’t really thought about that…”
“Really? No one in your dorm or your classes has caught your eye?”
Doyoung shifts a little and clears his throat. He shakes his head in response to your question, though the movement is hesitant. “What about you?”
“Changing the subject, huh? Excellent method of evasion…” You flip a page in your notebook, pointedly avoiding Doyoung’s gaze even though he’s peering up at you again. You wait with your lips clamped together, trying not to laugh as his expression grows more impatient.
“Well?! Aren’t you going to answer, after forcing me to?”
“I will when you tell the truth.” You slap the notebook closed, which causes him to jump, and this time a laugh does slip out. Doyoung’s eyes dart around your small section of the library like there might be someone else listening, or like he’s searching for a prank camera.
“The truth about what? I already told you!”
“Then what about what you told Johnny?”
Doyoung freezes for a moment, and various emotions flit across his face. He finally settles firmly on embarrassment and disappointment. “...He told you? I’m going to kill him.” His voice is softer now, like he would disappear completely if he could.
“No, I—okay, don’t get mad at me, it’s not like I did it on purpose, but I heard you two talking in here a week ago…”
“Oh...shit. You—you were there? And you didn’t say anything?!”
“Yeah. Not very discreet, huh? Maybe you want to do that in your dorm room next time.” You’re still smiling. Doyoung shifts nervously again, as if he just wants to get up and run the hell out.
“So, um…you know, then.”
“If you don’t like me, you can just say so,” Doyoung blurts out. “I...it’s fine. I don’t expect anything of you, so we can really just forget all about this. I promise I won’t make things weird, Y/N. I just...I just found myself really liking you as we got to know each other.”
“You can’t make things weird when you’re already weird.” You giggle and place your hand over Doyoung’s, grasping his fingers. “So...let’s date, then.”
He looks at you questioningly, surprise taking over. “Wait, you’re serious?”
“I’m serious.” And now you’re a little embarrassed yourself, but you continue, “Doyoung...I like you too. I guess I don’t totally hate all your teasing. But don’t get cocky about it.”
Doyoung rearranges your hands so your fingers are now laced together. A relieved smile makes a home on his lips. “Well, too late. Now you’re never going to hear the end of it.”
“Oh, I can’t wait.” Your response is sarcastic, but the smile on your face is totally genuine.
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That weekend, Johnny leaves the dorm to go visit some of his other friends in town, which means Doyoung will have the room all to himself for those few days. Normally his plans would consist of studying, trying to catch up on sleep, or seeing what his other friends are up to, but with you as his new girlfriend, he wants to spend that time together.
“So, this is your dorm,” you say, holding Doyoung’s hand as he leads you into his shared dorm with Johnny.
“Home away from home, I guess,” he says, leading you over to his bed so you can sit down. Before he can let go of your hand, you tug him to you and gesture for him to bring his face closer to yours, like you’re going to whisper something to him.
“What is it?” he asks. He’s quickly silenced by you pushing your lips against his in a kiss. When you both separate, it’s reluctant, and Doyoung pecks your mouth once more before straightening up again. You laugh at the slightly goofy grin on his face.
“What should we do?” you ask, getting more comfortable on his bed and leaning against the wall.
“I had movies in mind, but we can do anything you want.”
“Movies are fine! Hurry and start it up, I’m gonna get cold without you beside me.”
Doyoung gives an overexaggerated cringe, and you hide your face. “And you complain about me being cheesy?!”
You both make it through two and a half movies before you start getting antsy with sitting in the same spot for so long. Doyoung is still lying calmly beside you, his arm around your shoulder and the other behind his head as he continues watching the movie. Deciding to act on a whim, you abandon all pretenses of watching any more of the movie and swing your legs over his own so you’re sitting in his lap. When you situate yourself in his lap, he seems a bit starstruck, as if he wasn’t expecting this to happen—like, ever.
“Y/N…” Doyoung’s voice is surprisingly soft, like the day you revealed your feelings for each other. It’s a noticeable departure from his usual demeanor. He blinks at you for a couple moments.
“What?” you say innocently, copying his actions and blinking back at him.
Doyoung swipes his tongue across his lips, though it’s more of a nervous gesture than anything else. “You’re...you know.”
You chuckle. “‘You know’? Let’s use our words.”
“You’re, uh...s-soft,” is what he stammers out, like it was the only thing he could think of at the last minute.
“And you should be hard, but you’re not yet. So let’s fix that. If you want to?” You quickly tack the last sentence on, trying to give him an out if he really doesn’t want this. However, the hands that suddenly go to your hips make you think otherwise.
“Do it, then.” He provokes you, trying to regain his usual confidence, though it still comes out less forceful than intended.
You bring your hand to his crotch and palm him over his pants, and Doyoung takes a deep breath. You bring your lips to his, kissing him deeply and adding to the pleasant feeling. He kisses you back eagerly, flexing his hands on your hips and gripping you more tightly. You end up making out like that for a little while, and he grows underneath your palm as you tease him.
Eventually, you want more than simply feeling him over his sweatpants and pull them down, exposing his bulge. You don’t touch him for real, not just yet; instead, you trace your finger along the shape of his dick underneath the material of his boxers. Doyoung whimpers against your lips at that touch, very quietly, but audible enough for you to hear it over the TV in the background.
“Don’t get all sensitive on me now.” You pull away from his mouth and laugh. “What happened to all that teasing you love to torture me with?” You drag his underwear down so you can release his member, which is still growing underneath your caresses. Precum is already beading at the tip, flushed with need. Doyoung looks down at your hand holding his dick and worries his lip as you begin stroking him earnestly now.
He leans his head back against the wall, and you watch his throat work as he swallows and tries to keep his sounds quiet. The soundproofing in these dorms certainly isn’t the best; the people on the other side of the wall have kept him awake enough nights to know that. The few moans he does let go are low and pretty and soft, and they fit him perfectly.
Though you are stroking him mostly for his own pleasure, you do take the time to explore his dick while you have it in your hand—running your finger over a vein that stands out against the hot skin, sliding his precum between your fingers and using it to get the rest of his shaft slick. You take your time with him, but he doesn’t seem to mind the leisurely pace.
“Do you wanna come in my hand?” you ask him, and his body tenses as you reach further down to tease his balls. Another bead of precum runs down his shaft.
“That would be a waste,” Doyoung huffs, and he shifts his leg a little so his thigh is tucked between your legs now, your heat pressing right down on him. He moves his thigh back and forth slowly across you, and you let out a long, shaky breath at the way the muscles of his leg flex and release against your clit.
“Then where do you wanna do it?” You still your movements on him for a few seconds but keep your thumb on his tip so you can tease the sensitive slit there, and another choked groan comes from him.
“T-take a guess,” he says, and pulls on your hips again so he can drag your pussy over his thigh more firmly. The friction makes you whine.
“Maybe I should just make you cum like this, since you seem more interested in making me ride your leg.” You go back to steadily stroking his cock, tightening your grip on him. His mouth drops open a little at your actions.
“Y/N,” he whispers breathlessly, and lifts one hand to pull at your sweater. “Take this off.”
“Then take yours off.” Doyoung strips his sweater off as soon as you say it and waits for you to do the same. His mouth goes to your breasts once they’re free. You grin at the pleasurable sensation and run your hand through his hair, pushing him closer to your chest. Your other hand goes back to his dick, and it twitches when you make contact. “I really think you could cum just like this, with you sucking my tits and me jerking you off. Wouldn’t you like that, Doie?”
Doyoung’s face flushes at that claim, though he doesn’t deny it. He simply keeps sucking at your nipples and leaving marks across your chest, flexing his thigh against you for added stimulation.
You want him to come first, so you spit in your hand for more lube and stroke him faster, the slick sound of your hand on his cock filling your ears. His moans are more frequent now, though he still tries to hide them; all the while, you try to pull more out of him. If the people next door know what’s going on, they’ll just have to enjoy the free entertainment.
“Y/N,” he pants against your skin, and his body tenses up more underneath you. You pull his head away from your chest so you can tuck your face into his neck, placing your lips over his beating pulse and feeling the way his muscles jump under the slight touch of your mouth.
“You don’t wanna come in my hand, right? Where do you want it, then?” You keep your lips close to his ear and slow your pace to make sure he doesn’t come too soon.
“Don’t be shy now, you’re about to come, aren’t you?” You twist your hand over his tip and he groans low in his throat; the sound vibrates across your lips.
“I...in your mouth.”
You sit back to look at him, grinning devilishly. “So that’s what you like? Fine then, baby boy.” You remove yourself from his thigh, which is noticeably damp now, and position yourself between his legs with the tip of his cock pointed towards your mouth. You lean forward a bit to take the head between your lips, rubbing your tongue against the sensitive underside of it, and Doyoung comes quick with a soft cry. His cum floods over your tongue in thick, salty waves, and you keep sucking the tip until he has no more to give.
You get back onto the bed after you’ve swallowed everything, and before you know what’s happening, Doyoung has turned you on your stomach and is pulling your panties and sweatpants down in one fell swoop. “Doyoung—” Your sentence breaks when he lifts your hips up and his tongue parts your lower lips, sliding through the slickness and pushing into your hole. Your words melt into a moan as you arch your hips more to get closer to his face.
“Doyoung, y-yes, please—” You curl your fingers in the fabric of his comforter, panting harshly against the material as Doyoung dips his fingers and tongue into you like he’s starving. His tongue on your clit is maddening, circling back and forth and making your legs shake as you try to balance yourself in this position he’s tugged you into.
His fingers find what they’re looking for quickly and he teases your g-spot, thrusting into it only sometimes and leaving you wanting all the other times. In the very back of your mind, you wonder if what he said about being too studious for relationships is true, because how else would he have learned to do all this? God.
When you get close to coming, Doyoung takes some mercy on you and crooks his fingers into that soft spot more consistently now, and you cry out as you tighten around his fingers. It’s beautifully, wonderfully satisfying. The soft sounds he releases while he eats you out make you even weaker, as if he can’t hide just how turned on he is from tasting you.
Your climax hits you suddenly, and by the end of it you are laughing softly with the intoxication of how good you feel, how good he’s made you feel. When he finally pulls back from you, you let your body fully collapse against the small mattress, and Doyoung rests his head against your thigh momentarily, as if he himself is exhausted.
“I...wanted to do that for a while,” he says, and you can’t see his face but you think he must be blushing, with how sheepishly he admitted it.
It takes a bit of shuffling but you eventually end up lying side by side, stripped bare and looking up at the ceiling. The movie has long gone off, and there’s nothing but Netflix’s slideshow of new shows and movies playing on the screen now.
After a few more moments of nothing but the sound of heavy breaths, you say, “We are having round two, like right now.” 
“You’re already addicted to me, huh?” Doyoung chuckles, dragging his knuckles over your side and making your skin tingle. You smirk and throw your leg over him, and he groans at how your pussy slides over his hardening length.
“By the end of the night, you won’t be able to get enough of me.”
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sailorkamino · 5 years ago
marvel masterlist
| fluff ☀︎ | hurt/comfort ⛆ | smut ★ | requested ✎ |
a/n: i changed my user from teddybearbucky so pls give me time to update all the links! check bottom of post for request rules + info
bucky barnes 🦾
blurbs (<1k)
dumb baby - how bucky finds out you have a dumbification kink ★
self checkout - bucky tries self checkout for the first time ☀︎
one shots
Love Story - When Natasha introduces her sisters to the Avengers she makes one thing very clear: you and Yelena are off limits. Bucky Barnes was never good at following the rules. {black widow!reader, inspired by love story - taylor swift} ☀︎ ⛆
moon knight system (steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley) 🌙
dating steven/marc/jake ☀︎
one shots
Hospital Bed Confessions - As long as Jake can remember he's only had Marc and Steven to protect, then you came into the picture. Jake is scared to admit just how much you mean to him until you're injured, then he can no longer hide his feelings. ☀︎ ⛆
one shot series
Chaos in Us - When you leave behind your friends in New York to be the master of the London Sanctum you can't help but feel a little lonely. Luckily a mysterious gift shopist is there to make the foreign city feel like home. {avenger!magic!reader, au where endgame never happened so everyone's alive} ☀︎ ⛆
natasha romanoff ⏳
*none yet*
steve rogers ‎‎🇺🇸
blurbs (<1k)
Zero to Hero - you always make fun of steve but after showing him your favorite childhood movie he has a reason to tease you ☀︎
Steve x fem!best friend ☀︎
thor odinson ⚡️
*none yet*
wanda maximoff 💥
*none yet*
✼ •• ┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈ •• ✼
buckynat 🦾 ⏳
blurbs (<1k)
Learning Opportunity - bucky hasn't been with a woman since the 40s and you've never been with a man at all- natasha senses a learning opportunity ★
one shots
While You Were Sleeping - When you start sleep teleporting into your teammates room's Bucky and Natasha are jealous to say the least. When you finally end up in their bed there's less romance and more head injuries than they imagined. {a/b/o, alpha buckynat x omega!reader} ☀︎
moon scarab 🌙 🪲
*none yet*
stucky 🇺🇸 🦾
one shots
Sneaking In - You try to sneak in after a late night mission but your boyfriends can't sleep without knowing their best girl is safe. ☀︎
Happy Ending - when Steve’s mate joins the team you push down your feelings for the alpha, but you can still be his - well his and Bucky’s. Love triangles rarely have a happy ending, but this one does. {a/b/o, alpha!stucky x omega!reader} ☀︎ ⛆
↳ Heat of the Moment - You've haven't been with Bucky and Steve for very long but you already know that you want to be bonded to them. The opportunity comes sooner than later when Bucky suddenly goes into rut for the first time since the 40's. {a/b/o, alpha!stucky x omega!reader} ☀︎ ★
Written in the Stars - You've been with Steve (your soulmate) for a while, but now Bucky (your other soulmate) is moving in to the Avengers tower. A series of one shots on how you adjust to being a trio featuring some adorable pets. {soulmates au} ☀︎
wandanat 💥 ⏳
blurbs (<1k)
on display - your mommy (natasha) shows you off to wanda, together they have some fun with you ★
mixed ‎<3
modern avengers - ft. tik tok, thirst tweets, and more! ☀︎
✼ •• ┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈ •• ✼
request rules + info
⁀➷ i'll write for: bucky barnes, layla el-faouly, moon knight system (jake lockley/marc spector/steven grant), thor odinson, natasha romanoff, steve rogers, wanda maximoff,
⁀➷ just know that if u send me a request i'll write you a blurb, not a whole fic. i have adhd so i post very sporatically, don't expect a consistent upload schedule <3
⁀➷ most of my series are still in progress cuz they're more of a ~collection of one shots~ than a linear story
⁀➷ most fics are gender neutral, except smut which is fem!reader
⁀➷ speaking of smut, here are nfsw things i will write about: degradation, praise, dom/sub elements, mommy/daddy kink, spanking, bondage, toys, voyeurism/exhibitionism, threesomes/polyamory, breeding kink, a/b/o dynamics
⁀➷ nfsw things i won't write about: dub con/non con, weapon/blood play, sadism/machoism, dacryphilia, blood kink, long term overstimulation/edging (some is fine but i'm not going to write a whole story about it, i just find it uncomfy after a while), hate sex
⁀➷ marvel writing currently on hold as of april 2023
812 notes · View notes
papers4me · 4 years ago
Lots of people think the Kakeru-Tohru subplot is filler/unnecessary but I like it because 1) it's an emotional catalyst for Tohru to confront her feelings (as you'll see when you get to later chapters) and 2) it provides direct commentary on how she hides her feelings with her smile. It forces Yuki to see and acknowledge this, too. It definitely wouldn't have worked in the 13 episode season 3 but I strongly feel Tohru's development is diminished by omitting it.
Hi Friend,
You see, me & you come from two different experiences regarding this omitted sub-plot.
You read the manga first, so this chapter came to you as part of the plot before you know the ending or how tohru's development will be furthered. So, tohru here was teased as a small step towards her future development. I find it fascinating that some manga readers thought of this chapter as filler once they finished the manga.
I already know tohru's core issues before reading this chapter cuz I saw the anime's finale first. Reading this omitted sub-plot felt fascinating for kakeru as a character which I agree with you on, but so underwhelming for tohru which I disagree with you on.
You see...
Direct commentary on tohru is what we ONLY have in the anime &.. what I'm disappointed to still see in the manga.. We know tohru hides her feelings, so the story tells us her feelings thro so many characters but her... Isuzu, kagura, shigure, kyo, momiji, hana, Arisa , kisa, hiro, kakeru & yuki... That's all what we see & know of tohru.
When yuki told his story, he took charge, expressed himself & was on control of his own flashbacks that the aduiance saw.. & who is yuki? someone who was withdrawn & hiding behind a mask with princely smile.
When it's time to know small scattered pieces of kyo's story, he was forced into confrontations with Kazuma, then akito & finally tohru But he told us his own story from his own pov. no one did it on his behalf.
Same goes for Isuzu, Arisa, hana, momiji & the others.
Only tohru was always commented on by the others. We see her thro binoculars & even her own flashbacks was introduced thro others.
I love this chapter for a glimpse of kakeru's new side.
I don't like this chapter precisely cuz we saw tohru thro yuki's eyes. Throughout se1 & 2, 90% of the story was presented thro yuki's eyes. Not only his own struggles with kyo, himself & tohru. We saw kyo-tohru's romance thro his eyes, saw isuzu & haru individual personalities & romance thro his eyes as well. Yuki provided plenty of commentaries abt so many characters including kagura!!!. Yuki is one of my top 3 fave characters, but his insightful comments abt other characters are my least fave things abt him & the story in general, cuz they're so direct, so forward, so guided, & so diminishing of the readers'/ viewers ability to connect things, relate to characters or guess the " lesson".
The author impersonates yuki to tell us straight forward what X & Y feels & I find myself confused on whose the target audience of the story? children? Do we really need to hear it that clear? Does yuki need to know every bit of other characters feelings & struggles so he can tell us the wise comments/lesson? Why can't yuki be allowed to be real ! interactive! & dynamic! instead he's the story's guide on what to feel & what to learn. To do that, he's made into this nonstop monologuist, tremendously wise & all knowing being. It adds to his "perfect" presence that contradicts his goal of being okay with imperfectness & un-princely character.
Tohru was already established as someone who hides her feelings. After seeing/reading kyoko's chapters & hearing her open up her ugly side to kyo in the sheet hug, to put more " indirect story-telling" abt tohru contradicts what the writer has established. It is regression story-wise. If this chapter was before kyoko's chapter, then fine, but now.... what is the writer trying to tell me in this chapter abt tohru that I dont know already??? Nothing. But the writer did inform me sth new abt kakeru!! but also needed to once again involved yuki into the only part in the entire story that he wasnt involved in.. tohru's past after kyoko's death.....
I love this chapter for kakleru, it's fun, but tohru's presentation? ~ another story-telling disappointment that I never expected from the author herself. but it's okay~
I'm glad you liked all the sub-plot & so happy to read your thoughts abt it! I love it when someone sees things differently, it's fascinating & provides new angles & refreshing perspective! I have lots to say abt kakeru. I love when characters are made to make horrible insensitive mistakes! It makes them human & realistic. That's how you tell a story after all, thro exploring their misdeeds & the reaction to them <3
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you-are-worth-the-wait · 4 years ago
stories.  okay.  this one was an extreme first for me.  so the girl who takes the definition of being a sub completely literally.  she wanted to be a complete submissive to the point where if she broke any rules, she wanted a punishment and she got off on it.  one of the things she did at times was when she was sucking my cock, she’d either get a little carried away or something but she’d use/scratch her teeth against my cock to the point where i’d flinch.  i think after a couple of times i flinched, she noticed and asked what was wrong.  i told her but i didn’t tell her before because i didn’t want to sound like an ungrateful dick.  but then she told me that i should punish her for hurting me.  i asked her how should i punish her.  she told me to choose.  the first thing i thought of that wouldn’t necessarily have us changing positions and what not for punishment was that i told her i’d pull her off my cock if i felt her teeth on me and i’d slap her face.  she had told me before hand about the lengths she went through with her other Doms so i had an idea of what she’d be open to, and it was a hell of a lot.  so she liked that punishment.  so much so that i think she bratily grazed her teeth along me just to get punished.  that was pretty insane.  and the fact that she really wanted me to slap her pretty hard too was, interesting and intimidating.  but the thing was, she received pleasure from it.  so i did it because she enjoyed it.  i know that’s off limits to you so it was different to have someone ask that of me and they find pleasure in it.  
another thing that happened with her is that she told me that when she gets tipsy sometimes, she’ll throw up.  i didn’t know what her definition of tipsy was or how much it took to get to it.  anyways, she was giving me blowjob after drinking and wouldn’t you know it, she tried to get as much of me into her throat that it triggered you know what and she ended up puking on me...lol.  it was not a fun or pretty site.  at least you did it in the shower and not necessarily on me and even if you did, i think you and i have gotten to the point where that i’d be more concerned for your safety and well being than to be disgusted by you puking on me.  this was a first for me and was weird.  so yeah, i was lying down on the bed receiving the blowjob and my cock in her throat made her puke all over my groin area.  of course we ended up maneuvering to the shower in order to minimize the damage.  she was so embarrassed and was scared that i’d be angry at her and not want anything to do with her that she started to cry right in the shower and was apologizing profusely.  i told her that it was okay and that it was something that just happened where she was caught up in the moment and shyt happened.  it took some time to assure her i wasn’t mad and that it wasn’t a deal breaker at that moment that.  when she finally calmed down and realized that i wouldn’t leave her at the moment because of the incident, she was so happy and grateful that she wanted to continue blowing me as a sign of gratitude.  that was a wild play of emotions.  luckily no clothes were involved :P
i’m realizing that these aren’t the sexiest of stories, huh...*lol*  well, this is one of the better ones then.  kingman girl, nearly 50, was married for 20 years and finally worked up the courage to walk away from the marriage after her kids had grown but realized she knew it wasn’t right at some point but didn’t know how to leave and kids being involved made it worse.  anyways, setting that scene, she is extremely hyper sexual and when she tried to initiate things with her ex, he rejected her and made her feel like asking for intimacy was a character flaw of hers.  he only wanted it on his own terms and any time she sought it out, he made her feel like her want for intimacy was a bad thing or a weakness.  see she ended up suppressing her urges.  maybe that’s why she is so open to pleasuring me the way she does?  anyways, one time she arranged it so that she rented a room and stayed the night and asked me to stay with her.  that night while i was fucking her, at one point i brought up towards the window and the sheer curtain was still covering the window as we were only 3 stories up and you could see the pool from where we were at.  there were a couple families with kids swimming and playing in the pool.  i brought her there just for the thrill and the idea that someone could possibly see her/us but no one could from there.  i could see that she was trying to hold the curtain closed so i told her she should open up the curtains.  she was hesitant about doing it but i’ve read her pretty well up to that point that i told her that i would stop fucking her if she didn’t.  i already could sense that there was a sub side to her so that’s what prompted me to test it out.  so after she hesitated, i stopped and pulled out of her.  she then begged me to keep fucking her and i told her she knew what she had to do if she wanted me to continue.  she opened up the curtain and i resumed fucking her with where anyone could have seen her/us.  we ended up cumming that way and later admitted that she got so much of a thrill out of it that if we ever get the chance to do so, she wanted to be fucked that way again.  that same night, i fingered her till she squirted.  nothing like you.  if you were 2 out of 10 only because of “buckets”, i would have rated her as a 7/10, 10 being nothing.  the thing was, she has never squirted before, ever.  it was the first time she had ever done so.  she said she didn’t know exactly what was happening or what she was feeling but she could feel that she was wetter than usual and when she looked down and saw her fluids splashing while i was fingering her and she eventually saw the puddle on the bed, that’s when she admitted that she had only heard of if but never thought she was capable of doing so.  so yeah.  at the time, i didn’t think it was a big deal.  i just thought, “oh hey, she can squirt too.  not as much as L but she can.  that’s kewl.”  so yeah, introducing a girl to the phenomenon of squirting for the first time in her life after almost 50 years i guess was a pretty decent accomplishment by me.  so...yay? :P
hope those stories tide you over or that’s what you were looking for.  it’s weird cuz i’m starting to remember and recall a lot of stories and i guess since i don’t normally tell people about them, it kinda just falls to the way side.  it’s not like i do things in order to collect stories and brag about them.  they just happened and i think it was something that was shared only between me and that person. and yeah, i guess looking at things, it seems a lot of them did take place at work because of proximity.  go figure...*ws* 
still, i’d rather reserve the stories till i’m with you.  i imagine us laying next to each other as i recount them, caressing and fondling you, you stroking me or absent-mindedly licking or sucking me off so you can listen to what i’m saying.  then we get to a point where we work ourselves to a frenzy that we end up having our own little adventure/story.  “do you concur?” - Frank Abignale from Catch Me If You Can  :P
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prinxlyart · 4 years ago
just any individual toh character hc would SLAP. mebbe ur thoughts on the twins idk this is vague
Nah it’s cool, I can dig it let’s do this
I only put this under a line break cuz it got so long oops lol
Defo has a stutter that she went through a lot of intensive and grueling speech therapy sessions for (when she was about 7 years old) that she hated. Amity and Edric both know this and know it’s a sensitive topic for her. They’ll tease her lightly about it, but never in front of anyone else and they know where to draw the line. In my last Vinera post, I mentioned how much Viney adores her stutter. She absolutely loves getting Emira flustered enough to start stuttering. She’s incredibly patient and understanding when it comes to Emira’s stutter and Em’s feelings about her stutter, and she helps Emira learn to be okay with it again. It’s nothing to be ashamed of (and it’s cute).
My girl likes carrots. Like, really likes carrots. As in she’ll eat them straight out of the ground if she’s given a chance to wash it first. She really loves carrots. This is only an issue later on after she and Viney start taking care of beasts together and Emira’s been caught eating their entire stock of carrots that’s meant for the beasts. Viney has to keep the carrots in a secret box away from Emira after that point.
Emira actually really loves beasts/animals but has never been good at handling them. Any time she’d try to approach an animal to pet it, it would try to bite her. She’d get extremely pouty whenever this happens because beasts/animals love Edric. It’s not until after she and Viney start dating that Viney actually starts teaching her how to approach different creatures and her love for creatures reignites.
Emira’s a giant pushover for Amity. Only Edric knows this because he’s also a pushover for her. If Amity ever found out what power she actually holds over them, they’d be in so much trouble. They mask their love for their sister with constant teasing. Yes of course they get annoyed by her, that’s how siblings are, especially when Amity tattles on them, but at the end of the day, they’d help Amity hide the body if she asked. (The few times they witnessed her crying by someone other than their parents, they had gone on a warpath. Nobody hurts Mittens.)
Defo had a brief infatuation with Luz for like 5 minutes before she realized how head-over-heels Amity was. As long as they’re both happy, that’s what matters. She’ll take that secret to her grave though.
L O V E S having her hair played with, but like, only with people she’s super comfortable with. She has so much hair (mostly due to her mother’s wishes) and any time they all have attend some fancy gathering, Emira has to be seen by a stylist in order to get all her hair into whatever wild fancy shape her mom wants for the event. That she hates more than life itself, but whenever she’s upset, Edric or Amity grabs her hair brush and just gently brushes her hair out until she’s chill again. (She absolutely melts when Viney starts playing with her hair). In an act of defiance and because she needed this Change, the moment she and her siblings leave the Blight Manor permanently, she cuts off all of her hair. It’s very reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Viney loves it. Everyone loves it actually, but the biggest reactions come from Viney and Luz (they both love running their fingers through the newly cut hair because it’s so soft).
She likes to sing to herself when she’s alone. It’s rare that it ever happens because if she knows there’s other people in the same building as her, she won’t chance it. But when she knows she’s alone and no one will notice if she casts a silence bubble around herself so she can sing at the top of her lungs? You better believe she closes any doors or curtains in the area, locks everything, casts that spell and goes nuts. Her voice isn’t all that great, but it’s lovely when she’s singing quietly to herself while she does homework or something. On especially bad nights, Amity will ask her to sing to her. Emira sang to her once when they were like, 3 and 5 respectively, and it’s been their secret thing ever since for especially rough nights/nightmares.
Yknow how James from Pokémon is just super good with Pokémon ?? Like, he knows how to treat them, he knows what they like, he asks them gently if they’d like to join them, etc. That’s exactly how Edric approaches creatures. He’s a natural with them, but he and his sister’s natural affinity for illusion magic kept him from pursuing that track of magic.
He’s always wanted a pet, but every time he brings it up to his parents, he’s met with the same firm No as always. He’s definitely gotten in trouble for trying to sneak wild creatures into the house to keep in his room. Thank Titan for Em’s cool new girlfriend who’s not only a multi-track student, but studying the exact subject he wants to study and is super eager to teach him everything she knows. He learns vicariously through her and helps her study for her tests. At first, Emira is suspicious of them, but she knows her brother wouldn’t be so cruel as to try to steal her girlfriend away from her. He’s just a dork.
My boy’s got a sweet tooth. He loves desserts and sweets and fluffy baked goods and often tries to sneak candies when he thinks no one is looking. Chocolate is a big weakness for him. When Luz introduces him to Human Sweets, he’s practically bouncing off the walls. Cotton candy??????? Flan?????? Dulce de Leche en Tabla??? He nearly passes out when Luz busts out what she calls a “chocolate fountain” and turns it on. Y’all remember that one image of a bird bathing in a chocolate fountain from a million years ago? That’s Edric.
Edric Blight LIVES to see his sisters laugh. He would pull all sorts of silly faces and dumb tricks to make Amity laugh when they were little. He still tries to make her laugh, but usually those have grown from giggles to disgruntled mumbling. He’ll never admit how much it breaks his heart and it’s not until he sees her laughing at something Luz has done that he has hope he may still be able to get her to laugh again (it’s also the first time he’s heard her laugh in years and it makes his heart soar in relief. He was almost certain their parents had stamped any concept of laughter out of her).
My boy Edric is so full of love and passion; actually quite similarly to Luz. What makes them different though is that Edric is Aromantic. He’s never had a crush in his life. He’s happy with his sisters and all of their friends and their family as it grows in the future. He has some best friends that he lives with for a while (after his sisters move in with their respective partners), but for the most part he’s chill. He loves his family, he loves spoiling his sisters’ kids, and he’s content with himself. It takes him a super long time to be content with himself, but he gets there. I will literally never get over the fact that his biggest fear is “being alone forever”. He’s never alone. He will always have his friends and family. And, thanks in large part to Luz, he has his parents back. His parents that actually were excited when he cast his first spell and tucked him in at night when he was a toddler, giving him kisses goodnight and pleasant dreams. Not the parents he’d run away from; those were the cold, uncaring, obsessed with fake concepts of popularity and status people he ran away from with his sisters. It took years, but Luz helped bring his real parents back. He loves getting to know them for who they are now that he’s an adult too.
He and Gus become best friends. Like, dumb buddy cop movie levels of best friends. They get into so much trouble when it’s just the two of them and they have the time of their lives. At first, he and Em just sort of took Gus under their wing because he was a little bit of an outcast in their homeroom for being so much younger than everyone else. But he’s a friend of Luz’s and a friend of Amity’s after a while, which automatically makes him cool in their book. They soon find themselves actually enjoying his company, rather than just protecting him from stray bullies, and they find his ability with illusion magic exciting. They themselves are considered prodigies so having another prodigy to show off practice with is super stimulating for all of them. As the years go on (and Emira spends more time with Viney) Edric starts calling more and more often for “Bro Time” where they go do stupid teenage stuff or test the limits of their magic or even just hang out and talk for hours. It’s actually all this time hanging out with just Gus that Edric discovers he’s aro; somehow it comes out that Gus has developed a crush on Edric and (major age differences aside) Edric realizes he’s never had a crush on anyone before. It’s a conversation that sucks a lot, but they’re besties and they manage to get through it. Gus maybe needs to take a day with his original gal pals to just cry about it, but he gets over it just fine. He also helps Edric understand what it means to be aromantic. Well, with the help of Luz and Willow as well; Luz is a walking dictionary for lgbt terminology and Willow’s super good at helping dissect feelings (when they’re not her own cough’outofsightoutofmind’cough).
I genuinely don’t know what he might pursue for a career. Part of me wants him to be independent and do his own thing, but a much stronger part of me wants him to just be part of Viney as Emira’s business. He loves creatures so much and he loves taking care of them, but I don’t want him to feel like a third wheel around his twin sister either. Maybe he becomes a dual track teacher at Hexside specifically for healing and beast keeping so more students can learn about Service Creatures. He can substitute for the Illusion track homeroom when needed, but he’s super passionate about the Service Creature sub-track he and Viney pitch to Principal Bump.
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catnippackets · 5 years ago
have you seen/would u recommend pacific rim 2? ive heard some things about newt and idk lol
I feel like Im in the minority that actually did think pru was fun but that being said it ended SO abruptly and with like three separate plotlines completely abandoned that I was really frustrated for days after watching it until I had processed everything and had time to think deeply about it lol it just seemed rly unfinished?? it feels like it was deliberately made as 1/2 of two sequels and there needs to be one more to tie everything up. actually I’m gonna ramble abt this bc I have a lot of thoughts (obvs spoilers under the cut)
the thing about the second one was that I genuinely was enjoying it right up until it ended because I swear to god the moment the end screen went up I yelled "what the fuck, that's it?" out loud into my bedroom bc I was so SHOCKED that THAT'S how it all ended, because it just seemed so incomplete?? Like it seemed like one half of a story, that will only be made whole if there's a third one to tie up all the plotlines that they didn't go through with in the second and if that's the case then I will be completely fine with it but if it doesn't or if they dont have a third one at all I will stay so frustrated lol. one silver lining to this is that the vibe of this movie was so different from the first that it almost feels easy to separate it and just imagine it as an AU if you prefer which is sort of nice; usually if a piece of media I like does something bad I feel all gutted and anxious and terrible that this is the canon I have to accept, but something abt this movie just made it feel like it was sort of a totally separate deal. maybe cuz only 3 of the original characters were in it idk
to start off: I felt like there were a couple of plotlines in it that were just sort of introduced and then never seen through which was very ????? Amara & Vik's weird hate-rivalry thing was one of them; Vik instantly has it out for Amara bc she’s jealous, which is a very interesting concept, and then this prompts Amara to become hostile right back at her, which is also a very interesting concept, and then it never got resolved at all? like they couldve done something really cool with those two but it just never went anywhere. and then there was sort of a weird love triangle thing happening between Jake and Nate and Jules that felt so weird bc it had no significance to the plot at all and it felt like it was only thrown in there for the sake of having ~romantic drama~ idk maybe I wasnt paying too much attention and there was more to it than that but it really just seemed like they wanted to put romance in there and didnt want to bother to put any work into it
BUT the thing about romantic sub plots is that THERE ALREADY WAAAAS OOOOOOOOONE which brings me to the biggest frustration I have w this movie because--and DISCLAIMER, this was also my favourite plot point of the movie bc it was by far the most interesting, the biggest reason for me enjoying the movie at all, and the bit I feel like should have had WAY more attention--Newt and Hermann were like legitimately in love in this movie I swear to god I was watching it and thinking “this is GENUINELY the most blatantly gay thing I’ve ever seen in a feature film and I know that straight ppl are very talented at writing gay romances completely by accident so it’s possible that they just accidentally did it this way but also it is REALLY goddamn obvious oh my gooood?” (and then I did a lot of frantic googling and found out that I was right and Charlie Day & Burn Gorman knew what the fuck they were doing and I felt so validated lol), and yet despite this, the movie had them speak for the last time almost at the halfway point of the film and then spend the entire second half apart and not talking at all and even at the post-credits scene where Jake and Newt talked for a bit Hermann wasn't there?? not even behind Jake to give Newt any searching glances?? Nothing??
dude...Newt being possessed by the precursors is a HUGELY interesting concept that actually makes sense and I wish it had had more attention. I’ve seen a lot of ppl say that pru butchered Newt’s character and I don’t 100% agree bc like...being possessed will change you lmao so while yes I’m obviously sad that he wasn’t himself, I feel like it made sense that he had a slight personality change, because it...wasn’t him anymore. we don’t really see the Newt we all fell in love with in the first movie. we THINK we’re seeing him, but halfway through we find out we’re wrong.
my critiques with that plotline are basically that I wish the reveal had happened a little bit later on, and I wish that it had been a little more obvious I guess?? like, we definitely get hints of it (when Hermann excitedly asks Newt to help him with a dangerous unorthodox project and Newt says “dude why are you doing something so risky when we’ve already got a good plan in motion? just wait for that to be done, it’s fine” and Hermann IS us, he IS the audience when he reacts, because this is a completely insane thing for Newt to say. Newt, who, in the first movie, was so obsessed with finding knowledge that he went behind the marshall’s back to literally risk his life doing something incredibly dangerous just to see what would happen? being given the opportunity to do the same kind of dangerous frivolous act and refusing? this is blatantly out of character, and Hermann is all of us when he’s shocked, “what, you mean you...won’t help me??” which means it wasn’t bad writing on their part, it was purposefully supposed to stand out as something that was wrong and something that we needed to pay attention to. that was a really good scene to hint that something was Not Right with Newt), and I wish there had been a bunch more like it. I think the reveal should have been saved for the end of the second act; I think that should have been the moment that act 2 of a story usually has, that dreadful event that happens that leaves the main characters feeling completely hopeless and unsure what to do.
I also wish that he had managed to break through more than That One Scene, I think it would’ve been more dramatic if he’d had a few moments where he managed to take control for a second to remind us that he’s still in there and still fighting, and I’m sad they didn’t do that. I saw a fan comic that touched on this idea and I think it’s brilliant, even the idea of him suddenly getting a nosebleed and acting distracted to show that that’s the Real Him trying to fight through would have been sooooooooo good.
I also feel like it didn’t make any sense for Nate to be the one to subdue him in the end, I dont even think those two interact at all so like, why was it him?? it would have been so much more dramatic and heartbreaking if Hermann had been the one to confront him so they could’ve had a little conversation on the roof where Newt could once again break through for a second before getting taken over and then Hermann could like idk have a taser hidden behind him that he uses to subdue him and THAT wouldve been a way sadder and more interesting way to do it. I also think Hermann shouldve been the one to speak to him in the post credits scene, or to have him in the background behind Jake just watching him sadly so we can get a couple shots of intense eye contact like UGH I just wish there had been more interaction between the two of them after the reveal happened!! When the movie was over and I realized they never spoke again I felt so upset!!! they're soulmates!! they're literally in love!! this has been CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and segueing in from the soulmate thing, another thing that made me sad was that nobody came in pairs anymore :( aside from Newt and Hermann, they were the only ones gjdfk but in the first one every character had another character that they were paired up with, both for drifting reasons and just for plot reasons (except Chau and Tendo but I’m pretty sure there's actually significance to that too), and in the second one it just sort of felt like everyone was drifting with each other with no strong connection needed and that made it feel way less special. granted, the movie takes place ten years after the first one so in that time maybe technology advanced to the point where you didn't need a strong neural connection to drift anymore, but for the sake of the story it would have been way better if they'd kept the whole soulmates concept from the first one, it made it way stronger and more special
so yeah in conclusion I did think pru was enjoyable and I probably would watch it again some time but also it definitely pales in comparison to the first one and I’m desperately hoping we get one more so they can tie everything together and FIX THINGS KFGH it’s not too late!!!!! I wish I could write Pacific Rim 3 I genuinely think I would do a good job I love storytelling and I’m very passionate about these characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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topherfoxtrot · 4 years ago
You should give Tribes of Europa a try and here's why!!!
First of all the premise is lowkey awesome. Well executed? Not so much but let's not get ahead of ourselves. In the near future in what's referred to as "black December" all technology in the whole world stops working at once for no reason. After the chaos and mayhem this phenomenon caused the european continent divided into dozens (and potentially hundreds) of micro states the show calls TRIBES. Don't be fooled by the semantics tho. Those tribes are everywhere in the political spectrum loosely including eco anarchism, fascism and a military republic with no president, but a Father instead. Interesting right? We only get to know three of these tribes. Some others are mentioned, we we'll get to that soon.
And who are the characters you might be asking yourself. Well the main characters are three siblings from the Origine.
The older sibling is Liv (who I personally call Lara Croft). She's driven by family and by her moral code that is strongly influenced by her tribe and their leader/founder who happens to be her father. She's also really skilled in combat and knows her way around a crossbow.
The middle man is Kiano. If you search the tag you probably has seen him already in the countless shirtless scenes he makes in the show (😴😴). Being hot is not his only character trait tho. He's also driven by his family and wants to be free above all other things because only thru freedom he can look for his siblings.
The youngest is Elja (no idea how to pronounce that). I found him really annoying at the begining but he grew on me. He's really interested in the events before and during the black December, he was not born at the time or was too young to remember. He also finds an interesting artifact. And he has no idea his siblings are alive.
Oh did I mention their entire tribe and culture gets slaughtered in the pilot? Let's talk tribes.
Yeah the siblings are from the Origines, the first tribe we are introduced to. They are a really small community (roughly 70 people) who retreated to the forest in order to survive. They are against technology for the most part and occasionally trade with a nearby community (that also gets slaughtered by the crows)
Crows? What? Yeah so here we have our second tribe. The crows are one of (if not the) biggest tribes in Europa. They value honor and strength above life, are super okay with slavery and have some social mobility which means that slavery is not forever. But only in some cases. Their leader is called The Kaptain and upon meeting him everyone must chant HAIL THE STRONGEST. He also has a cane and an oversized fur coat.
But wait why the crows were attacking the origines? Yeah remember the artifact Elja found? Yeah turns out everyone is after that because it's some atlantian artifact. Atlantians? They're the third tribe we get to meet. I mean we don't. We only know that they're super secret and for some reason their tech survived the black December which is super sus.
Anyways when the origines are attacked Elja runs away, Kiano is captured to become a slave and homegirl Liv is found by a unit of the crimson republic. There's our forth tribe. The crimson republic is highly militarized and possesses a lot of guns and bullet proof vests and all those call of duty shenanigans.
The three siblings then develop their own storyline and I honestly hope they never find each other again lmao. You care about trigger warnings? Cuz I do!
The show contains lots of violence (no gore tho).
Two sex scenes with nothing explicit (yay).
One character spits his own food but there's no vomit.
Slavery imagery (people living in sub human conditions) and vocabulary (character calling another charter their possession).
Death of a parent.
In one scene we see boobs but they're in the background and it's super quick.
A female character sexually assaults a male character (not explicit but hella uncomfortable).
That's all I can think of now but might add more later. Hope you enjoyed this summary. If you like what you just read give the show a chance. Love y'all.
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steve0discusses · 6 years ago
Yugioh Season Zero: Yuugi Gets a Tomagachi Pt 1
Hey you know what? Lets look at Zero again.
For those new here, I’m also going through Yugioh Season Zero, which is not the anime we got in the States, but the anime that came before it. It’s got all sorts of issues that 90′s anime tend to have, so, consider yourself warned.
You can read my recaps of just Season Zero by clicking on this link right here.
Anyway, it’s been kind of a while since I did one of these, and part of the reason is because I need to use a fandub in order to not have subs across the bottom. And that’s normally not a problem, but as you see in the corner of this next cap here, of the villain introduced this episode, this 3-Stooges-all-stuffed-into-one-body-suit-lookin guy, who has a realllllly weird tradition he does after beating people up,
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We have an uhhhhh watermark situation in the bottom right hand corner. As an artist I have a hard time releasing anything with someone else’s watermark on it, but I have literally no other options, so forgive me, Team Millennium, you will probably never see this post because we’re a very smalltime blog. You can find their dubs on Youtube.
Anyway we’re here for pocket toys.
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TAMAGACHIS. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve thought about Tamagachis.
(read more under the cap)
Mine are all gone now, I think I tossed them a year after I got them, the fad was pretty strong but short. Since most people got their Tomagachis second hand, (they were just impossible to buy because they were sold out everywhere), none of us had any freakin instructions so I had no idea at all how to use them and it died like 30 times. Usually several times a day.
Honestly Tamagachi’s are both the best and absolute worst child’s toy ever made.
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And so Jounouchi’s going to go off about what a Tamagachi is (Tamagatchi? Eh doesn’t matter) but first lets just address the fact that...they’re in History class.
I mean....
...It had to happen eventually.
I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.
I’m just...
I’m fine.
Anyway, lets dive into Tamagachi (tomagachi?) physics. I think I spelled Tamagachi incorrectly in all of these caps and hell will freeze over before I fix them all.
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These kids are WAY to old to be playing with a freakin Tamagachi, but I dunno, maybe it was different in Japan? My older brothers were playing with like Gameboys and the odd hacky sack during this time period. And then my one brother who refused to play video games that weren’t Basketball related got super into rapping into a mixer table (he is half deaf, he was v bad). That was it, that was their portable digital hobbies.
They saw my Tamagachis and were like...no thanks.
Anyway, the Yugioh Tamagachis have a little twist to them that no Tamagachi on earth has ever had the power to do. Like maybe this seems like pretty low tech to the babies out there who don’t remember these things, but listen--Tomagachis barely functioned. I don’t think they were capable of basic math. That is the only explanation to me at least of how they died so freakin often.
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WOW Yugioh. I mean guaranteed, I would have been suuuuper into this when I was 10-11 but also...kind of WEIRD right?
And I mean, no worries, this is Yugioh, so not even Yuugi’s Tamagachi is going to score, but it’s not like they won’t try. TBH, Yuugi’s Tamagachi dates more than Yugi. Yuugi’s Tamagachi goes on more dates than Yugi has in 3 seasons.
Anyway, Jounouchi get’s rightfully scolded out.
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And Honda is still a freakin weirdo, something I tend to forget every time I tune into Season Zero, much like this girl, who I also completely forget is a main character on this cast. Hi, Miho.
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Of course, Anzu does bring up a good point...
...maybe Spanish is NEXT period?
Headcanon restored.
Miho seems entirely inept at life, to the point that she cannot both attend school and occasionally sweep up the feces of her pocket pet. She was kept up apparently all hours of the night, gazing at a little one inch screen and pressing one of three buttons.
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(Anzu’s face trying to understand Miho)
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Like I joke that I think Miho could easily be the super villain of this show but this episode she just pumps up the bastard like 200%.
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(this is how I ended up with 2 Tamagachi’s, before I burned out and got rid of the little assholes)
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So Honda, so horny he can barely think, decides to take care of this pocket pet because he’s pretty sure he can hightail it out of the country with Miho on a romantic trip to Sydney. It sort of makes me kinda miss when Yugioh was vague.
Sensing awkward romantic stuff, Yuugi gets the hell out of there, because weird stuff is happening in this bathroom with his friend, Haiyama, and while most people would leave the bathroom stuff alone, Yuugi has never been able to leave anything alone. Especially if it’s gross and riddled with collusion.
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He finds out that Haiyama is giving money to the giant 3 Stooges guy who’s name is Kujiwara (Kujirada) or something like that. I’m hella bad at names and I had to look it up like four times. I’ll get the names spelled wrong like so, so many times.
All in all, the small little Haiyama is divying up money to the current class bully and Yuugi feels a very strong affinity with Haiyama because of it.
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Sorry I just had to imagine for a hot minute what the Kaibas would bring to a bake sale.
Anyway, like, this is off topic but also on topic, bear with me, so you know how in Evangelion, they show up to class, and they’re like “weird that we’re in the same class with all the kids who man the robots, weird.” and it’s like “why do they all go to this class if they’re living in completely different parts of the city? Like this one kid is covered head to toe in bandages and then this other kid is the son of the head of the robot illuminati and this other kid lives in like a tent a lot of the time? Like wtf is this weird ass class?” and then, basically near the end of Evangelion you get this reveal (spoilers for a 20 year old anime, look away) that everyone in the class has been hand selected to be put inside of giant robots and that is why so many of them are just screwball beyond reason.
I feel like Yuugi might have a little bit of an Evangelion problem, because we’ve got this class of like maybe...20 students, and they all come from completely different walks of life in this city, and they’re all just a bucket of disturbing psychosis’. Like it is just so crazy that Anzu got completely possessed by Shadi, but this class is filled with so many assholes that no one noticed until she started choking Yuugi to death in the medical ward.
I’m just saying, I think Yuugi’s class was hand selected by the government for scary ulterior robot illuminati motives, and if I were to write a Yugioh spinoff, it would still be Marik’s Boat Time, but in the background of Marik’s Boat Time, these dumb asshole children would be finally forced by the government to use their inner asshole powers to mitigate WWIII against the space aliens (or WW IV, since I figured by that point Kaiba’s already pulled a III just by accident)
Anyway back to little Haiyama, who’s name I cannot spell right to save my life.
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This part was real funny to me because when Yuugi went through this similar problem at the beginning of the series, he turned to a toy (or what he thought was a toy) in the Millennium Puzzle. Maybe in his mind, he’s giving Haiyama a gift to help him make friends like the Puzzle did with Yuugi. Thing is, uh.....this Tamagachi isn’t cursed with darkness or anything, so nice try Yuuge, this is a sort of pointless offering. It is nice, though.
Anyway, cute little Haiyama patiently takes the Tomagachi and walks the other way, as far as he can possibly get away, from Yuugi Muto.
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This note is a note Honda wrote on like a permission slip, and then handed to a dude in class, to hand directly to Honda’s Spanish teacher.
How many jokes have I made that Tristan is the Mom Friend? Wow.
Anyway, this version of Tristan is about as bad at life as Miho is, so he’s going to just peace out in his bedroom playing a pretttttty boring Tomagachi game.
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It really takes like just nothing at all for these kids to skip school, wow.
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Anyways, they come across a rival game shop storefront, so Yuugi can’t help himself but admire the competition. Surprise, it’s just a different color of Tamagachi.
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Before I can contemplate on why this one podunk shop in Domino is selling the only digital pet that is the best in the whole wide world, this happens.
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So...that happens. That just happens.
And then we get this weird, very spooky sort of stalker footage of Kujirada, being developed on this amazing set of old timey software, check this out. Please admire how much 1999 is in these next frames.
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This episode is particularly weird, but the whole thing with the photo taking is just...it is SO weird.
And like sorry to do this to you, but we’ll go over the rest of it in the next update, cuz this episode had a lot of stuff and so I made just so many caps but...holy hell this episode went completely off the rails. Like this first half is a whole lot of weird stuff but then the next half is just...there’s absolutely no way to predict the next half from the first half of events. It just goes completely wild.
Like this episode further proves my theory that everyone in this class has no choice but to destroy all life with giant mechs. There’s no other way. All of Yuugi’s classmates are here to end the world. Him included. This mess of a class.
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jasntodds · 6 years ago
2018 Fic Recs by you
Before the new year started, I had y’all send in your favorite fics of 2018 with the option to leave some comments for the authors! Now, I finally have the time to sit down and make this post. The comment section was optional so some may more comments than others but it’s nothing personal, some people are just shy!
The questions were:
What's your favorite part of this fic? 
Why is this your favorite fic of the year?
Is there anything you want to say to the author? 
Recs under the cut!
I Only Feel You (Mob!Tom Holland x Reader) by @stuckonspidey
Comments from readers:
honestly, all of it! it's so beautifully written and an amazing read 
this is my fave fic because it's such a thrill to read and every time a chapter posts, i'm always up and anticipating the next! 
yes!! lilly u are SO talented and i admire ur series sososo much! 
Comments from another reader:
Look I have a weakness for Mob!Tom and soulmate au and I just love how Lilly combined those two and y'know because it was Mob!Tom I expected him to be more cold and distant but instead he's such a puppy (and a sub) around reader like wow she has him wrap up in her fingers and Reader is so stubborn I love that! And I just love everything about THIS! 
The Art Of Pretending (Student!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @h-osterfield
You’re Your Father’s Daughter (Peter Parker x Stark!Reader) by @celestialparker
Comments from readers:
towards the end where y/n finally talks to tony and it just pulls on the heart strings 
it's just really good and has a great topic and it's well thought out 
you're amazing ily 
Phantom (Peter Parker x Reader) by @silverishparker
Comments from readers:
The entire thing. 
It’s writing is really poetic and makes me cry every time. 
Only You (Tom Holland x Reader) by @tommyparkerr
Comments from readers:
The scene on the balcony 
It was so real but romantic 
Never stop writing because you’re amazing 
Milkshakes (Tom Holland x Reader) by @thothollandd
Comments from readers:
It's hard to determine a favorite part- The entire thing is amazing. 
It is so incredibly soft and very very well written. I love everything about it. 
gwshbdusejkh The amount of talent and skill you have with writing is incredible. It was hard to pick just one fic from your masterlist, cuz I am so in love with everything you write! <3 
Guys Like You (Tom Holland x Reader) by @spxderbarnes
Comments from readers:
it’s cute and angsty 
I have so many man 
all of your fics are brilliant 
Untitled (CEO!Tom Holland x Reader) by @underoosbws
Comments from readers:
all around amazing
very original and well written 
I love all of your fics! 
Jealous (Tom Holland x Reader) by @sunsetspidey
Comments from readers:
it’s well written 
all of your fics are great! 
Real Love (Tom Holland x Reader) by @twilightparker
Comments from readers: 
imma sucker for angsty fluff 
I just love it 
I’m literally a hoe for all of your writings 
Say You Love Me (Tom Holland x Reader) by @foreverbeingthunderbuddy
Comments from readers:
it’s the perfect amount of angst with fluff 
I’m absolutely in love with your writings 
More Than That (Tom Holland x Reader) by @snowflakespideys
(the link on your masterlist isn’t working, I’m sorry!!)
Comments from readers:
I love friends to lovers fics 
this writer is just talented and this piece is great 
True Reflections (Tom Holland x Reader) by @uglypastels
Comments from readers:
it’s just so beautifully written 
it takes on insecurities and there’s no sugarcoating. I can tell that the author really took their time on this and wanted it to be serious. 
thank you for not making this another half-assed, cheesy insecurity fic where the writer isn’t taking it seriously 
Too Close (BestFriend!Tom Holland x Reader) by @stuckonspidey
Comments from readers:
it’s just so incredibly written, with the right amount of angst and fluff and it’s not even finished yet! 
it’s honestly one of my favorite fics I’ve read on tumblr. It’s so original and I love the friendship the reader and Tom have. I love everything about it. 
you’re an absolute sweetheart and our dm chats make me laugh
Comments from another reader: 
Bestfriend!Tom!! unrequited love?? pining!!?! I am here for this. This fic breaks my heart! I am still unsure if Tom now likes reader romantically or if it'a just really platonic BUT I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY HOPES HIGH AGAIN JUST SO OP CAN DROP IT AGAIN 
The Rooftop Party (Tom Holland x Reader) by @twilightparker
Comments from readers:
perfectly angsty with a huge amount of wonderfully written fluff at the wnd 
everything by @twilightparker is just beautiful 
I love your writings and you’re a sweetheart 
Still Here (Tom Holland x Reader) by @sparky-holland
Comments from readers:
it’s just so original with an interesting twist 
it’s different and well written 
Invisible (Peter Parker x Reader) by @celestialparker
Comments from readers:
it’s original and beautifully written. 
I love celestialparker’s writings so much wowowow 
Cheerleaders & Milkshakes (Peter Parker x Cheerleader!Fem!Reader) by @spxderbarnes
Comments from readers:
I love the whole popular!reader x peter parker! 
it’s so original and fluffy and soft. The reader isn’t your typical popular girl and she reminds me a lot of liz. She’s kind and generous along with warm hearted and I love it! 
thank you for this! 
We’re Only Kidding Ourselves (Tom Holland x Reader) by @wazzupmrstark 
Comments from readers:
The inevitable tension between reader and Tom is insane. So much anticipation I love it. 
the fact that I plan to be a PA one day and die every time i read it because this is my dream 
You deserve ALL the reads!! Even through only 5 chapters so far this story gets me so excited every update. :) 
Dare You To Move (FWB!Roommate!Tom Holland x Reader) by @starksparker
Comments from readers:
Because it's amazingly well written! 
I haven't read many fics this year (I'm relatively new to the whole writing on Tumblr thing) and this one really stood out to me amongst the ones I have read. 
kaylee i love u and keep up the amazing work!! ur my role model!!!!! 
Prove Myself (Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader) by @foreverbeingthunderbuddy
Comments from readers:
EVERYTHING!! the entire fic is gold and so so good. 
her writing just absolutely astounds me and i love it so goddamn much. this was the first i read of hers and i literally cannot get enough of her writing 
you are awesome! you are amazing & i hope you keep writing 
Comments from another reader:
The cute, slow burn relationship with Peter, the reader‘s powers and the connection to Thor. Also how tony went into dad mode 
Because the plot idea is so original and the reader character was so relatable and i loved the humor and every chapter had me at the edge of my seat. Always come back to reread 
Please never stop and I hope you‘ll get more recognition for your writing, sweetie, I really do 
Get To Know You Better (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
Umm all of it? But especially the part where they make a family and it's really cute and I love it. The series is really cute. 
Cus it was one of the first fics I read written by Jill and it led to us being mutuals and I love her so much. The series just is so cute but it has heavier bits and it's realistic in the issues it deals with. All of her stuff is. I love it all so much. 
I love your stuff and I think you're really great. 
Tearing Down Sandcastles (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
The part they meet up again in New York after the holiday. 
Because it's really cute and realistic and I love it a lot. I just really love her serieses. (what's the plural of series?)
You got this, buddy.     
Happier (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
when they start to be friendly to each other again. Conflict really plays with my emotions 
It's very different from what she usually writes and it's kinda new, I guess. It's very dramatic and intense. 
It's different, but it's really good. You should definitely keep this one til the end. you're just great at everything you do, I guess. Both cute relationships and toxic ones. 
Comments from another reader:
the part when they make it up to each other. Conflict really plays with my emotions ;-; 
it's something new. It's full of toxicity and drama and I love it 
I don't know how you can be good at everything but you are. 
Check My Heartrate I Think I’m Falling For You (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
the first part of the series. 
It's really light and humorous and I love that. 
I've read this one so many times I love it. Its snazzy. 
Write Me A Lullaby (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
the part where they meet face to face for the first time it's great 
cus it was the very first thing I ever read that belonged to Jill and it's also what really introduced me to the Marvel fandom. It's the first Marvel thing I read. It's what ultimately led to me becoming mutuals with Jill and then everyone else I met afterwards. 
I love you! 
They’ll Make A Movie About Us (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
the part where he gets the call. It's cute how concerned he is about her. 
It's just a really small, hurt/comfort thing and I love that 
Like Dark Chocolate (Tom Holland x Reader) by @madmadmilk  
Comments from readers:
The drama but honestly everything 
Because it’s so well written and the slowburn and suspense are  killing me and giving me life at the same time 
I love you and your writing. You are such a talented writer and artist and just an amazing person overall 
Comments from another reader:
I just- This fic is wow! and please beware everything I'm saying is going to be full of spoilers so STOP READING THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ LDC YET AND READ THIS FIC NOW!!! ok so like Reader loves Tom who is still in a relationship with Mal who emotionally manipulates him and ughh I hate Mal but I love how Jacky handled her character! like?!?!? Mal obviously has deep problems it doesn't excuse her behavior but I hope she gets help?!?! like?!? and I think Tom genuinely likes reader and wants to leave Mal but he's scared because he knows what's up with her and is afraid that something happens when he leaves her but!!!! I still think he shouldn't have had sex with reader and go back to Mal because wow reading that shit really hurt me AND reader. I must admit sometimes I rooted for Haz but then reader did the same thing like Tom and u f f this is a mess AND UGHH I HOPE READER AND TOM TALK IT OUT (and usvakakba it's been a while since I read it soabjasnj) 
Jasminum Sambac (Sebastian Stan x OC) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
When he finally admits his feelings for her 
It's a flowershop thing and I love those 
Keep My Heart (Chris Evans x Fem!OC) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
when they get a baby! ahhh 
It's been going on for a long time and I think it's still ongoing so it's just something nice to come back to. It provides plenty of hurt/comfort and I love that. 
This is definitely one of my favourite things you've written, I love it. 
25 Days Of Sebmas (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
I like the last two prompts 
Cus they were all really nice stories that didn't have really complex storylines liek the rest of her stuff. Just some quick and cute reads 
Well done on completing the challenge! 
Blame It On The Whiskey (Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) by @lostinbuckyseyes
Comments from readers:
the ending when he tells her it's okay and he tells her he likes her. 
Cus it's really good and cute but it's not hard to understand. It's really well written. 
I know you're going through some hard times but it'll be okay. It'll all work out. And hey, now you match Bucky! 
The Sun Could Never Hate You (Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan) by @what-the-buckybarnes
Comments from readers:
The real emotion portrayed so well 
It’s not over the top, it’s very simple but is so raw and life like that it just blows other fics out of the water 
You are my fave mutual and your writing is A+ 
Partners In Crime (Mob!Tom Holland x Mob!Fem!Reader) by @spiderrrling
Comments from readers:
I love that she writers a badass female character in a Mob! series 
Light (Dad!Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader) by @letthembehappymcu
Comments from readers:
father and daughter relationship 
Good Together (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @irndad
Comments from readers:
Her characterization of Bucky is just spot on, and the way she writes the relationship really draws the reader in. 
I'm always searching for really good Bucky reader insert fics and they're hard to find because the mcu didn't give Bucky much of a characterization, but she really made him feel whole, alive, and real.
Thank you so much for writing this and I hope you know how talented you are.   
Kiss Me At Midnight (BestFriend!Tom Holland x Reader) by @petuniatom
Comments from readers:
Ground Rules (Tom Holland x Reader) by @madmadmilk
Comments from readers:
Uh basically how she threw her rules out the window for Tom cause it’s kinda relatable like we all have someone that we threw our rules out the window for 
Helped me through a really tough time tbh 
Thank you for being such an amazing writer and gifting us with such beautiful fics 
Comments from another reader:
THIS IS THE SHIT! TO KEEP IT SHORT THIS IS AMAZING AND A FUCKING ROLLERCOASTER SO FUCKING PREPARE YOURSELVES HOES!!!! AND SPOILERWARNING!!!! Honestly reading how Reader loves Haz was so heartbreaking because those two were so close and I'm just akshakakaah and his Gf Em YES I love her and I love how Jacky didn't pit Em and Reader against each other instead they show love and support for each other AND I AM HERE FOR THIS GIRL SUPPORT the same with Z too😤😤😤 and I love how Tom and reader's relationship was developed and u f f THAT part (y'all know which I'm talking about) still shook me 'till this day like wow! BUT!!! I am so happy how it ended. Like?!?! Z and Reader are in a good term (not like they've ever been bad to each other), Tom opening himself to reader up!!! Haz and Em are amazing!!! THIS FIC IST JUST GREAT OK!!! 
Domino (Tom Holland x Reader) by @madmadmilk
Comments from readers:
Ok first of all I LOVE Tom and Reader's relationship like?!?!?! It's definitely not perfect and they both still have some things to work out with BUT THAT WHAT I LOVE ABOUT IT!!! AND the friendship between Tom, Reader, Z and Haz is AMAZING (and I love when Jacob and Laura makes an appearance👀) I- THIS FIC MADE ME CRY AND LAUGH AND JUST! GAVE! ME! SO! MANY! FEELINGS! 
It was my first Tom fic so👀👀 
Jacky YOU ARE AMAZING! I LOVE  EVERYTHING YOU WROTE! I hope you had an amazing break! I missed you and ajsvakamjsak ACCEPT MY LOVE ANR SUPPORT💗💞💓💟💕💗💟💞💗💟💗💞 
Common Courtesy (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @madmadmilk
Comments from readers:
Silence (Vigilante!Tom Holland x Reader) by @astronomyparkers
Comments from readers:
This fic AMAZING!!! It's so exciting and that TWIST IN THE LAST PART WAS WOW!!!! JUST READ IT GUYS!!! 
The First Punch (Boxer!Tom Holland x Boxer!Reader0 by @starksparker
Comments from readers:
Currently it would be the tension between Tom, y/n, and Arthur. All I can picture is obadiah from Iron Man. 
The writing is fantastic, the story is compelling and it feels like you've been dropped into a Shameless (US) AU with Marvel and Tom related themes. The twists and turns don't stop. It's a beautiful, agonizing, intense, and overall amazing piece of work. 
Other than my review above, just keep writing and reach out to publishers. Everything you write I immediately get hooked on and I can't wait to see where this next year takes you and your creative writing. If there is any way to add me to you permanent tags list, please do because I love seeing what you create. @angrybitch679 
Protected (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @hholyholland
Comments from readers:
I just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship about 2 months ago, and man that stuff tears you up. Reading this was like a little fluffy reminder that I'll be ok. 
Thank you for writing this. Seriously, when stuff my ex said to me gets caught up in my head, I go back and read this. I mean I cry like every time, but worth it. 
For King Or Country (Tom Holland x Reader) by @avengers-sweethearts
Comments from readers:
Every scene kept me on edge! The whole series is beautiful. 
All of Madison's series are amazing but there is something about the time period that makes this fic dramatic and adventurous.This series is so full of twists and turns, you have no idea where it will go next. The stakes are constantly high, so the moments of fluff are relishable.  
Madison really knows how to keep her readers wanting more & she is so gosh darn sweet that it's impossible not to like all of her series!     
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