#cuz i burned every bridge i ever built when you were here
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narcan-necromancer · 1 year ago
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cashiew · 2 years ago
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Woke up to the news of the cancellation this morning and have spent the day trying to swallow it. I was so looking forward to seeing our girls again and have my fingers crossed that we can see another miracle.
But for now, I offer the gretson playlist I made last year. It follows the spiritual beats of their story, circling themes of flight, making a mark, and finding your way home.
Seven - Sleeping At Last So I look to the future, and I book another fight / When everything feels heavy, I’ve learned to travel light
More to Give - Isabel Pless I keep burning my own bridge whether I lose or win / I’ll always wish I had more to give
if i were a friend - BLU EYES If I wasn't in my head / I could help me settle down / Make all of this make sense / Cuz it doesn't right now
Why Am I Like This? - Orla Gartland Oh, it's like I'm looking down from the ceiling above / Never in the moment, never giving enough
One - Sleeping At Last The list goes on forever / Of all the ways I could be better, in my mind / As if I could earn God's favor given time / Or at least congratulations
Twenty Something - Bre Kennedy Had my first kiss at the corner bar / Fell in love with a stranger in the dark
Everything Has Changed - Alex G, Jon D 'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello" / And your eyes look like comin' home / All I know is a simple name / And everything has changed
Apple Pie - Lizzy McAlpine I found you under an April sky / And you feel like / City life, apple pie baked just right / Home is wherever you are tonight
Ordinary Love - Nick Wilson Just for once / I want ordinary, ordinary love / No smoking gun
Maybe - Duce Williams Maybe, we should hope against the odds / Maybe, fate will place our cause
if i built my home from paper - Lexie Carroll Cause I may be getting older / But maybe I'm still scared / It's a trouble living in this world / But it's home when you are there
Magnificent - Oh Wonder  In the sticky summer heat, I got grass stains on me knees / And I'm infinite / Couple lovers running free, eyes are looking straight at me / And I'm into it
hate to be lame - Lizzy McAlpine, FINNEAS If I love him, if I need him / Maybe that will make him stay / If I lie, will I still feel this way?
counting houses - Luz Let them cast their doubt / We can live without /All their thoughts around
If I Didn’t Love You - Ben Abraham How do you do it? You've got me in it and I can't explain / How you turn me with the fury of a hurricane
Walk Above the City - The Paper Kites, MARO Flowers underneath us now / Towers underneath us now / We walk above the city / You and I
Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy) - The 1975 And told her, "Some things have their time / How can I be yours if you're not mine?"
Talking to Myself (Stripped) - Gatlin What if I play pretend / You're holding me again / We're laughing in my head
Another Round - Elina Time always froze when I pulled you close / And we were fine, mhmm / I swear I would give anything for another round
please - Chelsea Cutler, Jeremy Zucker Please don't leave me here / I don't know where my heart is
Leave Your Lover - Sam Smith You'll never know the endless nights, the rhyming of the rain /Or how it feels to fall behind and watch you call his name
Alone with You - Canyon City It's not anything you say, anywhere we go / It's just being alone with you now
I Found You - Kina Grannis, Imaginary Future A sudden gust of wind /From nowhere, we begin / It's like I dreamed you up while I was sleeping
Last Time - Adam Melchor I'm takin' a picture of this in the back of my mind / ‘Cause every time I go I'm scared it's gonna be the last time
Give & Take - John Marc Oh there's a give and take in falling in love / You make it easier than I ever thought
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fanficsandthings · 6 years ago
The Traveler
Jack Kelly x reader, a series
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: You wake up in a strange place, having no clue where you are or even when you are. 
Author’s note: I got the idea for this story from this fic here. I’m making this into a series, though. I have no clue how long it’ll be or when I’ll be posting updates. I’m really bad at planning out stories tbh. I know there isn’t much actual Jack in this, but it’s really just a set up for the series. 
Tagged: @ajdolphin19 @actually-races-erster @theaterkid821
Your head was pounding from the pain coming from within as you opened your eyes. Before you, all you could see was a dirty alleyway, litter strewn across the ground. You had no idea where you were or how you got here. The last thing you remembered was getting off the subway in lower Manhattan. 
The sounds of the city seemed to be blocked out from your severe headache. You sat up slowly, pushing your back against the brick wall behind you. Putting your arms around your head, you tried your hardest to will away the pain. 
You sat for a few minutes until the pain started to recede. Once you were able to think properly, it occurred to you that you had no idea where your bag was. Your phone and wallet were both in there, and you needed to find it. All you had on your person was a couple of crumpled up dollar bills and a few coins in your pocket. 
You searched the alley to no avail, not being able to find your bag anywhere. Deciding to search a wider area, you stepped out of the alley onto the main road. You still weren’t quite sure where you were, not being able to recognize any of the buildings around you at the moment. You weren’t even quite sure if you were still in New York City. 
Your mind was racing around all the thoughts of what could’ve happened to you. You were certain that you had been knocked out and robbed, but where had they taken you? You looked at the buildings around you, head spinning faster than you ever thought possible. You needed a way to get home. You needed a way to call the police, to call anyone. You just wanted something familiar and to be safe right now. 
You spotted an older man, in a nicer suit, walking on the other side of the street. It was an odd suit to be wearing, seeming to be made of a tweed or wool material, but you didn’t have the time to think about the man’s fashion choices. You approached him slowly, observing the way he took the pocket watch out of his pocket. You could barely make it out, but you were pretty sure it said that it was around 3pm. You had gotten off of the subway at 9am, so six hours of your day were missing. 
“Excuse me, sir?” you greeted him from behind. He stopped and turned to look at you. 
“I don’t want to buy whatever it is you’re selling,” he stated bluntly, taking in the dirt on your face and clothes from sleeping in an alley. He must’ve thought you were trying to scam him or something.
“I’m not selling anything,” you explained. “I was wondering if you had a phone I could borrow.” 
The man scoffed at you. “A telephone? I’m sure one of the businesses around here has a coin-operated one you could use.” He turned from you and continued walking, mumbling something under his breath about there being too many children around. 
You turned around to head in the opposite direction than the man was going. Standing on the corner of the street, was a boy about your age, with dark hair, holding a newspaper in the air, shouting about burning buildings. As you walked closer, you could see that the newspaper he held up said “The World” on it. You knew that was an old newspaper that hadn’t ran in decades. It was the newspaper from the musical Newsies. You were beginning to think someone was playing the world’s meanest practical joke on you. 
“Hey!” you shouted at the boy. You were done being nice. You just wanted to go home. He turned to look at you, confusion etched on his face. “What the hell is that?” you asked, pointing to the paper he was holding. 
He looked between you and the paper in his hand for a second, trying to figure out how to respond to you. He eventually responded, talking slowly, in a suspiciously familiar accent. “It’s a newspaper.”
“I know that it’s a newspaper,” you snapped at him. “Why the hell does it say ‘The World’ on it?” 
“Cuz that’s the name of the paper.”
“That’s the name of a paper that went out of print years ago. What kind of stupid prank are you trying to pull here?” By now you were pissed off and tired of whatever game this was. “I just saw a production of Newsies last month, and now someone decides that they need to do this to me? What the fuck did I ever do to deserve this?” You wanted to get in his face and scream at him, but you could feel the tears starting to form in your eyes, so you kept a few feet away, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“Listen, I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not tricking you or nothing.” The boy started to take a step back from you, probably hoping to make a break for it and get away from you. “If The World didn’t exist, I’d be out of a job. I ain’t sure what you’re going through, but I gotta go.” He started to turn to get away from you, but you stopped him first.
“Wait,” you held up a hand, hoping to get his attention back on you. “Can you at least tell me where I am before you go?”
“We’re on Park Row,” he informed you. “Just south of City Hall Park.” 
“Park Row,” you whispered to yourself, looking down at your feet. There was no way in hell you were on Park Row. You knew what Park Row looked like and where it was, and this definitely wasn’t it. “This can’t be Park Row.” You looked back up at the boy in front of you. “I know Park Row, and this isn’t it.” 
“The Brooklyn Bridge is right over there.” He pointed to his left a bit. “Believe me or not, but this is Park Row.” Your eyes followed his finger to the direction he was pointing. You could see the top of the Manhattan tower of the bridge looming over the buildings. There was no doubt that it was actually the Brooklyn Bridge. 
When you turned back to the boy, he was gone. You assumed he saw his chance to get away from you and took it as fast as he could. Nothing made sense at the moment, and you weren’t sure where to go or what to do. You decided you’d walk the few blocks it was to the bridge and see if you could find anything familiar there. 
As you walked, the buildings around you looked eerily familiar, but still oddly different from what you knew of Park Row. The city hall building looked almost exactly the same, but something about it still didn’t feel right to you. As you approached the Brooklyn Bridge, you were overcome with a sense of familiarity. It was the first thing you’d seen since you woke up that made total sense to you. There was nothing different about the structure that stood before you. 
You looked past it to try to get a glimpse of the Manhattan Bridge just behind it, but there was nothing there, besides the open water and a view of Brooklyn. Something in your chest tightened as you tried to wrap your head around what this could possibly mean. The Manhattan Bridge couldn’t just disappear. It was there yesterday, and even if something did happen to it, it wouldn’t be totally gone like it seemed to be. 
You saw another boy selling newspapers near the entrance of the Brooklyn Bridge, so you made your way over to him. You figured if anyone knew what had happened, it’d be someone who read the news every day as a part of their job; or what they were trying to get you to believe was their job. It still wasn’t entirely clear to you on whether this was real or not. 
“Hey, kid!” you yelled to catch his attention. The redhead turned towards you. “What happened to the Manhattan Bridge?”
You could see the moment his face went from showing straight confusion to showing something a little more devious as he responded to you. “Buy a pape, and you can find out.”
You rolled your eyes at his response, but pulled one of the few coins you had out of your pocket. You handed him the quarter and quickly took the paper from him. You caught out of the corner of your eye how his eyes widened as he looked at the quarter before quickly shoving it in his pocket. You turned away from him, hoping he would ignore you and carry on with whatever he was doing before. 
Still, he tried to start a conversation with you as you quickly flipped through the paper. “You rich, or somethin’?” 
“No,” you answered him shortly, trying your hardest to find any mention of the Manhattan Bridge in the paper. 
“So you’s just givin’ out quarters then?” He moved his body so he was in front of you now, trying to get your attention back to him. 
“It’s just what I happened to pull out of my pocket,” you said, turning the page of the paper. “It’s just a quarter.” 
“Just a quarter? You just paid for my whole day’s work.”
You looked up at him for a split second. “I guess you should be thanking me then.” Before he could get another word out, you angry pulled the paper down and crumpled it a bit in your fist. “There’s nothing about the Manhattan Bridge in here.”
His face grew into a small smile, almost a smirk. “That’s because it don’t exist.” 
“What do you mean ‘it don’t exist’?” You pushed the paper into his chest, letting him catch it before it fell to the ground. “It was built over a hundred years ago! It can’t just not exist! It should be right there!” You pointed out past the Brooklyn Bridge. 
He looked off across the bridge into the water behind it. “I means, there’s talk about them buildin’ another bridge there, but that ain’t for a few more years.” 
You were getting real fed up with whatever was happening to you. You just wanted to know what was going on. You wanted your life to make even a resemblance of sense again. Tears were forming in your eyes again, and this time you didn’t have the energy to try to hold them back. When you spoke, your words came out soft and quiet. 
“It was right there yesterday.” You refused to look at the boy next you, as you sat on the ground. You brought your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around your legs. You rested your head on top of your knees, as you stared off towards the Brooklyn Bridge. You decided you might as well ask the question that had been on your mind for a while. A question that you knew you didn’t really want the answer to. You looked back up at the redhead, who was looking at you with slight sympathy, but you could tell that this was an awkward situation for him. “What day is it?” you asked him. 
“July 15th,” he responded. 
“But what year is it?” 
He handed you back the paper you had bought, having folded it back so the front page was facing out again. “1899?” 
His answer sounded more of a question to you. It was probably more of a “how could you not know the year?” question than anything else. 
You looked at the paper you now held in your hands. “July 15, 1899” was clearly written right under the words “The World.” You didn’t want to believe it. How could you? Just six hours ago it had been 2019, but whatever was happening here seemed way too real for it to be fake. 
“Are you alright?” the boy asked, though you could barely hear him. The world around you seemed to be going quiet again, like it was when you first woke up. “You look pale.”
You looked up at him again through blurry vision. “I think I just need to lay down real quick.” You moved so you were laying on your back, not really caring that you were in the middle of a sidewalk. Your eyes fluttered shut quickly as your mind whirled around in your head. Maybe you’d wake up to the real world again.
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years ago
The more you know. (Part 2 of Fear is an illusion *Badboy!Klaus AU*)
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Yes, guys, it's finally here! After centuries, I've arrived with the sequel since I was missing badboy!Klaus 😂
Genre: a romcom tbh
SUPER fucking long tbh. I think.
(Second Person Point of View)
"Okay, listen; I'm not saying you aren't capable of marrying Jungkook; I'm just saying it's rather unlikely for you to have a face to face conversation in the first place!" Guy argues, almost walking sideways to look at Amelia. It was a habit of his when arguing; regardless of what he's doing, he needs to face whoever he's arguing with. So, the fact that you were all walking on a sidewalk of a busy street didn't really prevent him from turning his upper body towards her.
"Well, If I were to carry out the ellaborate plan that I've already come up with in my head, I have a good chance of getting at least 2 minutes with him, and scientifically, guys take what? Like 9 seconds to fall in love?" Amelia insists. 
By now, it was perfectly normal for these two to argue about the weirdest things, and you just learned to enjoy it and laugh.
You intervene, possibly keeping the disagreement going, "I don't think that's accurate information, Amelia.."
"Yeah, putting 'scientifically' before it doesn't just make it science, Amelia!" Guy further teases her.
"Why are y'all ganging up on me?!" She huffs, placing her fists on her hips.
You laugh, "We aren-" but before you can finish your sentence, a shop worker cuts you off. You expected it to be one of those 'hey can I have 5 minutes of your time? Cool! How about you donate to save the single-toed-red-nosed-pink-haired wobbly penguins of the saudi deserts; it'll only be 7 thousand dollars a day!' People that you can never escape; Is this the end? Is he gonna talk you to death? Will you be another victim of the never ending advertising violence?? Maybe! But today's not the day; good for you!
"Would you like to try our new unicorn cupcakes? We're handing out a free cupcake for every drink you buy!" You turn towards the man. He stood on one of the few steps that led to the entrance of the shop, displaying a bright smile, as he held a sign with their offer written on it along with the picture of the cupcake.
Regardless of his undeniable beauty, his attractiveness wasn't why you stared too much. It was something else. You'd seen that guy before; you were sure of it! But where?
Before you could pinpoint where you'd seen the man before, your friends cheered in agreement. The blond man chuckles, motioning with his right hand towards the glass doors, "Follow me, then!"
While your friends observed the store in awe, your attention seemed to be focused elsewhere..
The man seemed to draw you in by some strange force; it was like you'd known him before. Perhaps it was just the warm aura surrounding him, or maybe you were exaggerating and you just found him attractive, cuz to be fair, he was. Unable to solve the mystery, you carry on staring at his back till he reaches the counter. His broad shoulders were impossible to miss, and even though his muscular, built body would fit on a Calvin Klein ad, here he was, dressed in a pastel pink button up shirt, paired with light blue jeans and a brown apron. He even had a little, brown handkerchief scarf tied around his neck plus a brown beret, for some fucking reason. You chuckle to yourself as you look at the back of his head, blonde hair peeking from underneath the accessory.
"I've waited for it to snow since forever!" You let out a groan of pleasure, staring at the snow flakes as they gently float to the ground, forming a beautiful white cover to coat the streets.
"Would you mind keeping those noises for the bedroom?" Guy fakes a disgusted look.
You playfully slap his arm, but before you could respond, Amelia yells for you to watch out, causing you to jump away from the street in panic. Due to the slippery nature of the snow, your butt collides with the ground, just in time for a guy on a motorcycle to zoom past you.
"Yo, watch where you're going!" You shout, more to show your annoyance than to gain a reaction from the stranger.
The man turns to look at you with a smile, "Sorry, sweetheart, didn't see you there." He yells back.
That smile. That fucking smile and that pretty hair. It's him, isn't it?!   
"Man, you're doing great today! You've brought in like half our customers since morning!" Another male, wearing the same uniform (excluding the questionable beret), pats the blond on the back. "You deserve some type of reward for it!"
The brown-haired male stands behind the counter. "So, you're ordering the offer or?" He props his glasses on the bridge of his nose before pressing some buttons on the screen in front of him. Instead of replying, you could only glare at the blond. Your pants were barely even dry! 
"Yes!" Regardless, Amelia cheers, "I'll have a caramel frappuccino; Guy?" She turns to her left.
"Hmm. I think I'll have that too." He nods with a smile.
"(Y/N)?" Amelia turns to you.
"Oh, um.." Left hand under your chin, you direct your attention away from the jerk and observe the menu in silence, feeling pressured to pick something quickly, considering everyone was waiting for you. "Just hot chocolate, please." You smile at the cashier. 
Everyone's attention was then turned back to the cashier as he recites your orders; however you could still feel a pair of eyes on you. "You left him, huh?" The owner of the lingering gaze muses, leaving you puzzled. 
"Huh?" You turn to face him, unintentionally letting your hand float awkwardly in the air. Taking the position of your hand to his advantage, the man grabs your hand, his fingers taking hold of your ring finger in particular. "What are you-" alarmed and annoyed, you attempt to pull your hand away, but his statement momentarily stole any energy left in you. 
"Your ring. It's gone. You called off the engagement." You almost thought he was unamused, but he lifts his head to stare into your eyes, smirking in the process. "You listened to me." 
"W-what?" That's when you were able to pull your hand out of his grasp, but it merely flew up to your mouth. "..Klaus?" You whispered. The familiar name rolled off your tongue, leaving an aftertaste of nostalgia. 
"Awwhh! You remember me after all! I'm flattered!" He mockingly exaggerates flattery and places his hand on his chest. 
"Who's Klaus?" Guy wonders aloud, earning a response from Amelia. 
"He's (Y/N)'s knight in shining armour." She clasps her fingers together in front of her chest. Leaning closer to Guy, She then proceeds to add her own recollection of the story, as if her previous answer wasn't humiliating enough. "They had a steamy night together in a pool." She smirks. 
"It was just a kiss!" Face burning with embarrassment, you attempt to silence your too-talkative-for-her-own-good friend. 
"I would say it was rather steamy though." Klaus winks. 
"Shut up!" You sputter nonsense, trying to change the subject, "p-plus, what even is this?! Weren't you like a bad boy or a punk or whatever last time I saw you?? Now you're..selling unicorn cupcakes?!" 
"Hey, what's wrong with unicorn cupcakes?!" The male behind the cashier protests. 
"Yeah, at least he's not selling drugs, y'know?" Guy shrugs. 
"What? Bad boys can't earn a living nowadays?" Klaus acts indignant, and for a moment all you could hear is your friends and the staff acting as dramatic as yourself on your particularly difficult period days. 
"W-well..ugh! Just nevermind!" Then another accusation came to mind, "wait! Earlier! It was you on the motorcycle, wasn't it?! I fell over because of you! My jeans are still wet because of you!" 
"That's what she said." Guy mumbles to Amelia, who snickers, leading you to add this to the list of reasons you don't know why you're friends with these two. 
Unlike Guy who tried to keep the joke between the two of them, Amelia ensures you hear hers. "He got you wet twice so far!" They both almost fall over laughing. Do you kill yourself yet? 
Klaus laughs, "You have funny friends." 
"Lucky me." Sarcasm dripping from your words, you sigh. 
"Your drinks." The brown-haired worker pushes your drinks towards you. "And your cupcakes!" He hands each of you a cupcake, adorned with white, pastel pink, and pastel purple icing. On top of the cupcake stood a proud golden cone, representing a unicorn's horn. The glittery wrapping of the cupcakes and the tiny 'pearls' scattered on top added to how cute the dessert look. It was literally too adorable to be eaten. 
"Well, we have some catching up to do, so get your stuff, and we'll go." Klaus takes off his apron and walks past a door that held a Staff Only sign. 
"What? What are you talking about?!" Raise your voice as much as you please, the only response you're getting is dirty looks from other customers. 
"Come on; you wanted to run into him again, didn't you?" Amelia nudges you. "Well, he's right here in front of you; you won't just let him go, will you? You may not get this chance ever again." 
"Amelia, we know where he works; what are you-" She presses her index finger to Guy's lips, cutting off his reasonable assertion. 
"So? Are you gonna take the interesting, fun, Ameliazing option? Or are you gonna be as boring as your friend here?" She glances at Guy at the end of her last question.
"I wasn't really giving her a choice anyway." A voice from behind distracts you and your friends from Amelia's nonsense. 
"Your drink." Klaus, who now looked more similar to the Klaus in your memory, hands you the hot paper cup you hadn't picked up yet. "Let's go." He tilts his head towards the entrance. 
"I'm sorry, what? Where are you going? Your shift hasn't ended yet!" The beret-less worker rushes to stop Klaus. 
"You just said I deserve a reward, didn't you?" Klaus pats the guy (who only now did you notice wore a badge that said manager) on the shoulder before walking towards the entrance of the café. 
"Klaus! Klaus!" No matter how many times he called out, the blond wouldn't budge. "Dammit; he just never listens." He sighs, ruffling his hair in defeat. 
"So? Go after him!" Amelia pushes you forward. She throws her hand over Guy's shoulder, "Guy and I will hang out for a bit; you go have fun with your saviour!" 
"He only gave her advice; I wouldn't clasify him as a 'saviour', like-" Guy's logic was once again cut off by Amelia's louder nonsense; she nudges him and proceeds to kick you outside into the cold arms of the snowy weather. 
"Took you long enough." Your 'saviour' mumbles, swinging his leg over his motorcycle and waving for you to do the same. 
"You spilled half my drink, and I think I squeezed the flour out of my poor cupcake.." you look down at the tilted horn and what’s left of the pearls. Even the icing was downgraded from a professional's work to a child's free time in the kitchen. 
Klaus sighs, "I work there; I'll make you another." 
"Good. And I ain't payin' for it, just so you know." 
 Klaus face palms, his leather, fingerless gloves in full view, "That drink costs like three dollars but sure. Now can we move on with our date?" 
"When did I ever agree to this being a date?" You cross your arm and look away with pride. 
"I can always just take off with this baby and leave you here." He pats the motorcycle and shrugs, giving you a challenging smirk. 
"Asshole." You mumble. 
He sighs. "Can we just go?" 
After a short pause, Klaus raises an eyebrow" Why are you still holding onto those?" You look down at the deformed paper cup in your hand and the mess that used to be the most beautiful cupcake you'd ever seen. A moment of silence for that brave fallen soldier. 
Or maybe not. Klaus had already snatched the items and placed them on the ground, next to the brick wall that seemed to go on forever. Did he take you to China or something? 
"Let's go; my friend is waiting." You wondered what that meant, and where he was taking you, but with Klaus, you quickly learned not to question him, for his brain was wired differently. He'd decided the best way to cheer a stranger up was to sneak them into a pool. It couldn't be any stranger than that, could it? 
"A barn? Why are you taking me here?" Flashbacks to horror stories you'd read about people getting murdered in such places popped into your head, and even though it was just Klaus, you started thinking of how you don't actually know Klaus. He could literally be a drug dealer, and you wouldn't know. He could be the murderer that kills people in barns! And! Again! You! Wouldn't! Know! Yippiiee.. 
"My friend is waiting inside. Now be quiet; we don't want to alarm anyone that we're here, cuz again, this isn't my property." Klaus pulls you by the arm and stealthily begins walking towards the building, slightly crouching while keeping you both in the shadows. You wonder if you should be crouching too, but it looked rather comical, so you quickly decide against it and walk awkwardly behind him - back prefectly straight - instead. 
His answer left you with more questions than you previously had had. You felt like a child that was just told there were more candy in the big white van... 
Why did you think this was okay? To follow some stranger into an empty area at night like this? It was ridiculously stupid, but here you are. 
When you reached the doors to the barn, he facepalmed. "I forgot about this; I don't have anything on me to use...do you have a bobby pin?"
"Uh, I think so.." You fish through your pockets; you had a habit of forgetting stuff in there, so there was really no telling what you might find. 
"There." You hand him a slightly chapped bobby pin. 
He bends it in some odd shape before turning to stick it into the keyhole of the lock hanging from a chain around the door handles. 
"Not to be that person, but what are you doing?" You bend to peek at his hands as they tinker with the lock. 
"What does it look like I'm doing?" You couldn't see his face, but you were pretty sure he just rolled his eyes. 
"What? You just walk around sneaking into places in your free time?! How are you not in jail?! You said we were meeting a friend!" His head snaps towards you, eyes glaring daggers at you. 
"Do you want to go to jail? Because you couldn't be any louder than you are right now. I'm not in jail because I'm good at it, unlike some people. And we are meeting a friend; this is my dad's stable if it makes you feel any better. We're not stealing anything. We’re just borrowing it." He shrugs and gets back to work, lock clicking open a moment later. 
"But I don't understand. If it's your dad's, why are we sneaking around?" Klaus pushes the doors open, revealing rows and rows of hourses on each side of you. Why anyone would need that much horses you couldn't understand. 
"I don't talk to him anymore, but that doesn't mean I won't be visiting my friends here. Specifically this one." He pauses next to a black horse with a white patch on its forehead, and said horse immediately nuzzles closer to him, rubbing its head to the side of a very pleased Klaus's face. 
"Why don't you?" The realization of how little you know about Klaus shifted from scaring you to slapping you right across the face with guilt. Last time, you were so upset with the engagement, you didn't even think of asking about what Klaus is like or what his family is like or anything. 
 "He's angry I didn't pursue medicine like he did. He doesn't approve of my studies, so I left." He appeared visibly uncomfortable by the topic, so you tried to shift it a little. 
"What did you pursue?" Even though the stable was dimly lit, nothing could hide the pink tint on his cheeks. 
"Culinary studies." 
 "Oh, that's pretty cool! When are you cooking me something?" You tease, but genuine excitement was clear in your grin and voice. 
"Never. Now, shut up and pick a horse! I'll be taking Thunder here, and since it's your first time, I'd suggest you take-" He bites back whatever he was going to say and resorts to pointing at a beautiful brown horse opposite to Thunder. "That one." 
"What? Don't tell me you named it that one. Also, what makes you think it's my first time?" You puff your chest out, a hand on your hip. 
"It's not?" 
You slump, "It is." 
Klaus shakes his head in disbelief, "Just let me strap down the saddles, and then we can go." 
"You haven't told me its name! I can't just walk around calling it that one. Why do you get a horse named Thunder, and I get a horse named that one?!" You complain for absolutely no reason other than to get on his nerves because it was always funny to see the chill bad boy lose his cool. 
"He has a name, okay? And I'm giving you that one, because it's a gelding, so it's rather gentle and easy to control; Thunder is a mare, so she's pretty aggressive for a beginner. Plus, she tends to not listen to strangers...or to most people to be fair.." He begins strapping down the saddles, stirrups, reins, and a lot of other stuff you don't know the names of. 
You wondered if it was a good idea to tease him while he was placing the things that would keep you on top of the horse and not fall to your death. Oh well.  "What's his name then?" He mumbles something in response, but you couldn't hear a single letter of it. "What?”
"Sparkle! His name is Sparkle! I was 13, okay?!" You could tell he was seconds away from zipping that leather jacket up to his forehead if he could. And for that reason, of course, you burst into laughter. It was the most unexpected thing you could've heard from him yet also the sweetest; sure, the guy works at a place that sells unicorn cupcakes; you probably shouldn't have been that surprised by how soft this is, but still, you couldn't help but want to pinch his cheeks or something. You prefer not to die though, so you keep the thought to yourself. 
"That's so cute! I'll take Sparkle; I love him already!" You giggle. 
"Just shut up." He mutters, cheeks still red (You prefer to think it was because he was blushing and not because of the cold weather). 
"Come on; it's adorable! Turns out you're not as harsh as you want to appear to be." You wiggle your eyebrows at the male that was physically very capable of bashing your brains in with no weapons whatsoever but one that was also too nice to hurt anyone. Well, he does trespass on people's properties, but let's pretend that's not a crime. 
"Remind me why I'm on a date with you?" He hands you the rein strapped to Sparkle. You only giggle in response, following him outside, carefully pulling the horse along. 
"Well, that doesn't feel very sneaky." You mumble. You were both just dragging two grown-ass horses in the middle of an empty landscape coated with layers of snow that gave away the positions of your relatively dark horses and yourselves extra easily. "Plus, is it even safe to ride horses in that snow?" 
"Yeah, they're able to walk on that type of snow just fine." He replies, still dragging Thunder to God knows where. You follow him, asking no questions. 
The only conversations made were between you and Sparkle; it felt kinda one-sided, but you were sure Sparkle was warming up to you. 
Finally, Klaus paused, causing you to excitedly stand next to him, so you could see your destination. Your eyes glint in awe; it was an abandoned beach with several cliffs staring down at the frozen body of water and the white cover surrounding it. 
"It's Thunder and I's favourite place." Klaus beams. "I don't have to tell you, right? No running onto the frozen water; we don't know how stable it is. Plus, horses don't do well on ice." He warns, and it slightly worries you that he speaks as if he'd seen it happen before. You don't ask. 
"Now, let me give you some instructions." He begins showing you the basics of how to control the horse and assures you the horse won't slip and kill you both. "Easy enough?" 
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can do that." You nod, tingles of anticipation wrapping your whole body. Klaus easily gets on top of Thunder, leaving you to stare at Sparkle, whose stirrup was about chest height to you. That made getting on top of it seem like a bit of a challenge. 
"Um..how do I..?" He'd explained how to do it, but all of that seemed useless as you wondered how you even place your left leg on the stirrup in the first place. 
"Oh, sorry, I forgot I need to hold him for you, since you haven't tried this before." He dismounts and holds the rein for you, looking at you as if he just solved world hunger. He hadn't even solved your how-to-get-on-top-of-a-horse-twice-your-size problem.
He seemed to realize you were still incapable of doing anything after the mini staring contest you had with him. He sighs, shoulders slumping. "Do you always have trouble climbing stuff?" 
"I'll have you know I climb stuff all the time, but excuse me for not having a rich dad that owns an entire stable of horses or for not climbing walls to sneak into pools. I'm pretty sure most people can agree with me!" You huff and place your fists on each side of your hips. 
"Of course." He shakes his head and approaches you. "I'll lift you up by the waist then you do the steps I told you...as well as you can while you're standing on air, I guess...I'll help; just go ahead." He stands behind you and squats down a bit, wrapping his arms around your hips and pulling you off the floor. The amount of strength this guy has. Does cooking count as a sport?? Cuz damn.
You place your left foot on the stirrup and swing your right leg over the horse while Klaus helps push and steady you on top. 
"You're welcome!" Klaus yells mockingly before walking back to the black horse that stood out beautifully in its pale surroundings. 
At first, you were extremely tense, trying your best not to fuck up and piss off Sparkle in any way. The horse was gentle enough; you didn't wanna change that. Soon enough, though, you were racing against Klaus, icy wind violently blowing your hair back. The cold air striking your face and entire body felt freeing in some way; you wanted to live in that moment forever, giggling as you try to catch up with the guy that had way more training than you ever did. 
You felt unstoppable- unbreakable. Maybe you were high off speed or weather, but whichever it was, you didn't care; you just wanted to enjoy this sensation to the fullest. 
"Do you wanna stop here for a bit?" Klaus yells, not bothering to slow down (probably fearing you'd take lead for one second before he beats you again). 
"Sure!" You yell back. 
As Klaus gets off, you decide to try and dismount without his help. It didn't seem like a good idea, but you did it anyway. It was going well at first, but then you realized how far the ground really is, causing you to stumble back a bit after violently hitting the ground with your foot, which wouldn't have been a problem if your right foot wasn't still stuck in the stirrup. 
Of course you had to fall onto your back in the most humiliating way possible. "Great. Twice in the same day." You huff, glaring at the sky, not really bothering to get up. 
Klaus clutches his stomach as he doubles over, laughing. It would've been a wonderful view if it weren't for the fact that he was laughing at you. 
You sit up to stare at him, "Come on; it's not that funny!" 
He merely pauses to take a breather and utter out "Whatever you say." Then, immediately, he's back to hysterical laughter. 
Without thinking too much, you find yourself charging at the tall blond, tackling him to the ground. "Now that is funny." You smirk. 
His face mirrors yours- a smirk tugging at his lips. "Now that is hot." He whispers, gently pushing his lips against yours. 
He props himself up on his elbow, keeping his right hand free to get lost in your hair. You place your knees on each side of his torso, hands cupping his face as you take lead of the kiss. 
Klaus sits up, careful not to push you off by accident (now that would be such a mood killer), now placing his left hand on your hip and pulling you closer to him. Both of you snuggle closer to feel as much of each other's warmth as you could. 
"I almost forgot how good that felt." You breathe out with a chuckle after you both break the kiss. Your foreheads were still only centimeters apart, allowing you to admire the details of Klaus's face up close. The way his eyes glint, the thick eyelashes you definitely weren't jealous of, the way his lips pull into a smile when he notices you staring- he was beautiful in so many different ways. 
"Maybe we should do it more often. That way, you can never forget." You wanted to kiss that smug-ass expression right off his gorgeous face. 
"Shut up." You slap his arm playfully and get up. The cold air hitting you hard, now that your mind wasn't focused on kissing an attractive blond. 
"You're cold." Klaus states. 
"I'm oka-" before you could finish, he placed his leather jacket on your shoulders, leaving him with only a long-sleeved shirt. 
"What are you doing?! Do you want to die of hypothermia?! Why aren't you dressed in layers of clothes?! I'm wearing literally my entire closet; why aren't you?!" You place the jacket back on an amused-looking Klaus. "We need to get you somewhere warm; let's go." 
Klaus chuckles but doesn't object. 
"Well, um, a little help here first." You sheepishly turn back to Klaus when you remember your little issue with riding the horse. "Not a word, Klaus!" You warn, knowing he was trying his best not to burst into laughter. 
"I didn't say anything." He raises his hands in defence- a grin still splattered right across his face
The ride back was a lot slower; maybe because neither one of you wanted your time together to end. Both horses walk side by side, allowing you and Klaus to have a normal conversation without yelling.
"Is it okay if I ask you something personal?" Your eyes search his features for any sign of discomfort.
"Sure." He replies with ease.
"Why haven't you tried to fix your relationship with your dad. I mean you can't possibly stop talking to him for something so trivial; he's family."
Klaus sighs, not out of annoyance but more like he hasn't thought of this in a long time. After a few moments of silence, excluding the sound of hooves repeatedly sinking through the crust of snow, his small, vulnerable voice broke the silence, "I'm scared."
He laughs lightly, mockery and insecurity instead of happiness evident in the action. "Ironically." He adds. "I advise you not to be scared, but here I am." 
"Everyone's scared of something. It's what makes us human, isn't it?" You turn your head to give him a smile- a slightly tense one, though, since you weren't used to directing your attention to anything but the horse while riding.
"I guess so."
"But you have to talk to him. Just like you encouraged me to do what I was scared of, I encourage you to do what you're scared of. What's the worst that could happen anyway? He gets mad? You already don't talk. You have nothing to lose."
He stays quiet, only giving a simple nod. It makes you wonder if you should've kept quiet about it after all. Did you make him uncomfortable?
"You're probably right." His sudden reply - though quiet enough - startles you, almost knocking you off the horse.
"This time we should stay in contact then you can tell me how it went." You half joke, still not believing that last time you two idiots actually kissed and enjoyed each other's companies but forgot to mention any method of communication. But here you are, together again.
"Of course." He laughs.
Your phone buzzes, signalling a text.
SparKLAUS: guess where I am?
You: not trespassing I hope
SparKLAUS: ha ha very funny
SparKLAUS sent a photo.
You smile in awe at the selfie of himself and three other blonds that looked a lot like him; it would be creepy if you didn't know they were his father and siblings. They were all gathered around a fireplace, dressed in layers of clothing to keep themselves warm- Klaus, being the only one dressed in black. However, upon closer inspection, you could see white and blue peeking from beneath Klaus's leather jacket: a sweater. For once, Klaus was dressed appropriately and not trying to freeze to death.
SparKLAUS: you're late Miss Always On Time
SparKLAUS: we might just eat the cake without you
You: noooo I'm omw!!
SparKLAUS: never heard that one before
You: shut up goldstein 
You grab your purse and rush out the door, eager to meet up with Klaus and his family. Of course, eager to taste his baking for the first time as well.
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otomelavenderhaze · 7 years ago
NESHAA AND ARMIN, 3, 15, 16, 17, 22, 33
3.  which one has more insecurities? over what?
Neshaa. She never had a real relationship before, despite being experience, she never felt so in love for anyone before. So in the very beginning, she couldn’t read his reactions, she didn’t know if he was really interested in her. After that tho, she was more confident about their relationship. 
15. who misses the other more, or really thinks about them more?
Hmm, I never thought of it. I guess that Armin misses her more, cuz she was always around (with Alexy) and when she don’t show up in their home after school or don’t send message for too long, feels odd. Usually he only notices it, after long video game sections or when he feels tired.
16. do either of them have a special item (an article of clothing, a necklace, a book) that they use when they miss the other? if so, what is it? what do they do with it (read, wear, look at, smell)?
She have a t-shirt that used to belongs to him xD (long history), that is too big for her but she loves using it. Sometimes she takes his other shirts to wear too, just to have his scent around her (never his favorites ones tho). He have photos of them together. Not many, but stay close to the computer screen so he can look from time to time. Sometimes she leaves things at his house (in Alexy’s room) and Armin makes a point of taking these things and storing them in his room (xD). Alexy thinks he’s so stupid and cute that he usually texts her about it.
17. who cries more? who gets more emotional in general?
Neshaa. Armin is pretty chill about anything, but sometimes Neshaa can get sad when she thinks about her parents (how she misses them) and such. 
22. what’s their go-to breakup/angst song?
KKKK, omg, I feel like Armin could hear ~ Damn Girl by The All American Rejects
“If you can take a chanceFind you that better manA life seize from your quick diseaseYou’re givin all my lovin awayTell me to understandCuz you knowI’m not much better without you”
For Neshaa could be That’s What You Get by Paramore (clichê):
 “I drowned out all my sense with the sound of it’s beatingAnd that’s what you get when you let your heart win, whoaI wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you’re not here‘Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were hereI still try, holding onto silly things, I never learnOh why, all the possibilities I’m sure you’ve heard”
33. who worries more?
Neshaa. Armin doesn’t worry about a thing. She always sorry about if they are really compatible and every time she notices how much he does not seem to care about anything because she likes her enough to ignore everything else, she leaves all the worries aside.
xD this one was long, but I looooooooooooooooooved it. 
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