#cuz how could u betray him like this..... u were his fav human....
lunarmoves · 22 days
Going feral over Bleeding Wires and ngl as much as I GET the reader's freeze response, I'd at some point give into the impulse to deadpan at Sun. /pos
Like "Dude, you're making me feel like a prey animal." Or "Ya know. When Moon says that, it sounds like an intrusive thought. When you say it, it sounds like a threat."
Also separately giggling about him pondering my habit of tacking on "Be safe" to goodbyes and not Getting it until the revolution. Woe, memory of it being used for him too be upon him.
LMAOO BROOO that's understandable. and okay okay well. let me give u a small example of what would happen if you said that after sun says some generic evil AI bullshit:
"sun," you say carefully, wary of the way his smile sharpens in the fluorescent lighting. "you do realize that sounds like a threat, right?"
his eyes curve into crescents, rays giving a little spin about his face. "that is because it is one, friend."
you pause. "right," you reply after a moment. "i have to go make a phone call now, see you later."
[0.5 seconds after you've left the daycare and dialed security]
"yeah the daycare attendant's making super threatening comments about humanity and i kind of fear for my life," you whisper hurriedly into your phone. you'd scurried as far away as possible from the daycare entrance, though you can still see sun standing in the same place you'd left him in--staring at you through the window. you turn away. "maybe get him down to maintenance soon??"
yeah that wouldn't end well.
during the entirety of arc1, there are a lot of protests happening and talks about revolution from the robots, so if fazco catches wind that one of their own bots is saying shit like that? immediate memory wipe and/or scrapping. sorry sun</3 no chances are taken by the megacorporation
(and yeah, sure, maybe a law was passed a while ago saying that it's illegal to wipe a bot's memory without their permission (bc of course sun would be vehemently against that). but when has fazco ever given a shit about the law LMFAOO)
anyways, a more serious answer about reader's reactions... it hasnt been something i've really thought about? but now that i have... i think at the start maybe you brush off his comments easily. you make little jabs back at him or you go /raises eyebrow/ "srsly man?" but as time goes on and sun continues saying shit... you start to realize that oh. he's not just joking. he's being serious about his revolution ruminations or backhanded comments about humans. and so your reactions go from "lmao u know thats a threat right" to "haha im in danger." ESPECIALLY since u are very much vividly aware of how much stronger he is than you. and its not like fazco has the cleanest track record either yk? people go missing. it'd make anyone shit bricks
as for your "be safe" bit... assuming i've interpreted it correctly-- yeah i think he'd be like "oh. i have taken that for granted" in the face of the revolution. bc i can imagine him being like "??? 'be safe'?? no human can harm me" while you and him are still in the pizzaplex. and then he comes face to face with all the nasties of an uprising and the violence and human military etc etc and he thinks about you telling him to be safe. can picture it vividly in his mind, really. and he's like, "ah, i will never hear those words again. i have to make sure i am safe until i can see them again." i think it would haunt him fr
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fictionxlover · 5 years
Last of The Starks aka D&D SUCK
Be warned, I didn’t rewatch this episode because I didn’t want to (lol) but after thinking about it more I have a lot to say.
I want to touch upon the misogynistic writing in this episode because you could TELL it was written by men. We had to watch:
Sansa, a rape victim tell Sandor that being raped made her stronger.
Dany, who fought on the battlefield, not get any credit but Jon is praised for riding a dragon for 0.5 secs
Brienne, begging for Jaime to stay after he took her virginity
Varys, say MALE heir like that means shit
Misssandei, a black woman who was a slave having to get her head chopped up in chains to progress Dany’s arc.
All of these things were disgusting to watch and made NO SENSE!! 
Sansa would NEVER say that Ramsay and Joffrey made her stronger. She would say something like life is not a song, that she deserved better but she does like the new her. but also reminding the audience that didn’t have to happen to her for Sansa to become the woman she is today. 
I understand Dany being isolated from the North because she is the Dragon Queen and they want Northern Independence HOWEVER, this woman who fought on a dragon when jon wanted to wait, who picked up a sword and fought with her fellow soldier, gets NO credit??? NONE?? It’s just oh cool jon you rode a dragon dudee and burnt them all. BRO WHAT? Story wise it makes no sense too because Tormund saw Dany save them in s7. Jon isn’t the first one to do it all so....what is the truth?
Varys has always been this shady character and I know that motherfucker is a Blackfyre but him saying male heir shows he is also only considering Jon because he is male. It makes no sense too cuz well Varys has no cock lol and s5/6 he was ROOOOTING for Dany. HE was the one to push Tyrion to believe in her and for what?
You can like Missandei/Dany rl in the books/show but its problematic. I’m happy Dany saved her but Missandei still chose to work under Dany and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Missandei is also Dany’s trusted advisor but we never see that and now Missandei, a former slave, the ONLY black woman in the show has to get her head cut off in CHAINS, her last words being Dracrys just so the audience can be like ‘dany is right to burn KL to the ground’. It’s just horrible they used a woc for that stupid trope. JESUS. 
Even if George told D&D that Dany is going to burn some shit down cuz heart in conflict with itself, villain is a hero on the other side blah blah (im tired & grrm is problematic but that’s another discussion), d&d should have wrote it better. 
Then you have Brienne cry over Jaime’s dick? REALLY? Jaime has never been on a redemption arc! A character can grow, a character can do some humane things after doing some fucked up shit but doesn’t mean they are going to turn into this shining fucking knight. I would have preferred Brienne just being angry at Jaime more than her begging him. WHY? 
Oh, I forgot, so we have this scene where Dany begs Jon to keep his identity a secret. I hate this scene on so many fucking levels. 
First off it paints Dany in a bad light imo. Dany begging Jon didn’t come off has romantic or so they can live at peace. It came off has I want the IT to myself.  And I can’t even argue with people who say it had underlying themes of toxic relationships because if the TABLES WERE REVERSED, and Jon was asking Dany to do that shit, internet would be in shambles. There would be articles EVERYWHERE about how Jon is abusing Dany adjhjkdhdjk.
 Although, I have seen people say she is protecting Jon? But...the scene didn’t come off like that. Especially since the scene before you saw her POV of seeming out of place, paranoia, jealously. Whether we like it or not D&D are planting those seeds. And I understand what Dany is saying about people will want Jon on the throne but also not telling anyone isn’t protecting Jon? 
It’s just another secret weighing on top of him like it did Ned, that would eat him inside out. And from Jon’s POV I would have understood if he was like bitch what lmaoo? Cuz you KNOW the history of Targaryens. Not saying Dany would kill Jon but if there was some scenario like no one would know the truth. And it ISNT the same how Ned kept Jon’s identity a secret because Jon would have died from Robert’s hand. So far from what I see no one wants to kill Jon cuz is a Targ. Cersei does cuz he is a Stark. 
The truth of the matter is Jon’s parentage only affects Dany negatively. If you want to view it has a tragic love story for them? Sure, but my Ravenclaw senses are still like nah keeping it STILL after Robert is dead isn’t protecting Jon. It’s protecting Dany because he is a threat to her CLAIM.
Again, if you want to be like FUCK JON SHE ASKED ONE THING FROM HIM! Sure, go for it. 
Also, I would rather Dany not get on her fucking knees and beg fucking Jon too. Are you KIDDING ME? She doesn’t need to beg Jon for shit! What has Jon done? She’s been more a True Targaryen than him, fuck Jon! But this is another thing D&D can’t write fucking conflict. They just can’t. This story between Jon and Dany should be MORE. But its not going to be. Its just going to be Dany going mad cuz she is a woman and lost her bff blah. That's it. 
Then what Sansa did was SO Littlefinger but I am going to roll my eyes when Jon is mad at her because in s7 Jon Snow couldn’t even lie to Cersei. *mimics Jon* This man told a speech to Tyrion about how lying is WRONG and just causes more drama for the realm. BUT NOW because your auntie-girlfriend asked you to keep your identity a secret, you want Sam, and the Starklings to keep it to the grave. Especially when  the secret isn’t putting him in DANGER. He also sold Dany out because before he was like YOU GOTTA PROMISE. DO YOU NOT KNOW SANSA? ONCE THE TEA SPILLED SIS KNEW DANY MOST LIKELY BEGGED U NOT TO  TELL DUMBASS! 
And now you’re going to be mad at Sansa Finger (TeflonTV made up that nickname not me lol) for PLAYING THE GAME OF THRONES, to protect Starks/North HMMM VERY INTERESTING. (im done roasting jon but s8!jon sucks sm omg-)
With Sansa this episode it isn’t even surprising she told Tyrion. She knew he would tell Varys. She wants Dany off that throne because Dany rejected Northern Independence. It’s that simple. And I know people are calling Sansa a bitch and a traitor but to me it isn’t being a traitor towards Jon, she is betraying DANY. Like people keep saying oh she betraying Jon. No, you’re not getting it. She is betraying Dany who she probably doesn’t even think she is committing treason against because she isn’t Queen of Westeros YET. 
And not to go on another fucking rant. But yall hate when Sansa was submissive and not say shit but oh now she playing the game and its affecting your favs now you’re mad?? oookay, and I have mentioned this before. If Robb was alive do you  think he would really be siding with Jon/Dany? Robb we’re not bending the knee Stark? Sansa is finishing what Robb started, she is just being cunning so the North gets what they wants/House Stark comes out on top at the end. 
And again Bran/Jon be telling the truth and I don’t hear shit. Honestly, this episode had sm problems with double standards. How they wrote the women was BAD  and how some of the audience reacting to the women is offputting too.
There are other things that make no sense but they did have a Starkbucks cup in a scene like its a Modern AU so guess this show makes no sense anymore-
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