#cuz he reminds me of a kpop artist lol
catboyrome · 2 years
when ian said ppl were all up on his ig blaming him for cclown’s disbandment in 2015 i was like???? but then i remembered yeah…….that happened
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veenysblog · 5 years
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ONE OF THE COMMISSIONS I DID FOR @crypticscience !!! They wanted me to also include their refs !
If you wanna commission me, send me a txt ! :)
˚✧₊⁎ [ commission info ] ⁎⁺˳✧༚
! reblog to help !
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kil9 · 3 years
tag rant tag rant tag rant 🌟🌈✨☀🌠
#seeing the piece kibum commissioned makes me rly happy and feel rly good about my own art :]#i kno my kind of art is not what most kpoppies like and thats fine.... everyone mostly wants some realistic kinda boring pencil thing#which is fiiiiiiiine.... but i like what i do !!!!!#i just like that its rly cartoony and like. not really recognizable as them at first glance lol#it reminds me of what i do !!!!! like its fine ppl dont prefer it i guess#but i always kinda feel like im judged for kind of..... going off base with my fanart i guess#like a lot of it is not rly straightforward ''heres drawing of this guy from this video/photo''#and i kinda just feel secretly judged like ''but whys he a bunny. whys he in space. whats that wolf thing.#''how would u get that idea from a concert its just dancing.. why would u make him like that thats not how he looks bla bla''#but ykno.... artistic inspiration and interpretation can come from anything !!!! ESPECIALLY something thats already art#cuz music is art and i weirdly feel like since a looooooot of kpoppies arent art people.... its weirdly like they dont see it as art#kpop fandom is generally like. one of the worst for artists that ive seen and also has a sheer lack of artists like per capita#so its really not frequently that i see something interpenetrate it as its own new art thing... most kpop art i see is frankly boring#yea thats it i just feel good cos i make weirdo cartoon art that maybe ppl dont understand#but so do other ppl and so does key :] even if only thru commission#99.txt
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exposebbs · 3 years
This is so confusing and messed up, I'm sad, could and should have been handled way better. On a side note, we don't know them. At all. Reminds me of kpop idols actually having a group chat sharing videos and pics (but it was... Worse than what seems to have happened here, I don't want to detail too much as it is so horrifying and graphic but to put it lightly there was no consent on what happened to the women filmed and photographed, phones were investigated, people interrogated etc) and everyone was shocked, yes, because we don't know them, because fucked up shit like this is real, because it is something so serious it needs to let victims talk about it themselves if they can, contact the authorities, get help... None would have gone to another member of the group or a friend of one of the kpop artist to say what happened and show them proofs etc. So if there's victims in the story, why Ohm, and why didn't he say anything (with hopefully the victims consent) at the time? Those kind of things are REALLY serious and Ohm is definitely destroying it all... I feel so bad I'm exhausted I'm sad and angry...
I don't even want to know what happened in the K-pop fandom, cuz I bet it's even more toxic than this lol
But yeah I'm angry but I'm kinda sad too cuz I used to love the chemistry that Ohm had with Del and Toonz a lot. Now Ohm jeopardize all of that in the name of "justice" when he could've resolved all of this privately... But I feel like Ohm have been always like this from day one but Del and Toonz kept giving him second chances probably for the sake of the fans... But now it was too much and they couldn't handle him and the mess he is anymore. This is truly sad.
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deobis · 5 years
i'm not trying to clown you or anything, but i'm just genuinely curious as to why you bias sunwoo now? like what do you love about him and all? if i'm not mistaken, you used to be hyunjoon-biased correct?
hello! god bless this ask :’) i was waiting for someone to allow me to be absolutely gr0ss and gushy about my sunshine : (
and yes! you are correct :’) i used to be very hyunjoon biased! but if i were to make a comparison,,, hyunjoon was really just a crush but sunoo is the one i really fell for. anyways gush under cut cuz i doubt anyone cares
so if i have to be honest, i “fall in love at first sight” w groups. usually the person i notice first becomes my bias. theres always one defining feature i usually fall in love with. so usually i tend to bias dancers (ex. ten, taemin, chaeyeon, wooyoung, san, etc etc) but with tbz i had exposure to them since boy and had been following their music since debut, but not the group. 
Not until no air dropped did i really begin to fall in love w them. I had a lot of trouble picking a bias w tbz, which is very rare for me but i also think its because i had a ton of exposure to them before. in the boy mv i think the ones that stood out to me were sunwoo hyunjoon and jacob. In giddy up i considered joining the fandom (bc legendary song omg) and the ones that stood out in that mv were sunwoo chanhee and changmin. unluckily for me, i didnt end up getting into the fandom until no air dropped and i spent over a week picking a bias between hyunjoon, sunwoo, changmin, and kevin (as u can see its not that surprising i fell for sunwoo lol,,, it was just a matter of time) anyways, it was a long week but hyunjoons smile really just,,,,,, sold me
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like cmon are you kidding me look at that he has the prettiest smile on earth and i still stand by that opinion. and after really investing myself in tbz, i found myself loving his unique dance style. the way he presents himself is so genuine and different from what i usually prefer in dancers. My favorite dancer is by far Ten and my brain auto compares dancers to him but with hyunjoon,,, the style was just so different that it was impossible to compare the two. So yeah I still love hyunjoon a lot! its just,,,, i love sunoo more
tbh i have no idea when i started falling so hard for kim sunwoo. it really just came gradually,,, and thats super strange for my “love at first sight” aries venus :’) though i dont remember exactly what moment made me start swerving, i know his lyrics and rap style played a big part in me becoming the biggest sunoonator on this earth. His first verse in 4EVER is by far the best thing i have ever heard (and in an interview he also said those lines were some of his favorite lyrics hes written!!!
another thing that really swayed me was the bday prank. that clip made me pay so much more attention to him when before i was one track minded on hyunjoon. but seeing him just break down when he realized those he loved weren’t actually fighting showed me how genuine he was. by paying more attention to him, i really just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, swooned for that dorky smile of his (example below bc i want to c’:)
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and his overall quirkiness.
something ive also been loving and noticing recently is his absolute hatred for skinny jeans LOL and same. I literally wear joggers every single day bc i cant be bothered. Sunwoos fashion looks so comfortable and he pulls it off so well! its something i can appreciate and love
and the final thing. this is probably the biggest reason i absolutely love love love him! its the way he interacts and treats his fans. idk if you follow the fancafe but sunwoo updates the most out of all of the members. He basically writes in the fancafe every single day, even if its as simple as “deobis what are you doing?” and no matter what, hes always talking about deobis in his updates and almost always reminds us that he loves us! theres one fancafe letter he wrote that i have bookmarked and saved and its the one where he literally starts off by saying that hes awake at 5:20 am (iirc this was after TFMAs where they won the next leader award) bc he cant sleep and he just pours out his late night (or in this case early morning lol) thoughts and its just him talking about his career and how he is so honored to be able to perform on the same stage as his seniors. he also talks about how he is so grateful to deobis and begins explaining his thoughts about the relationship between artists and their fans and how beautiful he finds this relationship. and he continues to describe what kind of singer he wants to be: a loveable singer who can cheer others up. he said that deobis are the ones who helped him become the person he is today and how he always will be sincere to deobis that cheer for him :’(( this is a super dumbed down ver of his letter bc my korean isnt extremely good but he basically ends by saying he’ll continue to improve for deobis and that he really loves us :( this letter was then posted around an hour later at around 6 am :( so he basically spent an hour writing a letter to deobis at the crack of dawn just bc he wanted to tell us his thoughts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i rly,,,,,,,, im so sad hes the sweetest :( 
oh also special creds to @jushaknyeon (especially this hakkjae clown), @noairmv, and @hwqll for clowning me so hard into finally biasing him love u guys sm lol
this is probably way way way more than what you were expecting but i really needed to let it all out :’) i love him to the end of the universe and back! and im pretty sure this time hes just going to be stuck with me :’) (his loss lmao)
if you read all the way down to here im so sorry for wasting your time LOLOLOL here is a sunoo gif as an apology
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