#i kno my kind of art is not what most kpoppies like and thats fine.... everyone mostly wants some realistic kinda boring pencil thing
kil9 · 3 years
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#seeing the piece kibum commissioned makes me rly happy and feel rly good about my own art :]#i kno my kind of art is not what most kpoppies like and thats fine.... everyone mostly wants some realistic kinda boring pencil thing#which is fiiiiiiiine.... but i like what i do !!!!!#i just like that its rly cartoony and like. not really recognizable as them at first glance lol#it reminds me of what i do !!!!! like its fine ppl dont prefer it i guess#but i always kinda feel like im judged for kind of..... going off base with my fanart i guess#like a lot of it is not rly straightforward ''heres drawing of this guy from this video/photo''#and i kinda just feel secretly judged like ''but whys he a bunny. whys he in space. whats that wolf thing.#''how would u get that idea from a concert its just dancing.. why would u make him like that thats not how he looks bla bla''#but ykno.... artistic inspiration and interpretation can come from anything !!!! ESPECIALLY something thats already art#cuz music is art and i weirdly feel like since a looooooot of kpoppies arent art people.... its weirdly like they dont see it as art#kpop fandom is generally like. one of the worst for artists that ive seen and also has a sheer lack of artists like per capita#so its really not frequently that i see something interpenetrate it as its own new art thing... most kpop art i see is frankly boring#yea thats it i just feel good cos i make weirdo cartoon art that maybe ppl dont understand#but so do other ppl and so does key :] even if only thru commission#99.txt
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