#cuz he did try to catch flies
lvagirl · 3 months
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my baby angel mr fuzz 💖💝💗💓💞
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mandarinmoons · 3 months
lemme set the scene for u -
rossi’s wedding (please please can Derek be there 🥺🙏 idc if it’s the wrong time just please let him be there my hot choco)
anyways, shy little miss y/n is dating our fav boy genius and it’s about time to introduce her to the team, and when better to do it then when they’re all guaranteed to be in the same room together!
the team is very welcoming but also can be a bit touchy or overwhelming for reader cuz maybe she’s like spencer with the touching
uh if you didn’t think this was that boring and wanna do it you can change up literally whatever 😭 really just wanna see shy & awkward reader meet the team and spencer just stand there with an awkward smile supporting his gf as she fumbles over her greetings cuz uh that’s me
You smoothed down your dress as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Dresses aren’t something you usually wore, but duty called and you pulled out your emergency fancy clothes from the back of your closet, something you never thought you’d have to do for a long while. But here you were, going to a wedding with your boyfriend and meeting all of his teammates, also his friends, for the first time. However, this was more of like a two in one deal. The only family Spencer had in his life was his mother and his team was like a second family to him, which made this whole ordeal more unnerving.
“Hey, are you ready to- woah…”
Turning around you saw Spencer’s eyes wide as saucers as he took in your appearance. A beautiful floral dress hugged you at just the right places and showed off your figure, a sight which was clearly adored by your genius boyfriend.
Walking over to him, you rested your hand on his cheek and tapped his chin, “Close your mouth or else you’ll catch flies.”
Spencer rolled his eyes as a chuckle left your lips and it was soon muffled by Spencer’s lips finding your own, pressing a light kiss to them.
Pulling back, Spencer’s eyes were still on you, admiring your beauty while your gaze lingered to the side and a light sigh leaving your mouth.
“I’m nervous…”
“I know, but you’ll love everyone, trust me.”
“You haven’t been wrong yet, so.”
Spencer chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “And that day will never come.”
The drive to the venue was nerve wracking. Spencer gave background information on what everyone on the team was like as well as telling some of the funniest memories he’s had with each member. Hearing all the tales did help to ease some of the tension, but it would be a miracle if you’d be able to remember even the tiniest detail by the time you’d set foot in the chapel. Spencer may have an eidetic memory, but you’d be lucky to remember what you had for breakfast this morning.
Arriving at the destination, your shaky legs walked up the steps and Spencer’s hand rested on your waist to try and steady you.
The moment you walked through the door you heard someone gasp and the sound of heels running toward you filled your ears.
“You must be Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you!” a blonde woman you guess to be Penelope Garcia immediately comes over to introduce herself and you feel yourself freeze when she takes you in for a hug. You didn’t mind hugging, but when it came to someone you had just met 5 seconds ago, it was a bit much.
Spencer pulled Penelope off of you gently and told her you were a bit shy when it came to meeting new people and Penelope being the saint that she was, apologized right away and said she’d let you eat her piece of cake as a peace token.
Soon enough the rest of the team took notice of the woman Spencer brought along with him and with their interests peaked, made their way over to the both of you to see the new love birds.
Your breathing became a bit erratic as your space was filled with so many new faces that you didn’t know where to start and who to answer first. You didn’t mind meeting new people at all, but when there’s multiple questions coming from every corner you could think of, your brain shut down and your mouth dried up.
Spencer took notice of your change of behavior and excused both of you from everyone while he led you to the side.
“Are you okay?��� Spencer’s hand rested on your cheek while his other hand was on your waist, his thumb gently rubbing over the fabric of your dress.
“Yeah, there’s just… so many people.”
Spencer nodded and brought you in closer as you rested your head on his shoulder and he pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
“How about you meet everyone one by one? Have some to talk to everyone a little so it’s not so daunting?”
“That works yeah.”
Spencer nodded and made his way back to the team with you by his side, taking a hold of his hand as if you were a child holding onto their parent’s arm on the first day of kindergarten.
Making your way back to everyone, you could see the concern written over their faces. You didn’t want them to think of you as this fragile girl who wasn’t able to be alone without her boyfriend and you hoped to God that they wouldn’t make fun of your behavior.
Later on as the ceremony was done and everyone had a blast dancing and chatting away, you managed to ground yourself and now here you were, chatting to the girls of The BAU about anything and everything. What had only been a few hours felt like you had known these girls for a lifetime.
The evening also included Derek and Luke taking turns dancing with you, Rossi sharing his famous pasta recipe and the highlight of the night being Spencer pulling you to the dance floor and trying his best to sweep you off of your feet with his dance moves. Knowing that he has two left feet when it came to dancing, it wasn’t hard to do.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile and laugh so much.”
“I guess your team is really good at bringing that out.”
“They really are.”
Looking to the side, you saw some of the members looking over at you and Spencer as you two slowly danced together and a chuckle fell from your lips as you heard Derek call out “Show her what you can do, pretty boy!”
Locking eyes with each other, you squealed as in one swift movement, Spencer dipped you and a second later his lips were on yours and from the side you heard everyone cheer.
“You really do have some moves, Doctor Reid.”
“You haven’t seen nothing yet.”
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thinkingjasico · 1 year
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A silly hc because I love this scene with seth and summer sm
Jason knows that the roof of Nico's cabin is damaged and he keeps saying he'll fix it but every time they are in Nico's cabin and he sees the sunlight entering through that hole and illuminating the almost total darkness of the dungeon that is Nico's cabin. But they always end up getting too distracted in each other's presence and Jason ends up forgetting
So one day there's a storm in CHB and Nico was out running some errands for Hades and the door is locked, and Jason knows it's raining inside. So since he's not afraid of lightning cuz, please, he's the son of Jupiter, but also without an umbrella or raincoat cuz he usually likes to get wet, Jason ends up picking the Spiderman mask he wore last halloween (it was his year choosing the costumes that he and Nico always wore matching >>very platonic<< and jason had chosen spiderman and deadpool) to protect his eyes so he would be able to see what he was doing. So he flies there with some materials but while he's still fixing the roof he slips and falls (very much likd the guy who passes out every two chapters), but the hem of his pants catches on the ceiling gutter and he's left hanging upside down unable to reach for his ankle and thinking that it's too short a fall for him to be able to control the winds before falling if the fabric gives way if he tries to reach it, but high enough to hurt his head AGAIN if he falls. And the rain doesn't stop and Jason calls to see if anyone hears but everyone is in their cabins protected from the storm. Then he sees through the window someone turn on the light in Nico's cabin and it has to be him, so Jason starts calling Nico's name. Nico goes outside and is stunned at first when he sees the scene.
"Jason, what the fuck are you doing?!"
"Oh thank gods you're back. I was trying to fix your roof but I fell and--"
"Did you come to fix my roof in this rain?" Nico goes to Jason to try to see what he can do to help.
"Yeah, you weren't home so it would rain a lot inside and ruin your stuff and I thought--"
Nico looks up and down at Jason hanging there in the middle of that storm. "Did you come here in this rain to fix my roof because I wasn't home and the water would ruin my stuff?"
Jason frowns a little under the mask. "Hm, that's exactly what I said. Anyway, help me out here please. We have to go inside to stop the water--"
But Nico starts to smile, unable to contain it. "And the Spider-Man mask was for...?"
Jason is only now realizing the icing on the cake of his embarrasseing state. "It was to protect my eyes from the water while I was working."
Nico looks at him for a second longer, taking in how stupidly adorable this is- which pretty much sums up Jason as a whole. So then Nico can't hold back the laugh that escapes him.
Jason blushes like never before, feeling pretty stupid right now. "Can you help me here? I can't--"
Nico sighs, stopping laughing, and leans closer. "Gods, you are my favorite person in the whole world, Jason Grace."
And Nico lifts Jason's mask a little, not thinking about how this is a moment he's waited and feared so much for so long, because even though he's been on the verge of this decision many times- never before has Nico been so sure he needed to kiss Jason before the moment passed and his insecurities about it returned.
And when Nico kisses Jason, the storm across Camp Half-Blood becomes clear with lightning exploding in the sky.
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ninalanfer · 2 months
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Let's talk wood, people. No, not the kind you have in your pants, you filthy mind you 😉. The stuff that grows in nature and can be formed into endless shapes and forms.
I have such a love hate relationship with wood. I love how it looks and how it feels, how it catches the light. The different shades and textures it grows before we take it. I love carving into it, the way the knife feels in my hand, the way the blade feels cutting into it. All wood is good wood. It all has a purpose and place.
What I hate is the way it struggles against me when I try to work it into some... Shapes. Like a door. What was it someone said the other day, about creating anything? That the art of creation is "You push on the thing, and the thing pushes back at you." Friction of creation.
Today has been particularly full of friction. Wood have been struggling against me today. Yikes. Today was supposed to be simple. I had already fit the screen door in its place, it fit, it worked. It just needed glue and some screws. Attach the hinges and hang it up there.
Don't you think it scewed over night? It definitely did. I went to try it this morning and nope. Not even fucking close to fitting in its hole. I was once again reminded that wood has a life of its own. It breathes and thinks and lives, even after it's been shaped into boards.
So today wasn't simple. It was endless trials. Testing the fit, nope, taking it back down and outside to (I'm googling the word for "hyvel" in english and all I find is "plane". Wtf? You seriously can't have four different things that are called a plane. That's stupid! The machine that flies, the place where you play football (no sorry, "soccer"), the thing that will turn flat by you shaping it with what is apparently also called a plane!? HOW do english wood workers communicate with each other about their craft?!) (I went onto a long rant about this and I'm so sorry for my partner who had to end up in the crossfire)...
Anyway! I had to "plane" the frame so it fit in the door opening. Little by little. Testing, trimming, testing, looking for where it wouldn't fit. Trimming, testing. Ad nauseum. I started with a rasp, going over to an electrical sander, then a saw for a little bit. But in the end I brought out my trusty knife.
In the end, victory was mine! The screen frame now fits. It's wonky and weird, and the surface is bubbly in places (knots are my bane, guuuh). But in turn, our house is an old scewed wood building with literally no even planes in sight, so no one's going to see it (except my dad. He'll look at me and shake his head. 😂 Cuz he is a wood worker by trade and heart. It's one of my life's small pleasures to make scewed shit and see the look on his face.) Sometimes I think the only reason I get through life at all os because I'm so damn stubborn. Today's win is solely, simply, due to me being more stubborn than the wood.
Now we just wait until the humidity turns and we'll cross all our fingers and toes that the screen door still fits...
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marilostfieldblog · 11 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins with someone holding their phone, they are seemingly sitting on a bench. They take a deep sigh as loud music identified as "All I want for Christmas is you" is heard over a speaker.]
?: I am going to kill someone I swear.
[Voice identified: Mari.]
M: Will this music ever SHUT UP!
[Metallic clanks are heard just barely over the music, as well as laughter, it sounds non-human.]
M: Ugh… Has it really been three hours? Listen you and I both know you won't ki-
[The source of the noise moves into frame, shrouded in shadow. Their eyes shine like a wild animals would in the low light.]
?: Are you sure you know me well enough to make assumptions like that?
[Voice identified: Cassius.]
M: You are the one who told me you wouldn't kill me cuz I was taking care of a kid, and when I gave you the chance you said no.
[He lunges towards the bench.]
M: Nope!
[Mari hops off the bench as Cassius flies into it, the song still playing as they begin running.]
[Cassius shouts in frustration, before giving chase, his footsteps heavy on the tile floor of the mall.]
M: Gonna have to catch me jackass!
C: You motherfucker! Get back here so I can gut you!
M: I have a kid to get out of this mall so not happening you bitch!
[Mari takes a sharp left turn, throwing a trash can at Cassius as they do.]
C: If you let me kill you, you won’t have to hear this infernal music anymore!
M: My point remains!
[The footsteps behind Mari turn to a sort of… scuttling, as Cassius switches to using the spider legs. Before switching back.]
M: If you want to kill me you have to get sparrow out!
C: I don’t have to do shit!
M: Then I ain't letting you catch me!
[Another corner is turned, a loud yell, then a crash can be heard behind Mari. Almost as if several cardboard boxes had fallen down.]
[Mari laughs, their laugh seemingly being one of joy and malice.]
C: That tends to happen, yeah!
M: I doubt you get that much play.
C: You’d be surprised, Mari! Not like you’d know what works out there, you’ve only had like, one girlfriend! Where even is she?
[Mari points at someone barely out of frame.]
M: Right there apparently.
[Mari turns the phone, in view is someone with black hair wearing a showfall mask. They run off after about 5 seconds.]
M: Nevermind. Anyway you don't even HAVE a girlfriend.
C: Never wanted one! I don’t do that shit, jackass!
M: That why you fucked one of your bosses?
[A short pause.]
M: NO YOU FUCKER! No pun intended.
[Mari laughs as they continue running.]
[This continues for another few minutes, before the music in the background suddenly comes to a halt.]
M: What.
[Mari stops, the phone jolting as they do.]
C: Huh.
M: Did. The music just. Stop?
C: Guess they fixed it.
M: So uh… What now?
C: I don’t know. My main motivation is gone. So I guess I just… head back to the offices.
M: What the fuck.
C: What, do you want me to keep trying to murder you?
M: You wouldn't kill me anyway. You already proved that.
C: If you weren’t as fast as you are, I would’ve.
M: Bullshit. A. You've been given multiple opportunities. B. The deal with will.
[Cassius takes a few steps towards Mari.]
C: Please don’t mention the deal, not out in the open.
M: Fine. Whateve-
[Mari yawns, quite loudly.]
C: Jesus Christ. Do you not sleep at all? Why are you so fuckin’ tired?
M: Did you HEAR the music?
C: Of course I heard the fucking music! I’m talking about in general, asshole!
M: NO! I've been taking care of the kid, and if you were experimented on trapped in a dark room for god knows how long and your mom was a wire monster. YOU WOULD HAVE NIGHTMARES TOO.
C: … Get them a journal.
M: What?
C: You heard me. Get them a journal.
M: Wha- Why?
C: Are you dense? For the damn nightmares. Writing down things like that helps sometimes.
M: Oh… Um… Where am I gonna find one… Here?
C: … I’ll grab you one tomorrow. Just. Go back to your stupid area. I’m leaving.
M: Uh… Sure. Cool… Just uh… Ask Will for our location.
[Cassius nods, then, a few seconds later, his eyes widen slightly, realizing what he’s just done.]
C: [Whispered.] Fuck.
M: Hold on. If you ever… And I mean EVER. need help, big or small… Y'know where to find me Cass.
[Mari puts their head down, seemingly whispering.]
M: [Whispered.] Sparrow wants you and Ophelia to be ok… for will.
[Cassius stares at Mari, his expression hardens, yet his eyes are full of fear.]
C: I don’t need your fuckin’ help, Editor. And don’t call me ‘Cass’. We aren’t friends.
M: Ha… Haha… Hahahahaha…
[Mari breaks into a fit of laughter, this time the tone is more somber and caring.]
[He takes a few steps back, before turning around fully and walking away, his steps quicken as he gets farther away. He vanishes around a corner a few seconds later.]
M: Can't lie to me… God damnit why do I…
[Mari falls to the ground, seemingly confused.]
M: Why do I care… That idiot is nothing but an asshole to me but… Ugh. If he doesn't want…
[Mari stops, they continue laughing for 30 seconds before yawning again.]
M: If you see this, Will cares about you… And strike system or not I think you do too… So until you take things one step too far… I'm gonna try and help you. Because William is my friend too you dick.
[Mari yawns again, before passing out in a dark corner. The phone stays on for roughly 30 minutes before shutting off.]
[End transcript.]
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starligtgalaxy · 2 years
06: Therapy, who's she?
"wait, it has 18 seasons!?" i look at the article on her phone.
"How do you think I feel, Wukong is everywhere. I can't go anywhere without Monkey King this, Monkey King that" Albino rat complains.
"wanna watch it and see how bad it is?" I offer, holding up the remote.
"How can I refuse that" Albino rat gets up from the chair. She sits down to the bed, she lifts me up and put me down on her lap, wrapping her arms around me.
I turn the Tv on and select Zetflix. I scroll through the options and after a bit I found it. I click on it and it begins playing.
The screen turns black and the narrator begins talking about Monkey King's origin.
a stone appears, it begin to slowly crack before it Burst opens revealing an animated monkey.
"Hey Albino, did you know Monkey King's origin story?" I ask my mentor.
"Well one, that info wasn't really public back then and two, do you think im interested in how that flee eater came into this world" Albino rat scoffs.
"oh right..."
A knock at the window catches both of our attention.
"who would be here at 12 PM?" Albino rat removes her arms from me so I could check.
"no idea, maybe it's Mei" I open the window to see no one. I look down to see a yellow rose.
I grab it and retreat back into my apartment.
"A yellow rose?" Albino rat grabs the flower from my hand and inspects it.
"Do you think someone left it there?" I grab a vase and fill it with water.
"ooorr you have a secret admirer" Albino rat jokes.
I put the vase down on the table. I grab the rose from albino and put it into the vase.
"I don't think it's an admirer, yellow roses symbolizes friendship. And secret admirers usually tries to win the affection from a distance but not friendship"
"You don't even know this person and you are in the friendzone" Albino rat chuckles.
I roll my eyes and sit back onto Albino rat's lap.
"I'll just buy some flower food tommorow"
"have a nice day" the worker waves.
"you too" I reply.
I walk out of the flower store and over the sidewalk.
"I'll buy groceries, while im out here" I think out loud to myself.
I accidentally bump into someone, making my drop my bag.
"Oh my apologies, let me help you" a soft but cold voice apologizes.
I look up to see a young girl, seeming the age of 12. She was holding her hand out for me.
With a bit hestitation, I grab it and pull myself up. A snatch my back from the ground.
"thanks" I turns around, ignoring my gut feeling that something was wrong.
I stop when I notice a missing poster of the girl, I turn back to see the girl gone.
I sigh "I need to get more sleep"
I walk out of the grocery store with a bag full with products.
some flies onto my face, blinding me. I grab and inspect it.
'hm, a shadow play. It's over a few days, it's worth checking out'
I look at the two figures on the poster. One of them reminding me of the mysterious stranger I found two days ago.
He had dissapeared before I woke up and he apparently stole my favorite hoodie. Jerk
I fold the poster and put it in the bag. I walk home, trying ignoring the intens alarms going off in my head.
I pull out my keys and open the front door.
"Albino, I'm home" I put down the bag.
I look around the corner to see Mei and Albino rat talking.
"What!?" I yell out.
Im still trying to figure out the timeline, cuz it's kinda confusing
Soooo i have watched the Chinese dub of season 4, i dont understand the half the plot.
And today I watched for the future (the owl house) and im so excited for the last episode
Anyways, have a nice day <3
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eff-plays · 1 year
(just going to call myself bad romance anon because its funny) ahhh dont feel like you need to apologise for the ramble! it's a good ramble to read! how *would* a fairly kind and maybe noble person, end up apealing to astarion's more... capricious tendancies, and more importantly, what would they see in him behind his ~sauve and sexy vampire~ facade. It opens up interesting doors it's fun to think about!
and i would! but i'll try to keep it to just the initial yikes of their dynamic so I don't leave a full essay in here- I went in wanting to make a character who did have very self-serving morals, I am a very big fan of writing weird toxic relationships that sort of work, but only for the people involved. So my barb "KS" is outwardly a big, arrogant bully. Astarion singles him out for that, someone big, strong, in charge and, crucially, not very bright. Someone he would *want* to be in the good graces of, someone he can use to stay safe. But that's him falling for someone elses front. KS portrays himself as the biggest, toughest guy in the room, because that is what hes learned keeps him safe, and keeps him around but at arms length. He is, at heart, a very isolated person who is afraid of being alone, and has had very little gentleness turned his way. And that horrible desperate lonliness is why he initially falls for Astarion's honestly rizzless template flirting. They start out by using eachother, almost on autopilot, before they start to catch on to eachothers insincerity, and eachothers lack of self-respect.
Ooh that sounds very angsty and troubled indeed! I can definitely see both of them going for the other for these reasons, yeah. Particularly why KS might fall for Astarion's schtick, cuz when you're desperate for any sort of positive attention it flies under your radar that it might be fake, or maybe you know on some level that it is but ignore the warning signs because you hope they're not there.
It seems like they have a lot of things in common, in that they're both putting on fronts but are very isolated. So when you break down the initial barriers, the gooey centers are free to mix because even if they're not made of the exactly same stuff, they have the same consistency. Like when you mix eggs together into an omelet 😌
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
I'm going to go for it they'll probably kill me but I'm going to die anyways at this rate and every day it's a nightmare even though their own people and see what they did they said that he didn't say what percentage is low income and they're trying to blame him and he didn't know about it then turned it all in low income and they're trying to back pedal all day today and it was the clones and they're saying he runs the matrix and dumb s*** like that so it doesn't make any sense he'd be the cover and he be in trouble furthermore they're saying it out loud it's nitrogen narcosis. I hear it's going to be Tampa and I'm going to a meeting with them after and I was going to a brew house believe it or not it's a pub not a brew house and we're going to have a little fun and they're going to pay for everything and we're going to discuss stuff but really they're going to put the bar in and they want to see what I think about it and we're going to talk about it and bikes and stuff like that and that might swing some by and it's going to be intense. They want me to bring a certain number of mine and nobody's there so you look very similar I do understand this notion. We'll see how it works. I'm very excited about this I'm the first builder of the Tron light cycle on Earth and the first builder that offered them for sale no one has ever successfully done it and it worked because of my friends design and he's designed the second rev and wants to release it and have me going a special mission on Australia and he has connections in the government here and he says that but I don't know if I believe him lol. But it's a great idea there's a lot of people involved and we won't be alone in it and we need the Intel and we have to be there first I need a clue in my people. We're going to meet up there tonight and they're going to have the designs to the bar and that's what they're putting there so I get that their version can accommodate my electric version motor and the twin turbo. It's a lot faster than mine and mine is very fast but mine handles much better than other motorcycles it will help maneuver you and you'll never catch me no one can and these go much faster much faster they said that does not hyper motorcycle on Earth that can go as fast and you can't catch him and it handles better and even the bat pod which can be made to go extremely fast 800 miles an hour can't catch it and we're going to see if we can get some of those up there too but wow this is intense and he designs these and they say that you're not going to believe your eyes when you see this thing it's very powerful and with the light cycle drive you can do burnouts with it and I can't do that with mine so before they leave they might do one they always have his character do it and we think it's one of his sons and they're pretty big fellows okay they're always well over 6 ft. We went Preston and Bill to be there and sometimes he sneaks out it'll be good for him to get some oxygen and he can eat some nuts and other things there and he knows about that and he can eat some food and he'll need it and we do see what he's saying so we're going to meet up there tonight in Tampa at The gasolamp district. I'm invited to go out to bring and my wife is bringing her light cycle that I built and we know when to maintain it when we just switched it out so they're in good shape and this ain't flies I mean these bikes are going to really kick some butt and they're the ones in the movie you can tell cuz they're going extremely fast and I put in the three versions I guess and it looks like they took the bay and we do know where that facility is and it's not on the mainland
Brad I'm the lead character in the movie and yes BG his wife saves me and our friend here helped a little bit but she knows how to drive the car and I guess they're going to sell the car and it's going to be a top seller that thing is intense
We approve this message to go out
I'm so pleased it hurts this is going to be intense we're having these meetings and we're getting it together and we need to get Intel and go up there and get a feel for what the clones are doing and they're going to be attracted to this like wildfire all of us need it
Thor Freya
I'm happy he's doing work and getting a lot done and making progress this is intense these things are intense and it's just the most intense motorcycle I've ever seen in my life and the flash cycle version is crazy as hell it goes much faster than you think $25,000 miles an hour in the atmosphere is top speed of the fastest flying cars and that's what it is
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hokusu · 2 years
it's really hard to balance irl stuff with online stuff sometimes >.< I've had a lot going on in my head recently, but I'm trying really hard not to let it overwhelm me, which is easier said than done lmao overall though I'm doing well! ^-^
you hit the nail on the head regarding what's so wonderful about Christmastime!! it's also just always been a really special/nostalgic time of year for me and my family, and I also adore Christmas music haha. it all just fills me with a lot of warm, cozy feelings~ I really like winter all-around though, I'm the kind of person who prefers the cold over the hot, although I think my favorite season is probably spring cuz it's the perfect in-between! 💕
who are some of your favorite characters?? and if you don't mind me asking, what do you enjoy so much about dabihawks? I think they make a really interesting pair and would love to hear your thoughts about them!!
~your animanga secret santa❤️
So true, as soon as you're busy irl time flies so fast and it's hard to catch up with everything (cough anime in my opinion too lol, I'm struggling to edit everything I want this season 😭). Im glad you're doing well though, Santa!! 💛 I hope your thoughts leave you some peace soon and whatever it is, works out. 😊
Yess xmas music is so nice and comfy!! I love trans-siberian orchestra ones the most. Do you have a favorite Christmas song? Do you get white Christmas where you're from? 😲 I also enjoy winter more! And fall is always so dreamy, but where I live it doesn't really have much of fall either lol.
I have a lot of favs but here are some ☺️:
One Piece (not caught up yet but this anime is probably the most of my hyperfixation after dabihawks rn lol. I love it so much) - Zoro, Trafalgar, Ace and pretty much all of straw hats
SNK (been a while but they'll always be special) - Levi, Eren, Jean
Haikyuu (this is the comfort show Im always into) - Kageyama, Kuroo, Nishinoya, Hinata, ...almost everyone tbh.
Given (re-reading recently so feels are back) - Kaji mostly, but also all the mains are good lol
Banana Fish - Ash Lynx
Kny - Uzui, Giyuu
And lastly my absolute favs right now and I can talk about them forever Dabi & Hawks - I love literally everything about them individually and together. Dabi, who was told he's never been enough but consistently proving that everyone is wrong (literally living when he should be dead through sheer will power and vengence) vs. Hawks, who always remember "what is he even good for" and desperately tries to prove he can be of use? Dabi, who's ready to die while taking revenge vs. Hawks, who's willing to die to save everyone else? They're both so much more than who they pretend to be, who they wear that mask for and I think sometimes people misunderstand them for it, but its why I LOVE THEM!
I love their dynamic and how they used each other in the manga, I love that they're on opposite sides of a war both with ideals that clash so differently and they're perfect foils of each other, and yet so easily they could have been in each other's shoes. I think it makes them understand each other in a way that no one else does when all their lives, they've been very much alone. Their tragic backstories also plays into their character development very well (and every ch it shows me this!) Contrary to some opinions out there (esp. about hawks oof) , I think Horikoshi did a fantastic job writing them and they are the most interesting in the animanga by far and why I picked up the manga. There's so much to explore with them, so much potential angst and parallels between them, but even on their own they're just written SO WELL.
Hawks views are so skewed and it shows because of how he was brought up (by a family who didn't want him and then bought by the commission to be a solider) and it's so ingrained into who he is today, but he genuinely still just wants to "do good and protect people", so he's still the best hero in my eyes. 😭 And Dabi, who obviously isn't innocent, but you can't help but root for him to live at the end of it anyways bcus Dabi was genuinely good once and he tried so hard to be, he couldve been the best fucking hero. They're so flawed and fucked up in their own ways, but I love them for it and they're PERFECT. At the end of the day, I know they've done heinous things but they both deserved so much more. Latest chapter with them meeting again has me screaming too and I'm so excited to see what's next in manga!! There's so much more I could say but sorry this is so long already!! How about you, are you a fan of BNHA and who's your favs? 😁
And I'm also into a lot of other animes (seasonal or otherwise like sxf (so so good and heartwarming), csm, tokrev, jjk, mp100, golden kamuy, a lot of slice of life and lesser known ones, etc.) if you wanna know more ^^
Please have a lovely week Santa! 💛
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lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years
I wrote a lil fengqing scene 👀 and y’all get to see it cuz I’m very generous like that 😌✨
A bit of blood trickles out of his nose in a clear line to his top lip, it follows along the shape of it and Feng Xin can’t help staring. He wonders what Mu Qing would do if he placed his thumb over it. Smeared it into his skin before replacing his hand with his mouth and getting a taste of everything he’s always thought he hated.
He imagines the way Mu Qing would gasp on contact and how easy that would make it to slip his tongue into the other’s mouth. Maybe Mu Qing would bite him and Feng Xin would moan instead of pull away because pain between them has always been entwined with pleasure.
Feng Xin thinks Mu Qing would break away for air and when he did Feng Xin would chase him in a singleminded need to keep touching.
He imagines wanting to call Mu Qing despite having him in his arms. Like the kiss simply isn’t enough. Having his arms wrapped around Mu Qing’s waist isn’t enough. He needs to be so close he doesn’t know where he ends and Mu Qing begins. Needs to feel so close they can’t possibly separate again.
Mu Qing. Mu Qing. Mu Qing.
The fantasy dissipates when a fist flies out to make him bleed too. The heat from it though lingers in the way he doesn’t respond quickly and gets knuckles imbedded in his face, the force sending him back a few steps. It lingers in the way he doesn’t immediately retaliate, trying to catch his breath like he actually had made good on the fantasy and kissed Mu Qing breathless.
The blood is dry over Mu Qing’s top lip and cracks when he grins with a feral sort of glee. Feng Xin feels a drop of warmth drip from his nose and can’t fight the urge to grin back.
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obiwanobi · 3 years
Since I have a thing for Anakin leaving early/the war lasting longer than it did:
So palps dies, and Anakin leaves the Jedi early when he finds out Padme’s pregnant. Both retire and disappear to Naboo while the war rages on around them. Padme is still technically seantor, but she doesn’t really leave Naboo very much anymore cuz it isn’t safe.
Years later (like 7 or so), the war is finally coming to an end. Padme is summoned back to Coruscant, and Anakin and kids come with her. On the way, something happens, there’s a small battle over Coruscant, and their ship gets held hostage. Fortunately, they’re saved by a small group of starfighters led by a jedi. The kids are estatic, gushing the whole trip down about how cool the jedi was, and Anakin-he’s impressed, because it isn’t any day you see a jedi who flies almost as recklessly and suicidal as Anakin himself.
By the time they arrive at the senate, the jedi-apparently a teenage padawan- had already gone in. And Bail knew her name, so Anakin presumes that she has to be the apprentice of a council member, probably Plo or Kit. He can’t wait to introduce himself to her, and neither can his children.
So imagine his surprise when during the session, he looks up and sees the padawan standing at the right hand of a certain master that he has missed deeply since leaving him behind. It all comes rushing back, and Anakin can’t believe how stupid he has been. If there’s one master who can deal with reckless flying padawans with death wishes, it’ll be Obi Wan
(Poor Anakin was so nervous being back that he didn’t even realize the clone trooper who had greeted him upon arrival was Cody. In hindsight, that should’ve been a clue)
Anon I need to know what's next! Does Anakin catch Obi-Wan's eyes at one point during the meeting and they immediately look away? Or does Obi-Wan try a very, very small smile of acknowledgement and Anakin struggles not to smile too brightly in return?
Is Anakin suddenly even more curious to meet the padawan because it's a way to learn what Obi-Wan has been up to these past few years without having to subject himself to the mortifying experience of talking to his former master, or is she suddenly the object of all Anakin's critics, because clearly, only Anakin is good enough to be Obi-Wan's padawan?
Is Padmé going "Anakin, you have half the day free. Without me or the children. You can spend that time doing anything. Maybe seeing old friends. Maybe seeing old friends that you haven't talk to in a long time. Old friends that, I'm sure, would be very happy to see you again, if only you make the first step. Old friends that could be invited to dinner with us tonight with their padawan. Old friends that you really don't want to ignore right now or else you will regret it all your life. Please tell me you understand what I'm trying to tell you here." ?
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stiltonbasket · 3 years
Baking AU prompt: Ok this is p dorky but what about Lan Wangji receiving some pastries from a rival bakery (idk maybe gifted from a coworker or a client who had a successful case). And WWX is fine, he really is, it's just that he feels very confused and off-center thinking about LWJ eating those mediocre, inferior pastries. So he ends up going on a baking spree and making a much fancier version of whatever LWJ received. Cuz you know, he'd hate for LWJ to not know what that dish is SUPPOSED to taste like, you understand. WWX's version is much better, isn't it Lan Zhan? Right? Isn't it?
Lan Wangji blinks down at the purple box in bewilderment.
“Moon cakes?” he asks, as Wei Ying turns away with flushed cheeks and a twitch in his left eyebrow. “Thank you, Wei Ying.”
Wei Ying nods and sticks his hands into a pan of sweet bread dough. “It’s the mid-autumn festival soon, so I baked you some.”
“Baked me some?”
“Of course! Aiyah, Lan Zhan, don’t you know how long it takes to make yuebing? And you have to leave them for a couple of days to make sure they’ll be good to eat, too! I’ve never sold mooncakes at Lotus Pier, and I never will.”
Hesitantly, Lan Wangji opens the box and peers at the twelve round cakes lined up inside. Wei Ying often gives him free buns and pastries, and Lan Wangji’s heart nearly beats right out of his chest with every one--but those gifts are part of the bakery’s everyday menu, even if Wei Ying does make sure to wrap and label them in advance, so for Wei Ying to have baked something for Lan Wangji specially...
His fingers move almost of their own accord, reaching for the smallest yuebing before bringing it up to his lips. The crust is perfect, rich and soft with a hint of warmth that must have come from some kind of spice--Wei Ying’s own addition to the standard recipe, most likely--and the paste of the filling is moist and fresh and oddly clean-tasting, as if something light and fresh had been blended in with the lotus seeds.
It’s the most delicious yuebing Lan Wangji has ever tasted, and he eats so many every mid-autumn from the gifts he and Lan Xichen receive that he was sick of them by the first year after his Xiongzhang started the law practice.
“How is it?” Wei Ying asks, halting with his arms buried up to the elbows in raisiny dough. “Do you--like them?”
Lan Wangji still has his eyes shut, with the sweet morsel cradled between his tongue and the roof of his mouth, and he extends a hand towards Wei Ying’s shoulder as if to assure himself that the love of his life is real.
“They are divine,” he says hoarsely. “Wei Ying, you--”
But before he can finish his sentence, the door flies open, and A-Yuan appears on the threshold with sugar smeared over his cheeks. “A-Niang!” the little boy cheers, wrapping his arms around Wei Ying’s legs. “A-Niang, did Lan-shushu like the mooncakes?”
He turns towards Lan Wangji without a reply, reaching out to tug at his slacks without letting go of Wei Ying. “Uncle Lan, you have to like them! A-Die didn’t let us try even one bite!”
“I only made enough for you,” Wei Ying mumbles, when Lan Wangji stares at him with stars in his eyes. “I don’t eat them very often, and you know I don’t sell them--but you had that dry one in your packed lunch when we went to the park with A-Yuan, and...”
Suddenly, his heart feels as if it could float right out of his body. “You wanted to make me one I would like?”
“I did.” Wei Ying’s cheeks are suffused with a beautiful flush, so delicate that Lan Wangji can hardly see it, but he is certain that if he touched his friend’s tanned skin, he would find it as warm as the oven counter. “Don’t eat those dry mooncakes anymore, ah? Come to me if you want them, and I’ll bake a batch for you.”
“I want to taste one,” A-Yuan clamors, butting his head against Wei Ying’s hip. “Please, Lan-shushu!”
“A-Yuan! The cakes were a gift, you can’t--”
“He is more than welcome to,” Lan Wangji says gently, bringing the most succulent-looking cake out of the box and offering it to A-Yuan. “If you take some, Yuan’er, the others will taste even sweeter.”
“Mm, they will. Food is the most delicious when it is shared.”
“That’s what I keep telling Xiao-Yu,” A-Yuan agrees, sighing as if the weight of the world were on his six-year-old shoulders. “His peanut snacks will taste better if he shares them with me, but he never does!”
“A-Yuan,” Wei Ying chides, bringing out a handkerchief to wipe Wen Yuan’s face. “Baobei, don’t speak with your mouth full. You might choke, and then what would A-Die do?”
The scene is so very domestic--with Wei Ying wiping A-Yuan’s cheeks, and Lan Wangji cupping his hand under the little boy’s mouth to catch the crumbs as he nibbles at the mooncake--that Lan Wangji almost dies on the spot. But then Xue Yang comes running in with Xiao-Yu and dumps the baby into his arms before rushing off to wait the tables in the dining room, and Lan Wangji comes so near to expiring that he has to cling to the table behind him for support.
“Dada,” Xiao-Yu whimpers, shoving his tiny nose into Lan Wangji’s neck as he curls deeper into the warm sweater Xichen forced him to wear before he went out. “Hug!”
Cause of death: cardiac arrest from spending too long with Wei Ying and the little ones, Lan Wangji think dazedly, breathing in a lungful of Xiao-Yu’s clean baby scent before Wei Ying leans over to take the infant from him. How can all three of them be so precious?
“Do you really think so?” Wei Ying teases. Lan Wangji turns crimson--he said the last sentence aloud somehow, and now Wei Ying is beaming at him as if Lan Wangji is the most wonderful thing he has ever beheld. “All this for a tasty mooncake, Lan Zhan? If I knew you liked good yuebing so much, I would have made them earli--”
“Have dinner with me.” Lan Wangji blurts out. “Wei Ying, I...please.”
“Aiyah, we’ve been friends for so long! You know you’re always welcome for dinner, right? I’ll ask Jiejie to make some extra noodles, and take one of the seasonal dishes off the menu so I can cook your favorite--”
“No, I...have dinner with me, Wei Ying. As...as a date.”
Wei Ying’s eyes go wide. “Lan Zhan?”
“A-Die says yes,” is A-Yuan’s solemn contribution. “Lan-shushu, he told me you make his heart beat fast, so you should take him to dinner!”
Lan Wangji takes Wei Ying’s hand, and for a moment he cannot tell which of their pulses is quicker. “Your A-Die makes my heart beat fast, too,” he tells A-Yuan. “It races every time he looks at me.”
“Do you mean it?” Wei Wuxian asks. He seems to glow under the low light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, though the smile on his face could surpass the sun itself for brightness. “Really?”
Lan Wangji nods, and he is suddenly very grateful that baby Xiao-Yu is safe in Wei Ying’s arms--because his laughing father chooses that moment to kiss Lan Wangji on the lips, very softly, and take his breath away again, and again, and again.
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kenmei · 4 years
♡ gn!reader x various hq characters
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characters: kozume kenma, kunimi akira, iwaizumi hajime, suna rintarou & miya atsumu
cw: comfort, fluff, slice of life, established relationships
synopsis: love, you both think, is right in front of me
wc: 800+
notes from mei!
another one of these cuz i like em :)
also, happy holidays to everyone who celebrates !!<33 if not, i hope u’re having a nice day/night, u lovely person xx
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kozume kenma
“hey.” he mumbles against your lips. you’re stirring awake, eyes glued shut from your eye crusties as you stretch.
rubbing your eyes, you open them after to see kenma peering down at you softly, a ghost of smile tugging at his lips.
he kisses your forehead.
“good morningggg.” you yawn, stretching again. this time, kenma weaves himself on top of you mid-stretch. you smile as you sneak your arms under his armpits, pulling him impossibly closer to you.
mornings like these are always nice. even if you’re already late for work, you can’t find it in you to get up. his warmth his nice.
everything about kenma is.
“call in.” he mumbles into your neck.
you giggle, running your fingers through his hair. “can’t, baby. c’mon, let’s get up.”
he shakes his head, his arms tightening around you. you pretend you can’t breathe, which makes him push himself up onto his arms. he stares down at you with a pout.
“i love you.” you smile, still half-asleep.
kenma swears that it doesn’t get better than this.
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kunimi akira
kunimi pops open the can, handing it to you. “here.”
you wonder why he chooses coffee when the sun is already setting, but you can’t find it in you to complain or question, simply mumbling your thanks before taking a sip.
it’s nice, the cold drink a good contrast to the humid weather.
you catch kunimi staring at you from the corner of his eyes. you tilt you head forward, angling it to meet his gaze.
roses bloom onto the expanse of his pale cheeks as he looks away. a laugh bubbles from your throat as you move closer to him, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.
his cheeks grow hotter and he mumbles something incoherent. then, he’s walking away with red ears.
laughter chimes in his ears as you tease him some more, before he feels your fingers inch down and you weave your fingers into his.
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iwaizumi hajime
he’s playful with you; never opposing to a way too competitive game of i spy, or a water fight in the middle of cleaning the house.
through each other, you both feel your inner child be embraced as you run around screeching with laughter.
“come here!” hajime laughs as he squeezes his water bottle, hitting you in the back. he chases you around the couch.
you screech, aiming the spray bottles at him. he tries to cover his face with an arm as you spray the water in his face. “foul play!”
“you just did that to me!”
“i hit your back!” he retorts, shaking his head. water flies everywhere.
“before that!”
you want to fall to the floor with how hard you’re laughing, watching as he wipes his face with his shirt. iwa looks at you, a sly grin painting his lips and you ready yourself to run the opposite way.
somehow, somewhere along those lines, iwaizumi tackles you onto the couch instead, deciding to redeem himself by tickling you until you’re gasping for air.
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suna rintarou
if love is real, suna thinks this has to be it.
you have his windbreaker wrapped around you, a skip in your step as trott ahead, taking in how pretty tokyo is at night.
“you hungry?” he calls out, “there’s a place right around the corner.”
you look over your shoulder, “a bit. you?”
rintarou nods and you stop, hand outstretching for him to take. in that moment, it feels like cupid shoots him right in the chest. rintarou feels like he’s suffocating from your scent; pretty eyes staring at him in concern only making his blush burn brighter.
“you’re such a cutie, rin.” you laugh, reaching just a bit further to grab his hand.
you pull him to you, sneaking your arms around his middle and kissing his cheek. suna groans in defeat, sinking a bit of his weight onto you.
“heeeyyy.” you whine, trying to push him off, “you’re heavy.”
“payback.” he mumbles into your hair.
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miya atsumu
cw: suggestive, mentions of alcohol
a hand sneaking itself onto your waist makes you tense, until you look up and meet a familiar smug grin.
“a warning would be nice.” you yell, loud music blasting in your ears.
atsumu leans down, whispering in your ear, “can’t i touch what’s mine?”
you swat his head, rolling your eyes. he knows he doesn’t piss you off though, you’re just teasing. he can see in the way you try to cover your grin by taking a sip of your drink.
he takes it from you, tipping his head back and shamelessly chugging the remains of your drink.
“what was that for?!”
the man leans over your shoulder, basically slamming the glass onto the counter. his sturdy arms snake around your waist, kissing your cheek. alcohol reeks from his breath, but in that moment, you find it kinda hot.
tilting your head back, you run a hand through his hair, using that leverage to tug his lips to yours.
atsumu feels butterflies dance in his tummy.
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choco-donuts · 3 years
Reki as your boyfriend.
Reki x gn!reader
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-Always makes you happy if you're sad, always makes dumb pun jokes to make you laugh.
''Y/n.. If a seagull flies over the sea, what flies over the bay?''
''Please Y/n?''
''ine, what flies over the bay?''
''A bagel.''
-now you're laughing as hard as you can, forgetting about what made you sad.
-please, help him with his work.
-we all know he watches skateboarding videos during class.
-Langa is your best friend, and he just sometimes third wheels y'all.
-Would teach you skating if you didn't know it!
''Reki... I'm scared...'' you said uneasily. You had a hard time keeping your balance, your board was shaking.
''It's okay Y/n... I'll catch you if you fall!'' said Reki confidently. ''And you're doing great!''
You blushed at his words, and concentrated, with Reki's guidance, you finally stood on the board without it shaking.
''Y/N! You did it!'' said Reki, with a happy smile.
-he gets so happy when you learn anything new
-But, if you did know skating, he'd be really happy! You'd both have skating dates, and try to learn new tricks.
-If skating wasn't your thing, he won't force you.
-he also makes a skateboard for you!
-wear his hoodies please.
-I feel like he smells like cinnamon. that was random
-he will absolutely melt
-wouldn't even ask them back
-mans think you look to cute T^T
-and if you give them back, he'll like that his hoodies smell like you
-always want to play with you
-whenever you go to his house, they just steal you away
''I brought Y/n here for me, not you!'' Reki whines.
''You should share!'' argues his sisters.
-lol everyone loves you
-loves hugs
-I think he'll be a bit shy on pda
-also would be shy when the relationship starts
-You hold his hand?
-he's red as a tomato
-but he gets comfortable quickly
-I feel like, he'd be a bit reluctant to bring you to S
-I mean, come on, it's kind of a scary place
-But, he would bring you
-always gets a good luck kiss from you whenever he's about to race someone.
-please tell him he's worth it when he's sad.
-you're the only one he opens up to you
-just cuddle him when he's sad
-praise him
-he's doing his best
-let him know he's perfect, because he is.
-yeah, this was long cuz i love this boy so much, sorry about that hehe
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While probably very unlikely, can you do some angst where Scar loses his finally life inside Dogwarts and Grian has a crisis where he realizes he actually cared about Scar while completely outnumbered?
this was such fun to write omg
Quietly and stealthily, Grian and Scar sneak over the wall to Dogwarts and creep towards the Renchanting building, TNT in hand.
But just as they get there, they hear someone snap, “Hey!”
Grian whirls round to find Martyn rushing towards them, sword out.
“Scar, bail!” he yelps, dashing away.
Scar takes off running in the opposite direction, circling round the building. But as he does, he finds himself face-to-face with Skizz, holding an enchanted diamond sword. “Get back, Scar! Get back!”
Scar responds by lighting the only block of TNT he has and tossing it at Skizz, who scrambles backwards to avoid it.
Across the complex, Grian hears the TNT go off but he’s too busy running from
Martyn, who’s pursuing him across the top of the wall, to look around and check on his companion.
“What are you doing here?” Martyn demands. “Trying to blow us up?”
“Yeah, so what?”
“So what?” echoes Martyn in disbelief. “You know I can’t let you do that, right?”
“Come get me, then.”
“Oh, I intend to.”
Meanwhile, Scar and Skizz are engaging in a swordfight, both evenly matched. Neither are great fighters but that means neither of them can get an advantage.
After a while, Scar manages to land a blow to Skizz’s hand, causing him to drop his weapon with a yelp of pain. He scrambles backwards as Scar advances on him, but ends up tripping over. Scar looms over him, sword raised.
“No!” Skizz screams, throwing up his arms to protect his head. “NO!”
Just as Scar starts to swing his sword, an arrow flies out of nowhere and buries itself in his chest, followed by two further arrows in almost the same place. Scar staggers backwards, eyes wide with shock and pain.
The final arrow fired at him hits him in the neck, delivering the fatal blow.
GoodTimeWithScar was shot by InTheLittleWood
Grian’s scream causes the Red Army to freeze in their tracks.
Atop the altar, Ren stares over at Grian, who has dropped to his hands and knees near the spot Scar fell. Even though Scar was their enemy, Ren feels Grian’s raw emotions as strongly as if they’re his own.
But that doesn’t change the fact that Grian is still their enemy.
Grian hangs his head, tears pouring from his eyes like a waterfall. Scar is gone. He should be happy; he’s free now. But he’s not happy. Scar was the closest thing to a family that he had on this server, and now Scar is gone.
“Grian,” comes Martyn’s warning voice.
Grian slowly looks up to find all three members of the Red Army closing in on him: Martyn and Skizz on the left with bows pointed at him, and Ren on the right with a sword.
“Nobody else needs to die today, Grian,” Ren says, though his voice isn’t hard or cold. It’s gentle. Sympathetic. He’s giving Grian a fair chance. “Go. Go to the flower fields. Major and Solidarity will take you in. We won’t attack you there.”
For several seconds, Grian doesn’t move. A million plans race through his head, though only one of them is screaming enough for him to hear it.
He could charge at them right now. Of course, he’d be struck down immediately. But he could take Ren or Skizz down with him. They’re both on red. They’d go the same way as Scar. He could achieve some semblance of vengeance for his fallen friend.
“Listen to him, Grian,” says Skizz pleadingly. “We don’t wanna kill you too.”
After another excruciating pause, Grian rises to his feet and regards his enemies with a dangerous look. “I’ll avenge him,” he says hoarsely. “I hope you know that. I’ll avenge him if it’s the last thing I do.”
He turns to look at Martyn. “You better hope you go red before me,” he growls slowly, “cuz I’ll be coming for you the second I do.”
Martyn steadily meets his gaze. “One last chance, Grian. Go.”
Breathing heavily and hunched over slightly like a cornered animal, Grian turns and runs. The Red Army watch him scale the wall and disappear over the other side, before they all finally relax and let their guard down.
“Martyn, you alright?” asks Ren, noticing a slight limpness to his ally.
“Yeah, I just…” Martyn inhales deeply. “That’s only the second time I’ve killed someone on this server. And… my first red lifer. It feels kinda bad, honestly…”
“Hey, you absolutely saved my life,” Skizz says, gripping Martyn’s shoulder reassuringly. “I know it sucks but if you hadn’t taken him out, he would’ve ended me. You did what you had to do.”
“I guess so… I’m just a little worried about Grian. He’s experienced this kind of loss before and he doesn’t take it well.”
“Grian is still our enemy and now he’s sworn vengeance on you,” says Ren. “I sympathise with him but we need to focus on the goal at hand.”
The other members of the Red Army exchange nods. They know they have to get back to business, no matter how hard it is. Despite the loss the whole server’s just suffered, they have to forget about Scar and move on.
It’s been fifteen minutes since the notification in chat, and Scott can still hardly believe that Scar’s gone from the server forever. He’s never fully trusted Scar but they were allies, and Scott would have come to Scar’s aid if he’d asked.
Why didn’t he ask?
As Scott heads over to the gate, puzzling this out, he happens to glance up and spot Grian stumbling into the flower fields, red in the face and in a horrible state.
“Grian!” Scott gasps.
He dashes forward, reaching Grian just in time to catch him as he collapses forward. “Grian, what happened?!”
“W-We attacked Dogwarts,” Grian gasps out. “M-Me and Scar. He… He got… He’s…”
“Why didn’t you call us, Grian?! We could have stopped this!”
“I-I didn’t think we-.”
Grian breaks off with another heaving breath. He looks up at Scott, whose heart skips a beat at Grian’s intense expression. Grian’s eyes, normally warm brown, are flashing red.
“I gotta take them down, Scott,” he says, his voice low and raspy. “I gotta avenge Scar. No matter what. I gotta take them down.”
Scott can only stare at Grian in shock. He’s never seen his friend like this before.
Grian turns his head to look up at the sky. The clouds drift past on the breeze; it’s a wonderful sunny afternoon. But Grian doesn’t care.
Grian may still be on his green life, but now he only sees red.
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mrkcore · 4 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: huang renjun x reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: fairy(faerie)!renjun, human!reader, academia aesthetic, royalcore, medieval setting
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you meet renjun one night. from that time on, you wait patiently for him every night.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, angst
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): none
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨: talking to the moon - bruno mars
𝐚/𝐧: renjun fic because it’s his bday :3 (i researched a lot about faeries and fairies, but none of them fit the concept i planned, so i kinda just merged some stuff i saw, so this probably isn’t the most accurate, and it is fiction so yeah) i tried to be a lot more descriptive in this one (cuz i’m really bad at that), so pls gimme feedback that would really be appreciated tyvm <3
a part of @nakamotocore​​‘s cliffhanger collab!
(comment here to be added to the taglist!)
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another day has come to the end. you’re finally back in your room, sitting at your desk, trying to finish the work you didn’t finish from your classes.
you sigh. even after lighting all of the candles in your room, you’re still feeling unmotivated to continue your language work.
so you pull up your mythology textbook, and take a sneak peek at tomorrow’s topic: fairies.
“fairy, also spelled faerie or faery, a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having magic powers and dwelling on earth in close relationship with humans. it can appear as a dwarf creature typically having green clothes and hair, living underground or in stone heaps, and characteristically exercising magic powers to benevolent ends; as a diminutive sprite commonly in the shape of a delicate, beautiful, ageless winged creature dressed in diaphanous white clothing, inhabiting fairyland, but making usually well-intentioned intervention in personal human affairs; or as a tiny, mischievous, and protective creature generally associated with a household hearth.”
reading on, you’re slowly feeling your eyes droop, tiredness flooding your system. before you know it, your eyes close and bring you to a quiet slumber.
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something is tickling your nose, and more is tickling your arm as well. 
did you forget to close your window? or is it the dust from your shelves coming to haunt you for not dusting them for over a month?
you get up drowsily, trying to find the source of the disruption.
your candles are still lit, but it’s still dark outside, so it’s probably not morning yet. you turn around to grab the shawl you discarded on your bed, and put it on.
you reach out to close your window, but to your surprise, there’s a boy. sitting on the ledge of your window. 
and he has wings, sparkling transparent wings.
you’re in awe. from this angle, the moonlight shines just right for his beautiful wings to glisten as they flutter. 
you don’t realize, but you’re slowly walking towards him. your body gravitating towards the strange but stunning creature. 
he hears the floorboard creaking underneath your feet, and turns around to look at you.
you’re shocked by his appearance. 
he’s heavenly. his round, gentle doe eyes are iridescent, sparking while he’s staring at you. dainty, plump, parted lips, and a button nose. you’ve never seen anyone’s features as pretty as his. 
“oh, you are awake now.” his mouth turns upwards into a smile. you’re baffled. “i hope i was not the cause that woke you, how did you rest?”
the creature turns around and flies right next to you. you instinctively sit down on your bed, and he follows suit. 
“i-, i slept well?” you answered hesitantly. you check your watch discreetly, displaying the time, 1:35 am. the boy–or being, sitting besides you catches the action, and leans in to view the interesting gadget. 
he scares you a little bit, and you quickly scramble to put it back into your pocket. he looks at you with great curiosity.
you wonder if he’s ever been in contact with humans before.
“so uh, what is your name?” you try to strike up a conversation now that you know he is able to speak. 
“i do not really have one, but you can call me renjun.” he beams. “and you? what should i call a beautiful lady like yourself?”
you’re blushing with how polite, charming, and poised he is.
“my name is y/n.”
and that’s where it all began. 
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renjun came to your window every night when the moon comes at its brightest. it became part of your routine, and thankfully you didn’t have a roommate, so you stay up every night just talking to him.
for some reason, your lack of sleep did not affect you as much as you thought it would. the headmaster, teachers, maids, they always told students to get a full night’s rest so you’d be at your fullest learning capacity. but you’ve never felt better. you never asked what renjun was, it never came up during your late night discussions. you knew from his appearance that he was somewhat like a fairy, but you never asked him about anything, even though you were always curious. 
renjun’s sudden arrival into your life made you feel so bubbly and warm every single day. all of the girls in your class have noticed, so has your homeroom professor. 
“y/n! y/n!” they called to you during lunch break the day after your first encounter with renjun. “you seem so happy today even though we had an exam, what are you smiling so brightly about?”
you wanted to keep him as your little secret. so you just smugly smirked at them.
“none of your business.” you bite back before turning around to walk away.
they all squealed. 
“it’s a boy!”
“definitely a boy.”
“nothing else would be as exciting!”
whispers went around the classroom, and the girls were happily gossiping amongst themselves. your teacher even giggled a bit when she thought the class wasn’t looking. your classmates ask every single day, but you don’t cave. still pleased with the spectacle you’ve stirred up.
but it’s true, you’ve been much happier. strolling the school grounds with a skip in your step, a cheerful mood during class every day, and finishing your homework (renjun insists you do it before he visits so you are free to talk).
you’re so excited for your late night chats with him that you rush to your room to finish your work for the day. surprising all of your teachers of your newfound burst of productiveness.
you feel over the moon.
until he disappeared.
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renjun stopped showing up at your window one day, out of the blue. no explanation, no nothing. it’s not like you had any other form of communication with him. so he completely went off the grid. leaving you by yourself.
for the first week, you didn’t accept that he just left. so like usual, you patiently waited for his arrival with the moon shining brightly.
but he never came. for weeks and weeks, you’d wait to no avail of his presence. 
you know he’s somewhere out there. somewhere far away. you want him back. 
your neighbours think you’re crazy. 
sitting at your open window, staring at the moon, and barely getting any sleep.
but they don’t understand. 
no one had ever listened to you as attentively as he did. no one cared to listen to you talk about your hopes and dreams, how your day went, what colour you found the prettiest (if you were wondering, it is green, renjun’s wings are a pretty light green), what pastries you enjoyed stuffing yourself with, your comfort book, no one. 
he’s all you have.
so like a hopeless, smitten, lovestruck girl, you sat quietly with the cold breeze blowing into your room at night from your window.
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weeks go by, and you’re still waiting for his visits. at night, when the stars light up your room, you sit by yourself, talking to the moon. trying to get to him, in hopes he’s on the other side, talking to you too.
you’re feeling like you’re famous, the talk of the town.
your bright spirit you had before was gone, and you kept your head down at day. 
everyone was talking about how you got dumped, or got your heart broken by the boy you were head-over-heels for. they say you’ve gone mad; yeah, you’ve gone mad.
but they don’t know what you know.
‘cause when the sun goes down, someone’s talking back.
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around 3 months later, you’re sitting at your desk, finishing work. you look up, and suddenly, the moon starts lighting up brighter, flashing.
you’re in disbelief, did the moon just, blink at you? 
then, a shadow of a figure with wings appears, and waves at you. 
that familiar figure, renjun.
was this renjun reassuring you that he hasn’t abandoned you? 
this ignites that spark inside of you. not thinking rationally anymore, no longer somber, you instantly get up to scramble to the window to sit down.
while you’re speaking, the moon blinks, as if he’s talking back.
so again, at night, when the stars light up your room, you sit by yourself, talking to the moon. trying to get to him.
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until that stops too. 
the moon stops responding to you. no signs of anyone, and the moon looks more dull than before.
you wonder to yourself, “am i a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon?”
you still stay up to mindlessly talk to the moon, in hopes he’s on the other side, talking to you too. does he ever hear you calling? ‘cause every night, you’re talking to the moon, still trying to get to him.
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then, one night, you fall asleep again. 
trying to study for your project, your mythology textbook is still open. you don’t mean to, but school has been tiring, and you couldn’t help it.
but you wake up to the familiar tingling sensation on your arm. you open your eyes, and see renjun’s gaze on you. head rested on his hands, with his arms on your desk.
is this a dream? you feel faint. is this really happening? was he really in front of you? 
your eyes roam renjun’s face desperately. his eyes, his hair, his moles, his nose, those kissable lips. all the same like you remember.
“you’re awake.” he says. “i’m sorry i was gone for so long, i had some complications and was unable to travel.” 
renjun smiles, apologetically.
“i’ve missed you, sweetheart. how have you been?” 
your eyes zoom in on his lips.
“kiss me.” you blurt out before you can stop yourself. renjun seems surprised as well.
“sweetheart, are you sure you want th–” 
before he even finishes, you crash your lips onto his. 
they’re as soft as you imagined. his lips taste sweet, like the nectar of the beautiful flowers in your school gardens. 
he deepens the kiss, and you let him. feeling over the moon.
when the both of you pull away, things go back to normal. renjun is diligently listening to your rambles, and you’ve never felt better.
when the moon starts to disappear, you realize it’s time for him to go.
“you should probably go home.” you said, sadly. “you said you had some important things to do, so i must not distract you from your work.”
“oh sweetheart,” renjun chuckles. “but i’m already home.” he says with a eerie smile that makes you stop.
“pardon me?” you reply, slightly terrified by his change in tone.
“you heard me little human,” he licks his lips menacingly. you flinch when his hand travels up to your face to caress your cheek. “i’m already home.”
tears are flooding your eyes as renjun’s fingers grow longer into claws and he wraps them around your airway.
“you humans think you can just come into our homes and destroy our land, families, our lives.” he growls. “YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM US.” 
renjun screams, his hand forcing you to look at him. his eyes are no longer the soft doe ones you knew, filled with rage and hurt as he poured his emotions onto you.
“now we’re taking it back.” he snickers. “this stupid building you built upon our old home, it will be gone.”
his hand squeezes tighter on your neck and you’re quickly losing consciousness.
“and we’re starting with you.” renjun taunts, his normal hand coming up to your face to caress it again. 
“it’s a shame thought,” he shrugs, seemingly defeated. “i kinda liked you.”
he drops you on the floor, and you’re gone. 
tears still flowing out of your eyes as renjun walks out of your room.
“unlike the fairies, faeries are considered to be evil, horrid, and mischievous creatures. the faeries are evil, unfriendly, and cruel spirits. the faeries are a bit dangerous also. humanity destroying most of their lives, they seek revenge to take back what once was theirs.”
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©mrkcore, 2021.
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