edge-a-sketch · 1 year
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new oc alert !!
(click for clearer image)
bumper-car alt mode, but also shifts to a more road-ready form :))
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
I'm trying to read this old article about my cousin and I forgot how to get around the paywall. Can anyone help?
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"did i mean anything!" echo's angered screams at the sith lord ..."all we've done fives.... heavy jesse ..... droidbait cuttup nintynine?.....".......tears dripped down his face "did my brother our unit.... our.... family mean anything!"
((have an angry echo
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"Of course. But we all had decisions to make, and I decided to see past the lies I was told by the Jedi."
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johnnyclash87 · 5 years
Ok this might be a bit far fetched but.. I think Domino squad and maybe other members of the 501st were part of some sort of experiment..
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justmyfeeling-blog1 · 6 years
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crashdown · 2 years
can’t believe scottish ppl are canon in star wars now ☺️
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anileahvictoria · 3 years
What's up I'm back, tell me your favorite characters in all the different pieces of Star Wars media you're into, please!
Also, if you've read any Star Wars books, tell me your top three or five favorites!! (I'd apologize give for spamming you with asks but I already did so I'm not gonna lol hope you don't mind)
Nice to meet you, Back, I’m Front!
Excuse that awful dad joke 😅 but let’s go chronologically:
Prequels: Y’all are gonna hate me and I’m gonna lose friends and followers but Jar Jar is one of my favs and always will be. Little Annie has always had a place in my heart too. Padme and I relate on having to deal with creepy possessive boys but not to brag, I handled them better 😬. ObiWan needs no explanation.
Clone Wars: let’s start with the clones: 99 is by far my favorite clone and I don’t need to explain myself. Hardcase and I are both a little (ok, a lot) hyperactive so we’re buds. Cuttup’s accent had me from the start, ok. We both mask pain with humor and will laugh anything off. Tbh I was not a fan of Snips for a long while but the Barris arc and season 7 quickly got me on board. Senator Chuchi idk man but I always liked her. Shaak Ti! I love her! There’s so many characters I’m prolly missing a few.
Rebels: literally all of them, don’t make me choose.
Solo: whatever that chicks name is. Also that other chick, the redhead one. I love them both. *chefs kiss* and that little guy (rip) I love him. Oh and Han too ofc. And Chewie odv.
Rogue One: also do not make me choose (it’s Chirutt… and K2SO… and Jyn… and Cassian… and Baze… and-ok I’ll stop)
Original trilogy: Leia, no need to explain. Han, also no need to explain. C3-PO fun fact I had a crush on this droid when I was little. R2 ofc. Admiral Akbar, and that’s no trap.
Mandalorian: Grogu and Din, obviously. Also Cara Dune and literally every other side character.
Boba: the whole thing was trash and so where the characters.
Sequels: D-O. And I guess Finn too.
Unfortunately I have not read any of the books, I stick to the stories told on the screen.
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ficsnooneaskedfor · 3 years
Call the Twi'lek Midwife
Chapter 11: Fireworks
Word count: 2K
Series rating: M
Chapter summary: The celebration continues for Melita as Wrecker stresses about a special surprise he has planned to mark the occassion. Echo and Citali share some intimate moments in the kitchen alone.
TW: none that I can think of.
Masterlist | AO3 | Prev. Chapter | Next Chapter
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When the ceremony was over, it was time for the party to officially begin. The children were playing games while the adults mingled. Some were eating and drinking, others dancing to the music, a few sat by the roaring fire, everyone coming in and out of the house as they pleased. Echo was sitting by the fire watching with a smile on his face as Citali and Melita danced together through the flames. He had danced a couple of rounds with her before reluctantly pulling away. This was Melita's night after all, and it wouldn't be fair to keep Citali all to himself as much as he wanted to. He had grown to care for Melita just as much as his brothers, Omega, and Citali, just in a different way. For the moment he was content watching the two women dancing and laughing.
Moments like this made him remember how much life could be a game of chance. How if one event was changed, even slightly, he wouldn't be experiencing what he was right now. Had he never been captured, if he'd never joined his new squad, if they happened to be away on a mission the night Citali came to Cid's Parlour in a panic covered in blood, he never would have known this new life. He wouldn't be in the countryside of Ord Mantell cooking and serving drinks to his new friends. Sometimes he found himself wishing Fives, Hevy, Cuttup, and Droidbait were here to see him now. They probably would get a kick out of his new love of cooking. And they would have adored Citali. Maybe someday he'd be able to introduce her to Rex, he just knew they would get along great.
"Hey Echo," he heard a gruff voice say, turning his head to see Wrecker standing next to him, a drink in his hand. "You two threw a good party," Wrecker said as he looked at Melita, happier and more lovely than he'd ever seen her.
"Thanks Wrecker. And thanks for keeping Melita entertained while we set everything up."
"Oh yeah...no problem," he said. "Listen ugh...can I ask you something?"
Echo had been waiting for this conversation. He wondered if it was finally happening. "Go ahead."
"Did you...know right away that you liked Citali? Liked her differently than a friend, I mean."
Echo had to fight the urge to laugh. So it was happening. "Pretty much, but everyone is different, you know? I think some people know right away, others it takes time. Why do you ask?"
Wrecker rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, no reason. I was just curious, that's all."
For a moment, he wanted to tease Wrecker the way he had done to him, but he could tell the poor guy was worked up enough as it was. He put his hand on Wrecker's shoulder and said, "Don't worry. She's gonna love her surprise. You'll see."
Wrecker could tell by Echo's face and voice that he knew. So Hunter and Tech apparently knew, and now Echo? How did everyone seem to know before him? He wondered if Melita knew too. Everything he had done for her, he didn't do it to win her affection. He just wanted to make her happy and feel cared for, he knew she might not feel the same way about him. His new feelings for her just confused him is all. He was glad Echo understood what he was feeling.
Wrecker gave a relieved smile and said, "Thanks Echo."
Echo smiled back at him and clapped him on the back. "No problem buddy."
As the night wore on, Citali and Echo went into the kitchen from time to time, taking a break to warm up and wash dishes, trying to keep up with them so there would be less work to do when the party ended. She was looking out the window as Melita was dancing in a circle with Wrecker and Omega, her beaded necklace made of love, well wishes, and wisdom around her neck.
"Do you think she had a good time?" Citali asked Echo as he handed her some dishes.
"She wouldn't fake it to be nice?" Citali had worried that without her family, it just wouldn't be the same to her.
"She had fun Citali. I haven't known her nearly as long as you, but I've never seen her smile so much."
He was right of course. Citali hadn't seen her this happy in a long time, and even her tears had been tears of joy.
"I just feel bad that her family isn't here," she said with anger in her voice. Echo came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. He looked out the window at Melita, Wrecker, and Omega laughing. Hunter and Tech coming over to speak to them and Melita dragging them into the dance circle as well, both men looking a little stiff as they humored her.
"Her family is here," He said. Citali put her dishes and rag down and turned around to face him. "She's lucky to have you. And you're lucky to have her."
She put her arms around his neck. "Thank you for helping me with all of this. I couldn't have done it without you guys. I really wanted today to be special for her."
"I know you did. I was glad to help, we all were. She's got all of us now too."
She smiled and kissed him gently, but their kissing quickly became more intense. He pressed her up against the counter as she moved her hands down his chest and to his hips, drawing him closer. Their tongues entered each other's mouths, his hand on her long neck. They had to pull away from each other before they got too riled up.
After the night she had finally opened up to him, it was like a light had switched on for both of them. Their kissing sessions before had been cute and flirty, and they still were sometimes. But there were other times when it was more passionate and sensual. They would nibble each other's necks, causing the receiver to alternate between giggles and moans. They'd climb on top of one another, putting their hands all over each other's bodies, finding it hard to control themselves.
He put his forehead to her's and gently grazed one of her lekku with his fingertips, sending a shiver down her spine. In a husky whisper he said, "This party has been a lot of fun. But I can't wait till I have you all to myself."
She went in to kiss him again, unable to resist the sound of his voice when the kitchen door flung open. It was Omega. The looks of embarrassment on both their faces told her that she had interrupted an intimate moment. After the first time she caught them kissing, Hunter tried to have an awkward conversation with her about what they were doing. She still didn't really understand, so she had asked Citali about it when they were alone in her office one day as they were going over some anatomy charts. They had a more open and honest conversation about it in a way that she could comprehend. Citali thought it best she not tell Echo they'd had that talk. She didn't want to break Omega's confidence in her.
"Sorry!" She said as she covered her eyes.
Citali laughed while Echo looked mortified. "It's alright Omega," she said. "What's up?"
"Wrecker wanted me to tell you we're doing the surprise for Melita soon," she said giddy with anticipation. "He said you should come outside."
"Alright, we'll be out in a minute," Echo said, still covering his face, and Omega walked back out. Once Omega left, Citali burst out laughing again.
"I'm glad you find this so amusing," Echo said smiling and shaking his head.
"Oh it's okay Echo, I saw my parents kiss all the time when I was a kid. I even...walked in on them a few times on accident." Echo started blushing. He hadn't really thought about what it would be like to do that with Citali until just now, and it made him feel like tiny explosions were going off in his brain. He wasn't sure how it was possible to crave something he'd never had.
She put her hand to his cheek. "It's been a while since I've seen you blush like this. I've kind of missed it, to be honest," her voice low and suggestive, and it gave him goosebumps that he liked.
He kissed her quickly, took her by the hand, and said, "C'mon, Wrecker will be heartbroken if we miss it. He's been working on this for weeks."
When they came outside everyone was still dancing and talking. When Wrecker saw them a big smile came over his face. Hunter and Tech had just returned from the fields, and let him know it was ready. Wrecker looked at Citali and gave her a wink.
"Alright everyone," Citali announced over the music. Tech turned the music down so everyone could hear her. A hush came over the crowd. "Before everyone starts heading home, we have a little surprise that our friend Wrecker here has been working very hard on. Wrecker, if you please..." Citali said as she smiled at him.
Wrecker, who had been dancing with Melita a good part of the night, reached into his pocket and pulled out a device with a single button on it. "Here Melita, this is for you," and he placed it in her hand.
A confused smile was on her face. "What is it?"
"Push the button and find out," he said the anticipation nearly killing him. Normally he would have wanted to do it, but this was Melita's special day and she deserved the honor.
"Alrighty then," she said and she pushed it.
Far off in the distance, multiple explosions went off that flew up off the ground, and suddenly the black night sky was filled with color, the flames sparkling as they fell towards the ground. There was a collective gasp from the crowd when the fireworks first detonated, then there were cheers and clapping. A second wave went off and exploded into a field of flowers, the flames falling looking like petals.
As the crowd cheered, Melita stood silent, mouth agape, truly speechless for maybe the first time in her life. Wrecker couldn't even admire his work, his gaze was fixed on Melita as he saw the reflection of the fireworks in her beautiful eyes.
On one of their missions, Wrecker had come across a supply of explosives. They were old and had no real value on the black market, having lost most of their punch. But the explosives expert knew just what to do with them. He'd spent the last few weeks disassembling them, taking the powder inside and putting them into shells to make the shapes, adding different salts for color, setting timers, rewiring, and a lot more before putting it all back together again. It hadn't been difficult for him (he'd made fireworks many times before) it was just time-consuming. He'd lost many hours of sleep but it would all be worth it if it made Melita smile.
She had already done so much happy crying today, she really hadn't wanted to do more. But as she watched the third and final wave explode into a simple rendering of a mother holding her child, in the most dazzling assortment of colors yet, she couldn't stop her hormonal self from full-on sobbing.
Wrecker looked at her, feeling like he was about to cry himself. "Do you...not like it? I'm sorry Melita I thought..." He didn't get to finish his sentence before Melita threw her arms around his neck, pulling him down to pepper his cheeks with kisses, a smile on her tear-streaked face.
"Oh you wonderful man. Thank you!"
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Taglist: @justasigh37 @darkangel4121
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kbtheplaymaker · 7 years
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#nowplaying - "GOTTA MAKE IT" #CuttUp x #CBO 🔥🔥🔥 @cutt_ent #newmusic #NEW #INDEPENDENT #worldwide #marketing #westcoast #midwest
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metalmarge · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The shredded red queen xs-xl.
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honeygotspice · 2 years
tobe really go hard. If I were to ever get married, me & my husband will cuttup off EAT.!
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chrismbr · 3 years
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#Stan Piranha (3D), 2010. If nude babes on summer vaycay getting cuttup by bad CGI is your idea of fun, this is your film (its sequel is Piranha DD) but for a ‘comedy-horror’ I found no comedy nor horror. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRxD78jn9uG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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richm04 · 7 years
#preptime #cuttups
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djjunky · 9 years
Bless mi family u zeeet @jsejamesmusic @rtmradio_net @rufftouch_movement - Yoowwwww!!!! @iamdjjunky mad move..mi like how u #cuttup di place wit di #new track #whenwe on @RTMRadio mad respect mi general upupupup!!!! #Regrann
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metalmarge · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cuttup size small red crop.
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metalmarge · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Home of the brave diy tank top.
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