#cutting-edge anatomy education
townpostin · 1 month
Cutting-Edge Virtual Dissection Table Unveiled at MTMC Jamshedpur
Anatomage Technology Revolutionizes Medical Education in Eastern India Manipal Tata Medical College introduces state-of-the-art 3D anatomy visualization tool, setting new standards for medical training in Jharkhand. JAMSHEDPUR – Manipal Tata Medical College (MTMC) has inaugurated a groundbreaking Anatomage table, elevating anatomy education to new heights in Eastern India. The virtual dissection…
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🏥 The TARDIS Sickbay
Have you ever wondered what happens when a Time Lord needs some medical attention on their travels? Well, look no further than the TARDIS Sickbay—an onboard medical facility fully equipped to deal with all your medical emergencies. Let's take a quick tour.
🔬 Cutting-Edge Medical Tech
The TARDIS Sickbay is packed with some of the most advanced medical equipment in the universe:
Advanced Diagnostic Terminal (ADT): This has overhead medical scanners and vast data files on advanced medical techniques. The ADT can diagnose and treat nearly any ailment a Gallifreyan might encounter. If configured by a qualified medical expert, it can also be programmed to treat other species. The ADT can also project a holographic avatar to guide you through your treatment—usually in the form of the Time Lord who set it up, but you can always request a different face from the TARDIS memory store.
Surgical Containment Web: Perfect for life-threatening injuries, this surgical device lasers away damaged tissue while organic polymers reconstruct missing flesh. It can even reattach severed limbs—though, it's not quite advanced enough to regenerate lost limbs for humans.
Cell Regeneration Vault: A coffin-like cabinet that can absorb nearly all types of radiation. It's not the most comfortable process, causing a burning sensation, and can take days to fully heal the patient. Unfortunately for the Tenth Doctor, this feature is only available on Type 66 TARDISes and later.
Other minor features:
Quarantine Bay: For isolating contagious patients.
Handheld Healing Devices: Variety of instruments to heal cuts, bruises, and other minor injuries in 30 minutes or less.
Artron Detectors: Useful for establishing artron levels, prophylactic of hypo/hyperartronosis.
Healing Environmental Controls: Helps to prevent patients from passing out.
(TARDIS Technical Index)
Whoniverse Facts for Friday by GIL
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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alltimefail-sims · 5 months
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Ari DeLuca For Nafisa by @flocy-sims!
The Basics: -> Human; She/Her -> Lesbian -> San Myshuno born and raised -> Young Adult (Right on the line - irl probably like 25 years old!)
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Details below the cut! ↓
Ari's traits are: Outgoing, Hot-Headed, and Booklover. She also has one additional "Self-Discovery" bonus trait, Active!
-> Her current aspiration is: Super Parent (Ari has always loved kids: even if she were never to marry she would still foster and maybe even adopt!) -> Education: Distinguished Biology Degree with Honors from Foxbury Institute -> Career: Doctor (Level 8, Medical Specialist)
-> Additional Details: Grew up in a single parent household with her mom and two younger brothers. She was always a parentified well-behaved child and a great student and athlete, but did find herself in a few physical altercations along the way (which she was usually justified for, tbh). Ended up graduating high school with honors and went to college on a hefty scholarship. Is 100% no-contact with her dad. Is often seen with popsicle sticks, match sticks, suckers, toothpicks, etc. hanging out of her mouth (calms her nerves when she's idle). Has a tough exterior and is a little rough around the edges, but always coming from a genuine, empathetic place (has a good heart).
-> Random Rapid-Fire Likes: organized and minimalistic spaces, herbal (and heavily caffeinated) teas, reading (always has a new book in her bag), mornings, a good spirited argument or debate, fountain pens, weightlifting, kickboxing, spearmint gum, riding her motorcycle, spicy food, physical touch, listening (instead of talking/leading the conversation), traveling (and just going out in general - she is the opposite of a homebody).
-> Random Rapid-Fire Dislikes: popular cringe words or phrases like "doggo/pupper," "adulting," "skibidi toilet," so on. Dressing up fancy, being the center of attention, nosy and/or insecure people, MUSICALS, any and every neon color, strong perfume-y scents (her hellscape would take place in a bath and bodyworks lmao), anything with jello in it, SNOW (and really the winterfest holiday season as a whole). Oh and she hates when people find out she's a doctor and immediately bring up popular shows like Grey's Anatomy or House!
Private DL <3
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codeandcanvas · 3 months
An idea for a study project about studying after graduation: Uncredited Credits
I have been kicking around this idea during my graphic design study for a while, since I am nothing but ambitious (and I have a few fond memories of this working before, to my benefit): to actually put in the workload for each topic related to graphic design and applied arts.
Hi. I am Mario, and I have a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, which, to you, should mean that I passed every test. And, for the sake of this project, it is best to assume that I barely made the cut each time. It is also best to assume that this applies to everyone with a degree, since scoring high grades is not what makes you pass.
A passing grade does.
So, right now, I am at the point where I am ready to actually understand graphic design (and my second interest: applied arts), and I was looking for a system, a quantifiable system of work put in, translating into workload, per week, per topic.
And that system is called ECTS: the European Credit Transfer System
Each credit in this system translates to roughly 25 hours of workload put in. A topic or lecture is worth 3 credits? That means an investment of 75 hours. 5 credits translate to 125 hours.
You can use this for yourself, independent of whether or not you actually study a course someplace.
So, you can go ahead and look online for a course giving you information about its lectures, topics, ECTS credits, and workload, and create your own schedule, at your own pace:
45 minutes every other day will very quickly beat the eight‑hour long crunches once each week, since a good schedule is about allowing consistency to take hold. I am not an educator (yet, afaik), but from what I remember the issue with these crunch sessions is that the session which came before is already barely present, its learnings vague, my progress a memory.
So, let us say that you have found a course telling you about its lectures and classes, and how they are set up. Ideally, with information about recommended literature. If you are a polyglot (and who isn’t these days?) you can again enjoy having an edge, for obvious reasons I don’t need to get into. You have been shopping around colleges and universities around the EU, and you have found out that which interests you most, is figure drawing.
And, for the sake of this example, I’ll say that there are three figure drawing classes, called “figure drawing I”, “figure drawing II”, and “figure drawing III” respectively, valued at 5 each. To you, this means a workload of 375 hours for your absolute foundations in figure drawing (5 × 3 × 25).
Of course, to do this, you also need courses in anatomy (75 hours?), drawing (75 plus 75 hours maybe?), and painting (375 hours?) to have those foundations upon which you can build your figure drawing.
Provided you build smart (and frequent a good library in the largest city in your area), we are looking at a workload of around 975 hours.
These are study hours: learning, reading, doing.
What this translates to in terms of doing 45 minutes of work every other day, is that to get those (I assume solid) foundations in figure drawing, assuming you work 3 hours per week in total, will take you 375 weeks.
Or 6.25 years.
This seems slow. And it is. It should be. But the outcome will be the same: a passing grade in figure drawing. For only 45 minutes of work every other day (not counting your trips to the library each time you need a new book to study from).
Of course, we can look at that the other way as well: if that is the workload anyhow, why not get credits for it? They, at the very least, are proof of what you studied. And because, in our example, we just accumulated around 45 ECTS credits, you might as well have them validated and go study for real, feel me?
BTW, my graphic design study was 180 of those credits in total, so you just did a quarter of the points needed for completing a bachelor’s degree.
Huh. This was insightful. For both of us, I hope.
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spacecolonie · 2 years
Hello! Do you have any advice with painting? Every time I start I end up just doing lineart with colours underneath, and when I do kindles art it looks kind of like plastic. Am I supposed to merge the two layers and then start shading? What would you recommend?
Hey anon!! I actually do have some advice for that!! I'll shove it under a cut because it got way longer than I thought it would, sorry for the infodump everyone _(:3 」∠)_
quick tl;dr: painting process should consider both personal taste & the desired aesthetic of a painting, & to avoid plastic-y colours, make sure your hues vary within your values (and layer modes are ur friend) ♥
there's a million ways to start paintings & its all down to personal preference -- the end goal for the illustration can often influence the approach you take; a crisp digital painting might call for meticulous layering & sharp edged flats, but if you want something to look like an oil painting, you should try and mimic that process as close as you can! here's some examples:
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this is the sketch for my FYR zine piece from last year; i intentionally approached it in a way that looks like traditional underpaintings so that when I worked directly on top, those orange tones would peek through like this:
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after doing that undersketch, i manually painted everything -- no fancy layer modes, just me, one layer, and screaming ಥ_ಥ it was hard but it worked for the vibe i wanted!!
now v.s something like this:
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simple shapes, roughly blocked in shading that just gets merged and painted over, as well as lots of layer modes on top for those colour changes! this is by far the easier one & the one i'd probably recommend, solely because it lets you keep more control. i go more in depth here on that -- but to quickly answer, i personally block everything (including shading) in before I merge & render!
for the other thing you mentioned, a lot of the times that 'plastic' feeling can come from either a lack of transitional shades or only using white/black for your value tones. this tweet thread (direct image links 1, 2 & 3) by frozensoba demonstrates it incredibly well -- by adding certain colour shifts in your values, it can create extra depth which is what makes stuff look more alive!! don't be afraid to really push it and get wacky
an easy way to add it while you're learning is using gradient maps to add richness in your midtones. It's not perfect since different surfaces & materials diffuse light differently, but adding one at the end of a drawing can help tie everything together. If you can do both at once though it always looks best; here's some very quick 2 minute orbs as an example:
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ok I'm almost done (and im so sorry for how long this got... special interest moment TM) -- one last thing is to try varying your brush strokes & adding textures if you want. using only an airbrush or heavily relying on blurring brushes can make things look plastic too; sometimes you want that, but for the times you don't, adding some texture & leaving brush marks in can do a lot!!
lastly, since this is just me rambling, here are some artists that are incredibly talented & i highly recommend looking at for their advice & processes because it will be much more coherent than this:
Marco Bucci -- amazing educational content. if you check out any of these artists, he's the one to look at first imo. his 10 minutes to better painting series is a great place to start
Sinix Design has some amazing tutorials on anatomy & the mechanics of painting! This video & the intermediate part 2 are super
Dao Trong Le -- a veritable goldmine of speedpaints
Bo Chen & any of the riot splash artists. If that's the vibe you're after, you can't go wrong with the LoL splashes as reference
i hope that helps!!!
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burningvelvet · 1 year
On Ada Lovelace…
“On her death, an anonymous obituary recorded (Examiner 1852): ‘The Countess of Lovelace was thoroughly original, and the poet's temperament was all that was hers in common with her father. Her genius, for genius she possessed, was not poetic, but metaphysical and mathematical, her mind having been in the constant practice of investigation, and with rigour and exactness.’”
“Lovelace was respected by her scientific peers: for example Babbage wrote to Faraday in 1843 of ‘that Enchantress who has thrown her magical spell around the most abstract of Sciences and has grasped it with a force which few masculine intellects (in our own country at least) could have exerted over it’ (James 1996, 164).”
“Woolley asserts that ‘Ada's notes are not to be assessed as a work of mathematics, but as a work of a more speculative, experimental nature ... She showed what imagination could reveal that mathematics alone could not . . . This is what poetical science had enabled her to do: see something that would remain invisible to the rest of the world for a century more . . .’”
“In line with Pestalozzi's ideas, practical skills were encouraged, whether playing with toy bricks [LB 118, Item 5] or dissecting a dragonfly [LB 118, Item 6]. Shortly before her father's death, Lady Byron wrote to him of Ada's ‘mechanical ingenuity — her self-invented occupations being the manufacture of ships and boats' (Prothero 1904, 330). In 1828 she became fascinated by flying, asked Lady Byron for a book on the anatomy of birds and 'had great pleasure in looking at the wing of a dead crow' She made some wings from paper, silk and feathers: ‘My wings are going on prosperously but do not expect to see a pair of well proportioned wings though they are quite sufficiently so for me to explain to you all my ideas on the subject of flying’ [LB 41, Ada Byron to Lady Byron, 7 April 1828, f 57v].”
She hoped to write a book on 'Flyology,’ and she had plans for a flying machine that would be powered by steam, the cutting-edge technology of the age: ‘a thing in the form of a horse with a steamengine in the inside so contrived as to move an immense pair of wings, fixed on the outside of the horse, in such a manner as to carry it up into the air while a person sits on its back’ [LB 41, Ada Byron to Lady Byron, 7 April 1828, ff 57v-58г].”
From: Christopher Hollings, Ursula Martin & Adrian Rice (2017): The early mathematical education of Ada Lovelace, BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/17498430.2017.1325297 https://www.claymath.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/the_early_mathematical_education_of_ada_lovelace.pdf
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berylcups · 4 months
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Heres Calamari with their real anatomy. I'm still struggling whether to put them in team Bucci or the Hitman team 😭 Based on the profile and image what vibes do they give off? Good or bad??? I've put a shorten (but still long AF) profile down below
Name: Katrin Kocteau
Allias (if applicable): Calamari 
Namesake: The Cocteau Twins 
Nicknames: Callie, Kat, Kit Kat, Gattina, Stella, Luna, Starlight, Sole, Carina, Cara, tesoro, bella, bambina, Sourpuss, Kitten 
(usually used sarcastically): Comrade, ,little sister,Sunshine, Moody boobs, Boobs McKenzie, Sourpuss
Nicknames for others: 
🩸Lulu, Schatz, Rubin
Big brother, comrade (gelato and calamari jokingly call each other comrades due to both being oppressed by the Soviet Union )
🤐Abba,Diamant ,gloomy fuck/blues, Leo, piss monger, 
Löwe,, honigbiene, liebling, Kuschelbär, Bärchen, Schatzi, Engel, süße,
(Used in a joking/sarcastic way) Arschloch,  Sonnenschein, Eselhengst, Dummkopf 
Age: 25
Birthday: July 12th
Gender Identity: Agender; They/Them sometimes she/her…doesn’t correct strangers out of exhaustion 
Height: 5’3 160cm
Weight: 175lbs
Handness: Left
Type of Voice: soft, monotone, flat, they speak very softly with a Berlin accent. You have to listen very hard to understand them due to how softly they speak. It will go from soft valley to booming peaks when agitated enough. 
Eyesight:. 20/40
Hometown: West Berlin, Germany 
Current Residency: Napoli, Italy 
Moral Alignment: 
🩸 evil neutral 
🤐 lawful good
MBTI Personality Type (Optional): INFJ-T
Medical & Dental Health: 
Dental-  vitamin deficiencies in childhood causing weak teeth, many fillings and crowns 
Physical- Chronic tension headaches, vitamin deficiency (vitamin D and Calcium)
Mental health: 
 PTSD, ADHD inattentive type, Major Depression, generalized anxiety disorder w/ panic attacks 
Phobias: Claustrophobic- caves and tunnels specifically 
Phonophobia- HATES loud noises and others talking too loudly
Astraphobia- related to phonophobia 
Germaphobic - fears gastrointestinal illnesses the most 
Socialphobic- is on edge around crowds and people they don’t know too well. Very reserved and secretive 
Arachnophobia - self explanatory 
Fears cursed numbers (4,13, 666)- acts a bit more covert towards it than Mista-(ex add 1 more or less spoonful of sugar to their coffee to avoid 4)
Scars/burns/birthmarks/tattoos: self inflicted cuts and scars on arms and thighs due to poor coping mechanisms 
Awards & Education: 
General Education Diploma, Majoring in Forensic Science in University,
Excelled in foreign languages(Italian and Russian) and art class
Past Experience: 
Calamari is cynical, bitter, a perfectionist, and never allows themself to be vulnerable. Any mistake they make they severely punish themself with. They lash out at themself because they believe they deserve it. Their forearms and thighs are full of scars and self inflicted cuts. They show Themself no mercy so they sure as hell aren't showing it to any of their targets. They're not your typical sadomasochist, not a masochist because they enjoy it. They don't enjoy it at all, but they believe they truly deserve it. 
They always had a strong interest in the paranormal and true crime. they dedicated their education to their forensic career. They always fixed themself to the smallest details rather than the bigger picture. Small details that are often overlooked could derail the entire case and justice for the victims could be lost. Their resolve shines the brightest when they dedicate everything they have to speak for the dead. 
The corruption in the justice system and bribery infecting all the way down to their forensic team made them lose the spark and desire they had for their work. There’s nothing they could have done anyway since it was them vs the majority and they needed every lira to help pay off their exs gambling debt. 
Calamari takes extra work to help pay off his debt only to find out that he was cheating on them and then kills him out of a crime of passion. Now Calamari is left with a body and heaping amounts of gambling debt that isn't theirs. They join Passione to seek protection and to pay off their debt. 
Sexual History (for characters 18+ ONLY): 
Teo, Her ex partner
🤐 Abbacchio 
Thoughts on love: 
They’ll swear up and down that love is worthless and a waste of time. They’ll say they never felt better by themself now that her ex Teo is gone, but they’re lying to hide the loneliness. They hate kids but are very domestic and secretly want a partner to take care of physically and emotionally. They are very touch and love starved and needs the perfect partner to give them hope in humanity again even if they only learn to trust 1 person.
It takes a long time to develop a crush due to their sexuality and trust issues. They subconsciously become more mellow and obedient around the one they develops a crush on. They’ll always listen to abbacchio’s orders. They’re no brown noser but they try to be as obedient as possible. They’re secretly very submissive. 
They’re only submissive to Illuso in private and only when he’s being nice. 90% of the time They’ll ignore him or berate him if he teases them. They don’t take being teased/bullied lightly. They avoid him and act tough around him because they don't want their weakness known or the fact that they would like someone that cruel…as if they aren't cruel themself-they won’t admit it-they’re a hypocrite and that their actions mirror his. The only difference is Calamari is only cruel to their targets and enemies. They give their teammates mutual respect until they do something to ignite their ire. 
Sexual and/or Romantic Identity:  Demisexual, Panromantic
People they like: 
“I don’t like people.  Nobody can be trusted.”
Calamari keeps people at arm's length but they’re not completely cold. They warm up to others after they prove they are trustworthy enough. 
To tell if they like you is them allowing you to be near them. Letting you sit next to them , letting you hug them (briefly), or playing with their hair. They will also joke with you, or make dry remarks. Best friends will be allowed in their room, play video games with them, and they’ll share secrets about her past and spill tea about others. You tell them a secret as a best friend and they’ll take that secret to their grave. Once you become their best friend/and or partner they’re loyal for life so don’t betray that trust like their ex did. 
🤐 Bucciarati, Abbacchio, Fugo are the ones who they trust and respect the most. 
They won’t show it but they like giorno, narancia, mista, and Trish too. They took a little longer for them to warm up to. They will send sarcastic remarks and jokes their way as their own way of showing friendship. 
🩸 they’re very hard to read, it even takes Risotto a split second to figure out what they’re feeling with their stone cold resting bitch face and monotone voice. They don’t hang around after meetings, so the only one who’s able to get a glimpse on how they feel is Nosey Illuso or Formaggio by spying on them. 
They like Risotto and prosciutto but is heavily intimidated by them. They warm up to Pesci  the quickest- Object stand users stick together.Sorbet and Gelato essentially adopted them from the moment they met, they’re friendly but they have fun making Calamari uncomfortable with the PDA. They slowly warm up to Illuso and Formaggio. Somehow they are able to find common ground with them… I wonder why- it’s almost like they can read their mind. They’re fine with Ghiaccio as long as he isn’t yelling so it’s very rare for them to enjoy his presence. Melone just disgusts them, but they put up with him for the sake of the team. 
People they hate: 
They’re known to hold some strong grudges. It took forever for them to forgive Mista for taking their slice of strawberry cake. They especially can’t stand children and babies because of the noise. Also isn’t a fan of yappy dog breeds. 
They hate anyone who gets in the way of their goals or inconveniences them. They hate their ex  due to the turmoil they dealt with because of him and hates themself for allowing them to step on them for so long.
They hate the boss because he’s an inconvenience to their livelihood and just life itself. 
🩸 Nothing pisses them off more than a bunch of bootlickers getting in the way of them and the team getting the boss’s daughter to find out his identity. The holier than thou attitudes of Giorno and Bucciarati make them hellbent on wanting to set their enjoyment of humiliation aside and give them severe curb stomping. 
🤐It wouldn’t really be considered “hate” but Giorno annoys them. They thinks he’s too naive and preachy …absolutely not because They’re jealous of his natural born talent or anything, don't be ridiculous. They’re a million times more polite about it than abbacchio is. They just groan or ignore him or cuts him off with “you’re too young to understand” or “you wouldn’t get it…” “*groans*whaaaat? I’m busy…go brown nose Bucciarati instead kid.”
They didn’t care much for Trish believing her to be nothing more than an ungrateful spoiled brat. They both grew up so differently that it was hard to bond at 1st. Thankfully neither of them are that stubborn to try to understand each other. 
Dreams for the future:  
A peaceful life with her perfect partner. A cozy home in either Austria or Sicily with many pets and an art studio. They crave normalcy and freedom of expression.
Relationships(name a person that they have a connection to and what their relationship is like[friend, enemy, Ex, current lover, family , etc.]): 
Teo- Ex 
🤐Abbacchio-Current partner
Bucciarati- Confidant & Leader
Fugo- Good Friend
Narancia-Good Friend
Mista- Good Friend
Giorno- Friend
Trish- Friend
🩸Illuso- Current Partner
Formaggio- Good friend
Pesci- Good friend
Prosciutto- Mentor & Callies Secret not so secret crush
Risotto- Leader
Sorbet- Good Friend & parental figure
Gelato-Good friend & parental figure
Ghiaccio- tolerable friend in small doses
Melone- Tolerates- wishes they didn’t know him
Quotes (what do they say often? What’s their life’s motto?): 
“How about you go play in traffic?”
“”Kiss concrete douche!”
“Eat asphalt!”
"Everyone shut up I'm doing _______!"
views on life “There are 3 rules in life that must always be followed: 
1. If you’re going to do it right- do it right the 1st time.
2. Always be punctual. If you’re early you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. 
And 3. Be self reliant. Never burden others. If you have a problem- fix it. Don’t know how? learn.  This is the true way of life.”
“ Do you wanna  X? Because that’s how you X.”They say this phrase a lot when someone is doing something stupid or if they had enough of someone and are threatening them. 
🤐“Do you wanna walk all the way to Pompeii? Because that’s how you do that if you keep trying to turn down my music smartass. YES it needs to be that loud. I’m trying not to fall asleep at the wheel. If it bothers you so much, you and Giorno take the wheel, I’m laying in the back and taking a nap. Don’t fuck up and crash the car or my geist will haunt you panna.”
“Were you even listening to a word I was saying? Sigh… you’re such a disappointment, why do I bother with you?..”
Disregarding a mista conspiracy theory/ghiaccio rant “There’s literally not enough adderall in the world for me to listen to whatever bullshit you're word-vomiting out..”
Taunting illuso back🩸“Make you a sandwich ? How about you earn it 1st. make yourself useful and shine my boots till I can see my reflection in them. Then mayyybe I’ll even think about it.”
🩸Receiving a hit “Who’s funeral am I facilitating?”
🩸“Halt die Schnauze! Would it kill you to not scream like a verdammt banshee every 5 minutes?!”
🩸Defending their stand” Why would my stand need to be strong when it doesn’t have to? I let gravity do all the work for me and I don’t have to break a sweat. I can move anywhere I want, and don’t have to worry about anyone reaching me. It can throw you around like a lousy rag doll and you’ll be helpless to do anything about it. I don’t need to be strong to take your sorry ass down. I may need protection now and then but I’m still the queen on the chessboard. I can go and attack from ANYWHERE”
🩸Apprehensive about betrayal“I’m used to living frugally. I don’t see how 20 million lira is too little to live off of. I don’t think it’s worth going against the boss for more. We don’t know who he is or what he’s capable of.”
🩸Expressing denial and hiding their feelings “Love? Absolutely disgusting. It’s a useless feeling and only sets you up for failure. There’s nothing worse than being tied down with dead weight who will either cheat or become bored of me or I’ll be bored of them. Material goods bring me just as much happiness as an annoying man/woman ever could. I buy a new pair of boots or a handbag, get tired of them- go set them aside in my closet, and buy new ones. Wash, rinse, repeat. Your life is much less difficult when you think with your brain instead of your heart… or your balls if we’re being realistic.”
Painting, Drawing, Playing Video games, clothes & shoe shopping, make up, petting cats, napping, and eating
Is secretly superstitious. Avoids numbers that they hate, won’t open umbrellas inside, walking under ladders etc… The only exception to their superstitions is black cats. 
🩸Man spreads on the couch out of pure passive aggressiveness since there’s never any room for them to sit
They have a soft spot for black cats and their cats Depeche and Muse are their pride and joy. They greeted them with open arms completely ignoring their teammates all together thinking they were excited to see them when they got back.
 🩸They have a kangaroo pouch to hold them in when she’s working around the base/hideout….
🩸They love traumatizing teammates by tricking them into showing them shock sites and laugh maliciously at their reaction. 
🩸They has a very dark sense of humor so it usually plays off well with sadistic or edgy teammates. 
.They try to hide their smiles and giggles by covering their mouth. This habit slowly ceases once they feels more comfortable around others. 
Calamari hides their red face when they’re aroused or embarrassed .
They sigh and huff a lot when they’re irritated. 
They enjoy coming up with unusual torture/interrogation methods. They held a bamboo skewer up to someone’s eye, threatening to turn their eye into a kabob and lobotomise them. 
They aren’t able to physically defend themself in hand to hand combat so they are well equipped with spiked knuckles and a stun gun strong enough to take down a bear.
Quirks/Unique personality traits:
They won’t look anyone in the eye or call anyone by name directly unless they’re very close with the person. 
Doesn’t announce when they’re here or when they leave. They just walk right in without saying a single hello or I’m back/here. 
In the very beginning they spoke a lot like an NPC with very short to 1-2 worded answers. Once they became more comfortable with their team they said more than 2 words.
Pet peeves:
Talking over or interrupting them while talking 
People acting smarter than they really are 
Excessive noise (barking dogs, talking too loud, yelling , crying children, Ghiaccio , etc)
Gratuitous PDA 
Not obeying rules (excluding missions) 
Being late 
Invading their personal space 
Moving their things- they have them specifically where they want them
Having wet hair and clothes (sensory issues )
People whispering (they’re paranoid) 
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adultscarein · 10 months
Exploring the World of Sensuality: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Sex Toys
In a society that is becoming increasingly open-minded about sexual pleasure and well-being, the concept of a sex toys shop is no longer a taboo topic. These shops have transformed into spaces that prioritize inclusivity, education, and empowerment.
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A visit to a modern sex toys shop unveils a vast array of products designed to cater to diverse preferences and desires. From classic vibrators to cutting-edge couples' toys, these establishments provide a curated selection that encourages individuals and couples to explore their sensuality in a safe and judgment-free environment.
Shopping for sex toys is not just about finding a new accessory; it's about embracing one's desires and enhancing intimacy. These shops often offer a welcoming atmosphere where customers can ask questions, seek advice, and gain insights into the wide world of pleasure products.
Online sex toy shops have also played a pivotal role in normalizing the conversation around sexual wellness. Discreet packaging and informative websites make it convenient for individuals to explore and purchase products from the comfort of their homes. This accessibility fosters a sense of privacy and encourages those who may feel shy or apprehensive about visiting a physical store.
Moreover, many sex toys shops prioritize education by providing resources such as blog posts, guides, and workshops. These resources aim to empower customers with knowledge about anatomy, consent, and the proper use of products, fostering a healthy and informed approach to sexual pleasure.
In conclusion, the modern sex toys shop goes beyond merely selling products; it serves as a space for exploration, education, and empowerment. As society continues to break down stigmas surrounding sexual wellness, these establishments play a crucial role in helping individuals and couples embrace their desires, fostering a more open and accepting attitude towards the diverse facets of human sexuality.
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hvrbingers · 2 years
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[ quintessa swindell | non-binary | they/he | twenty-five ] ——   welcome to grimrose, hunter king. it’s cool that you’re here, you know. haven’t you heard of the history of this place… anyway, how’s being a newcomer who has been in town for one year, especially since you spend most of your days as a firefighter/paramedic at grimrose firehouse? also, not that it’s a bad thing, of course, but i’ve heard people say you can be a little impulsive more than you are loyal… but that’s just coming from people who are bored here, i promise. to me, you remind me of (i just) died in your arms by cutting crew and flirting on the edge between life and death, finding comfort in chaos, not knowing who you are anymore but trying to find it, and missing a person so much you pretend it doesn’t exist, hope to see you around, hunter.
full name — hunter king nickname(s) — hunny ( only by their brother and it’s to annoy him )  name meaning — one who hunts, pursuer age — twenty-five date of birth — november 3rd place of birth — bronx, nyc current location — grimrose, nh gender — non-binary pronouns — they/he sexual orientation — bisexual religion — atheist  occupation — paramedic/firefighter  education level — paramedic school  family — roscoe king ( father, estranged ), marianne tinley ( mother, estranged ), jordan king ( brother ) finances — could be better spoken languages — english, spanish  voiceclaim — quintessa swindell powers — oxikinesis , the power to manipulate oxygen 
inspos: rue bennett ( euphoria ) , tk strand ( 911 lone star ) , meredith grey ( greys anatomy ), jo march ( little women ), amy antsler ( booksmart ), jeremy gilbert ( the vampire diaries ), crystal ( marvel, 616 ), willow rosenberg ( buffy the vampire slayer ), steve harrington ( stranger things ), hayley marshall ( the originals ), nick miller ( new girl ), ian gallagher ( shameless ), sarah ( palm springs ), shawn hunter ( boy meets world )
tws: parental negligence, npc character death on the job non descriptive
hunter was raised by their aunt and brother, and new york city was their playground. it wasn’t a magical childhood by any means but it was so because their brother tried to make it one for them. they are thick as thieves in every sense, trying their best to make a bad situation good, and most often did. 
their parents weren’t meant to be parents, it was just their unfortunate draw of the cards, but sometimes they’d send a postcard to where their parents ended up, but after a while they stopped coming, and phone calls would get shorter and shorter, but you can’t miss something that you never had. 
hunter was always a very active child, could never sit in one place too long, and it would later bite him in the ass during high school, making friends with the wrong people and doing reckless things that would land them in trouble, but their brother would always bail them out no matter what it was. 
when you live your life in the fast lane it’s easy to get caught in it, but by the time they graduated high school ( barely ), it was time to make some choices. the best thing that hunter ever did was become a paramedic, they were smart enough to do it, but no one else believed in them too which drove them to be the best. 
long gone were the days of recklessness, and traded for a uniform that fit them nicely in nyc. their partner joined when they did and everything was going just fine. it was like the other could think about what the other was going to do without saying anything, they had balanced each other out in ways that hunter would never understand–they were each other’s best friends and person. and if there had been feelings there, well, hunter would never say it. 
life is easier as a young adult, their brother was just starting to become someone and hunter was finally making enough money to get a place of their own, and those bad decisions that used to haunt them as a teenager weren’t as bad, and whenever their parents would come unannounced it didn’t put them in a spiral that it used when they came around. 
a lot of that changed during a bad call, the details are blurry to hunter, they’ve blocked a lot of it out to protect themselves but their partner died on the job, and there’s just a small inkling that they could have prevented it. it would lead hunter into a spiral of ‘what ifs’ that they could never fix or leave behind even if they tried. 
they spent that first year without their partner deteriorating but doing their best, whatever partner they were given never lasted long, hunter had always been an easy person to get along with but after the fact something had fundamentally changed within them. they found it hard to trust people, and more importantly, trust themselves, they thought about quitting but then that would prove what all his old teachers had thought about him, so he had stayed in the job. it didn’t help that his partner’s family always reached out to ask if hunter was okay when all they wanted to do was isolate themselves. 
a lot of that changed about a year ago, when they got a postcard from a town that their father grew up in with nothing else. it had been a couple of years since hunter had heard from their father, and despite how things were going back in nyc they knew that they needed to follow their gut. 
this is how they find themselves in grimrose now, working at the fire station, still as a paramedic, with a new partner, and a power that they don’t understand that can make or break someone. 
generally hunter is easy to get along with, but they have a lot of regrets 
with their powers it truly is make or break, it’s dangerous and could make hunter the luckiest paramedic or feels like a curse, but they don’t even realize that yet 
hunter changed their name before high school and their brother jordan was very accepting of it, they are very close and probably rely on each other too much. 
very much into snakes & reptiles, owns a mexican black kingsnake and will talk your ear off about it 
lowkey a slut, truly trying to fill the void in anyway but like it’s fine they’re hot i cannot blame them 
despite their powers – they’ve always been a good paramedic, they take a lot of cases and patients to heart, it’s a tough job with little pay but they think that it’s worth it 
honestly probably just needs a hug
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ivettel · 2 years
behind the curtain ep 4
bit late with this one but i wanted to finish laundry first so here we go.. notes on this bitch
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right off the bat, yes! i did rotoscoping!
what! after avoiding it since 2017!! shoutout to jennifer @antoniosvivaldi for inspiring me to do that, btw. you should absolutely check out her stuff if you haven't already--her style is so unique and refreshing!
for the most part, i think they turned out swell--after effects behaved itself for once, which like, thank fuck, because i was on a call with fio @maranello and others at 1 in the morning like "haha! i totally know what i'm doing!" narrator voice they did NOT know what they were doing, they were making educated guesses based on past horrible experiences (hence avoiding rotoscoping for years 💀).
but this is meant to be educational lol so! what is rotoscoping? simply put, it's a tracing technique. it has its roots way back in animation when tech was starting to pick up in like the 1920s and artists wanted a more efficient way of animating. rotoscoping is one of those tools that've been used differently from how it was originally intended, which is actually? so cool from like, a media arts study perspective?? because it's commonplace to use it for live-action film and vfx work as a way to mask scenes out and isolate them in addition to its original use of mapping things to isolated scenes. i won't bore you with the stuart hall encoding/decoding stuff, but just know that i find the development of digital art circa adobe dominance fascinating. i am using this century-old animation technique to impose my blorbo upon the eyes of thousands.
ANYWAY. i really liked this particular mask--it has a lot of movement but still manages to flow nicely?
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me: [cuts off luke's arm] fio: i think that's his arm me: oh... my god
next up: the lightsaber
goodness. where do i start. well first of all i had a vision of something much more 2d when it comes to lightsaber anatomy, lol. but i extended my subscription for maxon and figured--why not take full advantage of this while i've still got it? so i got this 3d model of luke's lightsaber. it's untextured and unrigged and clunky but thankfully it had most of the inner parts so as far as i'm concerned i struck GOLD.
idk what i can really say in terms of like What Is 3d Modelling, because i think people have an understanding of that. so we'll go instead thru my process!
i added materials and added a null object (does that count as rigging? for something as straightforward as this?) to do a simple rotation animation on the first day...
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and then i had an idea before bed to separate the parts like that one scene in the clone wars where they show how a lightsaber is assembled, except i haven't watched the scene so god knows how they animated it NKJFGNDFKJGDF. anyway the day after, this was kinda where i got:
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keyframing on c4d is a Bitch because u can't just Access The Graph Editor you have to go through the dope sheet and change ur views and it's just. annoying!! coming from an after effects standpoint! but i can see how it's optimized for Actual Animation work so ughgh. we deal. onwards..
asked the team over at usergif and natalie @kenobiis suggested putting in a kyber crystal to fill out the middle. i ended up taking the og "laser" cylinder and modifying/animating it because uh THIS is the real inside of a lightsaber and i am not putting all that into a 3 second gif LMAO. but yeah i fine-tuned the animation and plopped it in after effects, then fiddled with video copilot's saber to make luke's blade.
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u might notice the motion blur--that's re:vision's RSMB! i also added a little bit of depth of field with frischluft, but it doesn't show up well in gif form. speaking of things that don't render well:
there is A FUCK TON of aliasing going on. i couldn't make any anti-aliasing settings work for some reason so i ended up trying to smooth it out in ae.. to probably not a lot of effect. i got the very edges around it smoothed out with the classic gaussian blur and a matte choker method, but the black rings are killer. ugh. it's whatever, i figure i'll work something better out for the next time.
finished animation in c4d + the final gif:
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the rest
everything else is fairly basic and intuitive i think? obviously used shape layers + alpha mattes, my beloved. i fucked up a little on the text because i think i made my offset keyframes backwards somewhere in the middle of the process but at that point i was too lazy to go back in and fix it. oops!
anyway if u got this far hello thank u i hope this was informative in some way. if u have any questions don't be afraid to ask :D
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magioffire · 2 years
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
weirdly specific headcanons ; accepting
OH PLENTY. there are a lot of things that are entirely expected of him as archmage that he either hates, or outright refuses to engage in. theres a lot he will do to fit into the unseelie court, but even valeriu has his boundaries. one of the things he refuses to engage in is flesh gardens -- grotesque sculpture-like displays created using depraved magic and the flesh of other creatures. its like bonsai, but if youre absolutely fucked up and have absolutely fucked up magic. granted, even among the dokkalfar, its considered a pretty extreme thing, and most 'flesh artists' only present their sculptures and 'art' to those who are already...in the scene. its a secretive sort of thing, but people still know the flesh gardens exist, and fear one day becoming apart of them.
another thing vali refuses to engage in is some of the things the most gluttonous aristocracy of dokkalfar eats. he likes the decadent things in life -- but he draws the line at foods that are outright cruel. hes no vegetarian, he understands that the act of killing is nessecary to consume meat, but he cannot excuse outright cruelty in the preparation of food. a notable example is edible dormouse drowned in honey. and thats not just a saying, the poor dormice are literally drowned to death in a pot of honey before they are cooked and served.
theres even a dokkalfar saying that goes along the lines of 'like a dormouse in honey' which is kind of akin to 'like a pig in shit' aka to describe someone who is very self-satisfied, but it also has a deeper, more sinister meaning -- someone who is so self satisifed they do not see their oncoming doom, likely at the hands of the same thing they take great pleasure in. contrary to the idiom, though, those poor dormice are not gaining any pleasure or self-satisfaction from being drowned in honey, and he refuses to eat it. granted, hes not the only noble that has reservations about such foods, but they are still popular enough to persist on the tables of dokkalfar nobles. he would have a similar opinion of fois gras, ortolan (basically a wild bird that is force fed until it doubles in size and then is drowned in a type of sweet cooking wine. yeah. its. yeah.), and basically any other 'delicacies' that require cruel and unusual cruelty in order to achieve the 'desired' results.
something vali once had to engage in, in order to complete his education within the lyceum, was preforming vivisections. you know, cutting open live people and animals to study their insides. hes not at all unfamiliar with it, he knows his way would the internal innards of most common creatures and humanoids from his years of studying anatomy and physiology within the lyceum. and he understands that a lot is learned from the medical theaters of the lyceum. but again, the cruelty of it all, he cant stand it. vali even takes measures to make sure *bugs* are humanely anesthetized or euthanized before he starts cutting them open, much less something much more complex. but...if he has to...he will. he just will hate every moment of it, if he can he will do what he can within his power to reduce the suffering of that of which he is cutting open, and then afterwards likely excuse himself to go throw up. its a thin tight rope to walk. needless to say, he doesnt teach apprentices in the medical theater of the lyceum much anymore.
you know theres A LOT of things about vali's society he doesnt agree with and either does everything within his power to avoid engaging in it, or engages in it EXTREMELY begrudgingly. he begrudgingly engages in the sharp edged drama and titillating gossip of the unseelie court, for if he does not stay on top of it, those sharp edges could be used against him just as easily. he begrudgingly has to appeal to the sensibilities and rationale of his peers, even if they are wrong, even if they severely look down on him because of his past, because if he doesnt, it will just be another way they discredit him. he begrudgingly engages in all the lying, and the scheming, and always appearing like hes truthful and never up to something, else the facade that kept him alive for so long will crumble. hes gotta play by their rules because despite his position as archmage, as a member of the tribunal, hes on very thin ice, and he needs to keep up appearances and be accepted into the fold just as much as he needs to appear like an untouchable object of fear and desire.
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What technology does Gallifrey and the CIA (Celestial Intervention Agency, not Earth's "Central Intelligence Agency") have at its disposal to track someone? Hypothetically: would Gallifrey attempt to use me as a way to get to my Time Lord if my Time Lord happened to be a wanted renegade and would they even be able to find me to do that?
What technology can the Celestial Intervention Agency use to track someone?
Gallifrey and the Celestial Intervention Agency (CIA) have some advanced and, frankly, intimidating technology at their disposal for tracking individuals, especially if they are interested in someone as a means to get to a renegade Time Lord. Keep in mind the below information is limited due to classified information.
🔍 Tracking Methods
Artron Energy Signatures: Every sapient being leaves a unique trail of artron energy, which can be tracked across time and space. That includes Your Time Lord, their TARDIS, and you.
Tracking Devices: Devices can be planted or set to emit signals that are easily tracked. Some will be so tiny you won't even notice them being put on you.
Psychic Tracers: The CIA can potentially trace psychic imprints left by Time Lords and those they interact with. Yes, that's you again.
Matrix Surveillance: The Matrix contains detailed records and can predict movements based on historical data with predictive modelling.
Biodata Alterations: Biodata alterations are also very trackable.
Agent Pursuit: The CIA employs agents who are capable of passing off that they're your mother.
🕵️ Would They Use You to Get to a Renegade Time Lord?
Absolutely. Gallifrey is highly strategic and doesn’t hesitate to use any means necessary to achieve its goals, especially when dealing with a renegade Time Lord.
Gallifreyan technology is notoriously difficult to evade, and if your Time Lord is a wanted renegade, any interaction with them could lead the CIA straight to you. Remember, the glory of Rassilon is at stake!
🏫 So ...
Gallifrey and the CIA have some of the most cutting-edge tracking technology in the universe. If you’re ever in a situation where you’re connected to a wanted Time Lord, just know that the CIA will find you.
How does the Matrix work?: What the Matrix is and how it can be accessed.
How long would it take the Celestial Intervention Agency to find someone?: Timeframes for how screwed you are.
Does Gallifrey have anyone they've had friendly interactions with?: History of historical alliances Gallifrey have made.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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themedicity099 · 1 day
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Transform Your Surgical Career: Laparoscopic Training Programs in India
The medical field is advancing at an unprecedented pace, and minimally invasive surgery, particularly laparoscopic procedures, is gaining significant traction across the globe. Laparoscopic surgery offers patients reduced recovery times, smaller scars, and fewer complications compared to traditional surgery. For medical professionals, mastering these techniques can open new doors to career growth and recognition. If you are a surgeon or medical professional looking to enhance your skillset, enrolling in laparoscopic training programs in India is an excellent opportunity to transform your career.
Why Laparoscopic Training is Crucial in Today’s Medical Landscape
The growing preference for minimally invasive techniques has created a rising demand for surgeons skilled in laparoscopy. Laparoscopic surgery, involving small incisions and specialized instruments, requires precision, skill, and a deep understanding of the anatomy. Mastering these skills ensures surgeons can handle complex procedures while minimizing patient risks.
Moreover, the evolving nature of medical technology means staying updated is essential. Through hands-on laparoscopic training programs, surgeons and medical professionals can learn the latest techniques, use cutting-edge tools, and ensure they remain competitive in the global healthcare landscape.
Key Benefits of Laparoscopic Training in India
India is home to some of the world’s best laparoscopic training centers, offering high-quality courses tailored to meet the needs of practicing surgeons and aspiring specialists. The key benefits of pursuing laparoscopic training programs in India include:
1. Comprehensive Hands-On Experience
Indian training institutes emphasize hands-on experience, allowing participants to practice laparoscopic techniques under expert supervision. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned surgeon, this direct experience boosts your confidence and refines your surgical precision.
2. Affordable and Accessible Education
Compared to many other countries, India offers world-class laparoscopic training programs at an affordable cost. Surgeons and medical professionals from across the globe can access these courses without incurring huge expenses.
3. Exposure to Diverse Case Studies
India’s diverse healthcare landscape provides exposure to a wide variety of medical cases. This diversity helps participants become well-versed in handling different types of surgeries, improving their adaptability and decision-making skills.
4. Expert Faculty and Mentorship
Indian laparoscopic training institutes are home to some of the most experienced and skilled laparoscopic surgeons globally. Trainees have the opportunity to learn from experts who are not only well-versed in laparoscopic techniques but also in teaching and mentoring aspiring professionals.
5. Globally Recognized Certification
After completing a laparoscopic training program in India, participants receive certifications that are recognized globally. These certifications serve as proof of your expertise and commitment to the field, opening up new career opportunities in both national and international healthcare settings.
Top Laparoscopic Training Institutes in India
When it comes to laparoscopic training in India, several renowned institutes offer exceptional programs. Here are some of the best:
The Medicity Laparoscopic Training Institute Located in Gurgaon, The Medicity offers a wide range of courses that focus on hands-on training and personalized mentorship. Their state-of-the-art facilities and experienced faculty ensure trainees receive top-tier education.
World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon Known for its advanced laparoscopic courses, World Laparoscopy Hospital provides trainees with the opportunity to work on real-time cases, enhancing their skill set under the guidance of seasoned professionals.
Who Should Enroll in a Laparoscopic Training Program?
Laparoscopic training programs are designed for a variety of medical professionals, including:
General surgeons looking to enhance their skill set in minimally invasive techniques.
Gynecologists who want to expand their expertise in laparoscopic hysterectomies and other gynecological procedures.
Urologists, gastroenterologists, and pediatric surgeons aiming to master specialized laparoscopic techniques in their respective fields.
Postgraduate students who aspire to specialize in laparoscopy as they build their careers.
What to Expect from a Laparoscopic Training Course?
A standard laparoscopic training course typically includes:
Foundational Knowledge: Detailed theoretical lessons on the history and advancements in laparoscopic surgery.
Skill Development: Hands-on training sessions focused on suturing, knotting, and tissue manipulation using laparoscopic instruments.
Live Surgeries: Opportunities to observe and assist in live surgeries, offering real-time exposure to the operating room environment.
Simulation-Based Learning: Access to high-quality simulation labs that replicate real surgical scenarios.
Personalized Feedback: Regular evaluations and feedback from experienced mentors to improve your technique.
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simba2150 · 1 day
How 3D Visualization is Revolutionizing Various Industries.
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3D visualization is a cutting-edge technology that's transforming a multitude of industries by offering new ways to visualize, design, and interact with digital content. From improving design accuracy to enhancing customer experiences, the impact of 3D visualization is broad and profound. In this blog, we’ll explore how 3D visualization is revolutionizing various industries, focusing on the key points that highlight its influence.
Architectural Design and Construction
Enhanced Design and Presentation 3D visualization allows architects and designers to create detailed, accurate models of buildings and interiors. These models can be rotated, zoomed, and explored from any angle, offering clients a clear understanding of the design before construction begins. This reduces the risk of misunderstandings and allows for better-informed decision-making. For those seeking top-notch services, a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can provide exceptional visual representation and clarity.
Better Collaboration and Communication With 3D models, architects, engineers, and clients can easily collaborate by sharing and reviewing the same digital model. This facilitates real-time feedback and alterations, making the design process more efficient and less prone to costly errors. Partnering with a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can further streamline this process, ensuring high-quality results and seamless communication.
Product Design and Manufacturing
Prototyping and Iteration 3D visualization enables product designers to create and test prototypes digitally. This allows for rapid iteration, where changes can be made swiftly without the need for physical prototypes. This not only speeds up the design process but also reduces costs significantly. Engaging a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can enhance this process, offering expert support and innovative solutions.
Customization and Personalization Manufacturers can use 3D visualization to offer custom and personalized products. Customers can modify product features in real-time, visualize their customizations, and even see how the product would look in their environment. This enhances customer satisfaction and boosts sales. A 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can provide advanced customization features, making this process even more efficient.
Entertainment and Media
Immersive Experiences In the entertainment industry, 3D visualization has opened up new possibilities for creating immersive experiences. Video games, movies, and virtual reality (VR) projects utilize 3D models to create lifelike worlds and characters that engage audiences in new and exciting ways. Collaborating with a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can elevate these projects, bringing imaginative concepts to vivid reality.
Visual Effects and Animation 3D visualization tools are essential in the creation of stunning visual effects (VFX) and animations. They allow artists to create detailed and realistic scenes that would be impossible or cost-prohibitive to achieve with traditional filming methods. For exceptional VFX and animation work, a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai offers the expertise and technology needed.
Healthcare and Medical Training
Advanced Imaging and Diagnostics In healthcare, 3D visualization is being used for advanced imaging techniques. It allows doctors to visualize complex anatomical structures in three dimensions, improving diagnostics and treatment planning. This is especially useful in surgical planning, where detailed 3D models of organs and tissues can be created from MRI and CT scans. Utilizing a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can enhance these capabilities, providing precise and informative visualizations.
Medical Training and Education 3D visualization is revolutionizing medical training by offering interactive models of the human body. Medical students can explore these models to understand anatomy and procedures, improving their learning experience without the need for cadavers. A 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can provide high-quality educational tools and models to support this advanced training.
Real Estate and Property Marketing
Virtual Tours and Staging 3D visualization is immensely popular in real estate for creating virtual tours and staging. Potential buyers can take a virtual walk through a property, even if they are thousands of miles away. This makes the buying process more convenient and engaging. Partnering with a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can help create compelling and realistic property presentations.
Detailed Property Visualization Real estate developers can showcase properties in great detail, highlighting features and layouts with 3D models. This helps prospective buyers and lessees make informed decisions quickly. For accurate and attractive property visualizations, a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai offers valuable expertise and technology.
Retail and E-Commerce
Augmented Reality (AR) Shopping Retailers are using 3D visualization in augmented reality applications that allow customers to visualize products in their own space before making a purchase. This reduces the likelihood of returns and enhances the shopping experience. A 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can provide cutting-edge AR solutions to enrich the retail experience.
Product Visualization and Customization E-commerce platforms now offer 3D views of products, enabling customers to see every detail before buying. Additionally, many sites provide customization options, allowing users to modify colors, materials, and features in real-time. Engaging a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai can further enhance these features, offering advanced product visualization and customization options.
The revolutionizing impact of 3D visualization spans across various industries, offering new ways to design, understand, and interact with digital content. Whether it’s improving accuracy in architectural designs, enabling rapid prototyping in product manufacturing, or creating immersive experiences in entertainment, 3D visualization is a powerful tool driving innovation and efficiency. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even greater advancements and wider adoption of 3D visualization across different sectors. For industry-leading solutions, consider partnering with a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai to stay at the forefront of this transformative technology.
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AR VR Education Lab for School and Collages By STEMROBO
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In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, traditional educational methods are being challenged to keep up with the demands of the 21st century. One groundbreaking solution transforming classrooms is the introduction of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Education Labs. STEMROBO, a leader in educational technology, is at the forefront of this revolution, offering cutting-edge AR/VR labs designed for schools and colleges.
Why AR/VR in Education?
The integration of AR and VR into education is more than just a trend; it represents a significant shift in how students engage with learning material. These technologies allow students to experience immersive, interactive environments that are far more engaging than traditional textbooks or lectures. Here’s why AR/VR labs are a game-changer for education:
Immersive Learning: AR/VR labs create highly interactive environments where students can explore everything from historical landmarks to the human body in ways that were previously impossible. For instance, a VR field trip to Ancient Rome or a 3D anatomy lesson makes learning both fun and memorable(
Visualizing Complex Concepts: Subjects like physics, biology, and engineering often involve abstract or difficult-to-understand concepts. VR simulations allow students to visualize these in 3D, offering a deeper comprehension of how things work in real life. This experiential learning style ensures better retention of knowledge(
Real-World Simulations: Virtual Reality allows students to simulate real-world situations in a risk-free environment. This is particularly useful in fields like healthcare, where students can practice medical procedures, or in engineering, where they can conduct complex experiments without the risks associated with physical setups(
Inclusive Learning: One of the most exciting benefits of AR/VR is its potential to accommodate students with diverse learning needs. By providing multiple ways to interact with educational content, these tools can cater to students who might struggle with traditional teaching methods(
STEMROBO’s AR/VR Labs: A Comprehensive Solution
STEMROBO is leading the way in providing AR/VR labs to educational institutions across India. Their solutions are designed to align with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which emphasizes equipping students with 21st-century skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and technological proficiency.
Key features of the AR/VR labs include:
Engagement and Experiential Learning: AR/VR tools capture students’ attention and enable them to interact with lessons in a hands-on way. This is especially beneficial for subjects like biology, history, and engineering.
Skill Development: VR simulations allow students to practice real-world scenarios, from scientific experiments to global virtual field trips, fostering digital literacy.
Teacher Support: STEMROBO provides comprehensive training for educators, curriculum integration, and ready-to-use lesson plans to effectively use AR/VR in classrooms
This lab setup can enrich education by offering practical learning opportunities, enhancing students’ understanding of complex subjects, and preparing them for future technological advancements(
STEMROBO EdTech Company
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govindhtech · 4 days
The Samsung HERA Z20 Ultrasound System At ISUOG 2024
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The ‘HERA Z20‘ is Samsung’s premium OB/GYN ultrasound system, which was introduced during the ISUOG World Congress in 2024.
The debut of the new website and the latest product, the HERA Z20, were celebrated during an on-site event.
Samsung Medison, a multinational medical equipment manufacturer and a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics, joins the 34th annual academic conference of ISUOG World Congress 2024 (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology) during September 15–18, Budapest, Hungary.
Samsung Medison is showcasing its HERA Z20, a high-end ultrasound machine. for OB&GYN, at ISUOG recognized as the most significant academic conference in the world in the area of OB&GYN ultrasound.
HERA Z20 greatly strengthened the cutting edge AI diagnostic aid functions to boost health of mothers and fetuses. The Live ViewAssist delivers a real-time diagnostic location, is newly incorporated to HERA Z20. The Live ViewAssist minimizes time necessary for measurement and boosts accuracy by automatically identifying cross sections and presenting measurement results for whole quarter of OB&GYN.
Live Q-scan and A-Focus capabilities have been newly introduced to HERA Z20 to deliver a more consistent picture and crisper image quality. The Live Q-scan minimizes sounds that emerge during the ultrasound examination in real-time, and A-Focus gives sharper pictures in every scanning depth. Crystal Architecture, Samsung Healthcare patented ultrasonic imaging technology, also incorporates the enhanced second generation engine to boost clarity of picture.
HERA Z20 promotes user convenience with My HERA going beyond the AI diagnostic aid function. My HERA is a feature allowing user to construct personalized ultrasound system by selecting the diagnostic setting parameters for each user type in advance, may be changed based on user desire.
Additionally, the EzStructure and EzFlow features allow easy, appropriate imaging settings for the anatomy to be inspected with a single push of a button. The primary display and touch panel feature freely adjustable angles and are ergonomically suited for user ease.
Samsung Medison aims to perform a live scan of the HERA Z20 onsite to display the real-time AI diagnostic aid and reporting capabilities that are quicker and stronger than before.
In ISUOG, Samsung Medison also presents the SUITE website for the first time together with HERA Z20 where instructional materials of Samsung ultrasound system are compiled. The new website membership registration event will be organized to honor the SUITE debut in ISUOG. Samsung Medison will leverage the SUITE to increase access to the information of each product feature for domestic and abroad medical experts and ensure global bidding competitiveness.
Meanwhile, Samsung Medison seeks the fulfillment of eco-friendly values based on IT technology of Samsung from the product development stage by reducing energy consumption via analysis of customer’s product use pattern.
HERA Z20 has lowered the product volume lowering the number of components by combining circuit integration technology mostly applied for mobile devices, etc. In addition, the packaging and cushioning materials are the replaced with 100% recycled paper by improving the packing design to handle strong load on paper, and eco-friendly recycled plastic material is employed for the system body.
Samsung Medison selected section of the hall as ‘eco-friendly zone’ and discusses own energy policy at the booth that created using environmental friendly materials.
Samsung Electronics‘ President of Health & Medical Equipment Business and CEO of Samsung Medison, Kyutae Yoo, stated: “Samsung is dedicated to accomplishing Samsung best to further increase global market share through launch of a new premium ultrasound system for OB&GYN, new educational website and synergy with Sonio which is equipped with exceptional AI reporting software,” and “We will leap forwardas a world leader in the medical equipment sector by using technological innovation to enhance product performance and sustainability”.
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