#cute taron
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Please look at him. I love him so dearly. He's not always demure. He may come home with bloody bruised knuckles, giggling with a manic smile but he's the loveliest bean ever
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
We Meet Again In Italy - Eggsy Unwin X Female Reader
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Title: We Meet Again In Italy
Eggsy Unwin X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's boss, Random character (Alexandra Winslet), Kingsman (Mentioned), and Harry Hart (Mentioned)
| Part 1 |
WC: 4,186
Warnings: Reader is mentioned wearing a dress/heels/makeup, enemies to lovers, banter, flirting, teasing, very brief mention on abuse, some italics, brief mention of crying, slight angst, and fluff
One word to describe Italy is 'breathtaking,' and that couldn't be more true than it was when you walked through the streets of Rome upon your first day there. Everything about Italy seemed so picturesque and beautiful. But you didn't have time to walk around and enjoy the scenery - no matter how much you would have loved to do so - you were on your mission. After the incident in the bookstore in New York, you were determined to get that file back from Eggsy.
"He's been spotted entering his hotel. Hotel Da Vinci." Your boss spoke to you over your earpiece as you sat in the middle of your large hotel bed. That was actually really nice; you might have to invest in a better mattress when you got home. "A message will come to you shortly with the information, along with the address to the gala he is going to be attending tonight."
Pausing, your hand hovering over your paperwork. "Gala?" You knew Eggsy loved to dance, but still. "Why is he going to a gala?" You asked, picking up the couple of pictures you had of Eggsy in various locations back from when you were tailing him in New York.
"He's meeting someone by the name of Alexandra Winslet. We doubt that is her real name, but that's all the information that we got on her."
"A name and a face is all I need." You spoke up, eyes flickering to your phone as a notification popped up. Picking up your phone from beside you on the bed, you unlock it before tapping your messages, slowly scanning the few pictures and documents that you were sent. Stopping at the picture of the supposed Alexandra Winslet, you hummed, tilting your head to the side. "Purple," You muttered, your eyes immediately going to her hair, which was short, cut to just below her chin; in a shade of violet purple. One thing was for sure, you'd have an easy time spotting her in a crowd. Scrolling further, you stopped at the picture of a mansion, surrounded by a fancy iron gate. "I am assuming that this mansion is where the gala is going to be held?"
You watched as the message bubbles popped up before you were sent the address, "Yes," Your boss then spoke, "It's a black-and-white event. Make sure to keep within the dress code. And get that file back. I don’t want any other issues to arise."
Shutting your phone off, you leaned back against the plush, satin headboard, "Sure thing, boss," You sighed, rubbing your forehead with a hand, you kept your hand there as you shut your eyes, "Is there anything else I need to know?"
"We’ll keep you updated." The line went dead.
Huffing, you opened your eyes, blinking as you checked your watch on your wrist. "Well," You muttered to yourself, clicking off your earpiece as you shuffled off the bed, trying not to crumple any of your paperwork and pictures as you did so. "Time to go shopping, I guess."
And so, you found yourself in Milan, which was the same city where the gala was going to be held. Milan was such a lovely place, full of rich, dazzling architecture, just like the rest of the country; it was also quite famous for fashion, especially among wealthy business people and high society alike. And before you knew it, your small shopping spree was finished. With two large bags looped on your arms, you made your way to your rental, and back to your hotel.
Entering your hotel room, you quickly shut the door, locking it before you sped to the bed and placed your bags down. They weren't hurting your arms with their weight, no, but it was what was inside that was important: your dress. Sliding out the white, paper box, you spied the brand name on the top lid, written in black, curvy font. Carefully, you pulled off the lid, feeling a small rush of adrenaline fill your system as you sat the lid to the side, your eyes zoned in on the black folded dress before you. 
Biting your lip, you tried to hide the large grin that was about to spread on your face as you gently took the fabric into your hands. Without a second thought, and seeing that you were right on time, you began to get ready for the gala.
It was around four once you finished getting ready, dressed to the nines and a hint of excitement ran through you. Staring at yourself in the full-length mirror near the bathroom, you turned every which way, your lips curled upward, feeling completely gorgeous. The dress was all-black, the sleeves were off-the-shoulder, the maxi skirt just brushed the floor, and it was made out of the softest velvet that you have ever felt in your entire life. Once you saw the dress on one of the mannequin models, you knew that you had to have it. Brushing your hands down the skirt, you gave yourself one last look; honestly loving the way your red, painted lips stood out amongst the black.
Turning to the bed, you pulled your message bag over, opened the flap, and pulled out a small, wooden rectangular box. You paused, eyes softening as you opened the box's lid, revealing a simple, gold necklace with a single pendant hanging from it. You smiled softly as you gazed at it, remembering the night that he had given it to you. Turning to the mirror once more, you carefully unclasped the necklace, sliding it around your neck before fastening the clasp behind your neck. As you stared at yourself, you started to wonder what he would think. Would he like it? You bit your lip as your fingers grazed over the gold surface, only to shake your head; you shouldn't be thinking like that. It shouldn't even matter what Eggsy thinks. This was a mission. This was your job, your life. You didn't have time for romance or flirtatious games. Not this time around.
Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to turn away from the reflection and looked around your hotel room for your shoes. Finding the box of brand-new gold heels near the door of the bed, you picked up one of them and slipped it onto your foot before slipping on the other heel. Standing straight, you looked into your mirror again, fiddling with your hair before you felt your mind slipping back to him. Growing frustrated with yourself, you glared at your reflection.
"Get the file and leave." You spoke, voice stern, "Don't fall for his tricks again... You don't have time for it. You're on a mission, remember?" You muttered to yourself. You shook your head. You could hear his laughter in your ears, see that grin on his face, that glimmer in his eyes... You gritted your teeth. Closing your eyes tight, you inhaled sharply before opening them, pushing those thoughts away. Raising your hand, you turned on your earpiece with two soft taps, "Sir, I'm ready."
Pulling up to the mansion, you leaned over slightly to look at it through the front view window. You had done a bit of research on the large home before arriving. Villa Mondadori, an Art Nouveau building. Designed by architect Steno Sioli Legnani for the textile entrepreneur Pasquale Crespi in 1897, it consisted of fifteen bedrooms, fifteen bathrooms, various large lounges, and a spa area with a complete gym, cinema room, bar, and terraces. At the small tap on your passenger window, you snapped out of your daze, your eyes landing on what you assumed to be the valet parking attendant.
Stepping out of your car, you handed the valet the keys, giving the young man a polite smile and nod before looking up at the building as you walked up the three steps. The building was three stories, the first level's exterior was almost an ivory color, while the second and third levels were a sort of cream color. What you loved the most were the large windows, large enough to let in all the natural light. You tried to pay no mind to the two guards at the door, walking towards them, holding yourself high and confidently.
"Ciao," You gave them both a charming smile, hoping that either of them would just let you in, as you had planned.
The one guard to your left was tall, well past six feet, and with trimmed blonde hair that was combed to the side. The guard to your right was a bit shorter than his guard partner, though still taller than you, and was far less intimidating, but you took note of his piercing blue eyes and the way his black hair was buzzed close to the scalp. Both men stared at you, observing and analyzing you as their eyes narrowed and their mouths pursed. Before you could ask them if they were going to allow you entrance into the house, the guard on the left cleared his throat, "Buona sera," He said, his eyes slowly looking at you up and down.
You expertly hid your distaste as you replied politely, "Sì, buona sera." You glanced at each of them, expectantly, and finally, they moved aside, allowing you entry into the house. The hallway that led straight ahead was lined with doors, all decorated with lavish designs and intricate woodwork carved into the frames. There were paintings of beautiful landscapes hung along the walls, some of which were covered by black and white, silky drapes. Fit for the gala's theme, you admired it.
Following the live classical music that was echoing throughout the halls, you found yourself in the main room, watching as couples danced together in what you presumed was the living room they converted into a ball-like room. You took a moment to admire the room around you, eyeing the grand, crystal chandelier that hung down, and the large windows that surrounded the room. Taking another glance at your surroundings, your eyes landed on a bar lounge on the far right wall, admiring the beautifully detailed painted ceiling, depicting the Renaissance era. The room was lit up brightly, making the room feel warm and inviting, and you couldn't help but let a small sigh escape your lips; it really was quite beautiful, even though you weren't there to enjoy the party, you were here for that file. That you hoped to god Eggsy brought with him somehow.
Moving with a certain grace, you made your way to the bar, finding a nice place to stand and watch the couples dancing the night away to the live violin, cello, and piano concertos playing from a stage further away from where you were standing. It was a quick dance, the couples stepping closer together as they spun circles around the room; dresses fluttered around their legs. Their movements captivated you.
"What are you doing here?" A voice spoke up, and the corner of your lips lifted when you heard it. Leaning on the counter behind you, you rested your elbows against it as you turned your head to meet Eggsy's confused and astounded gaze.
"Can't a girl go out and have fun?" You asked, smiling coyly as you turned around the face the bar, Eggsy turned with you, his body facing you, his eyes staring at the side of your face; his expression turned from bewildered to something unknown.
As you signaled the bartender, Eggsy finally spoke up once more. "I wasn't aware that you were invited..." His tone lightened some.
"Neither was I." You responded simply as the bartender walked over to you. "Martini. Asciutto." You requested before looking back over at Eggsy coyly. "I sort of just... Invited myself." Smirking slightly, you waited patiently as the bartender prepared your drink. When the bartender was about to give you the drink, you took the drink. Turning to face Eggsy, you kept your eyes on his as you took a sip. You watched as his eyes followed the movement of your mouth, as he swallowed his own drink. Shrugging casually, you looked back up at Eggsy.
"Well now," Eggsy sat down his glass, "Let's not get straight to business. Isn't the view wonderful?" Your eyes roamed around the room, taking in the scenery before you turned your gaze back to the man beside you.
"Quite wonderful," You answered, "You clean up well, Eggsy." You teased, leaning forward slightly.
Eggsy's eyes flashed, a smirk forming across his lips, "You look stunning, as usual, love." His eyes scanned over your form, slowly, drinking you in, "Do you care to dance?" He asked, chuckling softly as he took another sip of his drink.
"Dance?" You replied, taking a sip of your martini as well. Dancing with him couldn't hurt. It would give you an excuse to get closer to him, for the file... Yeah, for the file. He might have it in his inside jacket pocket. Coming quickly with your conclusion, you nodded, setting down your drink and offering your hand. "Just one, Eggsy. And then we talk."
"Whatever you want, love," He spoke, taking your hand in his and leading you to the dance floor, and what timing... The band had begun to play a slow song.
Pulling you close, and with one hand in yours, Eggsy put his other hand on your waist, as you put your extra hand on his shoulder. To the music the both of you swayed, moving from side to side, Eggsy keeping his eyes on you the entire time, as you gazed into his. It was nice, the atmosphere, but the unsaid tension was still there.
"Agent, does he have the file?" You heard over your earpiece, making you huff as you took your hand off of his shoulder to turn off your earpiece.
Eggsy tilted his head slightly, his eyes shining with slight amusement at your annoyed expression before they softened once more, his eyes landing on the necklace that lay around your neck. Without a word, he reached out and lightly brushed his thumb across the surface of the smooth, gold pendant. Your skin tingled as his thumb caressed the top of the necklace gently, his eyes remained glued to the necklace. "I remember that night." He muttered, finally allowing his eyes to stray from the necklace to your eyes. "We were after the same person, back in-"
"Back in Japan. I know." You pursed your lips, looking at him intently, trying your best to keep a calm composure as the memories resurfaced in your mind once more.
Dance, grab, and go. Dance, grab, and go. 
Eggsy mimicked you, pursing his own lips as he stared right back at you. He was studying you. From all the times you and he found each other during overlapping missions - which was quite a few over the years - he knew that you were hiding something. Something deep within. But what? He liked to think that he could read you pretty easily, but even though he had known you for more than four years, you were still a mystery to him. You could be a very good actor if need be. You could hide anything. Hell, there were so many secrets behind those gorgeous eyes of yours. And that's what made you so good at your job, Eggsy thought. You concealed yourself, you didn't let anyone see you; but, there were always traces, tiny cracks, or hints that would show themselves to whomever was looking close enough. Eggsy thought he was lucky enough to see some of those cracks.
Eggsy suddenly realized how close the two of you were standing, with his hand on your waist, pulling you close to him, for a soft sway of a dance. He couldn't help but let himself enjoy this moment, enjoying the way your body felt pressed against his, the warmth that radiated from your skin onto his; seeping, warming his bones, and filling his veins with electricity. The way his pulse pounded in his ears as he stared at your lips, imagining pressing his own against them. He wanted to kiss you. Not just because he wanted to; no. It was more than that. It was a craving, a burning desire he had been fighting since day one of meeting you. Every time he saw you, his heart skipped a beat and butterflies filled his stomach whenever your eyes met - even though he hated how cliche that all sounded in his head - he swore that he was getting addicted to you - he was addicted to you - his whole world became completely focused on you. It was insane. The longing.
If only, in a perfect world, the both of you could go off the grid, away from the espionage and the lies, and just be together. Away from the stress, the fear, the uncertainty. Just be together. But, Eggsy loved working as a spy. It was what his father did before him, and it gave Eggsy a new meaning of life… If Harry hadn’t found him, he probably would’ve still been outsmarting his mother’s abusive boyfriend by now. But you… If you had asked him to quit… He’d quit for you. 
Licking his lips, Eggsy spoke up, "I didn't think you'd keep it." You frowned, slightly, "Your necklace, I mean." He added quickly, his fingers twitching as he tightened his hold on your waist.
"Why wouldn't I keep it?" You raised a brow, "It's cute."
Eggsy chuckled, a grin reappearing back on his face, feeling the slightly awkward tension lifting, "I told you I have great taste.” He then continued, “Now, you never answered my question, love."
"As to why I'm here?" You continued with your response, raising a brow as your hand slid down from his shoulder to rest on his chest. You almost let out a small laugh, biting your bottom lip to stop the smile that was threatening to come out. A wave of fulfillment washed over you, and you felt like a weight had disappeared off of your shoulders. The file, the one that you were looking for, was in his breast pocket. You could tell from just the slightest of pressure that he carefully folded it all to fit into the pocket. "I'm here for that file that you stole from me."
Eggsy chuckled, shaking his head lightly, though you could see what you thought was disappointment in his eyes. "And here I thought you just wanted to see me."
"Who says I didn't also come here to see you?" You smiled, your hand sliding back up to place itself on his shoulder.
"Really, love?" Eggsy asked, raising an eyebrow as he stared at you, trying to discern if you were lying or if this was just some ploy to let his guard down, or possibly trick him into giving you the file... Which he would not do. He'd do anything for you, but giving you the file was not one of them.
You glanced away at the band, "Who's Alexandra Winselt?" You suddenly asked, bringing your voice down into a soft murmur, your eyes once more locking on his. 
"Jealous much, Y/N?" He joked, causing you to roll your eyes before answering him,
"Annoying much, Eggsy?"
Even though it didn't match up well with how slow the song was, Eggsy spun you out before spinning you back in - the hem of your dress swirling around you - before dipping you; your leg instinctively went up against the side of his torso, making him hold your thigh tightly with one hand, while the other was secured around your waist. Looking down at you, it wasn't obvious what he was thinking about, which made it all the more intriguing. And although the music was still playing, you felt the silence in the air.
He pulled you back up slowly, and for a moment, a slight moment, you thought he was going to kiss you. There was this... This look in his eyes was warm - You felt your heart swell - you couldn't figure out if this look he was giving you was new, or if he had ever looked at you like that before. You didn't think he looked at you like that before... Maybe it was in Rio, or Japan the year before, or maybe even in Canada the year before that... Maybe it was in London, where you first met. You were sure, but that look, it was something else.
"Eggsy..." You spoke up, cutting the thick tension like a knife through butter, your voice no higher than a whisper - angelic in his ears; you almost felt as if you didn't even say anything, but you were certain Eggsy heard you. 
You felt an overwhelming urge to lean up and kiss him, but instead, you held yourself back from doing so. The moment lasted only for a second but it seemed like hours as Eggsy kept staring into your eyes, trying to determine whether or not to let his desires take control. If only he knew how strong the pull was between the two of you; it was like the gravity between the two of you grew and multiplied, as if you two were drawn to each other by magnets. You both stood, in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by other dancers as the music faded and a more upbeat classical song began. 
“Y/N…” Eggsy raised his hand, tucking a few stray hairs behind your hair, his movements almost trance-like.
And then he was leaning in, and so were you. Eyes heavy-lidded, you felt his hot breath against your face, his nose nudging yours, your lips just brushing his. But you paused, just a hair away from your lips on his, you... You couldn’t do it. Sighing deeply, you shut your eyes fully, your mind and heart fighting against one another as Eggsy opened his eyes, blinking rapidly; confused. 
"I'm sorry, Eggsy... I can't do this." You slowly pulled back, unable to look him in the eye, but knowing that his lips were turned into an incredibly perplexed, yet somewhat sad frown. With a hesitant touch, you flatted his lapels before continuing, "I already got what I needed." You then quickly pulled away from him, his arms dropping from your waist as you hurried out of the room, and out of the extravagant mansion.
… And go.
You harshly bit your bottom lip, the back of your eyes burning with unshed tears as you lightly sniffled and sped to your car, blindly and expertly grabbing the keys from the valet attendant. You didn't waste your time speeding out of the lot, and down the road before tapping on the radio. You turned up the volume, your eyes blurring slightly as you drove back to your hotel. You needed to get out of the country, and fast. God, feelings, you hated them. They just complicated everything, and they always hurt. You tried so hard to not fall for him, but every single time he walked into the room, every single time he made your cheeks flush, every single time his eyes met yours and he got that little smile on his face, everything inside of you melted like ice cream on a hot summer day. How was he able to make you feel like this? You had to get out of the country.
Eggsy stood, in the middle of the dancefloor, without you, and though he looked sort of odd standing there all by himself, staring at the floor in a sort of faraway expression on his face, he didn't care. He never really cared about what people thought about him. He felt heartbroken... It was the best word he could think of. Both heartbroken and confused. Why did you leave like that? He was pretty sure that if he left right now, he could have followed you. He wanted to, but... He knew that it wouldn't have worked. You were too independent, and too stubborn - it was two of the many things he loved about you. You had to come to your own conclusions. And he was sure that you had done that. He just wasn't the answer. 
Sighing, Eggsy took a deep breath in and out, his shoulders drooping as he gathered his composure. But he froze once more, feeling his shoulders stiffen again and his eyes widened slightly as he took in a sharp breath. 'I already got what I needed...' Eggsy replayed your words over and over again in his head and he recognized those words. They were the same words he said to you after he grabbed the file from you in New York at that bookstore. His hand snapped up to his right breast pocket. Opening his jacket, he huffed, defeated, dropping his hands to his side. The file was gone. Though, through the heartache, he let a small, fond - and definitely impressed - smile spread onto his face. Yet again, you managed to surprise him. He sighed heavily, running a hand down his face before heading to the bar. He needed a drink.
Main Masterlist | Kingsman Masterlist
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aiqingdemeimiao · 1 year
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first time you were seriously star-struck?
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
Recently Uploaded - 6/7/24 - Fanfic Friday
We Meet Again In Italy - Eggsy Unwin X Female Reader - Fluff/Slight Angst - 4.1k
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Main Masterlist
Characters I Write For
How To Request/Fanfic Request Rules
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
Feeling extra nonbinary today after I helped with a tiny project for IDAHOBIT at work recently.
Have some silly things about Buggy and Taron even though their fic is slow burn and they aren't even to a relationship yet.
Someone I know referred to their now spouse as "Joyfriend" when they were dating and that's honestly how Buggy would refer to Taron.
"This is my Joyfriend."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You heard me, asshole!"
If someone tries to be a dick about Taron being nonbinary Buggy's going to fight them (like, Buggy gets his men to be just as protective too and they all wear shirts that say Trans Rights and stuff even if some don't fully understand but at the same time, Taron terrifies them so they do it for support, really)
They go on a date to a nearby island and the waiter isn't sure how to address Taron and Buggy is ready to fight them but Taron just rolls with however they get addressed as (speaking from recent personal experience at a sushi restaurant with my friend where i was addressed as sir the entire time, and when we were at our hotel in Tokyo also being called sir, it was amazing).
Buggy sometimes wonders if Crocodile or Mihawk would make some joke about his and Taron's relationship but they don't because Crocodile has known Taron for a while and Mihawk isn't an asshole.
Buggy has a photo of Taron that is very special to him as it shows them in a pink crop top with a sparkly unicorn on it, lavender short-shorts with frayed edges, and red heart shaped sunglasses. They managed to smile for the picture even though to them it was gaudy and the colors of the clothing were too bright but for Buggy it was his favorite thing he ever dressed them in.
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gotadeburbuja · 7 months
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Oh, to be him...
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sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
Relatable 🥰
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maddennfl86 · 2 years
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Taron and Richard on November 22, 2018 ✨
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dearaustinbutler · 2 years
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Austin Butler and Taron Egerton at the SAGS on February 26, 2023. 💥
Twitter credit to NetflixTudum
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veeloopz · 2 years
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Does anyone remember the little Boom plushies????
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elenatria · 2 years
Vasha rabota, eta ognigni tsvitok, polgni garyechi strastiy.
Please try to imagine Alexey teaching Henk to say "Your work is a fiery flower full of hot passion". In Russian.
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konstantintreplev · 2 years
the tetris trailer being incredible but WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT
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spideysbruh · 10 months
summary- yn and shawn mendes break up. things get a little messy. timothee comes into the picture.
a/n- i can make shawn mendes a lil mean in this idc idc!!! also, ~~~ means time has passed
@popbase tweeted-
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BREAKING NEWS: Actress Y/N L/N and popstar Shawn Mendes have officially broken up after three years together.
@ynsperfectlywrong replied- WHAT NOOOO💔💔💔💔 MY PARENTS
@sabrinasyn replied to @ynsperfectltwrong- guess your @ is real now...
@spideysyn replied- TOO SOON 😭💔💔
@ynscinderella replied- you can tell they've been broken up for a while bc they used to alwayssss post each other and then it just Stopped.
@yngoddess replied- I wonder why... he did seem a little off towards the end
@whenyoureyn replied to @yngoddess- you don't know them.
@rodrigoyn replied- he's been detached from everything recently. she can only help him so much. I hope he gets better.
@lauriesrings replied to @rodrigoyn- fr maybe he'll write an album about it LMAO
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liked by melissabarrera, tchalamet, madisonbeer and 2,887,398 others
y/n alexa, play dangerous by madison beer
view all 43,826 comments
ynssocks OOOOF
madisonbeer great song 👍
y/n liked
chalshalamet has timmy always liked her posts ???
spideyyn bro's making a move 💀💀
shawnsyn that song though.... what did he to our girl😭😭😭
@celebritynews tweeted-
Shawn Mendes has recently spoken up about his and y/n l/n's breakup in a recent interview. "we were both just really wrong for eachother. towards the end, i felt like we were just completely different people. It wasn't like my previous relationships, it was almost suffocating."
He continued to say that the relationship was a great "learning experience", but still mentions his ex. "Our relationship was, for the most part, amazing, at the time it was a breath of fresh air. But it just wasn't how I imagined and previously experienced."
There are no comments yet from y/n on this.
@ynsgoldfish replied- oh so he's still in love w his ex.... and was constantly comparing the two girls and the two different relationships?? okay. got it. fuck this guy lol
@chappellyn replied- bro he's still obsessed with his ex im dead. didn't they date for like. one year barely 💀💀
@midnightyn replied- it wasn't like he "previously experienced" ummm maybe that's a good thing??? he's so fucking stupid.
@sunriseyn replied- remember when she had made a silly little tiktok about how she thought taron egerton was rly cute in Kingsman and Shawn then posted a video of him singing some sad song and also another tiktok showing how jealous he was LMAOOO sore loser. he doesn't know how good he had it with her.
@girlyyn replied to @sunriseyn- this^^^ like there were soooo many red flags w him but we were all just so in love w the idea of the relationship nobody saw it coming fr
@y/n tweeted-
my kink is karma
@popbase tweeted-
Shawn Mendes has just announced a new single! Releasing at the end of the month, titled 'Miss You More Than Anything'
@ynsgf replied- sooo embarrassing 💀💀
@fiveyn replied- bro realized too late LMAOOO sucks for him.
@chalametyns replied- it'd be sooooo funny if it was bad 💀
@bluecurtains replied- oh it will be 💀
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh, dovecameron and 2,236,366 others
y/n feeling like a feather
view all 67,282 comments
ynsbabe her post breakup journey has been so beautiful to watch tbh. I hope she finds someone who loves her fully
beachyyn 'post-breakup' it's been like almost a year already
tchalamet pretty
y/n 🫶💕
blankieyn UMMMM ??!?!!!
laurieslaurence wait- WAITTTTT
loveryn rue, when was this??
@popnews tweeted-
'Miss You More Than Anything' by Shawn Mendes has been out for several months, and is still the singers lowest grossing song ever.
@sabrinayn replied- the shadeeee 💀💀
@pinkyn replied- FOR Y/N UNITED WE STAND
@thankfulyn replied- I listened and... it's definitely a song with lyrics and a beat 😁
@warmyn replied- he'll never be loved by the masses again, it's crazy. almost sad... almost
@cineyn replied- "still" is so funny I cant
@timotheeyn replied- that's why she's with timothee now 💀
@sunnyyn replied to @timotheeyn- wait, it's confirmed?!???
@timotheeyn replied- not by them, but it's pretty obvious LMAO
tchalamet just posted a story!
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@y/n tweeted-
not a lot going on at the moment, but life is good 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@ynsgirlfriend replied- you're so funny girl I love you
@y/n replied- why am I funny? im just vibing fr
@ynsautumn replied- she's living her best life fr
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liked by tchalamet, shawnmendes, sabrinacarpenter and 3,287,272
y/n come with me... and you'll see...
view all 198,937 comments
rachelzegler literally the prettiest girl ever
y/n liked
y/n I literally love you so much.
ynsdinonuggets shawn liking is crazy 💀 SHE DONT WANT YOUU 🗣🗣🗣
piercetheyn imagine fumbling y/n 💀💀..... @shawnmendes IMAGINE 💀💀💀
tchalamet a worlddd of pure imagination !!!!
y/n omg youre my favorite actor hmu 😍
florencepugh so beautiful I miss you!!!
y/n liked
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liked by y/n, francesa.scorsese and 4,847,727 others
tchalamet one year with you is crazy. best year of my life. you're the sunlight on my darkest days and just what I need on the good ones. you are everything I've ever wanted in one person and even more than I ever imagined. I miss you even when I'm right beside you, but especially when I'm not. I Love you, Y/n L/n.
view all 322,727 comments
laurieslaurence BROOOOOO
y/n im crying in this panda express omg
tchalamet liked
y/n you make me feel so special and so so loved. happy one year, timmy 🩷
tchalamet you are loved. happy one year, my love
alessiacara yall are too cute omg
ynscurtains BRO ONE YEARRRRR !?!!
kylesballs ellos son mis padres 😁
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- 💕💕
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liked by madisonbeer, tchalamet and 3,186,616 others
y/n I love you. you are the best thing to ever happen to me. you came during a confusing, heartbreaking, tumultuous time in my life that I was sure I would never get through. but I did and you were my reward. god, what a reward. I am forever grateful for you and everything you've taught me, and are continuing to teach me. happy one year my beautiful Man.
view all 122,282 comments
ynsmotivation okay I may be delusional but 'Man' being capitalized... maybe cause shawn was, and still is, acting like a boy LMAOOO
tchalamet I love you my pretty, talented, inspiring, strong, beautiful girl.
liked by y/n
harpyn and NOTHING for shawn 🤭🤭 funny how things work out.
rachelzegler we gotta have a double date soon!!
liked by y/n
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kelcemenow · 3 months
Walk With Me.
Pairing Taron Egerton x Reader
Words 3620
Warnings I think the only curse word is the first one! There's some flirting, some angst and cute moments in between! There's also a lot of time jumping but it's easy to keep up so don't worry!
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"Shit." You quietly whispered to yourself as you accidentally stepped straight into a large puddle. Shaking the water off from your shoe, you noticed that Riley was none the wiser. She was happily running along in the long grass, searching out every scent that she could trace. 
You slowly walked over to where Riley had dropped her ball and picked it up, calling her over to throw it again.
Just as the ball left your fingers, you noticed another person in the park with you. It was a man. He was quite a distance away from you, but you could see that he was standing still, staring into the nearby trees. A small, tan dog was running around his feet, but he remained still in thought.
Riley bounded back to your feet, retrieving the ball and looking up at you to throw it again. You tore your eyes away from the stranger and walked further into the park, throwing the ball ahead of you.
Your sunglasses dimmed the bright afternoon sunshine and you could feel the warm grass brushing against your sandal-clad feet. The warner weather made your daily walks with Riley much more bare-able and you gladly took a longer route on days like today.
You were almost back to your usual spot in the park when a figure in your peripheral vision caught your attention. It was the man from a few weeks earlier. He was closer than before though, you could see his hazel green eyes creasing as he smiled, watching his own dog play with a ball.  
Riley noticed also, and without a second of hesitation, ran over to greet them.
"Riley!" You called after her, making your way across the grass.
"She's okay, mine's friendly." The man shouted as you got closer.
He was right. Looking down you saw Riley and his dog sniffing and running around each other, jumping as their tails wagged in unison.
"Sorry, I just get nervous sometimes. She's still a puppy and you never know with strange dogs."
He looked up at you, "So, you're saying that my dog is strange?"
Your mouth dropped open, "Oh God no! No! That's not what I meant, I-"
His mouth curved into a smile and his eyes softened, "Relax! I'm joking!"
You exhaled and your shoulders relaxed as you smiled back at him.
"I know what you mean. I've had a few scary moments. Nelly just wants to play...some dogs don't like that, she has a lot of energy!"
You glanced back down at Riley, who was stood still now, looking in the direction of the park gates. There was an awkward pause.
“Come on, Riley.” You waved your hand away and turned on your heels.
"See you around." The man said, smiling and raising his eyebrows.
Your bright, floral summer dress waved in the breeze as some strands of hair fell down to frame your face. You smiled and looked down at the ground as you tucked some hair behind your ear.
He was walking towards you, with Nelly in tow. You'd thought about him occasionally since you last saw him, and you found yourself glancing over your outfit in the hopes that you looked good enough.
"Hello again!"
"Hi." You smiled.
Riley looked up at the man approaching her and gladly wagged her tail as he knelt down to stroke her, "I'm Taron..." He glanced over to his own dog, "...and you've already met Nelly."
You smiled again, "I'm Y/N...and I think you've made a new best friend in Riley." You looked down at she was jumping up at him, "She likes you."
He looked up at you and reciprocated your smile. "Cute."
"Yeah, she is."
"I wasn't talking about Riley."
Your mouth opened slightly, and you took a short breath. Your lips curled into a grin and he stood up slowly.
"It's a beautiful day." He looked up towards the sun, "We could walk together?"
You looked around to find Riley, who was becoming properly acquainted with Nelly. Pushing more hair out of your face from the gentle summer wind, you dropped your sunglasses down from the top of your head, "Sure."
There was a short but not uncomfortable silence as you both walked through the park, the gentle breeze making the trees hush.
“So, have you just moved to the area?” You said, hoping not to sound too intrusive.
He swallowed and cleared his throat, “Yeah, just last week.”
“I thought so, I just hadn’t seen you around?” You justified your question, “You know, you get to know the faces in the park.”
“Are you here every day then?” He asked and you swore you could hear hope in his voice.
Nodding your head, you bent down to collect Riley’s ball, “Yeah, pretty much. She has so much energy that she needs to burn off!”
“I can see that!” He said, laughing as her tiny legs moved at an impressive speed, “I bet she keeps you on your toes?”
“Something like that.”
Another short silence. You both watched as Nelly and Riley were running around, finding smells together and enjoying the summer wind. You broke your gaze from the dogs to sneak a glance at Taron, noticing his kind but piercing eyes and the faint creases in his skin. His chin was speckled with short hairs that covered his sharp jawline. He was undoubtably handsome but there seemed to be a softness to him, something that made you even more intrigued.
“So, what do you do for fun around here?” He said, slightly kicking his feet as he walked.
“Erm…it depends what you would consider fun?” You responded in a more flirtatious way than you intended.
He picked up on your tone by flicking his eyebrows upwards quickly, “I’m up for anything, me.”
You breathed a laugh, “There’s some good restaurants, and there’s a street not far from here with some amazing little independent shops. They stock my favourite hand poured candles.”
“Aww, I love candles!” He said, his voice rising in pitch, “I always try to have one burning.”
“Me too!” Your hand rested on your chest, “You’ll absolutely have to go!”
“Maybe I will.”
“There’s tons of live music too, pretty every pub has a band on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night.”
He leaned in a little closer, “Seems I’ve got a pretty good tour guide here.”
Your cheeks flushed and you smiled before leaning down to throw Riley’s ball, grateful for the curtain of hair hiding your pink face.
“Maybe, I could get your number and we could hang out? You could show me around the town?”
You straightened up and blinked a few times, “Uh…yeah sure! Sounds good to me.”
Taron glanced at the fork in the path as he reached into his pocket, “I’m gunna head up this way but I’ll text you?”
Your mouth stretched into a grin as you carefully typed your number into his phone, checking that it was correct before handing it back to him, his fingers gently brushing against yours.
“I’ll see you around?”
You gently nodded your head as you watched him turn out of the park, your eyes seemingly fixated on the space where he once was. You were quickly broken from your trance when Riley barked up at you, ready for another chase.
The cool air whipped around your face, but you were pleased for the breeze. The fever that was burning through your body was intolerable, along with the stomach-churning sickness that came with it. You weren't unwell though; this was all self-inflicted from countless glasses of wine from the night before. 
You watched Riley as she gladly ran in amongst the grass, nose close to the ground, unaware of how much you craved your sofa.
The evening had started out as a quiet drink with some friends from work but soon spiralled into cocktails and dancing. You grasped at your head as you started to remember fuzzy memories that your brain was trying to push forward in your mind, along with a thumping that wouldn't let up.
"Good morning sunshine!"
A bright voice forced you to turn around, "Taron!" Your eyes narrowed as more memories came flooding back, "Oh my God, I saw you last night!"
"Yeah, you were pretty wasted!" He laughed gently as he unclipped Nelly from her leash, "How are you feeling?"
"As bad as I look."
He shrugged, "Nah, you look pretty good...considering."
You would've blushed, if it weren't for the red haze that was covering your cheeks already. You pushed some hair away from your face as you squinted your eyes at him, "I didn't do anything embarrassing, did I?"
He laughed and started to walk with you, following your dogs, "I wouldn't say that but..."
Your face fell, "Oh God, what? I'm so sorry! What did I do?"
He laughed again, "You don't need to apologise! But you need to thank me."
You lowered your eyebrows in confusion.
"It was around 2am when you decided that it would be a great idea to do shots of vodka while dancing on the bar."
You dropped your head and groaned.
"But I stopped you and insisted that I walked you home."
"You...you walked me home?" 
He kicked some pebbles on the ground, "Yeah. We live really close to each other. Plus, you were a mess by that point, I had to be a gentleman."
You gently brought your hand to his arm, "Thank you. Really, thank you. And you're wrong...I do need to apologise. I know I'm bad when I'm drunk."
He put his hand on top of yours, "Seriously, don't worry about it. I just wanted to make sure you were safe."
You felt your heart leap as your hands touched, but you weren't sure if it was from the contact or from the hangover. His hand dropped and he placed it in his hoodie pocket. You did the same and took in a deep breath of fresh air.
The path you were walking split off into two directions and Taron started turning left as you slowed down.
"Are you going up to the top today?" Taron pointed his finger towards the path that lead to an area of the park that was lined with wildflowers.
You felt a rumble in the pit of your stomach and the heat in your body rose a few degrees in temperature.
"Erm, actually..." You knelt down slowly to put Riley's leash back on, "I'm probably going to go back." You clutched at your stomach.
His eyebrows lowered, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah...I'm fine. I just-" You hurried backwards, nausea coming in waves, "-I just have to go." You quickly said before turning and rushing back towards your house.
Riley was practically dragging you into the park, pulling your arm holding onto the leash that was attached to her collar. She could see Taron and Nelly further into the gates and you couldn't keep up with her pace. The leash slipped from your fingers and Riley ran ahead, bounding towards them.
"Riley!" You yelled out, making Taron's head turn in your direction.
He smiled and kneeled down to collect the leash, letting Nelly greet her canine friend, "She's just too excited to see me!"
You laughed, "Clearly!"
"Or is this all a cover up for the fact that it was you who wanted to see me?" He nudged your arm once you arrived his side.
"Oh, haha." You said, unenthusiastically, "Don't flatter yourself, Egerton."
"You're not denying it." He raised an eyebrow.
You shook your head. 
He was right, though. Every time you took Riley for her daily walks, you secretly hoped that you'd bump into him. Since you had last seen him, you had been messaging each other online, usually until the early hours of the morning, throwing banter back and forth. You talked about your shared tastes in music and movies, he'd send you the occasional message with a new song that he'd found that he thought you might like, or a line from the book that he was currently reading. He would occasionally send you funny Welsh words and their translations and tag you in memes almost every day. His messages made you smile and you as each day went by, you thought more and more about him. 
You looked up to him, "By the way, that playlist that you sent me this morning...oh my God!"
His face was animated, "I know right?! That third song is getting played at my wedding!"
A shiver ran down your spine and you silently wondered if he was currently engaged and a wedding was imminent. You blinked and quickly changed the subject.
"I must admit, I do look forward to your daily messages."
His face changed into a small smile, that grew as he threw his arm around your shoulder, walking with you along the path, "Well, it’s a good job I intend to carry on sending them then, isn’t it?”
There was something that you loved about autumn. Something about the colours and the idea that nature was preparing for winter that held you in intrigue. You watched over the park that you were familiar with in awe, watching the leaves that had fallen from the trees turn to a warm hue of orange, when you saw something else familiar.
Taron was sat on a bench further down the path with his back to you, headphones on and hunched over what was probably his phone.
You walked closer, Riley following you in excitement at seeing Nelly, and poked a finger in his back when you got to him. He pulled his headphones down and twisted around to face you.
His face lit up, "Oh! I was just texting you!"
Your hand ghosted over your pocket where your phone was, "Were you?"
"Yeah!" He put his phone away, "I was just seeing if you were out walking Riley."
Riley jumped at Taron's knees and he stroked her, scratching his fingers into her head. He looked back to you as you sat down next to him.
"How've you been?" He squinted his eyes, shielding his face from the glare of the sun.
You pushed some hair behind your ear, "I'm good, and you?"
"Yeah, I actually wanted to-" He was interrupted by his phone that was in his hand springing into life. He glanced at the screen and his eyes narrowed with an emotion that you couldn't detect, "-hold that thought. I have to get this."
You smiled and nodded, looking over to where Riley and Nelly were, watching them run around each other.
"Hey...yeah." He paused and lowered his head looking down at his feet, shuffling them awkwardly, "...what time do you get in? Okay cool...sure. No...no that's fine." He glanced quickly to you and you caught his gaze for a couple of seconds, "Okay, call me when you get to- yeah...you too."
You looked away, not wanting to seem intrusive to his conversation. He pocketed his phone and rose to his feet.
"We'll have to cut this walk short I'm afraid." He looked over to Nelly and whistled to gain her attention.
"Oh, no problem." You smiled, "You got something to do?" You scolded yourself slightly for prying.
"Erm yeah, kind of." He scratched the back of his neck nervously as Nelly came running back to him, "My friends is visiting, she's-well she's my girlfriend. She's working away and she's back for a few days."
Your stomach dropped to your feet. He had a girlfriend, of course he did. He was funny and intelligent, not to mention exceptionally handsome. You had no idea why you were disappointed. Sure, there was friendly flirting between the pair of you but nothing had ever gone any further. That's all it was, friendly.
"Oh...right." You tried your hardest not to let the disappointment flood your face, but you were sure you had failed in your attempts.
Taron bent down to attach Nelly to her leash as you exhaled away your emotions, biting at your bottom lip. Your eyebrows raised as you caught his gaze again.
"I'll...see you around I suppose."
"Yeah, see you around, Taron."
You watched as he walked away. Your stomach knotted as you studied his body language. You had never known him to deflate so much, everything about him had disappeared. His smile seemed forced for some reason, but you pushed the thought to the back of your mind. Taking a breath, you walked further into the park, letting the gentle breeze cool your skin.
You checked your phone for what felt like the hundredth time that day. It had been almost a week with no contact from Taron at all. Figuring he was busy with his girlfriend, you put your phone back into your pocket and carried on walking with Riley.
You missed him. You missed his morning messages and whenever he got excited about a new pair of sunglasses that he had just bought or a new candle that he loved the smell of. You missed the walks you sometimes shared with your dogs and how completely at ease you felt around him. You missed how he would sometimes lean closer to you when he was talking. You missed the way he would look at you.
But you were just friends, right?
"Taron?" You called out to him. 
He was stood in the large open area of the park, staring down into the grass. He didn't reply, nor did he seem to notice you were even there.
His head raised slowly, and his eyes refocused onto you, "Oh...hey."
You frowned when you noticed how exhausted he looked. His cheek dimples always seemed to be present but they were nowhere to be seen. His hair was messier than usual and there was no smile on his lips when he looked at you.
"Taron...are you okay?" You couldn't hide your concern.
He cleared his throat and looked back down at the grass, "Yeah...I'm fine." He blinked his bleary eyes.
As you studied his face you could see that his mouth was clenched, his strong jawline accentuated and his eyebrows were slowly making their way closer together.
"Nah...I'm not buying it." You moved to face him, "What's the matter with you?"
He closed his eyes and brought a hand to his face, rubbing across his forehead, "Nothing, I said I'm fine."
"And I said I'm not buying it." You reached for his arm and he almost flinched, "Come on, I haven't heard from you in a week, I haven't seen you out walking Nelly and in the nicest way possible Taron, you look like shit."
"It's Kate."
"Kate...my girlfriend Kate."
You nodded and waiting patiently for him to continue.
"It's...it's just been a difficult week."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Taron." You gulped as he looked at you. You weren't sure if you wanted to hear about her anyway.
"No...no. I think I need to just get it off of my chest." He glanced towards the dogs before motioning across to the bench.
You both sat down and he rested his elbows on his knees, palms pressed together as his eyes danced in anticipation.
"I think she's cheating on me."
You leaned back slightly; eyebrows raised in surprise. It's safe to say that you weren't expecting that.
"What makes you think that?"
His lips curled into a smile as he exhaled, "At first I thought I was just being paranoid. But now I'm fairly certain." He paused as his tried to find his words, "She's works away a lot and she can only visit every so often. And the last few times she's visited...something hasn't seemed right. And if I'm being honest...I haven't been happy for a while."
You could see some moisture forming in his eyes, but he quickly blinked it away.
"Why are you still with her?"
He froze, his hair blowing in the breeze being the only movement on his body. Finally, he let out a breath and shook his head, "I really don't know. She stuck with me while I was broke and trying to make something of myself."
"You don't owe her anything if you're not happy. You know that, right?" You thought for a second, "And if you're sure that she's cheating on you...then-"
"She was using the bathroom and she got a text. I thought it was my phone so I grabbed it and there were all these messages, you know...I can't believe she'd do that to me."
"You don't deserve this Taron." You gently placed your hand on his knee, and he broke his gaze from the floor to look at the contact.
He kept his eyes on your hand for a short moment before you started to pull it away, but he quickly stopped you, "No, don't."
He cut you off mid-sentence, pressing his lips to yours, gently but hungrily. His hand ran up your arm, finding its way to cup to your face, fingers pulling at your hair.
You melted into him for a moment, before feeling a stab of guilt. You pulled away quickly, placing your hand over his that was still placed on the side of your face. His forehead pressed against yours, his eyes burning into you.
"We shouldn't...I mean, you still have a girlfriend." You whispered.
"But I-" Taron started, moving into you closer.
"No, it's not right." You held his hand and pushed it away from you.
Taron closed his eyes for a moment before nodding gently. You rose to your feet and clipped the leash onto Riley who was sniffing down by your feet.
"Call me when you've got everything figured out."
Ughhhhh...I just love him! I might do another chapter of this if people want it. I find him really easy to write for so I'm also willing for any requests!
If you don't want to miss another Taron fic, let me know and I will add you to my Taglist! Who wants to be first on this list??
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You know who's the cutest? That's right Taron Egerton. Who else is also cute? That's right it's Eggsy Unwin. There's one more— EXACTLY it's Mad Teddy!
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It's so cute to see the internet rediscovering Hugh Jackman in 2024. Meanwhile I've been in the Hugh Jackman corner along with Taron Egerton since 2000.
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