#cute anon :)
the-kingshound · 2 months
Well done! 🎉
Now please hydrate and stretch your fingers and body 😊
... oh no, I haven't drank all morning
Well anyway *keeps writing*
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wolfsetfree-if · 5 months
AHHH I LOVED THE BELA POV! Seeing Bela’s different reactions to alpha, gamma, omega MC’s was so good! Their heart shattering when they saw Omega MC with a collar and leash obediently following the djinn with no resistance got me- 😩 I gotta marry Bela I swearrrr
Aww I'm so glad!
Put a ring on them I dare u❤
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mimidiann · 7 months
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thank you!!
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seirindono · 2 months
Hi, hope you're doing well! Your comics is one of my favs, I really love your art style.
Not to make you feel pressured, but just a general question: would you be opening commissions again sometime this year? I'd love to support you more! ❤️
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Way to hit me in the feels anon, hehe. Thank you!
Jokes aside, I've been too busy these last few months (and will be for the better part of the year) to take any commissions but I'm thinking of re opening them for a short while, yes!
Probably in July (summer break). Some slots are already reserved but I'll open a few more for last minute comms! You can also ask/remind me to tag you when they open so you don't miss it.
Anyhow, they're a nice help for sure and I'd be more than happy to draw your favorite skele, but no pressure on your side either, alright? They're many ways to show support, big and small, and I'm very much thankful for all of them (*´︶`*)╯
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fromtheashesweriseif · 2 months
So basically more angst for MC. I'm here for it 🍿
I knew it. Angst gremlins❤
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
your username makes me think of WATCH your buck like in the way you need to watch him before he runs off and does something dangerous again 😭
LISTEN sdfghj its up to interpretation bc it literally is a play on "watch your back", i just never assigned too much meaning to it lmaooo but i also like this take!!!
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hacked-by-jake · 7 months
Hello hbj, hope you are well! I am immensely sad because of the unfinished V for Vendetta fanfics, they are fascinating stories but the authors stopped updating, I wanted to know If you have anything to recommend me? I read your recommendation and I'm extremely passionate about it, Too bad it stopped being updated a long time ago
Oof, that's a hard thing. I've read so many incredible fics and I fear I don't remember most names. But I also searched for ones I enjoyed the most back then and had to discover that many one shots I've read on Tumblr vanished. They blogs are deactivated or they changed their names. I don’t know. But I'm very sad about it.
So first of all for your information, I have always read more One shots so I can hardly really give recommendations for several part fics. But I enjoyed them a lot so hopefully you will as well. Oh, and I won’t lie, many fics/one shots include smut and nsfw content. I don't know if you're okay with this, I hope so because I can really recommend them. Well and I hardly read anything else than smut. 😂 (Some "one shots" still have several parts)
I also read a lot on AO3, which is why all recommendations will come from there. Since, as I said, many fics on Tumblr are no longer to be found.
I can also recommend you to search for v for vendetta on AO3. I have read a lot of fan fictions released after 2021. Or Evey Hammond/V, you will find lots of fics there.
So, I can recommend a lot of fanfictions by blythechild
Also Me Tangere by Beth Winter
Lots of V fics by Corvidology
The account by singleword
V x Reader by undertaker_biscuit
Flesh by Trishtim
By invaderspotty
Ad meliora by Heriota_Jelly (12 parts I don't remember if it just stopped being updated)
vale, salve by winter_hiems
Halfway by JackHawksmoor
Veritas Vincit: The Fallen Rose by NuriaSchnee
And one of my absolute favourites: (I thought it's gone but then I found it and almost cried) also by Ko_dama
So, I don't remember all of them completely and I also re discovered some while searching for it so I don't remember every single one completely. But I thinks it's not a problem since tastes are different anyway.
If I will find more or remember more I will maybe reblog this post or make a new one. But until then, I hope you find some you like and enjoy. Have fun reading!
And also thank you for sending the ask. I'm glad you liked the first recommendation. It's still my absolute favourite v fic. I could still cry because it was never finished but what we can read is unbelievable enough.
I hope you will have a fantastic day/evening/night. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe. 💚🌹
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jullbnt · 6 months
Hello! Congrats on the milestone! Have some incorrect quotes!
Vio, furious: What do you mean we have homework tonight? I have books to read.
Time: Are you mad? Wild: No. Time: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby? Wild: I couldn't sleep.
Congrats again!
- Moon Anon
Thank you!! I love the one with Time and Wild (anything involving Time always makes me stupidly happy 😅)
I'm not sure you meant this as a request but just in case, I am not taking new ones at the moment ^^
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zeherili-ankhein · 5 days
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ❤️🎀
You made me soooo happy <3
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doriana-gray-games · 1 year
Do you have any idea how many times have has listened to that Watson audio? Blushing and twirling my hair and kicking my feet like a middle school girl with a crush over how much I love it and them
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Anon u so cute ❤️
Was this you too lol? (it came right after this message)
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I can't give you a kiss with Watson quite yet (tho there is a fakeout makeout scenario somewhere...)
buuut i can give more Audios?
John W carriage scene (romantic version):
Gregory Lestrade "study him":
(These were previously only on the discord and were made a while ago. And were the only ones that turned out decent, except maybe the earlier one you saw of Watson.)
// I have yet to be able to find exactly how the site used its voice actors, but it does talk of hiring actors to clone rather than to generate from multiple random samples. And it talks of the ethics and legalities of using voices. But to be on the safe side, I'll keep an eye out for the ethical situation of the company, and if I ever decide to use them in a greater capacity, I'll probably email them and get a confirmation that they paid the default voice actors that are the basis for the voice I use above.
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the-kingshound · 2 months
There is some Patreon?
Hi anon, no there isn't. It's not that I don't want to gain money for my writing, but the thought of a weekly or even monthly content thatcI need to polish and publish stresses me out too much. I think it would just suck the enjoyment out of game developers for me.
I do have a Ko-Fi, if you are willing to donate. Now that I have an artist, I am going to use the money donated to commission the character portraits (whoch is such a huge thing, and I am grateful for anyone who made this possible)
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wolfsetfree-if · 9 months
Welcome baaacckk 🤍🤍🤍🤍, hope you’re doing okay !!
Ahh thank you! I missed this game but I was feeling stuck and anxious so I decided to hide it until it got better. And it did! I am writing again and hopeful to finish the next chapter in reasonable time
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mimidiann · 5 months
Your art looks like it taste good. Like a sweet candy 😭🤚
wth…,what a cute message…….ty tysm……omg……
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blushlillyyy · 3 months
me, going through your blog. . .
oh she's a law student. . .
she's got a boyfriend-okay. . .
she's a law student from pune. . .
She's got a boyfriend. . .
suddenly remembers my crush 😭. . .
Oh you're from delhi. . .
Now I know that you're not my crush 😬. . .
Anyway all the best for your future ❤️
Awww thank you so much for exploring my blog 🤭Haha, yes, I am indeed a law student from Pune 🤪😩. I appreciate your good wishes 💕
Wishing you all the best as well🥰 !
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fromtheashesweriseif · 9 months
Hi hi :) Absolutely loving this so far <3 I've probably combed through this blog and the demo like 3 times!!! So, as a green-enthusiast I wanted to ask wether we might at some point get the option for green scales for our MC?
Anon :,) firstly, thank you so much for the cute ask💙 you also reminded me that I accidentally didn't include green in the character creator... I-💀
Will absolutely do so as I update the game next! Don't know when it will happen, but I have finally managed to figure out the plot for next chapter (I was stuck with different ideas that didn't work). Honestly though, MC's dramatics help drive the plot so much
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unshackled-if · 11 months
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