random-racehorses · 1 year
Random Real Thoroughbred: DOUBLE CUT
DOUBLE CUT is a chesnut mare born in The United States in 1958. By DOUBLE ECLIPSE out of GREY SLIPPER. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/double+cut2
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garveyard · 22 days
i dont wat to get better s0rry m0m give me all the cut2
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nso-csi · 1 year
230803 NHK SHINee cut2
Words they teach today: Minho - bingsu & sea Taemin - watermelon & electric fan Key - fireworks trans
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247snob · 3 months
Million thoughts!
Where to S t a r t???
Jump off to where i was....obsessing on the Prior footage? Watching it again, days ago. Can't shake it...It being BURNT in my head ( w her sitting Watching the "coursing of bulls" Emilio Muñoz?...) or saying over the years how...basically, her movies are shit because of Them, not her....(director. cinematographer, ect) the footage Prrrrrretty much Locked That theory Down! 100% That scene Alone....a chunk w the camera on her...INcredible. Marilyn Like. Where, the noise if, taking time to get her There...and once they do...or "it might take 50 takes but once we get it, it's...) the inner light kicked on. Can Not Tell me...the story in her face, no audible. INCREDIBLE! Could see everything going on w out knowing the back story. W out seeing the actual video (eww. Imagine coming off as some creepy obsessed fan! Lol...*guhh)
Or...me all kid like...the...myyyyy over thinking (? Not a bad thing) The Bed Scene! Fuuuuck! Just Fkn Beautiful!! Watched it like a MoooVie! Beautiful! SEX!! PERFECTION. Edit/cut2, where she pulls her arms up. Skin of her four arm tugs the front of bra, slight reveal of a nipple. So insanely pretty...art...beautiful!! Every Visual is Peeking! (Mixing in That...slipping away. Her, To Conjure her up (who even is That? Who's she? She's not "normal". Incredible. And or...their's an audience. With...aside from the beauty. Their's a room....5...11...20+ ppl watching *again. Who is That?? I fkn know. Damn it. I know. And "this head" seeing her in the flesh...it's Trippy....to me.)
Not smart enough...wish i was. To break down what my head, brain was...swimming. this "oook ok ok OK! That's why she's/it's/ trying to Get it...it's Bad Ass
THEN TO this...like about. All being true!!!
The. Did you get there from People? Help? Just the vessel? Marilyn, again. I couldn't happen(?) without Help? (Conflicted.) This is where "i" kick in. Or maybe why we're not That...this...THAT! (I Can't break every thought down...getbem All out. But. In the Soup of...it's not "normal" to do...be That (huge of an artist in our...my lifetime. *oh god..here comes the "who cares...why do you care..." manic? Insane?)
...* (though 4 on the video) Making people uncomfortable around you. The tantrum. "Bitchy"....kid like. People there to severe you and....To...(my head. My "insanity"...) seeing her seconds latet. Almost realizing "the energy" and making giggling...jokie(sp?) sounds and reverting the mood??
.......My experience...experiences. projecting. Memory of a Leo i know (knew) and her Just Making Everyone's life a living hell. AND (where I sit "crazy" taday) why people took it!! Why the one girl in particular took it. She would Go Off on her! Flip out, screaming-in-her-face...alot. everyone would just be on pins and needles. (Lies. Some just went on like....another day at the office. Unphased.
Watching this (vid) Just semi waking up...just off the phone talking...oop, being talked at...the CRAZY Dream i just got up from (MOVIEEEEE. NO dialog. (Much) gangster. Gangsters. How it (scary....beautiful) went from one ta one ta one...eras. styles. Races. The goings down. The "is it good...is it bad" the, everyone running from....
The Details of what my brain put...puts together. VS wtf i can get out my lips. (Finger) it's Maddening!!
BUT....The Leo frnd....i kinda felt sick. Thinking about How i never stood up for that girl.
Especially now. (The this this this that) puzzle in my head of...protecting what? The paycheck? My space of where i was...like if you do This...this will happen. MEANWHILE, ha..where did it get me??
(Like the dream. My brain. 2+2=7hhfg86449n poopy pee pee hexagon) Where did "playing it safe" get me? I Still ended up "here" (so far so (not) good) shutting tf up with That disaster got me...not too fkn much in the end. (Now as my own "screaming in my face" adventures are coming up...)
Saying...with aaaall that Nothing info (vid. Synergy-ish. Dream. Thoughts of negativity *including real time interactions) ALIVE as i feel...it's All...everything....it's gotta turn into Something. As much as this (for ME...no mthrfkrs tlk on this bitch. No bouncing Thoughts off "friends" (whatever That is. Having Zeroooo)
Guhhh. Rambling, spinning (usual). Hopefully Soon. It makes sense.
The noise...the turn on(s)...inner "ahhh" is to prevalent. To Always on...Always thinking. Quentioning.
It's Gotta be 4 something. *somebody straighten my veil.
*seriously. That dream🤯
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lopsidedghoul · 1 month
more under the cut2
Lost Sheep 2
“Come and feast!” Is what i was told. So i came, only to be served the blood and meat of my savior. This feels so backwards, what am I, a measly angel, worthy of? I don’t deserve to be fed my savior, i did nothing at all. I should be the one on the table, i should be the one up on the cross, for he did not deserve what he was given.
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fmp2jing · 8 months
《虽然是精神病但没关系》中的童话叙事(虽然是精神病但没关系)剧评 (douban.com)
《雖然是精神病但沒關係》定格動畫製作過程公開,短短3分鐘背後全是血汗淚... (thekdaily.com)
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aisamosshi · 11 months
you're mine, only mine.
ni drama dah lama dah 2010, ehhhhh baru harini aku jumpe full.
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saja aku marathon sekali jalan. ada 8 episode je kat youtube. sebelum ni takde pulak aku perasan. but, aku tengok without subtittle wey.
aku faham sikit2 je laaa.
dulu aku pernah tengok video dia dh cut2 je. ni baru dapat tengok full. aku faham2 sendiri je la eh . sebab takde sub.
drama dia pasal si anne ni, budak kg kottt. tapi bapak dia ade bussiness kat bandar. out of nowhere, bapak dia berhutang dengan laki botak ni, si alex. 10 mil.
so, bapak dia takleh bayar. entah dia buat perjanjian dengan si alex nak kawin kan anak dia dgn alex.
so bapak dia call suruh dtg bandar. tinggal kt rumah alex. bila dapat tau dia mcm kena jual ngn bapak dia, terus dia mengamok, then lari balik kg.
then , entah ape jadi kat kg. dia balik rumah alex dan terima laa nak kawin. tapi dlm keadaan tak happy, mungkin sebab diorang kt kg miskin xleh bayar lah kott. aku rasalah.
then, alex setuju bawak anne jumpe family. asalnya anne ni benci jugak, tapi nak buat mcm mana hutang xleh nak bayar, pastu drama pulak 8episode je. hahahaha.
jadi anne pun suke je kat alex sebab tengok side alex yg caring dengan mak dia yg lumpuh, adik2 sedara mara semua dia baik laa. goodboy org kata.
si anne ni dulu masa duduk kg dah ade boyfriend, nama robert. tapi robert ni aku expect dia okay je laa kot awek kena rampas.
then aku taktau dari mana si minah dahlia ni dtg. aku teka sepupu si alex ni. tapi kemain geletisnya dok peluk2 alex.
sampaikan malam wedding alex pun dia suruh alex hantar dia balik, padahal dia ajak alex pi minum arak. cam cibeng perangai.
ni klau aku kt situasi si anne pun aku marah. anne dah laa baru nak bukak hati untuk alex tu. masa dia jalan kat aisle pun, dia dok jeling si geletis dahlia tu.
sakit hati doe tengok.
dah lepas tu, si dahlia tiberr kena tumpang rumah diorang.sampailah si anne ni tertengok dahlia mandi swimming pool dengan laki dia. bengang lah dia. terus dia balik kg.
sampai kg dia pengsan. rupanya dia mengandung. masa dia hilang tu, si shibal alex tu x cari pon bini dia. dia sibok dok layan betina tu.
si anne ni excited la, lari balik rumah nak bgtau dia pregnant. sampai je office room laki dia, dia tengok dahlia nak comolot laki dia.
hancur luluh hati seorang isteri doe.
dia lari, alex kejar. gaduh2. pastu dia lari kt jalan then kena langgar.
mengalami pendarahan, alex bawak gi hospital.
kebetulan masa alex jaga tu, si dahlia sampai. dok usap2 bahu si alex. tiber terus anne sedar tengok deme berdua. terus dia halau keluar.
aku rasa dia gugur kot.
dia pun bengang ngn laki dia, dia hantar surat cerai.
masa kt kg, si alex dtg pujuk, cakap la yg memang dia plan suruh bapak dia guna 10mil tu. dia mmg nak kawin dengan anne sebab dah jatuh cinta masa zaman muda diorang.
masa tu anne tolong dia kena buli. alex nerd lagi masa tu.
dia ceter laa bla bla blaaa. ending anne tu terima dia balik. maybe tersentuh dengan drama si alex ni.
cam bangang ending.
dulu aku ingat si alex ni green flag, rupanya red flag bodo.
perempuan lain peluk dia, dia okay je tak tepis. hati bini tak jaga. bini sembang ngn laki lain, tau pulak dia berang.
cam bodo jantan mcm ni.
stresss aku, asal aku gi tengok drama ni doe.
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mmm-plts · 1 year
Regresión lineal Cráteres en Marte
Comparto mi código
-- coding: utf-8 --
""" Created on Thu Apr 20 19:10:44 2023
@author: ANGELA """
import numpy import pandas import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import statsmodels.api as sm import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import seaborn
Configuración matplotlib
def funtion_plot(val_x,val_y, title): # relación entre diametro del crater cob la profundidad plt = seaborn.regplot(x=val_x, y =val_y, fit_reg = True, data = data) plt.xlabel("km") plt.ylabel (" km") plt.title(title) plt.show()
data = pandas.read_csv('marscrater_pds.csv', low_memory=False)
data['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE']=pandas.to_numeric(data['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'], errors='coerce') data['LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE']=pandas.to_numeric(data['LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'], errors='coerce') data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE']=pandas.to_numeric(data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'], errors='coerce') data['NUMBER_LAYERS']=pandas.to_numeric(data['NUMBER_LAYERS'], errors='coerce') data['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG']=pandas.to_numeric(data['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'], errors='coerce')
Relaciono por cantidad de cortes
sub1=data[(data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE']>=0) & (data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE']<=70000)].dropna() cut0 =data[(data['NUMBER_LAYERS']==0)].dropna() cut1 =data[(data['NUMBER_LAYERS']==1)].dropna() cut2 =data[(data['NUMBER_LAYERS']==2)].dropna() cut3 =data[(data['NUMBER_LAYERS']==3)].dropna() cut4 =data[(data['NUMBER_LAYERS']==4)].dropna() cut5 =data[(data['NUMBER_LAYERS']==5)].dropna()
Orden 1
imagen0=seaborn.regplot(x=cut0['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'], y =cut0['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'], scatter=True, data = sub1) plt.xlabel("Diameter km") plt.ylabel("Depth km") plt.title("POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION order 1 and 2 for Crater´s with 0 Layers"") plt.show()
orden 2
imagen0=seaborn.regplot(x=cut0['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'], y =cut0['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'], scatter=True, order=2, data = sub1) plt.xlabel("Diameter km") plt.ylabel("Depth km") plt.title("Crater´s with 0 Layers") plt.show()
analisis de función cuadratica
model1 = smf.ols('DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE ~ DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG_c +I(DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG_c**2)', data=sub1) results1 = model1.fit() print (results1.summary())
model2=smf.ols('DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE ~ DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG_c +I(DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG_c**2)', data=sub1) results2 = model2.fit() print (results2.summary())
Q-Q plot
model3= smf.ols('DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE ~ DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG_c +I(DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG_c**2)', data=sub1) results3 = model3.fit() print (results2.summary())
Los resultados:
Se observa que en ningún caso el valor P es significativo
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m0n2term42h · 3 years
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nso-csi · 2 years
200105 SuperM: Setting Up WE ARE THE FUTURE LIVE, Taemin cut2
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gho2ty · 4 years
ii dont do that w normal mochii eiither 2o iit2 kiinda funny
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Sollux: covered iin cut2 and burn2 and bruii2e2 and 2crape2 from tryiing two fiind download liink2
Aradia: full 0f malware and add-0ns fr0m trying t0 f0rage blackberries
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lunanilla · 4 years
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sexy-lee-min-woo · 2 years
[VIDEO] 20220808 Dongwan - Rehearsal Recording for the musical "Seopyeonje"
Download full 1080p MP4 1.3GB: https://mega.nz/file/K74DXChQ#nHHq1nLUK8P1C8t3fsrgNEm3N3v4kFI3N5WIMDPTogo Cut1: https://mega.nz/file/y2pGhbiK#iEFHqM0WAE4rhecpE6m8Xhyn9IDANSit128zBhmGy14 Cut2: https://mega.nz/file/y3hWiR6K#AbGhvYuzPWgP8qwbqxSyMhOygnNMtGjpvB2VYatRswM Cut3: https://mega.nz/file/quBm3RiB#8n5YcsK5455wjxOpccIkpK2PHwL2V-M7hDlBSyTkNmg
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2ynth · 3 years
all ii have ii2 a bloody no2e and a few cut2 on my face
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lowsodiumlevels · 3 years
Excerpts of W.i.p writings I'll never fully post.
Black flirting. A defense mechanism for Anlero to use when he's in this sort of  situation. Be it a highblood wanting psionic power or when he's nervous. It's most likely both. Orxefo made a disgusted expression. As if he hated the fact Anlero said that. And he did. He always hated the way Anlero acted so much like a stuck up highblood after their break-up. Going around fucking every blood caste there is as well. It infuriated him. As if their relationship meant nothing to Anlero in the first place. The use of his old pet name made him even more enraged.Orxefo took a deep breath and tried to relax. Not letting his anger get the best of him. 
Aleche just moved closer and ended up burying his face into Lindor's chest. Latching onto him. Sobbing. Lindor put his arms around his matesprit and just held him. Making "shhh" sounds to help relax the distressed troll. 
"OK, how about we go and….um- maybe cuddle in the bed? Or perhaps- OH!! H-have you eaten? Should I make you something? Have you been drinking enough water? Do I need to-"
Lindor was cut off by the sound of giggling. It was coming from Aleche. Taking a deep breath, Aleche looked up at Lindor. Wiping away his own tears a bit. 
"N-no...I'm good with food and water. I just...had a bit of an emotional overload during work today and....I should be fine in a bit but….can we cuddle in the bed? I...I need you to cuddle me...please".
Placing a soft kiss on Shiken's lips. She then made Shiken lay on top of her. Having Shiken lay on her like this felt like heaven. But to Shiken it just didn't feel right.—
She loved having his body so close to hers. Tracing the fresh cuts he had on him. Shiken just whined. "//you know...all the2e cut2 on you make you look 2o cute...or maybe you're ju2t cur2ed to be cute no matter what happen2 to your body//".
(Sep. 24, 2020)
Injector was in the middle of cutting open a dead troll. Making a deep cut into the chest cavity. Mostly examining the muscle and actual bone. It was a highblood. Indigo blood to be more exact. One he killed for no reason. Just because he could and was allowed to do so. For research purposes of course. Some trolls called him mad. He states that he's not. He's just going further beyond. Then again he didn't really care what other trolls say about him. After a few minutes he finished up. Taking off his goggles and gloves. Carting away the now cut up troll to dispose of in another room. Hearing a door open he quickly turned to where the noise came from. Bringing his bonesaw to the other trolls face rather quick. "-1DENT1FY YOURSELF-". He just heard the other troll giggle and moved the bonesaw down. "-OH….HEY 1CURUS, SORRY FOR MY RUDENSS, YOU KNOW HOW JUMPY 1 TEND TO 6E-". He then put his bonesaw away. Heroic just tilted his head in confusion. Injector then pulled off his gas mask. "-I S41D SORRY FOR MY RUDENESS, 1 TEND TO 6E A 61T JUMPY-". Heroic then nodded and pat Injector's head as a sign that he forgave him. "-->Not your fAult I'm sorry too for vvAlking in like thAt <--".
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