#custom t shirts Dartmouth
valleycustom · 1 year
Buy Your Customized Toddler Tee Only at Valley Custom
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👋 Are you looking for a cute and personalized tee for your little one?😀 Look no further than Customized T-Shirt! We have a variety of designs and colors😍 that will make your toddler stand out. Plus, our tees are super comfortable and perfect for playtime! Contact us today to learn more. 🤩
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crestingcreative · 5 months
Making Your Brand Shine with Screen Printing in Dartmouth
Although the modern business world is full of fast-moving trends, companies still need help advertising themselves. And that is where the advertising gimmicks, the merchandise sale products, come in. You can print that with your logo on them, for example, pens, shirts, mugs, or other stuff.
Promotional Products:
The custom of promotion puts your brand in the form of small billboards. This can be daily stuff people use, like water bottles, pens, or keychains, but with your logos on them. Promotional products in Canada enterprises are ardent fans of them because they provide a channel for reaching new audiences.
Screen Printing Dartmouth:
Screen printing at Dartmouth is an exceptional way to turn my designs into t-shirts and bags. The University of Dartmouth often represents this skill well. They undergo various particular technologies to enhance brightness and ensure the designs last for an extended period.
Making Memories as Parts of the Purchasers' Collections
Branding products are more than just necessary. It could be you or me because, after all, they're memories waiting to happen. Or imagine that a mug with your logo would become a customer's outstanding favorite mug. That's where their knowledge differs from ours.
Spreading the Love:
For promotional products to succeed, you have to make them seen, widely spread, readily available, and popularized. Please give it to them at the events, send it to your customers, or use it as a prize. With this in mind, many more people will see your brand.
The promotional products in Canada are pivotal and pungent devices for letting the brand get known among the public. Suppose you want excellent and unusual printed products for your business. In that case, screen printing at Dartmouth can help you leave a strong impression on your consumers and co-workers with its colorful and attractive products!
To know more about Promotional products Canada and please visit the website.
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Express your very unique title with our Snake Hawaiian Shirt. Made from premium character materials, this shirt is not simply a patch of habiliment, it's a canvass for artistic expressions. With its vibrant colors and intricate serpent pattern, this shirt is trusted to pee-pee a statement wheresoever you go. Whether you're header to a beach company, a medicine fete, or simply hanging out with friends, our Snake Hawaiian Shirt testament set you aside from the bunch. Get ready to turn heads and showcase your individualism with this one-of-a-kind forge part. Shop now and unleash your creativeness!
Relate : https://infinitestylesinquirer.blogspot.com/2024/01/diy-customization-personalizing-your_23.html
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13-reasons-ideas · 5 years
How did I just now stumble across your blog?!! It’s awesome and your Monty story is top notch. Would u take a request that isn’t from a prompt list but my own idea instead? If so can u pls do a Monty x reader where the reader’s ex boyfriend moves back to town and Monty feels threatened by him because personality wise he’s a polar opposite and fears that she might get back together with him (because they were once in love) but the reader ensures Monty that it’ll never happen❤️
Hey, of course you can!  Sorry this took so long. I was having some issues with inspiration and work has been super busy. Here it is. I hope you like it! It ended up way longer than I intended it to. 
(Y/N) = your name  (Y/L/N)= your last name
I never expected Nathan and I to break up. He was my first love and though naïve, you never really expect it to end. Our romance was one of shared interests and common goals and kind love. We did not fight and we pushed each other to achieve our goals. We knew what we wanted and what we needed to do in order to get it. He was the first boy I’d ever fallen in love with. It wasn’t a whirlwind, but it was, in a word, nice. Our love story was nice. Which is probably why when he moved away from Crestmont to Dallas for his Dad’s new job, it didn’t affect me the way everyone expected. People expected me to be crushed, but while I was sad, I was able to continue without much impact to my life. And they certainly did not expect me to fall for the man I did after he left. I did not even expect it myself. Although, Montgomery De La Cruz is not someone you expect to fall for.
Nathan Martin is put together and driven. He has it all figured out. He has dreams of going to an Ivy League school and being a doctor who discovers the next medical breakthrough. But those dreams aren’t just unattainable ideas. He has the grades and the work ethic to achieve his goals. He is the guy that the good girl brings home to dad and dad praises him and invites him to watch the game on Sunday, even though the boy has no interest in sports. He goes to the game on Friday nights because he needs a break from studying, not because he actually cares about who wins or loses. Nathan is the boy your mom pictures when she sees your wedding or prays you will meet and love when she thinks of your future. He is kind and avoids physical conflict in any situation. He truly believes that there is a diplomatic way to resolve any issue that could lead to physical conflict. Nathan is the kind of boy who would leave this little town for school but come back after he is done and have the white picket fence life. He wants the wife and the two kids and the dog. He is the kid who spends time with his family because they actually like each other. He is the boy everyone expects me to go for.
           Montgomery De La Cruz is the opposite of Nathan in many ways. He is not the boy who has dreams to change the world. He only wants to change his world. He is not the boy who avoids conflict. In fact, he actively seeks it out. He is the boy you bring home to piss your dad off. He is arrogant and isn’t afraid to argue and hurt your feelings. He plays ball because it’s his ticket out of this little town. Montgomery is the boy who will graduate, go to school, and those of us still here will be lucky if he comes back to visit once a year for the holidays. He is the boy who doesn’t want to plan a life with someone because he is still trying to figure it out for himself. He is the rough and tumble kid who has family problems and spends as little time at home as possible. He is everything I shouldn’t want. And yet, he is everything I want.
           Nathan moved in the middle of sophomore year. His Dad got a job in Dallas at a larger law firm just after Christmas, and by mid-January they had left Crestmont behind. Our breakup wasn’t one of drama and rumors nor was it full of animosity and he said she said. It was simply that neither of us were in a place where we felt up to doing long distance. I laid low for a while and threw myself into writing during my free time. That is how Montgomery came tumbling into my life- literally. I was sitting by a tree working on some writing on a slow day at the beginning of junior year. I heard someone yell, when suddenly I was being tripped on and pushed over by a larger boy. I was disoriented at first but then I saw the tell-tale plaid shirt. “Montgomery! Watch it.” I exclaimed, surprised as I watched my notebook go flying through the air.
           “Sorry Doll. I yelled for you to watch out. Not my fault you weren’t listening.” He replied, chuckling. I simply rolled my eyes at him before gathering my notebook and dusting myself off. Picking up my bag, I nodded to him as I walked away. “See you around?” He called after me.
           “Maybe. It’s a little town De La Cruz.” I called back.
Its not like I didn’t know about Montgomery De La Cruz. Everyone at Liberty knew about the short-tempered athlete. We all knew about the fights with Alex. And the fights with Tyler or anyone else he felt like fighting. We had English and History together and since Nathan left, my friends had started dragging me to various games, so I had seen him on the field more than once. But after that ever so graceful accident, I started to notice him around town or school more. He was usually accompanied by Bryce and his teammates but there were times you could find him on his own. One such occasion was at Monet’s on a dreary day, unusual for California. He walked in while I was ordering another hot cocoa. “You struck me as more of a three cups of coffee a day kind of person.” I heard him say from behind me.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me De La Cruz.” I responded after I placed my order.
“What can I get you Montgomery?” Skye asked, obviously using her best customer voice, to mask her desire to tell him where he could shove it.
“I’ll have what she’s having.” He replied smoothly. I could feel him smirking at me during the quick exchange. After our orders were put through and made, I made my back way to my favourite table at the back of the cafe. Skye usually had it reserved for me because of the view of the rest of the shop. I was not expecting Monty to follow me, nor was I expecting him to pull up a chair for himself.
“Uh… can I help you?” I asked, confused as I set to my writing trying to ignore him watching me.
“What are you working on?” he asked, trying to glance at my notes.
“Writing.” I replied, shortly. He laughed at my answer prompting me to glance up and give him a ‘what’ look.
“I see that (Y/N). I meant what are you writing?” He retorted.
“Stuff. Now are you going to sit there and ask me stupid questions, or is there something I can actually do for you Montgomery?” I replied, hoping to all hopes he would take the hint and leave me alone. Unfortunately, he did not get the hint. Instead, he took it as an invitation to remain seated and continue to distract me. Several annoying questions later I finally snapped. “Okay Montgomery. That is enough. I am trying to focus, so if you want to stay, then you have a choice. Either sit there and shut up or get up and kindly leave me alone.” I huffed. His brows shot up in surprise at my outburst. After a brief pause, I shook my head to say ‘well?’.
“Alright. I’ll be quiet. You wont even notice I’m here.” He replied and made a zipping motion across his lips.
“Thank you.” I sighed and got back to work.
After some time, I went to take a sip of my cocoa and noticed it was empty. Before I could get up and ask for another, Monty took the cup from my hand and went back to Skye. When he returned, I set my pen down and looked at him questioningly. “Consider it a peace offering. I have to head out but this was… nice.” He said before gathering his letterman and turning to leave.
“Monty wait a second.” I called after him. He paused, turning his head to look at me. “See you around?”
“Maybe. It’s a little town (Y/L/N).” he replied, smirking.
That became our routine. He would happen upon the little coffee shop after I arrived, order what I got for himself, and he would sit to watch me write for a while before heading out for the day. We would still see each other at school and in class, but we never spoke of our time at Monet’s together. I’m not sure when it morphed into something more, but one day he asked me out for coffee and I decided to accept. By the next week, we had made it official and at school found out. We grew closer to each other and I became friends with some of his friends. Scott and I connected quickly and while it caused some issues initially, Scott was able to make Monty understand that it was nothing more than friendship. Things were going very well. We had talked about Nathan and everything seemed to be sorted out in that regard. Or at least I thought it had.
No one expected Nathan to come back to Crestmont until he was at least done his bachelor’s degree. Certainly not after only just over a year and a half. I heard whispering that October day of senior year as I walked from my car to the school. The whispers died down as I passed so I figured Montgomery had gotten into yet another fight. That was one thing I was never really able to help him get a handle on. However, when I saw Monty down the hall and searched his face for bruises or anything, I saw he looked fine and knew that couldn’t be what prompted the whispers. Though not bruised he did look conflicted. Monty simply slung his arm over my shoulder when I got to him and we walked to my locker. Something was definitely off I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was exactly. It wasn’t until I walked into Biology and saw him sitting in our usual seat that it made sense. Nathan was back. I knew that the few kids in class already were watching with bated breath, waiting to see what I did, so I walked confidently and sat in my usual seat beside Nathan and greeted him politely. Due to the lack of animosity in our breakup, we were easily able to make small talk until the teacher started class.
After what could only be described as a very long and tiring day, Montgomery and I were in my bedroom studying, or rather I was trying to study on the floor, and he was tapping his pen against his paper while sitting on my bed. “Is there something bothering you Monty? Or are you trying to tap a hole through your textbook?” I asked him, distracted by his incessant tapping.
“He’s   back…” He said, hesitating to continue.
           “Yeah.” I respond, not bothering to look up from my assignment.
           “Yeah? That’s all you have to say (Y/N)?”
           “Yeah, I know? He’s in my AP Biology class.” I expand, still trying to work out the answer.
           “You seem awful nonchalant about it.” Montgomery countered.
           “Am I not supposed to be?” At this point I look up and push my work aside.
           “I don’t know. You tell me. Do you have a reason not to be?” Monty beings to sit up as I stand.
           “Montgomery, where is this all coming from?”
           “Nathan is back (Y/N). So there’s no reason to keep pretending here.”
           “Pre-Pretending? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I ask, somewhat insulted.
           “Yes pretending. You can stop pretending you care and go back to him now.” He retorts, his voice beginning to rise.
           “And why pray tell, would I go back to Nathan now that he’s back in town?” I question, my voice also beginning to rise.
           “Because (Y/N).” He states, as though that is an actual reason.
           “Because why Montgomery? That’s not an explanation and you know it.”
             “He’s all Dartmouth and Harvard medical school and volunteering to tutor kids. He has an actual plan for his life (Y/N). Nathan is going to be a fucking doctor for God’s sake. I’m all football, baseball, and fisticuffs.” Montgomery argued.
           “And?” I ask, confused about where he is going with this.
           “And? And you’re the good girl who smiles at everyone, not because it is polite, but because you actually want to. You sit and read books while I dick around with the guys at lunch. You get good grades and you care about school. I get the bare minimum to stay on the team. You’re… perfect. You could leave any time. You loved him then, you can love him again. I wouldn’t blame you. I have ball and he has fucking med school. I have a full ride scholarship and he has actual grades.”
           “Montgomery, we have been over this. You aren’t the guy I brought home to fill the time until Nathan came back. If I wanted to be with him, I would have left as soon as he came back. I am still here. Therefore, I do not want to be with Nathan.” I explain, exasperated.
           “He can give you what you want. He can give you everything you want.”
           “Mont-” I start but he cuts me off.
           “(Y/N). You want to be a writer and spend your days curled up at your desk. You love books and you’re nice to people and you don’t have rude or angry bone in your body. I have anger and I want to play ball and get through school so I can leave this crappy little town behind. He can give you the life you want. He can go to work and save lives while you sit in your nook in the office, writing to your hearts content.”
           “Maybe I don’t want that anymore Montgomery. Maybe I want you. And the life you can give me.”
           “Don’t kid yourself. He’s everything I’m not. We are polar opposites. You’ll get bored or have enough of me eventually.” He told me, crossing his arms.
           “Montgomery de la Cruz. Do you honestly believe that? I like that you’re nothing like Nathan. That’s the point isn’t it? I like that you’re… unpredictable and temperamental and yeah, sometimes you make really bad decisions. But you’re also caring and protective and spontaneous. I would never leave you for Nathan.” I paused, walking towards him to take his hands in mine. I reached up to tilt his head down towards me before continuing, “I love you Montgomery.” I told him quietly.
           “I- you- what?” He stuttered, shocked at my admission.
           “I love you.” I repeated looking up at him sincerely.
           “I love you to (Y/N).” he responded leaning down to kiss me gently. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.
           “So no more arguing about Nathan?” I asked him, giggling.
           “I guess not. But maybe a few more kisses will fully convince me.” He replied before kissing me again. I felt him start to step forwards and my knees hit my mattress before we fell back onto my bed. We spent the next couple of hours cuddling and talking before falling asleep in each other’s arms contentedly, our homework and any discussion of Nathan long forgotten.
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evancarmichael · 6 years
✎ Grab a snack and chew on today's lessons from a woman who went from struggling in her career and facing bankruptcy, to becoming one of the most popular public speakers and a best-selling author! She's Mel Robbins and here's my take on her Top 10 Rules for Success Volume 5! ★★★ SECRET BONUS VIDEO ★★★ What is the One Word that is most important to Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, will.i.am, Oprah Winfrey, and Howard Schultz? Find out here: https://ift.tt/2yEDhU2 ❤ HELP TRANSLATE THIS VIDEO ❤ If you loved this video, help people in other countries enjoy it too by making captions for it. Spread the love and impact. https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=jqiC0dTm-kM ★ MORE RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★ If you enjoyed this video, you may enjoy these other videos from Evan Carmichael: • Mel Robbins's Top 10 Rules For Success - https://youtu.be/aGlSG07Mrak • Be HONEST with Yourself - Mel Robbins - https://youtu.be/akUi3Y1qmgg • Lori Greiner's Top 10 Rules For Success - https://youtu.be/wi4pI8kXol8 -= MEL'S RULES =- 1. Control how you live 2. Get rid of your phone 3. Focus on the customer 4. Take action 5. Cheer for everybody 6. Tweak your habits 7. Stop caring what others think 8. Be mindful of how you speak 9. Have your own definition of success 10. Apply the '6 months' rule -= BONUS =- * Get over your fear of disappointing people * Fix your morning routine ✎ She started her career as a criminal defense attorney. She attended Dartmouth College, where she studied history, film and women studies. She launched and sold a retail and internet technology company according to her official website. In 2011, she published her first book: "Stop Saying You're Fine". On February 28, 2017, she released her second book "The Five Second Rule". Her TEDx Talk on “How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over” has over 10 million views across 37 countries. She has an extensive television resume as an expert on human behavior and motivation for Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Oprah and more. She was named America’s Outstanding News Talkshow Host at the 2014 Gracie Awards. She was a contributing editor to Success Magazine. She has led multi-year coaching programs at Johnson&Johnson, Bear Stearns, and Partners Healthcare. ✔ SOURCES ✔ https://youtu.be/3TQMGJ-CgdY Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/F0Mqnno9YOE Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/3Ksi5AedvW0 Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/uFRsR1UuiPk Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/simKMjSACWQ Peter Voogd https://youtu.be/ws-jVlA-xi4 Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/_QySHdMBl3w Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/unRDUhNTbsc Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/Ul_QI81Wrxc Mel Robbins https://youtu.be/AHzYKPRidec Mel Robbins ♛ BUY MY BOOKS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ♛ Some used the ideas in these books to build multi-billion-dollar businesses. I'll give you the simple-yet-powerful formula that they used (and you can) to realize your dreams. Get yours. https://ift.tt/2auuYKa https://ift.tt/2DWNJZU ✉ JOIN MY #BELIEVE NEWSLETTER ✉ This is the best way to have entrepreneur gold delivered to your inbox, and to be inspired, encouraged and supported in your business. Join #BelieveNation and feel the love. https://ift.tt/1DyhRRs ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑ If you want to do great things you need to have a great environment. Create one by subbing and watching daily. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Modelingthemasters ¿ COMMON QUESTIONS ¿ • What is #BTA?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsY8bmTUVP8 • How do I get one of Evan's t-shirts?: https://ift.tt/1VBOMjE • Why does Evan look like Nicolas Cage?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZHRniTcRwo • Why does Evan make so many videos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEKxGA8xr1k • How do I vote for the next Top 10 video Evan should make? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0arZb0xLIDM ツ CONNECT WITH ME ツ Leave a comment on this video and it'll get a response. Or you can connect with me on different social platforms too: • Instagram: https://ift.tt/2oPc4Xb • Twitter: https://twitter.com/evancarmichael • Facebook: https://ift.tt/1t8ruBM • Website: https://ift.tt/LfsMJ5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for watching - I really appreciate it :) Cheers, Evan #Believe
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trends-lockdown2020 · 4 years
Look Book
Visual Inspiration 
The sacred geometry shapes as shown below inspired me to look what designs can be be covered under sacred geometry shapes systerm. Stages of Sacred Geometry, seed of life, flower of life, fruit of life, egg of life , tree of life.
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Sacred geometry design is the most used design, which is found all over the world. Sometimes the  design is regarded as a blueprint creations language of the gods. The design has been admired and repeated throughout human history. I find this trend bright and optimistic, non-gender and international speaking a word of happy and fun. The reason why I choose the sacred geometry design as it is recognised worldwide. This has been around for the last 3000 years, and even the ancient Egyptians used the geometric symbol design. Mystic, sages and spiral teacher have used the shape. There is also a mathematical repeat pattern which is used. I'm not sure if I've seen or heard of a design or pattern described so beautifully. 
Quoted” Everyone knows Plato. He was one of the most influential thinkers in human history, and he taught the world all about the dangers of chaining people up in a cave and making them watch shadows. Not surprisingly, ol' Plato's brilliant mind got delighted whenever someone mentioned mathematics, particularly geometry. In fact, Dartmouth reported that over his academy was written "Let no one destitute of geometry enter my doors." So if you math haters out there ever want to shake hands with Plato, study up.
Lets talk about the front cover firstly this is a bright scared geometry shape, with its this shows the flower of life style. I used the bright colours which wiould be in the real world colourful.
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I used photoshop I have listed the actions I did to design the front cover and back cover. 
Photoshop open, go to File > Open and select an image. ..
inserted the image into Photoshop.
Open and selected an image Go to Image> Image Size.
An Image Size dialog box Enter new pixel dimensions, document size, or resolution. ... 
Then pressed okI did that for the back ground too.
I used the cropped tool for the sizing of the boxing image.
I reinserted the other 2 images into Photoshop in the same way as above. I used the Horizontal type tool the add the title.
Then For the front of the booklet.I choose the Arial as the font and the size of the font 38. I choose the font size to be small on the back of the book size 12.
The typography
This is a important art of arranging letter and text in ways which a person can read . It has to  eappealing easie to read. It is not a simple task as every font has style, appearance and structure.  Typography has the power to bring out emotions and convery specfic message. The font I chose was the Arial is has been around since 1992 created by Microsoft. Since then every computer has this font. As it easy to read in large its trust worthy. Also I found it in popular choice for advertising, book design and office communication. Arial is also used in many logos.  I think I did make the correct choice in choosing this font.
Descriptive annotation (Describing your design journey giving your own opinions; successes, failures & problems that you have overcome)
Reflective discussion about your final outcome; successes, weaknesses, improvement / potential development of your outcomes    
I explored photo from the internet starting with the Colour Patlette then the women in the dress . Colour full bright colours stright boxed shape with the geometric design shinning through. The cover layout was design to show the effects out size in a pattem they look the same  however the colour lookmore intense. I did choose the wrong colour pink I should have used a darker so would stand out clear.
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Colour Pallet
Colour palette has been  significance to trend as a bright colours are in my colour palette you can see the means of the colours. Colour pallet is so important to the trend they go hand in hand.
If you breakdown of the 7 Unique Chakra Colors and Meanings
·       Root chakra. Color: Red. Location: Base of your spine near your tailbone. ·       Sacral chakra. Color: Orange. ... ·       Solar plexus chakra. Color: Yellow. ... ·       Heart chakra. Color: Green. ... ·       Throat chakra. Color: Blue. ... ·       Third-eye chakra. Color: Indigo/purple. ... ·       Crown chakra. Color: Purple/violet.
In photoshop 
Selected the Custom Shape tool . 
Select the rectangle  shape from the custom shape pop-up panel in the options bar. ...
Draged and  draw the triangled shape.
Using the  eyedropper tool and pick sample colors from the ladies dress. Then dropped it into the square box.This was done for each colour
I explored photo from the internet starting with the Colour Patlette then the women in the dress . Colour full bright colours stright boxed shape with the geometric design shinning through. The cover layout was design to show the effects out size in a pattem they look the same  however the colour lookmore intense. I did choose the wrong colour pink I should have used a darker so would stand out clear.
Recycled cotton
When making fresh white cotton we use 20,000 liters of water to produce one kilgram of cottons which equivalent to a single t shirt and pair of jeans. Cotton   is th most of the profitable crop in the world which a non food. it emplloyees 7% of all i the developing couries. It is said that approximately 50% of the all textiles produced are made from cotton. I would want to socure cotton and recycle the cotton to be my garments.
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Duplicate the document
Before we mirror the image, let's make a copy of our Photoshop document. That way, we won't accidentally save the mirrored version over the original.Go up to the Image menu in the Menu Bar along the top of the screen and choose Duplicate:
hen in the Duplicate Image dialog box, name the copy "Mirror" and click OK:Next, select the
Crop Tool
from the
:And in the Options Bar, make sure that the Crop Tool's Aspect Ratio is set to Ratio. This will let us freely adjust the sides of the cropping border:
Drag one side of the cropping border to the flip point
Depending on which direction your image needs to flip, click on the left or right side of the cropping border and drag it over to the spot where the image will be mirrored.
In my case, I want to flip the image from left to right using the woman's hair as the mirror point. So I'll drag the right side of the cropping border to that location:
Then with the Free Transform command still active, right-click (Win) / Control-click anywhere inside the image and choose Flip Horizontal from the menu:
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Step 1.
Select the select tool from the toolbox.Step 2. When everything was selected, I need to inverse the selection so that our images were selected.To do the this Select>Inverse or Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+I.Then I dragged the select tool over the area to select it.
Select the select tool from the toolbox.
Step 2. When everything was selected, I need to inverse the selection so that our images were selected.
To do the this Select>Inverse or Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+I.
Then I dragged the select tool over the area to select it.
Appropriate Titles /Text
I found my look book could have more details of the scared geometric designs the image layout had symtri in the about page how the blue colour should been a warm colour like orange or pink.
The pages below has a mixture of colours and models, looking at the figues now I show have the one main model. There is a too many patterns as well the scared geometric which my main choice.
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0 notes
ncmagroup · 7 years
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Dr. Marshall Goldsmith#1 Leadership Thinker, Exec Coach, NYT Bestseller. Dartmouth Tuck Professor Mgmt Practice
Get ready, this is going to sound a little harsh.
The one thing that will hold you back in business no matter how good you are is being arrogant enough to think that you, your product or service, are so good that people will just search you out. This isn’t so! In order to have a successful and satisfying professional career, you’ve got to market yourself. You’ve got to promote your business!
Below are three suggestions for you as you build your business career.
Find your own market niche. Work to develop a special competency that differentiates you from everyone else. Look for market needs that everyone else may not have considered. Ask yourself: What should be done that isn’t being done?
Become a world expert. As intimidating as this sounds, achieving serious “world-class” expertise may not be as daunting as you might believe. If you pick a reasonably narrow area of specialization, focus on it, and learn as much as you can, you will start to accumulate immense knowledge within a few years. While you can never become the world authority on everything, you can definitely become a world authority on one thing.
Build your own brand. Peter Drucker once told me that companies should be able to “put their mission statement on a T-shirt.” The same can be true for you! For example, my own mission is to be the world authority in helping successful leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior. Your customers (or employers) will respect you more if you do not pretend to know everything about everything but instead, have a unique brand.
Keep in mind that as the pool of talent grows, it’s only going to get tougher out there. Make peace with this reality, learn the business, find your niche, market yourself, and you are going to be a lot more successful!
  Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
  1 Thing that Will Hold You Back No Matter How Good You Are! Dr. Marshall Goldsmith#1 Leadership Thinker, Exec Coach, NYT Bestseller. Dartmouth Tuck Professor Mgmt Practice Get ready, this is going to sound a little harsh.
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Buy Your Customized Hoodies Only at Customized T-Shirt
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Hey hoodie lovers!🧥 😄 Looking to add some style and personalization to your wardrobe? Look no further than Customized T-Shirt! 🎉 We've got the COOLEST customized hoodies just for you. 🌟✨ With a wide range of designs and colors, we guarantee you'll find the perfect match for your unique style. Contact us for more details!
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halifaxnoise · 7 years
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SATURDAY From @drdrone — Visit the The DJI Store Halifax powered by Dr Drone to test pilot the new DJI Spark! Additionally, all participants can enter a raffle for the chance to win a new DJI Spark! The event will be held at 250 Baker Dr Suite 146 Dartmouth, NS from 12-3pm on Saturday, July 8th 2017 . During the event, store customers will enjoy 10% off all accessories! The first five attendees will get an exclusive DJI T-shirt, the next ten will get a DJI hat, and the following ten will get a DJI notebook. We hope to see you there! . #dji #drdrone #halifax #dartmouth #ns #canada #novascotia #drone #drones #testfly #giveaway #product #launch #dronestagram #djiglobal #djispark #event http://ift.tt/2sW40Uy
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Buy Your Custom T-Shirts Only at Customized T-Shirt
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👕🎨 Looking for the perfect, customized t-shirt for your style? Look no further than Customized T-Shirt! 🙌 💥Get ready to stand out with our incredible range of custom designs and colors that will suit your unique styles. 😍 Contact us for more details today.
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Buy Customized Baby Onesies For Your Little One Only at Customized T-Shirt
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Are you looking for the perfect way to personalize your baby's style?😎👶 Look no further than Customized T-Shirt!😀 Our custom baby onesies come in a variety😍 of designs and colors🌈 that are sure to suit your little one's unique personality. Contact us to know more!
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Customized T-shirt - Print On Your Customized Crewneck Sweater in Dartmouth
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Create personalized t-shirts and sweaters for any occasion. Shop the latest collection of stylish crew neck sweaters at Customized T-shirt. Order now and get fast delivery!
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Buy Your Customized Tank Tops Only at Customized T-Shirt
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😎👕 Looking to add some personality to your wardrobe? Look no further than Customized T-Shirt! 💪 We've got all the coolest customized tank tops you can think of in a wide range of designs and colors. 🌈Contact us now to start creating your one-of-a-kind tank top! ✨💃
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Buy Your Custom Graduation Apparel Only at Customized T-Shirt
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🎓 Hey, graduates! Looking for customized apparel to celebrate your big day? 🤔 Look no further because Customized T-Shirt😀 has got you covered! 🙌With our wide range of designs🌈 and colors, you're sure to find a style that suits your taste. 💥 Contact us now to get started on your graduation wardrobe!🧥
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Buy Your Customized Crew Neck Sweaters Only at Customized T-Shirt
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👕🎨Looking for a cozy crew neck sweater that's uniquely you? Look no further than Customized T-Shirt! We've got all the colors and designs to fit your personal style.😎 Contact us today for more details on how you can customize your own crew neck sweater! 😍
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customizedtshirt · 1 year
Buy Cusmtomized Ladies V-Neck T-Shirts Only at Customized T-Shirt
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👚🎨 Looking for a unique and stylish addition to your wardrobe? Look no further than Customized T-Shirt! Our customized😍 ladies' v-neck t-shirts come in a wide range of designs and colors, so you can find the perfect match for your personal style.😎 Contact us for more details!
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