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mauriciorg · 3 years ago
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Mercado Central de San Pedro, Cusco
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elportafoliodeedwin24 · 4 years ago
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Rainbow mountain 🏔 🇵🇪 Peruvian ❤️
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bound4travel81 · 2 years ago
Hopping on this trend. I am so grateful for everything I was able to see this year. Machu Picchu was definitely a major highlight and a bucket list destination for me. I can still remember the feeling I had after visiting. It was very surreal and felt like I had just been dreaming.
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steph1606 · 2 years ago
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geralar · 3 years ago
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Cuesta de San Blas
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azulcobalt · 2 years ago
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Maras, Moray, Perú.
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fly-on-wall · 3 years ago
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A trip
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lindsaykutac · 3 years ago
The First Few Days
I arrived in Cusco at 6:15 a.m. on Saturday the 21st after 24 hours of travel. I was picked up by a driver from Maximo and taken directly to my host family. Americo (host dad) got up at 6:30 on a Saturday to help me carry my luggage up four flights of stairs, which was much appreciated as I was already struggling in the new altitude!
Honestly, there were a lot of tears. I was already homesick and truly realizing I would not be coming back to Texas for two whole months. I wouldn't see my family or anyone I knew until then, and on top of my exhaustion, I was distraught about it.
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I live in Wanchaq, a suburb of Cusco. This is the view from my apartment living room. This is the crest of Cusco mowed on the side of a mountain visible from all of Cusco.
After a four hour nap, I felt much better. I went to the local supermercado (very uncommon here. Most places to buy things are street markets) to get a few things I needed, such as sunscreen! The atmosphere is much thinner up here so the UV rays are much stronger. Every foreigner needs to put on sunscreen if they are planning on going outside, essentially. And I have been outside frequently, because I walk everywhere.
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The streets here are very chaotic and different! Cars are very fast and aggressive and will honk at you for waiting for a break in traffic to walk but also will sometimes honk if you walk out in front of them... it goes against everything in me to step out in front of a car going 40 miles per hour, but they always stop. The streets themselves are not paved, but cobbled.
The city is truly beautiful! Time moves slower here. People are not as hurried. There is a lot of bustle but no haste. There is definitely hustle, though. The street vendors and alpaca ladies (women in traditional dress walking with baby llamas and alpacas) are determined to sell to you!
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This is La Basilica Menor de la Merced. The "lesser" basilica in Plaza de Armas, a main area of Cusco. This is where all the tourists go! This church is one of at least six churches all within half a mile of each other. On the weekdays, you must pay to enter and view all of the historical icons and architecture, but on Sundays, those entering to go to Mass are allowed in for free.
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This is what I wore to mass, because IT IS SO COLD HERE. The temperature itself is comparable to Texas winter (high 30s in the morning to mid 60s in the afternoon) but there is no inside heating in the apartment, and the altitude definitely makes it feel colder. Here I am wearing long socks, full length leggings, a long sleeve t-shirt, a dress, and unpictured is the jean jacket I had on over everything. I was briefly hot when I arrived to mass because I had been speed walking, but five minutes of sitting inside the church was enough to have me cold again. I wear many layers inside and to bed, where I use two comforters and two heavy, durable blankets to keep me warm at night. Here you can see in the distance a snow-covered mountain I can see from my bedroom window:
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The food here is incredible. There is an abundance of fresh, delicious fruit and cuisine available for incredibly low prices by American standards. Fresh juice is a very popular drink here because it is readily available and because the water is non-potable. No one here drinks the tap water, not even locals. Everyone drinks boiled or bottled water. I brought a water bottle that has a filter straw to remove parasites and water-borne diseases like cholera from tap water. Here is a picture of some roasted potatoes with guacamole and INCREDIBLY spicy ají salsa, where an empty glass of what used to be pineapple and mango juice can be seen in the background:
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I have begun Spanish classes and am learning so much already. I will write more on that once I have finished the first week.
The city of Cusco is so beautiful and resilient. People work hard to put their kids through school and they live in one of the wildest places on earth! At night, you can see the tops of the mountains in contrast to the night sky, because the lights of houses line the peaks:
I have 59 days left here in Cusco, and I am looking forward to learning more about the way of life here :)
Hasta luego, besitos muchos!!
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mariale1113 · 3 years ago
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mauriciorg · 3 years ago
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Cusco, Peru
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diegoangelinoz · 3 years ago
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25-8queriendoserstripper · 3 years ago
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¿Imainan manan munankimaychu? Pero, ¿Cómo no quererte?
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geralar · 3 years ago
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Sabías que existe un pueblo incaico que perdura hasta el día de hoy? 🤩 las evidencias están trazadas en sus hermosas calles estrechas 🇵🇪
#Ollantaytambo - #Cusco 😍
Photo by📷 @jguzmannn
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elportafoliodeedwin24 · 4 years ago
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Calles de Cusco Peru 🇵🇪, ciudad del imperio Inca
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day-coffee · 4 years ago
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It had came to my attention lately that the word Cusco which is the name of a city in Peru ; descends from an indigenous word meaning “navel of the world” or “center of the universe”! and I can’t help but thinking of Disney’s Emperor’s new groove 😅😅
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