fulgurantfirstborn · 3 years
Storm Platinum please come hug your nephews, you could probably pick them both up at the same time.
“Steady your blade, Lorian. I am not here to drag you to your ashen thrones as much as your father and mother may have wanted me to do so. Just… come here, rest your heads, you deserve that much.”
When he embraces his nephews, he smells the dust of feathers and the acrid scorch of Lothric’s magic. It is difficult realizing how much time has passed since the boys were small enough to be lifted onto his shoulders, especially now, with the castle crumbling into ruins and the light slowly fading from the skies. His nephews are so tense. They are still so young and yet they are poised to fight as if they will be battling for another millennia. And yet they are also exhausted. It has been a very long time since he has experienced such exhaustion weighing down on his shoulders.
For now, he continues to hold the boys, if only to provide a brief respite from the world that is dying around them.
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ivakir · 5 years
@cursedandcarried​ lives in a very depressing place l from here
“No… not quite.” Lothric seems unconcerned, his arms crossed across his folded knees, though he has teleported himself a good extra meter away. “Not dead. Undead, Hollowed… They exist still, even in these well-lit times. But you see,” he extends one spindly hand demonstrably, “Eventually they give up even on undeath, and there is nothing left to do but attack anything that moves, or lie on the ground and hope to eventually disintegrate. It’s a terribly sad fate, and little to be done about it. That’s why we employ them as soldiers. It gives them a sense of purpose.” And to that sort of thing, you really couldn’t say no.
After his last words, she took a few steps back - just in case - and took a longer stick.
"Hey. Hey, pal. You alright? ... Yeah, I think it's fine," the stick with which she poked the body (because it would be too unethical to refer it to the category of corpses) found its place right in the nostril. Ivakir whispered a short "damn" and decided to leave everything as it is. “You know, it sounds so gloomy and depressing,” she gave Lothric a long look. "I even began to worry a little, like, do you want to commit suicide living in such a terrible place. Just look around you. Bright colors won’t hurt, these walls look awful."
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boredofcinder · 6 years
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“Then suffice it to say I self-evidently turn down suitors when necessary.”  
Lothric frowns, and his breeziness dissipates.  “Also... Lorian...wishes for me to relate that courtship has been a hard road for him, and if you’ve spoken of your own experiences he sympathizes,” he continues, more sincerely.
Lorian also has some thoughts about “dramatically flirting with and rejecting yourself for the spectacle of it all,” but he didn’t specifically request that it be shared, and who needs to know.
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The Goddess Of Tears had not been to the kingdom of Lothric ever since its princes had been chosen to link the First Flame.  But now...  She had ventured to the city out of both morbid curiosity, and the desire to see if anything salvageable remained.  Caitha’s mind had been occupied with thoughts of Gwynevere and her children ever since she made it to the city, and moved through the crowds of Hollows towards the palace.  What had become of them?  She knew not the fate of the princes, nor the fate of Gwynevere herself.
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deithwyn-blog · 6 years
@cursedandcarried continuation from x
“Sure, not anything at all,” Gwyn muttered. Without using her eyes she could feel the gazes on them, like daggers slowly pushed against her skin. Still she kept her gaze steady on the chicken.
“But if you hypothetically did something, wouldn’t it been better to save your strength for when they sic their hounds on us? Or worse...”
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rrakuyo · 5 years
Rumor has it you aren't real, you are merely a manifestation of guilt.
ask meme: accepting. 
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Maria blinks. “… Perhaps so.”
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“ who do you think you are? “
fun random starters  
For a moment, Solaire simply looked around. As if he expected for the question not to be addressed to him, but to someone else he didn’t notice in the room.Someone who was bragging about their skills, perhaps, or who was making a mess.
 …but no. Just good old him, completely alone in the room, if not for the two Princes.
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                             …he has to admit this is a little awkward.
“…nobody, really, but an Undead in search for his sun.
                             …a …quite lost Undead, I may add.”
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goldenornstein · 5 years
“Wait, is it a full moon tonight?”
The Office  || accepting.
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“It does seem so,” he replied, eyes kept low, as if refusing to acknowledge that pale light — a reflection of the a greater one  — despite the night sky’s beauty. 
Truth was, the moon, however bright, did nothing for him but serve as a reminder of the Sun’s agony.
“Why do you ask?” Although, perhaps the Prince had some other plans for this night.
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years
“I am perfectly serious!”
Pride & Prejudice (2005) Sentence Starters  {Accepting}
        🌹 The honey-haired maiden actually jumped, a full jerk of her person as she recoiled from the bark. There had been moments where she knew there was tension between them but approaching the subject in itself was difficult in itself. 
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            Maria didn’t normally stick her nose where she shouldn’t, even when her job called for it there was always a part of her that there were things that weren't her business. 
            Taking a step back from the other she rubbed her arm nervously knowing that taking the risk was dangerous but there was a job to do. 
            “I know you’re serious....the whole situation is serious....” Maria then gestured towards the crypt before them the doors open wide like a hungry mouth.  The murky darkness seeping out as if to grab ahold of them and pull leaving no trace of where they once stood. 
             “ ....even despite I must go down there. Wraiths or not....we take these jobs because we must. I’m a knight, must even you not treat me like one? I asked for aid does that count for nothing? It’s not like I went down there on my own, I have some tact!” Maria did her best not to raise her voice back but honestly, she didn’t expect the Witcher to react the way they had. 
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intothewildsea · 6 years
@cursedandcarried continued from X.
Niamh listened to his words, resisting the urge to try and soothe any worries with false hopes.  For a few moments afterwards, there was silence, before she took a deep breath.  “If something did happen to Lorian, I would be here for you. I know it isn’t the same, and that you probably wouldn’t want it to be that way, but...”
She reached over, then, and placed her hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze.  “You’ve become like a younger brother to me. I’d be sad without you here, as selfish as that is.”
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 6 years
"Hel look!" Lothric's... different. He's standing, for one, lanky and armored and shedding embers every time he moves his spidery limbs. "I... I can walk."
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This is nothing short of a miracle, burning her mouth dry, eyes unblinking but without tears.
The sight pushes her ever backwards, another time, another place, when thing were right. She had been a girl then, had hope, knew heroes. Nothing could ever truly be taken from this world. And she knows then the old adage is true – 
What is lost in the fire will be found in the ashes. 
She smiles at him, gleaming in the light, and then laughs, long as his new limbs, warm as the embers that flicker with his every move.
“I see, Lothric – But how?”
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ivakir · 5 years
“ he’s only mostly dead. ”
( @cursedandcarried )
Poke-poke. Poke-poke. The end of the stick froze next to the closed eye of the lying body (but, perhaps, according to the latest update, the body was still alive), next to which Ivakir was squatting. She, with a happy face of a child who shoves firecrackers in an anthill just to see what happens next, examined the body with the stick - the most useful weapon when you don’t want to leave your fingerprints.
“What do you mean by saying that he is mostly dead? Was I poking a living person all this time?”
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However, this didn’t prevent her from continuing to poke the body - whether it was alive or not.
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boredofcinder · 6 years
🎀 beach episode time
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voted most likely to sit under the umbrella & eat the snacks & then want more snacks
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Wanderer’s Visit
((closed starter with @cursedandcarried))
Lothric Castle was majestic, he admits. Towering parapets manned by soldiers that patrolled the area with vigil worthy of matching the golems of Eleum Loyce: then again, what is beautiful often concealed a much more rotten core underneath. Nashandra was one of those primary examples, a wench beyond measure and a corrupted being that he was more than a little happy to put down to be frank. 
And if what he heard about the royal family’s obsession with the fire linking curse that plagued the land for who knows how long, it just serves to prove it more. 
Leeroy slung his great hammer over his shoulder, the comfort of Alastaor’s weight somewhat assuring. He had seen kings fall, brought down demons and men alike with his might: he was still a man was he not? A simple undead that had just gotten a little too lucky in those recent centuries save for... that one time.
Shaking the thoughts out of his head, the paladin knight stopped in his path, rising his gaze to the double doors of Lothric Castle. 
Prince Lothric... and Prince Lorian, the two sons of the royal family, one of them a mighty warrior and the other a gifted sorcerer, mastering both sorcery and the power of miracles. There are truly few of those left in the world, a little too few: with power and yet not corrupt.
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deithwyn-blog · 6 years
Slurred words, for Lorian
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
“Lorian is fucking weird, did you know that?” She slurred loudly, swishing her bottle in the air. “Strange but…kind. Kinder than you would expect by a witcher…and a Bear at that!” Gwyn continued, caring little if others knew what she was talking about.
“I feel…calm around him. Something about about him calms my nerves. ‘No idea why though so don’t ask me. Might be something with his voice…or words,” she muttered, annoyed with herself and the lack of words
“Anyways! He sort of reminds me of my brothers back ho- back at my school…not the dumb ones though,” she chuckled to herself before losing track of thoughts, allowing them to roam freely. “I wonder if he‘s a good dancer..?”
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@cursedandcarried || sc. <3 
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        “It’s nice to meet you, prince.”  Not true. Ignes did not like other children, did not want to meet them, did not want to play with them - in the palace by the sea, she was happiest among the reefs, among her dolls, her paintbrushes and her books. Even her father’s followers, lowly worshippers who turned to her as well at times, were an awful bother. Still, to make him happy, she’d tolerate this, dressed in a dark blue dress with white pearls seaming her neckline.
      “I am Ignes.” Her other names and titles? They mattered so little, she would not even bring them up when introducing herself to others. Spoiled little princess indeed, though many said she was quite like the seas she might inherit one day - a capricious, moody force of nature. For now, however, she merely seemed like a reasonably nice girl who did not want to be here.
    “What do you do for fun?”
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