About Being Different
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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I've been so busy being a mother of four kids and paying so much attention to the baby, that I haven't been giving much credit to this man here. . . My Superman. My unsung hero. My backbone. The one who puts my needs first before his. Encik Hisham, thank you for treating me like a Queen when I was pregnant with Aileen. You made sure I got to eat whatever I wanted and always checking on me to see if I'm ok. . . Now that your little princess is here, you treat both of us with so much love and kindness. You are such a hands on father and I'm very much blessed and proud to have you as the father to my children. Kadang-kadang I sendiri yang jealous because I never had a father figure like you when I was growing up. 🙈 . . Thank you for your sacrifices for the family. Hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas jasamu pada keluarga kecil kita ni.. . . So let's do this together ok! To many more wonderful memories ahead with our babies! InShaaAllah. 😘 . . #littleempireofhappysouls #mystorysg 6.6.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Hari ni kita ada pelajar baru.. Dia pun nak ikut Abang-Abang mengaji dengan Ustazah... 😍 #AileenAzzahra #nonaandherboysplusagirl #mystorysg 5.6.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Today it's Mama's turn to see the doctor! From the way you smile, I know you also like to "merayap".. just like your Mama!!! hu hu hu. 🙈🤣😂 #AileenAzzahra #NonaAileen #littleempireofhappysouls #mystorysg 4.6.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Alhamdulillah. We did Aileen's cukur rambut and tahnik on her 7th day. Anak Mama dah botakkkkk! 🙈 #AileenAzzahra #nonaandherboysplusagirl #littleempireofhappysouls #thirdborn #fourthchild #onlydaughter #throwback #mystorysg 3.6.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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I fell in love all over again when I first laid my eyes on you. MaShaaAllah. Aileen, to me you're perfect. I can't thank Allah enough for giving us, you. Alhamdulillah. Sayang princess Mama satu ni! 😘 #AileenAzzahra #thirdborn #fourthchild #littleempireofhappysouls #mystorysg 1.6.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Assalamualaikum! Our lives have changed since 25 May 2018, when we welcomed this little princess in our lives. . . She is exactly a week old today and has been an awesome baby so far. MaShaaAllah. Thank you for your kind prayers for me and baby. We are both doing well. Alhamdulillah. . . So now, it's going to be #nonaandherboysplusagirl . I am still not over the fact that I now have a mini me! And she looks more like ME! Yeayyyyyy! Haha.. 😍 . . World, say hello to Aileen Azzahra! She will flood my social media space from now! Are you ready? 🤩 . . #littleempireofhappysouls #AileenAzzahra
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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If you don't have the time to prepare your own learning materials for your little ones, then I would suggest you check out @zazuartz 😍 So much to choose from and I'm sure it will keep your kids occupied. My 7 year is actually playing teacher to my 5 year old. Haha. Thank you Zazuartz!!! 😘 Akak sukaaaaaa sangat!!!! Can't wait to master this folder with Ashraf!!! #mystorysg 30.5.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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So it's just a waiting game now. Am feeling slightly melancholic. The last time i had a baby was more than 4 years ago. I forgot how it felt like to take care of a tiny person in the house. This time round it's extra special cos it's going to be a girl. InShaaAllah. . . I'm so used to boys and everything blue that seeing so many pink items in my room now, gives me the jitters. How would a little girl fit into all this chaos? Nervous tahap maksima you know. Allah aje yang tahu. . . But hey Princess, we will see you very soon. InShaaAllah. Meanwhile, please keep growing healthily in my tummy ok. Abah, Mama and Abang-Abang are all veryyyy excited for your arrival! 🤩 . . As of now, I'm officially on a self-declared maternity leave ok!! But I'm still contactable via phone and whatsapp. 🙈 #kasichancehor . . #expansionoflove #littleempireofhappysouls #nonaandherboysplusagirl #38weekspregnant 🤰 #mystorysg 22.5.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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My boys have very Malay tastebuds. Besides Asam Pedas which they can eat like everydayyyy... They also enjoy Lemak Cili Padi! So this brilliant product by @freshexpress_sg is simply perfect because it saves alottt of time for busy mothers like me. The paste is freshly made and the taste is very much homecooked! Menjilat jari I tell you!! This what what we had for iftar just now. They have a whole range of pastes that might suit you and your family! Go check them out ok! 🤩👍 #barangbaikmestishare #mystorysg 21.5.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Family Iftar/Advanced birthday celebration for Bride-to-be-SIL followed by a random trip to Geylang Serai on a very crowded Saturday night. I survived waddling through the whole stretch from the wet market, to TKC and back! At almost 38 weeks pregnant! Steady ah. Pasal lepas ni dah boleh kirim salam. Cannot go Geylang anymore because of confinement lorrrr.. hu hu hu.. 🙈 #littleempireofhappysouls #37weekspluspregnant #mystorysg 19.5.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Salam everyone! May this Ramadan brings you and your family, good health, bountiful wealth and much hapiness in your life. Amin! May we take this time to reflect on ourselves, repent on our wrongdoings, seek His forgiveness, spend more time to seek His pleasure with our ibadah and bring ourselves even closer to Him. InShaaAllah. Have a blessed Ramadan everyone!!!🤗 ❤ ~ Hisham, Nona, Haris, Ashayr, Ashraf and Baby A. #littleempireofhappysouls #ramadan2018
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Thank you Nisa, the Boss of @esskayarr for this beautiful hand painted one of a kind piece! I shall find a nice spot for this baby in my new home! May Allah bless you and your business in multifolds! Amin! 😘 #mystorysg 15.5.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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If you know me well enough, I'm not into baby showers and whatnots. Never had such things for my boys before. But yesterday was indeed a special and memorable one. A surprise by my in-laws that I least expected. Alhamdulillah. . I'm truly blessed and touched by these selfless individuals who never once judge me and would always pray for the best for me and my little family. Thank you Mak, Siti, Iman, Nurul, Akmal, Sofia, my husband and children for yesterday's baby shower. It was PERFECT. Small and intimate. Just the way I like things to be. May Allah bless your good souls always with wonderful things ahead. Amin. . This little girl inside my tummy is indeed a lucky baby cos she is loved even before she is born. We are all very excited for her arrival anytime now. InShaaAllah. . Being a mother has taught me to be selfless. To give without expecting anything in return. To continue loving no matter what the circumstances are. May Allah bless all mothers for their sacrifices and grant them the highest of Jannah in the hereafter. Amin. . Happy Mother's Day to everyone deserving of the title! 😘 . ❤ #nonaejenrumah #littleempireofhappysouls #mystorysg 13.5.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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This boy is done with his exams... andddd he has no school for almost a week! So he will be my "accessory" for the next few days. Hu hu hu. 🤣 This morning we go dating makan prataaaa! 🙈 #KhairAshayr #firstborn #nonaandherboys #mystorysg 11.5.18 (at Thasevi Food)
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Siapa Mak Bapak yang selalu kena "ketuk" setiap kali masuk Decathlon dengan anak-anak? Sila angkat tangan! 😂🙈 #nonaandherboys #littleempireofhappysouls #mystorysg 6.5.18
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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"Nona.. kita ingat kita nak upgrade our property, from HDB to condo. Possible tak?" or "Nona... possible for us to own a second property for investment?" . Akak suka sangat soalan-soalan macam ni. Every client is unique and every case is very special to me. . Firstly, I want to congratulate my clients, Tuan Anuar and his beautiful wife, Puan Linda for taking that leap of faith and trusting me to assist them on securing an investment property. We wanted to put their CPF monies into an investment thas has a higher potential return as compared to leaving the monies in their OA accounts. So after much consideration, putting it in a property is a good move. Alhamdulillah. We can only plan so much, but all with God's will. . Why The Tapestry at Tampines? This project is located In well-established matured estate Tampines. More Than 50 Exciting Facilities such as 100m Infinity Pool + 50m Lap Pool, Gymnasium (24 Hours), Hydrotherapy Pool (From Head To Foot Massage), Childcare Centre plus a Wireless SMART Home System that is actually quite impressive. . Next, is a record of transaction at The Rosewood Condo in Woodlands. I assisted a couple in their 40s to sell off their EM and convinced them to take a plunge in the private property segment. Managed to secure a spacious ground floor pool facing unit at Rosewood for $1 million! And we took action late last year. We bought it at $612psf.. . A couple of months later, transactions in that project went up, crossing the $700psf mark.. which means, just by staying there for a couple of months, their value has already gone up by $200,000!!! MaShaaAllah! I'm so happy for them because we entered at the right time. There has been a slight pick up in the private property segment and I feel that if you have the capacity to jump into it, then you should! Curious to find out more? Call me lehhhh. I would love to share with you my knowledge and experience with you. Let's explore possibilities! InShaaAllah. . ❤ ~ #nonaejenrumah ..
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nonakirana · 7 years ago
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Alhamdulillah! 😊 #ilovemyjob #blessed #thankyoueveryonewhomadethispossible #hustleeveryday #purededication #hopingtobetheonlyredridinghoodintop50 #nonaejenrumah #nonakiranaERA #ERATopNewAchiever2015 #ERATop10thAchiever2016 #ERATop41stAchiever2017 #TeamNona #kakakkakakejenrumah #sgpropertyagent #mystorysg 3.5.18
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