#cursed edits to be more exact since we’re free to do whatever as long as its not n$fvv
hyunubear · 2 years
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Monsta x revival week one: bias
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nicknellie · 3 years
Anonymous requested: While on a walk to clear his head, Alex is attacked by Caleb as a warning to him and his friends. Shaken, he refuses to tell the band what happened, but he does tell Willie who is furious and protective. Fluffy ending. (This was edited/simplified just to make it shorter.)
Oooh, this was a really good request! All the details were really helpful too, so thank you for that. I really enjoyed writing it, especially the fluff at the end. I really hope this is the sort of thing you were after. Thank you for requesting it, I hope you like it!
TW: injury, blood.
It was safe to say that since Alex and the boys had left the dark room there had been a lot to process. Being dead, for a start. Adjusting to being a ghost had been a whole other ordeal too. Meeting Julie, forming the band, everything that had gone down with Caleb. Willie. Throughout those few months it had been non-stop, one thing after another, and Alex hadn’t had any time to slow down or take a break, not one single moment to really think about what was going on.
Now, somehow, all the difficult stuff was over and done with. Nobody had seen Caleb in weeks, Alex had managed to free Willie from the stamp, and the band had five more gigs lined up, plus a record deal on the horizon. While things were still definitely busy, it wasn’t so constant anymore. Alex finally had the time to just take a breather – or whatever the ghost version of a breather was, seeing as he couldn’t actually breathe. He had settled on his tried and tested method of going for a walk to clear his head to take the time to wrap his mind around it all.
The freedom of teleportation was nice, but it was definitely one of Alex’s least favourite ghost abilities. He couldn’t help but worry he’d somehow end up in the wrong place every time he did it, or that he’d poof out and never reappear anywhere else. It didn’t have the safety of walking through walls or being heard and seen when the band played together. And it might have been freeing, but it wasn’t nearly as freeing as just walking. Walking was slow and repetitive and methodical, rhythmic in a way that was relaxing. When Alex walked he didn’t have to think about where he was going – he could just let his feet take him there while his mind wandered elsewhere.
So that’s what he did. As he walked through the streets of Hollywood, Alex let his mind wander. He thought about everything that had happened since they came back, everything that might have happened in the twenty-five years before that, and everything that could happen in the future. Alex didn’t often think about the future; he didn’t like dwelling on things that were out of his control and the future was certainly that. But as he thought about it then, it didn’t seem quite so daunting – after all, nothing bad had happened in weeks.
As he was nearing the Orpheum, Alex suddenly felt as if something was wrong. It was an odd sensation in the pit of his stomach, a bad feeling that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Dread, maybe. Or perhaps just the intuitive feeling that something was coming and it couldn’t be anything good.
Ahead of him, no more than ten feet away, a mist was gathering, a light lilac cloud spinning faster and faster until it was so thick that Alex couldn’t see through it, growing taller and taller, wider and wider. The cloud spun so fast that Alex could feel wind rush past him from the movement of it, but it was gone as soon as it had come. The cloud dissipated with a soft whoosh, leaving behind a few sparkles drifting on the breeze it had created, and stood where the cloud had been was Caleb Covington.
While he wasn’t happy to see Caleb again after so long, Alex was glad to see he hadn’t lost his flair for the dramatic.
He knew he wouldn’t have time to get away, but he still considered it. Maybe if he ran instead of walking he could get away. He considered poofing out, but his mind had gone completely blank of places to poof to – all he could think of when looking at Caleb was the Hollywood Ghost Club, and going there was nothing short of the worst idea he could ever have had. So he stayed put, staring Caleb down, trying to stop the shaking of his hands and the hammering of his non-existent heart.
“Hello, Alex,” Caleb drawled. His hands were folded atop his cane and he wore a purple suit so dark it almost looked black, his cape wafting ever so slightly in the breeze, his top hat perched neatly on his head. Childishly, Alex wondered if he had the courage to walk up to him and knock the hat off his head. “Long time no see.”
“What do you want?” Alex demanded, trying to sound as if he wasn’t desperate to run away. He was aware that Caleb probably knew just how scared he really was, but if he didn’t show his nerves then he might have been able to convince himself that he wasn’t really frightened.
Caleb tutted. “Come now, is that really how you greet an old friend? I might have expected it from Luke but certainly not from you, Alex. I’m only here to see how you’re getting on without me!”
It felt like a trap, but Alex didn’t know what tripwire he was supposed to avoid.
“We’re doing fine,” he said firmly. “We don’t need you.”
“So you keep telling me,” Caleb replied. He flexed his hands, still grasping his cane. “Tell me, Alex – how did you and your little buddies manage to free yourselves from my stamp, hm?”
“Why should I tell you that?” Alex spat. It was a braver way of saying ‘we have no idea’.
“Oh, I don’t think you should,” Caleb admitted. “If you told me how you did it there would be dire consequences for you and your friends, but it would be extremely helpful to me. If you want to keep this newfound freedom with your silly little band, you shouldn’t tell me how you got the stamp off.”
“Then I’m not telling you,” Alex said.
“But,” Caleb continued, a malicious twinkle in his eyes, “if you want to walk away from this little chat unharmed then I suggest you tell me everything.”
Up until then, Alex thought he had been doing a very good job at standing his ground, maybe even looking a little intimidating. But the threat broke him. He felt himself freeze, his mind halt, and suddenly he was far weaker than the man in front of him.
“Unharmed?” he repeated. “What do you mean ‘unharmed’?”
Caleb cocked his head to the side like he didn’t understand the question. “Isn’t it obvious?” When Alex didn’t say anything, Caleb chuckled darkly. It sent shivers down Alex’s spine and made his stomach twist sickeningly. “Alex, if you refuse to tell me exactly how you got my stamp off, I am going to hurt you. And let me tell you, you’d be surprised just how much you can make someone hurt even after they’re dead and gone.”
Alex’s mind was spinning. There was no good option here, no way out. Caleb had trapped him in yet another impossible situation. He cursed himself for not poofing out while he had the chance.
But it didn’t matter how scared he was now, he would not let his friends suffer just to stave off his own pain. He had to take one for the team, even if he was dreading it. The smirk on Caleb’s face said that he knew he had won this round no matter what, smug and self-satisfied. Alex wanted to slap the smile right off his face, but he refused to give him the satisfaction of a fight.
He steeled himself, set his jaw, tried to look like as much of a threat as he could. “I’m not telling you anything. Nothing you do can make me talk. Do your worst.”
Caleb raised an eyebrow, looking almost amused, but he nodded. “Alright then. You’ve made your decision. I can’t say I’m surprised – you’re not as weak-willed as you look. But you’re still weak. I can still hurt you.”
He tucked his cane under his arm and stalked towards Alex. Too late, Alex wondered if he could have taken that brief opportunity to run away, but he would never know because Caleb grabbed his wrist. It was just like how he’d put the stamp on, a quick touch and a slight sting. When he let go, Alex looked at where his hand had been – there was a blood red mark there, swirling on his skin. Its shape constantly changed, but Alex was sure he picked out a blade before it twisted and morphed into something else.
“What is it?” he asked Caleb.
“You’ll soon see,” he replied, already walking away. He threw the words over his shoulder as he left Alex alone. “Consider this a warning to you and your friends. Willie, too. It isn’t over. There is plenty more I can do to make you suffer. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re willing to put yourselves through all of this just to stay away from me. I’ll see you soon, Alex.”
And he was gone.
For a moment, Alex was confused. This stamp, whatever it was, didn’t seem to be doing anything. It was just moving about on his skin, as fluid as water, like a cool tattoo. He wondered – hoped – if Caleb’s spell hadn’t worked.
But then it hit him. It felt as if he’d been struck by lightning and hit by a bus at the exact same time, unimaginable pain slamming into him and knocking him right off his feet. It was infinitely worse than the pain of the jolts Caleb had inflicted on them before which should have been impossible because those felt like death. And yet there he was, lying on the ground, winded and light-headed, pain surging through his body, unable to move.
Another one. This time it felt like he’d been kicked in the temple and had his face stamped on. He was sure his nose was broken even though that probably shouldn’t have been possible. He lifted a weak, shaking hand to his face and touched his upper lip – when his hand came away, his fingertips were drenched in blood. Alex had been sure that ghosts didn’t have blood, so he wondered whether he’d been wrong or if this was some sort of sick illusion Caleb had created. He decided it didn’t matter, not when he was vulnerable and hurting, in agony worse than dying.
Again, like being stabbed in the gut.
Again, like he’d broken his legs.
Again, like a knife twisted in his back.
It went on and on, attack after attack, pain after searing pain. It hurt too much for him to even scream for help, not that it would have done any good. All around him, lifers walked by without a care in the world, not knowing that he was right there, a snivelling wreck, bloodied and bruised. He curled in on himself and waited for it all to be over.
Eventually, it finished. The last jolt came like a punch to the jaw and when nothing else happened for fifteen minutes, Alex began to come to his senses. He opened his eyes and eased himself up into a sitting position. Even that hurt like hell. He studied his body – his legs, even though they felt like they had been snapped in half, seemed fine; there were a few bruises on his arms, but nothing major; every aching joint was killing him and his head was pounding; again, he touched his upper lip and felt blood crusted there, but none of it was fresh enough to be wet.
He could only imagine how pathetic he looked.
How was he going to explain all this to his friends?
Never mind an explanation – he needed to warn them.
Slowly, he picked himself up off the ground. He regretted it immediately as his head started swimming, he swayed on his feet, almost slumping right back down to the ground. He wouldn’t let himself be beaten by this, he wouldn’t show anymore weakness. His vision blurred (by pain or unshed tears, it was impossible to tell), he focused as much as he could on the studio and forced himself to poof back there.
The feeling of teleportation was uncomfortable at the best of times, but in such a state Alex couldn’t have imagined anything worse. He landed in the studio, his feet hitting the floor with such force that it sent shockwaves up his spine, nothing compared to what he’d just been through but still unbelievably painful. Distantly, he could hear his friends stop talking, muffled and indistinct voices crowding all around him, their faces swimming in front of his eyes.
“Alex,” came a voice. Maybe Julie’s, maybe Luke’s, maybe Reggie’s, maybe none of them. “Alex, buddy, you alright? Come on, speak to us, Alex. What happened? Alex? Alex?”
There was little strength in his arms, but he used it to push them all away and staggered his way to the couch. He collapsed onto it, suddenly feeling weak, somehow more vulnerable than he’d felt lying on the ground as Caleb’s stamp beat him bloody. He checked his wrist now – the stamp was gone.
He came back to himself a little at that; if the stamp was gone, he couldn’t be hurt anymore. He was alright now, he was with his friends, Caleb was nowhere to be seen. But knowing that didn’t stop the tears pooled in his eyes from sliding down his cheeks or his hands from shaking so intensely they might fall off his body. Someone – no, not just someone, it was Julie – crouched down in front of him and gently laid a hand on his knee.
He jerked away from the touch like it burned him.
“Alex,” came Julie’s soft voice. “Alex, please look at me. What happened?”
All he could do in response was shake his head and curl in on himself, body heaving with every sob he was too weak to suppress.
“Alex,” Reggie tried. Alex felt the couch cushions depress next to him as Reggie sat beside him. “It’s alright, man. You’re safe here with us.”
“You’re not alone, Alex,” came Luke’s voice. “Just tell us what happened. Who did this to you?”
But still Alex could only shake his head.
No one said anything for a while. The only sound in the studio was Alex’s laboured breathing and ragged sobs. He’d never felt so pathetic in all his life and death – he could make it through torture without crying like this, and yet just being around his friends after the fact was enough to set him off. He felt useless, he hadn’t even tried to stop Caleb in any way. He’d let this happen, he was the reason he was hurt. This was all his fault.
After a while, he heard the sound of one of the boys poofing out, presumably Luke because Alex could still feel Reggie sat beside him. Only a minute or so later, there was the sound of someone poofing back in, but Luke wasn’t alone now.
His haggard breathing stopped altogether as Alex opened his eyes to see Willie in front of him, crouched down where Julie had been before. There was a soft smile on their face, reassuring, but Alex wasn’t blind to the tears in their eyes. Alex timidly reached out a hand to him and Willie interlocked their fingers.
“I’m here,” Willie said, his voice wavering. “I’m here for you, hotdog.”
At that, fresh tears began streaming down Alex’s face. He pulled Willie to him, wrapping him in a fierce embrace, holding them so tight that it made his new injuries sear with pain, but he never wanted to let go. The pain was worth every bit of comfort that simply holding Willie provided, every moment, every second, everything.
“We’ll give you guys a minute,” Julie said quietly.
“What?” Luke protested. “No way, I want to find out who hurt Alex and I want to hurt them.”
“Luke,” Julie said, gentle but firm. “That’ll come later. I’m sure we’ll find out everything, but right now we shouldn’t surround him.”
Alex, still holding Willie like his afterlife depended on it, heard the three of them reluctantly leave him and Willie behind. He was grateful for the most part, but a little bit of him still wanted them there. It would have been harder to tell them all what had happened at once, but he would have preferred not to repeat the story.
Willie just held him. They didn’t press for him to talk, didn’t let go before Alex was ready, he just held him in his arms and occasionally whispered, “I love you. You’re safe. I’m here.”
Alex couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have someone like Willie care for him.
Eventually, he pulled away. It hurt to see Willie’s face streaked with tears, especially knowing it was because of him. Alex softly tucked a lock of hair behind their ear.
“I was out for a walk,” he rasped, his voice strained from crying. “Clearing my head. Like the day we first met. Same place and everything. Then there was this weird cloud and Caleb appeared. He said if I didn’t tell him how we got the stamps off then he’d hurt me.”
“Oh, Alex,” Willie breathed. Alex could see their heart breaking.
“I wouldn’t tell him. It’s not like we know anyway. So he… he put this other stamp on me – it was like, red and swirly and it looked like…”
“Death,” Willie finished for him. Alex nodded, looking at the ground, trying to still his breathing again. “It looked like death.”
“It felt like it too,” Alex said dryly. “Or worse.” He choked on his words, remembered it all, broke again.
He fell limply to the side, but Willie caught him, pulled him into a hug as he cried. There were images racing through his mind, one after the other – Caleb’s mirthless laughter and sly smirk, the stamp dripping across his skin, himself lying on the ground covered in his own blood. He still hadn’t figured out if that blood had been real or an illusion, but he couldn’t bring himself to care anymore because right that moment he felt as if he couldn’t breathe and his legs were numb and the walls were closing in and he was losing his grip on reality and losing his grip on Willie and–
“Come back, Alex,” Willie said, his voice cutting through Alex’s hopeless thoughts. “You’re not there anymore. It’s over. You survived. You are in Julie’s garage, I’m holding you, nothing can get to you. Come back, Alex.”
Slowly, Alex dragged himself down from his thoughts. He focused on the feeling on his hands clutching Willie’s hoodie, the tickle of Willie’s hair against his cheek, the warmth of Willie’s hands on his back. He focused on Willie and it brought him back.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“Don’t apologise,” Willie told him, sounding almost outraged. He watched as Willie took a moment to collect himself, and when they spoke again their voice was much calmer. “You have nothing to apologise for. None of this was your fault. Please tell me you know that.”
Alex couldn’t have truthfully said so, and he wouldn’t lie to Willie. Bottom lip trembling as he held back yet more tears, he remained silent.
“Alex, this wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known Caleb was going to attack you. You couldn’t have predicted any of this. And it could have happened to any one of us. We all would have done the same thing. You made it through, Alex. This wasn’t your fault and you’re not weak for getting hurt.”
After a moment’s pause, Alex weakly repeated back to them, “This wasn’t my fault.”
Willie pressed a kiss to the top of Alex’s head. “Good. Please remember that. You don’t need to feel guilty about this, alright?”
All he did was nod, closing his eyes and resting his head on Willie’s chest.
“I can explain the stamp if you want,” Willie said, carding his fingers through Alex’s hair. “It has some fancy Latin name that I can’t remember. When Caleb uses it on someone, it takes the most pain they’ve ever been in, and it multiplies it by a thousand. It’s a good thing he can’t use it on lifers because if he did it would kill them with the first jolt.”
“I’m not surprised,” Alex deadpanned.
“The first time he used it on me I thought he was trying to kill me. Again. Or force me to cross over somehow.”
At that, Alex sat up and stared at Willie, wide-eyed. “The first time?”
Gently, Willie pulled Alex back to his lap and laid him down again. “He would use it on me if ever I stepped really out of line. The last time was the day you guys performed at the Orpheum. But I’m free now, so as long as we avoid Caleb it’ll never happen again. If we all avoid him – me, you, Luke, Reggie – then none of us have to get hurt.”
“I don’t think we can avoid whatever he’s got planned,” Alex mumbled.
“Maybe not,” Willie admitted. “But let’s not think about that now. Right, hotdog? I mean, you made it out today. Let’s focus on that. Is there anything you want to do?”
Alex thought for a moment but all he came up with was: “I just want to sleep. And I want you to hold me.”
He could hear Willie’s smile in their voice. “Of course. Whatever you want, Alex.”
Alex felt his eyes drifting closed, sleep catching up with him all at once, the exhaustion being a by-product of the agony. He didn’t mean to say it, but he heard his tired voice breathe, “I love you.”
And just before he fell asleep, he heard Willie whisper back, “I love you too, Alex. Sleep well.”
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strangerobin · 3 years
Rue: Chapter 6 (Jasper Hale x OC)
Just know that, in another life where I was free of lies and deceit, I would move heaven and earth just to stay alongside you. To spend a lifetime with you. Body and soul.
Stolen away just nights before their wedding, Jasper had mourned the loss of his lover, Adeline, for centuries. Until a similar face showed up one day out of the blue, just as beautiful and just as youthful.
Part 6
A plan of sorts that leaves neither parties thrilled.
She was still waiting for a sign.
On occasions, Adeline felt watched and the unease in her heart refused to subside. Something was about to happen to break this faux peace, she was sure; but just what it was she had no clue. And the more time had passed, the more on edge and paranoid she got, going so far as to snapping at poor Loreen for the smallest of things. She hated herself more than ever.
In the end, the sign she had been waiting for came in the form of flowers.
Cornflowers to be exact.
A bouquet was left in the early morning on the doorsteps of their little shared house. No one had heard the deliverer. Anakin and Teddy were away, engaging in their own businesses. Loreen was still tucked safely in her little fort of plushies and rag dolls. Adeline had merely opened the door to enjoy some fresh air and was instead met with a bouquet of cornflowers arranged with utmost care.
Your eyes are the colour of cornflowers.
A man she loved once told her. So she was reminded of.
Holding the bouquet as far away from herself as possible, she chucked the bouquet straight into the trash and went about her day as if nothing happened. As if she wasn’t bouncing her leg non-stop while watching reruns on TV, or how distracted she was, or how Loreen kept shooting worried glances at her. As if she wasn’t practically vibrating anxiety off her being.
The flowers never stopped. Every morning a fresh batch was laid on the doorsteps, Loreen even managed to steal some and displayed them in a pretty little vase in her room. Out of spite, Adeline thought. She tried to stay vigilant and stand guard at the door, but then they would only appear elsewhere around the house. She knew then that there was no running from this.
Adeline would bet good money on who her secret admirer (stalker) was. She did not remember him as a stubborn man; but from the persistence of his action she had gathered what game he was playing at. This was an open challenge issued to her, a taunt, he wouldn’t confront her upfront. No, he was patient with his schemes and would strike only when the hour was ripe; he was the predator and her the prey now. And she was so so tempted to rise to the bait. But she must keep her cool, and not loose her mind. He might loose his interest in her yet.
In a century or two. Her treacherous mind taunted mercilessly.
Oh but how wrong was she.
The next taunt came the next day in the form of a book, Frankenstein.
Specifically, the exact copy of the cheap paperback edition she had left behind in Whitehorse months ago.
In a fit of hysterics, she threw open the front door and went all the way up to the front yard and bellowed into the empty countryside. “Leave me the fuck alone you sick bastard!”
Only later did she start to question.
How did he find her? How did he manage to track her down from Whitehorse to Minnesota and now Colorado? She was confident of her concealment ability.
So then, how?
From a distance, Jasper watched the girl sitting at the front porch, lacing up her roller skates. The child turned her heard, seemingly to answer someone inside the house before finishing up the rest of her laces. Then in trepidation she tested water with the first few step, before gaining confidence and propelling herself forward into the open road.
In her flowy sundress and a light cardigan, seemingly not minding the alpine chill, the child spread out her arms and laughed with her head thrown back, as if she were soaring amongst the wind instead. She seemed like any other child, if it weren’t for her scent, and that luminous skin in the morning light.
Jasper casually got out of his car and leaned against it, unsubtly observing the girl. That seemed to catch the child’s attention as she eyed him suspiciously while zipping past the first time; before turning round at the end of the drive and passing by again. If she was scared then she hardly showed it. After a few back and forth, she finally slowed a few meters from Jasper and regarded him cooly.
“Who are you?” Her asked in a sing-song voice. “If you’re here to sell cable or insurance or fire resistant something, we’re not interested.”
“Ah I see so you are the Madame of the house then, little lady.” Jasper chuckled and watched as the child pouted and crossed her arms, petulant at the name. Yes, she was like one of those children too smart for their own good, sharp witted but quick to anger. And much too trusting. “Fear not, I am only a friend. Tell me, do you live here with family?”
“Half siblings.” The child corrected.
“And is not your half-sister called Adeline?”
“And you are?”
“A long time... friend.” He hesitated after a second.
“Oh?” Now her voice was laced with suspicion.
Jasper smiled charismatically and exerted an air of reassurance over the child. “Do you think you can send a message from me to her?”
The child frowned, clearly reluctant. “Couldn’t you do it yourself? If you really are her friend. She’s in a mood these days and I don't want to cross anymore than I need to.”
“I don’t think she’d like to see me for now.” Jasper shrugged nonchalantly, as if he was not in fact stalking the said person, but simply had a disagreement with her over a conversation during bar night.
She narrowed her eyes at him again.
“What’s in this for me?”
Jasper bowed his head respectfully. “Of course there will be payment on my part. I shall be forever in your debt.”
She pursed her lips and pondered on the request thoughtfully. “If I am to be messenger,” She began slowly. “I’d like a year’s worth of Ben and Jerry’s. And a year’s subscription of Netflix!” She looked so haughty then, so proud of herself for striking a deal that he had to chuckle.
“Oh little lady.” He said in between laughs, somehow adoring the sweet innocence of the child. “You drive a hard bargain don’t you? Yes of course I promise.” He put a hand over his heart and bowed. “Cross may heart and hope to die.”
That seemed to satisfy the child and she grinned cheekily at him, no doubt pleased with her little bargain of free ice cream and Netflix films.
“Here.” He produced from his pocket a single map. And handed it to the girl. She eyed it suspiciously before taking in gingerly, their hands briefly touching. If she noticed his ice cold skin then she did not make a remark.
Instead her eyes flickered back to him and she chewed on her lips thoughtfully before finally opening her mouth. “I hope... I hope whatever it is between the two of you, all will be well soon.”
Momentarily caught surprised, Jasper straightened his stance and looked to the house in the distance with longing and tenderness.
“Yes I hope so too.”
“Oh Lorie you’re finally back. Fun time roller skating?”
Adeline was sitting on the sofa, in a bathrobe with blankets wrapped all around herself up to her head flipping through the channels at top speed.
“I met a friend of yours down the street.” Loreen announced.
“Friend? What friend-”
She froze at the name.
“Come again?”
“Jasper was here and he wanted me to pass on a message to you.” Loreen stated as-a-matter-of-factly and handed over the old map. She scrutinised her sister; watched as her face blanched before being replaced by red hot fury.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Adeline bellowed, crumpling the map into a tight little wall. “Where is he? Is he still out there now?!”
Loreen shrugged, trying to convey the message that she was just as clueless as the other was. “I’m sure he’s only just left.”
Adeline bolted out of the doors at once.
“Jasper!” She yelled like a lunatic, and searched frantically, not giving a fig what the neighbours would think. She had other pressing matters to be concerned of.
How dare he! How dare he approached her family, especially her innocent sister! He had already shattered her little peaceful life! That she could tolerate, and she supposed to some extent, she was reaping what she had sowed years ago. But preying on her young sister like that! He had no right! Absolutely no right! How dare he!
Hidden under the shades of the woods she took off in a blur, trying to locate the man. But the faint smell she caught whiff of indicated that he had long since been gone.
Still livid, she stomped her way back to the house.
First the flowers, then the book and now this map. Jasper; yes she was finally going to acknowledge this, that he was the same man she had met all those years ago, and that yes he was a fucking vampire now! And one with no fucking sense of boundaries! His message was clear and simple.
Don’t think that you’ve been forgotten. I know where you are and I will find you, whatever it takes. Or you can come to me, on your terms. You know where to find me.
She spread the crumpled map out.
It was a state map of fucking Washington!
Like a flame being doused with ice cold water, she finally realised her mistake all those months ago. The hybrid child she had met in the clearing… That was how he had come to know of her. There was no doubt of it now. The child must have told her coven of their meeting, and either he was part of the coven, or he was on intimate terms with them. Either way, she had damned herself that day when she had decided not to trust her instincts to stay inland. And like dominoes, a little push had unknowingly caused the whole system to collapse on its own, the shockwaves continuing to reverberate in the aftermath of the disastrous meeting.
Adeline cursed and screamed in frustration.
Stupid! Stupid! She was so stupid! What was she to do now?! Engage? And she would be falling right into his laps without a fight. Run? But for how long? He had proven himself more than capable of tracking her somehow, it would be all for naught. He had a coven; and she had only her siblings. Siblings whom never got involved with her affairs, nor did she wish to involve into the mess. And especially not her youngest.
Frustrated, she flipped the map to find an actual written message penned in impeccable cursive handwriting. Which got her blood boiling immediately.
Do you have what it takes?
Self-righteous bastard! Well she’ll show him!
Adeline was in and out of the house in a flash, clothes changed. “Addie where are you going?” Loreen was by the door, obviously concerned.
“I’m going.” Her reply was short, clipped.
“At least wait for Anakin or Teddy.”
“No Loreen. I have to go. You’ll be fine on your own right?” Adeline tried to smile to relieve the tension, but evidently the tight-lipped smile only succeeded in agitating her sister more.
“I suppose yes. But-"
“Stay safe dear. I’ll see you in a bit.”
And she was out.
She refused to address her other concerns; like what did he want by actively seeking her out, or how did he even find her when she had made sure all her tracks were concealed? What did it mean for the two of them now that the other was all along alive and well? What would it entail for either parties from here on? What would father even do should he learn of this?
All of the what ifs and hows and whys were all overshadowed by her high-strung emotions. Her action was spurred into motion and further fulled by her fury at her former lover. Really, she lacked even a concrete plan of engagement which she seemed to be forgetting repeatedly in favour of the raging anger within her.
One she had not felt in years now.
“Are you sure she’ll come?” Edward asked.
“I’m sure.” Was Jasper’s curt reply, even if the doubt was weighing heavily down on his heart. He was back in Forks, back with his family where there was still some semblance of safety and control.
For nights, he had sat outside of Adeline’s little house in his car, just thinking and formulating, the best ways to engage her. He could knock on her door right then and there, and no doubt she would lose her shit, and everything would be fucked. Or he could catch her attention and lure her out back to where he felt safest, and should she decide to come along with then he would engage accordingly. At that time it felt like a decent plan, but now that he was home, the plan seemed stupid. Either way seemed like it would end pretty badly. In the end, he had made his escape early, had not stayed to see Adeline’s reaction at his subtle message. For fear of rejection, for fear of being unable to bear the disappointment.
He was such a coward.
And now he watched as his brother grimaced and frowned, clearly hesitating whether to speak his mind out or not, before finally making his mind up. “It’s just… are you sure about this?”
“About what?” Jasper said feigning ignorance.
“You’re taunting her.” Edward stared him straight in the eye, somewhat sternly. “Is this any way to court the girl you like?”
“Well, says the man who stalked his then classmate in her bedroom every night.” He shot back with barb, clearly annoyed.
Edward’s face soured and immediately stalked off the other way.
Jasper sighed and ran a hand absentmindedly through his tangled hair, emotions all over the place. He knew he was an unwelcome presence in the house lately, practically vibrating off anxiety within a mile radius and affecting anyone within. It made the others nervous, stressed even. And everyone avoided him like the plague.
Bella and Edward had taken Renesmee to their little cottage so that the little one would not be affected. Carlisle had taken to working long hour shifts at the hospital and God knows where Rose and Emmett were.
And Alice... Alice was distancing herself from him.
She had taken to avoiding him, bluntly. She was never in the same room as he was. Had stopped being affectionate like she used to. Their interactions were reduced to light pats on his shoulder, fleeting hand touches, tight-lipped smiles that never quite reached her eyes. She was clearly hurting regardless of what she proclaimed. And to make matters worse, it was fracturing the family.
Emmett’s the-devil-may-care attitude can be reassuring, but Rosalie’s disdain at him was dully noted. Bella was torn and Edward was still suspicious of Adeline but somewhat more understanding of his predicament, although apparently he had just pissed off his last comrade. Carlisle and Esme were only concerned for the two of them, no doubt wanting the best for the pair of them.
And there was nothing he could do.
Alice had made the decision for the two of them.
But it tortured him as much as it killed her. She was the light in his pitiful life for years, his beacon in the dark night. She would never forgive him for all his betrayals just as he could never forgive himself for being the one to hurt her,
And now it pained him just as much to think of Adeline, of his plan to lure her out. He had known her like the back of his own hand then. Though what an irony that felt now. The one he had meant to share his life with, ended up being the one he had known the least.
While she can be sweet and lively, her temper seemed to have a mind of its own. And her heart always dominated in any decisions she made. She was open to persuasion, but would never bend to anyone’s will by force. Would react badly and lash out if forced.
And he had forced her hand.
Adeline would come, she must. Because if she did not, what then? He could go back to Alice and begged for her to take him back or he could continue hunting Adeline down, but then what? He could not force her into anything against her will, he would not. While he was no saint, he certainly was no monster to force himself onto her. She had only need to say the words, with steel in her resolve and he would begone as she requested, forever.
And should she have changed?
It had been more one and a half century since their parting, he had changed much. How did he expect her to remain the same? How did he expect her to remain steadfast in their love? Or its lack thereof?
He was torn between being content with simple ordinariness, or pursuing something more, something all encompassing and consuming, but also elusive which might end up being a gamble for nothing.
Either required him to make a blind leap of faith, though one was certainly more perilous than the other.
"I don't... I don't know what to do." He finally admitted aloud to Edward's retreating form, watched as the man turned to look back at him with narrowed eyes. "I have the choice... I have the choice to move on like she did, or I can continue to pursue her to the ends of the world, like some psychopathic stalker vampire..."
"But you don't want to be neither." Edward sighed sympathetically.
"And yet you don't want to let her go either."
"No, I don't either."
Jasper shot his brother a bittersweet smile before lapsing into silence. It felt embarrassing to tell Edward of his inner most thoughts, but at the same time there was something cathartic in finally sharing with someone what he thought.
"If there's anything I learnt from being with Bella," Edward said after a moment of thought. "It's that every relationship requires the investment of both parties. It's useless if she doesn't reciprocate your feeling."
Jasper quirked his lips ruefully. "Alice seems to think otherwise."
"Alice can't see the hybrid's future."
"No but I told her we might be soulmates."
"Well are you?"
"I don't know... I think so."
Jasper looked up to see Edward with a smug smirk aimed at him. "Well what do we have here? The cold and calculating Major Whitlock stumped for once because he's confused what to do with his lover-"
"Edward!" He protested loudly.
Ed laughed with mirth before holding up his hands in surrender. "I digress." Then his demeanor turned serious again. "Like I said, it requires two people to be in love. A soulmate bond doesn't automatically make her fall in love with you and vice versa. At the end of the day, it's just a bond. It ties the two of you together in this life, you can feel her, might even need her. But at the end of the day, it's for the both of you to decide if the both of you want to purse a more serious relationship, no?"
Jasper looked away, not wanting to meet his brother's intense gaze.
Had he considered what she wanted?
He loved her, still. But did she want him in the same way?
"I... tell me what I should do then?"
The proposition pained him physically and mentally and Jasper closed his eyes and swallowed harshly.
But Edward only looked at him with a tenderness and pity in his eyes.
"Do what's right, brother. Don't make it a regret of yours for eternity."
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sectumsemprae · 3 years
Hi!!! Saw you're pretty invested in Evangelion. Did you see the last film? Opinions on it? What do you think about the dynamic with Kaworu and Shinji?
OOOH BOY DID I WATCH IT. Yes I did!!! I really liked it!!! Since my rec is gonna be spoilery (and long), i'm gonna put it under the cut.
So first things first the animation was BEAUTIFUL, STUNNING, INCREDIBLE I really loved the mix of different animation styles really *chef's kiss Also the soundtrack??? ASTRONOMICAL! Shiro Sagisu never lets me down.
It's known that one of my favourite characters is Shinji and his development really brought closure. The scenes at the village were both really warm and really uncomfortable to watch (miss lookalike was the most precious thing I've ever seen while Asuka bullying Shinji made me want to cry and kick and scream cause yeah he did fuck up but jesus was it his intention? Don't think so!!! Asuka stop. What did make me bawl my eyes out was Miss Lookalike/Rei telling Shinji that people do love him. Hearing words of affirmation for Shinji is very important, I relate to that on a personal level: I'm very insecure of my place in other people's lives and I never know for sure if people truly care unless they state it clearly so that for me was a huge stab in my old black little heart. Reililith in CGI will haunt my nightmares but that scene was a fever dream like it was supposed to be and I really like that, would love to know more about the headless bodies going in circles. Was it because the Evangelion Infinity series was created basically with the dummy Rei's heads? Or anyway that's what I got from it. Maybe I misunderstood everything.
I did like so much the confrontation between Shinji and Gendo. I pity Gendo, he went through the exact path he made Shinji go through. But now has the courage to admit he was wrong. Shinji finally opens his heart to Gendo too. Yay communication! Everyone wins!
ANYWAY, talking about the relationship between Kaworu and Shinji: I don't think it was destroyed. Like, at all. The scene of the train and Kaworu's Instrumentality made me bawl my eyes out again, I cried AN OCEAN not even a river. Them sitting in the same place they first met, talking about each other, Kaworu confirming his feelings for Shinji and being vulnerable. I didn't see it as a bad thing, for Shinji to compare him to his father, cause he acknowledges that their love for the person they wanted to be with for all their life was the same: Gendo tried everything to go back to Yui and Kaworu did the same to try to make Shinji happy. That was the meaning behind that sentence. Not some gross trope like some people are trying to make it look like. at least, for me, you do you then. What's more than a declaration of love than to write your lover's name on the Book of Life so that you will be destined to meet forever? Shinji didn't want anyone to suffer anymore because of the eva and he destroyed them so now everyone, including Kaworu, is free of the curse and can live their life happily. Also, what's more than a declaration of love part 2 when Shinji "lets go2 Kaworu so that he can find happiness? Aren't you happy when a person you love is happy too? It's not a permanent goodbye, it's a "let's see each other again In the future, when we're both ready".
That scene of the train station could mean so many things. A fresh new start without the Evas like the dream Shinji had at the end of the series. It doesn't have to involve any romance between Shinji and Mari or Kaworu and Rei. People talk to each other and touch each other but does that always have to get a romantic meaning? What if they were going to the other side to meet their friends? you don't know! And that's the beauty of it. We just know it's a new start, whatever that entails. And we know Shinji and Kaworu will meet eventually, forever. So that means nothing is over babey!
So bottom line: I loved that ALL the characters grew up and understood more about each other to go past their traumas and finally be happy.
There is *for sure* something I'm forgetting I'll eventually edit/reblog this with additions! Thanks for asking for my opinions!
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memeingovermemes · 5 years
sock opera -- gravity falls starters:
Feel free to edit pronouns/names/titles where appropriate!
❝  today is the big day .  ❞ ❝  you ready ?  ❞ ❝  this is it .  ❞ ❝  with your brains and my laser focus ,  there is literally nothing that can distract us from - did you hear that ? ❞ ❝  all my life i've been dreaming - of a love that's right for me, and now i finally know her name and it's - literacy ~  ❞ ❝  just when i was getting over ___  ,  of course ,  you show up at my doorstep .  ❞  /  ❝  oh ,  yeah ,  i forgot about ___ .  did not care for ___ .  ❞ ❝  i'll type ,  you read .  ❞ ❝  you were late on your cue .  ❞ ❝  hey ,  hey .  be good to each other .  ❞ ❝  hey !  guess who's ___ ?  i am !  care to learn more ?  i bet you do .  you like to learn .  ❞ ❝  a lot of people think puppets are dumb or just for kids or something .  ❞ ❝  so when's your next puppet show ?  ❞ ❝  i mean ,  you can't really love puppets if you're not throwing puppet shows ,  right ?  ❞ ❝  oh ,  what are the details ?  ❞  /  ❝  there are so many details .  ❞ ❝  ___ , how hard do you think it would be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera and live pyrotechnics by friday ?  ❞ ❝  i don't know what happened .  i got lost in his eyes and his ponytail and  -  ❞ ❝  if you help me with this for just a couple of days ,  i promise i'll help you .  ❞ ❝  please .  pretty please .  ❞ ❝  it's for love ,  ___ .  ❞ ❝  we're close to something big here .  i can feel it .  ❞ ❝  just a warning ,  people's eyes will get wet ,  'cause they'll be crying from laughing ,  from how tragic it is !  ❞ ❝  it's what makes life worth living .  ❞ ❝  not even gonna ask .  ❞ ❝  last time you got this sleep deprived you tried to eat your own shirt .  ❞ ❝  just a few more tries .  ❞ ❝  i can't take that sound anymore .  i hate !  you !  sound !  ❞ ❝  there has to be some shortcut or clue .  ❞ ❝  i think i know a guy .  ❞ ❝  well ,  well ,  well ,  you're awfully persistent ,  ___ .  ❞ ❝  hats off to you !  ❞ ❝  did you miss me ?  admit it ,  you missed me .  ❞ ❝  it was just a job ,  kid .  no hard feelings .  ❞ ❝  i've been keeping an eye on you since then and i must say ,  i'm impressed .  ❞ ❝  you deserve a prize .  here ,  have a head that's always screaming !  ❞ ❝  the point is ,  i like you .  ❞ ❝  i only ask for a small favor in return .  ❞  /  ❝  i'd never do a favor for you .  ❞ ❝  don't forget who defeated you last time !  ❞ ❝  hey ,  wanna' hear my impression of you in about 3 seconds ?  ❞ ❝  still ignoring this .  ❞ ❝  whoa ,  bag check for ___'s eyes !  ❞ ❝  ___ ,  i told you to get some sleep last night .  ❞ ❝  it's like if coffee and nightmares had a baby .  ❞ ❝  last night i had a dream with ___ in it .  ❞ ❝  like i'd actually trust ___ ,  right ?  ❞ ❝  today is the day that the mystery twins are back in action .  ❞ ❝  i'll help you crack that code .  ❞ ❝  i cried ,  like ,  eight times .  ❞ ❝  it's so great to see you ! ❞ ❝  your passion is so refreshing ,  ___ ,  unlike the girl from last night's puppet show .  single-stitch on one puppet and cross-stitch on the other ?  i was like ,  uh-uh .  ❞ ❝  naturally i deleted her off my cell phone contacts list .  ❞ ❝  i know you won't let me down though .  ❞ ❝  you know ,  ___ ,  you look pretty sweaty .  you should really take your shirt off . ❞  /  ❝  ... right ?  aren't we all thinking that ?  ❞ ❝  how many eyes does a face have again ?  ❞ ❝  i'm not okay .  ❞ ❝  hey !  you just said you were going to help me !  ❞ ❝  ___ ,  do you seriously think that your random crush of the week is more important than uncovering the mysteries of this town ?  ❞ ❝  you're obsessed .  ❞  /  ❝  i'm obsessed ?  look at you .  ❞ ❝  you look like a vampire .  and not the hot kind .  ❞ ❝  well ,  i can help you with tickles !  ❞ ❝  you know what ?  i'll do it on my own .  ❞ ❝  i'm gonna lose everything ?  i only have one more try ?  ❞ ❝  well ,  well ,  well .  someone's looking desperate .  ❞ ❝  i thought i told you to leave me alone .  ❞ ❝  i can help you ,  kid !  you just need to hear out my demands .  ❞ ❝  what crazy thing do you want ,  anyway ?  to eat my soul ?  to rip out my teeth ?  are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something ?  ❞ ❝  all i want is a puppet .  ❞ ❝  what are you playing at ?  ❞ ❝  i don't know ,  man . ___ worked really hard on these .  ❞ ❝  seems to me one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe .  ❞ ❝  how many times have you sacrificed for her ,  huh ?  and when has she ever returned the favor ?  ❞ ❝  tick tock ,  kid !  ❞ ❝  so what puppet are you gonna pick anyway ?  ❞ ❝  eenie meenie mynee... YOU !  ❞ ❝  what did you do to my body ?!  ❞ ❝  sorry ,  kid ,  but you're my puppet now !  ❞ ❝  this can't be happening .  this can't be happening !  ❞ ❝  man ,  it's been so long since i've inhabited a body !  ❞ ❝  pain is hilarious !  ❞ ❝  why are you doing this ?  i thought we had a deal !  ❞ ❝  i've got big plans coming and i don't need you getting in my way .  ❞ ❝  race you to the bottom of the stairs !  ❞ ❝  hey !  human soda. i'm gonna' drink it like a person !  ❞ ❝  it's got to be around here somewhere .  ❞ ❝  i've hidden it !  somewhere you'll never find it in a million years .  ❞ ❝  i hope you don't mind .  i'm gonna go before you process this sentence . okay, bye !  ❞ ❝  no ,  ___ ,  don't listen to him !  ❞ ❝  that's not me !  ❞ ❝  without a vessel to possess ,  you're basically a ghost .  ❞ ❝  HELP ME !  ❞ ❝  i'm gonna stop you ,  ___ . i'm gonna find that journal before you do and i'm gonna stop you !  ❞ ❝  but how can you stop me ...  if you don't EXIST ?  ❞ ❝  got to get my body back before he does something crazy with it !  ❞ ❝  ah ,  nothing like the theater ,  huh ?  ❞ ❝  hey ,  ___ ,  want to hear the exact time and date of your death ?  ❞ ❝  are you kidding me?  i would never miss...! ... whatever this is .  ❞ ❝  so hold your horses !  ❞  /  ❝ oh ,  i'll hold my horses .  i'll hold them .  ❞ ❝  you monster .  ❞ ❝  i'm sorry ,  ___ ,  but i have to go fight in the war .  ❞ ❝  i'll wait for you ,  ___ !  i'll wait for you .  ❞ ❝  it's come to life !  the puppet books didn't warn me about this !  ❞ ❝  you need to help me .  ❞ ❝  ___ tricked me .  ❞ ❝  it's the only hope to get me back in my body !  ❞ ❝  i'm sorry .  it looks funny when you're mad .  ❞ ❝  want to kiss and sing at the same time ?  ❞ ❝  oh-oh ,  but why would you want to do that ?  ❞ ❝  shh .  you wouldn't want to ruin the show  ~  ❞ ❝  whoops !  it's slipping .  ❞ ❝  no way .  this is ___'s .  i'd never give it away .  ❞ ❝  hmm .  you didn't seem to have a problem taking it for your own play .  ❞  /  ❝  or ditching him when he needed you .  ❞ ❝  so come to your senses !  ❞ ❝  i mean ,  who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling ?  ❞  /  ❝  ___ would .  ❞ ❝  get out of my brother's body ,  you evil triangle !  ❞ ❝  whoa !  children fighting .  i can sell this !  ❞ ❝  i'm a being of pure energy with no weakness !  ❞  /  ❝  true ,  but you're in ___'s body .  and i know all HIS weaknesses !  ❞ ❝  AAH !  body spasms !  what are these ?!  ❞ ❝  what is this feeling ?  ❞ ❝  my body is burning !  ❞ ❝  i can't move these stupid noodle legs !  ❞ ❝  curse you ,  useless flesh sticks !  ❞ ❝  body shutting down ...  ❞ ❝  YES !  i'm in my own body and - it's just as underwhelming as i remember .  ❞ ❝  everything hurts .  ❞ ❝  this isn't the last you'll hear of me !  ❞ ❝  big things are coming .  you can't stop me !  ❞ ❝  don't worry .  ❞ ❝  i've seen enough movies to know this is the part where the audience thinks it was all part of the show and loves it !  ❞ ❝  don't speak to me ,  ___ .  ❞ ❝  you've made a mockery of my art form .  ❞ ❝  i might have dodged a bullet there .  ❞ ❝  i'm sorry about all this .  it's my fault .  ❞ ❝  i spent all week obsessing over a dumb guy .  but the dumb guy i should have cared about was you .  ❞ ❝  what did ___ do to my hand ?!  ❞ ❝  nothing a little sleep can't fix !  ❞ ❝  seriously ,  i need to go to the hospital .  ❞ ❝  what did one sock puppet say to the other sock puppet ?  ❞ ❝  you look like you could use a hand !  ❞ ❝  that joke was really something .  ❞  /  ❝  yeah ,  something terrible !  ❞
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