#curriculars discussing the state of the dashboard
murillo-enthusiast · 4 months
All of you must be amateur bakers if all of your pancakes are exploding like that. A master would never fall victim to such folly.
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murillo-enthusiast · 2 months
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This is becoming untenable.
Instead of replying individually to all the recent additions to this farce that I have become aware of, I shall document them here.
@trauma-and-truffles - look
@le-fils - he
@le-bayard-polonaise - hearts
@le-dieu-mars - up
@chicksncash - eat
@le-brave-des-braves - ravioli
My... thanks for informing me of the new additions.
Riddle observations: Red: Austrians, ass/Murat, go, hot, cracker, wife, yay, oysters, :), brainrot, cutting, eat, tub, shin,disgusting, burning paper... Green: I, ravioli, would(3/2?), eat, 32, admire, afar, hearts, everyone, look, when(?)/he, ever, up, in
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murillo-enthusiast · 6 months
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Don’t any of you have anything better to be doing?
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murillo-enthusiast · 6 months
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Mademoiselle Hour, do you have the time to “boop” people like this?
Petiet: Your Excellency, the cat isn’t… letting go of your aguilettes!
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Try. Harder.
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murillo-enthusiast · 6 months
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Citoyen @twice-told-tales, bearing my visage as your icon, do you not have anything better to do either?
Brun: We have convinced the cat to let go of your aguilettes, mon Maréchal.
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Saint-Chamans: He is taunting us!
Lameth: Don’t challenge the cat to a duel! I am afraid he just might win~
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murillo-enthusiast · 6 months
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Hmmph. I see shenanigans are afoot.
Saint-Chamans: Does this have anything to do with the cat eating your aguilettes??
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I believe that is an unrelated incide-
… Why are you just standing there? Get that beast off my uniform!
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