A place for the collection and display of various fantastical ideas, concepts, rules, and anything else someone could appreciate and use.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
World of Vaire: 65 Adventuring Origins...
Desperate for Money, you worked in “Panuchio’s Ponderings”, run by Panuchio Alfada, a once prestigious member of the local Arcane Council turned humble Magical Shopkeep after an Arcane Experiment gone wrong. You soon left the job after one too many times of watching Panuchio hold full-blown conversations with imaginary creatures you couldn’t see, as you now choose to seek coin through more reputable sources.
You were raised in the harsh mountains and rivers of the shattered Guk Empire. You lived and worked alongside Lizardfolk and Shamans, and so became superstitious about the world, but becoming null to the idea of death and brutality.
You were stolen away as a child to be raised in a Feywild Hunting Squad dedicated to Oberon. You learned the greatest hunting techniques in all the Realms, but now it seems Oberon has no need of your services, leaving you to wander and find your own way after a lifetime of training.
You were brutally slain in an attack by The Unchained Cult of Tharizdun, as they used your remains in their sinister plans. However, you were brought back through mysterious means, and soon escaped with (most of) your resurrected body intact.
You survived an attack by The Unchained Cult of Tharizdun, but their undead minions left your home in ruins and your life up-rooted.
You were woken mid-dream by the sounds of the Dock’s bells. Shadowy tentacles split entire ships in two, but you fled your home in minutes, leaving behind everything to be devoured by the titan-sized shadows in the water and crawling onto the beaches…
You fell in love with a mysterious stranger that swept you off your feet in an instant. It was a whirlwind romance that lasted months, but ultimately ended with their bitter rejection of your proposals, leaving you with feelings you know they’d love to feed on.
You were a renown Criminal, sentenced to a life of imprisonment at the hands of a particular violent and zealous sect of worshippers to the Sun God, Pelor. You survived and escaped, but still fear the divine retribution that could be brought upon you at any moment.
You were sent off to “Saint Christopher’s”, a Portside Orphanage. You knew you couldn’t stay there long and soon wandered the streets, stowing away on one of the various ships coming and going.
One night while sailing with your crew, you were attacked by pirates! However, a sudden unnatural storm sent rogue waves your way, saving you from the raiders, but leaving you the only survivor.
One day a strange bald man asked if you could join him a short walk through town. You remember nothing of the events during the kind jaunt through the marketplace, only the man’s unsettling and piercing blue eyes.
You woke up one night to find all the local sailors and dockworkers trying to fling themselves off the beaches and into the sea. You managed to save some of them, but knew you could’ve saved more…
You knew a victim of the Night of the Red Star, as a psychic call entered their minds and you attempted (and failed) to save them. Now you wish to stop such an event from ever occurring again.
You were a victim of the Night of the Red Star, as a psychic call entered your mind and whispered tales of death. However, you survived thanks to an uneasy pact with the strange sentient star, who’s omens you see in the flickering flames of nearby torchlights.
You were travelling to the local observatory one night when you witnessed the brutal murder of a man in broad moonlight. You fled the scene, fearing what shadowy beast attacked them.
You were walking through a fungus farm during the collapse of the Underground City of Maydeen. You were buried under rubble for days, surviving only on the fungus and the strange juices they excreted.
You were searching the Vaults of the Academy during the collapse of the Underground City of Maydeen. You swear during your days beneath the wreckage, you could hear the books themselves screaming out, and still ponder if that was merely your imagination…
You were at a religious mass to Lolth during the collapse of the Underground City of Maydeen. As the temple crumbled on top of you, you could only turn to the crumbling rubble of a statue of Lolth the Spider Queen, as its eyes flared and whispered the words of anger and want for revenge that kept you alive…
Your life was idyllic, living amongst the treetops of an overgrown jungle home in the centre of a great sea, when suddenly you found yourself catapulted into the Astral Plane, realising your “Home” was merely the centuries old forgotten work of a Wizard long dead.
You worked in an icy whaling village to the far south of the continent. You’ve seen dozens of ships go out to sea in the dark winters, and only a few come back intact…
You lived in a peaceful nature Commune near a dormant volcano and hot springs. The people were nice and accommodating, but soon you realised you must venture out to find your life’s purpose.
While drinking at a seaside tavern, you watched a whole group of individuals disappear from their table in an explosion of mist. From that day on, magic has always fascinated you.
The King of your Lands, King Atum, has been acting strange, becoming more paranoid and cruel to his people. You suspect something must be ailing him, and adventure in order to find a cure.
You heard word of the attempted assassination of Prince Jacob, Son of Good King Richard, and joined the local military as soon as you could to fend off whatever threats were soon to declare war.
You watched a grand gladiatorial match between two Champions of the Feywild’s Fighting Bays. The fight was a spectacle, and inspired you to become as strong as the champions that lived and fell in that arena.
You survived an attack by Orcs on your peaceful forest town, the Crown says the Orcs were suffering from a rare infectious disease, but you believe it’s a far deeper mystery.
You were met one night by a tall mysterious figure with tinted black spectacles and a bright yellow hat that obscured his face. He offered help, yet you refused out of suspicion, but his image still haunts your memories.
You heard tales of Non-Drow ascending to become Councilmen, Priests and High Nobles in Maydeen’s Courts before its collapse, and this has inspired you to try the same.
You bumped into a mad Githyanki that swears he’s the 155th clone of his previous self, and keeps insisting that you taste his flesh, which he swears is a delicacy in the Abyss.
While asleep one night, you felt your soul become entangled in a great mystical storm. From that day onwards, you’ve seen images of a tall man thundering his way across the land with a hammer in hand, and you saw yourself following him…
You heard tales of powerful spellcasting merchants that travelled to the Abyssal City of Azzagrat and came back rich and mighty.
You heard tales of great ships that sailed past the Ice Sheets at the Edge of the World and returned, surviving kraken-infested bottomless waters and bringing back powerful riches.
You heard tales of a duo of master thieves that robbed a nobleman of all his paintings and jewellery in a dramatic chase, and yet their identities still remain completely unknown.
You witnessed a daylight robbery of horses by powerful Spellcasters, and now want to hunt them down and try them for their crimes.
You were abducted by a group of mad Drow and taken to their temple in the depths of the Underdark. They taught you the ways of their “New God”, and you took part in their rites for months before you could escape.
While travelling through the Astral Plane on a Spiritual Pilgrimage, you were struck by errant astral debris. The magical objects embedded themselves in your form, and you found the magics around you start to warp to your will…
While walking one night, you almost stepped on a charred piece of broken mirror, but upon looking at the mirror’s surface, it whispered promises of power and ultimate control in your life, if only you reunite it with it’s other pieces.
While staying in a local hotel, you heard the sounds of a struggle in the middle of the night. Upon bursting into the room, you found a shadowy, ghost-like figure straddling the fresh corpse of the room’s patron. The shadow disappeared, and when others arrived on the scene, all they saw was you and a fresh body…
Once you matured, rumors began to swirl that you were actually the secret child of a local family with a bad reputation. Now you’re trying to escape the rumours, or perhaps find out the truth to your heritage.
You want to be a Bard, but to have any substance to your music, you need some epic tales to tell, and the best way is to experience them!
You deserted the local militia and armies after a brief but brutal encounter with a small hoard of shadowy creatures. Now you need gold to get out of the country, and fast!
You awoke one morning to find your entire military camp effortlessly slaughtered in their beds. While trying to make sense of it all, a single cloaked figure emerged from the woods, speaking that “it only takes one to send a message back home…”
You wandered into the Feywild and gained the ire of some bored Fey. You tell people you’re a Cat magically transformed into human, but no one believes you, even as you seek methods of returning to your original, perhaps superior form.
You have some truly impressive gambling debts to repay, and were forced into some dark dealings you’d rather not speak of in order to repay them.
You heard the old tales of ancient demons with the most potent attacks, and one night you were called to investigate the strange sounds of demonic howls, which were emanating from an abandoned stone temple.
You grew up in the world of books and stories, and while you can read most anything you find, some stories need to be experienced. You want to learn more about the world that existed before the one we live in.
You heard rumours of an area filled with creatures that were too dangerous to even exist! If you can manage to survive, you could be given a rewards that might just change your life for the better!
While working in a town, you were taken ill after a week of hard work. You were cured by an old man from the local woods, and upon leaving you found some hidden artifacts in a pouch on his cloak. Curious about them, you went to his home and asked about them. His answer was that they were his life savings, and that he needed someone to take care of them for him.
You were the Blood Thrall of a Vampiric Cultist for a time, but upon their final death in what they claimed to be a grand plan gone horribly wrong, you were freed from those long-lasting charms, yet you still swear you see their figure in shadowed alleyways and their face in the reflections of broken glass…
You were one of the few who chose to live in the new badlands and ruins of the recently collapse Hiwan Empire, and over time, your presence in a place full of such death drew forth malevolent spirits that wished for a symbiotic relationship, as you give them one last connection to the mortal world they were so horribly ripped away from.
It’s been over 700 Years since your death, yet you reawaken on the grey beaches of the northern coastlines, surrounded by squid ink and a dull red light to your skin, with no explanation for your rebirth besides dull strings of smoke that rose off your body and blew in the wind towards the moons above…
At the times of the Dawn War, you betrayed the Mortals and Gods one too many times, being tossed into The Demiplane of Exiles in the deepest parts of the Astral Sea. However, while the other Exiles warred with each other, you managed to slip away, your Soul only recently finding purchase inside a suitable new mortal body…
While on leave from your Ship on the small Isle of Outlander Rock, you saw a mighty Red Dragon bear down on the Island’s Mighty Fort, leaving it in burning ruins. However, it seems this effected every person on the Island, as the Fort is still intact, with rumors of illusions, hallucinations and mass delusions swirling, with no real answers behind what exactly every islander saw…
You were a Warlock to a creature beneath the waves, but in recent years, they have gone silent, only sending you images of dark, malformed tentacles and blackened waters filled with bones. Your Patron’s silence is concerning, sending you closer to the depths with a burning curiosity over what happened…
After the last few years of rogue waves, high seas, and monstrous creatures rising from the ocean’s depths, you’ve taken to becoming a guide to the wide blue ocean, advising others on their travels, for a reasonable price of course.
You were raised in a commune of prophets and seers, and became an adventurer to spite their prophecy for you.
You were thrown into a Drunkard’s Cell one night after a Pub Crawl, only to be joined by a vibrant blue talking bunny rabbit. The creature walked on two legs, spoke of how you should “Eat Healthier” and broke out of the Cell while you slept off your drinks, leaving you confused and wandering where in the Planes it came from…
You and your Crew overthrew your Ship’s Captain after being motivated one night by the words of a wandering, vibrant blue talking bunny rabbit. The rabbit spoke of how you could gain some more control in your life if you removed the source of your worries, which just so happened to be your Captain.
You were born inside one of the many Dark Domains of Dread within the gloom of the Shadowfell. After years living in such a dreary place, you finally realised you could escape into a far brighter and emotional world!
You participated in one of the famous mountain skirmishes between the Dark Elves of Hiwa and the Forest Peoples of the Benlochian Kingdom. That was over 30 years ago however, but the images of those Dark Elf Ambushes in the night still haunt your waking dreams…
You’ve heard tales of entire Ships made of solid Brass sailing across the Astral Sea of Stars on the solar winds, you wish to one day be a part of one of those mighty crews.
You swear that one drunken night, you had contact with one of The Great Old Ones, a beast covered in black feathers, bird-like eyes and carrying a single human leg made entirely of wood in its claws.
You lived near the ruins of Hiwan Civilisation for a short time, until you find yourself sleepwalking closer and closer to the site of the kingdom’s disastrous collapse.
While passing through the fields one night, you swear you saw a farm-boy be set alight in bright violet flames, before being struck by lightning almost a dozen times. When you went over to investigate however, the farm-boy seemed completely unharmed.
While carefully travelling the Fairy Trails of the Feywild, you noticed an entire mansion-sized house moving along the treeline, scuttling along on hundred of animated mannequin limbs…
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The First Campaign of Arc 3 Is Looking For Players!
Skin & Fog
Campaign Length: ~8 to 12 Sessions.
Campaign Themes: Space, Travel, Space Opera-Like.
Pillars of Play: High Exploration, Medium Roleplaying, Medium Combat.
Campaign Pitch!
Lady Eitha Carandol-Norgalad, The Archmage to the Kingdom of Benlochia, wishes to hire some highly talented explorers to go into one of the deepest parts of The Astral Plane, navigating and sailing the Sea of Stars quickly in order to find the fabled Lost Library of Gyann the Scholar, where they can read through (or even walk away with) the Books containing the magical True Names of several Wizards and Priests working for the evil Cult of Tharizdun known as “The Unchained”…
Additional Information
This Adventure is for Levels 5-10, and will mostly be taking place upon a Sailing Ship known as “The Vendetta”, captained by Miss Arson Azar, a quite fiery freedom-fighting Fire Genasi Pirate with a love of trickery, charms, and a mutual dislike for authority…
And this Adventure will also be quite nautical themed, as the Party works together with the Crew of The Vendetta to navigate and avoid many of the Astral Plane’s dangers, and so it is recommended (but not absolute) that Players create a Character with some kind of sailing experience, or some kind of knowledge of The Astral Plane.
If you are interested in joining this Adventure (or future adventures) as a Player, we recommend you Join our D&D Discord Server, or speak to CreativeRogues on Discord for further info!
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Mini-Post: What Dangers Does Arc 3 Contain...?
With Arc 2 of the World’s narrative coming to its grand finale and the next Story Arc of the World to soon begin, I thought that it’s about time to catch the newer Readers up on the events in the Story so far, and where the Story could be going in the future…
So without further interruption, let’s start, as most stories do, at the beginning…
Arc 1: The Raging Tides
In this first chapter of the World’s Story, the Heroes of Vaire discovered the existence of a secretive Cult to an Old and Powerful Demon Lord.
The Cult was so devoted in their efforts that they were willing to drown the World of Vaire in saltwater and blood, in order to keep all lands under the control of their Dark and Demonic Master, Dagon…
Arc 2: The Red Star
During the second Arc, the World of Vaire is still recovering from the massive damages done to the lands and people at the hands of Dagon’s Cult, but a sickly Red Star, forged by Dagon’s Cult during a ritual-gone-wrong, still hangs in the sky.
And with it, the fragmented remnants of Dagon’s Cult form again under a new name: The Cult of the Red Star.
Arc 3: The Clarion’s Call
In the upcoming 3rd Chapter of the World’s Story (scheduled to start soon), the World of Vaire seems to be finally rid of The Cult of the Red Star, and with it they destroy the last parts of Dagon’s influence.
However, a greater threat from the demon-filled Infinite Abyss rises, and a New Cult known only as “The Unchained” arrives to attack Vaire once again, with the hopes of breaking their Chained Mad God free from the walls of his Prison at the very bottom of the Infinite Abyss, and using his “Gifts” to set him upon the World of Vaire and send the Multiverse itself into a spiral of chaos and oblivion!
I hope this short and sweet summary of the World of Vaire and its Story is helpful to both new Readers or veteran Game-Masters.
This world is a fascinating place full of both mystery and secrets waiting to be uncovered!
We have a long history behind us and a vast amount of history that’s about to start; The coming adventures of the World of Vaire are about to begin, and we can’t wait for you to hear all about it and get involved!
And if this little post has peaked your interest in the World of Vaire and its many tales, you can always join the rest of us by joining our Discord Server (Link Here!), where we’d be delighted to help you get involved in our stories!
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The ‘World of Vaire’ is beginning Chapter 3!
With Chapter 2 and The Red Star Arc of the World of Vaire soon to come to an end, our Official Discord Server is looking for D&D lovers old, new and everything in between to become Characters and Players in the upcoming Chapter 3 of the Story, currently titled “The Clarion’s Call”.
Chapter 3 is scheduled to begin in mid-to-late October of 2021, and this Arc wishes to be the most brutal yet, as not only is the Material Plane on the line, but the whole Multiverse and every Creature in it could be facing utter Oblivion at the hands of the Villains for the Next Chapter of Vaire’s Story!
And when we say brutal, we mean it!
From the attempts of assassinations on Important NPCs, to turning NPCs (and even PCs!) into Creatures fighting for the Bad Guys, this upcoming Chapter hopes to be the highest stakes anyone in the World of Vaire has ever seen!
So, if you’d like to get in on the action as a Player, or just listen in as the new Chapter starts, be sure to head over the Official CreativeRogues Discord Server, where we’ll be holding Q&A about Chapter 3 as we get closer and closer to Chapter 2′s end.
And a casual reminder that Player Slots for Chapter 3′s Games are limited, so be sure to show your interest by joining our Server: Right Here!
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Mini-Post: Tales From The Server Sewers & ‘staches!
Sometimes the events of our Discord D&D Games are just to good to keep to ourselves…
In this Tale, the Party was planning on travelling into the Sewers of the City of Direwater, a grimdark setting of dark and weird magics.
To prepare, many Party members bought rope, string, and climbing equipment.
But Valley, the Kenku Bard of the Group, had other ideas…
In Valley’s equipment, and as part of his Disguise Kit, he had bought 20 Fake Moustaches that he can stick to almost anything, why did he buy 20? Because he could!
And thanks to his Light Cantrip, and a little bit of persuasion thanks to some sweet-scented flowers, he created a set of Glowing Multi-Coloured Fake Moustaches that the Party could stick to their Faces and Armor, giving everyone enough light to see in the dark and dank sewers below…
So yes, this Grimdark Setting was now filled with a Group wearing Glowing Fake Moustaches as they ventured into the sewers, with some wearing them on their Armor, others on their Faces like a makeshift head-lamp, and some using two at the same time to give themselves glowing fake eyebrows!
Truly, every Party should have a Bard…
Another Fun Fact about Valley: Being a Kenku and a Bard, he speaks only in Movie Quotes and Song Lyrics, and his favourite songs to mimic are Songs by Blink 182!
If you thought this tale was a fun snippet and want to create your own heroic tales of danger and adventure, then why not hop over to our Discord Server [RIGHT HERE!], with our Summer Games picking up soon, we’re ready for (almost) anything!
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The B.O.L.O.G: A Big Ol’ List Of D&D Generators...
Ladies, Gentlemen and Everyone and Everything in-between, I present to you: The B.O.L.O.G, or the“Big Ol’ List of Generators”, something I’ve been working on for a long time.
The “Big Ol’ List Of Generators” (or B.O.L.O.G for short!) has pretty much everything, with over 100+ DM and Player Tools, Random Generators, Cheat Sheets and Reference Sheets to help take your DnD Games to the next level!
Eigengrau’s Generator
Procgen Mansion Generator (with 3D Visuals & Floorplans!)
Chaotic Shiny
D&D DM Tip Generator (Sly Flourish)
D&D 5e Mob Damage Calculator (Sly Flourish)
DND Speak
Random Potion Generator for D&D (GeekNative.com)
Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator
Watabou Medieval Fantasy City Generator
5eMagic.Shop (Magic Shop Generator w/ Items and Prices)
D&D 5e Tools by Leugren
JenniferBrussow.com (D&D Library Generator)
dnd5espells.rpglist.net (D&D Spell Scroll Generator)
RPG Tinker (NPC Generator)
Mithral and Mages (5e Treasure Generator)
Site of Many Things (Random Magic Item Generator)
Kobold Fight Club (Encounter Builder and XP Calculator)
DM Heroes (NPC Generator)
Here Be Taverns (Tavern & Menu Generator)
Instant Tavern Generator (WoTC)
Red Kat Art DnD5Tools
Myth Weavers Dungeon Generator
Not Another Tavern Generator
Goblinist.com (Random Encounter Generator)
FastCharacter.com (Character Creator)
Tetra-Cube.com (Random Character Generator)
ChaosGen.com RPG Tools
AutoRoll Tables - Github
Indie Loot Generator for D&D 5e
Kassoon D&D Tools and Generators
Sane Magic Item Prices
Weak Magic Item generator
Watabou’s One Page Dungeon Generator
Fantasy Calendar Generator
Drugs for D&D
Poison Generator
John’s Dungeons and Dragons Tools
Random Spell Scroll Generator by u/Zwets
What Do You Want? (a Character Motivation Generator) by FencedForest
Maze Generator
NPC Generator by theunburnedwitch
Cafe Arcane (D&D Tools)
Worldbuilding: Clothing and Fashion (HumanVariant)
Slyscript’s Glossary of Archaic Words
Vulgar: A Fantasy Language Generator
Megacosm Generator
The 100 Most Important Things To Know About Your Character
Nonsense Generator
Tree Description Generator (by ModernBarbarian)
Overflower (A Flower Generator by Bleeptrack)
Tiny Quests for Tiny Goons
Magic Carpet Generator (by Zoyander Street)
Potion Description Generator (by Piecewise)
The Monsters Know What They’re Doing
D&D Swarm Damage Calculator
Monster Manual Encounters (Reddit)
MapGen4 (from Red Blob Games)
Random Inn Floorplan Generator (by Inkwell Ideas)
Instant Dragon Generator (by WOTC)
TabletopAudio (Custom Soundboards and Presets)
Phanary.com (Soundboards and Presets)
Iron Arachne Culture Generator
Merchant Wagon Generator (GeekNative.com)
RPG Market Generator
Random Prophecy Generator (GeekNative.com)
TrollMystic Random Generators
RanGen Random Generators
Improved Initiative Tracker
Chicken Dinner’s Point Buy Calculator
Adventurer’s Codex
Hit Effect Description Generator
Maker’s Forge Games
1 Dot Villain Generator
MiniWorld’s NPC Generator (by Profession)
The Thieves Guild
D100 Tricks, Puzzles and Riddles
Orteil’s Dungeon Generator
Character Goal Generator
Tavern Description Generator
Shipwreck Description Generator
Realm Description Generator
Quest Generator
Character Personality Generator
Forest Description Generator
Character Appearance Generator
Dragon Description Generator
Farmland Generator
House Description Generator
Fantasy Swear Word Generator
“A Wise Man Once Said…” (A Fantasy Quote Generator)
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More D&D help!!
Hi friends, I need your help. My boyfriend is running a campaign and he needs a boat load of NPC’s and he had a really cool idea: use random people’s already created player characters! So..
If you have a PC that you would like to be an NPC in another campaign, send me a DM!
All I’d need is a brief character description. Thanks y’all!
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7 Bardic Songs To Sing At Your Local Tavern...
The Young Girl’s Hungry Pussy: A saucy but whimsical ballad about a famous merchant’s daughter and her hungry cat companion, filled with innuendos and oblique remarks.
The Ol’ Gold Gambler: An action-packed war ballad that tells the tale of a peasant man that gambled his life’s fortune with a Devil and won it all and more.
Get Stuffed!: A comedic drinking ballad that tells the tale of how a young halfling boy beat a hungry Hill Giant in an eating contest.
Rattlin’ Man’s Britches: A rather amusing but frowned-upon ballad about the old Captain of the Guard and his incredibly active love-life, despite being married to a nobleman’s daughter.
Come On Tired Soldier: A bittersweet love ballad that tells the tale of a war-torn battlefield, and how a single young soldier refuses to die until he sees his love again.
Pluck ‘em Out: A dark but melodic ballad that describes the torture of a dark-elven man at the hands of a traumatized elven soldier.
Fiery Balls. A fast-paced and incredibly catchy ballad about a young mage cursed with a terrifying libido.
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Player’s Guide: Way of the Closed Palm
At 3rd Level, you’ve learned to channel your Ki into disrupting the Ki of others.
Whenever you hit a Creature with an Unarmed Strike, you can spend 1 Ki Point to impose one of the following effects on that Target:
Drunkard’s Cloak: The Target must make a Constitution Saving Throw or lose proper control of their arms. On a failed Save, the Creature gains Disadvantage on Weapon Attacks and Spell Attack Rolls for Spells with Somatic Components until the end of your next Turn.
Heretic’s Fork: The Target must make a Constitution Saving Throw or lose proper control of their speech. On a failed Save, the Creature gains Disadvantage on Spell Attack Rolls for Spells with Verbal Components, and cannot speak in any intelligible way until the end of your next Turn.
Traitor’s Band: The Target must make a Constitution Saving Throw or lose proper control of their sight. On a failed Save, the Creature is Blinded until the end of your next Turn.
Scold’s Bridle
6th Level Way of the Closed Palm Feature
At 6th Level, you’ve learned to channel your Ki in a way that disrupts your Target’s magical integrity.
Whenever you hit with an Unarmed Strike, you can spend 3 Ki Points to cast Silence, centred on the Target. At the start of each of your Turns, you can spend 1 Ki Point to maintain this Effect, otherwise the Spell ends.
Additionally, you can spend 3 Ki Points to cast Counterspell or Dispel Magic as a 3rd-Level Spell. Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for these Spells.
Improved Closed Palm Technique
11th Level Way of the Closed Palm Feature
Starting at 11th Level, you’ve learned to strengthen your blows so they can splinter bones.
Whenever you hit a Creature with an Unarmed Strike, you can spend a 2 Ki Points to impose one of the following effects on that Target:
Breaking Wheel: Whenever the Creature attempts an Action in Combat, the Creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the Creature loses their Action and can’t use Reactions until the start of their next Turn.
At the start of each of your Turns, you can spend 1 Ki Point to maintain this Effect, otherwise the Effect ends.
Zokendian Boot: The Creature’s Movement Speed is halved. The Creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw after using the Dash Action. If the Creature fails, the Creature falls Prone.
If the Creature attempts to Teleport or leave their current Plane of Existence through the use of a Spell or Feature, the Creature takes 4d6 Psychic Damage and must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed save, the Creature remains in their current position.
At the start of each of your Turns, you can spend 1 Ki Point to maintain this Effect, otherwise the Effect ends.
Enforcer’s Rejuvenation
11th Level Way of the Closed Palm Feature
Also at 11th Level, you’ve learned to shape the active arcane powers of your Enemies into the pure essence of your own Ki.
Whenever you succeed on a Saving Throw against a Spell or other Magical Effect, you regain 1 Ki Point.
Final Verdict
17th Level Way of the Closed Palm Feature
At 17th Level, you’ve learned to tune your Ki into a total magical block.
You can spend 9 Ki Points to cast Antimagic Field centred on yourself. When you cast the Spell this way, the Spell requires Concentration, and has a Duration of 1 Minute.
Abilities that replicate the effects of a Spell thanks to your Ki Feature are unaffected by this field of antimagic.
Additionally, when you cast Counterspell using your Ki Points, the attempt cannot fail because of Spells (including an Antimagic Field created by this Feature) or Other Magical Effects, except those created by an Artifact or a Deity.
Keep reading
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Sorcerer Quirks!
Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer Quirks
You enjoy sleeping on top of any gold or wealthy possessions you own, always watching over them.
A set of small pointed and unbranched horns slowly grow from your head.
Small reptiles seem to follow you whenever you travel alone.
You absentmindedly fiddle with small coins before quickly stashing them away.
You always know the exact number of gold pieces in your coin pouch.
Small coins always seem to reflect in your eyes, even when bent and filthy.
Wild Magic Sorcerer Quirks
Every dawn, you taste a new flavour on your tongue, no matter the food you ate the night before.
The tips of your hair change colour at random moments.
Your heartbeat has the same rhythm as a famous bardic tune.
Every time you belch or sneeze, colourful puffs of smoke rise from your nostrils.
Any flames and bonfires you start always seem to have an altered appearance.
Your tongue changes colour when you raise or lower your voice, turning a dull blue when whispering or a shimmering gold when shouting.
Storm Sorcerer Quirks
You hair always looks like you were struck by lightning, no matter how you try to style it.
You build up a small amount of static electricity wherever you walk, which harmlessly discharges when you shake someone’s hand.
The faint smell of ozone always seems to stick to you.
Quick flashes of lightning scatter across your skin before striking the ground.
You always seem to predict the local weather with pin-point accuracy.
You often find yourself muttering to the clouds, forgetting such things cannot respond.
Divine Soul Sorcerer Quirks
Whenever you sing, your voice sounds like a choir of angels or cackling fiends.
Your eyes always seem to glow with a faint otherworldly light.
Flowers seem to wither or bloom in vibrant colours whenever you are near.
Your dreams are always filled with images of another world.
Two vertical lines can be found on your back, as if there use to be wings there.
Sometimes the prayers and curses of others infiltrate your mind.
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Theory: What To Expect In The Next D&D Book...
There have been theories for a while about this mysterious Book supposedly releasing in Mid-November 2020. So I thought about it and I’ll give my thoughts on what we could be seeing, if anything…
Now, people have been calling this Book “Xanathar’s 2″ because they think it’ll be another expansion with New Races, Subraces, and Subclasses, which I’m going to agree with because it definitely sounds and looks like it.
However, even though it seems it’ll be around 190-260 Pages on average for this kind of book release, and books like these usually contain some new optional rules, some new spells, and some new races and subclasses, I think we’re far enough into 5th Edition that Wizards of the Coast have pretty much covered every “classic” archetype and can start getting a little weirder with what they put out, as shown in some of the more recent Unearthed Arcanas being put out for playtesting and feedback.
And from what I can tell from the more recent Unearthed Arcana Articles, this Book is definitely ‘Cosmic’ in nature and theme. With many of the Playtest Spells allowing you to transform your body into strange creatures or summon spirits from the outer planes, and the Subclasses having a lot of influence from places like the Far Realm, the Realm of Mechanus, the Elemental Planes and the Feywild and Shadowfell.
Class Feature Variants
In a recent Unearthed Arcana Article, Wizards of the Coast released a set of variant class features to replace or enhance a class’s normal features, giving D&D Players new ways to enjoy a class.
I think this could definitely turn up in the next big book because it allows for some variety in the Class you’re playing without actually changing much in terms of the Character.
Not only does it allow a DM to remedy a Player’s Character if the Player thinks their Character isn’t fun to play, but it also allows for Veteran D&D Players to come back to the hobby and play their favourite class with some new features to keep them interested.
Racial Feature Variants
In a recent Article called “Diversity and Dungeons & Dragons”, Wizards of the Coast themselves said:
“Later this year, we will release a product (not yet announced) that offers a way for a player to customise their character’s origin, including the option to change the ability score increases that come from being an elf, a dwarf, or one of D&D’s many other playable folk. This option emphasises that each person in the game is an individual with capabilities all their own.”
So this “Unannounced Book” that gives all these new options and rules is almost certainly the Mid-November release people have been theorising about.
Wizards of the Coast has said before that they’ve designed some Spells for their newest Adventure “Rime of the Frostmaiden”, but some Spells couldn’t fit in the book for whatever reason, which leads me to think that with all the Spells like Mind Sliver and Summon Spirits that we’ve seen in Unearthed Arcana Articles, as well as some spells we probably haven’t seen before, will probably pop up in this big book coming later this year.
New Rules: Magic Tattoos!
Maybe these are new Magic Items, or just a set of Optional Rules, but based on the highly positive feedback from the recent Unearthed Arcana Article, it seems people really do want magical tattoos for their D&D Characters.
This could be coupled with other Items for to create a “Magic Items” Section of the big book of new stuff, or be put with a bunch of other new optional rules for a “Optional Rules” Section of this new big book of fancy stuff.
What does this mean?
This means that this new big book of new player options will be releasing around Mid-November 2020 and be anywhere from 190-260 Pages in length.
It’ll feature about 20 or so New Subclasses (with at least 1 New Subclass for every Official Class), as well as New Spells, Rules for Variant Class Features and Variant Racial Features, and most likely some new Feats and Magic Items too…
But whether it really is “Xanathar’s 2″ or not, it’s definitely going to be an interesting read…
Keep reading
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Part 3: Your Turn!
So I’ve talked about Myths, Common Myths, and how to look at them, and for those that don’t want to read that absolute MEGA-POST, I’ll summarise everything I can from Parts 1 and 2 (and more) here:
What’s common about the Pantheon?
A Deity or Giant that Creates Mankind from Clay.
A Deity, Giant or Mortal that steals heavenly fire from the Gods.
A Deity that is killed and resurrected with help from the other Gods.
A Deity that dies to create an important part of the World.
A Deity that is the Head of the Pantheon. (This is usually a Male Figure that’s God of the Sky, Sun or Storms and seems to have some connection to Birds.)
A Divine Messenger between the Gods, or a Messenger between the Underworld, Earth and the Heavens.
What’s common about the Mythical World?
A centre place to the world, such as a Mountain, Tree, or literal Throne.
The World is often depicted as a single perfectly circular and flat disk.
The Underworld lies beneath the World of the Living, or to the Far West or East where no Mortal can reach, walk or sail.
Much of the World is covered by a single large Ocean.
The World is very small, sometimes just a few hundreds or thousands of miles wide.
The Gods, Demi-Gods and other Mythical Creatures often live in remote places, or on another Plane of Existence.
What’s common about the Monsters?
A Monster, most likely a Snake, Wolf or Bird, that eats the Sun, this is probably how your Mythos explains Celestial Events.
A Mythical Giant Serpent, such as a Snake or Dragon, that is sleeping, trapped or hidden away.
A Mythical Giant that has something to do with War, Craft or Animals.
A Mythical Beast that is trapped, bound or chained, and will be released during the Apocalypse.
What’s common about the Heroes of the World?
Some vague lineage going back to a major god, hero or king.
Male Heroes are often incredibly smart, wise, strong and often depicted as some form of indestructible (Indestructible Body, Unbreakable Will etc.).
Female Heroes are often incredibly wise and possess great beauty, but sometimes also possessing great cunning and able to pull off tricks that deceive even the Gods.
They often fight a single large monster as part of their Adventure.
They often have Seers and Oracles guide them in their Adventures.
They often receive gifts from the Gods in the form of magical items or great boons.
So now that I’ve summarised a 20-Something Page Essay of a Post for you, let’s see what the Community can come up with!
I’d love to see what the Community comes up with, from Homebrew Gods to Homebrew Myths and Folklore to Adventure Hooks and Mythical Beasts for your Party to kill!
You can share your Homebrews in the Comments by tagging @creativerogues on Tumblr, or Reblogging this Post with your own Homebrew Mythological Content!
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DM Tip: What To Do In Session 0
A lot of DMs say you should always run a ‘Session 0′ before you officially start a Campaign. A Session where everyone makes Characters together and gets to know what kind of Campaign Setting you’re running and what kind of D&D they’ll be playing…
But there aren’t really “Rules” on what to do before you set up a Campaign, so I thought I’d throw my metaphorical (and very fancy) hat in and say what I think a DM should do in a Session 0 before they start a New Campaign.
Set Boundaries. Some Players have different ideas of what they want from their Game.
Some don’t care for all that blood and gore, some don’t like that ‘Everyone hates Orcs’ kind of prejudice and some would rather you use the 'Fade to Black’ approach to Romance rather than describing the gritty details.
By speaking with your Players about their boundaries and letting the Table know what you’re cool with, you’re setting these boundaries early so you as a DM know what you’re working with when it comes to your Players and how comfortable they’ll be at your table as you’re telling the story.
Set the Theme. Find out what kind of Adventures the Players want to go on.
Do they like to solve mysteries, do they care about war and political intrigue, or would they rather go into a big ol’ mega-dungeon at Level 1 and walk out of it at Level 20…
Getting an idea of what the Players would like to see in your Game is a great way to get a baseline framework for your whole campaign, and can help the Players feel way more invested in your Game because it’s something they’re super interested in.
Set the Rules. Talk to the Table about what kind of Rules (Homebrew or Not) that you’d like to put in your Game.
How should the Party Level up? And when?
Do they level up once they’re back in town? Or only between game sessions?
Are you using Milestone Levelling or Regular Ol’ Experience Points?
This is also the time to talk about all those Variant and Optional Rules: Are your Players okay with Variant Encumbrance? Do they want to use the Optional Feats Rules?
Setting up the Rules you want to implement into your Game in Session 1 by telling the Players in Session 0 gives anyone at the table the chance to say 'I want to use this Rule!’ or 'I don’t like that Rule I think it’s Dumb.’
Sidenote: This is also the perfect time to set some “Table Rules”.
Who brings the snacks? Are Phones allowed at your Table? How do you feel about rule debates and unannounced dice rolls?
Again, setting this all up in Session 0 lets both the DM and the rest of the Table know what they’re getting themselves into with this Campaign…
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Previous Adventures Table...
Sometimes you want to start your Campaigns with mid-to-high Characters that have already seen a lot of adventure, this little ‘Previous Adventures’ Table tries to help flesh out and detail what a Character may have done as they ascended in Character Level…
I chased an injured Lich across the Astral Sea into the mouth of an Astral Dreadnought.
I killed a deadly Were-Creature by feeding it bones inlaid with silver.
I won a game of chance against a powerful Genie, and earned a Wish as my winnings.
I single-handedly dismantled a growing Cult that conspired against a beloved figure.
I convinced a powerful Archmage to tutor me for several months, free of charge.
I found and captured a Doppleganger after realising they were terrible at accents.
I killed a Dragon while riding on its back. You can still see the site where it crashed with me still on it!
I solved a Sphinx’s riddle on my first attempt!
I duelled until dawn against a Vampire.
I ventured into a series of tunnels dug by Purple Worms in search of the famed Grand Cult of Lolth.
I won a footrace down the Infinite Staircase.
I performed a great sleight of hand act for a Beholder, who believed me to be the Continent’s most powerful Mage.
I tricked a Hag into a pact that benefited only me.
I defeated a pack of rabid Sahuagin that lived inside the decaying body of an animated Dragon Turtle Corpse.
I stole a great treasure from the jungle temple of a Yuan-Ti tribe.
I persuaded an Angel to let me ride on their chariot pulled by several Unicorns.
I defeated a Troll after its rear-end regenerated where its head should have been.
I once convinced an Ogre to change its loincloth. Once.
I once beat a Hill Giant in an Eating Contest, due to the fact they fell asleep.
I once floated down the River Styx in bright pink bubble of shimmering force.
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17 Ways A Party Can Meet...
You all experienced a similar tragedy, and bonded in a tavern one night when you all shared your stories of woe.
You all bonded after sharing the same hatred for a local ruler, and soon built a conspiracy to overthrow the tyrannical figure.
You’re all searching for the same Item, be it a Magical Scroll, Potion or Item of great sentimental value.
You all entered a tournament in the local underground fighting pit. After a tie between you all, you reluctantly shared the winning pot.
While travelling through the Wilderness, you all banded together for the sake of safety in numbers.
After a local merchant went about asking for protection, you decided to work together to share the wealth.
You all bonded after speaking to one another in a tavern, and realising you all had the same dream on the same night.
You banded together as a group after volunteering to aid the Local Guard.
You all met at the same spot at the same time, after realising the same mysterious figure asked each of you to meet them there.
You all met after being involved in the death of a local citizen, but none of you were ever charged with any crimes.
You all barely survived a violent sea-storm that almost capsized the ship you were travelling on.
You were all regulars at the same tavern, when the Barkeep decided to surprise you with a shared cake to thank you all for your loyal patronage.
You all attended a grand gala held in the honour of a Member of High Nobility.
You all survived the havoc brought upon your homes by a displeased Dragon.
You were all part of the same treasure hunting expedition, seeking wealth from one of the many sunken cities in the sea.
You all helped prevent a great tavern brawl from taking place. If such a brawl would’ve occurred, you assume everyone in the tavern would’ve been dead by morning.
You all participated in the Local Tavern’s Famous ‘Drinking Contest’. While only one of you won, you all got very drunk and very talkative that night, bonding over the bottom of a flagon of ale.
There are many ways a Party of Adventurers could meet, and many a humble and curious beginning…
This is just a Draft for the ‘Party Bond’ Table that will soon feature in the CreativeRogue’s Player’s Guide (CRPG).
The ‘Party Bond’ Table provides common ways a Party of Adventurers may form before they begin their adventures in your D&D World.
Of course it’s not complete yet, and this is only a Draft I thought would be fun to show everyone, so if you have any ideas for how a Party of Adventurers could meet for the first time, or you have any feedback or constructive critiques, leave a Comment or Reblog with all your thoughts!
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Campaign Diary #6: Northbound
So… It’s been a while hasn’t it.
Well with quarantine ruining all the fun, and teaching people how to Zoom becoming the single greatest ordeal in my life, it seemed like the Campaign would’ve been put on hold indefinitely, or at least until all this blew over.
But no, I wouldn’t allow such an awesome campaign to be put on hold, and so while writing the Player’s Guide I’ve been setting up a session, and now it looks like we’re back on track, at least a little…
Anyways, here’s a recap since it’s been a while…
We have a Kenku Rogue still frozen by Magic, a recently resurrected Tabaxi Bard, a super-peeved Aarakocra Barbarian and a Tortle Wizard and Human Druid all trying to kill a Green Dragon called Danae, the Deathlady.
It you want a better Recap, you can find Campaign Diary Number 5 HERE!
Anyways, let’s continue by actually starting this thing.
Episode #6: Northbound
The Party awakes to find the three Silver Charge Members they hired in Episode #5 already packed up and ready to go. In fact, they’re actually having breakfast, with the Human Man cooking rations in a metal pan over a brass brazier.
The Party gets everything ready, and enjoys their own breakfast, which is nothing because they brought no food with them…
As everyone gets ready for the first day of travelling, the Minotaur speaks, saying that they should move through the light snow areas to avoid leaving traces in the snow that animals could follow, and the Wizard can cast his Spells to make their journey a little safer…
Meanwhile, the Human Wizard (Who they STILL haven’t learned the name of!) begins throwing strange objects into the Brass Brazier. At first it was just coal, which seemed sensible enough, but then he starts throwing sticks and grapes into the fire, followed by some leaves and branches with strange flowers that he pulls out of a sizeable pouch.
Then he starts making strange sweeping gestures with his arms: sculpting the flames in the brazier, slicing, patting, poking and even smacking and punching the fire while slowly chanting and humming under his breath…
And after completing this strange ritual, the Man goes down on both knees in front of the brazier, and whispers under his breath: “Come forth my other half, I want to find myself again”.
And bursting forth, a bright white snowy owl flies out of the flames of the brazier, landing on the Man’s arm as he stands, and places the large owl on his shoulder, as he grabs a few handfuls of snow and begins extinguishing the flames and packing away the brazier into his Pack.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is how a badass casts Find Familiar…
And as the Party sets off, learning on the way that the Human Wizard’s name is Quill, a Northern Man clad in a heavy purple coat with green trimmings and thick furs around the neck, while the Minotaur’s name is Sticks, and the Tortle’s name is Pieces. So yeah: Quill, Sticks and Pieces.
Quill then sends his new Snowy Owl Familiar into the skies, and his eyes turn cloudy as he places his hand on Sticks’ arm, and everyone just kinda waits until his eyes become clear, and he reports that the area around here is clear, and they can rest in a few hours so he can scout the area again…
A Strange Request…
During the morning preparation, Potosh asks if he can get Hard Hat to cast Sending to his Mother or Father…
A bit of a strange request but I allowed it because roleplay…
I ask Potosh’s Player to make a History Check to remember the faces of his mother and father, which tells you something about his Character. He succeeds but now I make him roll a Performance Check but rolls a 7, so he doesn’t give Hard Hat the detailed description he needs.
According to Potosh, his father had a long face with blue eyes and slick back dark brown hair, probably in his early 60′s now.
His mother he speaks more fondly of, talking about the floral dress she always wore and the short curly blonde hair she had. He says she’s probably in her late 40’s to early 50’s, tall and thin with a face similar to Potosh’s…
Hard Hat apologises and says he needs more details off Potosh, but Potosh quite literally cannot remember them, having lived away from his Parents since… well since they pushed him away…
Ice to Meet You!
Quill sadly has no “Snow Avoidance” Spell to cast on the Group, so they all end up having to deal with the Penalties from the Snow and Difficult Terrain.
The Party trudge through the snow for about an hour (with Potosh in the form of a Snow Leopard), until they encounter some strange, what could only be described as “long thin blue sticks” poking just a few inches out of the snow, before the faces of the three Silver Charge Members suddenly turn pale.
“Nobody move. Nobody move a f**king muscle…”
Everybody freezes, and they begin to see the blue sticks move, swaying in the wind…
Potosh, who is in Snow Leopard Form and leading the group, tries to back up from these things, rolling a 17 on his Stealth Check, with an extra +10 from the Pass without Trace he has cast just before they set off… Rolling a 27 total and managing to very slowly back up away from these weird little sticks out of the ground…
Quill describes that they just messed up big-time, and the Group is currently standing on top of a Creature: A Remorhaz, and it’s currently feeling the vibration of footsteps on the hard snow crust.
And now everybody gets to roll Stealth Checks! But thankfully, no one fails…
Quill then sends his Snowy Owl over to these blue sticks, which turn out to be antennae, and the Snowy Owl pecks the antennae, and the Remorhaz emerges in a cloud of steam and slush, attacking and swallowing its Snowy Owl whole and causing it to poof out of existence…
And the Party rolls initiative as a large ice-blue centipede with leathery wings like a cobra’s hood, an insect-like head with a flat face and giant bulbous eyes, and a long scaly segmented body with dozens of legs, with horns along its body and a line down its back that glowed red with an inner fire, bursts out of the snow in a cloud of steam and a pile of melted snow…
I roll for all the NPCs, Quill getting a Natural 20 on his Initiative, but Potosh acting first with a 22 on Initiative:
Potosh runs forward in his Snow Leopard Form and claws at the Young Remorhaz, missing with his first attack but scoring a crit on his second.
So all is looking good! Until Potosh is sprayed in the face with the Remorhaz’s boiling hot blood and takes some fire damage… Then all is not looking good.
Next up is Quill, the Human Wizard and Silver Charge Mercenary, who casts Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere on the Young Remorhaz, trapping the large monstrosity in a sphere of shimmering force and getting the Play of the Game and title of Most Valuable NPC.
You know, instead of the person that literally just resurrected their friend…
During this time, Quill casts Sending using some of his Spell Slots to message some other people in the Silver Charge: Specifically someone called Eli and some other person he refers to as Leatherback.
Meanwhile everyone else is panicking as this Remorhaz is clawing and biting at the sphere, which won’t be able to hold for as long as they’d like…
Quill casts Seeming to turn himself, Sticks, Pieces and everyone else (except Hard Hat), turning them all into other members of the Silver Charge, and commands Hard Hat to cast Sending and send a message to each of them for him, since Quill is currently focusing on containing the Young Remorhaz.
Hard Hat goes along with it and casts Sending as many times as he can to contact all these people, saying: "I am Hard Hat, I am paying your Mercenaries for protection. We have Remorhaz bound on South-East peaks, it is breaking free. We seek aid.“
Minutes pass, and tension is rising as two Spellcasters suddenly appear out of a shimmer purple doorway.
One makes a remark to Quill, before they tell him to end the Resilient Sphere Spell and let the two deal with the creature.
The Sphere is reluctantly dispelled and one Mage casts Reduce, shrinking the Young Remorhaz, while the other Mage casts Charm Monster, succeeding and charming the Young Remorhaz.
The Mage then casts Dimension Door and teleports out with the shrunken Remorhaz, the other Mage also Dimension Door-ing out of there and the Party Members (as well as Thrak the Half-Orc and the three Silver Charge Members) are left kinda stunned…
This is what happens when you ask NPCs that are several levels higher than you to help out, they get it done quick and easy and make you look like a bunch of scrubs…
Now the Party is left just kinda standing there, since they basically just panic speed-dialled every important person in the Silver Charge.
So naturally, they decide to take a quick short rest to gather their thoughts, because WHAT THE F**K?
Wasting Time…
The Party takes a Short Rest after the Encounter with the Remorhaz and decides to chat, with Hard Hat speaking with Potosh about how they’re going to get the Money to pay these people, since hiring highly skilled Mercenaries means paying several gold pieces a day, and they currently have a total of absolutely nothing…
Potosh thinks that if Foot can charm Thrak, they can use the Diamonds she still has on her to pay the cost, but Hard Hat says that robbing from the person that literally just resurrected their friend yesterday is somehow just a little too far for him…
Potosh also says that time is running out for him to get his pet bear back, since Thrak the Half-Orc said that in order for her to resurrect any Creature, she’ll need a bunch of diamonds, and the more important part, the creature has to be dead less than 10 Days.
Hard Hat says that he’s trying his best, and he knows they have maybe two days tops to get to the Capitol and get back here to resurrect that Bear…
Why is the Bear suddenly important? Ask the Nature-Loving Druid…
An Argument? Oh My!
So with the Short Rest over, Hard Hat suggests they all take Phantom Steeds to speed up the process, and asks Quill if he knows that Spell.
He does, but he doesn’t tell Hard Hat that, instead lying and saying he’s heard of the spell, but does not know the incantations necessary to perform it.
Why is Quill lying? Because for every day the Party travels under his protection, that’s some extra pay for him, and turning what could be a two week journey up north into a couple of days would mean a whole chunk of money lost, an angry Tortle and a very angry Minotaur…
But of course Potosh and Foot, both with pretty good Wisdom Scores, notice Quill’s words not carrying as much sway as he thought, and rather than ask him in private if he’s lying, Potosh calls him out and says that they’ve got two days to get everything done, and they’re just slowing down the Party.
Hard Hat calms down the situation by saying that he might have a way to fix this, up-casting Sending at 4th Level and asking Kenzo to speed up the process, saying that she has two days and apologising for the time crunch.
She responds saying that she’ll have to track down some people, but she might be able to get to where they are within a day, a day and a half at most, and says that while she doesn’t think she has exactly what they’re looking for, she does have something, and she hopes that they haven’t forgotten about their deal…
Hard Hat relays this to the group, and the three Silver Charge Members go from "we’re here for the money” to “you guys don’t deserve us”, saying that they’ll take their money and go if the Party thinks they’re so dang high and mighty.
But then Thrak butts in: Saying that the three mercenaries were hired to help the group travel up north, and they should help each other instead of asking for money.
And thin strings of smoke begin to emerge from Thrak’s mouth as she speaks to Quill specifically, the smoke travelling a few inches into the air and vanishing, as Thrak casts a Spell: Geas…
I roll to see if Quill notices the Spell being cast, and he does, and attempts a Counterspell.
However, with a 3rd Level Counterspell, and Geas being a 5th Level Spell, he has to roll a 15 or Higher to counter the spell.
But he fails, rolling a 9 total, so Thrak’s Geas Spell succeeds, with Thrak feeling a little guilty that she was “forced” to cast it to ensure the Human Wizard’s loyalty at this time.
I also roll to see if Sticks or Pieces notices what Thrak is doing, and they both fail, which I flavoured as them not knowing she was casting a Spell at all because they don’t know any magic, let alone know the specific components to spells…
Quill’s eyes glaze over for a moment as Thrak asks him to kindly stay here with her and the rest of the Party protecting them until further notice…
She then takes out her small wooden chest again and gives Sticks and Pieces enough diamonds to pay for their work for two days, the day before and today, so they have no need to be here if they don’t want to be.
And of course the big Minotaur fella decodes that to mean “go away” and takes the hint, telling Quill to cast whatever Spells he has left to take them home.
But Quill doesn’t respond the way he usually does, saying that he’s staying with the Party until their friend arrives, and will be returning to them after such a time as he feels they are safe…
Does Thrak feel guilty about forcing the Wizard to stay with them, of course she does, but if it ensures the Party’s survival for the next day or two, then despite feeling bad about it, she’d still do it…
And now the Party has the task of waiting for a day and a half for Kenzo to get there… But the question is, can she get there in time?
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Player’s Guide: UPDATE!
Hey! Hello! Hi!
If you couldn’t tell, I’ve been busy making a LOT of stuff, mostly Magic Items, but it’s been about 2 Months since this whole ‘Player’s Guide’ Business began and we’ve made a lot of progress that I wanna show off!
Specifically the things I think people would be most interested in, which of course is all the New Options!
At the time of writing this, we’ve split the options up into a Player Options and Dungeon Master Options.
So without any further ado… Let’s boogie.
Spells!: I can happily say that we have a total of 30 brand new ding-dang shiny spells for you games!
Over the past 6 weeks or so I’ve been gradually writing, playtesting, rewriting and re-playtesting (if that’s a thing?) a whole bunch of spells and the final few have just been sent off for playtesting, with my hope being a release of a ‘Playtest Packet’ to all you lovely people so you can playtest them too and give feedback!
Subclasses!: We have two brand new subclasses just about ready to go, we still need some seasoning and flavouring for some features, but I’m confident enough to talk about them at least a little:
First up is the Oath of Gylenfelt Paladin, a Paladin of who believes strongly in the old minotaur myth of Gylenfelt, the Astral Wilds, which I can quickly summarise as “Valhalla for Minotaurs, but cooler!”. And no you don’t have to be a Minotaur to pick this Subclass…
Second is the Way of the Closed Palm Monk, a Monk trained by the Monasteries of Zokend to hunt down Spellcasters, and are basically the secret magic police who aren’t afraid to break a few bones here and there…
I also hope to make these two separate Playtest Packets when all the World Lore and flavouring is done in full, so maybe you’ll see them releasing in the coming weeks or months…
Magic Items!: Over the past few days and weeks I’ve been posting about 1 or 2 Magic Items a day for you people on the internet to critique and playtest, and while initial feedback was mostly positive, we did get some great tips and tricks from the Community, so thanks!
At the time of writing we have a whole 7 Pages of just new Magic Items to play around with. With 30+ New Magic Items from Swords, Bows and Staves (because that’s apparently have staffs should be spelt) and even a Potion of Dragon Control, which is currently my favourite item…
Again, I hope to release a Playtest Packet in full with all this stuff to all of you in the coming weeks as we clear up all the wording and flavour text.
Traps!: It’s a Trap! Well, actually it’s multiple traps, over 10 Pages of Traps for Dungeon Masters to use in their games!
From corridors that flood with lava to rooms that slowly fill with acid to electrified floor tiles and swinging logs, it’s definitely been one of my favourite sections to write, and probably the most “Deadly” part of the Player’s Guide
Hint: Lava = Bad!
Poisons!: Yep, even I didn’t expect this one coming! But it’s a whole 7 New Poisons, with ones that are especially effective on certain… victims…
Story Starts & Plot Hooks: Apparently I’m the only person that ever calls a Plot Hook a ‘Story Start’, except that’s what it is: A way to start a story!
Anyways, there’s easily 50+ and More Story Starts that can help you kick off an Adventure in this World: From chasing a band of Thieves through the white-hot deserts of Rassumurait to stopping Githyanki Warriors from stealing an entire Island and dragging it into the Astral Sea!
There’s plenty of Plot Hooks for every Level of Play and (pretty much) every playstyle: There’s you’re classic mysteries and dungeon crawls, there’s political intrigue, and of course: Combat!
The Player’s Guide is easily over 100+ Pages now, and right now we’re working on Monsters and World Lore!
With some of the Monsters being my own Creations over the years, like the Cerulean Mist and the Adamantine Golem, and others coming from my love of 4e and 3.5e, like Demons and Devils and strangely a lot of Oozes… Lotta Oozes…
Also yes, I’m one of the few people that actually likes some of the Mechanics from 4th Edition, we exist, so don’t… You know… just don’t…
But let me know what you want to see!
Do you want to see more Magic Items, Spells, Monsters, Poisons, Traps, World Lore, Story Starts… Pretty much anything at this point…
So Like this if you like this, Comment and Reblog with you thoughts, and maybe we’ll actually finish this Project before I grow a full beard… WHO KNOWS!
Also this is CreativeRogues’ 1,500th Post! Yay!
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