#currently trying to get the introduction post to the High School Teacher AU written
the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
I'm so sorry, this is literally just a brain dump with no structure or anything 🫧
My first OC I came up with goes by Bandito (I haven't decided on her actual name yet), and she's pretty heavily inspired by the Twenty one Pilots song of the same name.
Bandito is either Ghost's sibling or close childhood friend. They joined the military together and were both captured by Roba after being betrayed by Vernon. While Ghost was buried alive, Bandito stayed in custody and continued to be tortured. Ghost was told Bandito was dead and took his revenge on those who had betrayed them both. Bandito managed to escape Roba's clutches, but heard the news about Tommy and the rest of the family, and since Sparks' body was assumed to be Ghost, they both assumed the other was dead. (I'm using the Ghost comics for the backstory because it's tragic and what better character development than serious trauma?)
Bandito is a member of Shadow Company, who works between the Shadows and the 141 as a sort of liaison, supporting the 141 on missions when requested. She and Ghost have not yet realised who each other are.
Bandito wears a hoodie with the oversised hood pulled up, and a bandana wrapped around her to obscure their nose and mouth, with dramatic eyeliner. The callsign 'Bandito' has a couple of explanations - It can be a reference to her skills in sabotage and infiltration, the desire for freedom from her past, and maybe a tongue-in-cheek reference to all the times she's pickpocketed her fellow Shadows and 141 members for fun (She's weirdly good at pickpocketing). The bandana also has some personal significance, either as a physical symbol of her defiance or because one of her bandanas was a gift from Simon. On missions, Bandito tends to wear darker colours to blend into her surroundings, but she much prefers to wear brightly coloured and patterned bandanas.
She has a unique skillset geared towards stealth operations and infiltration, and is particularly skilled with knives. She also excels in a particular brand of interrogation (the more violent kind - while Bandito resisted Roba's torture and brainwashing, it left its mark and her moral compass is a little scuffed, so she can easily stomach torturing people). She is motivated by a sense of loyalty to those who took her in (Graves and her fellow Shadows, and eventually the 141), as well as a desire for some sense of normalcy. She knows this is unrealistic but surrounding herself with those who care for her seems to help, especially on the days where her past seems to haunt her a little too closely.
My second Blorbo is a guy called Damien but he goes by either Crow or Coffee, and then after that they just get progressively less well-thought out - but some of them are called Viper, Winter, Doberman, and Andromeda.
Holy hell this is long I'm so sorry
I'm struggling to come up a callsign for my new OC (why is naming the hardest part?), so I feel ya about naming Bandito. I love her though, I hope she and Ghost eventually realize they're both alive.
I don't have much to say, except that I love her, I love how traumatized she is.
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slashyrogue · 4 years
If you're still taking prompts, maybe elias and adam towers high school au? I love your writing, btw!
Thank you so much! 
Okay this has been lingering in my WIPs since 2018 because I think I meant for it to be a longer fic which it still might be but I feel bad so here’s a bit of it. 
"Did you see that weird kid?"
Adam took a long drag and blew it out slowly as he chuckled. "Which one?" 
"With the fucked up face."
Adam glared at his best friend Shelby, "You're one to talk about fucked up faces, Freckles."
She laughed and he handed her the rest of his cigarette, recalling the new kid that he'd only seen in passing but heard loads about from almost everyone. 
Elias Thanatos, transfer from Denmark. 
"What about the new kid?"
Shelby grinned. "I heard he got a hundred on Lecter's last test."
Adam scoffed. "No one has ever gotten over an eighty in his class there's no way."
Turned out, there was. 
Dr. Lecter posted the scores of his last history test the next day, angrily letting Adam's class know that he was "severely disappointed" and would be having multiple tests a week in order to get them "up to grade."
Adam stared at his sixty two, littered in red marks and 'See Me' written in capitals above. 
Dr. Lecter had always scared the shit out of him even before entering his senior year. He had been dreading going up his next three grades when catching a group of seniors exiting his classroom all with red eyes and wet cheeks during Freshman year. 
"Mr. Towers."
Adam looked up and saw Dr. Lecter staring at him intently, obviously very into his response from the grade. "Dr. Lecter."
"I will be waiting."
He walked off and Adam scoffed, tossing down the test. It was hard to miss seeing Lecter lean over and pat Elias on the back, "Excellent work, Elias."
Adam leaned over and saw a bright red ninety written on Elias's test.
What the fuck?
The rest of class Adam watched the weird new kid, his intense staring while their teacher spoke almost creepy if not for the near constant squeezing of his knees together.
Adam was startled by the bell, knocking a pencil from his desk as the others all started to leave. 
Adam watched in annoyance as the pencil stopped at Elias's foot. 
The new kid seemed to be ignoring him or just couldn't hear, grabbing his bag as Adam stood to lean over next to him. 
Which was when he saw what had been causing Elias to squeeze his legs together all throughout class. 
Weird Kid was packing a monster between his legs.
Elias startled, his knee jerking into Adam's face. 
He fell back, catching himself, though his head hit the desk. 
Elias moved back fast, sputtering, "You shouldn't stare or creep up on people!"
"I wasn't, idiot! I was getting my pencil!"
Adam moved to stand just as someone held out their hand for him to take that wasn't Elias. 
"Dr. Lecter."
He took the help, standing and holding back on the desk with effort. 
"I would've preferred to make introductions in a different way, but this seems as good a time as any. Adam Towers, this is Elias Thanatos. Your new History tutor."
Adam frowned, "Him?"
"This is," Elias's voice shook, "No. I...if I had known it was him I would've said no. No, sir."
Adam scoffed, "Like you have any right to..."
"I have every right! I..."
Hands on both their shoulders stopped the argument, the two boys looking up at Dr. Lecter whose smile was so angry that Adam had sudden flashbacks to those seniors from so long ago. 
"This has already been discussed with your father, Mr. Thanatos, and your mother, Mr. Towers. The idea that your permission is in any way important here is not the case."
Adam's eyes narrowed. 
Elias sniffed,  looking at the floor. 
"Yes, fine."
Another pat to their shoulders before taking the hands away, "I expect you to remain tutoring until Mr. Towers has raised his scores at the very least two grades from the current record."
Adam opener his mouth to protest and Elias stepped on his foot, "Yes, sir."
Dr. Lecter stared them up down for several minutes before his phone he gestured to the door. "You're both dismissed."
Elias stood up so fast he almost fell, catching himself last minute and glaring once more at Adam over his shoulder for good measure. 
Adam didn't know what weird kid's problem was with him. It wasn't like their paths had crossed much in the few months Elias had been in Baltimore High. 
He headed out into the hall and down to his locker, spotting Elias putting away his books and seeming flustered still. 
Adam didn't know what made him stop, though the memory of the thick impressive cock Elias was hiding might've been a part of it. 
He leaned against the locker next to him, startling Elias into dropping his calculus book which Adam picked up to hand over. "So after school, mine or yours?" 
Elias was blushing almost as red as Adam's sneakers when he took the book, not meeting his eyes. "This is all your fault, so you should be the one to come to my home."
Adam smiled, "Okay, Curly," he patted Elias's shoulder, "I'll wait for you by the big dying oak out front."
Elias slammed his locker hard, "You had better be, I won't wait for you."
Adam laughed as he saw Elias's back, turning to head for Mr. Graham's Biology class. 
Biology with Mr. Graham was always one of Adam's favorite classes if only to listen to him wax poetic on the human body. 
He headed inside right for Shelby, leaning in and accusing, "I think you cursed me thanks a bloody lot."
She frowned, "What are you on about?" 
"Weird kid is my new tutor," he shook his head with a sigh, "Lecter says I gotta get up two fuck..."
The bell rang and Mr. Graham came inside, glaring at the books in his hands though Adam thought there was a strange blush to his cheeks. 
"All right. Everyone let's get started, I hope you all did the reading."
Adam hadn't, but Shelby did, hurriedly letting him copy her notes while Mr. Graham droned on about the human body before announcing a test. 
He'd never been much of a test taker, though he knew an awful lot about the human body. 
They were given free time after finishing, Adam passing notes to Shelby in the meantime. 
I can't believe you're stuck with that weirdo. Are you going to his house?
I couldn't miss seeing where someone like Thanatos lives! I'll text you pictures while I'm there :P
Shelby snickered, and they started on about how hot Mr. Graham looked in those chinos he had on today, Adam wiggling his brows just as the bell seemed to come out of nowhere. 
"Time's up! Make sure to read chapter seven tonight!" 
Adam headed off towards Calculus and knew he'd see Shelby at lunch, content to spend the rest of the morning trying to figure a way out of this tutor thing. 
Adam didn't expect to see Elias again till the end of the day but couldn't help but notice when he ran into the boys' bathroom. 
He debated with himself whether or not to follow, Mr. Stammets was a stickler for tardiness, but did anyway. 
The room was emptying out as the bell rang, Adam noticed Elias's shoes in the furthest stall. 
"You ok, Curly?"
Huffed breath answered and Adam went into the stall beside him. He heard what sounded like Elias on the verge of tears, resisted the urge to climb up to peek over the stall edge. 
"That's not," Elias huffed, "My name."
Adam climbed up and was more than surprised to see Elias was jerking off. He felt his own cock twitch seeing the monster between Elias's legs, imagined the feel of him and couldn't resist the gasp when he heard Elias moan. 
Elias let go and looked up, the angry red of his cheeks was almost cute much to Adam's dismay. 
He moved to fix himself away and Adam left his stall, cursed as Elias fought to get passed him when he left. 
"I'm not making fun of you."
Elias's eyes were wet, cheeks still red, and Adam pushed him back inside. He ignored his protests and forced Elias onto the toilet. 
"You do this a lot?"
"That's not your..."
Adam knelt at his open legs, stared up at him and repeated, "You do this a lot?"
Elias's blush from jerking off deepened and his lip trembled as he answered. 
"It hurts if I don't."
Adam couldn't imagine carrying that monster between his legs and also dealing with super sized urges.
"I can help?"
"We're late for class."
He took Elias's cock in hand and watched him shudder, "Stammets will kill me either way," he stroked and watched Elias bite his lip to keep quiet, "I don't know what class you're..."
Elias jerked his hips up and closed his eyes, "English with Miss Bloom."
Adam knelt up and resisted the urge to suck, despite knowing Elias was more than likely a virgin. He wasn't new to any form of sex obviously, hadn’t been for almost two years now, but he was new to this whole need to please. Adam did want to, he realized. 
He wanted to make this fantastically pleasurable for Elias Thanatos. 
They didn’t have much time but he didn't rush as he slow stroked his spit slicked hand up and down the monster cock. Elias’s breath hitched as he stared at Adam, eyes shone with tears, and when he came perfect lines of wet slid down his cheeks. Adam wiped him off and teased a lick just to see the reaction. 
“Oh!” Elias gasped before he shuddered. 
Adam patted his leg. “Good?”
“Very good,” Elias mumbled, “it's never felt good before.”
Adam stood up to climb into his lap, wrapped his arms around Elias’s neck, and smiled. “Then you’ve been doing it wrong, Curly.”
Elias sniffled. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“Oh I’m not, don’t worry.”
“Yes you—“
Adam kissed him soft, a tease of lips that both startled and caused more protest before Elias fell into it. He rocked his own half hard cock against Elias as they continued, thoughts of that monster inside him running through his mind.
He’d teach Elias how to fuck him properly, coach the big weird virgin till he could use him as he pleased. 
If anything it would make tutoring a lot more fun. 
When they pulled apart Adam smiled at Elias’s closed eyes. 
“All right, Elias?”
He blinked his eyes open and turned slightly pink. “I was just resting my eyes. That was...pleasant as well. Now is it time for me to,” he felt Elias’s fingers touch his crotch but stopped him. 
“Later, Curly. I think it’s—“
The bell rang and they both cursed, righting themselves as Adam stood. 
He stepped out of the stall and looked in the mirror. His lips looked swollen but otherwise he didn’t notice anything else. 
“Since we’re both already late,” he said, turning to see Elias buttoning up his pants, “How about I show you how to make it pleasant for me?” 
Adam grinned when Elias’s eyes looked down, then up again, blushing. 
“I’m going to miss class, I….” 
He stalked toward him, his cock still hard in his jeans, and herded Elias back up into the stall they’d just left. 
“What sounds like more fun, Curly? Class or my ass?” 
Elias’s hands came right to Adam’s jeans and he smiled. 
This was almost too easy. 
He couldn’t wait to start tutoring. 
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farfallasunicas · 5 years
My Ocs
Let’s try this again Shall we!?
Kinsey Noelle
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FC:   Melissa Benoist
Age: 24
Fandom:  Supernatural AU
 Pairings: N/A
Story:  Untiled
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13271863/1/An-Untitled-Supernatural-Story
A/n:  I haven’t written her in a while as I have no muse or inspiration for her at the moment.
Character Info:  Kinsey is the Nephilim   child of Mary Winchester and an unknown angel as well as the half-sister of Dean and Sam Winchester.   Due to her mother dying when she was born   she was adopted when she was a baby.   Her adopted Family named her Kinsey Noelle though her birth name was Noelle Rose Winchester.   Her adopted family kicked her out when she was 12 because they blamed her for not being able to protect her younger sister who got killed by a monster which Sam and Dean saved her from.  She then was raised by many hunters as she went into the life for revenge. When she is 24  her powers come into full power but  she has no idea what or who she is until Cass (spelling this was cause that’s how it is in the subtitles and Kripke said it’s that way so people wouldn’t think it was pronounce CAZZ)  tell her what she is. She then   moves into the Bunker and joins Sam and Dean in Hunting.
Madalyn Jaymes Winchester
a/n:  Madalyn will appear in stories at different ages as I was inspired for both so her info will show the same FC at different ages with different Bios!  There is no story for her right now but I’m working on some drabbles to see how people like her before writing more.  I’ll post my drabbles as soon as I can get to a computer as I have a hard time typing long things on mobile.
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FC: Young Elle Fanning
Age: 5-8
Nicknames: Maddie or Mads
Fandom: Supernatural AU
Character info:   Madalyn is the half-sister of Sam and Dean.   Due to her reminding him so much of Mary, John took her in when her biological mother died.   She knows nothing of the Hunting life and thinks her Dad and brothers are just traveling mechanics or salesmen.    When Sam left for Stanford he wanted to take Maddie with him to give her a chance at a normal life and so she could go to good schools, however John refused.   Maddie and  Dean  secretly visit Sammy every  now and then and  Maddie often runs away  to Sam’s as she wants to stay with him when   her dad and  Dean are on a hunt instead of a hotel by herself or  with some random person John  knows.
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FC:  Present day Elle Fanning
Age: 17ish
Fandom: Supernatural AU
Story: TBA
Link: TBA
Pairing:  her and Jack  as best friends
Nicknames: same as younger
Character info:  Maddie now knows all about the hunting life and what her family does , but she doesn’t want to have any part of it, which Sam and Dean fully support.  She has been doing online school since she was 5 due to  moving around all the time, however when  they finally settled down in the Bunker as their home she finally convinced  Sam and Dean to let her go to public school. She was very close to Charlie when she was alive, considering her the older sister she always wanted. She is currently dating the most popular guy in school and is best friends with Jack though Dean is convinced that they have crushes on each other.
 Sarah Michele Puckerman
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Fc: Bailee Madison
Age: 15-19
Fandom: Glee
Story title:  “A Thousands Cuts”
Link: TBA
Pairings: best friend/brother-sister relationship Blaine Anderson 
Friend: Kurt Hummel
Best friend in Wellwood: Kinsey  Rose (fc was Melissa Benoist in Glee)
Romantic relationship: Sebastian Smythe 
 Info: Sarah is honestly based on   a character I used to RP in @wellwoodrp with the URL of @saribearpuckerman (Still on as an archive if you want to read some of her interactions). This rp was an AU glee twin Rp that was a twist on the master/slave theme where characters like Sarah, Blaine, and Sebastian were residents and characters like Kurt, Kinsey and Joe were Residents.  I just loved her and couldn’t part with her even though I left the rp for personal reasons, especially the relationship she had with Blaine known as Blarah with @justbreatheblaine​.   At the time of the RP she was 15 but sticking to the time line she’d be about 19 right now. I’ll also post info from her bio from the rp as well.
 Character info: Sarah is from the small town of Wellwood.   She is the younger sister of Jake and Noah Puckerman and due to the fact that she doesn’t like the idea of servants she has a very strained relationship with her mother.    Sarah had to transfer to Crawford her sophomore year of high school due to bullying.    At Crawford she was in the glee club, even becoming the captain her senior year. She is dating Sebastian Smythe (who was bi in the rp) and is like a little sister to Blaine Anderson. His family is basically her 2nd family and she considers   Mrs. Anderson her 2nd   mom and refers to her as “Mama A” as she lived with them when her mother kicked her out. Blaine  was Sarah’s first crush (Before she knew he  preferred  princes to princesses as she put it) and   he was the first boy Sarah ever kissed ( Blaine has having a panic attack and Sarah didn’t know what to do so she kissed him like she saw in movies  hoping it’d calm him down).    People at Crawford and Dalton   assumed   that her and Blaine where biological siblings and often referred to her as Blaine's sister during introductions. The teachers would even address her as Miss Anderson. After a while Sarah just quit correcting them.    When she left Wellwood to go to College with the approval of Blaine and Mrs. Anderson after Blaine called her Miss Anderson when he wss getting on to her,she started using Anderson as her last name.
RP BIO for Reference
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Sarah Puckerman was born Jan 1 and is 15 though she often acts mature for her age, though sometimes she acts like she is five years old.   Sarah is also a very sensitive person who hates disappointing people though she can sass you at any given moment she’s actually pretty shy until she gets to know you.  She is what’s known as a “girlie” tomboy.  She likes to dress up in girly clothes, but given the choice she would be out playing sports with her brothers or any of the other boys in the neighborhood or riding horses despite the fact that her mother would try to enter her into beauty pageants and threatened to put her in finishing school if she didn’t stop which has caused Sarah and her mother to have a very strained relationship.  Luckily for Sarah though neither one of her parents are around that much  and   a lot of times her Grandma Evie  is taking care of them who herself was a servant that married a resident and understands Sarah’s beliefs on  servants.
Sarah is very close with her brothers as their father abandoned them when they were younger, and their mother was too busy going to as many social events as possible. It was left up to Noah and Jake to look out for her, and in a way raise her, though she feels closer to Jake than she does Noah.  Since Noah often took the place of a father figure to Jake and Sarah, she often sees Noah more like a father.  In fact when she was little she often called him “Daddy puck”.   Jake however is her   Jakey bear and she is his Sari bear… names that are only known to the two of them.  If Sarah slips and says it in public, Jake acts like he honestly hates that name.
Sarah is also one of the nicest Residents or so she’s told.   She refuses to let servants call her miss, preferring Sari as it is a nickname and distances her from her family or Sarah. She does not give her Servants too many things to do, or anything too hard and often chooses to go against her family’s wishes and do her chores herself, occasionally asking her servants to help her with homework, or to come to her room to talk to her about things she’s not comfortable talking to her brothers or parents about.  Sarah also has a habit of making her friends   such as Blaine, Kurt and Kinsey honorary siblings. The Puckermans are also considered one of the poorer resident families.
☆ KEY TRAITS:   Tomboy acts girlie for her mother’s benefit, shy, sassy, sweet, adorable, outspoken, independent, sensitive, and brave.
☆ FEARS:   Storms, disappointing people,   that people will hurt her or leave her like her father if she lets them in.
☆ FACE CLAIM: Bailee Madison
 »COLOR:  green
 »SEASON: Autumn and Winter
 » FLOWERS:  White Roses, Peppermint and Marble Poinsettias.
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angloinangouleme · 7 years
An Introduction
Hello all, and welcome to the beginning of my blog! If you’re looking for some info about me or what I’m doing, you can head on over to my about page where I’ve written out a brief explanation of who I am and what I’m doing this year. In short, I’m an English language assistant in a few public schools in the southwest of France, centered around the town of Angoulême. This blog is meant to capture my experiences over the coming school year.
If you are wondering what sort of content you might expect to see on this blog, look no further! For the moment, my plan is to update with a text post (like this one, for example) about once a week. The post could be about what has been happening to me in the past week, what has been on my mind, fun things I’ve been doing with students, or anything else that I feel encapsulates my experience here. The post below is a little longer than I’d like these posts to be, but I thought it appropriate to write more considering how quickly things have happened in the past few days.
Between text posts, I intend to post a photo every day. The photo may not always have been taken on the same day, but I’ll try my best to upload something current. If I feel some explanation is necessary I might write something brief about what the photo depicts, but those posts will be much shorter than the text posts.
Finally, before I get into my first real update: if you ever have any questions or comments about what I’m doing, or maybe a suggestion about something you’d like to see me write about or take a photo of, feel free to drop me a line via the mailbox, linked here or conveniently located to the left side of the page.
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Muscat grapes in the supermarket and escargots for dinner - French enough for you?
Tuesday, 9/26/17
Well, I’m finally here - I arrived in Paris on Saturday morning, stayed there through Sunday, then left on the train to get to Angoulême on Monday afternoon. I’ve spent all of about one day here so far, and it seems like a pretty cozy town! For this week, my mom has been generous enough to come with me and help my lug my suitcases around France - she’s a very selfless person. I will definitely miss that help when I embark on other journeys during school breaks - although I really hope to avoid ever carrying so much luggage again.
In any case, let’s back up a few days to our arrival in Paris. The airport was, as it almost always seems to be, a test of patience; we waited in the customs line for well over an hour before finally getting through. Fortunately, we had had the foresight to book a taxi in advance to take us to our hotel in the Latin quarter, an undertaking far preferable to bringing six large suitcases through the RER (Paris commuter train). Once we arrived at the hotel around 10:00, neither of us wanted anything more than simply to give in to our bodies begging us to sleep but unfortunately we had resolved to stay awake the whole day to avoid the worst of jet lag and unfortunatlier still, we wouldn’t be able to check in for another four hours. So, having left our heavy burden in hotel storage, we set out to walk the streets of Paris. We ended up mostly exploring the 3rd arrondissement, heading up to the place des Vosges to buy some tea at Damman Frères (highly recommended!), eating lunch at a café on the rue de Rivoli and walking past sites such as the Musée Carnavalet (a museum about the history of Paris) and the tour Saint-Jacques. Eventually, we found dinner and slept heavily all through the night.
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A cute - and somewhat kitschy - café in the 5th arrondissement
Sunday was somewhat calmer than Saturday. Beginning the day with a mass at Notre Dame, we had had grand plans to follow that up with visits to both the medieval Musée de Cluny to see the famous series of tapestries known as La Dame à la licorne, or “The Lady and the Unicorn” as well as to the Mémorial de la Shoah, or Holocaust memorial, which contains many extraordinarily meaningful and excruciatingly heartbreaking exhibits. After seeing several placards on the right bank on Sunday in parts of the old Jewish quarter memorializing individuals who were arrested in those very buildings - schools, offices, and homes alike - and deported, “by French police officers complicit in the Nazi occupation,” as some of these signs remarked, we felt it would be important to visit a place dedicated to all those whose lives were unjustly extinguished by a government rife with hatred and xenophobia and lacking in self-reflection and empathy. The exhibits in Cluny took much longer than we had thought, however, and we were not able to make it to the Mémorial de la Shoah before it closed for the day. That evening, we found dinner on the rue Mouffetard, a street filled with little restaurants that provides an escape from the constant crowds, noise, and tourist traps of the Quartier latin.
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7th-century Visigothic decorative crowns at the Musée Cluny
On Monday we elected to visit a church before departing, and so we walked over to the Église Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais. This church is known for two things: firstly, a tragedy on Good Friday in 1918 in which a German artillery shell fell onto and collapsed the roof during a service, killing 88 civilians; and secondly, a family of musicians known by the name Couperin, including the composer François Couperin; the Couperins were organists at Saint-Gervais for more than two centuries and significant portions of the organ date from that period. After that quick stop, we boarded the TGV (Train à grande vitesse, or “High-Speed Train” - a very inventive name) in the direction of Bordeaux and almost exactly two hours later arrived in Angoulême. The rest of Monday was spent getting set up in the apartment we had rented out for the week and poking our heads around the main downtown drag. Angoulême is a relatively small town that overlooks the idyllic landscape around it from atop a hill.
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Looking down from the top of the hill
Today began with a breakfast of tea, baguette and jam, and a pain au chocolat (what might be called a “chocolate croissant” back in the US; this, however, is an abomination of language for the French). I’ll take this over a bowl of cereal any day. After breakfast, I did more exploring of Angoulême on foot and later joined up with another assistant who will also be working at the Lycée Guez de Balzac (quick note: lycée in France is roughly comparable to high school in the US). The two of us talked for hours about our concerns with starting on Monday, what we are excited to do, and everything else that has been on our minds leading up to the beginning of our posts. While we chatted, we shared with each other what we knew of Angoulême and walked up and down the town – quite literally, considering the topography of the place (I’ve been reconsidering my idea to buy a bicycle). In the end, we said au revoir and parted ways for the evening. I’m very excited to meet more of the assistants in the area, not to mention the teachers and students I’ll be working with!
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A nighttime view looking out over the valley
One of the main takeaways from my first few days in France is the realization of how much more I’ve been walking - it’s something I always find when I travel abroad, but the knowledge that it will happen never seems to make my feet hurt any less. Stay tuned for my next text update, which I hope to write next week after I’ve begun in both of my schools, as well as for the daily photo updates I’ll be posting!
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