#currently surrounded by percy will jason and leo probably
ginnyluna · 3 months
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So, i heard someone asked for GNC Nico?
(it was me i asked for it)
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vxmpire-cxsh · 3 years
ok so pjo Genshin impact au cus I have genshin brainrot 😔
Percy: hydro, sword. I think his elemental skill would be like a wave or something, perhaps two low ones kinda like in one of those ley line thingies? and his ult a hurricane because Rick did him dirty by never touching on that again. Kinda like venti’s but infused with only hydro? Focuses more on elemental damage
Annabeth: Cyro, polearm. Y’know those hydro and cyro abyss mages that are always together in fights that ppl joke about them dating? Tahts her and Percy /hj. I feel like her elemental skill would increase def and attack for teammates, and her ult would freeze enemies within a certain radius. Focuses more on physical damage
Piper: I don’t have any ideas for her but I’m open to suggestions :-)
Leo: Pyro, claymore. I just think it’d be interesting for him to use a claymore. I think his elemental skill would probably be kinda like Klee’s, but instead he can shot two fire balls, and his ult would be like Noelle’s in a sense, but gives out lasting pyro damage. Focuses more on elemental damage
Jason: Anemo, sword. His elemental skill sends out two gusts of wind in opposite directions, and his ult would be like Venti’s. More focus on elemental damage
Hazel: Geo, catalyst. Geo, cus well y’know. Catalyst because she also relied somewhat heavily on her powers. Her elemental skill would create spikes out of the ground in a certain radius, and her ult would cause illusions of her and her normal attacks(that do no damage) but would be unclear which is real. I wanted to tie in her control over the mist so that’s what I came up with?? More focus on elemental damage
Frank: Dendro, bow. Considered putting pyro as a joke, but changed it to dendro because I feel like it suited him more. I think he’d, like fischl, be able to create his own familiar using his vision. I think his familiar would change forms depending on what’s needed. He’d use it as an elemental skill, and when he uses his ult he creates two identical familiars. More focus on physical damage, while his familiars do elemental
Thalia: Electro, bow. Not much explanation needed. Her elemental skill gives her a shield that deals electro damage to enemies upon contact, and her ult causes a rain of arrows that deal lasting electro. Focus on elemental
Nico: Geo, catalyst. In the books Nico mostly used his powers, also I think Geo would work for him cus he has had moments where he’s used Earth based powers. His elemental skill provides a shield, and surrounding rocks(kinda like Kaeya’s ult if that makes sense?), his ult temporarily creates a hole in the ground, that gives enemies constant Geo damage until his ult runs out. Focus on elemental damage
Will: he’s an npc /j. Dendro, polearm. It was hard choosing a weapon and vision for him, considering Rick didn’t give him much of a personality. I gave him Dendro because one of the only currently known Dendro characters is the owner of a pharmacy, and with Will being written as like a healer I thought this would be most fitting. Polearm cus it’s the closest thing I could think of to knives lol. His elemental skill would provide a shield and continuously heal his teammates, his ult would for every amount of damage one of his attacks do, he and his teammates would gain twice that amount back in health. Focuses on elemental damage, but would be best used as a healer
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His Blood Runs Gold III
Percy is a God: Part III
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
they made you into a weapon
and told you to find peace.
They travelled for hours by the light of the moon. Conversation was sparse and restricted to the quest, made clear only by Jason’s refusal to answer anything beyond that.
“I don’t know how long to follow the star for,” The demigod was mumbling, staring into the skies.
“Leave it to a prophecy to be as vague as possible.”
“Can’t you use your godly-hood to help?”
“You know it doesn’t work like that.” Percy frowned.
“Yea I know but it was worth the shot,” Jason sighed.
“What do the arrows look like?”
“Hah, you should know the lovely divine would never tell us such helpful details.”
He laughed, “I remember frantically searching for Zeus’ lightning bolt on my first quest. We didn’t know how it would appear and then suddenly it was in my backpack while we faced the God of the Underworld. Fear had never tasted so deadly before.”
“Tell me about it. Trying to slay that damn Trojan monster felt like a one-way ticket to the end of the road.”
Percy shuddered as moments from various quests reeled through his mind.
“Guess nothing much changes, hey?” Jason huffed. “I’m still going on fatal quests for spoiled Gods.”
“At least this time you have one of those Gods by your side,” He joked
“Are you admitting that you’re spoilt?”
“Am I?”
“I don’t know Percy Jackson, are you?”
He turned his head, to see blue eyes piercing into him. “This is a pointless conversation.”
Jason mumbled something under his breath before turning forward again.
“What have you been doing these last years?”
“I’m sure Reyna has kept you updated.” The bite in those words tore at Percy’s gut.
“She just told me you were volunteering for every quest or burying yourself in camp activities.”
“Yea well it’s a good distraction from the flaming pool of horror that is my life.”
Ignoring the question, the blonde gestured to the land below them, “You think you can use your godliness to find the arrows, so I don’t have to do this?”
“If I knew I would have gone to get them myself.”
“Well what’s the point then?” Lightning flickered in those eyes.
“What’s the point of… me?”
“Yes.” Jason glared, “What is the point of you Percy?”
“You asked me to protect you?”
“I asked you,” The demigod gritted, “To guide me.”
Percy swallowed the snap of pain, “What was the prophecy?”
Jason gave him a look, but recited the words:
Go north and follow the brightest star
Retrieve the arrow of foe but gain a scar
When you move on to the land of old
Find what you seek in a heart of gold
Indeed Son of Jupiter and Child of Greece
When this is over you will find peace
“That actually seems nice. It says you’ll find peace.”
“When does the prophecy ever say something it actually means?”
“Well I don’t know what else that could mean?” He frowned, confused.
“It probably, most definitely means I’m gonna die, but fuck it right? There’s not much to live for these days anyway.”
“Jason what are you talking about? This isn’t like you at all.”
“Yea well I stopped being like me three years ago when my best friend faked his death, and my other best friend left me to become a god, and my girlfriend admitted she didn’t ‘love me that way’ and she ‘needed space’,”
Percy reeled back in shock as blow after blow was delivered.
“So I’m sorry I’m not really ‘up to life’ these days. Forgive me.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?” He asked softly, willing Zarya to move forward.
“How could I have told you I was breaking apart when you were finally starting to stitch yourself back together? You had just become a God, and you and Annabeth were so– so happy.” Bitter was a horrid taste.
The Son of Jupiter turned to face the God once more, “You guys were even going to therapy together. You seemed care-free for once and I didn’t want to ruin that. It just seemed better to drift away, to keep myself.” Tears pooled and spilled over golden cheeks.
“Oh Jase,” Percy whispered, and with half a gallop the demigod was in his arms.
“I can’t believe you’ve felt so alone all this time. I’m sorry you thought you couldn’t come to me. I– I should have been a better friend.”
At this the sobs increased, wracking his whole body.
It may have been seconds, or minutes, or hours while the two sat on their mounts, embracing each other, pulling themselves together.
When they broke apart, it was Jason who gave a watery smile, “Thank you.”
“I missed you Grace.”
“I missed you too Jackson.”
And as the sun came up the half-blood and the God used those rays of light to fill in the cracks of their friendship.
When Jason lolled forward in exhaustion Percy picked him up and with a nod to Tempest and Zarya, descended to the earth once more.
From what he could tell they were still in the North Atlantic Ocean but fast heading towards the South. If he had to guess, they would reach the equator within another night’s travel and Polaris– the North Star– would disappear.
If his hunch was correct, they would find Eros’ arrow at the place that separates the earth’s hemispheres; and the half-blood in his arms, who was born for the skies might dismay that it rests between the African and South American coasts. Percy would think on it all tomorrow. For now, he formed a bubble around Jason and dropped him into the sea before diving after him.
He didn’t need to rest really, not anymore, so he kept watch as his friend slept. He spent the time talking to the creatures that passed; helped a little seal who had got caught in a fishermen’s net, and munched on some ambrosia. It was weird to not have to monitor how much of the godly food he was eating– weird that the burning sensation after eating more than one small piece didn’t race up his throat.
He didn’t have to eat as much unless he was expending power. He supposed it was convenient that he really only needed these golden squares to survive, but he missed gorging himself on cheeseburgers after a fight and washing everything down with coke.
With a sigh, he tucked the rest of the ambrosia into the folds of the waves, and watched as it disappeared. He knew it floated in the between, waiting to be summoned once more, as with everything he had but didn’t need. It reminded him of the tool-belt Leo Valdez wore.
Percy smiled softly as he remembered his reunion with Leo. The demigod had knocked on the door of Sally’s apartment, Calypso in tow, and demanded to know why Percy hadn’t been at camp-half blood or SPQR for almost six months. When his mom had explained that he was a god Leo had burst into flames because he was so excited. Percy popped in just in time, pulling water from the kitchen taps and dousing the demigod and the plants that had caught alight. After a long and bruising hug, the two had talked for hours.
He was surprised to find that seeing Calypso again wasn’t awkward. In fact, after they had gotten teary catch-ups and soft squeezes out the way, her and Sally had disappeared to the garden leaving him and Leo to tackle the enchiladas his mom had been making for lunch.
Over the next years Percy often found himself walking into his mom’s house only to see Leo, and most times Calypso, sitting around the kitchen table or on the couch playing with Estelle. Sally had practically adopted the two, claiming that having Leo around reminded her of Percy when he was young- so full of buzzing energy and always busy, busy, busy with his hands. Paul, who by now could see through the mist relatively well, was fascinated by Leo’s power and Calypso’s extensive knowledge of history so he was happy to have them there too.
It was entirely ludicrous that fire and water could become such good friends but there was something about Leo that made Percy feel energized, awake, alive. in the rare moments that Percy had more than a few days on his hands, the two would get lost in video games, egging each other one, and creating general chaos in his mom’s house. It helped that the demigod made a mean plate of tacos and used his power to make the cheese all melty.
He was grateful, beyond grateful, that he had found someone who reminded him of his old life. Who kept him tied to the fun, child-like wonder he had so long possessed. He feared if he ever lost that, he would truly be a spoilt god indeed.
Pulling himself from his memories he turned to check on Jason and sighed softly at the peaceful look in the half-blood’s face. It was times like this, when he was surrounded by sea with only his thoughts to keep him company, that he felt most godly; strange he knew. But something about currents matched the constant push and pull of his mind. He became more ocean than being.
So Percy Jackson, God of protection and guidance, floated in the blue Atlantic waters and waited for his protégé to rest.
Let me have it??? How are you feeling about this????????
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everykindofnerd13 · 4 years
So basically, they’re not demigods, they’re just magical creatures, and they did go through the two wars, but this is EXTREMELY different from canon, so just, take what you will from it. Two camps, not different gods, shifters, vampires, demons, met people, all that Jazz. Luke isn’t evil! Yay! I just really wanted Annabeth to have a good role model camp buddy so yee.
Nico glared at all the happy couples surrounding him. Most of them he didn’t know, then the only two left were his best friend Jason, and his girlfriend Reyna and the other couple was the one Nico wanted to see the least.
Perseus Jackson. And his very long-time girlfriend Annabeth Chase. It wasn’t like Nico resented Annabeth for anything, how could he blame her for falling in love with him, if Nico couldn’t see anything wrong with him. That didn’t change the fact that Nico was in love with Percy Jackson, but there was no doubt that Percy was not at all interested in Nico. After all, He still saw Nico as the ten year old Italian kid he saved. Nico couldn’t blame him for it either. When they’d met Nico had been immature, nerdy, and very childish. But what do you expect from a ten year old?
He glared at the happy golden couple of the two camps. After Piper and Jason has worked things out after the war and figured out they weren’t right for eachother, Nico found himself hoping maybe Annabeth and Percy would come to the same conclusion. But alas, it had been three years since the Giant War’s end and still here Nico stood, alone and Percy-less.
He’d tried to date other people, tried to get over Percy with new relationships. But that felt too selfish for him. The first boyfriend he’d taken was Will Solace and that probably felt the worse. Because Will was an incredible person, and he deserved someone who loved him, not someone trying to get over someone else. It was cruel to stay with him. So Nico had explained to Will what was going on in his head and broken up with him, and to his surprise, Will had only pulled him into a hug and said that he understood, that it was okay to hurt for someone.
The next boyfriend Nico took was Ethan Nakamura. Nico had managed to convince himself he was over Percy at that point and he had grown far too close to Will to even think of asking him out again, it’d be too similar to asking out Hazel. So, Nico had pursued the attractive Asian from Camp Jupiter, but after about a month, Nico realised that just wasn’t right either, because he was comparing Ethan to Percy every chance he got. After also explains to Ethan what had happened, and getting a surprising similar response to Will’s Nico resigned to eternal loneliness. Loneliness and Pain. For all of Eternity, because he had made the awful mistake of accepting immortality, and not checked to see if any of the others offered had been as well.
Percy had accepted immortality, alongside Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Reyna, Clarisse, Chris, Will, Jake, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Luke, Octavian, Bianca, Thalia. Basically everyone who fought alongside Nico in their war had been gifted and accepted immortality. So now, Nico was stuck with Percy Jackson for eternity, having to watch him be hopelessly in love with Annabeth.
Which Nico couldn’t blame Percy for either. Sure Annabeth has a few flaws but she was beautiful. Sun-kissed skin, bright blonde hair and intense grey eyes. She was built like a goddess, and she was confident. They’d been through literal hell and back together, but Nico couldn’t help but be jealous. A tiny selfish part of him wished that they’d just fall apart unexpectedly. But that would be selfish, exactly what his mother had worked hard to teach him was wrong all those years ago.
“Nick, you good?” Jason asked from beside him, swishing around the alcoholic drink that Reyna kept preventing Nico from drinking, he was only 19.
“Yeah, yeah sorry, I-Uh...” Nico blanched, he didn’t have a reason for his abnormal activity, “I spaced out...” he mumbled and looked at the very non-alcoholic coke he was holding, and swished it around too. Jason furrowed his brows but didn’t question it and just went back to his conversation with Reyna.
For another 15 minutes Nico sat there next to his friends while they talked before Percy and Annabeth approached. And, despite not being dressed up at all, Nico thought Percy looked absolutely gorgeous. His hair was tousled, probably from sleep, considering the man never bothered to fix it, and he was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged Percy’s athletic thighs in just the right way, and his chest was adorned with a white button down shirt that has the top three buttons open to reveal his chest. Nico held his breath, he didn’t want to talk for fear of accidentally saying something he didn’t want to.
“Hey guys!” Percy greeted as they approached, one hand laid around Annabeth’s waist. Nico only waves silently while Jason immediately struck up a conversation with the water nymph. Nico kept his eyes on his cup. He only stayed a few minutes longer before pulling Reyna down to whisper in her ear.
“Hey, I’m not feeling good, I think I’m gonna head home.” He then let go and she looked at him with a knowing and sympathetic look. Currently, basically the only people who didn’t know that Nico was hopelessly in love with Percy and had been since he was ten were Percy himself and Annabeth, not that they should or would ever find out. He nodded at her before taking a step back, just out of the light and disappearing into the shadows. Just before he lost sigh of the group he saw Percy laugh then down to kiss Annabeth, Nico felt himself almost get sick. Not because those two kissing was gross, he wasn’t a child anymore, but because watching the person you’ve been in love with for as long as you’ve been aging kids another person can take a real toll on your heart, and in repspomse your stomach.
“Nico?” Will asked when he saw his best friend appear in the corner of the living room. Nico was dazed for only a moment before he took off and ran toward his bedroom. Will looked after him concerned before leaning up to peck Jake on the lips then running after his roommate.
Will had rejected the party invitation in favor of spending a date night with Jake, and while he didn’t regret it, maybe it would have been better to just bring Jake to the party judging by the sound of vomiting coming from Nico’s personal bathroom. Will burst through the door and started rubbing Nico’s back and humming, grabbing a few pins from the sink counter and holding back Nico’s hair with them. When Nico finally stopped throwing up what looked like only water and maybe a little soda, he rested his arms on the toilet and sat his face on rope before beginning to sob.
Will’s eyes widened comically in panic as he began to whisper encouragements to Nico. He didn’t think that Nico would have done anything too stupid and Reyna didn’t ever let him drink, so Will was just searching for a reason for Nico to be so upset. Jake came to the bathroom door after a while and stood in the doorway looking also worried. Will folded his three middle fingers into his palm and held his hand to his ear, silently asking for his phone. Jake nodded and left the doorway to retrieve it while Will turned to look at Nico.
“Neeks?” He asked pitifully. Nico took a deep breath and looked at Will with blood shot eyes and an obviously tear stricken face. His answer was accompanied by a hoarse rasp form the vocal stress of vomiting.
“Will...” he muttered before beginning to cry again. Will shook his head sadly and pulled Nico into his arms. Cooing softly to soothe his bestfriend. When Jake returned Will took his phone and opened Notes, quickly typing in the names of Nico’s closest friendship circle. Then he handed the phone back, pointed at it and did the phone gesture again. Name nodded and took off to go call everyone on the list.
“Nico, please tell me what’s wrong. I can’t help you if you don’t.” He tried. Nick cried and looked up at him, a completely heartbroken look that Will was far too familiar with playing on his features. And he immediately knew what it was. Will wrapped his arms around Nico again, rubbing his back and running his fingers through his hair.
“Why is it so unfair Will...” Nico cried into his bestfriend’s chest and Will only held him tighter.
“Why don’t I get a happy ending like all of you...” he was genuinely sobbing now, holding onto the sides of Will’s jacket in a death grip. It was something Will had associated with these kind of things by now. It was how Nico grounded himself so that he wouldn’t spiral in self doubt.
“Nico...” Will muttered and kisses the top of Nico’s head, “You will get your happy ending, you just have to be patient.” Nick shook his head rapidly and shoved Will away.
“No! No! You say that everytime and somehow, it only hurts more the more I see him! I can’t let go and I don’t know why but I don’t think I even want to! It’s impossible! The only way I’d ever get over Percy Jackson is if I forgot him all together!” During his little rampage, the people on Will’a list arrived. Bianca, Hazel, Frank, Ethan, Alabaster, Lou, Cecil, Jason, and Reyna.
“That could be arranged, Alabaster announced, and everyone turned to him.
“What? I’m a mage right? And Nico is a demon, we both have psychic powers meaning I can make him feel forget anything, even Percy’s whole existence.” Nico looked up hopefully but he was quickly shut down by Will’s voice.
“Absolutely not.” He exclaimed. He stood up, letting go of Nico and poked Alabaster in the chest.
“I know how all that stupid memory magic works and it’s not safe! He may not remember Percy but he’d see him again and that would hurt his head, he’d get a mind numbing headache every time he caught sight of the guy!” Will exclaimed, backing Alabaster into Nico’s bedroom.
“So I’ll move away.” Nico reasoned and everyone turned to look at him.
“What?” Will asked and Nico shrugged.
“I stay here because I love you guys, not... well, I don’t technically need you guys, even though you’re really helpful.” Nico explained then he looked up at the mixture of shocked and hurt faces on his friends and sister’s faces, “Will! You’d get to live alone with Jake! You wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore! And it’s not like I’d forget about you guys I could still come and visit you.” Ethan, Will, and Nico’s sisters all glared.
“If you make one more suggest like that Niccoló, I will not hesitate to lock you in this room surrounded by white leds and with no windows for the rest of your eternal life.
“That sounds better than having to hurt like this everytime I go out.” Nico explained and fell back on his bed.
“Don’t say stuff like that!” Hazel shouted and slapped Nico’s arm, “You act like you’re completely oblivious to everything everyone feels except for Percy! Don’t you see that we all love you! Why can’t you understand that you disappearing would hurt us a whole lot more than it would help you!?” Hazel was crying now and Nico frowned deeply before pulling her down into a hug on his bed, which everyone slowly joined.
“I’m sorry,” Nico apologized, “that I said those things. I know that you guys love me, and I love you too, but I’m just... I’m so tired of hurting...”he said and began to cry. Hazel hugged him tighter and so did Bianca.
“What do we do?” Jason asked and Will sighed in defeat, the first to speak up was Ethan.
“We could always try love-cursing Percy.” He suggested earning a glare from Nico.
“Absolutely not, those things are evil. I’m not gonna force myself on Percy if he’s not interested in me.” Which caused Ethan to sigh before Bianca spoke up.
“We plan better. We keep them away from eachother, if Percy is going somewhere, we plan something different, we work our schedules around it.”
“No, I will work my schedule around him, you guys will do whatever the hell you want.” Nico protested and glared at his friends. They all conceded then headed back out to the living room to watch movies all together. Lou invited Cecil over, and Hazel and Bianca also invited their significant others and they all fell asleep in cuddle piles about Nico, Will, and Jake’s living room.
It wasn’t for another four months that Nico saw Percy again. He had been sitting in his room drawing at his desk when there was a sudden knock at the door. Nico groaned and stood up to open it. He felt his heart practically drop into his stomach at the sight of the water nymph on his doorstep. He swallowed the lump welling in his throat.
“H-hey Percy...” he greeted him faintly and was met by a glare that Nico never wanted to catch again. He blinked back tears as he leaned against the door.
“Can I Uh, can I get you something? Will and Jake are out right now if you need me to take a message I will.” Nico said, still no response from Percy.
“I know that Will and Jake are our. I made sure of it before I came over. I can to talk to you.” Percy’s voice was sharp, cutting, painfully aimed at Nico.
“Uh, yeah, yeah sure.” Nico steppes out of the way, letting the older, attractive nymph into his home.
“So... um,” Nico didn’t know why to say he didn’t want to say anything. Percy had just shown up on his doorstep, looking angry after Nico had been avoiding him for two months so Nico didn’t see any reason he should be over here so angry. Until it hit him. Maybe Percy knew, maybe Percy knew that Nico was in love with him, and he was disgusted, and he was here to tell Nico to never come near him again. Nico swallowed and again and took a shaky breath.
“What’s wrong with you?” Percy asked vindictively and Nico looked up in shock, even though he’d been readying himself for the pain.
“What?” He asked meekly and Percy rolled his eyes.
“Don’t try to be cute here Di Angelo, I know you’ve been avoiding me and I wanna know why. Why are you avoiding me, refusing to go anywhere I go, rejecting my attempts to hang out with you as much possible, I’m not stupid Nico.” Percy explained and Nico glared at him.
“I’m perfectly aware that you aren’t stupid Perseus.” He argued and Percy glared angrily.
“Then what is it? What did I do to make you hate me?” He asked, words so sharp they felt genuinely painful to Nico.
“I don’t hate you Percy.” Nico whispered, standing behind the couch while Percy sat in the arm chair.
“Then...” Percy’svoice broke and Nico looked up to find tears in his eyes, “Why are you not talking to me?” He asked and Nico sighed. This was it. This was how he was gonna get left behind by Percy Jackson.
“Because I’m in love with you! It’s not good for you or for me for us to spend times together! You’re in a relationship Percy! And I’m just a kid! You’ve always thought of me as Bianca’s little brother and I know that! But I’ve always thought of you as the greatest thing in the world! Okay! So why would you want to be around a kid you’ve known for 9 years that has had a crush on you since then when you’re in a happy relationship! That’s uncomfortable Percy!” Nico shouted and Percy looked on in shock, suddenly Nico broke down sobbing, falling to the floor, nowhere near enough focus to try to shadow travel.
“Oh Nico...” Percy whispered as he approached and wrapped his arms around Nico who flinched before leaning into the nymph’s touch, “I don’t feel uncomfortable around you, I can’t imagine feeling like you’re a home wrecker. And I don’t think think of you as a little kid any more either. Nico, you fought in two wars, you were only ten during the first one. You were 14 by the end of it. You’re not a kid, you may have been a kid at one point, I can see that that you’ve grown up, okay?” Nico was still crying into Percy’s chest. So he felt it when Percy took a labored breath.
“I’m not in a happy relationship. I haven’t been in a relationship for about three months now and I haven’t been happy with Annabeth in almost a year. Though I think we both realised the pain when we left Tartarus. Annabeth and I love eachother, but there was never anything more than platonic love between us. I would walk to the ends of the earth for her, but I wouldn’t marry her. We weren’t a match, depite what everyone thought. I think they just wanted the fairytale ending. It always seemed like everyone was pushing us together. Our parents, the rest of the counsel, Gaea even seemed convinced that we were meant to be. Which wasn’t true... I was a kid Nico, I didn’t have the capacity to fight against it when everyone seemed to be pushing myself and someone I loved into a relationship. And I think I liked Annabeth for real at first. I think a lot of things I know. But it’s true, I think that when I was just twelve years old and there was this California girl Barbie taking care of me my first night of camp. She was strong and independent, and she just seemed so amazing to me, which she is. And I think I was definitely in love at first, but now, I’m 22 and even when we’re 16 and we crawled out of Tartarus together, I think I knew that we were drifting. Which is insane, because that means we were so pressured in our relationship that we stayed together for 6 years... she didn’t deserve that, and if I’m honest, neither did I, so we broke it off a few weeks ago. We still live together, in separate rooms. I don’t know if I’d function right without her. But I love Annabeth, and we jut weren’t meant to be.”
Nico was completely shocked by all of Percy’s ranting, forced to look on in awe as Percy talked about how he wasn’t in love Annabeth and he had been pressured into an unhappy relationship.
“Who have you told?” Nico asked and Percy flusher.
“Uh, only you, we decided we’d tell you all together, but since you were... avoiding me we never got the chance...” Percy explained and Nico huffed angrily.
“Really Perce? Six years of me being in pain while you and Annabeth weren’t actually happy? Really?” Percy chuckled weakly and rubbed Nico’s back.
“In my defense, you didn’t exactly act like you liked me.” Nico glared and Percy smiled sheepishly.
“Did we not already go over the fact that I didn’t want to be a home wrecker?” Percy laughed again and Nico’s heart swelled. He hadn’t heard that laugh caused by him in at least three years now.
“Well, then we better get up so you can tell the others huh?” Nico suggested while standing up. Percy however, stayed on the ground looking at Nico in pure disbelief.
“What?” He asked and Nico raised an eyebrow.
“We need to go back to your place so that you can invite everyone over and tell them that you and Annabeth broke up.” Nico said exasperatedly and held out his hand. Percy took it, but instead of pulling himself up, he pulled Nico down, into his lap.
“Dammit Di Angelo, what do I have to say for you to understand that I like you too!” Nico blinked dumbfoundedly for a moment before they widened and he pushed away from Percy landing on the floor.
“Perseus Jackson. Do not toy with my heart like that. Don’t. I can’t take it. I’ve been considering drastic things for weeks. You can’t say things like that.” Nico brought his arm up to his eyes and wiped away his tears. Percy looked just as surprised at Nico’s reaction as he stood up and backed Nico up against the couch so he could look into the Demon’s eyes.
“I mean it Nico. I like you too. I know it might be hard to believe, but I thought you weren’t into me, I thought you disliked me for a lot longer than I thought you hated me.” Nico blinked again and rubbed his eyes.
“Percy...” Nico muttered and tried to push Percy away, to no avail, the taller, larger male held his ground.
“Nico, I came out to you as Pansexual four years ago. Even before I told Annabeth. You know that I’m gay, why can’t you believe I like you?” Nico huffed and sighed and took a deep breath.
“Because I’m not worth it Percy. I could understand why you fell in love with her. Beautiful, intelligent, independent. She’s also your age, she helped you in our first quest. She was your first kiss. You went through Tartarus forever for gods’ sake!” Nico exclaimed while Percy stared at him, never breaking his gaze, “I’m not attractive, I’m short and pale and skinny, I’m not very independent, I’m honestly surprised everyone was willing to deal with me this long. I am three years younger than eachother and when we first met I got excited because yoh had the same name as a character on one of my mytho-magic cards. You were thrown into a situation where you had to deal with me because if you didn’t you would have looked like a monster for leaving these two vulnerable and confused children alone. Percy, I’m not... you’re wrong about your feelings. Why couldn’t you have fallen in love with Jason, or Luke! They’re both good, strong, tall, sensible, stable men! And I’m... me...” Percy rested his hands on Nico’s cheeks and rubbed his cheekbones with his thumbs.
“Nico, I love you because you are strong. You were only ten years old when your mother was killed in an act of jealousy and you were sent to live somewhere that would stop you’re aging almost all together. Then suddenly you’re brought out by people you don’t know, you nearly lose your sister, some of your greatest friends are potentially lost, and... apparently your crush, but then you find out you have another sister, you’re thrown into two wars before you were even in Highschool. Nico, you are so impressive, plus you’re cute. You’re hair is so long and shaggy and adorable and you’re small stature is super cute too.” Nick couldn’t help it, after Percy finished he leaned up and kissed Percy, after a moment of shock, Percy kissed back. After a few seconds, they both pulled away with dazed looks in their eyes.
“Oh my god! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done that!” Nico shouted as he covered his mouth.
“I kissed back didn’t I?” Percy protested and Nico nodded and Percy did as well.
“Exactly. I kissed you back because I like you.” Nico nodded and leaned up again, Percy quickly caught his lips in another kiss. When they pulled away Nico smiled then averted his eyes to the ground and frowned.
“So um, does this make us boyfriends or are you bullying me by admitting you like me and are now gonna say you can’t be in a relationship right now for the completely valid reason that you got out of a really long relationship just three months ago?” Percy laughed and pecked Nico’s nose.
“You’re cute when you ramble, and uh, if you want us to be boyfriends, we’re boyfriends, if you want to give me time and space then we’re friends who kiss, cause I’m not giving that up, damn, for a tiny gay Italian demon, you are soft all over.” Percy said as he pinched Nico’s cheek. Nico swatted the hand away before grabbing it and intertwining their fingers then kissing him again.
“Okay, but we can’t tell the others until at least three months from now so that they don’t think I’m a home wrecker...” Percy laughed and shook his head.
“How about, a month from now so that they don’t think you stopped avoiding me to date me? But they’ll know that Annie and I broke up three months ago. Hm?” Nico nodded and kissed Percy’s nose again. Percy laughed again pulled away from his smaller boyfriend.
“You’re so cute...” he muttered as he traced Nico’s cheek. One thing Percy may never understand is Nico’s facial structure. He’s truly beautiful. He still has the chubby cheeks of a child but his jawline and cheekbones could cut a steak. He’s just a beautiful sight. Probably due to his father’s incubus roots.
“Mmm, I could say the same about you.” Nico pointed out and poked Percy’s cheek. Percy smiled and turned toward the door as it opened.
Will’s eyes widened when he looked up and found a tear stricken but smiling Nico and an equally happy Nico. Will raised an eyebrow and stepped inside, setting down the groceries as he shut the door then approached his two friends, Nico was fidgeting sheepishly, but he looked considerably less gaunt than the last few months. Will was seriously considering forcing the two into a room to figure stuff out soon. But it seemed he didn’t need to.
“Hello boys...” He greeted them and approached with his arms crossed. He eyed Percy wearily and approached Nico, then grabbed his face and pulled it close to check for any marks or bruisers forming. He hummed and backed away once he knew Nico was fine then turned back to his grocery bags.
“Percy, you’re a big strong man and mine is gone, will you kindly go grab the ice bags for me?” Percy nodded dutifully and stepped outside while Nico approached to help Will start putting their groceries away.
“Nico.”he said pointedly and Nico sighed glaring at his friend.
“Really?” Nico asked and Will shrugged.
“In my defense you’ve been sulking around the house for four months now getting sadder by the day because you didn’t get to see Percy and also because you didn’t want to see Percy. Now he’s at our house, you’ve been crying and you’re both smiling.” Nico rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“He wanted to know why I’ve been avoiding him, I got too upset and it just kinda came out, he’s accepted it, and...” they turned to the door as Percy approached. He was huffing and the few blue scars on his cheek bones and forearms were glowing, meaning he was using his power. He wasn’t carrying a bag of ice and instead a block of ice that he’d apparently frozen in his hands. He stopped in his tracks as the house’s tenants looked at him confused.
“Uh, the bag broke... so I just kinda, willed only the water to lift, I promise nothing bad, it could be cleaner now than when you bought it honestly.” Will laughed opened the freezer. Slowly, cube by cube, Percy broke the large block apart and put it in the ice box.
“Thank you Percy, now, what were you two talking about before I came in. Nico Wilkes himself not to blush as he looked at Percy.
“Uh, wel, the reason Nico’s been avoiding me, which apparently only Annabeth and I were unaware of. And then we were talking about how I need you all to come to my house tonight for a special announcement. Will nodded and side-eyed Nico cautiously, checking for discomfort. Nick shook his head casually and waved a hand at him while Percy looked on in confusion.
“Can you two talk in motions?” He asked and Will turned back to Percy.
“It’s a skill obtained by most of our friend group. We generally use it around you or while someone is having a problem, anxiety attack, panic attack, PTSD episode, etc.” Will explained and Percy’s face screwed up.
“Good to know I’m on the same list as medical emergencies...” he muttered and Nico shook his head rapidly but before Nick could say anything Will was speaking up.
“Well, if Nico wasn’t a scaredy-cat who likes to convince himself that people will reject him for little things like,” Will was cut off by Nico.
“Like admitting to being in love with you for almost 10 years.” Nico scowled angrily at Will then pushed past his friend and grabbed Percy’s sleeve. He marched them both to his bedroom and collapsed on his bed rubbing angrily at his eyes. He was just so full of pent up aggravation that was suddenly running rampant.
“Woah! Neeks hey! Are you okay? I thought we already established, I don’t mind that you didn’t tell me, I know why you didn’t, it’s fine, I like you alright? I wanna try this.” Nico nodded and pulled Percy into a hug. The nymph landed on top of him with an “oof” then rolled them over so that Percy could tuck his head above Nico’s and entwine their legs.
“We have to tell Will, Percy...” Nico muttered and Percy nodded then kissed the top of Nico’s head.
“I understand. It’d be pretty hard to explain why you’re happy around me all of a sudden...” Percy trailer off and Nico wrapped his arms around his new lover.
“Percy... I’m sorry...” he muttered and buried his face in Percy’s chest, “I know that avoiding you was the last thing I should have done, but it was the last thing I did...” he muttered and Percy looked down at him pitifully.
“Nico... as much as I hated it, I can understand why you did it. Being around me while I was with Annabeth hurt after years of yearning. I can understand why, but can I ask you what you meant when you said you’d considered something drastic?” Nico groaned and hugged Percy tighter, like if he let go maybe Percy would disappear.
“I was so stupid Percy... I started to convince myself the only way to stop hurting was to forget. The night I decided that avoiding you was my best choice, I almost had Ethan make me forget you...” Nick explained and Percy’s eyes widened. He looked down at Nico, sadness in his eyes.
“I’m glad you didn’t...” Percy muttered.
“So am I...” Nico answered and slowly started to fall asleep in Percy’s arms.
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lulu0917 · 4 years
Fanfiction - Percy Jackson fandom - The Battle Has Just Begun - Chapter two:
Jason and Piper were walking along the very edge of the camp's border.
"So," Piper was the first to break the silence. No one was truly themselves at camp when Piper and Jason unsuccessfully returned from their search for Leo. Even with the explosion, they all had a bit of hope, but that flickered away when they found nothing.
"Wanna grab breakfast and have a picnic?" Jason asked.
"Sure," Piper replied with a small smile.
"I'll get the food, do you wanna get the blanket?"
"Alright then, we'll meet under our usual tree."
Piper just nodded. She wasn't feeling herself today. She watched as Jason went off to get the food, then she herself headed off to her own cabin to get the blanket they would sit on. As she made her way to Cabin Ten, she made a mental note not to let her gloominess (where it came from she didn't know) get to her day with Jason. Piper opened the door, only to find all her brothers and sisters still in bed. She opened her chest, took out Katoptris, which she hooked to her belt, and grabbed the blanket, and soon she was heading out to meet her boyfriend.
As she neared the tree, she noticed something move slightly from behind one of the tall, surrounding bushes. I'm probably just tired. She thought. She spread the blanket out on the grass then looked around to see where Jason was. She spotted him carrying a large basket, with a big grin on his face. When he arrived, she helped him set up the food (hard-boiled eggs, potatoes, bottles of orange juice, pancakes, berries, and muffins), then finally, they sat down.
He unhooked his gladius from his side and set it down on the ground. "So," He said looking up at Piper, "How's life?"
"Other than the fact that we just fought a battle with Mother Earth and a bunch of monsters, nothing much really happening," Piper replied. At this, Jason chuckled. Mostly they talked about the past month, how they planned to live their future, how they were finally at peace, and, finally, Piper mentioned Reyna. "I noticed," She began, "How she's been glaring at you like that."
"Yeah, I don't know what's up with that," Jason shrugged.
"Why do you think she's doing it?"
"I, um, I honestly don't know. I try to ignore it, though."
"Jace, everyone knows why she's doing it."
"Because we combined the camps."
"But why is she taking it out on me? I had nothing to do with the decision making."
Piper stayed quiet for a moment, "You do realize, Jason, she's upset that we're together. She thought that after the war and everything that you would, you know, start something together," Piper said in a low voice. It was now Jason's turn to be quiet.
"Well, listen to me, Piper, I don't care if the whole world turned their anger and hatred towards me so I could start something with her, because nothing, and I mean, nothing will ever make me do that. You're the most important thing to me in the whole universe, Piper, I would never leave you," He said gently, yet firmly. Piper scooted closer to Jason and leaned her head on his chest, his arm around her and his hand in hers.
"I love you, Jason," She said.
"Love you too, Pipes," He said with a smile. They stayed like that for a while, until Piper saw something move in the bushes again. Okay, maybe I'm not just tired. She sat up and faced Jason. She looked into his electric blue eyes, wondering if he truly meant what he said. He pulled her in for a kiss. When he finally pulled back, they were both breathless. Yeah, he definitely meant it. All of a sudden, Jason tensed and picked up his gladius. "Piper," He said quietly. His battle look was on, his body in stance.
"What? Jason what? You're scaring me," She said. "Jason!" She pleaded. He stood up, unsheathed his sword, and pointed it in the direction of a bush, eyes narrowed. The same one Piper had seen movement behind. Horrified, Piper reached for Katoptris. She slowly pulled it out and stood up. "Get behind me," Jason said to her, and with one swift move, he gently pushed her behind him. "Something's there," He said.
"What do we do?" Asked Piper.
He paused. "What we've been born to do," He looked at her, and they shared a mischievous smile. They were going to fight. "Should I try to charmspeak it first?"
"Well, we should find out what "it" is first, it might just be someone pulling a prank on us."
"Or it could be a monster waiting to rip us apart," Piper muttered.
"Heard that. Though not very likely, considering the fact we haven't crossed the borders." Jason smirked. Then he seemed to remember the current situation. "Okay, we'll go over there slowly, but don't get too close. And, Piper, be ready to run for help in case something happens."
"K, Sparky," With Jason in front and Piper right behind, they slowly advanced. Soon, they were right in front of the bush, (these bushes were about 5 feet tall). Jason nodded at Piper. He cautiously stuck his sword into the bush and moved it to the side so he could see behind it. All of a sudden, a hand carrying a knife slashed Jason on his arm. He cried out in pain, then Piper screamed.
Jason turned to tell Piper to run, but she was on the ground, unconscious. "PIPER!" Jason yelled. Clutching his arm, he started towards her, only to feel the hilt of a sword on the back of his head. And just like that, he collapsed.
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bambis-baby · 8 years
Powers Unleashed
They were cornered. 
Backs against the wall, as far as they could get. It was all going wrong. Gaea had sent an army of monsters to intercept and stop the demigods getting any further. They were wounded, scared and tired. Leo had sprained his ankle when a monster picked him up and threw him into Jason. He was currently throwing fireballs at monsters with his weight suspended between Nico and Piper, his arms across their shoulders. Piper was keeping whatever monster that came too close at bay with her charmspeak, yelling out phrases like”Turn around!” and “Go the other way!”. Whenever a monster got too close, she would cut it down with her dagger. 
Nico, who was still tired and weak from the bronze jar and coming out of Tartarus, was holding most of Leo’s weight so Piper could step away and fight if she needed to. Percy and Annabeth who had previously been fighting an army of Empusa had been backed against the far wall. They seem to have taken an interest in Percy, and every time they cut down one wave another came up. Jason and Hazel were fighting an army of Hydras, Hazel on her horse slicing at their legs and Jason flying around their heads trying to stop them and avoid cutting off their heads, but they weren't getting very far without fire. Leo kept trying to step forward and help them and Piper had to charmspeak him not to. 
Reyna, Coach Hedge and Frank were fighting an army of Cyploses. Frank had turned into a bear and was attacking with all his might. Sometimes he got caught and turned into something else like a snake or a bird and attacked in another random spot. Coach Hedge was kicking at the Cyclops’ legs and smaller creatures, but he was getting pretty tired making it harder for him to dodge attacks. Reyna was battling away and trying to draw a cyclops’ attention away from her friends. She was getting pretty wore out and tired because she was lending her strength to her friends. She had a couple of close calls, which ended up with her being picked up and tossed against a wall and she hit her head. Hard. 
“Reyna!” Jason yelled taking his eyes off of the hydra. It grabbed his foot in one of its mouths and with a flick of its head, he went flying up against the same wall as Reyna crumbled in a heap next to her. Piper was calling out to Jason. She wanted to run over to his side and help him and Reyna, but with Leo’s weight on her shoulders, she couldn't really do anything. Thankfully Coach Hedge knew what she was thinking and ran towards Jason and Reyna. “I've got it!” He said to her as he ran past. Percy and Annabeth had been cornered and Percy was trying to defend Annabeth by shoving her behind him, but she was having none of that. They were both covered in cuts and bruises and Percy was limping slightly. The only person who was still technically fighting was Hazel and Frank. Frank was back in bear form and Hazel was destroying the legs of a Hydra. Suddenly, there was a deafening roar and everyone in the cavern turned to look at Frank who was being gripped tightly by a Cyclops. Frank was trying to claw at the hands that were holding him but the Cyclops just laughed and threw him against another wall. There was a final roar, then a crunch, then a whimper, then silence.
“Frank!” Hazel screamed. She ducked between a hydras legs and managed to get in the very centre of the cavern, surrounded by monsters. Piper, Nico and Leo had backed themselves up against the furthest wall. Nico and Hazel made eye contact, and they knew what they needed to do. Nico shrugged Leos arm off of his shoulder and put all his weight on Piper. “Nico, where are you going?” Leo asked, confused. He may have taken more damage than a sprained ankle, but he will take care of that later. Nico turned to him with a look of determination. “To help my sister.” 
He stepped out into the fray of monsters. He was somewhat avoided, probably because he stank of Tartarus. But maybe a monster or two would come up to fight him and find a  Stygian iron sword slicing into them. He was halfway to her when he heard a confused Percy. “Nico..?”. Nico just kept walking, even though he knew that his friend's eyes were on him now. He reached Hazel mainly unharmed. Hazel had tears in here eyes. Nico raised his hand and brushed her hair out of her face. “It’s going to be alright, Hazel.” He said to her as she looked up at him with big eyes. Most of the monsters were surrounding them. “How can you be sure?” she whispered back. Nico bent down and kissed her forehead. “Trust me.” He whispered back. “I've got you.” He grabbed her right hand with his own right so that they were crossing over each other. They both had their swords out so they crossed those too. Hazel looked at Nico one last time. He gave her a reassuring nod. “Are you ready?” He asked her. She smiled and nodded back. “Nico. I am the undead daughter of Pluto. You are the most powerful son of Hades. I was BORN ready.” Nico gave a small chuckle, the first one he would give in a very long time, the one that was reserved for Hazel only. “That's my sis.” He whispered to her. “I am so, so proud of you.” And with that, they closed their eyes
And screamed
They screamed a blood-curdling scream. A scream that seemed to come from the deepest parts of Tartarus. A scream that was so loud it must have reached the ears of the Gods on the highest level of Mount Olympus. Monsters clutched at their ears and tried to run but it was as though their legs were stuck to the floor. They could not run, could not escape the fate they set themselves. The walls started to moan and the floor started to crack, opening up fissures that monsters found themselves falling into. Out of those holes came the greatest amount of gold, and diamonds and rubies. Every gem, every coin, every treasure was ripped free from its earthly grave and flung at monsters. Every time one made impact the monster instantly turned to dust.
Hoards of undead warriors crawled their way up from the ground to join the fight. Bones pulled from the deepest reaches of the earth flew into the air and assaulted monsters whenever they tried to fight. Some of the unlucky monsters even had the bones that were in their body start to decompose and disconnect inside of them until they too turned to dust. Weapons also came with the gems, so it was a flurry of bronze swords and golden lances. Silver daggers and copper knives were hurtled at the monsters until they evaporated into dust. Darkness whipped around their legs and the Empusa were ripped away from Percy and Annabeth and shoved into the wall with such velocity that they burst open and all that remained was gold. The undead warriors made quick work of the remaining monsters and their battle cries joined the screams of the children of Hell and as their screams came to a crescendo the last monsters imploded and exploded, were impaled by diamonds or swallowed by the darkness. The screams seemed to get louder rather than growing quiet. Ten suddenly it stopped.
All of it. It just went... silent.
Everyone looked over to see Nico and Hazel, unconscious on the floor. They both looked pale and worn out. They were covered in gold monster dust and sweat. The crew didn't know what to do. They couldn't wake them. They gave them some ambrosia and slowly colour started returning to their faces. “I didn't know they could do that”. Leo said in awe. “I don't think anyone did.” Percy agreed, nodding his head. “Let's get them back to the ship.”
As the children of King of Hell were carried to the Argo II, the rest of the seven understood why monsters stayed away from them. They were a force to be reckoned with. The Son of Hades, one of the most powerful and resilient demigods in history. The Daughter of Pluto, a demigod with unexpected powers and a backstory that shaped their life. But together. they are strong. Especially when they unleash -literal- hell.
OK!! HI! Soooooooo... this is my first ever “fanfiction” and I only wrote it for my friend @annabethspookychase. I hope you like it. Its 2:00 in the morning and im so tired, but it was worth it just to see what you think. Sorry its not very good, I tried my best, And the ending kinda flops. Whoops. I hope this is what you wanted. I wish it could have been better but alas, that's all I can do. I had no idea what I was doing this entire time I am really sorry I should have asked Dan for help or something ugggh what is my life. Anyways... Enjoy @annabethspookychase
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