#current affairs of pakistan essay
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The first thing you need to know about the current affairs of Pakistan is that they happen daily. They happen every day, so I hope this article can help you understand what's going on in Pakistan right now.
#Current Affairs of Pakistan#current affairs of pakistan in urdu 2020#current affairs of pakistan essay#current affairs of pakistan in urdu 2020 pdf
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"My stand about Plagiarism, Piracy Bias Media, and the like.."
We are living in a world where almost everything are readily accessible for all of us. We can easily research almost every information we desire and needed, we can download everything on the Internet; movies? games? music? name it! News and media information are readily available online, from journalistic article, news, blogs literally EVERYTHING is on the Internet and available online... Moreover we also have the presence of new and traditional media to satiate our endless needs. However, this usage lf Internet has its pros and cons. Various issues surfaced online, now I am going tp share to you my stand about my stand about Plagiarism, Piracy Bias Media, and the like... which are mostly issues surfaced in the digital world.
Plagiarism is known as the theft and dissemination of other people's words and ideas, if a person commits to this kind of crime he or she uses other people's words and ideas as if itvis theirs. Plagiarism is a heinous offence. It normally earns you an F on your work at the university level. Or if your university is stricy enough you're not able to graduate or finish the course that you're currently taking which would cause to give you a bad reputation or worse a bad life. Given that a student can also get thrown out of the institution if he or she plagiarizes repeatedly, one must avoid in doing or committing this kind of offensive violations. The punishments sanctions and the like, varies from the university or institution that you're part with or the violator's.
Why is plagiarism prevalent across universities? Some of them are linked to the way we access information. Don't you know a question answer? Just google it! Just google it! So we are a little like the dogs of Pavlov. The way we study, the same behaviour. In high school, students sometimes don't have ample research skills and instead look at anything online. This googling culture has a negative influence on the self-confidence of students. Students start most assignments by hearing what others have to suggest rather than thinking about themselves. As a business, we have a responsibility to empower students to feel assured that they can be great critical thinkers. Only thus will plagiarism be treated correctly. If a person is caught plagiarizing, his or her reputation is definitely tarnished and that person might lose their work. We all should obey the law just because we are just avoiding ourselves in getting caught. If we value original thought, personal integrity, and scholarly research, then we will naturally want to avoid plagiarism. That’s why it’s important to cite your sources and know how to integrate quotations properly. But if you only aim to be stop being caught, you're in great danger because you need to follow the law already. You would of course want to stop plagiarism if you respect original thinking, personal integrity and scientific evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to quote your sources and to know how to properly incorporate quotes.
Links for pictures :https://copyleaks.com/blog/how-do-plagiarism-detectors-work/
Due to what was discussed above, one might think they would never commit to this kind of crime or act (Plagiarism). Unfortunately, to some or most people who commit to this kind of crime they have a lot of reasons. Here are the possible reasons or factors as to why some good workers and students sometimes plagiarize :
Panic of the last minute
Feels of insufficiency
Incomprehension of what plagiarism is
Note slippery
Copying ideas blindly, often in the same order
Work on a job and handing out similar documents
Quotations from the bibliography, but not from the paper
Yet ignorance is no excuse even when plagiarism is unintentional and unintentional. You must quote your own sources and argue.
From the discussion above, now I can conclude that I myself, all of us should stand AGAINST plagiarism. There are a lot of ways to fight and avoid committing such offensive act. We can always paraphrase, put references and include citations or quotations. Together let's stand AGAINST plagiarism and the people who commit such acts.
If a person has a limited knowledge, he or she might say thay piracy only happens in the confines of the Earth's ocean. If you're this person then you need help- you have to be aware and be knowledgeable about the fact that piracy doesn't take place in the sea or ocean - it happens everyday in our lives, in business world, media and most especially it happens online. We love free items right? I mean who would want to spend money on things that we can get for free. However, this kind of mentality might lead us to doing illegal activities such as piracy without even knowing it. According to economic times the definition of piracy is that "Piracy refers to the unauthorized duplication of copyrighted content that is then sold at substantially lower prices in the 'grey' market. The ease of access to technology has meant that over the years, piracy has become more rampant. For example, CD writers are available off the shelf at very low prices, making music piracy a simple affair." There have been several regulations to prohibit secrecy. Internationally, piracy laws are strict and punitive in nature in developing countries. It does not gain attention nationally in Asian countries, and more in India too, because of more engaging topics. However, the industry has been involved in stemming red, in particular IT and music industry. These organisations identify music piracy outlets and then carry out police raids. However, there are few convictions and the punishment is not sufficiently harsh to discourage.
Link for the picture https://haulixdaily.com/2019/02/piracy-access-2019
Video pirates, cable piracy and DVD/CD piracy are achieved in several different ways. The film is made by a video-cassette without the correct permission of the right holder - i.e. producer. Video piracy takes place. Film producers also sell video rights to another group, who makes video cassettes for sale or loaning (typically after six weeks of release in theatres). The on sale video cassettes are only intended for home views. Cable piracy applies to illegal cable network transmission of films. Films, in particular new releases, are often seen via cable without the rights holder's permission. Piracy in satellite channels is an unusual occurrence, since they are structured and do not usually screen movies without purchasing right. Music piracy involves the illegal reuse of music cassettes, which flood the market until a new release is released. The sales of music companies hit hard by the influx of pirated compact disks and cassettes, as they are in store at considerably lower prices. In the foreign market there is DVD/VCD piracy of Indian films. The prints sent for film screening abroad are usually pirated at any airport in the Middle East. Prints of DVD/VCD are able to be sent to Pakistan. Such prints can also travel from Pakistan to Nepal and come by land to the country.
link for the picture https://variety.com/2018/digital/news/piracy-survey-illegal-content-muso-1202829757/amp/
From the discussion given above, I conclude that me and you ; all of us should stand against piracy. Although we get to consume media products for a lower price or some are even free we should remember that the people behind these media products worked really hard fro their movies, songs or music etc. to get produced... We should enable and let humanity win against "practicality". Therefore I encourage everyone to stand AGAINST piracy and against the people who continues to commit this kind of crime.
As time continues to pass by, our technology continues to get advance. However, the presence of traditional media is still very much alive and kicking as to this industry continues its best to be in the competition. We continue to use simultaneously the media products offered by both new and traditional media... Now the concern is are we really keen enough in making sure that what media products we consume are not biased? How do I stand in this issue and the like (other related issues regarding media bias, piracy and plagiarism.)
According to lumen learning media bias "Media bias is the bias of journalists and news producers in the selection of events and stories that are reported, and how they are covered." addition to thay according to them "The term “media bias” implies a pervasive or widespread bias contravening the standards of journalism, rather than the perspective of an individual journalist or article. The direction and degree of media bias in various countries is widely disputed." From this we can say that not all information presented in the media are the information that we have to believe to. We should not let ourselves be spoofed by these journalists, television programmers, broadcasters, writers etc. we should take time to analyze and even fact check the information that we have received. Information that you might have read online, heard on the radio, or even the news you watch on your favourite channel. We should analyze and think if the information or news is biased or not.
link for the picture https://dailybruin.com/2019/05/09/the-quad-media-coverage-skewed-by-biases-of-journalists-american-society
"Practical limitations to media neutrality include the inability of journalists to report all available stories and facts, and the requirement that selected facts be linked into a coherent narrative. Because it is impossible to report everything, selectivity is inevitable. Government influence, including overt and covert censorship, biases the media in some countries, for example North Korea and Burma. Market forces that result in a biased presentation include the ownership of the news source, concentration of media ownership, the selection of staff, the preferences of an intended audience, and pressure from advertisers." (Candela, 2019). This is true and is happening in our country, based on what my teacher have said the a television channel is so biased in reporting, writing and heading of news towards the president and the government in general. She also stated how this channel has been violating laws in paying tax that's why it was forced to shutdown from giving its services. Since, I think highly of my teacher I think she really has a point and one might think that the closure of the said station if for everyone's good. We should not tomerate media bias, just like what happened to a certain news channel we should take action if we can to fight media bias.
link for the picture https://thecord.ca/how-media-bias-effects-reader-perception/
There is an attempt to correct bias; the round table is a method used to prevent bias, in which members of opposing viewpoints comment on an issue. This approach allows different viewpoints to be expressed in the media in principle. The organizer of the report is also responsible, however, for selecting people who really represent the broad opinion, for asking non-detrimental questions and fairly editing and arbitrating their statements. A point/counterpoint may be as unjust as a simple biased article if done carelessly, implying that the losing party has lost its merits.
The disclosure of affiliations which can be viewed as a potential conflict of interest is another tactic used to prevent partialism. This is particularly obvious when a news outlet publishes a story that is important to the news organization or its owners or conglomerates. The laws or regulations regulating stocks and shares typically include this divulgation. Commentators on stock news stories are also compelled in these companies or in their rivals to reveal their ownership interests.
Overall what is my standing towards media bias (piracy and plagiarism) and the like... well just like what I have said in the previous paragraphs together we should stand AGAINST media bias, piracy, plagiarism and the like because it is the right thing to do. We should eradicate toxicity and evil in our world whether its digital or not. It is our jobs as human beings to spread humanity whether it is online or not, we should always consider going against issues like this so that slowly but surely we can change the world the we are currently live on for the future generations and for the betterment of all human beings.
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The Jewishness of Israel
As we move forward through the next weeks, I hope to discuss many of the issues that I found the most interesting and the most controversial this summer in Israel. Some I have addressed already, but others are—at least in their current iteration—brand new. Some have aroused a lot of interest outside of Israel, while others appear to have garnered almost no attention outside the nation’s boundaries. And some strike me as truly crucial issues, while others appear to me—an outsider, admittedly, but a regular visitor and an informed observer—to me, at least, as a huge amount of ado about almost nothing at all.
And so, first up is the issue that has aroused the most controversy both inside and outside of Israel, the newly passed Basic Law, more correctly known as the “Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People.” All, even the most vehemently outraged, seem to agree that this law was almost entirely symbolic and merely grants a level of official recognition to a situation that all know already to exist and that all observers have considered fully self-evident for the last seventy years. Even Sayed Kashua, an Arab-Israeli author violently opposed to the new Basic Law, had to admit in his red-hot New York Times op-ed piece a few weeks ago that this summer’s bill simply makes de jure a situation that has been de facto reality since the founding of the State.
Defenders of the law have made the point, and sharply, that the Israeli Declaration of Independence formally acknowledged the Jewish nature of Israel at the moment of its national inception and that this summer’s bill merely ratified that concept and granted it a level of official recognition it has lacked from then to now. And, indeed, the opening lines of the Declaration could really not set out the concept of the Jewish nature of the new Jewish state in clearer language:
The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.
After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom.
Impelled by this historic and traditional attachment, Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland. In recent decades they returned in their masses. Pioneers, ma∙apilim [that is, immigrants coming to Eretz-Israel in defiance of restrictive legislation] and defenders, they made deserts bloom, revived the Hebrew language, built villages and towns, and created a thriving community controlling its own economy and culture, loving peace but knowing how to defend itself, bringing the blessings of progress to all the country's inhabitants, and aspiring towards independent nationhood.
But, as Americans also know, a Declaration of Independence is just that, a declaration that serves as a kind of political statement of intent and of ideals by a nation’s founders, and not a bona fide legal document at all. (That is why the oath of office that the President of the United States takes at the inauguration ceremony references the obligation to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” and not, say, to uphold the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.) And this accurately mirrors the situation in Israel as well, say Israelis who favor the Basic Law: since Israel does not have a written Constitution akin to the U.S. one, the decision was made early on—in a 1950 decision of the Israeli Supreme Court called the Harari Decision—that in lieu of an American-style foundational document, the series of Basic Laws passed by the Knesset over the years would serve as the legal foundation for Israeli jurisprudence. This summer’s initiative, therefore, is merely an effort to translate the basic values of the Declaration of Independence into Israeli law, almost precisely in the way that the delegates to the Constitution Convention of 1787 took the task upon themselves to enshrine the values and principles that led to American independence in a legal document that would serve as the basis for future American law. And, they ask, should that be more controversial in Israel than it was in America…or in any modern country?
Furthermore, a nation’s right to self-determination and self-definition being basic to its sense of national self, this kind of effort to establish in law the values and principles that led to a nation’s founding is not seen in any other quarter as bogus or racist merely because the nation in question has citizens, even lots of them, who are members of minority faiths, ethnic groups, or language groups. Iran self-defines as an “Islamic republic,” for example, and the world seems to find it not at all troubling that there are non-Muslims among the citizenry. So do Pakistan, Mauritania, and Afghanistan, all three of which nations have non-Muslims among their citizenry. Nor do I notice people suggesting that Norwegian or Icelandic products be boycotted because their nations’ constitutions recognize a specific religion as the national one despite the obvious truth that among the nation’s citizens are people who subscribe to different faiths. The U.K. also has an official religion, by the way—and British law requires that the sovereign belong to it. But I can’t recall ever hearing anyone denounce the British for maintaining a formal relationship as a nation with the Anglican Church, much less suggesting a boycott of British products until the U.K. renounces its ties to its own national church…to which only a minority of the population maintains formal affiliation. (It is true that a majority, 62%, of British Christians are Anglicans. But fewer than 60% of the general population are affiliated with any Christian church—a majority, to be sure, but not a very large one.)
When taken in the context of other nations’ foundational documents, formal constitutions and otherwise, the situation seems even stranger to me. The Basic Law makes Hebrew the official language of Israel and grants Arabic special status and guarantees that the level of official Arabic usage will be maintained. (Arabic is the native language of about 18% of Israelis.) By comparison, the Latvian Constitution recognizes Latvian as the national language of Latvia despite the fact that about a third of the citizenry speaks Russian, not Latvian. The Spanish Constitution makes Spanish the nation’s national language, and requires that citizens conduct their affairs in that language regardless of their actual native language, be it Basque or Catalan or any one of several lesser-known native tongues spoken by Spanish citizens. And many other nations, particularly ones that are the homes to unusual languages that are not widely studied or known elsewhere than in that single country—nations like Estonia or Armenia—have enacted laws designed to promote the use of the national language regardless of the fact that some of the citizenry grew up speaking different languages and continue to speak them. About these laws, however, no one seems much to care.
Regarding immigration, the Basic Laws specifies that the “ingathering of the exiles” concept will remain fundamental to Israeli immigration policy and that, as a result, Israel will remain permanently open to Jewish immigration. Given the fact that the 1950 Law of Return declares unequivocally that “every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh,” that is, “as an immigrant,” the response to this part of this summer’s Basic Law seems particularly surprising. Nor is there any lack of international parallels: the laws of many nations, including such Western democracies as Italy and Ireland, grant special status to would-be immigrants who belong to the nation’s ethnic majorities. There is an American parallel to this as well, as Eugene Kontorovich pointed out in an essay in the Wall Street Journal last July: the State Constitution of Hawaii specifically authorizes the state government to create policies that will facilitate land acquisition by native Hawaiians by enacting preferential policies openly favoring ethnic Hawaiians over the rest of the state’s citizenry.
So the short answer is that nothing has changed and the Basic Law largely codifies policies that have been in place for well more than half a century. And yet, the level of real anger—expressed both inside and outside of Israel in massive demonstrations and petition-signing campaigns—seems to me rooted in something more basic than the decision formally to declare Hebrew the national language of Israel or to create a legal basis for the Law of Return almost a cool seven decades after it was voted into law by the Knesset.
In an age of rising nationalism, many people—myself included—are at least on some level wondering what the whole concept of nationhood should mean in the post-colonial world. The myriad issues relating to immigration here and particularly in Europe are part of this as well. As is the cardinal question of what it could or should mean for a nation to embrace a specific culture and to promote that culture to the exclusion of others. Sometimes, the issues involved are benign or, at the very least, not oppressive. (I have no clear idea why Christmas should be a federal holiday in a nation that has no state religion, but I’ve long since stopped fretting about it.) But other times the effects of enshrining a national culture in law are profound. So the larger question is really whether the concept of a national state with its own culture—and the attendant baggage that culture brings along in its wake—whether that idea is something that deserves a place at the table, so to speak, in the 21st century…or whether it should be consigned to the dustbin of history along with its malign offspring: ultra-nationalism, ethnocentrism, racism, and xenophobia. Or should the idea be specifically not to pitch out the baby with the bathwater and so to attempt thoughtfully and rationally to pursue a policy that promotes the healthy growth of a nation’s chosen identity without allowing its policies to veer off into intolerance or prejudice?
In the end, there are nations and there are nations. Some, like Israel, are the sole nation-states of an indigenous people whose land has been occupied over long centuries by a long list of foreign invaders and colonialists. Nations like that—Armenia, Finland, South Korea, or Estonia would be good examples of others—have, it seems to me, a reasonable right to promote their national heritage as long as that formal effort does not result in untoward discrimination towards citizens merely because they self-define culturally differently. Our own nation promotes American culture in countless ways. So do most countries. To single out Israel for opprobrium because of its wish to see itself as the embodiment of the national aspirations of the Jewish people is to deny it a right easily and almost automatically offered to every other nation. And that, it seems to me, is defensible solely by arguing that ultimately the Jewish people has no right to its own nation, its own national culture, or the pursuit of its own national aspirations. I’m sure there are people out there who think just that. But I’m far less sure why anyone who does not feel that way would be enraged by the Knesset’s decision to ratify as law the principles that have guided Israel since 1948. The timing may have been controversial. There may even have been no specific need to undertake this specific action at this specific moment in history. But, in my opinion, the Basic Law itself seems a reasonable attempt to enshrine in law values that have been part of Israel’s national sense of purpose and identity for the entire length of its history as a modern state.
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Therapy by any name
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/therapy-by-any-name/
Therapy by any name
PUBLISHED August 01, 2021
Noor Mukadam’s heinous murder has left the entire nation reeling. Among the many scandalous revelations, one of the most concerning was that the murderer, Zahir Jaffer, was apparently practicing as a psychotherapist after enrolling in a certification from Therapy Works. This case has laid bare the perils of the country’s regulated mental health service sector.
Therapy Works later issued a statement on their social media accounts. “Zahir Jaffer was enrolled as a student in UK Level 3 from September 2015 to September 2016. After this, he joined UK Level 4 from October 2016 to June 2018. He did not complete his coursework and International Essays, and accordingly was never ever given permission to see clients,” However, an Instagram photo on their page that has since been deleted, features a group of its UK Level 5 candidates including Zahir Jaffer.
The website page of Therapy Works claims that it is affiliated with the Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB) in the UK and is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Since Noor’s case raised a lot of speculations regarding its accreditation, BACP via their Twitter have categorically confirmed that Therapy Works is not a member of their organisation and have contacted Therapy Works to remove the BACP logo from their website.
When contacted, CPCAB, which is the UK’s leading counselling awarding organisation, explained that their role is to approve the design and assessment methods of training to provide accreditation. That said, they have no say in regulating the clinical services provided by their accredited training centers. They shared the following statement: “The training service ‘Therapy Works’ offers bespoke qualifications which are non-regulated but are accredited through CPCAB’s Tailor-Made qualification route… We are aware that many queries have been raised regarding the operations of both the Therapy Works counselling and psychotherapy centre, and the Therapy Works training service. CPCAB has no affiliation with the Therapy Works counselling and psychotherapy centre, and has no authority over the clinical services of Therapy Works. We are however, pursuing all relevant lines of enquiry which relate to the provision of Tailor-Made qualifications offered under CPCAB accreditation at the Therapy Works training service.”
It is important to note that if some counselling service claims affiliation with a certified foreign counselling or therapy body, the role of that body is only to ensure the quality of training educational material, not the treatment offered by those centers. When this article was written, orders had been issued to seal the Islamabad office of Therapy Works. However this is just a temporary solution in the absence of a centralised regulatory body for mental health services which is the need of the hour.
License to treat
When Zubair*, a chartered accountant working for a multinational, felt that his substance use was getting out of hand, he decided to seek professional help and contacted a therapist. He was making progress until he found out that his therapist had revealed details of his issue to one of their mutual acquaintances at a corporate event who also happened to be a colleague of Zubair. The colleague subsequently shared the details with their boss, leading to grave professional consequences for Zubair. Why did the therapist feel comfortable breaking the client’s confidentiality? Why was he gossiping about his clients? All of this stems from no fear of legal repercussions.
The Pakistan Psychological Council Bill, 2020, which was passed in the National Assembly earlier this year and is currently tabled in Senate, aims to establish an international standard council to register psychologists and to recognise institutions and organisations in public and private sectors imparting psychological education. The bill proposes that 16 years of education and 2 years of experience in the field of psychology, applied psychology and behavioral psychology should be the eligibility criteria to be registered as a psychologist. However, the majority of mental health experts are of the view that only those with at least 18 years of education (MS/MPhil in a relevant field of psychology) should be allowed to practice as psychologists.
“Like any profession where service to the public is involved (think medicine, lawyers, nurses) licensing is one way to ensure that only qualified persons enter the profession,” said Dr Rubeena Kidwai, an experienced psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology who is also a member of Sindh Mental Health Authority. “Professional licenses are usually conditional upon minimum requirements of education and training so that only qualified persons may practice in a given field.” she explained. “The goal, aside from establishing a standard for professions, is to protect the public from harm. Psychologists often serve vulnerable groups so it is even more important for there to be a licensing body to prevent quackery and malpractice in the name of mental health or psychological services.”
At the moment, the provinces of Sindh, Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa have Mental Health Acts enacted under which provincial mental health authorities have been formed. “It is the mandate of these bodies to establish and regulate quality standards for mental health services,” Kidwai pointed out. At the moment only psychiatrists are recognised as mental health professionals in these Mental Health Acts. This needs to be amended by including psychologists as well.
“However most of these bodies are in their initial stages, progress in terms of formation of rules and regulations is slow, more so owing to the pandemic, and systems and processes for regulation are still in the works. What can be done is to pressurise provincial governments to speed up the process on an urgent basis so that the Authorities are in a position to set quality standards, develop a system to regulate mental health services and create a system of checks and balances.’
When Senator Dr Karim Ahmed Khawaja, Chairman Sindh Mental Health Authority was contacted to comment on the issue of licensing he shared that various meetings with psychologists have been conducted and those recommendations have been sent to the government but due to COVID, progress has been slow.
Rise in tele-mental services
This is ironic because since the pandemic, the demand for mental health services has gone through the roof. A plethora of telecounseling and virtual mental health service providers have cropped up to address the needs. The plus side to this mode of health services is that it is scalable – people living in remote areas or those who are physically or financially challenged now have access to affordable mental health services due to these providers. However, quality assurance of these services remains a looming concern.
Dr Kidwai seems to agree. “Many people are reaching out for virtual mental health services and many individuals with varying levels of training and qualifications are meeting this demand. There should be policies and guidelines for offering mental health services in virtual space.”
Aftab Shah, a forensic psychologist and a lawyer, shared similar views. “Recently, mental health has been monetised due to a spike in demand. Many new organizations have sprung up that offer 6 months, 12 months diplomas after which they claim that their psychotherapists/counselors are on a level playing field with clinical psychologists who have undergone rigorous studies and clinical supervision.” This is completely unfair since a diploma holder lacks the course work and training of a proper clinical degree.” He believes that licensing for psychologists should be made mandatory, but not under the banner of Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC).
He cited cases like that of Farhan Kamrani, which probably would not have occurred in the presence of a strict code of conduct for the mental health sector. For those unaware, Kamrani was an assistant professor at the psychology department of the University of Karachi who in July was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment for harassing a female teacher online.
“It is problematic that while Farhan Kamrani was not yet convicted but out on bail, he was already employed at University of Karachi as a faculty member and his contract continued even when he was under trial. He has now been convicted but due to a lack of a regulatory body, there is nothing stopping him from resuming his clinical practice when he gets out from jail after completing his sentence.”
This indicates the dismal state of affairs that is Pakistan’s mental health services landscape.
Colonial hangover?
There is no hiding the fact that the country’s mental health service sector and psychiatric facilities leave much to be desired whether it be state-funded hospitals, large scale philanthropic centers or non-profits.
In the past decade, numerous mental health ventures have sprung up that deviate from the prevailing biomedical model for treating mental health issues and taking a cue from the West’, focus on humanistic centered, positive psychology paradigms. Certifications like the one provided by Therapy Works and CPPD are examples of that. However, there are limitations to the domains in which these certified professionals can work.
A remnant of colonial rule has been an inferiority complex in the general population where anything foreign or imported is deemed superior to its local counterparts. The same goes for certifications and degrees. While no one is arguing the credibility of many foreign certifications, the risk is when inadequately trained, foreign qualified mental health professionals start practicing out of their discipline and when these unethical practices are justified under the pretext of a foreign degree. This does more harm than good for our system.
Mariam*, who had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder shared that she had been getting therapy from an apparently experienced therapist at a popular mental health service provider. Following Noor’s case, she enquired her therapist’s credentials which led to her therapist getting extremely offended. After asking around, Mariam found out that her therapist had no background in clinical psychology, was not qualified to treat psychological disorders and had been ripping her off by charging a hefty fee for each session. Therefore, people seeking therapy also need to be cognizant of the basic domains of psychology as well as their therapist’s qualifications. For instance, a therapist with a degree in organisational or counseling psychology can only provide counseling for mild cases and is not equipped to deal with severe psychopathology unless they have undergone specialized training.
Kanza Asad, a certified psychiatric rehabilitation practitioner, shared how she has witnessed unethical behaviour during her professional career. “I have seen the malpractices happening countless times in a way that people with some 3 to 4 weeks or months diploma/ with bachelor’s degree in psychology claims and strongly believes that they are authorized to practice and actually get in touch with the clients to do the therapy which is quite threatening because as a mental health professional I firmly believe that not everyone has that particular ability to empathise and connect with people and facilitate the clients in their recovery journey.” She added that these incidents jeopardise the people’s faith in the mental health system.
Mind sciences
Recently, there has been another addition to the proliferating field of mental health, which are purported by practioners to be ‘mind sciences’. Mind sciences go beyond the realm of orthodox psychology into the obscure science of Parapsychology and Metaphysics. Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) and Reiki come under this sphere.
Neuro-linguistic Programming, NLP, is especially gaining popularity in the country with many organizations boasting of having NLP coaches and therapists on their panel. While there are some organizations providing proper NLP training, it should be noted that someone with only a NLP certificate and no prior training in the field of psychology cannot be referred to as a NLP therapist. Ideally, a NLP therapist is someone who is already a mental health professional with a relevant degree who chooses to gain additional NLP certification through workshops and accredited certifications.
Safeguarding client rights
Conflicting sources are reporting that Jaffer was diagnosed with substance abuse issues for which he sought help from Therapy Works before enrolling in their certificate course. If true, that raises pertinent questions about whether that is an ethical practice and should people currently under treatment for severe mental health issues be allowed to practice as a therapist.
Claiming that one is a psychotherapist or psychologist without proper accreditation provides access to the most vulnerable and at-risk groups in society, a gap that could be exploited by those with predatory or manipulative tendencies. Aisha Sanober Chachar, a child and adolescent psychiatrist who has also worked as a college psychiatrist at AKU, asserts that this is why it is imperative that mental health professionals stick to practicing within their area of expertise. They must clarify their clinical skills and limitations when treating clients or working with the public at large.
She opines that since their professional judgments affect the lives of others, mental health professionals must factor in elements that might lead to misuse of their influence. Therefore, training-based supervision and peer supervision post-training at an institutional level – mandated by a centralized governing body – is compulsory. At the moment, “reporting any violation of ethical compliance and professional conduct becomes a barrier in the absence of a centralised regulatory body. Hence, there is a failure to protect the rights and welfare of clients/patients who are at a vulnerable spot.”
Know your therapist
The terms counselor, therapist, psychologist are usually used interchangeably. Therein, lies the confusion. It is a client’s prerogative and a mental health professional’s duty to be transparent about their credentials so that their clients can make an informed decision.
Dr Uzma Ali, Director Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi explains the difference. “There is a dire need to distinguish between Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist, i.e. Clinical Psychologist is the one who can do clinical practice and do psychological assessment, counseling and psychotherapy (in which they are trained) to treat mental health problems /disorders after getting their degree in MS/.Phil and PhD in Clinical Psychology. That requires intensive, at least two to three years specialised training in the field of clinical psychology under the supervision of PhD clinical Psychologist only from those Institutes /Universities that are recognized by Higher education commission in Pakistan/or equivalent.
She further added that although counseling can be used to treat mental illnesses, including the most pervasive ones like mild cases of anxiety and depression, licensed counselors or therapists wouldn’t typically diagnose or handle the most severe cases themselves. Instead, if they suspect a client is suffering from something like clinical depression, they would refer the patient to a clinical psychologist.
This is the gray area where most malpractice takes place in Pakistan. Many organisations employ people who are not qualified like those with degrees in counseling, organizational or educational psychology are assigned to deal with severe psychopathology that goes against the healthcare principle of non-maleficence meaning doing no harm.
Until a regulatory body and rigorous licensing procedures come into effect, the onus falls on mental health professionals on maintaining absolute transparency regarding their area and level of expertise. The general population should be educated on the various domains of mental health services so that they can make an informed decision.
*Names have been changed to hide the identities of certain sources
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do you think that Islam needs a reform due to hurtful ideology like verse 4:34 ?
Disclaimer: I have to admit that I am biased. I am not truly neutral on this. I am biased against organized religion. I do not hold any religious or spiritual believes, and while I don’t discriminate against religious or spiritual individuals, I’m critical of how religious or spiritual believes are put into practice. I acknowledge the right to religious freedom as part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 18-21) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (article 2-5), yet I contest that said specific rights supersede the right to bodily integrity [UDHR, 3-11; ICCPR 6-27] in any system. I hold the conviction that any state has the responsibility to maintain a secular position. Alas, I’m no authority on this issue.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
To understand where, why, how, and if Islam is due for reformation, you need precise historical understanding of cultural differences, the process and progress of globalization, human right’s issues and specifically women’s rights issues. There is no way that I could sufficiently explain the specific dynamics of this issue in particular without writing an entire essay on it. This answer is going to be, at most, incomplete.
This is the translation of the verse in question,
Men have authority over women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand. — translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
And here’s an entire Wikipedia article about that specific verse.
An excerpt,
Jonathan A.C. Brown gives the wider scholarly tendency when it comes to the verse:
The vast majority of the ulama across the Sunni schools of law inherited the Prophet’s unease over domestic violence and placed further restrictions on the evident meaning of the ‘Wife Beating Verse’. A leading Meccan scholar from the second generation of Muslims, Ata’ bin Abi Rabah, counseled a husband not to beat his wife even if she ignored him but rather to express his anger in some other way. Darimi, a teacher of both Tirmidhi and Muslim bin Hajjaj as well as a leading early scholar in Iran, collected all the Hadiths showing Muhammad’s disapproval of beating in a chapter entitled 'The Prohibition on Striking Women’. A thirteenth-century scholar from Granada, Ibn Faras, notes that one camp of ulama had staked out a stance forbidding striking a wife altogether, declaring it contrary to the Prophet’s example and denying the authenticity of any Hadiths that seemed to permit beating. Even Ibn Hajar, the pillar of late medieval Sunni Hadith scholarship, concludes that, contrary to what seems to be an explicit command in the Qur'an, the Hadiths of the Prophet leave no doubt that striking one’s wife to discipline her actually falls under the Shariah ruling of 'strongly disliked’ or 'disliked verging on prohibited’.[16]
Seeing as how Brown has made mention of Sharia law, here’s some (limited) historical background to how Sharia law plays a role when implementing human rights (UDHR) into law.
Turkey— which was a secular state with an overwhelmingly Muslim population—signed the Declaration in 1948.[39] However, the same year, Saudi Arabia abstained from the ratification vote on the Declaration, claiming that it violated Sharia law.[40]Pakistan—which had signed the declaration—disagreed and critiqued the Saudi position.[41] Pakistani minister Muhammad Zafarullah Khan strongly argued in favor of including freedom of religion.[42] In 1982, the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Said Rajaie-Khorassani, said that the Declaration was “a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition” which could not be implemented by Muslims without conflict with Sharia.[43] On 30 June 2000, members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (now the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) officially resolved to support the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam,[44] an alternative document that says people have “freedom and right to a dignified life in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah”, without any discrimination on grounds of “race, colour, language, sex, religious belief, political affiliation, social status or other considerations”.
Some Muslim diplomats would go on later to help draft other UN human rights treaties. For example, Iraqi diplomat Bedia Afnan’s insistence on wording that recognized gender equality resulted in Article 3 within the ICCPR and ICESCR. Pakistani diplomat Shaista Suhrawardy Ikramullah also spoke in favor of recognizing women’s rights.[42]
A number of scholars in different fields have expressed concerns with the Declaration’s alleged Western bias. These include Irene Oh, Abdulaziz Sachedina, Riffat Hassan, and Faisal Kutty. Hassan has argued:
What needs to be pointed out to those who uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be the highest, or sole, model, of a charter of equality and liberty for all human beings, is that given the Western origin and orientation of this Declaration, the “universality” of the assumptions on which it is based is – at the very least – problematic and subject to questioning. Furthermore, the alleged incompatibility between the concept of human rights and religion in general, or particular religions such as Islam, needs to be examined in an unbiased way.[45]
Irene Oh argues that one solution is to approach the issue from the perspective of comparative (descriptive) ethics.[46]
Kutty writes: “A strong argument can be made that the current formulation of international human rights constitutes a cultural structure in which western society finds itself easily at home … It is important to acknowledge and appreciate that other societies may have equally valid alternative conceptions of human rights.”[47]
Ironically, a number of Islamic countries that as of 2014 are among the most resistant to UN intervention in domestic affairs, played an invaluable role in the creation of the Declaration, with countries such as Syria and Egypt having been strong proponents of the universality of human rights and the right of countries to self-determination.[48]
At a glance, it appears the point of contention is that the UDHR has a western bias, as well as a Judeo-Christian bias (in terms of tradition), when viewed against the background of alternative conceptions of human rights respective to the countries in question.
Politically (as well as religiously) speaking, this is a very touchy subject. I certainly am not equipped to even begin to make any final judgement.
I haven’t even gotten close to providing enough context to the issue at hand, but to cut it (undeservedly) short:
Ultimately, whether or not Islam needs to reform isn’t truly an issue in countries where human rights (regardless of conception) have been implemented in national law. To a court, it is not any degree of meaningfully judicially relevant whether or not a person is a practicing Muslim (or other) when it comes to determining whether they were in the right to beat their spouse.
Victims of DV are offered legal remedies, which include the criminal law, as well as obtaining a protection order. The remedies offered can be both of a civil nature (civil orders of protection and other protective services) and of a criminal nature (charging the perpetrator with a criminal offense). People perpetrating DV are subject to criminal prosecution, most often under assault and battery laws. Other common statutes used include, but are not reduced to, harassment, menacing, false imprisonment. Perpetrators of DV can be charged under general statutes, but some states have enacted specific statutes dealing only with DV. Under South Carolina code, the crime of “Criminal domestic violence” states that “it is unlawful to: (1) cause physical harm or injury to a person’s own household member; or (2) offer or attempt to cause physical harm or injury to a person’s own household member with apparent present ability under circumstances reasonably creating fear of imminent peril.” If aggravated circumstances are present, people can be charged with the crime of “Criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature.” Criminal domestic violence is not the only charge possible in South Carolina, people can also be charged under other general statutes.[84][85][86]
(source, specific to the United States)
If you are a citizen of the United States, the reformation of Islam is of a very, very minor concern to you, and it has a very, very minor impact on you personally. Any citizen in your country is subject to your laws, regardless. You may experience emotional or intellectual investment in certain issues, which is fair enough - but how do you propose reformation shall be forced specifically in relevant Eastern countries? If you think Islam has to reform where reformation would be beneficial, how would you go about it?
I think reformation of belief isn’t an outside responsibility. To some degree, it can’t be. Reformation has to manifest and spread from within, something that may (!) be achieved by having meaningful, productive conversations. The same conversations are very difficult to have in tense political climates, which further aggravates the issue to significant degree.
Finally, it deserves mentioning that in the United States (for example) - a country less secular in practice than in theory - human rights are still frequently violated, regardless of progressive religious believes. I’m not trying to misdirect or obfuscate, I’m simply trying to highlight that reformation doesn’t automatically beget progress - it enables it, or perhaps just influences it. Further, reformation isn’t an issue easily determined. What is reformation? Is it a mere change of text? Who is going to make those changes? Is there any way to enforce those changes? What if people don’t submit to those changes?
Ultimately, the issue isn’t religion - it’s people. Perhaps this is a too pragmatic statement to make, but religion (or any belief) doesn’t have any impact when it’s not put into practice, and the way it’s put into practice determines the sort of impact it’s going to have. If the issue is people, we’re unable to deal in absolutes. The environment a person has grown up in is essential to who they become, but the process isn’t utterly deterministic at the same time.
Does Islam need to be reformed? Well, does it? What are we going to achieve by proposing it has to be? Perhaps it may be beneficial, but what does that mean? “Yes” isn’t a satisfying or productive answer to this question. It only ever is if you’re aiming for confirmation, and the only way you would benefit from that is having it reinforce an already existent sense of (moral) superiority.
#politics#religion#I guess I did ask for challenging questions#are y'all already bored of fictional issues?#I mean#I totally get if you are#it's circular discourse anyway
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Pakistan is a major participant in the global efforts to curb transnational terrorism initiated after the terrorist attacks in the United States in September 2001. This enhanced Pakistan's strategic relevance for the major powers, especially the United States, which cultivated Pakistan for combating terrorism and ensuring peace and stability in the post-Taliban Afghanistan. They also wanted that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda activists, formerly based in Afghanistan, did not create safe havens in Pakistani · territory with the support of their Pakistani sympathizers. Pakistan has not always been so relevant to global politics. Its strategic relevance has varied over time which had implications for Pakistan's role at the international level and the foreign policy options available to its policymakers. This briefing paper examines the changing patterns of Pakistan's foreign policy and how its position and role in international and regional politics has varied over time. Pakistan recognizes that it is neither possible nor advisable to stay in isolation in the present-day interdependent and complex international system. It needs to interact with other states, international and regional organizations and supranational actors in order to protect and promote its national interests and sovereign identity. Pakistan also collaborates with other states in order to cope with the issues of global dimensions like environment, population, poverty and underdevelopment, energy. human migrations and refugees, drugs, and terrorism. Despite pursuing a pro-active foreign policy Pakistan does not have the ambition and capacity to assume the role of global or regional power. Its activism reflects a realization that such policy facilities the realization of International support and resources for its domestic socio-economic development, helps to regulate the inputs from the external environment into the internal context, and contributes to strengthening security and territorial integrity which are the principal concerns of Pakistan's foreign policy. The major focus of Pakistan's foreign policy is security against external and internal challenges to its national identity, territorial integrity and independence. Another foreign policy interest is the cultivation of close and brotherly relations with the Muslim states. Pakistan highlights sovereign equality of states, bilateralism, mutuality of interests, and non-interference in each other's domestic affairs as the cardinal features of its foreign policy. Pakistan friendly believes that 11 has to work within the norms and institutions of the international system but 1! supports their restructuring for bringing them in line with the realities currently obtaining m the International system. Pakistan, therefore, maintains a strong faith in the principles enunciated in the United Nations Charter and takes an active part in the deliberations of the UN and other international and regional organizations. Pakistan also identifies with the political and economic concerns of the developing countries. Other leading foreign policy goals include support to the right of self-determination for the subjugated nations, oppositions to apartheid and the remnants of colonialism, peaceful resolution of inter-state disputes, arms control and nuclear non-proliferation, and promotion of peace and stability through international and regional cooperation The principle strategies and mechanisms to pursue these foreign policy goals have varied over time. These changes help to identify the major phases in Pakistan's foreign policy. Though each phase is characterized by a set of major themes and operational strategies, these overlap and reflect continuity and change. The major phases of Pakistan's foreign policy are: ( Read the full article
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Valuable Tips for Central Superior Services (CSS)
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ap biology 1988 essay AP Biology Previously Released Materials, AP Central – The College Board
For up-to-date information about this AP course and exam, please download the official AP Course Description for the AP Central web site at apcentral.collegeboard.com. Previously Released Materials. This Released Exam is designed to support teachers' instruction of their students. Please be advised that some information included in this Released Exam—including but not limited to office locations, contact information and exam instructions—may not reflect the current AP Course Description and exam in this subject. NOTE: Download a correction to this book here (.pdf/164KB) which should replace the scoring worksheet found within this Released Exam. Beginning with the May 2011 AP Exams, the method for scoring multiple-choice sections has changed; the document reflects this change. But this constitution had a very short life. The country’s first general elections were scheduled for February 1959, but President Iskandar Mirza, fearing a rise in East Pakistan’s influence could undermine his hold on power, abrogated the constitution before the elections in 1958, establishing martial law and appointing army chief Ayub Khan as chief martial law administrator. This set a precedent for the military to assert itself into the country’s political affairs. It also led to a pattern of takeovers, subversion of constitutional provisions, and a military-bureaucracy dominated executive that superseded the elected parliament. A new constitution came into effect in 1962 which failed to include fundamental rights until the first amendment was made to it, granting the executive power to the president and abolishing the office of the prime minister. Most significantly, it institutionalized the intervention of military in politics by providing that for twenty years, the president or the defense minister must be a person who had held a rank not lower than that of lieutenant-general in the army. In 1969, the 1962 constitution was suspended, martial law was declared, and General Yahya Khan took over. After the secession of East Pakistan to form the new state of Bangladesh, a new constitution was brought in 1973. After taking control of the government in 1971. Z.A. Bhutto started work on a democratic constitution for the country. We will write a custom essay sample on Constitutions of Pakistan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page. We will write a custom essay sample on Constitutions of Pakistan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9 /page.... View more ...
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New world news from Time: Denmark’s “Ghetto” Policies Are an Ominous Sign That Liberal Europe Is Starting to Unravel at the Seams
At the blazing apogee of the Second World War, a poignant essay on the embattled life of refugees and immigrants was published in an obscure 1943 journal. Written by Hannah Arendt, the German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist, and, by then, embittered refugee, the essay closed with the words: “The comity of European peoples went to pieces when, and because, it allowed its weakest member to be excluded and persecuted.”
Arendt’s message was soberingly simple: Targeting a vulnerable group is the start of unraveling processes that bring greater and far-reaching ruin.
This year, Denmark’s xenophobia and move to the right has entered frighteningly new territory to supposedly prevent immigrants forming a “parallel society.” Let’s not forget that Denmark already has the Bohemian autonomous Christiania—which has caused decades of headaches for the Danish government but whose inhabitants are still less stigmatized than immigrants.
Among the many changes, children from “ghetto” areas—where more than 50% of the population are non-Western immigrants, mainly Muslims—will have to attend obligatory daycare for 25 hours or more a week from the age of 1, so that they learn “Danish values” and traditions, like Christmas and Easter. A law under consideration would impose a four-year prison sentence for parents who commit “re-education trips”—sending their children on “extended” visits to the parent’s country of origin.
The legislation reads like a 19th century missionary enterprise, a colonial experiment to civilize the brown folks.
The peril is that this form of divisive politics will seep deeper into the tapestry of the illiberal anti-immigrant pan-European movement. Denmark is not just setting a precedent; it is sparking a game of one-upmanship in the performance of transnational bigotry.
If immigrants fully “assimilated” or vanished from the land, then the logic might follow the xenophobic movements would close shop and populist parties would scale back their rhetoric and shift policies to mundane domestic affairs. That rarely happens.
Such movements and parties stake their existential politics on discriminatory and exclusionary practices (despite the claim of inclusionary intentions of wanting to assimilate the immigrants) which are then further reignited along election cycles. Unabashed political interests, not humane social policy, is what matters to them.
As soon as the initial victims are exhausted, new targets are sought out. Hatred and fear never operate within rational boundaries. It’s all-pervasive; passions take over level-headed policy deliberation—not surprising, the Danish government did not involve experts, researchers and residents in the discussions. It echoes Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism: “For the only thing that counts in a movement is precisely that it keeps itself in constant movement.”
Prior to Britain’s 2016, referendum on membership of the E.U., some in the pro-Brexit campaign focused on trying to end Muslim immigration. But quickly after Britain voted to leave, racial vilification and attacks quickly spread to target Poles, Latvians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Jews and, perhaps the least expected, the Swedes.
Norway-based Muslim intellectual, Iyad el-Baghdadi, points out that “minorities are the canaries in the coal mine.” The state of their well-being, fear, anxiety, flight, is a bellwether of their overall society—whether it be Muslims in Europe, Christians in the Middle East, Shiites in Saudi Arabia, Kurds in Turkey, Baha’is in Iran, Hindus in Pakistan, or African-Americans in the United States. When the toxic gas of populist exclusion is diffused through society, the minority is the first to succumb to it. However, others soon follow. Fractures appear in dominant groups, and the fabric can go to pieces.
Denmark’s policies should make us all wary. This idea of cleansing society of immigrants marks the dismantling of higher ideals, pluralist values, and ethical standards. The mishandling of the “ghetto” question may just be the embryonic stage of a bigger ominous current yet to come—one that could make Muslims and non-whites the least of Denmark’s perceived problems.
July 03, 2018 at 07:06PM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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On this day, 26 years ago, Indian cinema got one its biggest superstars of all time. Yes, we are talking about the King of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan. Shah Rukh Khan had faced film cameras for the first time for Hema Malini’s directorial debut Dil Aashna Hai (1992). But it was Raj Kanwar’s Deewana (1992) that got released earlier and became his debut film.. Along with Shah Rukh Khan, the film also starred Rishi Kapoor and Divya Bharti. Shah Rukh Khan showed up in the film after the interval and yet he managed to make a strong impact and gave a glimpse of his incredible potential. It was also the first time he gave his signature pose of standing with his arms wide open, an act that was to become synonymous with his performances in later years. The first film can give jitters to any actor, especially when he is required to perform along with established actors. But, Shah Rukh Khan appeared comfortable on screen even when performing with stars like Rishi Kapoor and Amrish Puri. His performance in the film also earned him the Filmfare Best Debut Award (Male). In the same year, Shah Rukh Khan was seen in films like supernatural comedy Chamatkar, drama Dil Aashna Hai, and the social comedy Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman.
In 1993, Shah Rukh Khan challenged the boundaries of a hero in Bollywood and earned great appreciation for essaying two villainous roles in Darr and Baazigar. Darr also marked the first of many collaborations that Shah Rukh went on to have with Yash Chopra. In Darr, Shah Rukh played the role of an obsessive stalker who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Shah Rukh’s iconic dialogue from the film, “ I love you K-K-K-Kiran” is liked by fans even today . Shah Rukh Khan also earned a nomination for the Filmfare Award for Best Actor in a Negative Role (Male). With Baazigar, Shah Rukh Khan turned traditional Bollywood convention on its head as he played the vengeful Ajay Malhotra in this Abbas-Mastan film. Baazigar also marked Shah Rukh Khan’s first on screen appearance with Kajol. His performance in the film earned him his first Filmfare Award for Best Actor.
In 1994, Shah Rukh Khan played a love struck musician in Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa which was directed by Kundan Shah. With this film, Shah Rukh again veered away from the tried and tested path. He played a slacker named Sunil who was head over heels for a girl named Anna (Suchitra Krishnamurthy) who unfortunately was in love with Chris (Deepak Tijori). Traditionally, the underdog would ultimately get the girl as seen in most films. But, in Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa no such thing happens. In the end, it is Anna and Chris who live happily ever after because Sunil bows out gracefully. His performance, which was way different from what he did in Darr and Baazigar earned him a Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance. But in the same year, he got back on the bad guy bandwagon with Anjaam. In fact, he was so good being bad that he won the Filmfare Best Villain Award for his performance in Anjaam.
1995 was probably the year that made Shah Rukh Khan the man he is today. It was the year in which Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (DDLJ), a landmark film in the history of Bollywood, got released. It changed perception about him yet again and cemented his position as the numero uno lover boy of Bollywood. The edgy path-breaking disruptive outsider of the early ’90s had become the ultimate poster-boy of the Bollywood romance. Even though DDLJ played a big role in making the star he is today it is interesting that he wasn’t keen on doing the film at the time he was offered. He felt that the role was too typical and it took a lot of convincing from the director of the film, Aditya Chopra, for Shah Rukh Khan to come on board. It’s said that in Aditya Chopra’s office there is a poster of DDLJ which is signed by Shah Rukh Khan which reads, ‘Thank you for making me the star that I am today’. DDLJ went on to become the longest running film in Indian cinema after completing more than 1000 weeks at the Maratha Mandir theatre in Mumbai. The film won ten Filmfare Awards, including the second Best Actor trophy for Shah Rukh Khan. In the same year, Shah Rukh Khan was also seen in Rakesh Roshan’s reincarnation drama Karan Arjun which went on to be the second highest grosser that year.
In 1996, Shah Rukh was seen in four films which failed to impress the critics as wells the audience. His next mega hit came towards the end of 1997 with Yash Chopra’s musical romance Dil Toh Pagal Hai. The love triangle received massive praise from the critics as well as the audience and earned him his third Best Actor Award at Filmfare.
In 1998, Shah Rukh Khan won critical praise for his performance as an All India Radio correspondent who develops an obsession for a mysterious woman, who turns out to be a terrorist (Manisha Koirala) in Dil Se… Karan Johar’s directorial debut, starring Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol and Rani Mukerji, titled Kuch Kuch Hota Hai too came out in 1998. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai is regarded as one of SRK”s best films to date. It presented him in a designer avatar in the first half and also had him playing a character closer to his real age in the second half. It earned him another Best Actor nod at Filmfare.
Shah Rukh Khan turned to production for the first time 1999 with Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani. The satire, which talked about the current state of our country however failed to perform at the box office.
Shah Rukh Khan made his Tamil debut with Kamal Haasan’s Hey Ram (2000) in which he played the role of an archaeologist named Amjad Khan. It was a brief role but carried an impact. In the same year, Shah Rukh was seen in Aditya Chopra’s Mohabbatein as well. Although the film didn’t impress the audience much, Shah Rukh Khan’s performance received massive praise from all over and earned him his second Filmfare Critics’ Award for Best Actor.
In 2001, he was seen in Karan Johar’s Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham, a movie that he cites as a turning point in his career. With a star cast comprising Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Kajol, Hrithik Roshan, Kajol and SRK, K3G, as the film was popularly called, was a casting coup of sorts. Mounted on a massive scale, it was Karan’s version of The Ramayana and the audience instantly fell in love with it. The film managed to break many records at the box office including the title of the top-grossing Indian production of all time in the overseas market for the next five years.
In 2002, Shah Rukh Khan played the role of an alcoholic in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s period romance Devdas, based on Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay’s iconic novel of the same name. The film earned numerous accolades including 10 Filmfare Awards, with another Best Actor trophy falling in Shah Rukh Khan’s kitty.
The following year, Shah Rukh Khan starred in another Karan Johar production titled Kal Ho Naa Ho (2003). The film discussed the vagaries of life and death and Shah Rukh Khan’s moving performance in the film as Aman Mathur, an individual who knows he’s dying and yet has his sense of humour intact got highly appreciated.
In 2004, Shah Rukh Khan started Red Chillies Productions and got Gauri Khan onboard as the producer. In the company’s first production, he starred in Farah Khan’s directorial debut, Main Hoon Na. It was Farah Khan’s homage to Manmohan Desai and Prakash Mehra’s brand of cinema and was full of in-jokes about films and film folks. Her comedic interpretation of the cinema tropes of the ’70s met with a good response from the audience. In the same year, Shah Rukh Khan played an Indian Air Force Pilot who falls in love with a Pakistani girl named Zara (Preity Zinta) in Yash Chopra’s cross border love story Veer Zaara. Veer Zara and Main Hoon Na were some of India’s highest grossing films that year. In his last release of 2004, titled Swades, Shah Rukh Khan played a NASA scientist who returns to his motherland in order to make his own people gain from his knowledge. He was nominated for the Filmfare Best Actor Award for all three of his 2004 releases and eventually won the award for Ashutosh Gowariker’s Swades.
In 2006, Shah Rukh Khan collaborated with Karan Johar again with Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna. The film boldly depicted a story of two people who end up having an extra marital affair after being unhappy in their respective marriages. It was his most grey-shaded character in ages but he surpassed that with his next release Don, where the villain was actually the hero. The Farhan AKhtar venture was a remake of the 1978 iconic film starring Amitabh Bachchan.
In 2007, we saw Shah Rukh Khan portray the role of a hockey coach in Chak De India! which was directed by Shimit Amin. The film is said to be inspired by the life of Mir Ranjan Negi, India’s former hockey player who after facing a lot of criticism for his performance in a game against Pakistan came back out of nowhere and helped the Indian Women’s Hockey team to a Commonwealth Gold. In an interview with a leading daily, Shah Rukh Khan spoke about how the film took him down the memory lane. He said, “I feel hockey as a sport has been monstrously neglected in our country. I used to play the game during college. In fact, I was quite a good hockey player. So the role was a lot like going back to my past.” The film earned Shah Rukh Khan another Filmfare Award for Best Actor. In the same year, Shah Rukh Khan starred alongside Arjun Rampal, Deepika Padukone and Shreyas Talpade in Farah Khan’s reincarnation drama Om Shanti Om. Shah Rukh developed six packs for his role in the film. Although the film received mixed reviews from the critics it went on to have a phenomenal run at the box office.
In 2008, Shah Rukh Khan starred in Aditya Chopra’s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. The film marked the debut of Anushka Sharma. It was a dance musical and SRK was able to showcase his versatility even in this hitherto unexplored genre.
Khan began shooting My Name Is Khan (2010). Set in the backdrop of the September 11 attacks on American soil which saw the destruction of the World Trade Center towers, Shah Rukh plays a man suffering from Aspergers Syndrome who is determined to prove that even though his Name Is Khan, he is not a terrorist. To prepare for the role, he spent several months researching his role by reading books, watching videos and talking to people affected by the condition. My Name is Khan became one of the highest grossing Bollywood films of all time outside India and also earned Shah Rukh Khan another Filmfare Best Actor trophy.
In 2011, Shah Rukh Khan tried his hand at the superhero genre with his home production Ra.One. The film didn’t perform as well as expected though he was appreciated for his zeal of trying to push the envelope.
Shah Rukh’s only release in 2012 came with Yash Chopra’s swan song Jab Tak Hai Jaan. The film re-established the fact that nobody does romance better than Shah Rukh Khan.
After Jab Tak Hai Jaan, Shah Rukh Khan was seen in a bunch of commercial masala flicks like Chennai Express (2013), Happy New Year (2014) and DIlwale (2015). Although these films received mixed reviews, they did go on to do bumper business at the box office.
He then played a double role in Maneesh Sharma’s thriller titled Fan (2016). He played himself and his biggest fan in this exciting thriller, which was way ahead of its time as far as it’s idea is concerned and didn’t appeal to the audience. Though he was again appreciated for doing something out of the box. In the same year, Shah Rukh Khan was seen in Gauri Shinde’s Love You Zindagi which also starred Alia Bhatt. The film revolved around a budding cinematographer Kaira (played by Alia) who meets Jehangir Khan or Jug (played by Shah Rukh). Jug is a psychiatrist and helps a heartbroken Kaira gain a new perspective on love and life.
In 2017, Shah Rukh Khan went back to being the badass with Rahul Dholakia’s Raees, which showcased the rise of a gangster in the Prohibition hit Gujarat. The film was a hit at the box office and Shah Rukh Khan’s performance received praise from all over. Shah Rukh Khan had another attempt at the romantic genre with Imtiaz Ali’s Jab Harry Met Sejal which came out the same year. The rom com failed to entice the audience.
This year, we will see Shah Rukh Khan reunite once again with Anushka Sharma in Aanand L Rai’s Zero which also stars Katrina Kaif. Zero is without a doubt one of the most hyped films of the year as for the very first time we will see Shah Rukh Khan as a dwarf on the big screen. Shah Rukh will also be seen in the Rakesh Sharma biopic, tentatively titled Salute.
26 years down the line and he’s still pushing the boundaries. Here’s wishing for many more years of King Khan’s reign.
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Beyond Bin Laden - Jon Meacham, James A. Baker III, Karen Hughes, Richard N. ...
Beyond Bin Laden Jon Meacham, James A. Baker III, Karen Hughes, Richard N. Haass & Bing West Genre: Politics & Current Events Price: $1.99 Publish Date: May 9, 2011 Osama bin Laden was the most wanted man in American history—an enemy who brought the United States what President George W. Bush called “a day of fire,” and ushered in a new era of terrorism. It took a decade of blood and sacrifice, of determination and frustration, but finally, in a nighttime raid at the end of a dirt road in Pakistan, the hunt for Bin Laden ended with a gunshot. It was a dramatic climax to a long and painful chapter. But now what? The terrorist threat that has defined American policy since the attacks of 9/11 did not die with Bin Laden in his walled compound near Islamabad. Radicals still wish us harm, and we must fight on. In this provocative collection of essays edited and introduced by Pulitzer Prize winner Jon Meacham, a group of penetrating analysts and leaders look ahead to the world after Bin Laden—to the future of Al Qaeda, of Afghanistan, of Pakistan. We explore the political, military, and cultural implications of the post–Bin Laden war on terror. From Richard N. Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations to former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, from historian and journalist Evan Thomas to former U.S. Army officer Andrew Exum, Beyond Bin Laden gives readers intelligent, deeply informed, and urgent glimpses of what comes next. Contributors include: • Jon Meacham , executive editor, Random House • James A. Baker III , former Secretary of State • Karen Hughes , former counselor to President George W. Bush and former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy • Richard N. Haass , president, Council on Foreign Relations • Bing West , author, The Wrong War, and former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs • Andrew Exum , fellow, Center for a New American Security • Daniel Markey , senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia, Council on Foreign Relations • Evan Thomas , award-winning historian and former editor-at-large, Newsweek
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