#cure march x reader platonic
baileypie-writes · 12 days
~Their Good and Evil Friend~
The Smile Pretty Cure + GN!Sunshine!Villain!Reader
This is a sequel to these headcanons!
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Fandom: Smile Precure!
Fanfic Type: Oneshot(s)
Reader: Gender neutral, a villain
Relationship: Platonic
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Synopsis: This is a three part oneshot. You’re a villain from Bad End, though your personality is very kind! The first part is when you meet the Pretty Cure. The second part is fighting them for the first time. And the last part is about hanging out with them after they know you’re a villain.
Warnings: None!
Requested By: @kaymerx
A/N ~ I hope you enjoy this! I ended up not having enough motivation to write the last part, and it was getting too long anyway. So sorry about that!
~Smile Precure! Masterlist~
~Meeting Them~
“Good morning class.” Miss Sasaki greeted. The students quieted down after a few moments. Normally, it took at least two tries, but this time, they were eager to hear a specific announcement. “Good. Now, before I start today’s lesson. I have some news.” Everyone leaned in. “We have a new student joining us today.”
Curious murmurs erupted through the classroom. They had heard rumors of someone joining, but they weren’t sure if they were true. But now that it was confirmed, they were excited.
“Quiet down, please.” Miss Sasaki asked. Once again, the students obeyed. “Come on in, (last name).” She motioned with her hand for you to come forward.
The sliding door opened, and in you walked. Immediately, the room seemed to become brighter. A cheerful, happy aura radiated off of you. Taking hold of a piece of chalk, you wrote your full name on the board. The other students all watched your hand as it moved from top to bottom. Once you were done, you stepped out of the way, so that they could read it. “Hello! My name is (full name)! It’s nice to meet you all!” You greeted with a bow. Once you popped back up, you smiled to the class. Everyone smiled back. It was as if yours was contagious.
“Great. Now, your seat is behind Yayoi Kise; the blonde right there.” Miss Sasaki pointed to the shy looking girl in the front.
Said girl jumped a bit, seemingly started from the sudden attention. But she quickly did a little wave to signal to you. You happily waved back.
After sitting down if your assigned seat, Miss Sasaki turned to the board, erasing your name. “Alright, now let’s get on with the lesson.”
After the lesson had concluded, you were bombarded with questions from all of your new classmates. You were happy to answer all of them, though. Everyone seemed enamored by your kind personality, and they just kept asking more and more questions.
“Come on guys, let’s not overwhelm Mx (last name).” You heard a voice from the back of the crowd. The crowd split, and revealed a girl with long, dark blue hair. She walked up to your desk, and held out her hand. “Hello, (last name). My name is Reika Aoki, and I’m the student council president. I hope you’ll feel welcome in our school.” She gave you a gentle smile.
You shook her hand, all while smiling back. “It’s nice to meet you Aoki! And you can just call me (first name)! I’m already feeling really welcome!”
“That’s good to hear. I’m glad.” She responded.”
Now that the crowd had died down, you finally had the chance to talk to the girl in front of you. She was drawing in a sketchbook, so you tapped her shoulder to get her attention. After jumping, she looked over to you.
“Hi Kise! I can’t wait to get to know you! You seem like a really nice person!”
“Oh… thanks. You too.” She said quietly. You frowned a bit, worried that you had done something wrong.
“Don’t worry, Yayoi’s just shy.” You heard a voice behind you. After turning around, you saw another girl, this time with red hair. “I’m Akane Hino, one of Yayoi’s friends. Put ‘er there!” She held out her hand to shake, to which you did. You had probably done more handshakes that day than you ever had your entire life.
“And I’m Miyuki Hoshizora!” A pink haired girl popped up from behind Hino.
“And that’s Nao Midorikawa.” Hino pointed to the girl in a ponytail who stood close by.
“Hey! I was gonna introduce myself!” She complained.
You just laughed. They all seemed like an interesting bunch of people. You were gonna do your very best to befriend them. But you were prepared for a potentially difficult journey. Because you knew that they would eventually find out about your current secret.
~Meeting Them as a Villain~
You squeezed the packet of ink of your hands, and it burst all over it. You opened your book, and smudged the black goo over its pages. Immediately, the sky went dark, and the people below dropped to the ground in despair. You could feel the negative energy all around.
“Hey!” You heard a familiar voice shout. Looking down from your place in the sky, you saw Hino and her friends.
“Oh! Hello!” You waved.
The girls all looked at you with shocked and confused expressions. Hoshizora and Kise even waved back a little. “Uh, okay?” Midorikawa said. “Anyway, let’s go!”
“Precure, Smile Charge!” They all shouted, and began transforming. You just stood by, watching the mesmerizing spectacle. Seeing all the sparkly powder poof their outfits into place was so magical! But it only lasted for a moment.
“Oh, yeah! I forgot!” You pulled out a red clown nose from your pocket; given to you by Joker. After glancing around for a bit, you decided on your target. “Come on out, Akanbe!” You commanded, hoisting the nose into the air. That summoned the Akanbe, who took the form of a nearby cherry blossom tree.
Immediately, the girls began fighting it. You just watched, curious to see their power. And you were definitely not disappointed! They kicked and punched it, knocking it over with ease.
“Wow! You guys are so strong! So cool!” You said in awe.
“Um… thank you?” Cure March said, confused.
“Do they seem familiar to anyone?” Cure Beauty questioned.
Shoot. You couldn’t reveal your identity! “I-I shouldn’t! This is our first time meeting!” You stuttered nervously.
As you fumbled around, trying to convince them, your Akanbe was defeated, and the world reverted back to its normal state. “Oh, look at that! You guys won! Great job!” You clapped.
“Thank you! Wait, why are you congratulating us? You’re the bad guy.” Cure Happy said.
“Yeah, now that I’m thinking about it, you do seem familiar.” Cure Sunny pondered.
“Uh- I- Gotta go!” And with a snap of your fingers, you left the awkward situation behind, and went back to Bad End.
~Hanging out With Them as Friends~
(This is after they found out you’re a villain)
“Oh look, it’s (last name)!” Miyuki pointed out to her friends. She then waved both her arms while calling your name, all to get your attention.
It didn’t take long at all for you to notice. You happily waved back, and jogged over to them. “Hey guys!” You greeted, to which they all responded with their own greetings.
“We’re gonna go get some ice cream! Wanna come?” Miyuki offered.
“Well, I was supposed to fight you guys today and collect some negative energy… but getting ice cream sounds way more fun!”
“Thank goodness. I really didn’t wanna have to deal with anything Pretty Cure related today.” Nao let out a sigh of relief.
You just laughed, and followed them to your destination.
After a bit of a walk, you all arrived at the ice cream shop. It was small and cute. The interior decor was completely in pastel colors, giving off a sweet, gentle atmosphere.
“What flavor are you guys gonna get?” You asked.
“I think I’m gonna get mango.” Akane said after browsing the menu for a moment.
“I like lemon.” Yayoi said.
“I think the pistachio looks good!” Nao added.
“I’m gonna get strawberry! Pink is my favorite color, after all!” Miyuki said.
“I think I would enjoy blueberry the best.” Reika stated.
“What about you, (name)?” Nao asked.
“Hmm.” You skimmed through the menu. “I’ll get (favorite flavor)!”
Everyone ordered their ice cream, and sat on the tables outside. The umbrellas above them provided a nice, cool shade.
You all enjoyed your sweet treats, all while talking about miscellaneous things. Occasionally, Miyuki would get a brain freeze from eating her ice cream too fast, which everyone laughed at. It wasn’t as funny when Yayoi nearly cried from getting one herself though. After that, Reika monitored everyone to make sure they ate at a reasonable pace.
Akane would always try to sneak a spoonful of someone’s ice cream while they weren’t looking. But you allowed her to a bite of yours, no thievery needed. She eventually stopped once she took a bit of Nao’s though, as she found out that she thought pistachio flavored ice cream was disgusting.
It was nice that even though you’re from completely opposite sides of the battlefield, you can still be friends with the Pretty Cure! It’s always fun hanging out with them. So fun, that you don’t care about being scolded for not doing your job when getting back to Bad End!
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mysouleaten · 8 months
THIEF !! [part one]
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PLATONIC! pet shop owners! baji, chifuyu and kazutora x teen!reader
summary... [name] has been stealing from a pet shop to feed strays around her home for a while and the pet shop owners are curious about who could be stealing pet food… that only costs one-thousand yen… [name] thinks it's expensive! :( but baji says otherwise!!
warnings... fluff, lots of curing from baji, baji is about to burst a vein
a.n... shouldn't I be finishing my other stories instead of writing more? yes. am I going to? nope.
[part one] [part two] [part three] ...
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the pet food thief strikes again..
this time stealing dog food and a couple of toys. baji stared at the half-empty shelf of dog food with a scowl
"fucking asshole! they stole again!" baji yelled, smoke practically coming from the top of his head
this has been going on for a year, five months, and two weeks--kazutora has been keeping track--chifuyu walks up to the hot-headed baji with a box of cat food that might get stolen later in a couple of days
"Im not sure how they're getting past the cameras," he says to baji
baji turns to look at chifuyu "we need to start walking around the shop while there are customers here! or that thief we keep stealing!"
"dunno how that's gonna help," kazutora said, wiping his hands on his apron
"then what do you propose? better not be that's stupid trap again.." baji said and kazutora's cheeks heated up in embarrassment
"I-I was just-I thought-.." kazutora stuttered in embarrassment and chifuyu patted his back with false reassurement
a couple of months ago kazutora set up a trap for the thief butttt.. it didn't work
he placed pretty expensive pet food up against the window of the pet shop and a camera near the bag and waited at the counter for the thief to show up
but a couple of older women came in, in need of help, and of course, kazutora had helped them and in the process, he forgot about the expensive pet food that was getting stolen
when he came back to the counter he didn't notice the pet food was missing and the camera too, until chifuyu asked about it and then it hit kazutora that the pet food was missing now
this got him a long talk from baji who was fuming..
"I didn't think they would also steal the camera..." kazutora scratched the back of his head sheepishly
chifuyu gave a small shake of his head and baji clicked his tongue
"who would steal pet food that's not even expensive!!" baji hissed out again
"one-thousand yen is the cheapest pet food anyone can get!" baji turned around and marched away from the half-empty shelf with annoyance
the two others followed him "maybe they're a broke college student?" chifuyu said
"college students are broke but not that broke! plus the nearest college is- what like twenty minutes away? no one would bother!" baji said, he had a light frown when he sat down on the chair behind the counter
"I'll keep watch, you two don't know how to catch a thief," baji said and the other two gave him looks but didn't say much else
"ok well don't strange the thief alright? we gotta at least ask questions before making them into cat food" chifuyu chuckles and kazutora gives a small laugh
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baji looked at the door with intensity
he was ready to beat the information out of this thief! but now that he was sitting--hunched over with his elbow on the counter and soft music playing--he wondered why they were stealing non-expensive pet food
maybe they were doing a good deed with the pet food? like feeding the strays? but he was already doing that around their area! them having bowls out in front of their pet store and in an alleyway next to the shop
so why would they be stealing? he thought back to chifuyu's words
'college student'
he huffs, that could be right maybe they didn't have enough money to pay for the pet food for their own pet, but why get a pet if you can't even have the money to take care of the said pet
it made him mad just thinking of the poor animal that could be starving because of that bastard...
he leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling above
' ding dingg '
baji straightened his back to look at the person who entered through the door into the pet shop
"oh ryusei" baji said
"heeyy baji" ryusei smiled, he walked over to the counter "how's it goin'? caught your thief yet?"
baji shook his head and ryusei gave a small laugh "having a tough time?"
chifuyu and kazutora both came to the front counter to butt into the conversation that baji and ryusei were having together
but they didn't notice that the thief-- whom the pet shop owners had been hunting-- just entered the shop with other customers to cover them and their thievery
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"HOW- WHAT- FUCK!?" baji yelled from the back of the shop
"did they get in again!?" chifuyu yelled from the front counter
"fuck yes they did!!" baji yelled back
"huh, who got in?" takemichi asked, "we have a thief, whoever they are has been stealing from here for the last year" chifuyu answered
ryusei giggled from his seat behind the counter "wow I thought I would have noticed them"
some of the past toman members came into the pet shop to talk to the three owners and it seems the thief took advantage of that
"they must have taken advantage of the rush hour you guys were having and the fact we were all talking after as well," kisaki said as he fixed his glasses and hanma chuckled
"sneaky bastard huh?" hanma said
"how long has this been happening?" mikey asked, he was standing next to draken and mitsuya
"one year, five months, and two weeks," kazutora said, everyone looked at him with raised brows
"oh..ah I have been counting for fun," he said and some chuckled at his statement
"oh well, would you look at that!" baji yelled from the back again
baji then came back to the front with a small sticky note in his hand
"huh whats that?" chifuyu asked, "that bastard left us a note!" baji hissed
he showed it to chifuyu, then he passed it around to the others and they all chuckled at the note and some even laughed!
your shit is very expensive >:(
- your local pet shop thief
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baileypie-writes · 25 days
~The Smile Pretty Cure With a Sunshine Villain Friend~
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Fandom: Smile Precure!
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral, a villain
Relationship: Platonic
Characters Included: Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy, Akane Hino/Cure Sunny, Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace, Nao Midorikawa/Cure March, Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty
Genre: Minor angst?
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of Akane and Nao being cold towards Reader, possibly OOC Nao
Requested By: @kaymerx
~Smile Precure! Masterlist~
Guide: Each character’s dialogue is their signature color(because there’s no yellow, Akane’s is red, and Yayoi’s is orange), and Reader’s dialogue is uncolored.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy~
~ Miyuki is completely stunned when she found out you were a villain. How could someone as sweet and happy as you be evil? It just didn’t make any sense to her.
“You’re from Bad End? Really?”
“Yup. I’m working to revive Pierrot.”
“But… how? You’re so nice!”
~ Despite the two of you being on opposite sides, she still continues to be your friend. When it’s not something Pretty Cure related, why should she care who you work for? She honestly forgets you’re fighting for Pierrot most of the time.
“Miyuki, stop hanging out with (last name)!”
“Huh? Why?”
“What do you mean ‘why’? They’re a bad guy!”
“Oh yeah! I completely forgot!”
~ Miyuki always sees the good in you. This isn’t hard for her, because she truly believes you’re already mostly good. You just need some convincing! And then hopefully, you’ll switch to the good side!
“Don’t you think we try to get (name) to turn good?”
“But they’re already good!”
“No, I mean get them to switch sides.”
“Oh! Yeah! I don’t think it’ll be too hard. They’re already so nice!”
~ Cure Happy really gives up to her name whenever you help them out in battle. She knew you weren’t all bad! This just proves to her that you can be redeemed. You go out of your way to help the people you care about, as well as the innocent. That’s definitely good guy material!
“What are you doing, Akanbe? We don’t hurt the bystanders!”
“Awww! You’re so kind!”
“Not really, I just have common sense. Those people’s only purpose is giving negative energy. Why hurt them further?”
“That’s still nice! Kind of!”
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~Akane Hino/Cure Sunny~
~ Akane was very disappointed when she found out you were from Bad End. She thought you were so cool! But it didn’t matter to her what she thought. You’re a villain, so she had to treat you like one.
“(last name)? The nice one? From Bad End? You’ve gotta be pullin’ my leg!”
“I’m afraid I’m not, Akane.”
“Wow. I guess everyone has their secrets. Well, guess I won’t be gettin’ too close to them.”
~ She tried avoiding you as much as possible. It hurt, but she felt as if she had to. She couldn’t let herself be friends with you. People would give her weird looks for this. How could anyone ignore someone as sweet as you? But in the end, she cares about you, so her attempts didn’t work; she still ended up hanging out with you.
“Hey, Akane!”
“It’s ‘Hino’. We’re not on first name bases yet.”
Akane’s teammate: “Wow, Akane! Rude much?”
“What? It’s true.”
~ From then on, she began doing what Miyuki does. Unless it’s something Pretty Cure related, she just treats you like any other friend. It was much easier than she thought. After all, she never would’ve guessed you were a villain in the first place.
“What’s this?”
“Okonomiyaki. My family makes it at our restaurant.”
“Ooh! It looks so good!”
“You bet it is. But it’s just for you. So don’t let those other Bad End people have any, okay?”
“Okay! Thanks Akane!”
~ Cure Sunny gets very cocky when you help her and the others out in battles. You’ll always get at least one little tease from her about you being good after all. It’s worse when you help her out specifically.
“Oh, what’s this? So you’re finally switching sides, huh?”
“No. I just don’t want my friends getting hurt.”
“Yeah, that’s definitely not something a villain would say.”
“Well then I guess I’m a special villain!”
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~Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace~
~ Yayoi was very dejected when she found out about you. You really left a good impression on her when she first met you. You’re so kind, it was just unbelievable to her. She felt lucky that she’s shy, so she didn’t get too close to you before finding out.
“What? (last name)’s from Bad End? There’s no way… they’re so nice to me…”
“I’m sorry Yayoi. But I’m afraid it’s true.”
“Man… that sucks.”
~ Even though she knew you’re technically bad, she couldn’t help but talk to you. You compliment her drawings all the time, what was she supposed to do? Not thank you? She found herself becoming friends with you against her will. But it’s not like she tried too hard to stop it.
“Wow, Yayoi! You’re such a talented artist! You could totally be a mangaka!”
(Mangaka: A manga artist)
“Really? I don’t think they’re that good…”
“Don’t say that! You’re the best artist I know!”
~ Just like Miyuki, she doesn’t bring Pretty Cure business into unrelated things. She tries her best to stick up for you when someone brings up your status as a villain. She just hates unnecessary conflict.
“Yayoi, why do you still hang out with (last name)?”
“Because they’re a good friend.”
“Do ‘good friends’ wanna bring the world a bad ending?”
“Please, Nao! Leave that out of this! We’re not Pretty Cure right now!”
“Please don’t cry Yayoi…”
~ It always brings Cure Peace joy when you help out. Whether it be protecting them or the innocent, it truly makes her believe in you as a friend. No one who’s actually bad would care about those things.
“Look at them! Protecting the opposite side like that, they’re so cool!”
“I think they’re just in denial.”
“Whatever. It’s still awesome!”
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~Nao Midorikawa/Cure March~
~ Nao was definitely mad when she discovered you were a villain. She felt betrayed. You acted so nice towards her and everyone else. Was it all just an act? She was even more upset when she realized it wasn’t. Why would you act so kind when you a part of a group who wasn’t?
“Can you drop the act?”
“What act?”
“Your whole ‘happy sunshine’ act.”
“It’s not an act though.”
“C’mon, it has to be. There’s no way someone like you can be so sweet.”
~ She tried her very best to avoid you, and to get the others to do the same. She got very annoyed when they became best buds with you. But it was only a matter of time before your caring nature pulled her in as well.
“Want some of my lunch, Midorikawa? I’m not very hungry.”
“Sure. Thanks, (name).”
*gasp* “You called me by my first name!”
“Oh. I guess I did.”
“So does that mean I can call you by yours?”
“I guess so.”
~ She decided that since she couldn’t avoid a friendship with you, she would try converting you to the Pretty Cure’s side. And boy, does she try her hardest. Any good deed you do, she mentions how nice it must feel. It’s a small encouragement to leave your title as a villain behind.
“Sorry, my siblings can be a bit much.”
“It’s no problem! They’re fun to be with!”
“Yeah. It’s too bad you’re gonna bring the world to a bad ending though. If you don’t, you can play with them as much as you want.”
~ Cure March only gets worse when you defend others during battles. She goes on and on about his you’d make a great hero, and how you’re kind of wasting your potential. Being as nice as you are, you don’t fight. But to her, that means she’s getting to you.
“You’ve got such quick reflexes! That’s a good trait to have as a Pretty Cure!”
“But I’m not a Pretty Cure.”
“But you could be!”
“Oh March…”
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~Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty~
~ Reika was the first one to find out about your “occupation”. Naturally, she’s also the one who told everyone. She lets everyone do what they like about the situation, as long as they’re able to fight you when the time comes. For her personally, she avoided you as much as possible, but still didn’t act cold towards you.
“I know that you’re a member of Bad End, (last name).”
“I have you know that I will have to tell the others.”
“Yeah… I guess that’s fair.”
~ When she did end up becoming friends with you, she couldn’t help but feel a tad guilty. But she figured that as long as she’s not helping you, it should be okay. However, she still lets you know that she wouldn’t hesitate to fight you.
“You don’t have plans to steal negative energy today, do you?”
“No, not today. I did it last time.”
“Okay. Just know that I’m always ready.”
~ She agrees with Nao about trying to get you to the good side. But she’s much less pushy about it. She simply asks you about it once in a while, asking if you’re sure about the side you’re on. Once you’ve stated your answer, she’ll leave you alone for a while.
“Are you sure about your current position, (name)?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I’m sorry, Reika, but this is the path I’ve chosen.”
“I see.”
~ Whenever you help the Pretty Cure out, Cure Beauty seizes the opportunity to fight alongside you. She sees it as a sneaky way to hopefully get you to inch closer to being good. And she always makes sure to thank you afterwards. Of course, she’s being sincere, but she’s also trying to give you an extra nudge.
“Thank you so much for your help, (name).”
“It was nothing. I just don’t want my friends to be destroyed.”
“Yes. That’s a good thing.”
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baileypie-writes · 1 month
How about the Smile Cures with a teammate who comes from a long line of yokai hunters? They are mostly quiet and reserved, but whenever the supernatural is brought up, they are talking a mile a minute and are eager to investigate any strange occurrence (they are absolutely in their element in the haunted school episode). Also, as a running gag, they often stick charms to other people’s foreheads (protection ones for their friends and banishment ones for people that annoy them). In addition, their element is the moon and they use a lot of shields in battle.
A/N ~ Sure! I love this character idea! Hope you enjoy!
~The Smile Pretty Cure With a Yokai Hunter Teammate~
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Fandom: Smile Precure!
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral, a Pretty Cure, themed after the moon, has shield powers
Relationship: Platonic
Characters Included: Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy, Akane Hino/Cure Sunny, Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace, Nao Midorikawa/Cure March, Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of yokai/ghosts/supernaturals
~Smile Precure! Masterlist~
Guide: Each character’s dialogue is their signature color(because there’s no yellow, Akane’s is red, and Yayoi’s is orange), and Reader’s dialogue is uncolored.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy~
~ Miyuki initially believed that your interest in the supernatural was just that; an interest. So when she was informed that you came from a long line of yokai hunters, and are practically one yourself, she became frightened of the idea of the supernatural being real.
“Do you always carry those charms with you (name)? How many do you have?”
“Yeah, I do. And I pretty much have an endless supply. My family always makes sure we never run out.”
“Oh? Is your family really superstitious?”
“Do you not know? My family comes from a long line of yokai hunters.”
~ While she was always frightened of your stories, her fear was multiplied by many times after finding out about your family. It doesn’t help that she accidentally ends up listening to every one, and scares herself even more.
“Hey guys, last night I encountered a betobetosan!”
“What’s that?”
“It’s a yokai! Basically, if you hear footsteps behind you, but no one’s there, it might be betobetosan!”
“Scary! Are you okay?”
“Oh yeah, they’re harmless. I just stepped aside, and told it to go ahead. It left after that.”
“That’s still terrifying!”
~ Any time you stick a charm onto her, her nerves are shot, and she asks if there’s some sort of entity nearby. Even if the answer is no, she doesn’t dare remove it. She’d rather be safe than sorry! Even if she looks ridiculous.
“Uh, Miyuki. Why’s there a charm on your forehead?”
“(name) put it there.”
“Are you gonna remove it?”
“Nope! I just wanna be safe!”
~ Whether intentionally or not, she almost always ends up accompanying you on your little ghost hunts. The whole time, she’s clinging to the nearest person as if the ghosts will take her if she doesn’t.
“Miyuki, let go. You’re choking me.”
“I don’t wanna!”
“Can’t you just hold onto my arm instead?”
“I’m not moving! I’m too scared!”
~ As a Pretty Cure, you kind of give Cure Happy the spooks. With your overall theme being the moon, it gives you a dark and mysterious vibe. It reminds her of the villains in her fairytale books. And with the knowledge of your family, that just adds to the creepy feeling.
“Happy! Watch out!”
“Whew! Thanks for the shield, (cure name), I- AAAH!”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Your face… it was covered in shadow… it scared me!”
“It’s not funny!”
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~Akane Hino/Cure Sunny~
~ Akane doesn’t believe in ghosts, so she never believed any of your stories. Even after finding out about your family, while she knew they’re yokai hunters, she still didn’t think they were real. But she didn’t express her opinion too much, as to not disrespect you.
“So… you said you came from a long line of yokai hunters. Exactly how long is it?”
“Over a hundred years.”
“Wow. They must be really into the supernatural then.”
“We’re not just into it. It’s our life.”
~ Your stories do entertain her quite a bit. Especially when Miyuki and Nao get scared. But they’re never more than just fiction to her. So she doesn’t come with you to investigate supernatural stuff often, as she sees it as a waste of time.
“So, when you knock at the door, you call out to Hanako-san.”
“Ah, stop! I don’t wanna hear any more!”
“Oh, calm down Nao. It’s just a story.”
“Oh no, it’s totally real.”
~ Although, on rare occasions, she needs some entertainment. So she goes with you. She’s mostly in it for Miyuki and Nao’s screams, if they even come along. Obviously though, she doesn’t expect anything to happen. Even if something does, she always uses logic to “debunk” the so-called supernatural occurrences.
“Did you see that? The light flickered!”
“That light bulb’s needed replacing for a while, (name).”
~ When it comes to your charms, Akane appreciates the sentiment, but she just views them as a simple piece of paper. So when you’re not looking, she throws it away. She does get a good laugh out of seeing others get freaked out over them though.
“Where’d your charm go, Akane?”
“Oh, I’m not really into this kind of stuff. I was gonna throw it away, but you can have it if you want.”
“Yes please!”
~ For your Pretty Cure form, Cure Sunny thinks your shields are really useful! She’s always more into doing the damage, so it’s important to have someone on defense. And while she’d never admit it, she thinks your Cure form is cooler than hers.
“Ack! Hey, watch where you’re throwing that fire!”
“It’s fine! You have your barriers!”
“Yes, but I need time to put one up! If you don’t warn me, you could burn me to a crisp!”
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~Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace~
~ Yayoi loves spooky stories and urban legends! She was always happy that you shared her interest, so imagine how ecstatic she was when she found out that your family are actual, genuine yokai hunters! She was so excited, asking so many questions. And you were happy to answer all of them.
“Your family is so cool!”
“Yeah, I know. We’re professionals, so if you ever think you’re being haunted, give us a call.”
“Eee! I will!”
~ Whenever you get super passionate about the supernatural, she’s always listening! She wants to hear all of your opinions, thoughts, everything! She truly believes every word you say. How could she not? I mean, you’re the yokai hunter! You know what you’re talking about!
“That’s so scary! I’m definitely never walking home alone at night now!”
“Don’t tell me you actually believe that story.”
“Of course I do! (name)’s from the (last name) family! They know all about this stuff!”
~ Her faith in you and the creepy is never swayed, even when Akane claims that ghosts aren’t real. She knows that you’d never lie, especially with the long line of other yokai hunters that have come before you. She never even listens to any words from non-believers. They all seem to go in one ear, and come out the other.
“I’ve been calling you! Don’t you hear me?”
“Oh, sorry! I was just watching (name) make a charm! It’s so cool!”
~ Any time you go ghost hunting, she always begs to accompany you. It’s been a bit of a dream of hers to experience a ghost sighting first hand, and you’re the best shot she has! She sees you as an expert, so if you think you saw something, she believes you.
“I got my camera ready!”
“Good. But remember, ghosts are sneaky. So they might not appear in photos.”
“I know. But I still wanna try!”
~ When in battle, Cure Peace tends to hide behind you when things get scary. You’re the one with the protection, after all! You remind her of the cool heroes in her manga, and that makes her look up to you. So if you ever happen to save her with a barrier, she’ll forever be in your debt.
“Here, I’ll carry your bag for you!”
“Oh, that’s okay.”
“Please let me! It’s the least I could do after you saved me that one time!”
“That was two weeks ago…”
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~Nao Midorikawa/Cure March~
~ Nao hates ghost stories. They’ve always freaked her out. It was bad enough when you’d always have a spooky story to tell, but when she was told that your family are yokai hunters, she made a vow to herself to never go over to your house.
“Hey Nao! I got this new video game! Do you wanna come over to my house and play it with me?”
“Oh, um…. sorry, but I have… plans.”
“Oh, that’s okay.”
“See ya later!”
~ Whenever you’re in storyteller mode, she immediately covers her ears, not wanting to traumatize herself. In these situations, ignorance is bliss for her. She’s already a busy girl. So she doesn’t need any scary stories to get in her head, and possibly distract her.
“So then, the lady in the mask will ask you ‘Do you think I’m beautiful?’”
“Aah! Stop! I don’t wanna hear it!”
“C’mon Nao. I haven’t even gotten to the scary part yet!”
“I know! That’s why I don’t wanna hear any more!”
~ You can count her out on every ghost hunt or investigation of any kind. There’s nothing you could bribe her with to make her go. Whether yokai and ghosts are real or not, she doesn’t know. But she does not want to find out.
“What are you guys doing?”
“We’re getting ready to investigate some strange activity on the third floor of the school. I think it’s a ghost. Wanna come?”
“No! Ahem, I mean, no. I’m busy. Sorry!”
~ Your tendency to slap charms on people makes her uneasy. Especially when you don’t give any explanation as to why. Protection or not, it makes her uncomfortable. Whenever you put one on her, she always takes it off. She wants no part in this spooky stuff!
“What’s this for?”
“From what?”
“Gotta go!”
“Wait! Please explain! You’re freaking me out!”
~ When it comes to Pretty Cure stuff, she can usually set your difference in… hobbies aside. You’re working as a team to protect others, so that’s all that matters. Out of everyone’s powers on the team, yours is definitely her favorite. Your ability to shield whatever and whoever brings her less worry. She knows that if anything goes wrong, you’ll have everyone’s backs!
“Uh oh! My March Shoot bounced back! Look out!”
“I got it!”
“Whew, thanks (cure name)!”
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~Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty~
~ Being the student councils president, Reika knows the backgrounds of pretty much every student at school. So that, of course, includes you. She was the first to know about your family, and was the one who told everyone. She didn’t mention it unless it was important though, which left some knowing much later than others.
“Wait, so (name)’s family are yokai hunters?”
“Yes. The (last name) family has been for many, many years. So there’s quite a long line of them.”
“And why am I just now hearing about this?”
“The topic hadn’t come up before.”
~ Since you come from a long line of yokai hunters, she’s always respectful of you when the topic of the supernatural comes up. She may not believe in ghosts or yokai, but she won’t voice her opinion, as to not offend you. She tries her best to get others to do the same, specially Akane.
“You don’t actually believe all this stuff, do you?”
“What I believe doesn’t matter. I won’t disrespect (name) and their family.”
“I guess that makes sense.”
~ While she may not believe in ghosts, she accompanies you on your hunts whenever she has the time. It’s still entertaining for her, and she always takes any opportunity to spend time with her friends that she can. Though, she does have to stop herself from backing up strange occurrences with science. Again, she doesn’t want to disrespect you.
“Burr, it’s chilly in here!”
“That could mean there’s a ghost!”
“Well, the window is open- I mean, yes, maybe.”
~ She never rejects any of the charms you give her. She appreciates the thought, and knows it can put you at ease if you know she’s being protected. So she always sticks them on her bag, and takes them home at the end of the day. She even saves all of them.
Student body vice president: “What’s that on your bag, Reika?”
“Oh, it’s a protection charm.”
“I didn’t know you believed in those.”
“Well, I don’t really. But (name) gave it to me.”
~ Cure Beauty is really good at making strategies. And in them, your shields are always an important part. She likes as little risk as possible, so having protection definitely makes her more confident in her plans.
“That special attack would not have worked without your shield. It must’ve been tiring to make such a big one. Thank you, (cure name).”
“It’s no problem! I’m just happy to help!”
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