#curb season 9
thepromptfoundry · 3 months
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For July 2024 we're keeping the party going here at the Prompt foundry, celebrating diversity, solidarity, and triumphs won in the fight for rights as we roll right from Queer Pride in June to Disability Pride in July with Pride 2 Disability Boogaloo!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events! Use your OCs, your favorite characters from media, your own experiences, whatever tickles your fancy.
Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 We’ve always been here 2 Growing up disabled 3 Mobility aides 4 Curb-cut effect 5 Memory loss 6 Dignity 7 Limb difference 8 Sensory sensitivity 9 Autonomy 10 Invisible disability 11 Family 12 Nonverbal 13 Communication 14 Deaf or Hard of Hearing 15 Support 16 Technology 17 Pain 18 Rest 19 Facial difference 20 Space for us 21 Neurological disability 22 Neurodiversity 23 Becoming disabled 24 Allergy 25 Chronic condition 26 Genetics 27 Skin difference 28 Maintenance 29 Respecting limits 30 Solidarity 31 A future for us
Have fun!
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mariocki · 2 years
Arthur: I don't really want you dating her.
Norman: Well you know what? I know where she works. I'll call her anyway.
Arthur: She wouldn't go out with you.
Norman: Why not?
Arthur: Because you have no game. You're clumsy and awkward and inappropriate. You couldn't make a move if your life depended on it. Your dream date is a woman breaking into your house and sitting on your penis!
Norman: Who wouldn't want that?
Larry David, Fish in the Dark (2015)
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sexhaver · 4 months
Boston driving tips:
if you're making an unprotected left at a stoplight and are the first one in line when the light turns green, your job is to gun it and make that left turn before any oncoming traffic has an opportunity to move. otherwise you will sit there throughout that entire fucking light, forcing everyone behind you who wants to go straight to merge to the right (which of course gums up both lanes), until it turns red again and you awkwardly finish up your turn while the entire intersection glares daggers at you. if you pull this shit on a one-lane road, then congratulations, you made it so you were the only one to make it through on that light cycle, and the drivers behind you are not only allowed but actively encouraged to pit manuever you off the road if they can catch up.
for optimal performance, you should be looking at the signal for the cross street + the walk signal. once you see the cross signal turn red, hold down your brake with your left foot to free up your right foot to hover over the gas pedal. that way, when your light turns green, you can simultaneously lift your left foot while dropping your right to instantly start moving. this maneuver has many names depending on where you learn it. i learned it as the "Worcester left" but ive also heard it referred to as a "Lexington left".
if you're in the left lane and one person passes you on your right, there's a 50/50 shot on which one of you is the asshole (you for driving too slow in the passing lane, or the passer for being a speed demon)
if two people pass you on your right, you are the asshole and need to merge right at the soonest opportunity to avoid further embarrassment
if THREE (or, god forbid, more) people pass you on your right, pull over to the nearest breakdown lane at your earliest convenience and commit seppuku with a tire iron
become intimately familiar with the exact size of your car and how close you can get to stuff without hitting it. this proprioception is helpful when parallel parking but is mostly for those times when someone is trying to turn left from a single-lane road, and they pull off as far to the left as they can without going into oncoming traffic to let people around them, and then the person behind them spends a few seconds trying to fit their 6-foot-wide car through a 9-foot-wide gap before concluding that this maneuver is sadly impossible. don't be that fucking guy
learn how to parallel park. yes i know it's stereotypically scary but there is a method you can learn and it will save your ass so many times. just line up your car's side mirror with the side mirror of the car in front of the spot you want, cut the wheel all the way towards the curb, move for a bit, stop, cut the wheel all the way the other way, resume, wham bam thank you ma'am
you can ignore like 80% of all "no parking" signs because they all say NO PARKING in huge bold letters and then under that in 8pt font they add "every second Tuesday of every month during lobster season on odd sides of the street only from 7-9pm". or it's "reserved" parking for an event that already happened or hasn't happened yet (they put the effective dates right there on the sign)
turning right on red is technically legal at a state level in MA, but most intersections in Boston will have a cheeky little "no turn on red" sign hidden somewhere as a fun Eye-Spy-type game for kids to play on road trips. if you don't see one of these signs, it's a coinflip whether you just missed it or if you can actually turn right
are you moving into Boston for college? you should definitely rent a moving van for your stuff and then follow your GPS directions that take you down Storrow Drive. nothing bad has ever happened to moving vans on Storrow Drive
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cheriladycl01 · 10 months
Better than me - Charles Leclerc x Reader Part 2
Plot: You are a rookie in your first f1 season, adding to the ever-growing amount of Brits performing in the grid.
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“Radio check” Dan says to you.
“Loud and clear” you voice back, you pull out of the pits behind Alex, pulling into the P11 grid spot.
“Immediately go for the attack when those lights go, try get past Alonso” you hear him again. You stay silent trying to quiet the worries going around your mind, just have it blank, only driving.
You wait and the minute those 5 red lights go out, you put you foot down.
"And we've had an amazing start for Audi in their first race at Sakhir, Albon has managed to overtake the Ferrari of Carlo Sainz and is now closing in on Perez, while his teammate Y/L/N a little further down the grid starting in P11 not only has she taken over Alonso in the Aston Martin but she's pulled past Piastri as he slows down into turn one. I have to say if she is amazing at one other thing, other than her driving its got to be her ability to learn from her mistakes quickly" the commentator says.
"Leclerc is still leading, you've got Norris ahead, 1.9second gap. You will catch him in Sector 2 if you keep at this speed" your engineer admits to you. You take that as a sign to speed up along the straight and go break later into turn four. In a breeze you pass the next three turns, your tires warming up from the motion.
"Your closing that gap with Norris, outside on the hairpin turn and push" your engineer advises.
"Y/L/N is closing that gap on Lando Norris and he can feel the pressure as she is chasing after him, relentlessly round turns 5,6 and 7. She's going for the outer overtake on the hairpin turn and does she get it? OH so close, Lando sped up at the last minute making her back off to avoid their wheels clipping. Her pace into faltering however and its inevitable she will catch him on the straight in Sector 2, if she goes into turn 10 the same we she annihilated turn 8" the commentator says, watching you from his box.
"Okay, you can overtake on the straight, then keep holding him off. Don't think about George for now"
"Copy that" you say, as you come out of the hairpin turn, Lando clipped the curb, his car spinning a little from the lack of control giving you the advantage to overtake on the outside of the turn and full throttle it down the straight in sector 2.
"Yellow flag, Verstappen and Alex have crashed, i repeat Yellow Flag Alex and Verstappen have crashed. Reports of debris along turn 14" Dan says.
"Are they both okay?" you ask, slowing your speed, seeing George ahead of you. You come up down the straight seeing the Red Bull and Audi spun off at turn 14.
"Both drivers are okay, looking at whose fault it was now. Yellow flag is down and Russel is 2 seconds ahead. You are currently P6"
After 29 laps, you needed to pit. Lando, Leclerc, Piastri and Alonso had already pitted so you came out behind Lando and Alonso. You were practically on his tail as you'd come out of the pits and managed to overtake him.
"Amazing you are currently P7"
"Thanks for the quick pit stop. Need to get these tires warm before i can catch Lando" you advise.
"Lando is currently P5, its George ahead of you now, 2 seconds"
"Copy" you say.
You pit once more, you had heard that there had been some tension up ahead with Leclerc and Hamilton, meaning Leclerc was now P2 and the Mercedes was now leading. You were now on laps 54 out of 57.
You closed in on George getting up to P6, however that didn't last for long as he re-overtook you, on turn 8. However again at turn 9, you made a risky move that ended up making you prevail.
"And what is this we are seeing here? Russell and Y/L/N are dancing around each other from the track. This is an amazing show of not only her level of driving as George has been here for 6 seasons now and is the more experienced driver, but it also shows how well the Audi is competing against cars like the Mercedes. What's this we are coming up to sector 3 and Y/N has just floored it on the straight! Can she catch up to Norris in the last two laps AND hold of Russell behind her. She created a significant gap between her and Russell but he's being told to push by his engineer"
Russell Radio Engineer: She's just ahead of you, 1.6 second gap and she's picking up the pace. You're going to have to pick it up George George: Yeah I'm trying mate but she's fucking quick.
"Oh, and up ahead Charles Leclerc has pulled up beside Hamilton and they are fighting for the pole position, both are on a podium but who will be in first place... AND ITS CHARLES LECLERC WINNER OF THE BAHRAIN GRAN PRIX 2026. Lewis Hamilton only points of a second behind him, comes in 2nd, and Sainz having snuck up on Perez in that 52nd lap and was able to take home a double podium finish for Ferrari. Perez in 4th, Lando Norris in 5th and an amazing start to her debut into F1 having started at P11 now in P6 we have Audi's only finish of today Y/N"
"Phenomenal driving today Y/N that P6 i repeat that's P6" Dan lets you know over the radio,
You pull up, jumping out the car and immediately are greeted by your team, you take the wheel out handing it to Dan before your team all pull you into a hug, jumping up and down with you. You can feel the camera crew with you filming the moment. You take your helmet of, going in for a single hug with Alex who has a proud look on his face.
"You've been asked to go to a post race panel!" Alex exclaims, he takes you over to your PR Manager Vesper, she tells you that where its your first time and it went so well, the questions shouldn't be derogatory.
You watch the podium, seeing Charles, Carlo and Hamilton all up there spraying each other with the champagne. It only then that you realize you'd just completed your first race with some of your idols. Tears well up in your eyes as you watch the three elated men muck around on the podium.
After you head to the conference room, and walked in with the three podium winners, Alex, Max, Lando and George.
"So our next question goes to Y/N" the interviewing from Sky Sports says and you look up pulling the mic closer to you.
"Well i just want to congratulate you and Audi on a great start to your season. But we did see some tears outside with the Podium were you not happy with your result?" he asks and you chuckle a little bit.
"Erm, ah god this is so embarrassing" you laugh, a slight grunt coming from the back of your throat.
"The team and I were both extremely happy with the result, P6 was more than we were hoping for. Erm and as for the tears, arghh how do i even start this" you say glancing to Charles and Lewis who were sat next to you looking at you with concern and worry in there eyes.
"Please don't look at me like that" you laugh looking down.
"Sorry, erm the reason for the tears was because for the first time i was looking up at some of my idols in the sport having been the one just racing with them. And that moment, that moment meant way more to me than the points I gained today" you admit a massive cheesy grin that rivaled Ricciardo's made its way onto your face.
The interviews finished up and you managed to get talking to the member afterwards.
"So, we are your... what was the word you used... idols?" Charles asks looking at you with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Mmmm not you. Lewis has been an idol of mine for as long as i can remember" you admit and he pulls you in for a hug.
"Well, not that you need them, but if you ever want any tips... you know where to find me" Lewis smiles. You all continue to talk for a little bit longer until it's just you and Charles left.
"You did really well today, I recon you might dare i say it be better than me" he admits making you laugh.
"No way. I'm no where near your level of driving" you admit.
"Mmmm no belle maybe not now, but your ahead of where i was in my rookie season" and he was right, your first race and you'd already got Audi, 8 points on the first race of the year.
"We are having a party tonight, would you like to come?" he asks you a smile coming into your face.
"Yeah, I'd love that!"
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tessa-liam · 8 months
Marabelle Series
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Choices – The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2389
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The Awakening, Chapter 9 
Chapter Summary – The Duke of Ramsford, Barthelemy Beaumont returns to House Beaumont. Liam prepares for the polo match charity fundraiser in support of disaster relief in Portavira. Sophie attends classes at the University of Cordonia. King Constantine reveals his illness. 
Music Inspiration: The Crown Prince, Waylon Jennings 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #68, prompt 1 - “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” 
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 Personal Care Home, Vallenheim 
Standing in the waiting room, staring out of the window at the parking lot outside of the personal care home, the gray-haired man appeared aloof and unapproachable to anyone passing by. That was, until he spotted his wife and eldest son step out of the town car. The corners of his mouth upturned as he saw his auburn-haired wife gracefully step onto the curb and walk toward the building. His son, Bertrand, followed behind her, his back straight, his expression stoic. 
As the two approached the door, the man straightened his posture and smoothed his salt and pepper hair. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the reunion he had been anxiously expecting after the years apart. 
The door swung open, and his wife entered, her dark eyes lighting up as they landed on him. "Barthelemy," she breathed, a smile spreading across her face. 
"Bethany," he replied, stepping toward her and taking her hands in his. "It is so good to see you." 
"And you," she said, squeezing his hands in return. 
Their moment was interrupted by their son, who cleared his throat. "Father," he said, inclining his head respectfully. 
"Bertrand," the man replied. "I trust you've been taking proper care of your mother." 
"Of course," Bertrand replied, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise." 
Bethany chuckled. "He's done a fine job, Barthelemy, along with Maxwell," she assured him. "I couldn't have asked for better sons." 
Barthelemy nodded, satisfied. "Good." 
He then turned his attention to the doctor, who had been watching the exchange silently. "Is everything in order, Doctor? I'd like to get home to Cordonia as soon as possible." 
"Yes, Your Grace," the doctor replied, handing him a thick folder. "Here are all the instructions and prescriptions you'll need. The nurse will be along shortly with the medication you need to take during your trip home. Just be sure to follow the dosage schedule carefully." 
"Of course," Barthelemy replied, a hint of irritation in his voice. He loathed being told what to do, even by medical professionals. Unbeknownst to Bethany and Bertrand, he was playing, along with the doctor and nurse, the role of a lifetime: The miraculously awakened coma patient. 
The doctor smiled apologetically. "Forgive me, Your Grace. I just want to make sure you have all the information you need."  
"I understand, Doctor. And I appreciate your thoroughness." 
The nurse entered the room with a wheelchair, which Barthelemy at once objected to. 
"Surely, that's not necessary," he protested. 
"It's just protocol, Your Grace," the nurse explained. "It's clinic policy.” 
"Very well," Barthelemy sighed, reluctantly settling into the chair. 
Bethany and Bertrand flanked him, each taking the handle of the wheelchair. 
"Are you ready, Father?" Bertrand asked. 
"As ready as I'll ever be," Barthelemy replied. 
The Cordonian Royal Polo Club 
"Hey, Liam, I thought I'd find you out here," Drake called out as he approached the stable, his boots crunching on the gravel. 
"Oh, hey Drake," Liam answered. "I didn't think you were coming until later." 
"Yeah, well, I finished my rounds early, and I thought I'd come by and see how you're doing. How was the New Year's Ball?"  
"It was excellent," Liam smiled, his mind flashing back to his romantic interlude with Lady Sophie. "We had a lot of fun." 
"I'll bet you did," Drake smirked, knowing that his 'smitten' best friend personally asked Sophie to attend.  
"It's not like that," Liam protested, though his ears turned slightly pink. 
"Mmm hmm.” 
"It's not ..." Liam started. 
"Whatever you say, Liam." Drake chuckled, shaking his head knowingly. 
"Anyway," Liam said, changing the subject, "I'm just getting started on the polo drills."
"Mind if I watch?" 
"Of course not." 
Drake sat on a bench while Liam mounted his horse. His crisp white polo shirt accentuated his tanned muscular physique with his riding breeches and boots. 
"All right, boy, let’s see what you can do," Liam calmly spoke, gently kicking the horse's flanks. 
The horse took off like a shot, galloping across the field at top speed. 
Liam leaned forward, urging the horse on. 
Drake watched, transfixed, as Liam and the horse moved as one, their bodies in perfect sync. 
"That was impressive! Excellent!" Drake called out, as Liam brought the horse to a halt in front of him. 
"Thanks," Liam replied, breathing heavily. "He's a dependable and efficient steed," giving the horse a pat on the neck. 
Liam dismounted and accepted a bottle of water and towel from an attendant. As Liam and Drake walked toward the clubhouse, the ranch hands steered the thoroughbred back to the barn. 
“That reminds me, Drake. Are you still available to join my polo team for the fund-raising event in Portavira next week?” 
 “Yes, Mel and I are looking forward to kicking noble ass." Drake grinned knowing that Neville was on the opposing team.
"I still need to find one more player since Rashad had to cancel."
“What about Sophie? Melanie tells me she played polo in New York.” 
“She mentioned she studied dressage back in the U.S. and was thrilled to learn that Marabelle was quite proficient. That skill could come in handy for the team.” Liam pondered aloud. 
“Sophie is a skilled rider, and she would be a terrific addition to the team, Li.” 
“I can't wait to see her ride again," Liam responded, smiling,
"Uh huh, I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun," Drake smirked. 
Liam sighed, shaking his head. "Not everything has to be a double entendre, Drake." 
"I know, but it's so much more fun that way," he cheekily responded.
University of Cordonia, Capital 
"I can't believe it's been a week since the New Year's Ball," Sophie exclaimed, taking a bite of her sandwich. "Time seems to be flying by." 
"I know," Maxwell replied, stirring his salad. "I feel like I need to plan the next Beaumont Bash already!" 
Sophie laughed. "Do you ever stop thinking about these events?" 
"Not when there's so much work to do to organize," Maxwell grinned. "But that's what makes me so good at it." 
"You certainly are, but Max, this is your last semester...don't start something you can't finish." 
“I don’t have to worry about my grades; I have already met the requirement to graduate with honors.” 
"I've been thinking," Maxwell said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "about a different theme for the next Beaumont Bash after my graduation." 
"And what theme were you thinking about having?" Sophie asked, knowing exactly what was coming. 
"I'm going to make it a costume ball!" 
"I knew it! That sounds like so much fun," Sophie grinned. 
"It will be, and you'll be celebrating your first-year anniversary as a Cordonian.” 
"Of course, I'll be there.” 
"So, how are things with Liam going?" Maxwell asked, his eyes twinkling. 
"Good," Sophie blushed. "We had a great time at the New Year's Ball." 
"Did you have a good time, or 'a good time'?" Maxwell waggled his eyebrows. 
"Okay, okay. I will not push."
"What did I miss?" Daniel asked, as he grabbed a chair to sit down. 
"Sophie was just telling me about her New Year's kiss with Liam," Maxwell winked. 
"Ooh, do tell." 
"There's nothing to tell," Sophie laughed, her cheeks burning. 
"Come on, Soph, give us all the deets," Daniel prodded. 
"Fine. We kissed. It was amazing." 
"I knew it!" Maxwell exclaimed. 
"So, when's the wedding?" Daniel joked. 
"Shut up," Sophie retorted, laughing. 
"Seriously, I'm happy for you. It's been a long time since I've seen you this happy, Squirrel." 
"Thanks, Daniel." 
"So, how are you doing with your Dad coming back tomorrow, Max?" Daniel inquired. 
"I'm okay. I mean, I am glad he is better. But I do not know if I am ready to face him yet.” 
"It's still so weird to me that you and Sophie are related." 
"Yeah, it's a small world," Maxwell chuckled. 
"No kidding. So, what is the deal with your Dad, anyway? What was he doing all that time?" 
"He was in a coma," Maxwell replied, his voice soft. 
"Oh, shit. I am so sorry, Max." 
"It's okay. It's just..." Maxwell paused, looking uncomfortably at his hands. 
"It's hard to know what to believe, you know? After everything he put us through." 
"I get that. But don't forget, he's still your Dad."
"He was a shit one, though," Maxwell pointed out. 
Sophie put her hand on Daniel’s arm, “Let’s change the conversation, Dan.” 
"It’s all right. I always knew that I would have to deal with it eventually. But right now, I just want to focus on graduating and figuring out my next steps." 
"That sounds like a good plan," Daniel agreed. 
"Yeah. It'll all work out in the end." 
"That's the spirit"  
Daniel slid his binder under his arm, "... see you guys later. Oh, and Max, just remember, you've got this." 
"Thanks, man." 
Maxwell watched his friend leave, feeling grateful for the support. 
"He's right, you know," Sophie began. 
"About what?" Maxwell looked at Sophie 
"You've got this. No matter what happens with your father, you will be okay. You're stronger than you realize." 
Maxwell sighed. "I know you are right. I am also grateful that Mom will be there as a buffer for you." 
Sophie wrapped her arm around him. 
"It will be fine. 
Now, let's get to class before we're late." 
Sophie and Maxwell walked together out of the dining hall to their next classes, feeling bolstered by each other's support. 
Cordonian Royal Palace 
King Constantine sat in his study, staring out the window.   
After hearing the devastating prognosis about his health from his personal physician, he directed his queen to track down and summon Leo as soon as possible. Regina, to her credit, tried to assuage her stepson’s concerns as to Constantine's urgency when she found him in the palace gymnasium.
However, Leo knew that his father would not have requested his presence so suddenly unless the news was dire. 
Constantine stood up as Leo and Regina walked into his office, his posture stiff, his face grim. 
Leo looked at his father and at once sensed the seriousness of the situation. 
"Father, you wanted to see me?" 
"Yes, son," Constantine said, his voice low. "I'm afraid I have received some rather unpleasant news." 
"What is it?" Leo asked, his concern piqued. 
"I've just come from a meeting with the royal doctors, and they've given me a prognosis." 
"Yes," Constantine said, his expression darkening. "They've determined that my health has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer carry out my duties as king." 
Leo's blood ran cold. He knew what was coming next.
"W-what are you saying?" 
"I'm saying that my time as king is over. And yours has begun." 
"What?" Leo swallowed loudly. 
"You're going to be crowned king, Leo. And you will ascend the throne immediately." 
"I have advised the Prime Minister to make the formal announcement tomorrow morning to the country." 
"I have begun preparations for your Royal wedding to Madeleine as well." Regina added. 
"What? No!" Leo shouted. 
"Calm yourself, Leo," Constantine admonished. 
"How can you ask me to calm down?" Leo demanded, his hands shaking. "You're asking me to give up my life, my freedom. My future." 
"As the Crown Prince, you know your duty to your country is paramount. It is what you have been preparing for since birth." 
"No. I won't do it." Shaking his head from this unexpected shock. 
"Don't be so dramatic, Leo," Regina said, her tone exasperated. "This is your birthright.” 
"It's not drama," Leo insisted. "I will not marry Madeleine. I don't love her. And she doesn't love me." 
"Love has nothing to do with it. You are betrothed to her noble house," Constantine stated. "This is about duty and honor." 
"And I won't be bound by either," Leo declared, his eyes blazing. "If I have to marry her, I'll abdicate. You can't make me be king." 
Constantine's jaw clenched, and he stared at Leo with a mixture of anger and disappointment. 
Leo turned and stormed out of the room, leaving his father and stepmother behind him, fuming. 
Constantine sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He'll come around, Regina." 
‘It’s hard to be the crowned prince 
When it all hits home 
You can’t hide behind the wall 
Around the throne’ 
💕Thanks for reading
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@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics
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Alright I’m officially putting my hopes and desires out into the universe before season 8 of 9-1-1 drops.
Here’s my Buddie wishlist:
1. Gerard will strut in and throw some homophobic nonsense at Buck, who’ll go to Tommy for backup. Tommy, however, will shrug and tell him to keep his head down and go with it. Not satisfied, Buck will go to Hen and Chim for advice, only to find out Tommy was basically Gerard’s sidekick during their ‘Welcome to Hell’ phase. While Buck’s still digesting that betrayal, Eddie—bestest friend that he is—will not even hesitate to clock Gerard square in the nose as soon as he catches him giving Buck shit. And that, right there, will be the moment Buck realizes it’s time to kick Tommy to the curb. Thank you for your service in helping Buck step out of the closet Tommy, but your work here is done. Eddie can take it from here.
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2. This absurd bee-nado will leave Buck and Eddie stuck together in the tiniest, most ridiculous closet-sized space imaginable, forced to stay put until the bees move on. Cue awkward shoulder-to-shoulder shuffling, lots of ‘accidental’ touching, and intense, soul-searching eye contact. Buck will try to lighten the mood with bee puns and facts the entire time, but they will inevitably delve into deep and meaningful conversation before they’re finally able to escape the un-bee-lievable amount of sexual tension buzzing around in one very small room. 🐝
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3. Eddie, finally getting a taste of freedom that he’s never really had before, without Chris around, gets a bit… messy. He’s having fun, he’s drinking too much, sleeping too little, and racking up more one-night stands than a sailor on shore leave. One night, while he’s fairly tipsy, a guy hits on him, and Eddie, with the kind of confidence that only comes from tequila, thinks, ‘Why not?’ He gets close to actually hooking up with a dude before panic sets in, and he ends up frantically calling Buck to pick him up. Buck expresses his concern for his behaviour lately and Eddie’s freak out leads him to the hot priest the next day, who helps him work through his catholic guilt and sets him back on a healthier path forward.
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4. There’s a near-kiss. There absolutely HAS to be a near-kiss. The kind where they’re both leaning in, eyes locked, and the universe seems to hold its breath… until, of course, the universe decides to interrupt with something frustratingly annoying —like a phone ringing, or the bell sounding, or… i dunno, a fucking bee! They jerk apart, Buck immediately spirals into panicked guilt mode, convinced he’s just doomed the most important friendship he’s ever had. Meanwhile, Eddie’s freaking out for a completely different reason—because he WANTED it. Now they’re both stumbling over themselves, tripping over awkward apologies, and trying to pretend that almost-kissing your best friend is totally normal behaviour.
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5. The sexual tension finally boils over in the most intense way possible—a SEXY AF, MIND-BLOWINGLY PASSIONATE kiss up against Eddie’s kitchen counter. One minute they’re standing too close, talking too fast, arguing maybe, and the next they’re crashing into each other like it’s the answer to every question they’ve never dared ask. I will accept nothing less than hands on necks and fingers in hair and using hips for closer leverage and DESPERATE, NEEDY MOANING.
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6. They try keep their new relationship a secret for a while. It’s new and fragile and in the very steamy, can’t-keep-their-hands-off-each-other, honeymoon phase and they’re trying desperately to stay in their bubble for a while longer. Which leads to a lot of stolen kisses and glances and smirks and quick-thinking to cover up suspicious moments that the team almost catch them out in - What do you mean reorganising the station storage closet together at 2am is weird?
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7. Chris comes home right when Eddie decides it’s time to tell him. At first, Chris is apprehensive, because let’s face it—his dad’s track record with relationships isn’t exactly winning any awards. And losing Buck? Absolutely not on the table. But they hash it out (Chris asking the hard questions that make them squirm, but ultimately bring them closer together) all three of them vowing they’re in it for the long haul.
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So. Universe. This is me manifesting. Make it happen. kpleasethanksbye
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xecutivecucumber · 6 months
Executive Cucumber's thoughts on the Bad Batch episode 3×08 (spoilers after the cut)
Forgive me if these thoughts are less coherent than usually, I'm pretty freaking tired atm. Thoughts are as much in order as I can manage.
Firstly, this episode was a much needed, lower emotionally charged break from the last...seven episodes of the season. The thing about stories is that they can't be running at warp 9 the entire time. It will burn your audience out. Heck, I'm at a lower energy, transitiatory part of my long fic. So yeah, this episode didn't cause the emotional damage and stress that the last 7 did, but that's a good thing.
Omega has the neurodivergent ✨️leg jiggle✨️
Poor dear needs a hug and for someone to free the Tantiss clones.
Crosshair's face when Omega says 'liberator of ancient wonders' I love him.
Okay, I know that a lot of people are upset about Phee not being more emotional about Tech. I've got a few thoughts on that. My expectations going into the scene with her was that she wasn't going to be mentioning Tech. So when she did, I was really happy. She doesn't need to bring him up in the conversation, but she does.
So let's dive a little deeper into this. There are only two people who have brought up Tech without any prompting so far: Echo and Phee. Omega only mentions him when it's a direct answer to Crosshair's question. Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker have not mentioned him once by name. Now, I think this is because Echo and Phee have both known loss and know better how to handle it. The rest of the Batch hasn't, before Tech. We have watched practically all of Echo's loss, but not Phee's. However, we know that Pabu is a place for refugees, which Phee likely is. She's lost at least a home, if not family and friends. Add on top of that Phee is just in general a world wide person, and I think we can assume that she's someone who's got a more healthy way of processing grief than our emotionally stunted soldiers.
Something that you do with people that you've loved and lost is remember them. That's what I see Phee doing here. She's managed to process her grief in the last 4 months, and she's keeping the memory of someone she cared about alive by mentioning him in conversation.
So yeah. I liked that scene and it warmed my Tech/Phee loving heart.
Oooooh Fennec!!!
I love Crosshair not knowing anything but it also makes me sad.
Hunter: try to get Crosshair to get his hand looked at
Omega: what do you mean 'try'
Thoughts on Crosshair and Omega scenes:
What did my poor boy go through????
Poor man is probably resisting the idea that it's in his head because he already HAD a thing in his head that ruined his life
Omega: you don't like anything
Crosshair: true
Your honor I would die for them. Also I find his 'true' to be a little sad (and adorable)
OMG THEY'RE MEDITATING (and they have somehow stolen YET ANOTHER thing from my fic, this time before I've even gotten past the concept stage)
Omega: you missed a lot
Crosshair: I know
He's thinking of Tech in that moment.
Oh my gosh her hand on his and how he lets her move his hand THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
The Bad Batch says take care of your mental
Thoughts about Space Everglades:
I really loved Wrecker this episode. He really got to shine. He has the most banter with Fennec, he gets to do his demo thing, he freaking curb stomps space alligators, and he's the MVP in getting the bug man. It was really nice. Also, 'YOU HEARD ME!!!!' Let Wrecker go feral.
Bro, I really liked the bar music. I like seeing more of the music that plays in universe.
Wrecker and Hunter are definitely having flashbacks to Cid this entire episode. Except Fennec gives them more intel.
Fennec is a delight as always.
My prediction to who she's selling them out to? Ventress. And I don't think Ventress' intentions are bad.
So yeah, a solid episode! I'm honestly probably going to leave a lot of the star wars subreddits just to avoid everyone and their dog complaining about filler. Which this was NOT.
And as the next episode is called the Harbinger, I feel like this might be one of our last breaths before the plunge and everything goes sideways.
Oh, and in case you forgot. Tech lives ❤️
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
i am just in here to ask for more deleted scenes plz 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
after work in harvey’s apartment donnas stirring martinis in a three piece suit harvey walks out in a silk robe + thigh highs and garter and heels! and takes the drink out of donnas hand sips it and straddles her on the couch
awkward mother’s day brunch of donna, harvey, his mom, and her parents. her parents have been explicitly instructed not to bring up The Thing They Dont Talk About aka the fact harvey and lily didnt speak to each other for 15 years because of his parents’ shitty marriage but obviously it comes up. also they all argue about who will pay the check
donna and harvey are forced to attend a dinner party at louis and sheila’s while in the middle of a fight
something in the early seasons where donna and harvey have a Spa Weekend planned and its all theyre talking about all episode and then for Plot Reasons they cant go so they decide to have facials at the office. scene of mike walking in on them in harveys office in identical bathrobes with cucumbers over their eyes
donna harvey hot yoga scene
something something donna and harvey both have dates with “a cute guy in the building!” and then they realize theyre both dating the same guy. he is frequently referred to as “our boyfriend” and they all go out together and are obviously both insanely jealous of the other person. <- framed as jealous of the guy giving the other one attention but we know its not really about that. he is never seen in the episode.
on the flip side, something in season 1 where theyre both vying for the affections of the same woman . theres an episode of curb your enthusiasm where larry david and rosie o’donnell are both dating the same woman and theyre trying to decide if shes straight or a lesbian. i feel like donna and harvey could do that (the possibility she is bisexual is never mentioned in the episode.)
for donnas birthday (obviously they talk about it first) and invite samantha over for the night as their third. at the beginning she and harvey get into a bit of an argument and donna clears her throat to remind them this is about her actually
oh i have thought about this a lot so like. when they get together yknow they were best friends for over a decade right. and now they’re Together so harvey is trying to switch from gay best friend mode to Boyfriend Mode. and he slips up and their first big fight is because he says something wayyy too bitchy about her shoes.
episode where donna dates a woman named harriet. i dont know what happens i just think it would cause a lot of problems
scene in season 1 after the cameron episode where theyre alone in harvey’s office and harvey’s head in in donnas lap and hes talking about cameron saying “it just brought up a lot of stuff for me yknow.” // and then a scene in season 9 after mike leaves where harvey and donna collapse on his couch and his head is in her lap again and he says mike coming back brought back a lot of memories
maybe not a deleted scene per se but i have this idea in my head of like, the first five minutes of the episode donna and harvey are in like a decontamination shower by the CDC surrounded by guys in hazmat suits and donna is furiously scrubbing her hair telling harvey “if i ever invite you to a bachelorette party again, shoot me”
just like . a scene between harvey and lily that establishes she did All That aka the cheating on his dad thing for attention. and then hes like i cant believe you! you did all that to me just for attention?? and then later in the episode back at the office harvey fakes a panic attack cus no one had talked to him in the last twenty minutes
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angelsinluv · 2 years
there's always so much shit on bloggers who don't post proof just because a bunch of loser ass anons want it to feed into their insecurities on why the fuck they fail.
a teacher can give you a study guide, give you all the answers but its up to YOU to apply what you're given to succeed. you think all these successful big and small businesses, self made models, celebrities, and shit succeeded once and it was all up from there? hell no. i guarantee their career went up and down. their orders sold out then suddenly went stagnant n they were scared for their lives because they quit their 9-5 so they can fully commit, models got casted for one season and 0 the next, businesses get shut down, no one refused to take their offers, fucking da vinci took a break from mona lisa for 14 years because shit got in the way, walt disney had to eat dog food because he was in financial ruins and yall shit cry and throw the fuck up because the 3d shows you the opposite and you REFUSE to persist so you complain on the internet, putting the blame on others INSTEAD OF TRYING AGAIN.
you can cry about how ugly and stupid you feel to a friend and they can hype you up, tell you you're not, give you fashion and makeup tips and make you feel like GOD for the next few days and then what if you feel sad again??? lift yourself up. TAKE THE GUIDANCE AND KEEP GOING you can't keep crying to others and complaining and expect to be babied every single time. this behavior would not pass EVEN outside of the law. you'd get kicked to the curb so fucking fast. with the law, you can get things without doing any physical action yeah but this isn't an excuse to be lazy if you don't want to change self and take a leap of faith.
i will say this again. it doesn't MATTER IF YOU ARE SHOWN PROOF. if someone has a low ass self concept, self esteem, don't have any self love or discipline, they WILL MAKE excuses to debunk the proof. "you were already rich, you're just lucky, it was just a coincidence, it was just a misunderstanding" etcetc it can go on. we are not going to put our privacy at risk for strangers who don't want to put in the effort like we all do.
its un fucking fair to us who are willingly dealing with haters on anon just so we can put out advice BECAUSE WE WANT TO
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ourpickwickclub · 12 days
“Whenever the ML fans daydream about Blake dumping Gwen, I always laugh. So ridiculous. Blake worked super hard to sweep Gwen off her feet. He wanted her so badly and he is not about to leave her. Ever.
Anyway, kind of feel sorry for them. All they have is ML STILL releasing songs about Blake. Yikes. So cringey. It’s been almost a decade and she can’t get past it. And neither can her fans.”
Has this been actively happening right now? Are they literally talking about G currently… like they have for the past nine years!!??
It’s now. MLs latest song is rumored to be about Blake and they have been saying he was about to dump Gwen since season 9, when they continuously posted, as soon as the season wraps, Blake will kick Gwen to the curb. 😂. Oops.
That was about the same time they saying they hoped Gwen fell off the horse Blake bought her, and that it kicked her in the head. Super nice people these BARFs.
- B
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lillysilverus · 1 year
Seeing a lot of discourse about Dean's transgressions against Sam on my dash this morning. I don't think the show shied away from showing us that Dean's acts were bad necessarily but that we didn't really get the satisfaction of Sam's anger being justified. The Amy situation in season 7 of course is a glaring example, and the Gadreel debacle in season 9 where Dean runs off on his "poor me, I'm poison" road trip rather than facing the music for his actions are just two times.
Dean as a character is a hot mess. As much as we're supposed to see that he loves his brother and supposedly has taken care of him since they were children (as we're told by Sam himself numerous times). I really honestly think Dean hates him too. Just like he hated and loved Mary. He can't live without him, but in season 4 when Sam was making questionable choices and he and Bobby were being shown to be in the right by the show, Dean's insecurities and real feelings about Sam come spilling out. Sam didn't love him as much as he loved Sam and was he ever really his brother. The truth is, he's always resented Sam for his strength, independence, smarts and empathy, and now Sam is doing something "bad" so Dean can justify all of that anger as being right. But those qualities are why Dean loves him too. And he spends literally up to the very end of the series pushing the boundaries of Sam's devotion to see if Sam will finally kick him to the curb. And I think, to Dean's relief and his frustration, Sam never did, forgiving him every time, justifying his love and feeding his hate just a little.
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ncisfranchise-source · 5 months
Among the three remaining dramas that are all on the bubble, NCIS: Hawai’i is the strongest performer with the best odds to come back, I hear.
Just an year ago, a renewal for Hawai’i would’ve been a no-brainer: it’s part of a storied franchise with solid rating and crossover potential with the mothership series that yielded big ratings in January 2023. But now, CBS already has three other NCIS series already locked for next season: the original series, renewed for Season 22, Sydney, returning for a second season, and the upcoming Young Gibbs prequel NCIS: Origins. There is also the Tony & Ziva NCIS spinoff series greenlighted by Paramount+, making for a crowded NCIS field.
There are strong arguments for keeping Hawai’i. It is currently #12 in linear viewership among all broadcast non-sports shows ahead of such TV staples as ABC’s 9-1-1 and NBC’s Law & Order: SVU and The Voice, and its multi-platform audience also is putting Hawai’i above several CBS dramas that already have been renewed, including FBI: Most Wanted, FBI: International and S.W.A.T.
As CBS Studios President David Stapf said in a recent interview about the NCIS franchise, Hawai’i also is “wholly unique” while being part of the franchise as the first NCIS series with a female lead, Vanessa Lachey, and with its Hawai’i locale. “We were just coming off Hawaii Five-0, a very successful show,” he said of the spinoff’s origins. “People love that setting, it plays well over the globe.”
The counter argument is all about shelf space (or lack thereof) and money. There is financial pressure on corporate level among all traditional media companies to curb spending amid a soft ad market. For CBS parent Paramount, there is the additional element of uncertainty over the company’s future.
Sources expect tough business conversations over NCIS: Hawai’i, which is likely to have to make budget cuts to continue — something most broadcast series are subjected to these days. I hear the best case scenario for the spinoff may be a partial Season 4 of about 13 or so episodes.
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In the Shark!Nya timeline could Nya have gotten together with Olivia? Was there a chance for Plasma or would Jay have gotten with Sunnie? Of so when Nya returned would Jay have stayed with the one he was or would they split up for season 6 Jaya or Kailor? Would Nya regret missing her chance with Jay? What would she think if her brother got together with him?
In the Shark!Nya timeline could Nya have gotten together with Olivia? -lol yes
Was there a chance for Plasma or would Jay have gotten with Sunnie? - *punts Sunni to the curb* bruh if there was opportunity for Plasma I was there yesterday
Of so when Nya returned would Jay have stayed with the one he was or would they split up for season 6 Jaya or Kailor? <- I dunno, if we're aiming to 'put things back on track' Jay would probably still get with Nya at the end of S6 freeing up Kai again, but if we wanna keep going off the rails here, I'd reverse the love dodecahedron for shits and giggles gfghfdsa
Would Nya regret missing her chance with Jay? <- Yes T-T)9
What would she think if her brother got together with him? <- "Good for him!" ...through gritted teeth
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Josephine Conversation
Josephine Masterpost Related Quest: Doom Upon All the World
Choice dependent dialogue:
Leliana Divine [1]
Cassandra Divine [2]
Vivienne Divine [3]
1 - Leliana Divine Josephine: Leliana knows the Game. She’ll move the Chantry forward while quelling the fears of the faithful. And I only feel pity for those who might try to depose our former spymaster by force.
Dialogue options:
General: Does she need our help? [4]
General: Who’d make the attempt? [5]
General: I don’t. [6]
4 - General: Does she need our help? PC: Should the Inquisition offer Leliana its protection? Josephine: It’d be more imposition than useful. Or misinterpreted as a struggle for power. It’s best Leliana arrange things herself. [7] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 5 - General: Who’d make the attempt? PC: Is anyone stupid enough to send assassins after her? Josephine: Any initial opposition will be subtle, but I doubt it will last. [7] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 6 - General: I don’t. PC: Dealing with one dean Divine was difficult enough. Josephine: We shouldn’t overly worry ourselves, Inquisitor. [7]
7 - Scene continues.
Josephine: After so much warring, even the most seasoned players of the Game yearn for change. Sister Leliana will bring about interesting times. Scene ends.
2 - Cassandra Divine: Josephine: So Lady Pentaghast will take the Sunburst Throne. Cassandra will guide the Chantry back to what she considers its roots, curbing its worst excesses. She will be an unusually forthright Divine, however.
Dialogue options:
General: She’ll do what’s right. [8]
General: This’ll be fun to watch. [9]
General: We need action. [10]
8 - General: She’ll do what’s right. PC: Cassandra wants what’s best for the people and the Chantry. Josephine: There have been Divines far less suited to the position, and few can deny the conviction of her faith. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 9 - General: This’ll be fun to watch. PC: I can’t wait to see how Cassandra takes to leadership. Josephine: I’ve no doubt she will lead, Inquisitor. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 10 - General: We need action. PC: The Chantry needs a leader who can crack the whip like she can. Josephine: There have been Divines far less suited to the position, and few can deny the conviction of her faith. [11]
11 - Scene continues.
Josephine: I wish her well. She has no easy task ahead. Scene ends.
3 - Vivienne Divine: Josephine: Elevating the first enchanter to the throne of the Divine was a bold decision. If she can quell unrest, Lady Vivienne will hold more power than any mage in southern Thedas. May I pass on an observation?
Dialogue options:
General: Always. [12]
General: That is why you’re here. [13]
General: I can handle Vivienne. [14]
12 - General: Always. PC: Please do. [15] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 13 - General: That is why you’re here. PC: It’d be foolish not to listen to my ambassador. Josephine: May that serve you well. [15] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 14 - General: I can handle Vivienne. PC: Our new Divine remembers the Inquisition it a force to be reckoned with. Josephine: Indeed she does. [15]
15 - Scene continues.
Josephine (high approval with Vivienne): I realize you and Madame Vivienne had become friendly, Inquisitor. But I wonder how she’ll reshape the Chantry. You may recall her views are somewhat… conservative, on these matters.
Josephine (low approval with Vivienne): Despite your clashes with Lady Vivienne, it is obvious that she respects you. Do not mistake that to mean she fears you.
Josephine (neutral approval with Vivienne): It would be judicious to remind her that she acquired the mantle of Most Holt through service to the Inquisition. Gratitude in Val Royeaux only extends so far. Scene ends.
Post-game greetings
Josephine: It’s so good to see you.
Josephine: Hello my darling.
Josephine: A fine day, isn’t it?
Josephine: Well met.
Josephine: Hello, again.
Josephine: A fine day, isn’t it?
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jamiesfootball · 4 months
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Tagged by @asteria-argo and @altschmerzes
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
24 going back to college, more before that. Unless you mean written in published, in which case 3
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I wrote my first thing at 10
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Up until last year, read by far. But since I've started more focused writing I have woefully fallen behind on the reading. Right now I'm reading about 3 small fics / updated chapters a week.
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Outlining comes a lot easier now than previously. That used to be the most intimidating part, but I've learned now how to keep myself in a trajectory. If there's truly something else I want to explore but that doesn't fit within the outline, then that can simply happen in another fic.
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I have no semblance of weird any more. But I did read an entire book on foot injuries with absolutely gruesome photos of foot fungi infections.
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love it when it feels like the person commenting resonated with something I wrote. It doesn't have to be long (though I do really love that), but a certain amount of passion behind the comment is always lovely to see.
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I'm currently rotating a time travel au of characters from a fic set in the future coming back to visit characters during the early seasons of the show. This one is fringe because only I would know what the fuck is going on with half the cast.
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
You know how there is a sub-genre of fic where a character basically gets to have their day calling everyone else out on their behaviour about some canon-gripe? Those fics. I just can't do it. I can read them, but writing them always feels too mean. Also nihilism for the sake of nihilism. I think it's because in both scenarios, it would require curbing my inner need to fix whatever is going on.
9. What is the easiest type?
I! Like! Fixing! Things! In! A! Canon! Compliant! Way! Or at least, like, canon install-able. You can install canon into this and it won't break too bad.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Right now I'm still using Living Writer despite not liking it very much (for a variety of reasons) because while I meant to switch over, I got overwhelmed exporting everything and missed the renewal date. So stuck with that another year I guess. But the big thing for me is to have cloud and offline access, and this does that.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I finally started outlining on of my original fiction projects! Huzzah! It's going to be longer than I thought help
12. What made you choose your username?
Dyslexia and a writing typo
I tried snooping around to see who got tagged already, but my dash was freaking long today. If you've not been tagged, consider yourself so, thanks!
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hey toady i love ur brainnn can i maybe ask for a lil donnie angst perhaps something to do w him being on the road 🫣 you’re an incredible writer btw :)
Drivin’ on 9
Come back, just fucking come back.
You couldn’t just get a job as a Sears photographer, could you?
They need you, fuck, I need you, just pleasefuckingcomehome.
You’re trying hard to curb the bitterness of your inner monologue. It’s not Donnie’s fault he’s all over the country, and usually it’s alright. You miss him, sure, but you know he loves you, know each night that he’s wishing just as hard as you are that he was back in Chicago with you. Usually. But usually his mother and oldest sister aren’t perched anxiously on your couch, backs pin-straight, trying to pretend it’s okay that you were the only one home when they arrived.
“I’m sorry,” you say, addressing Mrs. MacClain, “really, he should be home any minute. Usually he calls me from the airport to let me know he’s on his way, I can’t imagine what’s keeping him.” You’ve already offered tea, wine, whatever the hell’s in your pantry, but the MacClain women are here on business. That one-track mind must be a genetic thing.
Mrs. MacClain (you really can’t get the hang of calling her Lisa) reaches across the coffee table and squeezes your hand. “It’s alright, sweetheart,” she says, smiling through the strain in her voice, “I’m sorry I’m not better company, I’m a bit preoccupied.” She doesn’t want to say whatever it is she’s come to say until her son arrives. You understand. If it’s anything like what you’re suspecting, it would be tough news to break twice. Carrie swallows hard beside her mother. She hasn’t said a word all night. For all that Donnie’s family loves you, there are certain things they need to deal with among themselves; you imagine that’s why Jack and the girls aren’t present. As for Eliza and Mr. MacClain, you’ve got no idea. Your throat itches with unasked questions and your fingers twitch uselessly in your lap, wanting to do something, anything, to help.
The minutes tick by achingly, and you remind yourself that you can’t actually be upset with your boyfriend. It’s something you used to have to tell yourself repeatedly in the early days of your relationship: it’s his job, it’s not about you, you’re not angry, you just miss him. It took a lot of reassuring back then, a frankly embarrassing amount, to have you fully convinced that this long-distance thing wasn’t going to break you. Eventually you started to recognize his attention for what it was: love. It took you a while to get there–to accept it, I mean. A man can tell you he loves you until he’s blue in the face, and you can believe him, but how do you know for sure? How do you know, until you really, really know?
For you, the “I know” came at possibly the most inopportune moment it could have. It was the height of that first baseball season after you moved in together, and things were good. You had your work, and he had his; he’d fuck off to Cleveland, or Detroit, or Milwaukee, or whatever city on Earth the Cubs were losing to that week, and when he came home he’d hold you just tightly enough to make it all okay again, rinse and repeat week after week. You knew it was hard; you always assumed it was harder for you than it was for him. This was his life, and sometimes you didn’t fit, but it was alright. He loved you enough to make space for you. You never considered that he would be struggling just as much as you were (something you feel guilty for to this day). So it came as something of a shock when you arrived home from a rare trip to the office to find Donnie slumped over the kitchen table with his head in his hands and a half-drained beer growing warm and flat before him.
“What the fuck are we doing?” He’d asked without raising his head. He’d sounded so miserable. It caught you off-guard, having known him as a man of two temperaments: optimistic and optimistic-but-kind-of-tired. You’d tried to play dumb, asking what he meant, but he had you. “Baby,” he groaned, lifting his head with Herculean effort, “don’t pretend, okay? We both know this sucks, and we’re both acting like it doesn’t,” and then, heartbreakingly soft, “do you need me like I need you?”
Do you need me like I need you?
You did. Obviously. You do.
That was the first time you’d ever seen Donnie cry. Exhausted and heat-weary and worn to the end of his rope, he’d collapsed on the table, planning ostensibly to stay there. That was when you really, really knew. You knew that you were in this for the long-haul, for the good and the bad, and that you would do anything in your power, as long as you lived, to keep him off that goddamn table and in your life. And when you had coaxed him into a sitting position, when you were sure he was going to be okay, you said the thing you needed to say, even though you knew it would break him cleanly in two: “Fuck. You love me.”
“I–yeah,” he stammered, his face flickering indescribably between confusion and hurt, “I love you, I–you know that, don’t you? Oh god, don’t you know that?” He was terrified, you could see it plainly on his face. Had he not done enough, not tried as hard as he should have? Should he have done things differently, should he have been different?
And what on Earth were you supposed to say to that? I knew you wanted me, but I never realized you needed me. I knew you loved me, just not as much as you loved your job. Not as much as I love you. I knew, but I had no idea. So what you said instead was “I guess I didn’t realize…that we were on the same page about this.”
At that, Donnie had pulled you roughly onto his lap, each breath shaking like it might be his last, and held you fast, swallowing sobs to promise you over and over that things were going to change, that he was sorry, that he loved you desperately and frighteningly and truly.
To his credit, things did change. That was both the worst night of your entire relationship and the one that you absolutely couldn’t imagine your life without; what the hell would have happened to the two of you if it hadn’t been for that night? Your resolution was to stop pretending everything was fine and that it didn’t absolutely blow to be apart more often than not. An absolute, no-holds-barred, total bitchfest whenever the situation called for it, plus tagging along on the occasional trip whenever work could spare you. You kick yourself, wishing you could have seen this one coming.
The sound of Donnie’s key in the lock makes you jump. You clamber to your feet to meet him at the door, noting gravely that Lisa and Carrie make no move to join you.
“Hello, my love,” Donnie grins, moving to kiss you before he sees the look on your face. His hands go to your shoulders, slide down your arms, circle your wrists–you wonder if he’s even aware that he seems to be checking you for injuries. He looks you over, eyes landing hard on your own. “What’s wrong?”
You don’t know what else to say but “Your mom and Carrie are here.”
Donnie pulls you into a brief hug, squeezing you once before he passes you to sit in the chair you yourself occupied only seconds before. He looks at you from his seat, a silent plea to stay, but you shake your head. This is family business. You busy yourself for a moment with leftover breakfast plates, letting them crash against each other in the sink to drown out Mrs. MacClain’s hushed voice. Eventually, you drift off to the bedroom and sit on your bed fully clothed, wondering what proper etiquette would suggest you do.
It takes about an hour. The front door opens, then shuts, then Donnie enters your room. His eyes are red-rimmed and hopelessly lost.
“I, um…” he starts, shrugging around a deep, shuddering breath, “I was in Philly.”
“I know,” you say gently, moving to stand before him. He tugs you closer by the waist, eyes sailing over the top of your head before coming to rest on your face.
“No, I mean. I mean I was in Philly when he,” deep breath, “my dad had a heart attack.”
Alright, you need to play this one right. You nod slowly, gently. “And?”
“He’s gonna be okay,” Donnie murmurs vacantly, like that’s not even the important part, “but I was in Philly when it happened.”
You think you see what’s going on. “You being in Philadelphia has nothing to do with your dad’s heart attack,” you say, “these things are completely random, I mean–no, they’re not, but they almost are.” You’re rambling now. You’ve never been very good at comforting people when they’re upset. “What I mean is that there’s nothing you could have done differently that would have changed anything.”
“Okay, but that’s not true, is it?” Donnie asks. His words are the start of an argument, but his tone is one of complete despair. He runs a hand up and down your back in apology. “I’m sorry. If I were home, I could have been here when he–when he went in. I could have been there when he woke up. And what if he never woke up? He could have–,” he chokes, leaving the rest of his words unsaid. He could have died, and I would have been in Philadelphia.
There’s nothing you can say right now that will calm him down, so instead you wrap your arms around his neck and press your body against his, letting him hold you as tightly as he needs to. “I’ll drive,” you say, pulling carefully away, “it’ll be good for him to see you.”
You don’t need to elaborate, Donnie knows what you mean. Knows what you’re doing for him. He nods. Then he kisses you. When he pulls back, your skin is cold where his tears have touched it.
Maybe you’ll have to talk him out of quitting his job tomorrow. Maybe you’ll have to make a casserole and bring it to his mother. Maybe all you’ll be able to do is love him. In any case, there’s one thing you know: there will be no compromise. He’ll keep the job, he’ll keep his girl, and he’ll keep his family–there’s no other way for him to be.
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