#cuphead terror trio
terror-trio · 26 days
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"They try to hate what they cannot have. They fight for it. Try to fight it, even. They obsess over the unattainable."
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mallovamp · 1 month
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finally starting on one of the three lets goooo
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saffronaura · 7 years
Folly Five AU - The Scaley Trickster and The Dancing Demon
This is a starter fanfiction story of a toon alternate universe idea me and @the-vampire-inside-me have been brainstorming together and it’s going to get bigger. :) 
It basically has toon characters from Disney, Bendy, Cuphead, and various other cartoons, games, and studios many people are familiar with or recognize. Few of the characters in our AU are OCs owned by me and vampire. 
Anyway, enjoy! ;3
Whizbang the Dragon © me Bendy, Bendy and the Ink Machine © theMeatly Horace Horsecollar, Pete, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit © Disney Prologue 1  Prologue 2 Prologue 3
Folly Five AU  - The Scaley Trickster and The Dancing Demon
The Tooniverse. A world between the real world and the world-between. Cartoon characters that were ever created go here to call home.  It was during the olden days of black-and-white when cartoon characters would gather in the growing settlement of Toontown. When they aren’t doing their jobs in playing their cartoons, toon characters would come to Toontown to relax, rest, spend time with friends and family, and most of all have fun. Main cartoon stars and their co-stars would leave the studios of their workplace to retire for a hard day’s work until they are called back. Most characters play roles that are identical to when they are off the set, while others have opposite personalities. Toontown is reminiscent to the real world, such as the presence of toon crime, violence, and other things. But it was otherwise a nice establishment, where toons come and work together as a team. Everyday was the usual for the toons.  Except for one little fella.
A baby, black and white dragon scurried through the streets in a playful prance. A cute mischievous smirk was plastered on his small muzzle and only one baby tooth poked out of his mouth. A pair of small wings stood from its back and a ridge of small spines ran along its back. As he walked, he was leaking drops of black ink from his stubby body, leaving behind trails of black spots on the sidewalk. The little toon is a newcomer, having been created and drawn on the storyboards three hours ago. And already, he managed to escape his human creators and entered through the world between and into the Tooniverse. You could say today was his birthday. 
This mischievous baby dragon would later be named ‘Whizbang’. Of course, during his first run through Toontown, he had no name. He was pretty much nameless.  POP POP POP! A loud popping sound made itself known followed by a yell of surprise. A nearby dog toon howled loudly and jumped out of his chair after being startled by a firecracker that placed under his seat. Whizbang grinned happily. He had just pulled a firecracker prank on the unsuspecting toon and was quite proud with himself. What a little scamp.��
Soon he did the same trick on a large fat cat called Pete, a rabbit named Oswald, a horse called Horace, and many other toons around Toontown. After each firecracker pop, Whizbang would make a quick getaway before his victims could catch him in retaliation. Nearby toons would sometimes laugh at the prank or act surprised. Regardless, the reactions of bystanders and his victims made Whizbang laugh. At this pace, he would be the best beginning prankster, and this got him cocky.  Maybe too cocky.  Whizbang then decided to play his next firecracker prank on a trio of teenage toons at once: a cat, a dog, and a human toon. A small feat for a beginner. The baby dragon snickered cutely at the idea before making his move. A perfectly placed firecracker was dropped at the center of the trio of teens, before it went ‘POP POP POP POP!’. There was a yelp, a yowl and a yell from each respective toon teenager, causing Whizbang to drop on his back and release a series of cute laughs. However like the other toons, these three kids didn’t take firecrackers prank very well and they shot aggravated and menacing glares at Whizbang. This made the little dragon stop laughing when he notice their expressions and he only smirked at the teens with a toothy grin feigning innocence. And when they began to approach him aggressively, Whizbang quickly scurried away with the angry teens in hot pursuit. As he ran, loose ink ran down his body and dripped on the ground behind him, leaving a trail of dots. This would accidentally lead the bullies to where the dragon would hide: an alleyway. Surprised by this change of events, Whizbang found himself cornered as the teenagers approached him with smirks and laughs, eager for revenge. With nowhere else to run, the dragon has no choice but to try and defend himself. He tried to breathe fire, but all that came out was a small harmless ember. Seeing Whizbang’s attack attempt, the bullies laughed cruelly at him and the leader roughly pinned the baby down with a hand while his two companions gathered around, snickering.  Whizbang squirmed and wiggled against the bully’s grip, but wasn’t strong enough to get himself free! He then felt a hand grabbing hold of his left wing and the baby spiraled into a world of pain when the bully started getting yanking on Whizbang’s developing wing. The lead bully was intentionally pulling on the dragon’s wing, causing Whizbang to cry out in agony. At this rate his wing will be ripped off! 
The baby dragon whined. He just wanted to play a few tricks that’s all, they were harmless! But apparently these three bullies intend on hurting him for playing pranks on them. Turning his head, Whizbang managed to sink his teeth into the bully’s arm holding him. The toon released the baby briefly in pain but he became enraged and pinned Whizbang’s head to the ground heavily to keep him from biting.  As this was taking place, a devil shaped figure with a floating head approached the entrance to the alleyway. This mysterious person had followed the trail of ink spots on the ground and they led him to the commotion coming from within. Hearing the voices from the alleyway was a black, devil-like toon wearing equally black shoes, a white bowtie, and having the standard white gloves. A devil’s tail swayed from behind the toon and a pair of horns stood atop his head. This little devil’s name was Bendy, also known as The Dancing Demon, another new toon character who arrived in Toontown a while ago. When he quietly stepped closer towards the alleyway, Bendy widened his eyes when he saw what the bullies were doing to Whizbang. From the looks of the ink he followed, the little dragon was a newcomer like him, fresh out of the drawing board and new to the Tooniverse. The baby may also be that little prankster dragon Bendy heard about around town. “Keep him still!” “I am, I am!” “This little lizard’s gonna get it!” While the bullies were too preoccupied with harassing Whizbang, they failed to notice Bendy standing behind them. The ink demon felt furious and curled his hands into fists, angered by the bullies hurting a baby toon like Whizbang. Ink began oozing down over the devil’s left eye and then over his mouth. Strangely, he didn’t seem fazed by this. Instead Bendy’s features melted even further into big drops, and then he started growing bigger and larger with ink pooling out from him… With Whizbang fully pinned, the lead bully smirked almost evilly, grabbing hold of the little dragon’s left wing once again, “Heh! Now let’s see if this wing pulls off like paper, boys!” He began pulling on the wing once again, and Whizbang released a pitiful squeaky screech of agony, squirming wildly in vain. It was no use. He was held down, no matter how hard he struggled, he just didn’t have the strength to fight. The poor baby dragon closed his eyes, preparing for the incoming pain of his wing getting forcefully ripped from his body. Boom… boom… boom… The ground suddenly began to shake, stopping the bullies in further tormenting Whizbang. The toon cat, dog, and human looked down at their feet, feeling the vibrations and seeing the nearby rocks and empty cans rock and topple over with each tremor. Whizbang, in spite of his aching wing, came to notice the ground shaking as well and looked around briefly in confusion. But then it started to dawn on the teens and the baby. These tremors felt like footsteps. Something big was coming. A dark shadow soon eclipsed them all, blocking the sun. The intensity of the shadow was enough to send deep chills down the spines of the toons caught within.  Whizbang and the bullies involved all froze up in growing terror, their eyes spread wide to the brink. Slowly, their heads tilted upwards until they gazed upon a black, massive ink demon! Six curved horns stood atop the beast’s head and its body was constantly oozing with ink; the only things that stood out was the left portion of its white face, its wide grin that contained sharp fangs, and a white bowtie which strangely wasn’t stained by the ink. Long arms stretched out from its shoulders, each ending with clawed hands that could slice through steel and flesh. A pair of solid black eyes, deeper than the ink that coated its body, stared down at the small toons from the monster’s head with bone-chilling, white pupils focused on them. Its elognated, oozing legs were creating a pool of ink around it, but they allowed the monster to tower over the toon bullies and Whizbang. A devil’s tail swished back and worth from behind the demon, also dribbling with ink. The teenage toons and Whizbang gawked at the large inky monster that loomed over them menacingly. None of them uttered a gasp as they were locked in terror. As if to break the silence, the ink monster spoke to the teenagers in a demonic and slightly garbled voice, "Oh don’t mind me! Go on! I’ll just have fun to DRAW YOU TO HEEEELL!!“ A guttural growl then leaked out from the monster’s grinning jaws and it leaned down slightly towards the cornered toons.  “AAAAAAHHHH!!!” The toon bullies let loose a chorus of comical screams of horror, their ears popping out of their sockets and their eyes bulging out comically. In a panic-induced rush, they released Whizbang and desperately ran around the ink monster, stepping in the pool of ink as they did. They fled the alleyway, crying for their lives, and for their mommies. The ink monster’s haunting glance followed the teens until they were out of sight. It looked amused at the result, its grin stretched slightly further as a mischievous glint appeared briefly in its eyes. As soon as the bullies dropped him, Whizbang had climbed to his feet, panting softly from the pain erupting from his pulled wing. He looked in time to see the bullies running away, and now only he and the ink demon remained in the alley. The little dragon now has to escape too; who knows what this monster is planning, or thinking, right now. But then Whizbang saw the massive ink demon turn its haunting, penetrating gaze back to him. Those bone-chilling, white pupils and that toothy grin tore through the little dragon’s little soul like daggers. And that was when the monster grinned wider at him. Whizbang’s eyes widened and his ears dropped down in terror, “!!” The  inky monster took a big heavy step towards Whizbang, and that was enough to send the poor baby in a state of panic. Whizbang took a few steps back to keep his distance away from the approaching fiend. Overcome with fear, he tried running to the side of the monster; the same opening the bullies took to escape. A huge inky hand belonging to the monster suddenly plopped down in front of the baby, blocking the little toon’s escape route. 
“!!” Whizbang was quick to stop in his tracks and run for the other side of the monster. But another clawed hand dropped down before him, cutting the dragon off again. That same hand moved toward Whizbang before he could run and carefully wrapped its oozing claws around his small form. The monster’s grasp on the little dragon was enough to secure Whizbang from escaping, but not agitate his already injured wing. The next thing he knew, Whizbang was lifted off the ground and pulled close to the monster’s demented face. Captured again, Whizbang was forced to stare into the eyes of the inky beast holding him; those little, glowing white pupils observed him closely. The baby dragon was trembling like a leaf, fearing the worst. Worst scenarios played through his little head like a projector. Was he going to be eaten alive by this ink monster? No, ripped to shreds? Or both?? Eaten alive and ripped to shreds?! Oh, the worst possible ways to go! Never to see his mother or father creators, or see the light of day again! Whizbang closed his eyes and whimpered, ready to accept his premature demise. When suddenly, the ink monster released his grasp on Whizbang and gently held the baby in the palm of its hand. A large finger, no longer clawed, from the demon’s other hand reached over and softly prodded on the dragon’s head as if it was petting him.  Whizbang was startled, inching back slightly at this sudden guesture, becoming confused as his eyes went wide, “??” The finger then moved to Whizbang’s stomach and began rubbing against it, causing Whizbang to start laughing cutely, “Hahahahaha!” The baby pawed and kicked at the monster’s inky finger in an attempt to stop the demon from tickling him. This earned him a deep chuckle from the large ink demon, who became amused by Whizbang’s show of innocence and cuteness. The monster moved its finger away to further inspect its object of attention, leaving the little dragon covered in blotches of ink.  Catching his breath, Whizbang took the chance to shake the messy ink off his small body and looked back towards the face of the monster. He was surprised when he noticed a sudden change in the demon’s features. It no longer has claws and the fangs the monster once had were replaced with just a regular friendly grin stretching from ear to ear. The white pupils in its eyes had grown bigger and rounder, giving the expression that this ink 'monstrosity’ was curious and docile, but a bit on the messy side with the ink. In spite of this change, Whizbang still felt uneasy about this ink demon. Why did it save him? And what was it planning to do next? Plus that cute face it was making was creeping Whizbang out. There was a sudden shift that rocked both the demon and Whizbang, causing the monster to blink its eyes and shift his face to a look of confusion. When the large ink demon looked down, Whizbang followed its gaze and saw that the demon’s body was dissolving into a puddle of ink, causing it to shrink. This decrease in ink mass caused the monster to rapidly shrink down, accidentally leaving Whizbang to stand on open air. The baby dragon flailed frantically to stay afloat, even flapped his tiny wings, but he began to plummet towards the ground below with a cry of distress. The shrinking ink demon caught sight of the baby dropping towards the concrete like a rock and frantically lunged forward with its arms outstretched to try and catch Whizbang- SPLOOOSH! There was a big splash of ink that surged and splattered on the walls and the corners of the alleyway. After a few moments, the ink started to move and was being pulled back into its source. Recovering from the fall, Whizbang groaned softly and opened his eyes slowly. He gasped softly when he found himself in the arms of the toon devil Bendy in his regular small form, laying flat on the ground. Bendy was currently absorbing the loose ink around them into himself. Once all of the ink was drained, only large black stains were left behind on the ground, walls and surrounding objects. Bendy opened one black eye, then the other. He saw Whizbang unharmed and gave out a sigh of relief. The little devil then rose to his feet, using his right arm to support himself while holding the baby with the other. “That was close! Almost dropped ya.” Bendy smiled, bearing his trademark grin innocently at Whizbang, “Can’t hold on to my other self fer long, still learnin’.” Whizbang stared at Bendy for a moment, but his face turned into a frown. The baby dragon suddenly jumped forward with his small jaws open and bit down on the space between Bendy’s eyes with his baby teeth. CHOMP! “AAHH!!” Bendy yelled in pain, quickly grabbing hold of Whizbang by the tail and  started trying to yank him off. Finally, the ink demon managed to pop Whizbang off his face leaving behind three bite marks. He held the baby by the tail, glaring at Whizbang in the eye in a cute manner, “Hey! Is that any way ta treat yer hero?!” Whizbang only barked at Bendy, furious that the demon had scared him, “Rawrh rawrh hissss!” The baby dragon still got chills from the scare, but that didn’t stop him from yelling his anger out at Bendy. Unfortunately for Whizbang, Bendy couldn’t understand his baby talk and thought Whizbang was being playful. “Heh, fiesty little scamp huh?” The ink demon chuckled, his small scowl curling back into his signature grin. He held Whizbang with both hands at eye level, as if he was admiring the baby. The ink demon soon came to notice Whizbang wincing in pain, and then saw the baby’s limp left wing. 
”Aw those bullies were pulling on yer  little wing?“ Bendy cooed, then smiled reassuringly, "Don’t worry, they’re gone now. You don’t need to worry about them, at least for a while. Let’s say we take ya back to yer studio, before you get into more trouble,” He began walking out of the alley, carrying baby Whizbang in his arms. As soon as they walked back onto the sidewalk… POP POP! “AH!” Bendy yelped with surprise, jumping up with his devil tail sticking up comically but kept his hold on Whizbang. He quickly turned his floating head, seeing the singed remains of a firecracker that was dropped on the sidewalk behind him. Bendy turned back to Whizbang, seeing the baby snickering at the look on Bendy’s face. “Hehehe!” The dragon couldn’t help but play another prank to get another laugh; at least a bit of payback for Bendy scaring the daylights out of him. But then Whizbang tensed and stopped his laughter. There was a chance Bendy didn’t like the firecracker scare and may seek retribution. And the baby already has an injured wing. Who knows what Bendy might do to him now.
“H-Heheheh… Hahahahaha!”
There was a snort, followed by a hearty laugh afterwards coming from Bendy. This surprised Whizbang. The inky devil found… the prank funny? And Bendy was the victim of said prank. None of the other toons who got pranked laughed. But Bendy… After a moment, a small smile appeared on the baby’s little muzzle. Finally a toon that can take a joke without getting angry!
“Heh, quite the prankster aren’t ya? I like that!” Bendy chuckled, as he continued walking down the street with Whizbang in his arms, “I dun know why those other toons get so angry at you. They dun have much of a big sense of humor!”
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terror-trio · 4 days
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the fault of forgetfulness
𖥔𖥔𖥔 🏵️
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terror-trio · 1 month
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"So not only are a third of my workers in love with him, almost half are too scared t'fight him. Sure, he's Florus, but the guy acts like a spoiled kid!"
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terror-trio · 16 days
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terror-trio · 1 month
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"Well then, maybe him likin' me'll do me some good. He can't be worse than you two loons!"
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terror-trio · 1 month
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"Mhm. I've had a lot of oddly specific things happen to me, you've literally got no idea."
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mallovamp · 30 days
while i work on more au art take these dialogue strips w little 2 no context
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mallovamp · 1 month
Not a question but i luv how you color/shade ……. It’s so pretty and I’m eager to know more abt your . Uh. AU
thank youu :))
the terror trio au actually started from this hc i had on my page a while ago until i decided oh yea im making this into an au,, so basic stuff abt the three is kinda on that post !! also it's important to note that in this au they weren't debtors
ofc grim, cala, and cagney (aka hydra, serpent, and florus) are the stars of the au but it mainly focuses on cagney because he's the youngest, and despite him being the most aggressive he's taken the least seriously in the eyes of people who have never encountered him or lost someone to him.
also i'm gonna be designing more characters as i go! more au questions can be asked to my other blog @terror-trio <3
so far beppi, cala, and the baroness are set with designs so they can b directly asked rn but as i add more people they can be asked too :) i'm probably gonna work on hilda and the cupbros next
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terror-trio · 29 days
Are there any specific rules you want us to follow, and also, what are the main casts doing currently?
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(i'm guessing you're referring to the main three)
as for specific rules, not at the moment! all i'll say for now though is be careful what you ask the three because there's always a chance it won't end well >:)
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terror-trio · 1 month
If you don't mind me asking, is The Root Pack in this AU?
They're kinda underrated imo
yes they are, actually!! but they're one of the lesser characters ^^
one of the three isn't all too fond of them either.
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mallovamp · 25 days
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guess who's actually evil the shouldn't-be-that-tall flower or the literal fucking dragon
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mallovamp · 16 days
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don't be fooled the daisies hate u too
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mallovamp · 25 days
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underestimated the hell outta how many petals i was drawing
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mallovamp · 19 days
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concept stuff 4 hilda bc i actually liked doing this with rumor
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