#cunninghamia lanceolata
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i recently solved a fun little bug mystery at work and i thought it might be interesting to write up a step-by-step narrative of how i did so, as a sort of example of the kinds of things i get to do for my job. this is a stupidly long post because i have no editorial self-control so i'm putting the rest under a cut.
the above insect is a bark beetle, one of a series of 6 specimens i found in a drawer at work. they did not have species labels on them, and the collection labels indicated that they were collected in 1997 from "Chinese Cedrus used for artifical christmas trees." the infested wood had been intercepted and the beetles collected and pinned, but whoever was working in the lab at the time wasn't able to suss out the species, which is extremely reasonable because even IDing american bark beetles to species can be a massive pain in the ass, let alone ones from asia.
the beetles were clearly in the genus Phloeosinus based on the shape of the antennae and the large spines on the elytral declivity (the ass area), and whoever pinned them at least got them that far themselves, but determining the actual species was going to be a lot harder. even american beetles in this genus can be devilishly hard to confidently ID to species since they often look alike and also are quite morphologically variable in ways the bleed into each other. they are pretty cool though and those ass spines are usually critical in species-level identification
btw since i'm going to be writing out this word a lot in this post, it's pronounced roughly as "flea-o-sign-us" if you're curious.
determining bark beetle species is often made much easier by knowing what tree the beetle came out of since most bark beetles (but not ambrosia beetles, which are also scolytid/scolytine beetles but a whole other can of worms grubs) are highly host-specific, usually being adapted to only a certain tree species or genus or small group of related genera.
so Cedrus is the genus for eurasian cedar trees, and there is one species of Cedrus native to china, Cedrus deodara, but that seems like an odd choice of plant to harvest and send to america for artificial christmas tree trunks. most actual Cedrus species are from the mediterranean area. however there are also some chinese trees in the cypress family Cupressaceae (+Taxodiaceae) that are called cedars, and in fact most species of Phloeosinus are exclusively found in trees in this family. one likely species is Cunninghamia lanceolata, traditionally called "chinese fir" despite not being a fir but also more recently marketed as "chinese cedar" because that's how common names for species go.
oh and there is also the tree Toona sinensis in the family Meliaceae that's ALSO sometimes called "chinese cedar" for some reason but more importantly also called "beef and onion plant" lmao, but that was an even worse candidate for an artificial christmas tree trunk and also not a known host for the beetles. easily discounted but i had a laugh.
so my first angle of attack was to assume that the collection labels were correct and the beetles were in fact from a Cedrus tree. i was able to find a list of about a half dozen Phloeosinus species known to attack Cedrus cedars, but none of them were native to china. this would most likely mean that one of the mediterranean species had been transplanted to china for cultivation, which is entirely plausible. after digging though a bunch of literature i wasn't able to find a good key for Phloeosinus species in the entire area i wanted, but found a couple regional keys covering geographic ranges that when combined covered about what i wanted. for non-biologists, this is what a species key looks like:
sort of a choose your own adventure kind of thing but for determining a creature's true identity. anyway none of the results i got from these keys led to species who's descriptions matched the one that i had. i should also mention that my specimens had a rather distinctive feature unlike any other Phloeosinus species i'd ever seen before, which was an elytral vestiture consisting of these really funky little black explanate scales:
most Phloeosinus species have some kind of vestiture on their elytra but all the ones i'm familiar with have the hairs and scales light-colored and never shaped anything like this, so i figured that the description of the correct species would surely mention these scales.
so anyway dissatisfied with this avenue, i decided that the next most likely option is that whoever made the labels for the specimens was told that they had come from "chinese cedar" by the importer and had just assumed that meant Cedrus but it was actually one of the cypress family cedars. again most of the described species do in fact use Cupressaceae as hosts.
so next i found this UN report with a (hopefully) comprehensive list of all non-EU bark and ambrosia beetle species that attacked conifer trees. i culled from that a list of Phloeosinus species listed as coming from "asia." since that was too broad of an area, i then looked up all of these species in the species catalogues listed in the report, mostly Alonso-Zarazag et al (2007), though some were also listed in Wood and Bright (1992) or Bright and Skidmore (2002), which i happen to have physical copes of. from these i could narrow the list down to just species found in china.
now things became difficult because there are no keys to chinese Phloeosinus, or at least none in english. also even just written descriptions of many of these species were impossible to find because they were all written like 60-100 years ago and usually in chinese or german or french and had never been translated or uploaded anywhere online. likewise almost none of them had research-grade (or any) photos anywhere online.
so after hours of fruitless digging, the best i could come up with was a guide to scolytine beetles of korea (PDF link), which contained a key with a handful of the species on my list and did include english descriptions of these. now one of the species in the guide, P. perlatus, IS DESCRIBED as having dark scales, and my specimens did seem to land on that species when i ran them through the key. that's promising! and the hosts were on my list of possible non-Cedrus chinese cedars! also promising! buuuut something just didn't sit right with me. parts of the species description in that paper just didn't seem to quite match my specimens, like for example the size was a little off, described as being 2.4-3.4mm long, while all of mine were in the 3.3-3.6 range. plus the photos of the species, while distressingly low-resolution, just didn't look like mine.
okay so that was dissatisfying. i'd managed to whittle down my list of suspects a good deal from what little scraps of information i could find about them through my sleuthing, either the wrong hosts or the ones that did have english descriptions available online like in that korean guide didn't fit, but i was still left with several possible candidates and no way to narrow it down further, of course this all assuming that the beetles i had on my hands even were a species that had been scientifically described and named. bark beetles are a huge group of critters and many are quite understudied, especially in asia, and a bunch of new species are described every year!
i was about ready to just give up, but then by coincidence i had a reason to email a couple of high-level bark beetle researchers about a different beetle mystery i was also working on, which was in a group that they were the authorities on. on a whim, i mentioned my Phloeosinus conundrum to them to see if they had any ideas and they recommended i contact Dr. Roger Beaver. yeah, i know right? fucking kickass name i'm so jealous. sidenote: it's so funny how many bark beetle researchers have extremely appropriate names, like two of the biggest names in the field are Steve Wood and Dave Wood. no relation.
so anyway i contacted Dr Beaver, who had done some research on east asian Phloeosinus in the past and he was kind enough to send me an unpublished provisional key to chinese species that he had written up a few years ago. using that key, i ended up at "P. pertuberculatus (?=sinensis)" which means that there was some suspicion that P. pertuberculatus and P. sinensis were the same species, just described and named independently by two different entomologists (Hans Eggers and Karl Eduard Schedl respectively), as often happened, especially in the glory days of insane 18th-20th century european entomologists describing literally thousands of new species during their careers.
now these two species WERE both on my final list of suspects of chinese Phloeosinus species that hadn't otherwise been eliminated for one reason or another, and both had Cunninghamia "cedar" trees as known hosts. Dr Beaver was then kind enough to scan and send me the original descriptions of these two species:
which i was able to use google translate on:
not the nicest translation but still an admirable attempt on google's part to deal with all the entomological jargon, and most importantly the description of the elytral scales on P. sinensis definitely seems to match my specimens more than the pertuberculatus. plus i found a paper on taiwanese bark beetles (PDF) coauthored by Dr Beaver that had a (also distressingly low-resolution) photo of pertuberculatus that didn't seem to match my specimens:
aaand finally: i'd been trying for days to access the webpage of a chinese museum that popped up as the only notable result on a google image search for P. sinensis but every time the website would time out and the cached version of the image was too small to make out any details on, but it finally occurred to me this evening that the reason was probably because my work computer or work wifi was just automatically blocking chinese websites because of america's insane paranoia about chinese spying, and sure enough i opened it up on my home computer and it fucking worked!
that's a pretty fucking bang-on match for my specimens! the scales look right, the color is right, the size is right, the ass bumps are right, the host is right, the geography is right, and the translated description otherwise seems to match! here's mine again so you don't have to scroll all the way up:
so i'm calling this 26-year mystery solved! not all of the bug puzzles i've worked on have had as meandering of a path to their conclusion as this, but i thought that this one did display a good number of the different methods i use. the biggest thing that was missing was me wandering into my lab's massive library of old dusty entomology journals stretching back over a century and digging out some old article that never got scanned and put online, as often happens, but in this case since the bugs were asian and out library mostly covers north american entomology that wasn't going to be very fruitful.
hopefully this was interesting to... somebody besides myself. if you've read this far and weren't bored to tears then congratulations you probably have the same kind of brain damage as me!
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On the night of April 30, 1541, the Ming Ancestral Temple in Beijing was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. [...]
[T]he fires forced the Jiajing Emperor to resurrect one of the dynasty’s most expensive, difficult, and destructive projects: the logging of old-growth timber in the far southwest of China. Disaster struck again in 1556, when fires burned the Three Halls that form the central axis of the Forbidden City. The Three Halls burned yet again in 1584. [...] Yet the lightning strikes in Beijing were also a disaster for the old-growth forests of the southwest, where the logs to build the palaces had first been cut in the early 1400s. As logging supervisors soon learned, ancient trees could not be felled on a regular basis. Officials pressed ever deeper into the gorges of southern Sichuan and northern Guizhou to find them, bringing massive transformations to the environment in the process.
The foundations of Beijing were laid between 1406 and 1421 by the Yongle emperor, a junior son of the Ming founder, who moved the court to his personal appanage in north China. [...] Grasping the sinews of power that connected his court to far-flung regions of the empire, Yongle pulled one million laborers to Beijing to build his palaces. Because the weight of Chinese buildings is carried by their pillar-and-beam frameworks (liangzhu), monumental buildings required monumental trees (Figure 2). So Yongle also dispatched a similarly large labor force to the old-growth forests of the far southwest to cut the fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) and nanmu (Phoebe zhennan) that grew straight and tall enough to be used for imperial construction.
We cannot be certain just how many logs were cut to build Beijing, but the figure must have been astounding. In 1441, two decades after the completion of the project, 380,000 large timbers were left over from the earlier construction. By 1500, these too were gone, used for repairs or too damaged by rot to be used for construction purposes.
In the sixteenth century, logging officials wondered how their predecessors had been able to obtain so many giant timbers. Li Xianqing, who supervised more than 40 logging sites in the 1540s, noted that large trees could still be found, but they could only be transported out with great difficulty and at great expense. The majority had to be discarded as hollow or insect-damaged. Even when a quality log was found, it took five hundred workers to tow a log over mountain passes.
Skilled craftsmen were on hand to build “flying bridges” (fei qiao), stone-lined slip roads, and enormous capstans (tianche) to tow the logs up slopes (Figures 3 and 4). In the remote forests of the southwest, loggers faced attacks by snakes, tigers, and “barbarians” (manyi); “miasmatic vapors” (yanzhang, probably malaria); storms, forest fires, rockslides, and raging rivers (Figure 5). Labor teams had to carry their own food and often starved. At the rivers, logs were tied into massive rafts bound with bamboo for buoyancy, towed by teams of 40 men, and then launched on the three-year, three-thousand-kilometer journey to Beijing (Figure 6). Only a small fraction of the trees reached the capital in a condition where they could be used for palace building.
Expeditions exceeded their budgets up to fiftyfold.
One official remarked, “the labor force numbers in the thousands; the days number in the hundreds; the supply costs number in the tens of thousands each year.” Another saying held that “one thousand enter the mountains, but only five hundred leave” (rushan yiqian chu shan wubai). To make matters worse, logging mostly occurred within territory that was under only loose Ming control [...].
The Yongle Palaces were said to replicate the otherworldly atmosphere of the old-growth forests where their pillars originated. The presence of these timbers in Beijing linked the capital, materially and symbolically, to the southwestern landscape of cliffs and gorges where the trees had grown.
But ancient sentinel trees could not be reproduced on demand. The fifteenth-century logging project was a millennial event, removing the growth of hundreds or even thousands of years. Later officials were forced to come to terms with the transformations their predecessors had wrought in the ancient forests. Eventually builders had to switch to smaller, commercially available timber, using ornate artisanship and commercial efficiency to substitute for the austere majesty of the early Ming palaces, and the thousands of years of tree growth on which they rested.
All text above by: Ian M. Miller. “The Distant Roots of Beijing’s Palaces.” Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia no. 39. Autumn 2020. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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this the funniest shit i have ever seen
Weibo posted text and image spoilers for chapter 36 so i used a translator to see what it said on a whim. Since Sugiki’s name in kanji (杉木) is a type of tree in Chinese, it kept translating his name into either “Chinese fir” or its scientific name “Cunninghamia lanceolata”:
(Fusako’s name quite literally means “the house” in Chinese but it wasn’t as funny as C u n n i n g h a m i a L a n c e o l a t a. And I’m also surprised that it translated the part about Suzuki’s dancing pretty well.)
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Cunninghamia lanceolata ‘Glauca’. Birmingham Botanical Gardens. December 2017.
#conifer#tree#trees#plants#snow#winter#birmingham botanical gardens#photography#agavex-photography#2017#canon eos 750d
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This Stonegate Designs solid natural wood Adirondack chair makes a great addition to any yard, deck or patio. The high back, wide seat and arm rests make it a perfect place to while away an afternoon. Made of long-lasting, low maintenance fir wood (Cunninghamia lanceolata) that comes unfinished and will age into a natural silvery gray color if left unstained. https://ift.tt/YfKpZmR
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Meuble Rangement Cd Tous les styles de cuisine couleurs modèles et configuration en quelques clics bestå une solution de rangement en bois et métal vous embarque au coeur du design industriel pour un salon...
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My Cunninghamia lanceolata seedlings have started to pop http://ift.tt/2nzSrSy #Weed #Cannabis #Marijuana #Ganja #tumblr http://ift.tt/2GEjt3U
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New Post has been published on Dog N Treats
New Post has been published on https://dogntreats.com/top-5-wooden-dog-house-reviews/
Top 5 Wooden Dog House Reviews
After looking at The Underground Dog House Reviews, it really got us interested in reviewing the best wooden dog house that you can find on Amazon. Why specifically wooden dog house and not plastic or metal dog houses? Granted, there exist really nice dog houses such as the impact Impact Case Collapsible Dog Crate. While these dog crates can be helpful in preventing damage from impact, they might not appear as classy as wooden dog houses. There are indeed plenty of high-quality wooden dog house in Amazon. Let us review the top 5 dog house that you can find in Amazon.
Top 5 Wooden Dog House Reviews
Wooden dog houses are chosen these days as the quality of the houses ensures that a majority of the wooden dog houses are completely insulated. The material is often, and mostly, durable against the weather as well as being sturdy enough to withstand knocks from the dogs. There are indeed several more conditions that you will need to pay attention to. We shall unravel the conditions as we go deeper into the top XX wooden dog house reviews.
Precision Pet Extreme Log Cabin
When looking at high-quality wooden dog house, the Precision Pet Extreme Log Cabin will instantly come to my mind. This is mainly due to many of our peers owning this beautifully designed wooden dog house that never fails to impress us whenever we see them.
Made completely out of solid fir wood, the workmanship of the outdoor wooden dog kennel is significantly intricate, and it does rival most of its counterparts. The wood is treated, such that it is able to repel the elements. This means that the dog house itself is waterproof and corrosion resistant. The entry point into the dog house is deliberately kept off center. There is much debate going on about this design, and the essence of it is that dog houses with an off-center door tend to have a better ventilation. This means that while the dog is insulated against the elements, there is still positive ventilation going around, hence being able to keep your dog cool during warm weather. The solid wood material is able to block off heat too. Of course, by having an off-center door, it means that your dog would have enough space to shift itself while it is in the dog house.
Afraid of keeping your dog in the wooden dog house during winter? No fret, as you can always find ways to heat up the dog house. You can always purchase the Best Heater For Dog House too.
The entire dog house is lifted off the ground via the waterproof plastic feet. This ensures that rain will not splatter into the house itself during a rainy day. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is some minor assembly that is required before the house can be utilized. All you need is just a screwdriver actually.
Pros: Weatherproof. Good ventilation. Very attractive design. Cons: Not meant for heavy dogs. Minor assembly required. Our Rating: (4.9 / 5) [Editor’s Choice]
Petsfit Wooden Dog House
This Petsfit Wooden Dog House is another highly rated wooden dog house that is quite popular on Amazon. Indeed, it ranks amongst the top 5 for wooden dog houses.
In terms of material, it is made from cedar wood, which is essentially resistant to rot as well as to corrosion and the weather. This means that you can put the dog house in the open without fearing that it will fall to the weather. However, do note that this material is extremely useful in keeping your dog warm. It will not be good if you want to use during summer. As such, we will highly recommend you to move this dog house indoors during summer, and outdoors during the rest of the seasons.
One of the top reasons why this dog house is extremely useful during cold weather is because of the thick panel walls. While there is good ventilation, it might not be extremely suited during winter too. But that is easily solved as you can purchase additional Heated Dog Bed or heat pads for usage in the house itself. To have easy access to your dog, the entire roof could be opened from the outside. This can help to encourage more airflow into the dog house too.
The construction itself is sturdy and durable. However, if your dog is a strong chewer or destructive, then perhaps we will not encourage you to purchase this dog house. The dog house is also lifted off the ground to prevent rainwater from seeping or splashing in. Note that some minor assembly will be required when you purchase this dog house. Do not let that daunt you, as it is still relatively easy to assemble the entire dog house.
This dog house comes in 4 different colors and 4 different sizes for you to choose from. We generally encourage you to purchase this wooden dog house for smaller dogs.
Pros: Weatherproof. Good ventilation. Roof can be opened. Cons: Not meant for summer. Minor assembly required. Our Rating: (4.8 / 5)
Precision Pet Products Extreme Outback Country Lodge Dog House
When you are looking for a spacious kennel that has a large entrance, then the Precision Pet Products Extreme Outback Country Lodge Dog House will be a good choice. The entrance of this dog house allows dogs of all shapes and sizes to pass through it. No more squeezing through narrow doors!
Made from solid Fir wood, it is the same material that is used for the Precision Pet Extreme Log Cabin. Hence, you can expect the same few qualities that come with this dog house. It is completely waterproof and corrosion resistant. This means that rain will not be able to penetrate the roof at all. What’s more, the roof is slanted, hence rainwater simply falls off from the side. This prevents the accumulation of water at the top of the roof. We like this feature because some dog houses collapse when the rainwater is overly accumulated. The slanted roof also gives it a very nice cozy cottage look. This in conjunction with the walnut color stain on the wood itself.
In addition to the waterproof material, the entire wooden floor is raised off the ground too. This prevents water from splashing into the house, hence keeping the interior dry at all times. While the large entrance ensures that there is awesome ventilation into this wooden dog house cottage, it might not be good in the sense that the dog might feel cold when during the colder seasons of the year. As such, we recommend this dog house to be used during summer. If you intend to use it during winter, you would need to add a heating pad to the house.
For the assembly of this dog house, it requires you to assemble it in just 4 easy steps.
Pros: Weatherproof. Good ventilation. Roof is slanted. Best design! Cons: Not meant for summer. Minor assembly required. Our Rating: (4.9 / 5) [Best Design]
Pet Squeak Arf Frame Dog House
The design of this Pet Squeak Arf Frame Dog House is similar to that of the Precision Pet Products Extreme Outback Country Lodge Dog House. Hence, one may expect the same features and functionality.
Indeed, most of the features are the same. The Pet Squeak Arf Frame Dog House is also raised off the ground to prevent water from splashing in. They also have the slanted roof to allow water to run off easily. Last but not least, another common feature that both wooden dog houses have is the large entrance, which allows dogs to shift its position easily while inside the dog house itself.
What sets it apart is perhaps the material that is being used. For this dog house, Cunninghamia Lanceolata is being utilized. Cunninghamia Lanceolata is commonly known as white cedar, and it is well known to be extremely resistant towards smells, pest and as well as to the elements. Since you will be utilizing this dog house in the outdoors, these features are extremely pleasing to the ear.
As for aesthetics, it might not look as nice as the previous few wooden dog houses, but nonetheless it still carries a superior outlook. Minor assembly will be needed when you purchase this dog house itself.
This wooden dog house comes in four different sizes for you to choose from.
Pros: Weatherproof. Good ventilation. Roof is slanted. Resistant to pests. Cons: Minor assembly required. Our Rating: (4.8 / 5)
Indoor Dog House Wooden With Door For Small Dog Color
If you are looking for an indoor wooden dog house, then perhaps the Indoor Dog House Wooden With Door For Small Dog will be a good choice. It can certainly complement the decor of your house too.
Made completely from kiln-dried cedar and treated with natural color stain, the aesthetics of this indoor wooden dog house is simple. Being an indoor dog house, you wouldn’t need to fear rainwater splashing in. Nonetheless, this indoor dog house for small dogs is completely waterproof too. However, the material doesn’t really allow aggressive dogs from using this house.
This dog house can be treated like a furniture too. You can place not heavy decorative items on top of the crate. There is also a gate, with a lock, that allows you to keep the dog enclosed in it when necessary.
Do note that this dog house is meant for small dogs only.
Pros: Weatherproof. Suitable for indoor. Cons: Only for small dogs. Requires assembly. Our Rating: (4.6 / 5)
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Viscoelastic Properties of the Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) during Moisture Sorption Processes Determined by Harmonic Tests.
#pubmed http://dlvr.it/PbyGRC
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Transfusion tissue in the leaves of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lambert) Hooker (Taxodiaceae)
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New pine cones are forming on the China fir. Cunninghamia lanceolata offers beautiful texture and vibrant color to the Woodland Walk in winter. In its native China, it can grow to be 150 feet tall! #rvagardentrail #Cunninghamia #treetuesday #cunninghamialanceolata (at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden)
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lmao, oh my god. Now I'm picturing that Sugiki felt a bit out of place growing up in England with a Japanese name, so he picked out a proper sounding British name for himself. Except it wasn't posh at all, it was fucking Cunninghamia Lanceolata, and everyone thought it was ridiculous, but no one ever told him (and he probably still thinks it sounds awesome).
this the funniest shit i have ever seen
Weibo posted text and image spoilers for chapter 36 so i used a translator to see what it said on a whim. Since Sugiki’s name in kanji (杉木) is a type of tree in Chinese, it kept translating his name into either “Chinese fir” or its scientific name “Cunninghamia lanceolata”:
(Fusako’s name quite literally means “the house” in Chinese but it wasn’t as funny as C u n n i n g h a m i a L a n c e o l a t a. And I’m also surprised that it translated the part about Suzuki’s dancing pretty well.)
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Best Dog House For German Shepherd
German Shepherds are one of the most beloved dog breed in the world. Indeed, most of them are working in K9 units as they function well as guard dogs. This is partly due to its ferocity as well as they loyalty to their owners. Since they do well as guard dogs, it is only right that we provide them with a good dog house for them to rest in. However, there are indeed many dog houses in Amazon itself. So which of them is the Best Dog House For German Shepherd? Read on!
Best Dog House For German Shepherd
When choosing the Best Dog House For German Shepherd in Amazon, there are several aspects that we would look at Obviously, we would look at the stability for the dog house. Also, we would choose a dog house that is completely resistant to chews as well as being weatherproof too. Of course, the size and insulation of the Best Dog House For German Shepherd is important too. Let us now look at the Best Dog House For German Shepherd reviews.
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Suncast DH350 Dog House
This Suncast DH350 Dog House is one of the top choices for the Best Dog House For German Shepherd. Indeed, it is the top choice for most large dog owners too.
First of all, the dimensions of this dog house is at 33″ x 38.5″ x 32″. The spacious interior allows your German Shepherd to have a good rest, yet at the same time allow them to have space to turn around. In addition, the door opening is at 13.75″ x 19.5″. This really allows your German Shepherd to enter the dog house easily too!
As for the material, it is made of the durable resin. This material is proven to be extremely durable as well as being resistant to the elements. Together with the crowned floor, your German Shepherd will have a very safe and stable environment to rest in.
When you purchase this Best Dog House For German Shepherd, you can simply snap the panels together. This snap-on assembly is very easy to assemble, and the entire system allows dog weighing up to 100 pounds to use it.
Pros: Extremely durable. Resistant to weather. Fast assembly. Top choice for Best Dog House For German Shepherd. Cons: Not much insulation. Our Rating: (4.8 / 5)
Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Wire Kennel
While not exactly a dog house, it certainly does function as one. This Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Wire Kennel is indeed very well received on Amazon. A quick check shows that there is a whopping 380 positives reviews on Amazon itself. Not only that, I have seen many K9 units having this wire kennel for their German Shepherd.
First of all, it might look very daunting for you to set up this entire wire dog crate for German Shepherd. I myself had the same assumption, until my friend showed me that you can easily assemble the panels together in a matter of minutes. In fact, he could set this up without using any tools at all!
As for the material, it is made from using heavy duty welded steel. This ensures that the entire structure could withstand the forces coming from German Shepherd. Also, unlike other conventional dog wire kennels or crate, this best wire kennel or crate for German Shepherd is coated with a layer of anti rust and anti corrosion material. All these ensures that this wire kennel is completely rust and corrosion free.
In terms of being resistant to weather, there is a waterproof cover that comes with this wire kennel. The cover, coupled with the steel roof frame, completes the entire structure. It is able to prevent water from seeping into the kennel itself. Also, your German Shepherd will be completely protected from the weather as well as from dust.
The legs of this wire kennel is raised off the ground. This ensures that water will not seep in as well as protecting your dog from buildup of debris or any other foreign material. Of course, we would not bear allowing the dog to rest on the grass, hence we will also recommend you to purchase the Kennel Deck.
In terms of size, this wire dog kennel measures at 96″ x 48″ x 72″. This of course ensures that your German Shepherd can have a nice and comfortable place to rest in.
Pros: Extremely durable. Resistant to weather. Fast assembly. Very resilient. Cons: No insulation. Can be heavy. Requires anchoring. Our Rating: (4.8 / 5)
Pet Squeak The Barn Dog House
When doing the Best Dog House For German Shepherd Reviews, we came across the Pet Squeak The Barn Dog House.
First of all, this Best Dog House For German Shepherd is made from real wood. This wood is called the Cunninghamia Lanceolata. Cunninghamia Lanceolata, or more commonly known as the White Cedar, is a very special wood that is very popular for it very smooth appearance as well as its natural resistant to elements. It is able to withstand snow, rain or whatever elements that nature can throw at it.
In terms of assembly, it is honestly not as difficult as it seems it is. It is reported that you will be able to set this entire dog house for German Shepherds in minutes. As for the dimensions, the internal dimensions is at 25.25″ x 32″ x 29″, while the door is at 11.75″ x 16″. This allows your German Shepherd to enter the dog house easily too.
For ventilation, you will notice that there are windows at the side panels of this Best Dog House For German Shepherd. This allows air to enter the dog house. Also, since the dog house is also raised off the floor, you can be assured that there is ample ventilation for this Best Dog House For German Shepherd.
What made me select this as the Best Dog House For German Shepherd is that the aesthetics is unparalleled. Indeed, it is very pretty looking. It does resemble the barn houses that you see in farms!
Pros: Resistant to weather. Fast assembly. Very resilient. Cons: Not much insulation. Our Rating: (4.8 / 5)
Climate Master Plus Insulated Dog House
When it comes to the best Insulated Outdoor Dog House For German Shepherd, you can really consider the Climate Master Plus Insulated Dog House. Though it can be expensive, the features and specifications completely justifies the price.
First of all, in terms of materials, it is made from solid wood. So, why is this dog house for German Shepherd different from the rest? First of all, its very own PanelAbode Laminated Engineered Panel System exists on its rough-sawn cedar finish panels. This patent pending technology helps the dog house to stand out from the conventional dog houses that you can see on Amazon. Indeed, it is extremely resistant to forces, hence scratches, dents and wrapping problems will not occur to his Best Dog House For German Shepherd at all. Also, the entire dog house is resistant to the elements as well as resistant to insects and pests
The combination of the materials as well as technology ensures that the dog house is well insulated. This means that the house is warm during Winter and cool during Summer. All of these can be achieved without using external devices! Also, there is the door panels that helps to keep the whole dog house insulated. Made from the shatter resistant clear acrylic door panels, it can really help to keep your German Shepherd comfortable in all weather conditions.
Apart from the compelling technology, there is the raised floor as well as the vented ridge cap. In addition to that, the roof can be completely removed too. Oh, I have yet to talk about the assembly. The assembling of the dog house for German Shepherd can be done in just 10 minutes. You do not need any tools at all!
All in all, we highly recommend this as the Best Dog House For German Shepherd. It have an internal dimension of 26.75″ x 31″ x 31.75″.
Pros: Resistant to weather. Fast assembly. Very sturdy and stable. Good ventilation. Cons: Can be pricey. Our Rating: (5.0 / 5)
Petsfit Wooden Dog House Outdoor
This Petsfit WoodenDog House Outdoor is one of the Best Dog House For German Shepherd. Indeed, it is can be used for both outdoors and indoor conditions. This really make it perfect for your German Shepherd to reside in.
First of all, the inner dimensions of this awesome best dog house for German Shepherd is at 41.3″ x 25.8″ x 30″. This really allows your German Shepherd to have a good and comfortable place to rest in. As for the materials, this outdoor dog house for German Shepherd is made from kiln dried ceder. It is deliberately treated with natural color stain. This sleek design, coupled with the material really ensures that the entire dog house is practically resistant to all elements.
The reinforced floor is raised off the ground. This allows the floor to be insulated against the ground itself. Also, the floor is completely removable. This, when combined with the removable hinged roof, allows you to clean the dog house more effectively.
One bad point about this outdoor dog house for German Shepherd is that it is not exactly perfecty insulated. Hence, heat can easily enter or escape from this dog house. Luckily for us, in the case of Winter, there exists certain items that can help us keep the dog house warm. You can consider purchasing the K&H Manufacturing Self-Warming Crate Pad.
Pros: Resistant to weather. Very sturdy and stable. Excellent material. Cons: Not very insulated. Our Rating: (4.8 / 5)
Precision Pet Extreme Log Cabin
When it comes to sleek outdoor dog house for German Shepherd, perhaps the best dog house can be the Precision Pet Extreme Log Cabin.
First of all, in terms of internal dimensions, it is at 45.5″ x 33″ x 32.8″. This is good enough for your German Shepherd to rest in. Also, do note that the entrance is big enough for your German Shepherd to enter the dog house too. Apart from the dimensions, if you take a closer look at the entrance, you notice that the door is deliberately kept off center. This helps in protecting your German Shepherd against elements. The off-center door also helps in ensuring that there is ventilation in the outdoor dog house for German Shepherd.
In terms of materials, this best outdoor dog house for German Shepherd is made with the solid wood construction. The dog house is then coated with a weather resistant coating. This ensures that your German Shepherd is sheltered against the elements at all times when they are inside this outdoor dog house for German Shepherd.
The plastic feet is completely adjustable. Hence, the floor of the dog house is not in contact with the floor, thus ensuring that no rainwater will be able to enter this dog house when it is raining. This outdoor dog house for German Shepherd is however not insulated. You can purchase the Precision Pet Log Cabin Style Dog House Insulation Kit to assist you with this. Also, you can purchase the Precision Pet Outback Dog House Door to block off the elements too.
Pros: Aesthetically pleasing. Resistant to all elements. Very strong and sturdy. Cons: Not very insulated. Our Rating: (4.9 / 5)
Boomer & George T-Bone A-Frame Outdoor Dog House
This Boomer & George T-Bone A-Frame Outdoor Dog House is also another outdoor dog house that serves as one of the Best Dog House For German Shepherds.
First of all, it is made from solid wood. While some other dog houses might crumble when they are made from solid wood, this particular dog house for German Shepherd is extremely resistant to corrosion as well as the elements. In addition, the slanted roof ensures that no water will be build up during a downpour. When coupled with the raised floor, your dog will never be wet.
This solid and durable A-frame dog house is widely popular amongst the dog owners that I know of. With a dimension of 40″ x 44″ x 47″, your German Shepherd will find it comfortable and spacious enough for them to rest in. The slat-wood floor helps to provide that firm base that is sorely lacking in many dog houses. Although there is the faux window, the ventilation of this particular dog house for German Shepherd can be bad.
Pros: Resistant to all elements. Very strong and sturdy. Cons: No insulation. Adequate ventilation. Our Rating: (4.7 / 5)
What Else Other Than Best Dog House For German Shepherd
If you do own the German Shepherd, and you would want to pamper them, you can consider getting the Best German Shepherd Harness. The harness that we have chosen is guaranteed to be able to fit your German Shepherd. The harness is indeed a good harness that most working dogs can use too.
Apart from that, you can also consider the German Shepherd Dog Bed or the Dog Crate For German Shepherd. Both of these items to compliment each other. In fact, you can also put the German Shepherd Dog Bed in the Best Dog House For German Shepherd too!
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