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No Images
by William Waring Cuney
She does not know her beauty, she thinks her brown body has no glory.
If she could dance naked under palm trees and see her image in the river, she would know.
But there are no palm trees on the street, and dish water gives back no images.
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She does not know Her beauty, She thinks her brown body Has no glory.
If she could dance Naked, Under palm trees. And see her image in the river She would know. But there are no palm trees On the street, And dish water gives back no images.
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So I used to have undertale ocs as a kid and I decided to redraw them so here they are!
Asparagus -> skeleton-blorbo guy.
Orange -> a literal orange ghost.
Brevis -> a skeleton gal.
Cuney -> a skeleton dude.
They had some stories but I'm struggling to remember, anyways they are cute. Kofi
#fancharacter#undertale#deltarune#fcs#fan character#sketch#illustration#digital art#artstyle#artists on tumblr#art#digital drawing#design#doodles
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Dorothy Maynor

Singer and educator Dorothy Maynor was born in 1910 in Norfolk, Virginia. Maynor made her debut at The Town Hall in 1939, and went on to become one of the most acclaimed singers of the 1940s and 50s. She performed throughout the world and with many major orchestras. In 1949, Maynor sang at the inauguration of President Truman. She is best remembered, however, as the founder of the Harlem School of the Arts, which she established in 1964. By the time Maynor retired in 1979, the school's student body had grown from 20 to 1,000. It now serves over 2,000 children a year and and has 60,000 alumni. In 1975, Maynor joined the board of the Metropolitan Opera, becoming its first Black member.
Dorothy Maynor died in 1996 at the age of 85.
Image: Maud Cuney-Hare
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-Mısır’da adamın biri, küçük bir cami inşa etmeye ihtiyaç duyan bir köyün varlığından haberdar oldu. O köye gitti, kendisini; Haliç ülkelerinde çalışan bir tüccar olarak tanıttı. Meseleyi Camiye getirip, neden camileri olmadığını sordu. Köylüler; yedi yıldır Cami arsalarının hazır olduğunu, ama fakir oldukları için Camiyi yapamadıklarını söylediler.
-Adam, ne kadar parayla Caminin inşa edilebileceğini sordu, köylüler 250.000 Cuney, dediler. Adam; size 300,000 Cuney veriyorum, Camiyi inşa edin, açılışa beni de davet edin, dedi. Devamla: ama şimdi gitmem lazım, şirketten beni aradılar, dolgun bir ücret ve üç yıllık bir süreyle 200 işçiye ihtiyaç var, onu acil halletmem lazım, dedi.
-Köylüler; neden bizi işe almıyorsun, görüyorsun buna ihtiyacı olan fakir insanlarız, üstelik içimizde her meslekte maharetli insanlar var, dediler. Adam; tamam dedi. İkiyüz kişi bir hafta içerisinde pasaportlarınızı alın, mesleğinizi pasaporta yazdırın, bilet ve vize masrafları için kişi başına 5000 Cuney'i bir zarfa koyun, gelip işlemlerinizi başlatacağım.
-Adam bir hafta sonra köye geldi, köylülerden: 200x5000=1.000.000(bir milyon) alıp gitti.
Bu gidişin gelişi olmadı, köylüler polise başvurunca, adamın sahte isim ve telefon kullanan bir dolandırıcı olduğu anlaşıldı.
-Üzücü olan, yedi yıldır Camilerini yapmak için 250.000 Cuney bulamayan köylülerin, kendi işleri için bir haftada bir milyon bulmalarıydı. Camileri için veremedikleri 250.000 yerine, bir sahtekara 700.000 kaptırmışlardı. Eminim ki, Allahtan da yardım bekliyorlardı...Siz siz olun Dostlar, Ahiretinize iyi yatırım yapın, yoksa birileri, yapmadığınız yatırımı YATIRIR…
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hobby on my lobby til she cunei form my tablets
ngl I keep forgetting that Hobby Lobby is a real store that people go to. That people actually think of it as a craft store and not as a crazy Christian mass artifact smuggler. I google "Hobby Lobby" and get a page full of results that make me go "wtf is this craft supplies and operating hours shit, I thought we all knew this place for smuggling looted cuneiform tablets out of Iraq"
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Emmett Jay Scott (February 13, 1873 – December 12, 1957) garnered a reputation as Booker T. Washington’s chief aide. He was the highest-ranking African American in Woodrow Wilson’s Administration. He was born to formerly enslaved parents Horace Lacy Scott and Emma Kyle. In 1887, he entered Wiley College, leaving school in his third year. Soon he worked at the Houston Post, as a sexton, and as a copyboy and journalist. In 1893 he, along with Charles N. Love and Jack Tibbit, formed the Texas Freeman. He worked for Galveston politician and labor leader, Norris W. Cuney.
He caught the attention of Booker T. Washington, who hired him in 1897. He served Washington as a confidant, personal secretary, speechwriter, and ghostwriter; in 1912, he became Tuskegee’s treasurer-secretary. He advocated Washington’s philosophy of constructive accommodation over immediate social integration. He and New York Age editor T. Thomas Fortune helped Washington found the National Negro Business League.
President Woodrow Wilson appointed him special advisor of Black affairs to Secretary of War Newton Baker. He wrote reports on conditions facing African Americans during the period, which were published as The American Negro in the World War and Negro Migration during the First World War.
He was the business manager and secretary-treasurer of Howard University, retiring from the college in 1938. During WWII, he worked for the Sun Shipbuilding Company and helped the company create Yard #4 for African American laborers. He was married and had five children, all of whom graduated from college. He and his wife raised his five younger sisters, who earned their degrees.
He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha and Sigma Pi Phi Fraternities. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #sigmapiphi #alphaphialpha
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La pietra vulcanica di Geraci Siculo
🌋 La pietra tipica di questo borgo medievale nel parco delle Madonie proviene da eruzioni vulcaniche avvenute durante l'epoca denominata "Miocene" compresa tra circa 23 e 5 milioni di anni fa.
🏗 Queste eruzioni, che possono essere state sia sottomarine che subaeree, hanno dato origine al basalto utilizzato nella costruzione delle abitazione, dei muri di contenimento e delle pavimentazioni stradali.
🔬Il processo di ossidazione dei minerali ferrosi, che conferisce alla pietra il suo distintivo colore rosso-marrone, è un ulteriore risultato di queste antiche attività vulcaniche.
🤔 Dal punto di vista geologico, la pietra presenta una struttura naturalmente fessurata, che facilita l'estrazione grazie ai piani preferenziali di spacco. Le tecniche tradizionali di estrazione prevedevano l'uso di cunei ad espansione e mazze, strumenti che permettevano di sfruttare le fratture naturali della roccia per separare grandi blocchi.

😊 Questi venivano poi lavorati, a punta e a scalpello, dagli artigiani locali, che trasformavano i massi in blocchi per costruzioni o in pietrame per pavimentazioni, contribuendo così a creare l'identità architettonica distintiva del paese.
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"Min-Jee Yoon though you may perhaps know my cyberverse handle of Cunei." She stated plainly, waddling along after the other. She expected some degree of knowledge about her given the list of accomplishments under that name.
Ok then. Just wait her has type it in.*Alia proceed to enter the information in the computer. Getting a negative on any results.*
Weird I'm not getting information on you.
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zitto! so' cunei.....allevo ladri....(valori della Costituzione)...;-)
Mattarella: "i valori della Costituzione continuano a guidarci."
Davvero, Presidente?
Intende il lavoro? No, quello è sottoposto alla disoccupazione strutturale che ci impongono i trattati europei e comunque non possiamo fare politiche di piena occupazione senza la nostra banca centrale. E poi dal mare arriva già manovalanza gratis!
Intende la sovranità popolare? No, quella è brutta e cattiva, una roba da medioevo, molto meglio dare il beneplacito a governi tecnici e politiche diametralmente opposte al volere del popolo, che tanto non c'entra nulla con la democrazia.
Intende il ripudio della guerra? No, la guerra è pace, lo sanno tutti, per questo stiamo inviando armi all'Ucraina ponendoci in prima linea in un conflitto non nostro. D'altronde il ripudio è una forma di amore più sofisticata.
Intende il risparmio privato? No, quello è un problema perché gli italiani dovrebbero indebitarsi un po' di più come fanno le nazioni più civili, quelle frugali. Probabilmente il mercato interno deve essere smantellato del tutto per funzionare.
Intende l'eliminazione delle disegueglianze sociali? No, quelle vanno benissimo, anzi, possiamo salvare il mondo impedendo ai luridi poveracci di andare al lavoro in macchina e seguendo gli umili consigli dei filantropi multimiliardari.
Intende la salute? No, quella è una roba per ricchi: se hai i soldi vai in una clinica privata, altrimenti ti metti in fila negli ospedali pubblici che stiamo smantellando e trasformando in aziende. Moderni, sani e inclusivi, come il Green Pass.
Intende la difesa della patria? No, per carità, non si nomini quella parola fascista e retrograda. Il tricolore va bene solo se sventola accanto al drappo europeo, altrimenti è un simbolo di odio e di pericoloso nazionalismo.
Intende la libertà di parola? No, quella andrebbe limitata e cancellata del tutto. Per fortuna il mondo libero sta già adottando le misure necessarie contro quei cittadini che non si accontentano dei professionisti dell'informazione.
Insomma, Presidente, quando parla di "valori della Costituzione" a cosa si riferisce?
Ah, mi scusi, stanno suonando l'Inno alla Gioia e lei sta sull'attenti con gli occhi lucidi.
Non si preoccupi, mi risponderà un'altra volta.
✒️Matteo Brandi
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Work >> House in Ortigia Collection: NOVECENTO wall tiles Studio: @studiopietroairoldi Ph. Francesco Giardina @frankgarden #madeamano "In the historic center of Syracuse, precisely in the Graziella fishermen district, on the island of Ortigia, a house located inside a building from the first half of the twentieth century, was renovated and redesigned through this interior design project. Due to the small size (about 50 square meters), it was necessary to optimize the use of the spaces through flexible and multifunctional furnishings designed ad hoc for each room, revisiting the modernist principles of the existenzminimum, thematically declined according to the Sicilian decorative tradition. The interventions were aimed at improving the usability of the small spaces and for this reason, the custom-designed furniture contains all the functions of domestic life activities. The perspective enfilade of the rooms appears enhanced by the continuity of the flooring, for which hand-painted Sicilian ceramic tiles have been chosen and specifically produced by local artisans. At the end of the sequence of rooms, there is a blue piece of furniture, in chromatic contrast with the white/black floor and the remaining furniture composition. The house has been designed following the idea that contemporary interior design should be inspired by the principles of reuse, custom-made design and the enhancement of local artisan production." . . . #madeamano #novecento #kitchenDesign #interior #interiordesign #ihaveathingwithtiles #cunei #madeinitaly #tiletuesday #tilework #tileporn #dsfloors #interiordecorating #wallcovering #homedecoration #interiordesign #interiorstyling #tileaddiction #lavastone #furniture #decor #patterns #luxury #tileinspiration #azulejos #tilesdesign #tiles
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William Henry Ellis (June 15, 1864 - September 24, 1923) was a businessman who challenged racial constructs in the US by “passing” as Hispanic and was born enslaved. His parents had gained their freedom and relocated to Victoria, Texas. He learned to speak fluent Spanish.
He gave a speech in support of Norris Wright Cuney that landed him an appointment to the Texas Republican Party’s Committee on Resolutions. He was nominated to represent the 83rd District in the Texas Legislature but lost the election.
He began embracing ideas of African American colonization abroad, especially in Mexico. He was once quoted as saying, “Mexico has no race prejudice from a social standpoint.” Twice during the 1890s, he attempted to create a colony for African Americans in Mexico from the southern US. Both attempts would fail. The first started in 1889 and fell through by 1891 due to a lack of financial support and backing from the Mexican government. The second, in 1895, was an exodus of nearly eight hundred people from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, that failed when several cases of smallpox broke out after settlement near Tlahualilo in northern Mexico, forcing almost all to return to the US.
He moved to New York City where he was the president of a series of mining and rubber companies, all heavily invested in Mexico. After starting a family he traveled to Ethiopia and established unofficial economic ties during a visit with King Menilik. He bought a seat on Wall Street, sold his seat, and moved his family to Mexico, where he would spend the rest of his days. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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theresa hak kyung cha / waring cuney / dalton day / @magnoliarot
#web weaving#comparatives#magnolias#nature#theresa hak kyung cha#waring cuney#dalton day#magnoliarot#mine
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And your pose is in top cunei-form, too
my skeleton is that of the valvebiped rig
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