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31. american. husband to my husband. insulin-pumper. #T1D (type 1 diabetic). lover of all things Judy Garland, Madonna, & Detroit. open minded & love to learn.
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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#Repost @keiynanlonsdale (@get_repost) ・・・ Love this #BodyPositivity #Proportionizing @eurekaohara
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Took this this other morning during the April snow shower...this mama robin seemed so confused
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Waking up to no power, plus seeing this makes this #Spring my favorite. #sarcasm #wheresthewarmth #globalwarming #evennatureismadattrump #lol #kindakidding #sprinter #extralongwinter
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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For my mental break from trump news, I've been listening to the #LivingLegend #AngelaLansbury and now am refilled with Love, peace, strength, hope, and joy. #Broadway #GayTherapy #musicals
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Saw @lovesimonmovie for the 3rd time tonight. It's still as much a moving & important film this time around as the first. #LoveSimon #LoveSimonMovie #WhyIsStraightTheDefault #EveryoneDeservesAGreatLoveStory #gay #lgbtq 💪💜🏳️‍🌈
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Sad I can't fit the whole photo, but here are my #furbabies on this #NationalDogDay #ndd #pups #DogsOfInstagram #instadog #Daisy #Maxx #bostonterrier #shihpoo #shihtzupoodle 💜👌💅😍
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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This li'l dude turns 5 today. Happy Birthday, Maxx! (and yes, these photos are all the same dog lol) 😂💜🎉🐶🐩 #shihpoo #shihtzupoodle #instadogs #dogsofinstagram #furbaby
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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this song, group, record will NEVER stop being #fantastic #TLC #90sMusic #ModernClassic #CrazySexyCool 💪💜👏☄🎤
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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I'm feeling this #selfie tbh #FridayFeeling #FamilyGetTogether
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Guys... #dead #ded #DumpTrump 😂😂💪🇺🇸💜♀️👏 #Repost @geoffmstults (@get_repost) ・・・ Well fine. I’ll get on it.
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Elphie, Queen of the household 😂😍💪🐱🐈 #instacat #catsofinstagram #Elphie #tabbycat #beautiful
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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#Repost @sgrstk (@get_repost) ・・・ A cute face and a nice car will never be more attractive than a sharp mind and no filter.
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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There's nothing better than #JudyGarland on a rainy day! #Favorite #FriendOfDorothy #WorldsGreatestEntertainer #Legend #RainyDay #music #TheBest
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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#Repost @ramyromany (@get_repost) ・・・ Absolutely marvelous announcement!! From @gatesygram ・・・ World, meet King Tut’s mother. I’m so thrilled to be able to reveal the reconstructed face of the mummy of the “Younger Lady.” First discovered by Victor Loret in 1898, the mummy sits in a case in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. In 2010, genetics confirmed that she is, in fact, the mother of King Tut. Since Tut’s father was the Pharaoh Akhenaten, and since Nefertiti was the great royal wife of Akhenaten, this makes the mummy a prime candidate to be Nefertiti herself. Using the latest 3D imaging technology and working with museum officials, noted Egyptologist Aidan Dodson, forensics experts, and the world’s leading paleo-artist and reconstruction expert Elizabeth Daynes, we were able to bring this historic mummy back to life. The newly unveiled bust bears incredible similarities to ancient depictions of Nefertiti, including the famed Berlin bust and the bust in the Cairo museum. This bolsters the case that we’re looking at one of history’s most powerful women. Nefertiti is, unfortunately, remembered by many as simply a great beauty. In reality, she ruled during one of the richest periods of the ancient world and was herself not just a queen, but a true Pharaoh of Egypt. The mummy of the Younger Lady was cast off, desecrated, and badly damaged. This bust allows us to reach back in time and help restore the dignity of an extraordinary and substantial female ruler. For much more on this story, tune in to our two-part #ExpeditionUnknown special on the Great Women is Egypt, premiering this Wednesday 02/07 on @travelchannel.
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Paul & I made pizza the other night and I have to say I absolutely loved mine (the bottom one). He made bbq pineapple and I made a homemade basil pesto base and feta crumble 😋😋 #tasty #homemade #pizza #yum
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Look at this beauty! #Repost @bryceeilenberg (@get_repost) ・・・ Moon and stars. #bloodmoon #bloodmooneclipse
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shadow312 · 7 years ago
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Happy 97th Birthday #CarolChanning! #HBD #LivingLegend #Love #favorite #JazzBaby
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