bonesandthebees · 11 months
Trick or treat!! 😁 (I'm a huge fan of your writing btw! amazing work as always :) )
awww thank you so much that makes me so happy to hear!!
[The camera is set down on a table, leaving only Wilbur and the teenage boy’s torsos in view. Wilbur is wearing an ashy brown trench coat that falls to his calves, while the teenage boy is wearing a short-sleeved red t-shirt. They’re standing in front of a large window that showcases the city skyline behind it.] “You see the little red light there?” Wilbur says, pointing at something near the camera lens. “That means it’s recording.”   [The teenage boy scoffs and folds his arms over his chest.] “I don’t get why we need new cameras anyway. Our old ones worked fine.”  [Wilbur turns and grabs the camera again, pointing it directly at the boy’s face.] “Because we’ve been granted access that no filmmakers have been given before, Tommy,” Wilbur says, turning the camera so it’s facing the window. “In a few minutes, we’re going to meet the city’s top Heroes. This kind of inside view is practically unheard of. We have to be at the top of our game.” [Tommy raises a single eyebrow at the camera.] “If they’ve never given anyone this kind of access before, how the hell did we swing it?”
here's a yet to be written idea i've had for a few months now that I wanna write so badly but can't seem to dig my teeth into. I always say I'm sick of superhero aus and i'm never touching them again but then I come up with a banger concept for one and I'm like shit
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crimeboys · 10 months
“No, we’re not a new restaurant,” Wilbur says into the phone. Most calls are people asking that same question because of the name, Name Pending, that Wilbur and Niki thought was fucking hilarious six years ago. Now, Wilbur wants to ring their quirky little necks. “The name is just an inside joke. Yes, we’re open. Until 6pm. Because we’re a bakery, sir.”
The bell rings as the door opens. Wilbur doesn’t really need the bell because he can see with 100% clarity when people come in, but he and Niki thought it would add that touch of authenticity. As the customer continues to rant about wanting cookies at 7pm, a grimy-looking man walks in. Well, his skin isn’t grimy but his clothes are. Wilbur wonders how one can conceivably get that many stains on a shirt.
Wilbur hangs up the phone despite the customer still speaking and says, “Welcome in. What can I get for you today?”
“A job,” the man says. “If you’ve got one, I need a job. Badly.” Wilbur can afford to keep this place running maybe two months more.
“Well, I’m sorry but you’d probably have better luck-”
“No!” The man shouts, and Wilbur straightens up a bit in his shock. “No, no, no because that's what the lady at the supermarket said.”
“You got rejected by the lady at the supermarket?” They’ve got terrible turnover there. And thieves. This guy’s resume must be shit.
“Yeah, then I went to the bookstore, then the arcade, then the fucking thrift. All of them said, you’ll have better luck down the street!”
“Well,” Wilbur says with a shrug. “London.”
“Oh, fuck London.” Wilbur agrees. “Look, I really just- I just need a job, alright?”
“Yes, but I haven’t got one to give you.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I just prefer to work alone.” A lie. Wilbur misses the loud mornings of baking and music, crooning and dancing with Niki as they laughed, Wilbur always stealing at least one cookie per batch. Mornings with himself are loud in the bad way.
“Okay. I prefer having a job, personally.” The man slaps a paper on the counter. Wilbur bends over to skim it. Oh, nevermind, there are hardly 20 words. It would be hard to skim any more than that.
Name: Tommy Innit Prior Job: ONLY Man Ever Expected Pay: 200 dollars per hour
“Right,” Wilbur says. He folds his hands on the counter. “I’m not giving you 200 dollars an hour.”
“We can negotiate. 199.99 isn’t terrible.”
“You ever heard of minimum wage?”
“Ever heard of knowing your worth?” Wilbur’s eye twitches.
“What could you even bring to the table? You have any skills? Anything that would amount to earning 200 dollars an hour?” Tommy squints, like this question has never occurred to him.
“But what can you do?”
“If you can’t even answer a simple question-”
“Just tell me what to do, I’ll do it! I don’t care what it is.”
“Have you ever baked? Have you ever cleaned?” 
“I can figure it out!”
“Sorry, was that a no on the cleaning thing?” Looking at Tommy’s clothes, Wilbur would wager so.
“Just give me a chance!” Wilbur is not at the fucking place he can just give people chances right now. He’s going out of business, he just got dumped by Dream for the upteenth fucking time, and his little brother had the audacity to offer him money not 24 hours ago. He does not want to garner another fucking loss.
“Why won’t anyone hire you?” Tommy groans.
“Fuck’s it matter?”
“Color me curious.”
“Fuckin’- not a lot of places take ex-cons.” Well, that’s certainly something. That should probably make Wilbur’s choice even easier. But Tommy looks determined, Wilbur might be a little manic right now, and he’s tired of eating burnt fucking cinnamon rolls.
- document titled "relationship scramble"
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zannolin · 2 years
Hi zanna! You've been posting a lot about RE7 so I was wondering your thoughts on Eveline? I've always thought her story was really intriguing and fucked up in a tragic sort of way
eveline is so interesting to me because like. okay. what she did to the bakers, to the winterses, the crew of the tanker, and to everyone who ended up in that farmhouse is undeniably incredibly fucked up. she killed and/or traumatized so many people yes.
but also like. she's a kid. i can't stop thinking about how she was just a kid who was made to be a weapon. all she wanted was a family, something they didn't even program into her (thinking about "programming" things into a kid makes me shudder actually) like that was just her base urge as a living being was to have a family. (in many ways the winters duology's core theme is family and love and how far you're willing to go in what ways for your family, and i think that's so so interesting to see the differences between ethan and the villains he faces who are also fighting for family in their own deeply fucked up ways). like. she did horrible things but she was literally made to be a weapon and never taught how or allowed to be a kid. arguably she might not even have known right vs wrong—how could she when she was manufactured to kill? like. her whole purpose was to invade, infect, control, and kill. that's what she did in dulvey in a lot of ways. what she was made to do.
it's interesting bc like damn girl that's fucked up but also is it her fault if she was made like that? can you really hate her? did she have control over it? what was it like to be eveline? what would it be like if she were given a chance to be human you know?
she's really quite tragic despite the atrocities and i think about it a lot. re7 did not do the greatest job of writing her. shadows of rose did a little better but not by much. would definitely be interested in reading character studies or fixits involving her though i think i've combed through a good deal of the ones that exist (they're usually village fixits funnily enough). she's a very interesting fucked-up conundrum of a character tbh.
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transphilza · 2 years
HELLO cia lesbianwilbur, fellow tumblr user, what is your favorite part of CMWYL!!!
HIHI my favorite part is DEFINITELY the end of the bridge — the way the calm deadpan “i’m not paranoid, i’m a realist” is sandwiched between 2 super intense yelling lines is sooooo fucking cool and the way it kicks into the biggest chorus of the song right afterward. AGGGHHHGG
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cupcraft · 7 months
Some nice people to follow:
@apileofmoss @lemonberry-conda @goatedgreen @daggryet @lupvium @calli0p3 @intrusivepng @snailsnfriends @hermitcraft9 @ctommy @voidless-screaming @snaxle @moomoorare @skipcount1 @gayorphandepression @wigglesforsquiggles @captain-lonagan @cumulonumb @griancraft @furinafontaine + many more :]
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boiled-onionrings · 2 years
omg!! I'm glad you found cumulonumb their work is amazing. you have taste 💅
Their work is definitely amazing! I just happened upon it and my gosh, am I happy I did. The way they write is *chef's kiss*. The characterization! It makes me want to sob, its heartwrenching (and I mean that as the utmost compliment). I'm not good at describing shit, but they're definitely one of my new favourite writers!!!
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did you ever end up making that simpbur fic based on my post. if so I would like to see
I'm going to be honest, I have no clue what you're talking about I have a memory span shorter than a gold fish sadly
But I'm happy to see your post again and write the fic!
Like please send the post I'm in big simpbur mood
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technolilly · 3 years
hello devoted follower technolilly who i also see in a lot of different places hope you're well
HELLOO???? Did THE Cumulonumb send me an ask?????? YOOOOO! I hope you're doing well too!!! =D
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submitted by cumulo-numb: 
Betta fish!
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
Hope you're doing alright bee 💕 I appreciate all the lovely fics you've written over the years and I know whatever you choose to do your writing will still be as awesome as ever
thank you nimbus <333 this is so sweet. I hope you're doing alright too
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Galix (C.C.)
I want you
(to Destroy me)
Inspired by this amazing piece @cumulonumb
(no, this isn't Wilbur in the drawing)
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zannolin · 2 years
you remind me of the night sky but with a very specific level of light pollution. like it's not SUPER bad but the entire universe isn't visible. the beauty is very much there and there's enough of it to stare at for hours but the extent of the marvel of your mind is hidden in WIPs does this make sense
HELP this is the nicest way anyone has ever roasted me i'm in fits tripping over myself and thousands of wip docs spill out of my pockets etc etc
ask game.
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snailsnfriends · 2 years
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hi nimbus!! @cumulonumb I have a lot of thoughts on this subject. due to my personal experiences, I'll talk about the my little pony, or brony, fandom. though I really don't think this show was made with the intention of having a wide appeal, it clearly had one lol. i put all of this under the cut because this got long. unsurprisingly.
I think part of the issue is how we use spaces on the internet and losing self awareness. and I just want to clarify that this is not a MLP only issue. it happened with steven universe, with adventure time, with any show with an adult and kid fandom, but I think it was most severe for MLP. the brony fandom started on 4chan, so it comes as no surprise that they disregarded and tried to push away the children that were present in the fandom. they never thought to moderate themselves or their content. instead, they thought to chastise these children, mostly little girls, both online and in real life at conventions. eventually, this spite of the intended audience became hatred, and I think a lot of that hatred came to a head with gorey and overly sexual content of the ponies posted with no warning or censorship. gorey stuff like pony.mov (if I remember the name correctly) and smile HD lacked any warning for their gore. you can't look up any of the ponies without seeing porn. they didn't want kids there, and tried their absolute hardest to push them away, to make it clear that MLP wasn't for kids.
but of course, in reality, it was for kids. for little girls, mostly. the bronies lacked self awareness. they got so caught up in pushing away the kids that they forgot that they were never the target audience. that the show was for kids, absolutely not for them. they grew entitled towards the content. there was no inherit harm in them enjoying the ponies. I understand why they did. I still enjoy my little pony, I get it. but becoming so entitled to it was their problem.
i think the healthiest way to enjoy children's shows is to know that kids will be in these internet spaces and to know that these shows, no matter their appeal or how mature they are, are made for children, not for us. be careful about what you post, where you post it. don't get into arguments with kids. stay away from them if possible, and if they wander into your space, block them and move on. trying to push them out will always be ineffective, and will always make you look like an entitled dickhead. you just have to remember who these shows are for.
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toiletwipes · 2 years
is your main wiipes? i think i've seen you in cumulonumb's notes. what's your opinion of them? I think their ok ig but I was wondering if you think their worth the follow- my dash gets cluttered ☠️
dkfjksfjdj yeah thats me, i changed it to wiipes so when people comment on my posts i can reply to them and they'll recognize that its me and not some rando dkfjdj
but they're pretty neat i would say, they have some takes and opinions that makes me wack my brain and say why cant you be more like them. definitely follow them but they do have a rule i think, if you're not above/are 18/20 years old they don't want you to follow because they have some nsfw posts but you can interact with their sfw posts. im not 100% sure but its something like that bjt then again, if you're on this blog and you should be fine.
but you should check them out, they've got a pretty good vibe going on and stuff :)
ALSO make sure you behave on their blog when you go over there, they have different boundaries than me and they won't hesitate to block you if you act up. they do post nsfw posts but they're not a porn blog like mine. just a fair warning!
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modx-reborn · 3 years
saw you liked cumulonumb's post calling people out, penny for your thoughts? idk what to make of it
I read through both links on their post and was mostly interested in secondary link on how some of the 'I won't write for the CC!' are just half veiled when they do.
Like on the first like I understand but I keep real flirting with Anons away from here, cause no one really dose it, and I don't care if Anons simp over pictures cause they are just pictures of what I was wearing not something NSFW at all, and I block kink tags I can't stand to read so...
But the second one was my interest, cause yeah I have seen a surprising rise in character stories that seem more like it's CC, I don't interact with them or well try not too, and I just hope if I ever fail in capturing the character and end up writing something more like the CC one of you guys will call me out on it so I can do better.
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chrismequick · 3 years
MERRY CHRISTMAS CHRISMEQUICK... And happy holidays in general! Hope yours are lovely 💕💕
merry christmas to you too nimbus cumulonumb !! (if you celebrate it)
i had a somewhat lovely time but im gonna have an even better boxing day :D im gonna go watch spiderman nwh in about 3 hours so thats exciting
hope you have a wonderful & a safe time this holiday !!
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